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- ************************* PRESENTATION ***************************
- TOLKEN97 v3.2 is a very fast and easy-to-use LANGUAGE-TRANSLATOR,
- of very few programs that actually can do something on its own and
- thereby can save you a lot of time and money (the fast, "automatic"
- translation). It was Rated Five Stars ***** by ZDNet (Ziff-Davies).
- The program has been on the coverdiscs and CD's of several Swedish
- computermagazines and has today thousands of registered users.
- Version 3.2 is the first international release of the program, aimed
- at English-speaking users all over the world. I think that anyone can
- find it useful, especially in these "Internet" -times, because it can
- actually open up a whole new world to you, thanks to its ability to
- create fully readable translations of documents, Internet web-pages,
- e-mail, etc. from many other countries and languages.
- Tolken97 v3.2 provides you with:
- * Fast and "easy to do", computerized language-translations.
- * Easy textediting with many advanced options.
- * Dictionary for several selectable languages.
- * Vocabulary test.
- * Advanced text-statistics.
- * Fast, efficient file search.
- You can probably find many more areas of usage, since these are
- only "the tip of the iceberg". Read more about its many features
- further down on this page. Do give it a try and I promise you'll
- be surprised at the speed and functionality of this program.
- ====================================================================
- Tolken97 v3.2 uses WISE installation-process, that is very safe
- and easy to use. The executable file is called T97SETUP.EXE. The
- installation can be made in many different languages, selectable
- at startup. This installation installs all files and creates all
- necessary shortcuts and icons and it even creates an excellent
- uninstall-feature, making it easy for you to remove everything
- safely, if you should decide you don't want to keep the program.
- ====================================================================
- There is a very comprehensive helpfile, which probably can give
- you answers to most your questions, but you can also always send
- me an e-mail or regular mail, to get free, personal support.
- ====================================================================
- Computer: At least a 386-PC with monitor, keyboard and mouse.
- (a 486 or a Pentium could also do the trick...)
- OP-system: Windows 3.1x, 95 or NT (all versions)
- Harddrive: at least 5.8 Mb of free space
- Memory: 4 Mb of internal memory (for Win 3.1x, 16 Mb in Win95)
- Equipment: 800 watt, super-stereo on your desktop.
- (well, not really, but it would be nice to have one, wouldn't it?)
- ====================================================================
- It is totally free to distribute this program among your friends and
- relatives, as long as you use the unregistered version for this. It
- is ABSOLUTELY FORBIDDEN to distribute the registered version. All
- attempts to spread the registered version, or the unlocking code
- is not only against the law, but will also be discussed with my dear
- friends in the Zulu-Bulgarian Mafia, for further actions ... ;-]
- When distributing through other channels, like the computer-magazines
- monthly CD-rom, collection-CD's and such, you must contact Hagsten&Co
- for the most recent versions, etc. Members of the ASP are free to do
- this without contacting us, but still, I would strongly advice you to
- get in touch, in order to get the last updates of everything.
- ====================================================================
- and VOCABULARY-TEST, all in one good program. Fast and user-friendly
- action, safe and easy install/uninstall through WISE-installation and
- a comprehensive helpfile makes it well worth a try. Rated Five Stars
- [*****] at ZDNet (Ziff-Davies). Bring the rest of the world a little
- bit closer to you - use Tolken97 v3.2 ...
- ====================================================================
- Tolken97 v3.2 is distributed as shareware, which means that you can
- evaluate it properly, before you decide to buy. You have 30 days of
- free usage at your disposal. As soon as you find that you want to
- keep the program, you shall buy a user-license. The price is only
- US$ 15 per license! This includes a free upgrade, that will be sent
- directly to you by postal-mail as soon as it is ready for release.
- A complete pricelist can be found in the helpfile, if you decide
- to buy more than one license.
- You have five alternative ways to get registered. For more information,
- read the helpfile, where you can find the complete pricelist, together
- with more information about the different alternatives.
- * Send cash money directly to the author on the address below.
- * Credit Card 1: Go to Albert's Ambry at http://www.alberts.com
- and search for Tolken97, for a fast and secure online-purchase.
- * Credit Card 2: Go to KAGI at http://order.kagi.com/?1SY
- for a fast and secure online-purchase.
- * Credit Card 3: Use the included REGISTER-program to create an
- encrypted email-order for KAGI registration services.
- * For US-residents +18 only; call Regi$ter Online! (fast phone-orders).
- * For Scandinavian users only; drop me an e-mail with your complete name,
- and address for an instant license. Payment can be done by postal bank
- (postgiro) S 443 55 88-1 or by sending cash money by postal mail.
- (Yeah, I know, 6 then. As they say; "People can be divided into three
- categories, the ones that can count and the ones that can't..)
- IMPORTANT! Always remember to include your name, address and country
- with fully readable letters. in order for us to process any orders
- or questions. This is not only important, it is also VERY IMPORTANT!
- ====================================================================
- If you have any questions, contact me by e-mail or postal mail.
- Borje Hagsten
- Norra Almedalsv. 8
- 517 37 Bollebygd
- E-mail: hagsten@algonet.se
- Web-page: http://www.algonet.se/~hagsten
- (You'll find the latest updates of the program and language-files here.)
- Tolken97 v3.2, was officially released world-wide in october 1997.
- Borje Hagsten, Hagsten & Co is an approved member of the ASP
- (Association of Shareware Professionals). More inf. in the helpfile.
- ************************* TECHNICAL DATA ***************************
- The program is built around a "complete" texteditor, that...
