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Text File  |  1997-10-15  |  13.2 KB  |  947 lines

  1. "a little"
  2. "litt"
  3. "a lot"
  4. "betydelig"
  5. "about that"
  6. "derom"
  7. "about to"
  8. "i ferd"
  9. "abstain from"
  10. "avholde seg fra"
  11. "accelerator pedal"
  12. "gasspedal"
  13. "according to"
  14. "i overensstemmelse med"
  15. "across from"
  16. "mot"
  17. "after which"
  18. "hvoretter"
  19. "air mail"
  20. "flypost"
  21. "air stewardess"
  22. "flyvertinne"
  23. "all over again"
  24. "igjen/pσnytt"
  25. "along the side of"
  26. "langsetter"
  27. "and so on"
  28. "osv"
  29. "are included"
  30. "inngσr"
  31. "are needed"
  32. "beh°ves"
  33. "are read"
  34. "leses"
  35. "are saved"
  36. "spares"
  37. "are started"
  38. "startes"
  39. "are used"
  40. "benyttes"
  41. "as well"
  42. "sσvel"
  43. "at home"
  44. "hjemme"
  45. "at once"
  46. "straks"
  47. "at present"
  48. "nσ"
  49. "atlantic ocean"
  50. "atlanterhavet"
  51. "baby carriage"
  52. "barnevogn"
  53. "back wheel"
  54. "bakhjul"
  55. "ballpoint pen"
  56. "kulepenn"
  57. "bathing suit"
  58. "badedrakt"
  59. "be asleep"
  60. "sove"
  61. "be bored"
  62. "kjede seg"
  63. "be copied"
  64. "kopieres"
  65. "be created"
  66. "dannes"
  67. "be done"
  68. "gj°res"
  69. "be removed"
  70. "fjernes"
  71. "be spread"
  72. "spres"
  73. "be transmitted"
  74. "overf°res"
  75. "be used"
  76. "anvendes"
  77. "bear children"
  78. "f°de"
  79. "because of"
  80. "grunnet"
  81. "been accommodated"
  82. "tilpassets"
  83. "been changed"
  84. "endrets"
  85. "been created"
  86. "skapets"
  87. "been improved"
  88. "forbedrets"
  89. "been translated"
  90. "oversatts"
  91. "beside oneself"
  92. "uttafor"
  93. "black market"
  94. "svarteb°rs"
  95. "blind alley"
  96. "blindvei"
  97. "blow dryer"
  98. "f°ner"
  99. "boarding house"
  100. "pensjon"
  101. "boarding school"
  102. "pensjon"
  103. "broken stones"
  104. "steinsprut"
  105. "burial ground"
  106. "gravsted"
  107. "bus stop"
  108. "buss-stopp"
  109. "business deal"
  110. "anliggende"
  111. "call box"
  112. "telefonkiosk"
  113. "call on"
  114. "bes°ke"
  115. "camping ground"
  116. "leirplass"
  117. "camping site"
  118. "leirplass"
  119. "capital city"
  120. "hovedstad"
  121. "car park"
  122. "parkeringsplass"
  123. "car trip"
  124. "biltur"
  125. "cash money"
  126. "kontanter"
  127. "cashier's stand"
  128. "kasse"
  129. "chemist's shop"
  130. "apotek"
  131. "childrens parade"
  132. "barnetog"
  133. "city hall"
  134. "rσdhus"
  135. "come across"
  136. "m°te"
  137. "come to an end"
  138. "utlope"
  139. "common market"
  140. "fellesmarkedet"
  141. "company paper"
  142. "finansavis"
  143. "comprehensive school"
  144. "grunnskole"
  145. "conditions of living"
  146. "levevilkσr"
  147. "consist of"
  148. "bestσ av"
  149. "consisted of"
  150. "besto av"
  151. "convenience store"
  152. "kiosk"
  153. "corner of the eye"
  154. "°yekrok"
  155. "corner of the mouth"
  156. "munnvik"
  157. "cosmetic powder"
  158. "pudder"
  159. "cost price"
  160. "innkj°pspris"
  161. "cover for comforter"
  162. "dynetrekk"
  163. "credit card"
  164. "kredittkort"
  165. "criminal law"
  166. "strafferett"
  167. "crockery set"
  168. "servise"
  169. "cross roads"
  170. "veikryss"
  171. "cry out"
  172. "skrike"
  173. "cylinder phonograph"
  174. "grammofon"
  175. "daily paper"
  176. "avis"
  177. "daily tv news"
  178. "dagsrevyen"
  179. "danger of death"
  180. "livsfare"
  181. "dark blue"
  182. "m°rkeblσ"
  183. "department store"
  184. "stormagasin"
  185. "difficulty level"
  186. "vanskelighetsgrad"
  187. "dining room table"
  188. "spisebord"
  189. "dish cloth"
  190. "hσndkle"
  191. "dispose of"
  192. "selge"
  193. "dry off"
  194. "t°rke seg"
  195. "dust rag"
  196. "hσndkle"
  197. "e.g."
