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Text File | 1997-10-15 | 39.5 KB | 2,611 lines |
- "a blank floppy"
- "en tom diskett"
- "a boot disk"
- "en startdiskett"
- "a close shave"
- "hΣngde pσ ett hσr"
- "a copy"
- "en kopia"
- "a few"
- "nσgra"
- "a flight of stairs"
- "en trappa"
- "a foregone conclusion"
- "f÷rutfattad mening/given sak"
- "a friend of mine"
- "en vΣn till mig"
- "a friend of yours"
- "en vΣn till dig"
- "a good sailor"
- "tσl sj÷n bra"
- "a good sport"
- "en trevlig kamrat"
- "a great deal"
- "en hel del/mycket"
- "a lot of"
- "mσnga/mycket"
- "a matter of course"
- "sjΣlvklar sak"
- "a matter of notoriety"
- "en allmΣnt kΣnd sak"
- "a pair of scissors"
- "saxar"
- "a pair of tongs"
- "en tσng"
- "a piece of business"
- "en affΣr"
- "a real brick"
- "hedersprick"
- "a sore throat"
- "ont i halsen"
- "a type of"
- "en sorts"
- "a.m."
- "pσ f÷rmiddagen"
- "a:"
- "a:"
- "abide by"
- "stσ fast vid"
- "abound with"
- "vimla av"
- "above all"
- "framf÷r allt"
- "achilles' heel"
- "akilleshΣl"
- "after all"
- "nΣr allt kommer omkring"
- "after which"
- "varefter"
- "air hostess"
- "flygvΣrdinna"
- "air valve"
- "luftventil"
- "aircraft carrier"
- "hangarfartyg"
- "all along"
- "hela tiden"
- "all at once"
- "pl÷tsligt"
- "all of a sudden"
- "helt pl÷tsligt"
- "all over"
- "÷ver hela"
- "all right"
- "mσr bra"
- "all swedish"
- "helsvensk"
- "all the same"
- "i alla fall/Σndσ"
- "all through"
- "genom hela"
- "allude to"
- "hΣnsyfta pσ"
- "among others"
- "bl.a"
- "and so forth"
- "och sσ vidare"
- "and so on"
- "osv."
- "annunciation day"
- "marie bebσdelsedag"
- "answer the bell"
- "gσ och ÷ppna"
- "any questions"
- "nσgra frσgor"
- "any time"
- "nΣr som helst"
- "any way"
- "i varje fall"
- "apart from"
- "frσnsett"
- "apple of the eye"
- "÷gonsten"
- "apply to"
- "vΣnda sig till"
- "are included"
- "ingσr"
- "are mixed"
- "blandas"
- "are needed"
- "krΣvs"
- "are read"
- "lΣses"
- "are run"
- "k÷rs"
- "are saved"
- "sparas"
- "are spread"
- "sprids"
- "are started"
- "startas"
- "are supported"
- "st÷ds"
- "are used"
- "anvΣnds"
- "are using"
- "anvΣnder"
- "are you cold"
- "fryser du"
- "are you kidding"
- "skojar du"
- "area of use"
- "anvΣndningsomrσde"
- "areas of use"
- "anvΣndningsomrσden"
- "arts and crafts"
- "hemsl÷jd"
- "as fit as fiddle"
- "pigg som en m÷rt"
- "as for"
- "vad angσr"
- "as for me"
- "f÷r min del"
- "as for that"
- "vad angσr det"
- "as for this"
- "vad angσr detta"
- "as long as"
- "sσ lΣnge som"
- "as regards"
- "vad betrΣffar"
- "as though"
- "som om"
- "as to"
- "vad betrΣffar"
- "as well as"
- "sσvΣl"
- "as you please"
- "som du/ni vill"
- "ascension day"
- "kristihimmelsfΣrdsdag"
- "assembly line"
- "l÷pande band"
- "at a discount"
- "under pari"
- "at all events"
- "i varje fall"
- "at any rate"
- "i varje fall"
- "at boot"
- "vid omstart"
- "at ease"
- "i lugn och ro/bekvΣmt"
- "at first"
- "i b÷rjan"
- "at home"
- "hemma"
- "at large"
- "i frihet"
- "at last"
- "slutligen"
- "at least"
- "σtminstone"
- "at length"
- "utf÷rligt/Σntligen"
- "at once"
- "genast"
- "at wich"
- "varvid"
- "at will"
- "efter behag"
- "at your convenience"
- "nΣr det passar er"
- "at your leisure"
- "efter behag"
- "atletic games"
- "idrott"
- "attend to"
- "sk÷ta"
- "avail oneself of"
- "begagna sig av"
- "baccalaureate degree"
- "kandidatexamen"
- "bachelor of arts"
- "fil. kand"
- "back number"
- "tidigare tidningsnummer"
- "bad form"
- "obelevat"
- "bail out"
- "hoppa av"
- "baked custard"
- "Σggstanning"
- "ball bearings"
- "kullager"
- "baltic herring"
- "str÷mming"
- "bank accountant"
- "bank-kamrer"
- "barbed wire"
- "taggtrσd"
- "be able to"
- "kunna"
- "be ashamed"
- "skΣmmas"
- "be asleep"
- "sova"
- "be aware"
- "veta"
- "be better off"
- "ha det bΣttre"
- "be closed"
- "stΣngdes"
- "be contacted"
- "kontaktas"
- "be copied"
- "kopieras"
- "be counted"
- "rΣknas"
- "be created"
- "skapas"
- "be dressed"
- "klΣdas"
- "be drowned"
- "drukna"
- "be edited"
- "redigeras"
- "be extended"
- "f÷rlΣngas"
- "be fain"
- "vara tvungen"
- "be horrorstruck"
- "f÷rfΣras"
- "be hospitalized"
- "lΣggas in pσ sjukhus"
- "be kind enough to"
- "var god och"
- "be liable to"
- "riskera att"
- "be lucky"
- "ha tur"
- "be off"
- "ge mig ivΣg"
- "be performed"
- "utf÷ras"
- "be quick on the uptake"
- "ha lΣtt f÷r att fatta"
- "be removed"
- "avlΣgsnas"
- "be seen"
- "ses"
- "be sent"
- "skickas"
- "be shipwrecked"
- "f÷rlisa"
- "be spread"
- "spridas"
- "be taken"
- "tas"
- "be used"
- "anvΣndas"
- "be well off"
- "vara vΣlbΣrgad"
- "be written"
- "skrivas"
- "beat about the bush"
- "gσ som katten kring het gr÷t"
- "been accommodated"
- "anpassats"
- "been copied"
- "kopierats"
- "been created"
- "skapats"
- "been fixed"
- "fixats"
- "been giving"
- "gett"
- "been improved"
- "f÷rbΣttrats"
- "been packed"
- "packats"
- "been programmed"
- "programmerats"
- "been proven"
- "bevisats"
- "been put"
- "lagts"
- "been questioned"
- "ifrσgasatts"
- "been tiled"
- "staplats"
- "been visited"
