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- Sub Session_OnStart
- ' Constants for FileSystemObject
- Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2
- ' Get the physical path of the counter file. The counter file is in the root of the
- ' web site.
- sPath = Server.mapPath("/counter.txt")
- ' Lock the application
- Application.Lock
- ' Create a file system object and open the count file for reading
- Set fs = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- Set CountFile = fs.OpenTextFile(sPath, ForReading)
- ' Read the first line of the count file, trim any spaces
- sVisits = Trim(CountFile.Readline())
- ' Close the counter file
- CountFile.Close
- ' Increment the count by 1
- lVisits = CLng(sVisits) + 1
- ' Optional: Set this count in an Application variable
- Application("Visits") = lVisits
- ' Open the count file for writing
- Set CountFile = fs.OpenTextFile(sPath, ForWriting)
- ' Write the new count
- CountFile.Writeline(lVisits)
- ' Close the counter file
- CountFile.Close
- ' Unlock the application object
- Application.Unlock
- ' Release File system object and counter file
- Set Fs = Nothing
- Set CountFile = Nothing
- End Sub