  198. "f.eks."
  199. "each and every"
  200. "enhver"
  201. "each other"
  202. "hverandre"
  203. "electric fan"
  204. "ventilator"
  205. "electric torch"
  206. "lommelykt"
  207. "elk dog"
  208. "elghund"
  209. "employment office"
  210. "arbeidsformidling"
  211. "end up"
  212. "slutte"
  213. "even so"
  214. "allikevel"
  215. "evening meal"
  216. "aftens/kveldsmat"
  217. "excuse me"
  218. "unnskyld"
  219. "face cloth"
  220. "vaskeklut"
  221. "face cream"
  222. "ansiktskrem"
  223. "far away"
  224. "fjernt"
  225. "fast train"
  226. "hurtigtog"
  227. "feeling of guilt"
  228. "skyldf°lelse"
  229. "figure skating"
  230. "kunstl°p"
  231. "film director"
  232. "regiss°r"
  233. "fire brigade"
  234. "brannkorps"
  235. "fishing rod"
  236. "fiskestang"
  237. "flat bread"
  238. "flatbr°d"
  239. "flying saucers"
  240. "flyvende tallerkner"
  241. "for the reason that"
  242. "fordi"
  243. "fountain pen"
  244. "fyllepenn"
  245. "free use"
  246. "gratisbruk"
  247. "from here"
  248. "herfra"
  249. "from here on"
  250. "heretter"
  251. "from home"
  252. "hjemmefra"
  253. "from now on"
  254. "heretter"
  255. "from the heart"
  256. "inderlig"
  257. "fur coat"
  258. "pels"
  259. "gas station"
  260. "bensinstasjon"
  261. "gas tank"
  262. "bensintank"
  263. "give off an odour"
  264. "lukte"
  265. "go for a walk"
  266. "spasere"
  267. "go hunting"
  268. "gσ pσ jakt"
  269. "good afternoon"
  270. "god middag"
  271. "good day"
  272. "goddag"
  273. "good morning"
  274. "god morgen"
  275. "good night"
  276. "god natt"
  277. "great britain"
  278. "storbritannia"
  279. "had to"
  280. "mσtte"
  281. "happy birthday"
  282. "gratulerer med dagen"
  283. "hardware shop"
  284. "jernvarehandel"
  285. "have a cold"
  286. "forkj°let"
  287. "have fun"
  288. "ha det g°y"
  289. "have got"
  290. "ha"
  291. "head of state"
  292. "statsoverhode"
  293. "high tide"
  294. "str°m"
  295. "hind wheel"
  296. "bakhjul"
  297. "human being"
  298. "menneske"
  299. "ice cream"
  300. "iskrem"
  301. "in accordance with"
  302. "i overensstemmelse med"
  303. "in agreement"
  304. "enig"
  305. "in debt"
  306. "forgjeldet"
  307. "in exchange for"
  308. "mot"
  309. "in front of"
  310. "f°r/foran"
  311. "in lieu of"
  312. "istedenfor"
  313. "in pairs"
  314. "parvis"
  315. "in the meantime"
  316. "i mellomtiden"
  317. "in time"
  318. "presis"
  319. "indian corn"
  320. "mais"
  321. "iron clothes"
  322. "stryke"
  323. "is activated"
  324. "aktiveres"
  325. "is called"
  326. "kalles"
  327. "is charged"
  328. "debiteres"
  329. "is developed"
  330. "utvikles"
  331. "is expected"
  332. "forventes"
  333. "is marked"
  334. "markeres"
  335. "is placed"
  336. "puttes"
  337. "is shining"
  338. "skinner"
  339. "is translated"
  340. "oversettes"
  341. "is written"
  342. "skrives"
  343. "john doe"
  344. "ola nordmann"
  345. "joint stock"
  346. "aksjekapital"
  347. "just now"
  348. "nettopp"
  349. "labor party"
  350. "arbeiderpartiet"
  351. "lady's bag"
  352. "dameveske"
  353. "lay hold of"
  354. "ta"
  355. "lay the cloth"
  356. "duke"
  357. "like this"
  358. "slik"