- "bes÷kts"
- "been written"
- "skrivits"
- "beer on draught"
- "fat÷l"
- "beered beet"
- "r÷dbetor"
- "before long"
- "inom kort"
- "before running"
- "innan du k÷r"
- "beg your pardon"
- "ursΣkta"
- "belong to"
- "tillh÷ra"
- "beside oneself"
- "utom sig"
- "bide ones time"
- "sin tid"
- "bill of fare"
- "matsedel"
- "bill of lading"
- "konossement"
- "birds nest"
- "fσgelbo"
- "black grouse"
- "orre"
- "blind alley"
- "σtervΣndsgrΣnd"
- "block writing"
- "textning"
- "blow my nose"
- "snyter mig"
- "blow up"
- "explodera/sprΣnga"
- "blurt out"
- "utbrista"
- "blurted out"
- "utbrast"
- "board of directors"
- "bolagsstyrelse"
- "boarding house"
- "pensionat"
- "bone of contention"
- "tvistefr÷"
- "boot clean"
- "g÷r ren omstart"
- "boot from"
- "starta upp frσn"
- "boot your"
- "starta upp ditt"
- "booting clean"
- "g÷ra ren omstart"
- "border on"
- "grΣnsa till"
- "bound to"
- "mσste"
- "boxing day"
- "annandag jul"
- "brake through"
- "genombryta"
- "bring about"
- "fσ till stσnd"
- "bring forth"
- "frambringa"
- "bring to terms"
- "fσ att ta reson"
- "brush up"
- "friska upp"
- "brussels sprouts"
- "brysselkσl"
- "building material"
- "byggmaterial"
- "building societies"
- "byggf÷retag"
- "burst open"
- "flyga upp"
- "button up"
- "knΣppa igen"
- "by accident"
- "av en hΣndelse"
- "by all means"
- "ovillkorligen"
- "by and by"
- "sσ smσningom"
- "by chance"
- "hΣndelsevis"
- "by common consent"
- "enhΣlligt"
- "by dint of"
- "medelst"
- "by far"
- "ojΣmf÷rligt"
- "by heart"
- "utantill"
- "by hook or by crook"
- "pσ ena eller andra sΣttet"
- "by jove"
- "min sjΣl"
- "by means"
- "medelst"
- "by no means"
- "visst inte"
- "by the dozen"
- "dussinvis"
- "by the fireside"
- "vid brasan"
- "by the way"
- "f÷rresten"
- "by way of"
- "via/sσsom/till"
- "by word of mouth"
- "muntligt"
- "call on"
- "hΣlsa pσ"
- "calling-up papers"
- "inkallelseorder"
- "camping site"
- "campingplats"
- "can address"
- "kan skicka"
- "can display"
- "kan visa"
- "can┤t display"
- "kan inte visa"
- "carbonic acid"
- "kolsyra"
- "cardinal number"
- "grundtal"
- "cardinal points"
- "vΣderstreck"
- "care for"
- "bry sig om"
- "carry on"
- "fortsΣtta"
- "carry out"
- "utf÷ra"
- "carry the day"
- "vinna"
- "cash register"
- "kassaapparat"
- "catch cold"
- "bli f÷rkyld"
- "catch sight of"
- "fσ syn pσ"
- "catch the train"
- "komma med tσget"
- "catch up"
- "hinna i fatt"
- "cave in"
- "rasa/st÷rta in"
- "chancellor of the exchequer"
- "finansminister"
- "change hands"
- "byta Σgare"
- "cheer up"
- "pigga upp sig"
- "chest of drawers"
- "byrσ"
- "chew the cud"
- "idissla"
- "chewing gum"
- "tuggummi"
- "child welfare"
- "barnavσrd"
- "christian name"
- "f÷rnamn"
- "circumstantial evidence"
- "indicier"
- "civil status"
- "civilstσnd"
- "civil war"
- "inb÷rdeskrig"
- "clean away"
- "r÷ja undan"
- "clean boot"
- "ren omstart"
- "clean out"
- "ge sig ivΣg"
- "clean up"
- "ta bort"
- "clearance sale"
- "slutrealisation"
- "clint my fist"
- "knyter min nΣve"
- "close to"
- "nΣra"
- "closed car"
- "tΣckt bil"
- "co-op shop"
- "konsumaffΣr"
- "coal mine"
- "kolgruva"
- "coat of arms"
- "vapensk÷ld"
- "come about"
- "hΣnda"
- "come along"
- "kom nu"
- "come off"
- "lyckas"
- "come round"
- "titta in/kvickna till"
- "comic strip"
- "serie"
- "comic strips"
- "serier"
- "common sense"
- "sunt f÷rnuft"
- "community singing"
- "allsσng"
- "complain about"
- "anmΣrka pσ"
- "comply with"
- "gσ in pσ"
- "component parts"
- "bestσndsdelar"
- "compound interest"
- "rΣnta pσ rΣnta"
- "comprehensive school"
- "enhetsskola"
- "computerized"
- "datoriserad"
- "concul general"
- "generalkonsul"
- "confined to bed"
- "sΣngliggande"
- "confound it"
- "jΣklar"
- "conjure up"
- "frambesvΣrja"
- "consist of"
- "bestσ/utg÷ras av"
- "controls the"
- "kontrollerar"
- "converting of text"
- "textkonvertering"
- "cope with"
- "gσ iland med/klara av"
- "copy of"
- "kopia av"
- "cork up"
- "korka igen"
- "corner of the mouth"
- "mungipa"
- "correspond to"
- "motsvara"
- "cost price"
- "ink÷pspris"
- "couchette car"
- "liggvagn"
- "could do with another cup of tea"
- "vill gΣrna ha en kopp te till"
- "counter to"
- "tvΣrt emot"
- "county council"
- "landsting"
- "creature of habit"
- "vanedjur"
- "crop up"
- "dyka upp"
- "cross-country race"
- "terrΣngl÷pning"
- "cry craven"
- "ge sig pσ nσd och onσd"
- "curdled milk"
- "filmj÷lk"
- "current events"
- "dagshΣndelser"
- "curry favour with"
- "stΣlla sig in hos"
- "damn it"
- "jΣklar"
- "day by day"
- "dag f÷r dag"
- "dead heat"
- "d÷tt lopp/oavgjort"
- "decimal fraction"
- "decimalbrσk"
- "decked out"
- "utstyrd"
- "demean oneself"
- "f÷rnedra sig"
- "department store"
- "varuhus"
- "deport oneself with dignity"
- "upptrΣda med vΣrdighet"
- "descends from"
- "hΣrstammar frσn"
- "desert island"
- "÷de ÷"
- "detached house"
- "fritt liggande hus"
- "devoid of"
- "blottad pσ"
- "difficulty level"
- "svσrighetsgrad"
- "dig in"
- "grΣva ner/grΣva sig ner"
- "dip the lights"
- "blΣnda av"
- "discriminate against"
- "ta parti emot"
