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- "a little"
- "litt"
- "a lot"
- "betydelig"
- "about that"
- "derom"
- "about to"
- "i ferd"
- "abstain from"
- "avholde seg fra"
- "accelerator pedal"
- "gasspedal"
- "according to"
- "i overensstemmelse med"
- "across from"
- "mot"
- "after which"
- "hvoretter"
- "air mail"
- "flypost"
- "air stewardess"
- "flyvertinne"
- "all over again"
- "igjen/pσnytt"
- "along the side of"
- "langsetter"
- "and so on"
- "osv"
- "are included"
- "inngσr"
- "are needed"
- "beh°ves"
- "are read"
- "leses"
- "are saved"
- "spares"
- "are started"
- "startes"
- "are used"
- "benyttes"
- "as well"
- "sσvel"
- "at home"
- "hjemme"
- "at once"
- "straks"
- "at present"
- "nσ"
- "atlantic ocean"
- "atlanterhavet"
- "baby carriage"
- "barnevogn"
- "back wheel"
- "bakhjul"
- "ballpoint pen"
- "kulepenn"
- "bathing suit"
- "badedrakt"
- "be asleep"
- "sove"
- "be bored"
- "kjede seg"
- "be copied"
- "kopieres"
- "be created"
- "dannes"
- "be done"
- "gj°res"
- "be removed"
- "fjernes"
- "be spread"
- "spres"
- "be transmitted"
- "overf°res"
- "be used"
- "anvendes"
- "bear children"
- "f°de"
- "because of"
- "grunnet"
- "been accommodated"
- "tilpassets"
- "been changed"
- "endrets"
- "been created"
- "skapets"
- "been improved"
- "forbedrets"
- "been translated"
- "oversatts"
- "beside oneself"
- "uttafor"
- "black market"
- "svarteb°rs"
- "blind alley"
- "blindvei"
- "blow dryer"
- "f°ner"
- "boarding house"
- "pensjon"
- "boarding school"
- "pensjon"
- "broken stones"
- "steinsprut"
- "burial ground"
- "gravsted"
- "bus stop"
- "buss-stopp"
- "business deal"
- "anliggende"
- "call box"
- "telefonkiosk"
- "call on"
- "bes°ke"
- "camping ground"
- "leirplass"
- "camping site"
- "leirplass"
- "capital city"
- "hovedstad"
- "car park"
- "parkeringsplass"
- "car trip"
- "biltur"
- "cash money"
- "kontanter"
- "cashier's stand"
- "kasse"
- "chemist's shop"
- "apotek"
- "childrens parade"
- "barnetog"
- "city hall"
- "rσdhus"
- "come across"
- "m°te"
- "come to an end"
- "utlope"
- "common market"
- "fellesmarkedet"
- "company paper"
- "finansavis"
- "comprehensive school"
- "grunnskole"
- "conditions of living"
- "levevilkσr"
- "consist of"
- "bestσ av"
- "consisted of"
- "besto av"
- "convenience store"
- "kiosk"
- "corner of the eye"
- "°yekrok"
- "corner of the mouth"
- "munnvik"
- "cosmetic powder"
- "pudder"
- "cost price"
- "innkj°pspris"
- "cover for comforter"
- "dynetrekk"
- "credit card"
- "kredittkort"
- "criminal law"
- "strafferett"
- "crockery set"
- "servise"
- "cross roads"
- "veikryss"
- "cry out"
- "skrike"
- "cylinder phonograph"
- "grammofon"
- "daily paper"
- "avis"
- "daily tv news"
- "dagsrevyen"
- "danger of death"
- "livsfare"
- "dark blue"
- "m°rkeblσ"
- "department store"
- "stormagasin"
- "difficulty level"
- "vanskelighetsgrad"
- "dining room table"
- "spisebord"
- "dish cloth"
- "hσndkle"
- "dispose of"
- "selge"
- "dry off"
- "t°rke seg"
- "dust rag"
- "hσndkle"
- "e.g."
- "f.eks."