  359. "living room"
  360. "dagligstue"
  361. "looked after"
  362. "passet"
  363. "low priced"
  364. "lavpriset"
  365. "lucky charm"
  366. "amulett"
  367. "main entrance"
  368. "hovedinngang"
  369. "main menu"
  370. "hovedmeny"
  371. "major road"
  372. "vei med forkj°rsrett"
  373. "make free"
  374. "frigj°r"
  375. "make love"
  376. "elske"
  377. "male cook"
  378. "kokk"
  379. "married couple"
  380. "ektepar"
  381. "member of parliament"
  382. "stortingsmann"
  383. "methylated spirit"
  384. "denaturert sprit"
  385. "midday meal"
  386. "middag"
  387. "middle ages"
  388. "middelalderen"
  389. "minced meat"
  390. "kj°ttkaker"
  391. "money box"
  392. "kasse"
  393. "money order"
  394. "postanvisning"
  395. "monitoring profile"
  396. "overvσkningsprofil"
  397. "more difficult"
  398. "vanskeligere"
  399. "morning hours"
  400. "morgentimer"
  401. "motion picture"
  402. "film"
  403. "motor car"
  404. "bil"
  405. "motor road"
  406. "autobane"
  407. "movie theatre"
  408. "kino"
  409. "mrs."
  410. "fru"
  411. "named after"
  412. "oppkalt"
  413. "near to"
  414. "nµr"
  415. "next to"
  416. "nµr"
  417. "no one"
  418. "ingen"
  419. "norwegian broadcasting"
  420. "rikskringkastingen"
  421. "norwegian parliament"
  422. "stortinget"
  423. "not ironed"
  424. "ustr°ket"
  425. "now and then"
  426. "av og til"
  427. "old age"
  428. "alderdom"
  429. "on the left"
  430. "venstre"
  431. "on the other hand"
  432. "derimot"
  433. "on the other side of"
  434. "tvers over"
  435. "on the right"
  436. "h°yre"
  437. "on top"
  438. "ovenpσ"
  439. "on top of"
  440. "ovenpσ"
  441. "once more"
  442. "igjen/pσnytt"
  443. "one hundred"
  444. "hundre"
  445. "one thousand"
  446. "tusen"
  447. "one-way traffic"
  448. "enveiskj°ring"
  449. "only just"
  450. "sσvidt"
  451. "opposed to"
  452. "mot"
  453. "out along"
  454. "utover"
  455. "outer cover"
  456. "dekk"
  457. "parking bay"
  458. "parkeringsplass"
  459. "parking garage"
  460. "parkeringsplass"
  461. "parking place"
  462. "parkeringsplass"
  463. "pay instalments on"
  464. "avbetale"
  465. "phone booth"
  466. "telefonkiosk"
  467. "pick up"
  468. "ta"
  469. "picket fence"
  470. "stakitt"
  471. "picture postcard"
  472. "prospektkort"
  473. "piece of music"
  474. "musikkstykke"
  475. "pine tree"
  476. "furu"
  477. "plane trip"
  478. "flytur"
  479. "point of view"
  480. "synspunkt"
  481. "point of views"
  482. "synspunkter"
  483. "post office"
  484. "postkontor"
  485. "postage stamp"
  486. "frimerke"
  487. "presidential election"
  488. "presidentvalg"
  489. "prime minister"
  490. "statsminister"
  491. "printing press"
  492. "trykkeri"
  493. "prisoner of war"
  494. "krigsfange"
  495. "produced in norway"
  496. "norskprodusert"
  497. "public square"
  498. "plass"
  499. "pull through"
  500. "klare"
  501. "question mark"
  502. "sp°rsmσlstegn"
  503. "quotation mark"
  504. "anf°rselstegn"
  505. "railway carriage"
  506. "vogn"
  507. "railway platform"
  508. "perrong"
  509. "razor blade"
  510. "barberblad"
  511. "rear wheel"
  512. "bakhjul"
  513. "red herring"
  514. "r°kesild"