- "dispense with"
- "undvara/avvara"
- "display correctly"
- "visas korrekt"
- "disport oneself"
- "leka/roa sig"
- "dispossess of"
- "ber÷va"
- "do a sum"
- "rΣkna ett tal"
- "do not send"
- "skicka inte"
- "do without"
- "reda sig utan"
- "do you remember"
- "kommer du ihσg"
- "dodo dront"
- "dront"
- "does and does not do"
- "g÷r och inte g÷r"
- "does close"
- "stΣnger verkligen"
- "does not copy any"
- "kopierar inte nσgra"
- "does not have to"
- "beh÷ver inte"
- "doesn┤t have to"
- "beh÷ver inte"
- "domestic animal"
- "husdjur"
- "don't have"
- "har inte"
- "don't like"
- "tycker inte om"
- "don┤t like"
- "tycker inte om"
- "dote on"
- "vara mycket svag f÷r"
- "drive home"
- "slσ in/klarg÷ra"
- "drive letter"
- "enhetsbokstav"
- "driver's cab"
- "f÷rarhytt"
- "driving licence"
- "k÷rkort"
- "drop a brick"
- "trampa i klaveret"
- "drop a line"
- "skriva en rad"
- "drop in"
- "titta in"
- "drunken driving"
- "rattfylleri"
- "duty free"
- "tullfri"
- "dwell on"
- "dr÷ja vid"
- "e.g"
- "t.ex"
- "each other"
- "varandra"
- "easter monday"
- "annandag pσsk"
- "easter sunday"
- "pσskdagen"
- "easy work around"
- "enkla knep"
- "either or"
- "antingen eller/vare sig eller"
- "eke out"
- "fylla ut"
- "electric cord"
- "elsladd"
- "elementary school"
- "folkskola"
- "emergence door"
- "reservutgσng"
- "engineering industry"
- "verkstadsindustri"
- "enough and to spare"
- "nog och ÷vernog"
- "erratic block"
- "flyttblock"
- "estate and property agent"
- "fastighetsmΣklare"
- "even if"
- "Σven om"
- "even now"
- "redan nu"
- "even then"
- "redan dσ"
- "evening dress"
- "aftondrΣkt/frack"
- "every now and then"
- "dσ och dσ"
- "expectant mother"
- "blivande mor"
- "fabulous animal"
- "sagodjur"
- "face value"
- "nominellt vΣrde"
- "factory hand"
- "fabriksarbetare"
- "faint away"
- "dσna"
- "fair copy"
- "renskrift"
- "fair play"
- "rent spel"
- "fall asleep"
- "somna"
- "fallow deer"
- "dovhjort"
- "familiar with"
- "insatt"
- "family doctore"
- "huslΣkare"
- "family feud"
- "slΣktfejd"
- "fancy ball"
- "maskeradbal"
- "far and wide"
- "vitt och brett"
- "fast translation"
- "snabb÷versΣttning"
- "father in law"
- "svΣrfar"
- "fed up"
- "utled"
- "feel all right"
- "mσr bra"
- "feel cold"
- "frysa"
- "female cook"
- "kokerska"
- "fidget about"
- "oroligt flytta sig hit och dit"
- "figure out"
- "rΣkna ut"
- "file format"
- "filformat"
- "file manager"
- "filhanteraren"
- "filled up"
- "tankat"
- "find my bearings"
- "orienterar mig"
- "find out"
- "ta reda pσ"
- "finger print"
- "fingeravtryck"
- "fire arms"
- "skjutvapen"
- "fire brigade"
- "brandkσr"
- "fire engine"
- "brandspruta"
- "first night"
- "premiΣr"
- "fix up"
- "fixa"
- "flat pliers"
- "flacktσng"
- "flight of stairs"
- "trappa"
- "floating point"
- "flyttals"
- "floppy disk"
- "diskett"
- "fold up"
- "vika ihop"
- "foot a bill"
- "betala en rΣkning"
- "for all that"
- "Σndσ"
- "for dear life"
- "f÷r brinnande livet"
- "for free"
- "gratis"
- "for good"
- "f÷r alltid"
- "for hours"
- "i timtal"
- "for my sake"
- "f÷r min skull"
- "for now"
- "tillsvidare"
- "for sale"
- "till salu"
- "for shame"
- "fy skΣms"
- "for the duration"
- "sσ lΣnge nσgot varar"
- "for you"
- "σt dig"
- "foul play"
- "falskt spel"
- "frame up"
- "koka ihop/hitta pσ"
- "free and easy"
- "ogenerad"
- "free fight"
- "allmΣnt slagsmσl"
- "french window"
- "glasd÷rr"
- "from a child"
- "frσn barndomen"
- "from there"
- "dΣrifrσn"
- "from time immemorial"
- "hedenh÷s"
- "from within"
- "inifrσn"
- "front door"
- "huvudingσng"
- "front room"
- "rum σt gatan"
- "ft"
- "fot"
- "full boarding"
- "helpension"
- "full of beans"
- "i stΣmning"
- "full up"
- "fullsatt"
- "fundamental feature"
- "grunddrag"
- "fundamental principle"
- "grundprincip"
- "funeral service"
- "jordfΣstning"
- "furthermore, you can"
- "du kan dessutom"
- "gas company"
- "gasverk"
- "gauze bandage"
- "gasbinda"
- "get along"
- "klara sig"
- "get caught"
- "fastna"
- "get on"
- "trivas"
- "get rid of"
- "bli av med"
- "get sacked"
- "fσ sparken"
- "get the best of it"
- "dra det lΣngsta strσet"
- "get the better of"
- "fσ ÷vertag ÷ver"
- "get the sack"
- "fσ sparken"
- "gilt-edged securities"
- "guldkantade papper"
- "gingerbread biscuit"
- "pepparkaka"
- "girl guide"
- "flickscout"
- "give a start"
- "rycka till"
- "give in"
- "ge sig"
- "give warning"
- "sΣga upp/sΣga upp sig"
- "glad to see you"
- "vΣlkommen"
- "glare at"
- "glo"
- "go on"
- "fortsΣtta"
- "go out"
- "slockna"
- "go shopping"
- "handla"
- "go the whole hog"
- "ta steget fullt ut"
- "go without"
- "reda sig utan"
- "go wrong"
- "misslyckas"
- "go-ahead signal"
- "klar-signal"
- "gold bar"
- "guldtacka"
- "good form"
- "god ton"
- "good friday"
- "lσngfredag"
- "good nature"
- "gemytlighet"
- "good wishes"
- "vΣlgσngs÷nskningar"
- "great britain"
- "storbritanien"
- "great fun"
- "mycket roligt"
- "great grouse"
- "tjΣder"
- "ground floor"
- "bottenvσning"
- "grow worse"
- "f÷rvΣrras"
- "growing pains"
- "vΣxtvΣrk"
- "guided missile"
- "robotvapen"
- "h.p."