- "each and every"
- "enhver"
- "each other"
- "hverandre"
- "electric fan"
- "ventilator"
- "electric torch"
- "lommelykt"
- "elk dog"
- "elghund"
- "employment office"
- "arbeidsformidling"
- "end up"
- "slutte"
- "even so"
- "allikevel"
- "evening meal"
- "aftens/kveldsmat"
- "excuse me"
- "unnskyld"
- "face cloth"
- "vaskeklut"
- "face cream"
- "ansiktskrem"
- "far away"
- "fjernt"
- "fast train"
- "hurtigtog"
- "feeling of guilt"
- "skyldf°lelse"
- "figure skating"
- "kunstl°p"
- "film director"
- "regiss°r"
- "fire brigade"
- "brannkorps"
- "fishing rod"
- "fiskestang"
- "flat bread"
- "flatbr°d"
- "flying saucers"
- "flyvende tallerkner"
- "for the reason that"
- "fordi"
- "fountain pen"
- "fyllepenn"
- "free use"
- "gratisbruk"
- "from here"
- "herfra"
- "from here on"
- "heretter"
- "from home"
- "hjemmefra"
- "from now on"
- "heretter"
- "from the heart"
- "inderlig"
- "fur coat"
- "pels"
- "gas station"
- "bensinstasjon"
- "gas tank"
- "bensintank"
- "give off an odour"
- "lukte"
- "go for a walk"
- "spasere"
- "go hunting"
- "gσ pσ jakt"
- "good afternoon"
- "god middag"
- "good day"
- "goddag"
- "good morning"
- "god morgen"
- "good night"
- "god natt"
- "great britain"
- "storbritannia"
- "had to"
- "mσtte"
- "happy birthday"
- "gratulerer med dagen"
- "hardware shop"
- "jernvarehandel"
- "have a cold"
- "forkj°let"
- "have fun"
- "ha det g°y"
- "have got"
- "ha"
- "head of state"
- "statsoverhode"
- "high tide"
- "str°m"
- "hind wheel"
- "bakhjul"
- "human being"
- "menneske"
- "ice cream"
- "iskrem"
- "in accordance with"
- "i overensstemmelse med"
- "in agreement"
- "enig"
- "in debt"
- "forgjeldet"
- "in exchange for"
- "mot"
- "in front of"
- "f°r/foran"
- "in lieu of"
- "istedenfor"
- "in pairs"
- "parvis"
- "in the meantime"
- "i mellomtiden"
- "in time"
- "presis"
- "indian corn"
- "mais"
- "iron clothes"
- "stryke"
- "is activated"
- "aktiveres"
- "is called"
- "kalles"
- "is charged"
- "debiteres"
- "is developed"
- "utvikles"
- "is expected"
- "forventes"
- "is marked"
- "markeres"
- "is placed"
- "puttes"
- "is shining"
- "skinner"
- "is translated"
- "oversettes"
- "is written"
- "skrives"
- "john doe"
- "ola nordmann"
- "joint stock"
- "aksjekapital"
- "just now"
- "nettopp"
- "labor party"
- "arbeiderpartiet"
- "lady's bag"
- "dameveske"
- "lay hold of"
- "ta"
- "lay the cloth"
- "duke"
- "like this"
- "slik"
- "living room"
- "dagligstue"
- "looked after"
- "passet"
- "low priced"
- "lavpriset"
- "lucky charm"
- "amulett"
- "main entrance"
- "hovedinngang"
- "main menu"
- "hovedmeny"
- "major road"
- "vei med forkj°rsrett"
- "make free"
- "frigj°r"
- "make love"
- "elske"
- "male cook"
- "kokk"
- "married couple"
- "ektepar"
- "member of parliament"
- "stortingsmann"
- "methylated spirit"
- "denaturert sprit"
- "midday meal"
- "middag"
- "middle ages"
- "middelalderen"
- "minced meat"
- "kj°ttkaker"
- "money box"
- "kasse"
- "money order"
- "postanvisning"
- "monitoring profile"
- "overvσkningsprofil"
- "more difficult"
- "vanskeligere"
- "morning hours"
- "morgentimer"
- "motion picture"
- "film"
- "motor car"
- "bil"
- "motor road"
- "autobane"
- "movie theatre"
- "kino"
- "mrs."
