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- Sub Application_OnStart
- ' Constants for FileSystemObject
- Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2
- ' Get the physical path of the counter file. Here the counter.txt is in the root
- ' of the web site
- sPath = Server.mapPath("/counter.txt")
- ' Create a file system object and open the counter file for reading
- Set Fs = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- Set CountFile = Fs.OpenTextFile(sPath, ForReading)
- ' Read the two lines of the counter file, trim any spaces
- sVisits = Trim(CountFile.Readline())
- sVisitors = Trim(CountFile.Readline())
- ' Close the counter file
- CountFile.Close
- ' Set the count of visits and visitors in Application variables
- Application("Visits") = CLng(sVisits)
- Application("Visitors") = CLng(sVisitors)
- ' Release File system object and counter file
- Set Fs = Nothing
- Set CountFile = Nothing
- End Sub
- Sub Session_OnStart
- ' Constants for FileSystemObject
- Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2
- ' Constant for write interval. Change this to suit your needs
- Const cWriteInterval = 100
- ' Get the physical path of the counter file. Here the counter.txt is in the root of
- ' the web site
- sPath = Server.mapPath("/counter.txt")
- ' Get the cookie from the visitor. The VISITORID cookie may have been set
- ' in which case sVisitorID will contain a value
- sVisitorID = Request.Cookies("VISITORID")
- ' Lock the application to increment the counts
- Application.Lock
- ' Increment the visits by 1. This happens every time a new session is created
- lVisits = Application("Visits") + 1
- ' The number of visitors is obtained. It is incremented later in the code
- lVisitors = Application("Visitors")
- ' Check if the VISITORID cookie exists. If it doesn't, set a new cookie with the
- ' value of visitor number. This cookie expires December 31, 2000.
- If Len (sVisitorID) = 0 Then
- lVisitors = lVisitors + 1
- Response.Cookies("VISITORID") = lVisitors
- Response.Cookies("VISITORID").Expires = #12/31/2000#
- End If
- ' Write the counts into the counter file at cWriteInterval hits
- If ((Application("Visits") Mod cWriteInterval) = 0) Then
- ' Create a file system object and open the counter file for writing
- Set Fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- Set CountFile = Fs.OpenTextFile (sPath, ForWriting)
- ' Write the new counts into counter.txt
- CountFile.Writeline(lVisits)
- CountFile.WriteLine(lVisitors)
- ' Close the counter file
- CountFile.Close
- ' Release File system object and counter file
- Set Fs = Nothing
- Set CountFile = Nothing
- End If
- ' Set the count of visits and visitors in Application variables
- Application("Visits") = lVisits
- Application("Visitors") = lVisitors
- ' Unlock the application object
- Application.Unlock
- End Sub