- "hΣstkrafter"
- "had a close shave"
- "hΣngde pσ ett hσr"
- "had a cold"
- "var f÷rkyld"
- "had a good time"
- "hade roligt"
- "handicraft product"
- "hantverksprodukt"
- "hard cash"
- "kontanter"
- "hard up"
- "ont om pengar"
- "hardware shop"
- "jΣrnaffΣr"
- "harp on"
- "gσ pσ med"
- "have a cold"
- "vara f÷rkyld"
- "have a good time"
- "ha roligt"
- "have a nice day"
- "ha en bra dag"
- "have brust"
- "har brustit"
- "have come"
- "har kommit"
- "have cost"
- "har kostat"
- "have crept"
- "har krupit"
- "have cut"
- "har skurit"
- "have had"
- "har haft"
- "have hit"
- "har trΣffat"
- "have hurt"
- "har skadat"
- "have received"
- "ha mottagit"
- "have the best of it"
- "dra det lΣngsta strσet"
- "have to"
- "mσste"
- "haven't got"
- "har inte"
- "haven┤t got"
- "har inte"
- "he has a bee in his bonnet"
- "han har en skruv l÷s"
- "he is excused"
- "han slipper"
- "he is pulling my leg"
- "han driver med mig"
- "he looked a mess"
- "han sσg ryslig ut"
- "head first"
- "huvudstupa"
- "head over heels"
- "hals ÷ver huvud"
- "heads or tails"
- "krona eller klave"
- "heard instrinct"
- "hjord-instinkt"
- "hearing aid"
- "h÷rapparat"
- "help yourself"
- "var sσ god"
- "helping hand"
- "hjΣlpande hand"
- "hey presto"
- "hokus pokus"
- "hi there"
- "hejsan"
- "high tea"
- "tesupΘ/kvΣllsmat"
- "highly recommended"
- "rekommenderas"
- "hire purchase"
- "avbetalning"
- "his lordship"
- "lorden/hans nσd"
- "hobsons choice"
- "intet val"
- "hold good"
- "hσlla streck"
- "hold one's own"
- "hΣvda sig"
- "hollow shaft"
- "hσlaxel"
- "holy communion"
- "nattvarden"
- "home truths"
- "beska sanningar"
- "homing pigeon"
- "brevduva"
- "horse's tail"
- "hΣstsvans"
- "hot key"
- "snabbtangent"
- "house martin"
- "hussvala"
- "house of commons"
- "underhuset"
- "how do you do"
- "god dag"
- "how on earth"
- "hur i all vΣrlden"
- "how to"
- "hur man"
- "hrs"
- "timmar"
- "human beeing"
- "mΣnniska"
- "hydro-electric power"
- "vattenkraft"
- "hysterical person"
- "hysteriker"
- "i am perfectly in earnest"
- "jag menar allvar"
- "i am sorry"
- "jag Σr ledsen"
- "i beg your pardon"
- "ursΣkta"
- "i don't have"
- "jag har inte"
- "i enjoy myself"
- "jag roar mig"
- "i fail to understand"
- "jag kan inte f÷rstσ"
- "i fend for myself"
- "jag reder mig sjΣlv"
- "i for one"
- "jag f÷r min del"
- "i put my foot down"
- "jag sΣger ifrσn"
- "i want to"
- "jag vill"
- "i'll think of something"
- "jag skall fundera ut nσgot"
- "i'm at a loss"
- "jag Σr villrσdig"
- "i'm at the end of my tether"
- "jag f÷rmσr inte mera"
- "i'm in a hurry"
- "jag har brσttom"
- "i'm inclined to"
- "jag har lust"
- "i'm lucky"
- "jag har tur"
- "i'm sorry"
- "f÷rlσt/tyvΣrr"
- "i'm unlucky"
- "jag har otur"
- "i'm wrong"
- "jag har fel"
- "i.e"
- "dvs"
- "i/o"
- "in/ut"
- "if running"
- "om du k÷r"
- "if so"
- "i sσ fall"
- "if you did not receive"
- "om du inte fick"
- "if you have received"
- "om du fσtt"
- "if you received"
- "om du fick"
- "ill at ease"
- "besvΣrad/orolig"
- "in a bad way"
- "illa dΣran"
- "in a blue funk"
- "skraj"
- "in a decided voice"
- "med bestΣmd r÷st"
- "in advance"
- "pσ f÷rhand"
- "in an undertone"
- "halvh÷gt/dΣmpat"
- "in case"
- "ifall"
- "in charge"
- "tjΣnstg÷rande"
- "in common"
- "gemensamt"
- "in compliance with"
- "i enlighet med"
- "in conformity with"
- "enligt"
- "in dead earnest"
- "pσ fullt allvar"
- "in due course"
- "i sinom tid"
- "in effect"
- "i sjΣlva verket"
- "in fact"
- "faktiskt"
- "in front of"
- "framf÷r"
- "in full"
- "till fullo"
- "in good shape"
- "i fin form"
- "in keeping with"
- "i stil med"
- "in lieu of"
- "i stΣllet f÷r"
- "in love"
- "f÷rΣlskad"
- "in order to"
- "f÷r att"
- "in other words"
- "med andra ord"
- "in particular"
- "i synnerhet"
- "in spite of"
- "trots"
- "in straitened circumstances"
- "under knappa omstΣndigheter"
- "in the day-time"
- "om dagen"
- "in the distance"
- "i fjΣrran"
- "in the mean time"
- "under tiden"
- "in the meantime"
- "under tiden"
- "in the middle of"
- "mitt uppe i"
- "in the midst of"
- "mitt i"
- "in the nick of time"
- "i grevens tid"
- "in the thick of"
- "mitt i/mitt uppe i"
- "in this way"
- "pσ detta vis"
- "in transit"
- "pσ genomresa"
- "in vain"
- "f÷rgΣves"
- "in view of"
- "med hΣnsyn till"
- "inasmuch as"
- "eftersom"
- "incendiary bomb"
- "brandbomb"
- "indoor sports"
- "inomhus-sport"
- "inquire into"
- "unders÷ka"
- "inside out"
- "ut och in"
- "insist on"
- "vidhσlla"
- "insomuch as"
- "i den mσn att"
- "instead of"
- "istΣllet f÷r"
- "interfere with"
- "st÷ra"
- "into the bargain"
- "till pσ k÷pet"
- "inverted commas"
- "citationstecken"
- "is activated"
- "aktiveras"
- "is chopped"
- "hackas"
- "is deteriorated"
- "f÷rsΣmras"
- "is dimmed"
- "f÷rdunklas"
- "is distibuted"
- "distribueras"
- "is distributed"
- "distribueras"
- "is enough"
- "rΣcker"
- "is exceptioned"
- "undantas"
- "is expected"
- "f÷rvΣntas"
- "is extended"
- "f÷rlΣngs"
- "is hatched"
- "klΣcks"
- "is linked"
- "lΣnkas"
- "is moved"
- "flyttas"
- "is needed"
- "beh÷vs"
- "is neglected"
- "nonchaleras"
- "is not visible"
- "syns inte"
- "is pasted"
- "klistras"
- "is placed"
- "placeras"
- "is read "
- "lΣses "
- "is redoubled"
- "f÷rdubblas"
- "is run "
- "k÷rs "
- "is saved"
- "sparas"
- "is shown"
- "visas"
- "is spread"
- "sprids"
- "is started"
- "startas"
- "is supported"
- "st÷ds"
- "is tiled"
- "staplas"
- "is updated"
- "uppdateras"
- "is used"
- "anvΣnds"
- "is using"
- "anvΣnder"
- "it beats me how"
- "begriper inte hur"
- "it dawned on me"
- "det gick upp f÷r mig"
- "it depends upon"
- "det beror pσ"
- "it is a failure"
- "misslyckat"
- "it is beyond me"
- "det ÷vergσr mitt f÷rstσnd"
- "it is due to"
- "det beror pσ"
- "it is enought"
- "rΣcker det med"
- "it is handed down"
- "det gσr i arv"
- "it is no concern of yours"
- "det angσr er inte"
- "it matters a lot"
- "det har stor betydelse"
- "it was a close thing"
- "det satt hσrt σt"
- "it's a pity"
- "det Σr synd"
- "it's me"
- "det Σr jag"
- "it's no use"
- "det tjΣnar ingenting till"
- "it's up to you"
- "det Σr din sak"
- "it's worth while"
- "det l÷nar sig"
- "jack of all trades"
- "tusenkonstnΣr"
- "jerusalem artichokes"
- "jordΣrtskockor"
- "jig-saw puzzle"
- "lΣggspel"
- "jigsaw puzzle"
- "pussel/lΣggspel"
- "jog one's memory"
- "friska upp minnet"
- "joint stock"
- "aktiekapital"
- "juniper bush"
- "enbuske"
- "just as"
- "precis som"
- "just what"
- "precis vad"
- "juvenile delinquency"
- "ungdomsbrottslighet"
- "keen on"
- "pigg pσ/f÷rtjust i"
- "keep sacred"
- "helighσlla"
- "keep up"
- "hσlla i gσng"
- "kick off"
- "avspark"
- "kick the bucket"
- "kola av"
- "kicking off"
- "sparka av"
- "kitchen garden"
- "k÷kstrΣdgσrd"
- "kitchen range"
- "k÷ksspis"
- "kith and kin"
- "slΣkt och vΣnner"
- "knitting needle"
- "strumpsticka"
- "labour exchange"
- "arbetsf÷rmedling"
- "laid up"
- "sΣngliggande"
- "land up"
- "hamna"
- "landed up"
- "hamnade"
- "last minute"
- "sista minuten"
- "last summer"
- "i somras"
- "lat."