  515. "remote control"
  516. "fjernkontroll"
  517. "rent money"
  518. "leie"
  519. "rescue boat"
  520. "redningssk°yte"
  521. "river bank"
  522. "elvebredd"
  523. "road map"
  524. "veikart"
  525. "rural community"
  526. "bygd"
  527. "safety pin"
  528. "sikkerhetsnσl"
  529. "santa claus"
  530. "julenissen"
  531. "scotch tape"
  532. "limbσnd"
  533. "sea air"
  534. "sj°luft"
  535. "search for"
  536. "lete"
  537. "secretary of state"
  538. "statsrσder"
  539. "sentence structure"
  540. "setningsbygning"
  541. "sewing machine"
  542. "symaskin"
  543. "sheet of paper"
  544. "ark"
  545. "shifting spanner"
  546. "skiften°kkel"
  547. "short circuit"
  548. "kortslutning"
  549. "short story"
  550. "novelle"
  551. "sightseeing trip"
  552. "utflukt"
  553. "slow train"
  554. "somletog"
  555. "snow condition"
  556. "f°re"
  557. "so far"
  558. "hittil"
  559. "so long"
  560. "pσ gjensyn"
  561. "southern norway"
  562. "s°rlandet"
  563. "spare time"
  564. "ferie"
  565. "spark plug"
  566. "tennplugg"
  567. "speed limit"
  568. "fartsgrense"
  569. "starting point"
  570. "utgangspunkt"
  571. "steering wheel"
  572. "ratt"
  573. "stock exchange"
  574. "b°rs"
  575. "storage battery"
  576. "akkumulator"
  577. "super highway"
  578. "autobane"
  579. "swaddling cloth"
  580. "bleie"
  581. "swimming pool"
  582. "sv°mmebasseng"
  583. "swimming trunk"
  584. "badebukse"
  585. "swimming trunks"
  586. "badebukse"
  587. "swiss cheese"
  588. "sveitserost"
  589. "table of contents"
  590. "innholdsfortegnelse"
  591. "take in"
  592. "godta"
  593. "taste sample"
  594. "smakspr°ve"
  595. "tax return"
  596. "selvangivelse"
  597. "telephone booth"
  598. "telefonkiosk"
  599. "telephone kiosk"
  600. "telefonkiosk"
  601. "tell fortunes"
  602. "spσ"
  603. "tennis shoes"
  604. "turnsko"
  605. "text editor"
  606. "tekstbehandler"
  607. "thank you"
  608. "takk"
  609. "the ambition"
  610. "ambisjonen"
  611. "the american"
  612. "amerikanske"
  613. "the author"
  614. "forfatteren"
  615. "the author's"
  616. "forfatterens"
  617. "the back of the neck"
  618. "nakken"
  619. "the background"
  620. "bakgrunnen"
  621. "the bible"
  622. "bibelen"
  623. "the boss"
  624. "sjefen"
  625. "the business"
  626. "firmaet"
  627. "the buttons"
  628. "knappene"
  629. "the chairman"
  630. "formannen"
  631. "the choice"
  632. "valget"
  633. "the combinition"
  634. "kombinasjonen"
  635. "the company paper"
  636. "finansavisen"
  637. "the competitors"
  638. "konkurrentene"
  639. "the computer-power"
  640. "datakraften"
  641. "the construction"
  642. "konstruksjonen"
  643. "the contents"
  644. "inneholdet"
  645. "the core"
  646. "kjernen"
  647. "the corner"
  648. "hj°rnet"
  649. "the corporation"
  650. "selskapet"
  651. "the customer's"
  652. "kj°perens"
  653. "the cutouts"
  654. "utklippene"
  655. "the defence"
  656. "forsvaret"
  657. "the depth"
  658. "dybden"
  659. "the development"
  660. "utviklingen"
  661. "the devil"
  662. "faen"
  663. "the difficulty level"
  664. "vanskelighetsgraden"
  665. "the documentation"
  666. "dokumentasjonen"
  667. "the door"
  668. "d°ren"
