Wave Flow is an audio editor, so it can play, record, filter and modify a waveform,
using lots of different functions, always following the WAV standard. Besides, as it
has been designed for a Windows environment, it is done visually, easily and intuitively.
Those characteristics are obtained building a program that supports multiple windows or
MDI documents (multiple document interface). Allowing the use of different windows
simultaneously, the work that have to be done gets easier .
If you have ever used a program that does not support MDI, you know that to interact
between two or more waves, multiple sessions of the same program must be opened, but using a
MDI program, there is no need to open more than one session of the program, because as many
files as wanted can be opened from it, and they will be displayed in their respective child
windows. Once a sound is opened, it will be displayed in a child window, showing its
characteristics in the status bar of each window. Clicking with the mouse on a child window
will activate it. After selecting a part of the sound (keeping the left mouse button pressed
over the sound), as many functions of the main program can be used.
Just double-click or execute the file setup.exe. If you have any troubles during setup,
just use the file waveflow.exe because it does not need any special installation.
Additions in this version
Improved Interface :ááááá
áááá Animated GIF during playáááá
áááá TrayIcon in the Windows 95 taskbar and popup menuáááá
áááá Global view of the selectionáááá
áááá Special 'Select All' button in every waveform windowáááá
Open/Save WAV u-law file format
Open NeXT/Sun (*.snd;*.au) linear/u-law 8/16 bit file format
Mix Special (Mix with attenuation selection)áááá
Windowing in Advanced filter:áááá
áááá Rectangularáááá
áááá Hammingáááá
áááá Hanningáááá
áááá Barlettáááá
áááá Blackmanáááá
Zoom In / Zoom Out with Hotkeysáááá
Selection change using the right mouse buttonááá
Divide waveform into multiple filesááá
Bugs correctedáááá
Wave Flow is a Shareware program. This means that if you like it after you have tried it or you are going to use it for commercial purposes, you must register it. I have put a lot of hard work to develop this audio editor, and I need money to continue developing new versions of this program.
There are two ways of registering Wave Flow 3.x:
a.-) Online Registration via Internet. You can visit Wave Flow website at
and follow the instructions, or you can directly select « Help Menu « Register « Online Registration.
b.-) Sending a letter with the money (a little fee of 25 US$) and the Registration
Form to:
Xavier Cirac
c\ Batlles , 4
Premia de Mar , 08330
After receiving your registration mail, I will e-mail/mail you with your registration
login and password so you can enter them to the program.
If you need multiple licenses of Wave Flow, you will have a very special discount:
1 license: 25 US$
2-4 licenses : 23 US$ (8%)
5-10 licenses: 21 US$ (16%)
>10 licenses: 18 US$ (28%)
Thanks for registering Wave Flow.
Registration Form
Please Print the next form and fill in the information (if applicable) when you send