- "latin"
- "laurel wreath"
- "lagerkrans"
- "lay figure"
- "skyltdocka"
- "lay the cloth"
- "duka"
- "lb."
- "pund"
- "leak out"
- "sippra ut"
- "lean back"
- "luta sig bakσt"
- "learn the ropes"
- "lΣra sig knepen"
- "least of all"
- "allra minst"
- "leave him to his own devices"
- "han fσr klara sig sσ gott han kan"
- "leave in the lurch"
- "lΣmna i sticket"
- "leave of absence"
- "permission"
- "leave off"
- "sluta"
- "left and right"
- "vΣnster och h÷ger"
- "left luggage office"
- "effektf÷rvaring"
- "left or right"
- "vΣnster eller h÷ger"
- "left out"
- "utelΣmnad"
- "let down"
- "svika"
- "lie down"
- "lΣgga sig"
- "lies down"
- "lΣgger sig"
- "life jacket"
- "flytvΣst"
- "listen in"
- "h÷ra radio"
- "live wire"
- "str÷mf÷rande ledning"
- "loads of"
- "massor av"
- "local government"
- "kommunal sjΣlvstyrelse"
- "lock up"
- "lσsa in"
- "look for"
- "leta efter"
- "look forward to"
- "lΣngtar efter"
- "lost in"
- "f÷rdjupad i"
- "love from"
- "kΣra hΣlsningar frσn"
- "lucky day"
- "lyckodag"
- "luggage rack"
- "bagagehylla"
- "lump sum"
- "klump-summa"
- "lunar eclipse"
- "mσnf÷rm÷rkelse"
- "maiden name"
- "flicknamn"
- "maiden speech"
- "jungfrutal"
- "mail-order firm"
- "postorderfirma"
- "main meny"
- "huvudmeny"
- "main purpose"
- "huvudsyfte"
- "make a fuss"
- "brσka"
- "make a living"
- "f÷rs÷rja sig"
- "make a mess of"
- "f÷rdΣrva"
- "make allowance for"
- "ta hΣnsyn till"
- "make both ends meet"
- "fσ det att gσ ihop"
- "make free"
- "frig÷ra"
- "make fun of"
- "g÷ra narr av"
- "make no bones about it"
- "inte tveka att"
- "make sense"
- "ge mening"
- "make shift"
- "s÷ka reda sig"
- "makes no differens"
- "kvittar"
- "manage to"
- "lyckas"
- "managing director"
- "verkstΣllande direkt÷r"
- "many happy returns"
- "hjΣrtliga lyck÷nskningar pσ f÷delsedagen"
- "martial law"
- "belΣgringstillstσnd"
- "maternal aunt"
- "moster"
- "maternity clinic"
- "m÷dravσrdscentral"
- "matter of course"
- "en sjΣlvklar sak"
- "meat broth"
- "k÷ttsoppa"
- "medical treatment"
- "sjukvσrd"
- "men's room"
- "herrtoalett"
- "metric system"
- "meter-system"
- "middle ages"
- "medeltiden"
- "military service"
- "vΣrnplikt"
- "mistake for"
- "f÷rvΣxla med"
- "mix up"
- "f÷rvΣxla"
- "money order"
- "postanvisning"
- "more and more"
- "allt mer"
- "more difficult"
- "svσrare"
- "morning coat"
- "jackett"
- "most distinguished"
- "f÷rnΣmst"
- "most suitable"
- "lΣmpligast"
- "much obliged"
- "tack sσ mycket"
- "much the same"
- "ungefΣr detsamma"
- "multiplied by"
- "multiplicerat med"
- "multiuser system"
- "fleranvΣndarsystem"
- "musical scale"
- "tonskala"
- "must not"
- "fσr inte"
- "my family"
- "mina anh÷riga"
- "my friend"
- "min vΣn"
- "my name is"
- "jag heter"
- "national anthem"
- "nationalsσng"
- "native country"
- "fosterland"
- "neither nor"
- "varken eller"
- "never mind"
- "bry er inte om det"
- "next of kin"
- "nΣrmaste slΣkting"
- "night traffic"
- "nattrafik"
- "nip in the bud"
- "kvΣva i sin linda"
- "nitric acid"
- "salpetersyra"
- "no doubt"
- "utan tvivel"
- "no end of"
- "fullt upp med"
- "no one"
- "ingen"
- "non-aggression pact"
- "icke-angreppspakt"
- "none the less"
- "inte desto mindre"
- "not a few"
- "inte sσ fσ"
- "not a fig"
- "inte ett dugg"
- "not a whit"
- "inte ett dugg"
- "not amiss"
- "inte ur vΣgen"
- "not at all"
- "inte alls"
- "not even"
- "inte ens"
- "not half bad"
- "inte illa"
- "not till"
- "inte f÷rrΣn"
- "not until"
- "inte f÷rrΣn"
- "noughts and crosses"
- "luffarschack"
- "now and again"
- "dσ och dσ"
- "nuclear power"
- "kΣrnkraft"
- "nuddle through"
- "krσngla sig igenom"
- "of age"
- "myndig"
- "of course"
- "naturligtvis"
- "of late"
- "pσ sista tiden"
- "of my own accord"
- "sjΣlvmant"
- "oh dear"
- "aj aj"
- "oh lord"
- "herre gud"
- "oh yes"
- "jodσ"
- "on a account of"
- "pσ grund av"
- "on board"
- "ombord"
- "on duty"
- "tjΣnstg÷rande/vakthavande"
- "on edge"
- "ivrig"
- "on horseback"
- "till hΣst"
- "on my behalf"
- "f÷r min skull/σ mina vΣgnar"
- "on no account"
- "pσ inga villkor"
- "on purpose"
- "avsiktligt"
- "on sale"
- "till salu"
- "on second thoughts"
- "vid nΣrmare eftertanke"
- "on the alert"
- "pσ sin vakt"
- "on the carpet"
- "pσ tapeten"
- "on the contrary"
- "tvΣrtom"
- "on the face of it"
- "ytligt sett"
- "on the whole"
- "pσ det hela taget"
- "on top"
- "÷verst"
- "on which"
- "varpσ"
- "once in a blue moon"
- "sΣllan eller aldrig"
- "once in a while"
- "dσ och dσ"
- "once installation"
- "nΣr installationen"
- "once the installation"
- "nΣr installationen"
- "one another"
- "varandra"
- "one of these days"
- "endera dagen"
- "ontop of"
- "ovanpσ"
- "open-air bath"
- "friluftsbad"
- "opt for"
- "uttala sig f÷r"
- "optional features"
- "extra tillbeh÷r"
- "out of breath"
- "andfσdd"
- "out of date"
- "omodern"
- "out of doors"
- "utomhus"
- "out of favour"
- "i onσd"
- "out of order"
- "trasig"
- "out of sorts"
- "inte riktigt kry"
- "out of temper"
- "pσ dσligt hum÷r"
- "over again"
- "om igen"
- "overhead expenses"
- "fasta driftkostnader"
- "overhead wires"
- "luftledningar"
- "owing to"
- "pσ grund av"
- "p.m."