  669. "the expectation"
  670. "forventningen"
  671. "the finesses"
  672. "finessene"
  673. "the foundation"
  674. "grunnlaget"
  675. "the free use"
  676. "gratisbruken"
  677. "the freedom"
  678. "friheten"
  679. "the function"
  680. "funksjonen"
  681. "the functions"
  682. "funksjonene"
  683. "the future"
  684. "framtiden"
  685. "the futures"
  686. "framtidens"
  687. "the globe"
  688. "kloden"
  689. "the goal"
  690. "mσlsetningen"
  691. "the graphics"
  692. "grafikken"
  693. "the harddrive"
  694. "harddisken"
  695. "the head"
  696. "hodet"
  697. "the helpfile"
  698. "hjelpefilen"
  699. "the hospital"
  700. "sykehuset"
  701. "the house"
  702. "huset"
  703. "the house's"
  704. "husets"
  705. "the infrastructure"
  706. "infrastrukturen"
  707. "the installation"
  708. "installasjonen"
  709. "the keyboard"
  710. "tastaturet"
  711. "the leader"
  712. "lederen"
  713. "the list"
  714. "listen"
  715. "the machine"
  716. "maskinen"
  717. "the machine's"
  718. "maskinens"
  719. "the magazine"
  720. "tidskriften"
  721. "the main program"
  722. "hovedprogrammet"
  723. "the main program's"
  724. "hovedprogrammets"
  725. "the material"
  726. "materialet"
  727. "the medias"
  728. "mediene"
  729. "the menu"
  730. "menyen"
  731. "the mission"
  732. "oppdraget"
  733. "the money"
  734. "pengene"
  735. "the months"
  736. "mσnedene"
  737. "the mouse"
  738. "musa"
  739. "the mouth"
  740. "munnen"
  741. "the net"
  742. "nettet"
  743. "the netherlands"
  744. "nederland"
  745. "the news"
  746. "nyhetene"
  747. "the newsletter"
  748. "nyhetsbrevet"
  749. "the newsletters"
  750. "nyhetsbreven"
  751. "the number of"
  752. "antallet"
  753. "the organisation"
  754. "organisasjonen"
  755. "the pages"
  756. "sidene"
  757. "the people"
  758. "menneskene"
  759. "the popularity"
  760. "populariteten"
  761. "the population"
  762. "folkemengden"
  763. "the possibilities"
  764. "mulighetene"
  765. "the possibility"
  766. "muligheten"
  767. "the product"
  768. "produktet"
  769. "the production"
  770. "produksjonen"
  771. "the programmer"
  772. "programmereren"
  773. "the programmer's"
  774. "programmererens"
  775. "the proposition"
  776. "forslaget"
  777. "the race"
  778. "l°p"
  779. "the recording"
  780. "innspillingen"
  781. "the remote control"
  782. "fjernkontrollen"
  783. "the repair"
  784. "reparasjonen"
  785. "the rescue"
  786. "redningen"
  787. "the scientist"
  788. "forskeren"
  789. "the sentences"
  790. "meningene"
  791. "the society"
  792. "samfunnet"
  793. "the subject"
  794. "emnet"
  795. "the success"
  796. "suksessen"
  797. "the swedish people"
  798. "svenskerne"
  799. "the task"
  800. "oppgaven"
  801. "the text"
  802. "teksten"
  803. "the text's"
  804. "tekstens"
  805. "the textbox"
  806. "tekstvinduet"
  807. "the texts"
  808. "teksterna"
  809. "the tools"
  810. "redskapene"
  811. "the translation"
  812. "oversettelsen"
  813. "the translation work"
  814. "oversettelsearbeidet"
  815. "the tv"
  816. "tven"
  817. "the tv-screen"
  818. "tv-skjermen"
  819. "the typical norwegian"
  820. "ola dunk"
  821. "the u.s."