- Handles unlimited file-sizes.
- Handles many texts simultaneously (MDI-interface).
- Advanced statistics with wordcount, wordlist, charactercount, etc.
- Automatic correction, to open and edit DOS and UNIX -based texts.
- Automatic textscroll available, with different speed-settings.
- Backup-function, for automatic backup of important Tolken97-files.
- Bi-lingual, English or Swedish menus, dialogs and helptext available!
- Conversion of selected text to upper, lower, switch -case letters, etc.
- Delete textfile -function.
- Diagram over sentence-lengths through the advanced statistics-function.
- Encryption/decryption of text.
- File-search, with the capacity to sort, copy or print the results.
- Font and background-color can be changed for a whole text.
- HTML-function to convert html-coded text into "plain" text.
- HTML-functions, to convert to and from html-coded characters.
- Insert date and time of different formats.
- Insert textfile in existing text.
- Insert special-characters through own built-in charactermap.
- Linenumbering and indention of text possible.
- MAC-text can be converted to Windows-format.
- Preview textfiles before opening them.
- Print preview.
- ROT13 encryption/decryption.
- Save any file as DOS, Windows or UNIX -formatted text.
- Sorting text possible.
- Split-window editing.
- Synchronized textscroll of all open documents.
- Translation of text from one language to another possible.
- Translation of text to and from "backslang", etc.
- Unlimited Undo/Redo
- ====================================================================
- Very fast, for translations to and from the following languages:
- Danish to English, English to Danish.
- French to English, English to French.
- German to English, English to German.
- Norwegian to English, English to Norwegian.
- Spanish to English, English to Spanish.
- Swedish to English, English to Swedish.
- Danish to Swedish, Swedish to Danish.
- English to Swedish, Swedish to English.
- French to Swedish, Swedish to French.
- German to Swedish, Swedish to German.
- Norwegian to Swedish, Swedish to Norwegian.
- Spanish to Swedish, Swedish to Spanish.
- Note: The translations will not be grammatically corrected. The main
- goal is to be able to translate "foreign" text to your own language,
- in order to make it understandable. If you are looking for a program
- that can perform the "perfect" translation, I would recommend you to
- try some of the "commercial" stuff around, but be prepared to pay a
- much higher price! The translations will also take much longer time
- to perform, the user-interface will often be quite hard to understand
- and the end-result won't always better than the one in Tolken97 v3.2,
- in spite the fact that these programs costs as much as US$ 4-500 and
- more, per language!
- The databases used for words and phrases can be edited as you like,
- without any limitations other than a limit of using max. 32000 words
- (items) per language in each database. This limit will be removed in
- next upgrade (the one you get for free in you register).
- New languages or dialects can easily be created and used in Tolken97.
- Why not create a database of your own home-dialect or a totally new
- fantasy-language ("kids" like to do this).
- You can also perform some playful "translations", like turning words
- backwards, translate to and from "backslang", etc.
- ====================================================================
- A very handy utility that acts like a little word-book, where you fast
- and easy can search for translations of words in the languages databases.
- The search can be altered in different ways and the results can be copied
- from the dictionary, so you can paste the translated word into any text
- you want. The dictionary is programmed to "always stay on top" of other
- applications, so if you minimize the main program, you can still use the
- dictionary while working in other programs. (good to have on Internet!)
- The dictionary has received a lot of credits from many users. Some
- even prefer using it to more comprehensive dictionaries because of
- a more user-friendly interface in Tolken97.
- ====================================================================
- Probably one of the most advanced, yet most user-friendly, vocabulary
- tests around. Features:
- Both the "home"-language and the "test"-language can be set.
- Compile one testfile out of many small files, for bigger exams, etc.
- Copy wordlists, sorted or unsorted, to the clipboard.
- Print wordlists, sorted or unsorted (good for "manual" tests).
- Results can be saved in order to follow up your own (or others) progress.
- Sound-support. Link to "recorded" soundfiles (*.WAV) for "oral" tests.
- Test in many different ways, like forwards, backwards, unsorted, etc.
- Tests can be made in both language-directions.
- Unlimited number of words in the testfiles.
- Words can have several translations.
- Import words from the language-databases via the function "Compile file".
- (this gives you access to all the thousands of words, already created
- in all languages the program uses for translations!)
- ====================================================================
- You can use this program to create excellent, printed lists of the
- contents of e.g. all your diskettes by using the fast and efficient
- filesearch-function.
- Have you ever wondered about how much space a certain directory uses?
- In Tolken97, this is easy to find out through its filesearch-function.
- Just select the directory, set the search to *.* (All files) and press
- start. All the files in the directory will be listed and the total size
- of all listed files will be calculated for you. The resulting file-list
- can be sorted, copied or printed, just as you like.
- You can easily create your own wordlists by using the very advanced
- statistics-function, which extracts all the individual words out of a
- text and then enables you to copy this wordlist to the clipboard.
- Thanks to the advanced statistics-function (haven't yet seen anything
- like it) you can gain a splendid control over a texts "readability".
- ****************************** -*- *********************************
- I think this program can be of much help, both in private use and
- professionally. For more extensive help on all the functions, take
- a look at the helpfile and follow the links. I think I have managed
- to cover all aspects of the program, as well as to give you some
- general information about "computing". This will hopefully give you
- the knowledge you want and maybe even some you don't want, about the
- so called "magic's" of the computers and the work involved with them.
- Thank you for trying out and using Tolken97 v3.2!
- Borje Hagsten