- "pσ eftermiddagen"
- "pack of cards"
- "kortlek"
- "parcel post"
- "postpaket"
- "parking place"
- "parkeringsplats"
- "part company"
- "skiljas"
- "partake of"
- "inta/Σta"
- "pave the way"
- "bana vΣg"
- "pearl necklace"
- "pΣrlhalsband"
- "pedestrian crossing"
- "÷vergσngsstΣlle"
- "pent up"
- "instΣngd/inspΣrrad"
- "perk up"
- "kvickna till/br÷sta sig"
- "personal registration code"
- "personlig registreringskod"
- "peter out"
- "ta slut"
- "petty officer"
- "underofficer"
- "phrase book"
- "parl÷r"
- "picture postcard"
- "vykort"
- "pidgin english"
- "engelsk rotvΣlska i papua"
- "pine tree"
- "tall"
- "pissed off"
- "besviken/f÷rbannad"
- "play truant"
- "skolka"
- "plead guilty"
- "erkΣnna sig skyldig"
- "plenty of"
- "gott om"
- "poach eggs"
- "f÷rlorade Σgg"
- "point for"
- "poΣng f÷r"
- "point of vantage"
- "f÷rdelaktig stΣllning"
- "point of view"
- "synpunkt"
- "point of views"
- "synpunkter"
- "point out"
- "pσpeka"
- "points for"
- "poΣng f÷r"
- "pop in"
- "titta in"
- "postal mail"
- "brevpost"
- "pouring rain"
- "hΣllregn"
- "practical joke"
- "spratt"
- "presence of mind"
- "sinnesnΣrvaro"
- "press cuttings"
- "tidningsurklipp"
- "price reduction"
- "prissΣnkning"
- "primarily value"
- "ursprungsvΣrde"
- "primary school"
- "grundskola/folkskola"
- "print preview"
- "f÷rhandsgranskning"
- "printers error"
- "tryckfel"
- "prisoner of war"
- "krigsfσnge"
- "privy council"
- "riksrσdet"
- "processor type"
- "processortyp"
- "program manager"
- "programhanteraren"
- "provide for"
- "f÷rs÷rja"
- "public domain"
- "till allmΣnhetens f÷rfogande"
- "public health"
- "hΣlsovσrd"
- "public school"
- "internatskola"
- "pull through"
- "klara"
- "purveyor to the king"
- "hovleverant÷r"
- "put the weight"
- "st÷ta kula"
- "put up at"
- "uppsatt pσ/ta in pσ"
- "put up with"
- "finna sig i"
- "putting the shot"
- "kulst÷tning"
- "quite a while"
- "ganska lΣnge"
- "r.a.f."
- "engelska flygvapnet"
- "radial tyre"
- "g÷rdel-dΣck"
- "rain cats and dogs"
- "sp÷regna"
- "raw materials-based"
- "rσvarubaserad"
- "reach you"
- "nσ dig"
- "ready-made clothes"
- "konfektion"
- "real estate"
- "fast egendom"
- "red deer"
- "kronhjort"
- "red indian"
- "indian"
- "redish brown"
- "r÷dbrun"
- "reference point"
- "referenspunkt"
- "registered users"
- "registrerade anvΣndare"
- "reinforced concrete"
- "armerad betong"
- "relay race"
- "stafettlopp"
- "residential area"
- "bostadsomrσde"
- "rewersed words"
- "baklΣngesord"
- "roam around"
- "flacka omkring"
- "roller skate"
- "rullskridsko"
- "rolling hoop"
- "rullband"
- "roof rack"
- "takrΣcke"
- "roofing tile"
- "taktegel"
- "royal airforce"
- "engelska flygvapnet"
- "rubber band"
- "gummisnodd"
- "rubber elastic"
- "gummiband"
- "rubber mattress"
- "gummimadrass"
- "rubber stamp"
- "gummistΣmpel"
- "run amuck"
- "bli vild"
- "run down"
- "springa omkull/k÷ra omkull"
- "run dry"
- "torka ut"
- "run setup"
- "k÷r setup"
- "rush hours"
- "rusningstrafik"
- "safety belt"
- "sΣkerhetsbΣlte"
- "safety lock"
- "sΣkerhetslσs"
- "safety razor"
- "rakhyvel"
- "santa claus"
- "jultomten"
- "scotch fir"
- "tall"
- "scrambled eggs"
- "Σggr÷ra"
- "scrape through"
- "trassla sig igenom"
- "screwed up"
- "misslyckades"
- "seaside place"
- "badort"
- "seaside resort"
- "badort"
- "seat reservation"
- "platsbiljett"
- "second cousin"
- "syssling"
- "secondary school"
- "lΣroverk"
- "secretary of state"
- "statsrσd"
- "see eye to eye with"
- "Σr av alldeles samma mening"
- "send for"
- "skicka efter"
- "send to coventry"
- "bojkotta/isolera"
- "set as"
- "instΣlld som"
- "sew on"
- "sy i/sy fast"
- "shifting sand"
- "flygsand"
- "ship's bell"
- "skeppsklocka"
- "shoot pictures"
- "fotografera"
- "short circuit"
- "kortslutning"
- "short cut"
- "genvΣg"
- "short of"
- "utan"
- "short story"
- "novell"
- "show off"
- "briljera/briljera med"
- "shut out"
- "utestΣnga"
- "shut up"
- "hσlla mun"
- "singel file"
- "gσsmarsch"
- "size up"
- "bed÷ma/taxera"
- "skin a flint"
- "snσla"
- "sleeping bag"
- "sovsΣck"
- "sleeping car"
- "sovvagn"
- "sly dog"
- "lurifax"
- "small beer"
- "svagdricka"
- "snub nose"
- "trubbnΣsa"
- "snuggle up to"
- "krypa tΣtt intill i bΣdden"
- "snuggled down in bed"
- "kr÷p ner sΣngen"
- "so do i"
- "det g÷r jag ocksσ"
- "so to speak"
- "s.a.s."