- "fru"
- "named after"
- "oppkalt"
- "near to"
- "nµr"
- "next to"
- "nµr"
- "no one"
- "ingen"
- "norwegian broadcasting"
- "rikskringkastingen"
- "norwegian parliament"
- "stortinget"
- "not ironed"
- "ustr°ket"
- "now and then"
- "av og til"
- "old age"
- "alderdom"
- "on the left"
- "venstre"
- "on the other hand"
- "derimot"
- "on the other side of"
- "tvers over"
- "on the right"
- "h°yre"
- "on top"
- "ovenpσ"
- "on top of"
- "ovenpσ"
- "once more"
- "igjen/pσnytt"
- "one hundred"
- "hundre"
- "one thousand"
- "tusen"
- "one-way traffic"
- "enveiskj°ring"
- "only just"
- "sσvidt"
- "opposed to"
- "mot"
- "out along"
- "utover"
- "outer cover"
- "dekk"
- "parking bay"
- "parkeringsplass"
- "parking garage"
- "parkeringsplass"
- "parking place"
- "parkeringsplass"
- "pay instalments on"
- "avbetale"
- "phone booth"
- "telefonkiosk"
- "pick up"
- "ta"
- "picket fence"
- "stakitt"
- "picture postcard"
- "prospektkort"
- "piece of music"
- "musikkstykke"
- "pine tree"
- "furu"
- "plane trip"
- "flytur"
- "point of view"
- "synspunkt"
- "point of views"
- "synspunkter"
- "post office"
- "postkontor"
- "postage stamp"
- "frimerke"
- "presidential election"
- "presidentvalg"
- "prime minister"
- "statsminister"
- "printing press"
- "trykkeri"
- "prisoner of war"
- "krigsfange"
- "produced in norway"
- "norskprodusert"
- "public square"
- "plass"
- "pull through"
- "klare"
- "question mark"
- "sp°rsmσlstegn"
- "quotation mark"
- "anf°rselstegn"
- "railway carriage"
- "vogn"
- "railway platform"
- "perrong"
- "razor blade"
- "barberblad"
- "rear wheel"
- "bakhjul"
- "red herring"
- "r°kesild"
- "remote control"
- "fjernkontroll"
- "rent money"
- "leie"
- "rescue boat"
- "redningssk°yte"
- "river bank"
- "elvebredd"
- "road map"
- "veikart"
- "rural community"
- "bygd"
- "safety pin"
- "sikkerhetsnσl"
- "santa claus"
- "julenissen"
- "scotch tape"
- "limbσnd"
- "sea air"
- "sj°luft"
- "search for"
- "lete"
- "secretary of state"
- "statsrσder"
- "sentence structure"
- "setningsbygning"
- "sewing machine"
- "symaskin"
- "sheet of paper"
- "ark"
- "shifting spanner"
- "skiften°kkel"
- "short circuit"
- "kortslutning"
- "short story"
- "novelle"
- "sightseeing trip"
- "utflukt"
- "slow train"
- "somletog"
- "snow condition"
- "f°re"
- "so far"
- "hittil"
- "so long"
- "pσ gjensyn"
- "southern norway"
- "s°rlandet"
- "spare time"
- "ferie"
- "spark plug"
- "tennplugg"
- "speed limit"
- "fartsgrense"
- "starting point"
- "utgangspunkt"
- "steering wheel"
- "ratt"
- "stock exchange"
- "b°rs"
- "storage battery"
- "akkumulator"
- "super highway"
- "autobane"
- "swaddling cloth"
- "bleie"
- "swimming pool"
- "sv°mmebasseng"
- "swimming trunk"
- "badebukse"
- "swimming trunks"
- "badebukse"
- "swiss cheese"
- "sveitserost"
- "table of contents"
- "innholdsfortegnelse"
- "take in"
- "godta"
- "taste sample"
- "smakspr°ve"
- "tax return"
- "selvangivelse"
- "telephone booth"
- "telefonkiosk"
- "telephone kiosk"
- "telefonkiosk"
- "tell fortunes"
- "spσ"
- "tennis shoes"
- "turnsko"
- "text editor"
- "tekstbehandler"
- "thank you"
- "takk"
- "the ambition"
- "ambisjonen"
- "the american"
- "amerikanske"
- "the author"
- "forfatteren"
- "the author's"
- "forfatterens"
- "the back of the neck"
- "nakken"
- "the background"
- "bakgrunnen"
- "the bible"
- "bibelen"
- "the boss"
- "sjefen"
- "the business"
- "firmaet"
- "the buttons"
- "knappene"
- "the chairman"
- "formannen"
- "the choice"
- "valget"
- "the combinition"
- "kombinasjonen"
- "the company paper"
- "finansavisen"
- "the competitors"
- "konkurrentene"
- "the computer-power"
- "datakraften"
- "the construction"
- "konstruksjonen"
- "the contents"
- "inneholdet"
- "the core"
- "kjernen"
- "the corner"
- "hj°rnet"
- "the corporation"
- "selskapet"
- "the customer's"
- "kj°perens"
- "the cutouts"
- "utklippene"
- "the defence"
- "forsvaret"
- "the depth"
- "dybden"
- "the development"
- "utviklingen"
- "the devil"
- "faen"
- "the difficulty level"
- "vanskelighetsgraden"
- "the documentation"
- "dokumentasjonen"
- "the door"
- "d°ren"
- "the expectation"
- "forventningen"
- "the finesses"
- "finessene"
- "the foundation"
- "grunnlaget"
- "the free use"
- "gratisbruken"