  822. "statene"
  823. "the uppdating"
  824. "oppdaterendet"
  825. "the use"
  826. "bruken"
  827. "the user"
  828. "brukeren"
  829. "the way"
  830. "veien"
  831. "the works"
  832. "jobben"
  833. "thermos bottle"
  834. "termosflaske"
  835. "thermos flask"
  836. "termosflaske"
  837. "time of arrival"
  838. "ankomsttid"
  839. "time off"
  840. "ferie"
  841. "tin can"
  842. "blikk"
  843. "to death"
  844. "ihjel"
  845. "to the left"
  846. "til venstre"
  847. "to the right"
  848. "til h°yre"
  849. "tomato juice"
  850. "tomato"
  851. "too much"
  852. "altfor"
  853. "topic of conversation"
  854. "samtaleemne"
  855. "tourist agency"
  856. "reisebyrσ"
  857. "town hall"
  858. "rσdhus"
  859. "traffic lights"
  860. "trafikklys"
  861. "traffic roundabout"
  862. "rundkj°ring"
  863. "traffic signs"
  864. "trafikkskilt"
  865. "translation work"
  866. "oversettelsearbeide"
  867. "translation works"
  868. "oversettelsearbeiden"
  869. "travel agency"
  870. "reisebyrσ"
  871. "travellers checks"
  872. "reisesjekker"
  873. "tree line"
  874. "tregrense"
  875. "trunk of tree"
  876. "stamme"
  877. "turn over"
  878. "kantre"
  879. "used to"
  880. "pleide"
  881. "vacuum cleaner"
  882. "st°vsuger"
  883. "vanity bag"
  884. "dameveske"
  885. "vending machine"
  886. "automat"
  887. "verge of a road"
  888. "vegkant"
  889. "very much"
  890. "meget"
  891. "vice president"
  892. "visepresident"
  893. "visiting hours"
  894. "bes°kstid"
  895. "wait for"
  896. "vente"
  897. "waiting room"
  898. "venterom"
  899. "wake up"
  900. "vegge"
  901. "walk slowly"
  902. "rusle"
  903. "walking tour"
  904. "fottur"
  905. "way of living"
  906. "levesett"
  907. "way out"
  908. "utgang"
  909. "weather report"
  910. "vµrvarsling"
  911. "wedding present"
  912. "bryllupsgave"
  913. "week day"
  914. "ukedag"
  915. "weekly press"
  916. "ukepresse"
  917. "western norway"
  918. "vestlandet"
  919. "what for"
  920. "hvorfor"
  921. "whipped cream"
  922. "fl°tekrem"
  923. "wild animal"
  924. "villdyr"
  925. "wine glass"
  926. "vinglass"
  927. "word to find"
  928. "s°keord"
  929. "work out"
  930. "regne"
  931. "work permit"
  932. "arbeidstillatelse"
  933. "working class"
  934. "arbeiderklasse"
  935. "working class boy"
  936. "arbeidergutt"
  937. "working day"
  938. "arbeidsdag"
  939. "working site"
  940. "arbeidsplass"
  941. "working sites"
  942. "arbeidsplasser"
  943. "worn out"
  944. "utslitt"
  945. "would like"
  946. "vil gjerne"