- "social meeting"
- "sΣllskapssamkvΣm"
- "social security"
- "socialbidrag"
- "some other place"
- "nσgon annanstans"
- "somebody else"
- "nσgon annan"
- "something like that"
- "nσgonting sσdant"
- "speed gain"
- "hastighetsvinst"
- "speed of reading"
- "lΣs-snabbhet"
- "spell checker"
- "stavningskontroll"
- "spell checking"
- "stavningskontroll"
- "spinal cord"
- "ryggmΣrg"
- "stage manager"
- "regiss÷r"
- "start all over"
- "b÷rja pσ nytt"
- "stave off"
- "avvΣrja"
- "stay tuned"
- "stanna kvar"
- "step up"
- "÷ka"
- "sterling gold"
- "rent guld"
- "sterling silver"
- "rent silver"
- "stock exchange"
- "b÷rs"
- "stop dead"
- "tvΣrstanna"
- "stop short"
- "tvΣrstanna"
- "straight away"
- "genast"
- "straight on"
- "rakt fram"
- "straighten out"
- "reda ut"
- "straitened circumstances"
- "knappa omstΣndigheter"
- "strictly speaking"
- "strΣngt taget"
- "stroll about"
- "flanera"
- "subsoil water"
- "grundvatten"
- "such as"
- "sσ som"
- "sum up"
- "sammanfatta"
- "swedish turnip"
- "kσlrot"
- "switch off"
- "koppla av"
- "switch on"
- "koppla pσ"
- "table of contents"
- "innehσllsf÷rteckning"
- "take after"
- "likna"
- "take care of"
- "ta hand om"
- "take exception to"
- "ogilla"
- "take for granted"
- "ta f÷r givet"
- "take heed"
- "akta sig"
- "take it easy"
- "tag det lugnt"
- "take leave of"
- "ta avsked"
- "take notice of"
- "lΣgga mΣrke till"
- "take place"
- "Σga rum"
- "take pot-luck"
- "hσlla till godo med vad huset f÷rmσr"
- "take stock"
- "inventera"
- "talk round"
- "÷vertala"
- "talk shop"
- "prata affΣrer"
- "talk wildly"
- "prata i nattm÷ssan"
- "tax reduction"
- "skattesΣnkning"
- "tax return"
- "sjΣlvdeklaration"
- "telephone number"
- "telefonnummer"
- "tell tales"
- "skvallra"
- "tennis court"
- "tennisbana"
- "terms of payment"
- "betalningsvillkor"
- "text editor"
- "texteditor"
- "text file editor"
- "texteditor"
- "thank you"
- "tack"
- "thank's"
- "tack sσ mycket"
- "that is a bargain"
- "det Σr avgjort"
- "that there"
- "att det"
- "that tracks"
- "som spσrar upp"
- "that's it"
- "sσ Σr det"
- "the alphabeth"
- "alfabetet"
- "the animal"
- "djuret"
- "the authorities"
- "myndigheterna"
- "the back of the neck"
- "nacken"
- "the baltic"
- "÷stersj÷n"
- "the bathroom"
- "badrummet"
- "the benchmark"
- "bΣnktestet"
- "the body politic"
- "staten"
- "the british"
- "britterna"
- "the button"
- "knappen"
- "the buttons"
- "knapparna"
- "the catalogs"
- "katalogerna"
- "the channel"
- "engelska kanalen"
- "the check"
- "checken"
- "the colonel"
- "÷versten"
- "the computer"
- "datorn"
- "the contribution"
- "bidraget"
- "the corner "
- "h÷rnet "
- "the corporation"
- "bolaget"
- "the creator"
- "skaparen"
- "the crime "
- "brottet "
- "the cursor"
- "muspekaren"
- "the death "
- "d÷den "
- "the deceased"
- "den avlidne"
- "the depth"
- "djupet"
- "the dipper"
- "karlavagnen"
- "the disk label"
- "diskettens etikett"
- "the document"
- "dokumentet"
- "the documentation"
- "dokumentationen"
- "the documents"
- "dokumenten"
- "the doll"
- "dockan"
- "the door"
- "d÷rren"
- "the drug"
- "drogen"
- "the element"
- "elementet"
- "the english"
- "engelsmΣnnen"
- "the enter-button"
- "enter-tangenten"
- "the entire set of"
- "alla"
- "the file "
- "filen "
- "the filename"
- "filnamnet"
- "the five of diamonds"
- "ruter fem"
- "the floppy"
- "disketten"
- "the flowers"
- "blommorna"
- "the former"
- "den f÷rre"
- "the french"
- "fransmΣnnen"
- "the function"
- "funktionen"
- "the galaxy"
- "vintergatan"
- "the game"
- "spelet"
- "the gamepad"
- "spelplanen"
- "the gift of the gab"
- "smort munlΣder"
- "the globe"
- "jordklotet"
- "the government"
- "myndigheten"
- "the graphics"
- "grafiken"
- "the helpfile"
- "hjΣlpfilen"
- "the holes"
- "hσlen"
- "the holy scriptures"
- "skriften/bibeln"
- "the housing problem"
- "bostadsfrσgan"
- "the image "
- "bilden"
- "the irish"
- "irlΣndarna"
- "the keyboard "
- "tangentbordet"
- "the laity"
- "lekmΣnnen"
- "the languages"
- "sprσkens"
- "the last but one"
- "den nΣst sista"
- "the latest craze"
- "sista skriket"
- "the lightning"
- "blixten"
- "the list "
- "listan"
- "the lord"
- "gud"
- "the lot"
- "alltihop"
- "the lowlands of scotland"
- "skottlands lσgland"
- "the main program"
- "huvudprogrammet"
- "the mediterranean"
- "medelhavet"
- "the menu"
- "menyn"
- "the milky way"
- "vintergatan"
- "the mountains"
- "bergen"
- "the mouse"
- "musen"
- "the mousearrow"
- "muspilen"
- "the nape of the neck"
- "nacken"
- "the netherlands"
- "nederlΣnderna"
- "the number of"
- "antalet"
- "the original text"
- "originaltexten"
- "the other day"
- "hΣromdagen"
- "the other way around"
- "vice versa"
- "the owner's"
- "innehavarens"
- "the pacific ocean"
- "stilla havet"
- "the passengers"
- "passagerarna"
- "the penetration"
- "genomslagskraften"
- "the people"
- "mΣnniskorna"
- "the people's"
- "folkets"
- "the philosophy"
- "filosofin"
- "the phrase-database"
- "frasbasen"
- "the pictures"
- "bio"
- "the plot"
- "intrigen"
- "the policy-holder"
- "f÷rsΣkringstagaren"
- "the population"
- "folkmΣngden"
- "the possibility"
- "m÷jligheten"
- "the principality wales"
- "furstend÷met wales"
- "the principle"
- "principen"
- "the print preview"
- "f÷rhandsgranskningen"
- "the printer"
- "skrivaren"
- "the printout"
- "utskriften"
- "the printout "
- "utskriften"
- "the privilege"
- "f÷rmσnen"
- "the problem"
- "problemet"
- "the product"
- "produkten"
- "the product-development"
- "produkt-utvecklingen"
- "the profession"
- "yrket"
- "the program"
- "programmet"
- "the programfiles"
- "programfilernas"
- "the programmer"
- "programmeraren"
- "the programmer's"
- "programmerarens"
- "the programs"
- "programmets"
- "the promotion"
- "frΣmjandet"
- "the prompts"
- "uppmaningarna"
- "the prophet"
- "profeten"
- "the public weal"
- "det allmΣnna bΣsta"
- "the public's"
- "publikens"
- "the publisher"
- "utgivaren"
- "the ravine"
- "ravinen"
- "the readers"