- "the freedom"
- "friheten"
- "the function"
- "funksjonen"
- "the functions"
- "funksjonene"
- "the future"
- "framtiden"
- "the futures"
- "framtidens"
- "the globe"
- "kloden"
- "the goal"
- "mσlsetningen"
- "the graphics"
- "grafikken"
- "the harddrive"
- "harddisken"
- "the head"
- "hodet"
- "the helpfile"
- "hjelpefilen"
- "the hospital"
- "sykehuset"
- "the house"
- "huset"
- "the house's"
- "husets"
- "the infrastructure"
- "infrastrukturen"
- "the installation"
- "installasjonen"
- "the keyboard"
- "tastaturet"
- "the leader"
- "lederen"
- "the list"
- "listen"
- "the machine"
- "maskinen"
- "the machine's"
- "maskinens"
- "the magazine"
- "tidskriften"
- "the main program"
- "hovedprogrammet"
- "the main program's"
- "hovedprogrammets"
- "the material"
- "materialet"
- "the medias"
- "mediene"
- "the menu"
- "menyen"
- "the mission"
- "oppdraget"
- "the money"
- "pengene"
- "the months"
- "mσnedene"
- "the mouse"
- "musa"
- "the mouth"
- "munnen"
- "the net"
- "nettet"
- "the netherlands"
- "nederland"
- "the news"
- "nyhetene"
- "the newsletter"
- "nyhetsbrevet"
- "the newsletters"
- "nyhetsbreven"
- "the number of"
- "antallet"
- "the organisation"
- "organisasjonen"
- "the pages"
- "sidene"
- "the people"
- "menneskene"
- "the popularity"
- "populariteten"
- "the population"
- "folkemengden"
- "the possibilities"
- "mulighetene"
- "the possibility"
- "muligheten"
- "the product"
- "produktet"
- "the production"
- "produksjonen"
- "the programmer"
- "programmereren"
- "the programmer's"
- "programmererens"
- "the proposition"
- "forslaget"
- "the race"
- "l°p"
- "the recording"
- "innspillingen"
- "the remote control"
- "fjernkontrollen"
- "the repair"
- "reparasjonen"
- "the rescue"
- "redningen"
- "the scientist"
- "forskeren"
- "the sentences"
- "meningene"
- "the society"
- "samfunnet"
- "the subject"
- "emnet"
- "the success"
- "suksessen"
- "the swedish people"
- "svenskerne"
- "the task"
- "oppgaven"
- "the text"
- "teksten"
- "the text's"
- "tekstens"
- "the textbox"
- "tekstvinduet"
- "the texts"
- "teksterna"
- "the tools"
- "redskapene"
- "the translation"
- "oversettelsen"
- "the translation work"
- "oversettelsearbeidet"
- "the tv"
- "tven"
- "the tv-screen"
- "tv-skjermen"
- "the typical norwegian"
- "ola dunk"
- "the u.s."
- "statene"
- "the uppdating"
- "oppdaterendet"
- "the use"
- "bruken"
- "the user"
- "brukeren"
- "the way"
- "veien"
- "the works"
- "jobben"
- "thermos bottle"
- "termosflaske"
- "thermos flask"
- "termosflaske"
- "time of arrival"
- "ankomsttid"
- "time off"
- "ferie"
- "tin can"
- "blikk"
- "to death"
- "ihjel"
- "to the left"
- "til venstre"
- "to the right"
- "til h°yre"
- "tomato juice"
- "tomato"
- "too much"
- "altfor"
- "topic of conversation"
- "samtaleemne"
- "tourist agency"
- "reisebyrσ"
- "town hall"
- "rσdhus"
- "traffic lights"
- "trafikklys"
- "traffic roundabout"
- "rundkj°ring"
- "traffic signs"
- "trafikkskilt"
- "translation work"
- "oversettelsearbeide"
- "translation works"
- "oversettelsearbeiden"
- "travel agency"
- "reisebyrσ"
- "travellers checks"
- "reisesjekker"
- "tree line"
- "tregrense"
- "trunk of tree"
- "stamme"
- "turn over"
- "kantre"
- "used to"
- "pleide"
- "vacuum cleaner"
- "st°vsuger"
- "vanity bag"
- "dameveske"
- "vending machine"
- "automat"
- "verge of a road"
- "vegkant"
- "very much"
- "meget"
- "vice president"
- "visepresident"
- "visiting hours"
- "bes°kstid"
- "wait for"
- "vente"
- "waiting room"
- "venterom"
- "wake up"
- "vegge"
- "walk slowly"
- "rusle"
- "walking tour"
- "fottur"
- "way of living"
- "levesett"
- "way out"
- "utgang"
- "weather report"
- "vµrvarsling"
- "wedding present"
- "bryllupsgave"
- "week day"
- "ukedag"
- "weekly press"
- "ukepresse"
- "western norway"
- "vestlandet"
- "what for"
- "hvorfor"
- "whipped cream"
- "fl°tekrem"
- "wild animal"
- "villdyr"
- "wine glass"
- "vinglass"
- "word to find"
- "s°keord"
- "work out"
- "regne"
- "work permit"
- "arbeidstillatelse"
- "working class"
- "arbeiderklasse"
- "working class boy"
- "arbeidergutt"
- "working day"
- "arbeidsdag"
- "working site"
- "arbeidsplass"
- "working sites"
- "arbeidsplasser"
- "worn out"
- "utslitt"
- "would like"
- "vil gjerne"