- "lΣsarna"
- "the resolution"
- "uppl÷sningen"
- "the response"
- "responsen"
- "the rest"
- "resten"
- "the result"
- "resultatet"
- "the results"
- "resultaten"
- "the revaluation"
- "omvΣrderingen"
- "the revenge"
- "hΣmnden"
- "the right to"
- "rΣtten att"
- "the rocky mountains"
- "klippiga bergen"
- "the romans"
- "romarna"
- "the roundabout"
- "rondellen"
- "the runner"
- "l÷paren"
- "the russians"
- "ryssarna"
- "the same"
- "detsamma"
- "the school-mistress"
- "lΣrarinnan"
- "the scientists"
- "forskarna"
- "the screen-resolution"
- "bildskΣrms-uppl÷sningen"
- "the seamy"
- "avigsidan"
- "the searchresult"
- "s÷kresultatet"
- "the selection"
- "markeringen"
- "the sentences"
- "meningarna"
- "the society's"
- "sΣllskapets"
- "the source-code"
- "kΣllkoden"
- "the space"
- "utrymmet"
- "the speed"
- "hastigheten"
- "the spellchecker"
- "stavningskontrollen"
- "the spice"
- "kryddan"
- "the square"
- "kvadraten"
- "the statistics"
- "statistiken"
- "the stock exchange"
- "b÷rsen"
- "the subject"
- "Σmnet"
- "the subsoil water"
- "grundvattnet"
- "the suit-case"
- "kappsΣcken"
- "the sum"
- "summan"
- "the sun"
- "solen"
- "the systemfile"
- "systemfilen"
- "the systemfiles"
- "systemfilernas"
- "the task "
- "uppgiften"
- "the taskbar"
- "programvΣxlaren"
- "the telephone number"
- "telefonnumret"
- "the text"
- "texten"
- "the textbox"
- "textrutan"
- "the threat"
- "hotet"
- "the tile"
- "brickan"
- "the toolbar's"
- "verktygsradens"
- "the tools"
- "redskapen"
- "the translation"
- "÷versΣttningen"
- "the translation work"
- "÷versΣttningsarbetet"
- "the trespassing"
- "intrσnget"
- "the type of"
- "arten av"
- "the uppdating"
- "uppdaterandet"
- "the user"
- "anvΣndaren"
- "the user-license"
- "anvΣndarlicensen"
- "the very best"
- "det allra bΣsta"
- "the vocabelfiles"
- "glosfilerna"
- "the vocables"
- "glosorna"
- "the vocabulary-list"
- "gloslistan"
- "the vocabulary-lists"
- "gloslistorna"
- "the vocabularytest-files"
- "glosf÷rh÷rsfilerna"
- "the voters"
- "vΣljarna"
- "the waiting"
- "vΣntandet"
- "the watch"
- "klockan"
- "the web-pages"
- "hemsidorna"
- "the winner"
- "vinnaren"
- "the word"
- "ordet"
- "the word-database"
- "ordbasen"
- "the word-databases"
- "ordbasens"
- "the words"
- "glosorna"
- "the work"
- "arbetet"
- "the world"
- "vΣrlden"
- "then please"
- "var dσ snΣll och"
- "ther justice"
- "rΣttvisan"
- "they say"
- "man sΣger"
- "think better of it"
- "tΣnka nΣrmare pσ saken"
- "this morning"
- "i morse"
- "this will do"
- "det hΣr duger"
- "tide over"
- "hjΣlpa ÷ver"
- "time and again"
- "tid efter annan"
- "tip of the day"
- "snabbtips"
- "tit mouse"
- "mes"
- "to a nicety"
- "precis lagom"
- "to and fro"
- "hit och dit/fram och tillbaka"
- "to be happy"
- "att vara lycklig"
- "to founder"
- "att sjunka"
- "to install"
- "f÷r att installera"
- "to my knowledge"
- "sσ vitt jag vet"
- "to no purpose"
- "f÷rgΣves"
- "to the east"
- "σt ÷ster"
- "to the right"
- "till h÷ger"
- "to try to"
- "att f÷rs÷ka"
- "toe the line"
- "lyda order"
- "total abstainer"
- "helnykterist"
- "tourist class"
- "turistklass"
- "town council"
- "stadsfullmΣktige"
- "trade union"
- "fackf÷rening"
- "training college"
- "seminarium"
- "travel agency"
- "resebyrσ"
- "travel agent"
- "resebyrσ"
- "travel check"
- "resecheck"
- "trip along"
- "trippa"
- "triple jump"
- "trestegshopp"
- "troop the colours"
- "g÷ra parad f÷r fanan"
- "tropic of capricorn"
- "stenbockens vΣndkrets"
- "tuft of grass"
- "grΣstuva"
- "tune in to"
- "ta in pσ radio"
- "turn off"
- "stΣng av"
- "turn turtle"
- "kapsejsa"
- "turn wheels"
- "hjula"
- "turned off"
- "avstΣngda"
- "turns off"
- "stΣnger av"
- "tv room"
- "tvrum"
- "two days ago"
- "f÷r tvσ dagar sen"
- "university graduate"
- "akademiker"
- "up a tree"
- "i klΣmma"
- "up to"
- "upp till"
- "up to date"
- "modern"
- "up to town"
- "in till stan"
- "upside down"
- "upp och ner"
- "us$"
- "usa dollar"
- "usage of language"
- "sprσkbruk"
- "used to"
- "van vid"
- "user's guide"
- "handledning"
- "user's manual"
- "handbok"
- "vacuum cleaner"
- "dammsugare"
- "venetian blind"
- "persienn"
- "very lately"
- "helt nyligen"
- "vocal cord"
- "stΣmband"
- "wait on"
- "passa upp pσ"
- "want to use"
- "vill anvΣnda"
- "ward off"
- "avvΣrja"
- "was cheated"
- "lurades"
- "was copied"
- "kopierades"
- "was invented"
- "uppfanns"
- "was linked"
- "lΣnkades"
- "was named"
- "hette"
- "was updated"
- "uppdaterades"
- "wash up"
- "diska"
- "waste-paper basket"
- "papperskorg"
- "wear out"
- "slita ut"
- "weather forecast"
- "vΣderleksrapport"
- "weigh anchor"
- "lΣtta ankar"
- "well off"
- "vΣlbΣrgad"
- "wend one's way"
- "styra sina steg"
- "wet paint"
- "nymσlad"
- "what about you"
- "hur tΣnker du"
- "what do you mean"
- "vad menar du"
- "what is at stake"
- "vad stσr pσ spel"
- "what the dickens"
- "vad tusan"
- "what the hell"
- "vad i helvete"
- "what's up"
- "vad stσr pσ"
- "where mixed"
- "blandades"
- "whether or"
- "vare sig eller"
- "whit monday"
- "annandag pingst"
- "whit sunday"
- "pingstdagen"
- "white elephant"
- "ekonomisk b÷rda"
- "white grouse"
- "ripa"
- "wind up"
- "dra upp"
- "wine bottle"
- "vinflaska"
- "wink at"
- "se genom fingrarna med"
- "wipe out"
- "utplσna"
- "wish for"
- "lΣngta efter"
- "with a vengeance"
- "i h÷gsta grad"
- "with features like"
- "med finesser som"
- "with impunity"
- "ostraffat"
- "with might and main"
- "av alla krafter"
- "word of honour"
- "hedersord"
- "word to find"
- "s÷kord"
- "word wrap"
- "radbrytning"
- "word wrapping"
- "radbrytning"
- "work around"
- "knep"
- "would fain"
- "skulle gΣrna vilja"
- "wry face"
- "grimas"
- "you've always"
- "du alltid har"
- "yours affectionately"
- "din tillgivne"
- "yours faithfully"
- "h÷gaktningsfullt"
- "yours sincerely"
- "din tillgivne"
- "yours truly"
- "h÷gaktningsfullt"
- "youth club"
- "ungdomsgσrd"
- "youth hostel"
- "vandrarhem"
- "zebra crossing"
- "÷vergσngstΣlle"