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- [ 15 January 1998
- The Linux Pager mini-HOWTO is not being maintained by
- the author any more. If you are interested in maintaining the
- Pager mini-HOWTO, please get in touch with me at
- <gregh@sunsite.unc.edu>. ]
- Originally Drafted: Sun Jun 23 17:55:14 MDT 1996
- Revised: 29 August 1997
- The
- Linux Alphanumeric Pager Gateway Mini-HOWTO
- by Chris Snell
- chris@unm.dorm.net
- http://www.cs.unm.edu/~chris
- +-----------------------------------------+
- | The latest version of this document is |
- | always available at the Pager FTP site: |
- | ftp://ftp.cs.unm.edu/pub/chris/paging |
- +-----------------------------------------+
- ---------------------
- This document sucks. I'm not a technical writer, nor do I plan to be one.
- I had a hard enough time pasing my English Composition class last semester.
- If anything, this document provides too much detail. If you have half a
- brain, some sendmail experience and some experience with modems, skim this
- thing. Otherwise, read on.
- If you blow up your computer/pager/modem or ruin your company network trying
- to set this up, go whine to your mother. Most likely, you won't mess up
- anything but I should warn you that sendmail is a tricky thing to play with
- and you will definitely be playing with it if you follow this document.
- --------
- This mini-HOWTO will describe how to set up an alphanumeric paging
- gateway on any linux machine. Your gateway will be able to send messages
- originating from both the World Wide Web and the Internet e-mail system
- to your alphanumeric pager. This is especially convienent, because no
- special skills are required for someone to send a message to your pager.
- All they must be able to do is use e-mail or the World Wide Web.
- This document does not cover the setup of paging gateways which are intended
- to send messages to non-alphanumeric (ie numbers-only) pagers or voice pagers.
- You'll need to look elsewhere for that information.
- -------------
- - one or more alphanumeric pagers (see the ABOUT ALPHANUMERIC PAGERS section)
- - a machine running linux
- - a working modem (documentation reccomended!)
- - a telephone line
- - an Internet connection (if you wish to use the WWW interface and the
- net-wide e-mail interface)
- - compiler tools (gcc, make, etc. and some basic knowledge of their use.)
- - the sendmail electronic mail handler (you probably have this)
- - a working httpd (web server) if you want to create a WWW interface
- --------------------------
- Alphanumeric pagers are available from most reputable paging companies
- (and even some non-reputable ones ;-)). The prices range, but you should
- be able to pick up a good one for less than $200. I paid $180 for mine
- (and probably paid too much).
- Here are some things to look for when you go shopping for your pager:
- - Is this a name brand (ie. Motorola or the like) pager?
- - *MOST IMPORTANT* Does this pager support paging via a dialup line
- provided by your pager company? (See THE DIALUP PAGING LINE section)
- - Does it's memory have enough room for the pages you wish to recieve?
- - How reputable is the company? (See THE DIALUP PAGING LINE section)
- I don't work for any pager manufacturers but I wholeheartedly reccommend
- the Motorola line of pagers. I own one myself and will testify to their
- reliability and durability. In fact, mine has been dropped onto the
- concrete on many occaisions and did not sustain so much as a chipped case.
- You can find this line of pagers on Motorola's web site at:
- http://www.mot.com/MIMS/MSPG/Products/Alpha/
- ----------------------
- In order for your gateway to work, we need a way to deliver the messages
- to your paging company, which encodes them and transmits them over
- the air to your pager. This is done via a dialup (modem) connection
- with your paging company. Without this connection, you cannot setup
- a paging gateway. Therefore, it is very important that your paging
- company have such a dialup line. Unfortunately, many paging companies
- either do not have such a dialup line or do not know about the line they
- have. When inquiring with a paging company about this line, I found it
- helpful to ask if they could provide "computer software to send an
- alphanumeric page with". If they make available such software, you can
- bet that they make the dialup line availble that is necessary to use it.
- ----------------------------
- The dialup line is simply a modem on a remote computer (or possibly some
- kind of specialized box). The modem usually connects at
- 300-1200bps, although some (including my provider's) connect using v.22b
- at speeds up to 2400bps. Once the connection is made, your computer
- sends the page to the remote site by using a protocol known as TAP
- (formerly known as IXO). You do not need to know the details of this
- protocol, but if you are interested, check out the following document on
- my ftp site:
- ftp://ftp.cs.unm.edu/pub/chris/paging/ixo.txt
- --------------------------
- Before we proceed, I will provide a brief explanation of how the
- e-mail->pager gateway will work. The WWW gateway is similar and will be
- explained later.
- 1. A message intended for your pager is sent by someone via e-mail to
- a special address on your linux machine.
- 2. Your machine, using sendmail, accepts the message and routes it to
- a filter program, which strips the message of it's header and parses
- out important information like the sender's name and e-mail address
- and the subject of the message. This filter also strips the
- message of any .signature lines so that they do not clog your pager
- with unimportant information.
- 3. The paging filter passes the message onwards to the "sendpage"
- paging software which queues it for delivery.
- 4. Sendpage then dials your paging company's dialup line and (using
- TAP) sends the message.
- 5. Your paging company then beams the message to your pager over the
- radio waves.
- -------------------
- The setup of the gateway will consist of four parts:
- - setting up sendpage
- - (optionally) getting a special DNS entry added for your paging gateway
- - setting up linux to handle multiple IP addresses
- - setting up sendmail to handle the message routing
- - setting up the World Wide Web interface
- --------------------
- Every peice of software necessary to set up this product can be obtained
- from my home site, ftp://ftp.cs.unm.edu/pub/chris/paging. I will try to
- keep these files current but will also list the alternate sites for
- the packages required.
- --------------
- Sendpage is the most important component of your paging gateway. To get
- anywhere in this project, you will need to obtain this software and
- compile it on your machine. The sendpage software can be obtained via
- ftp at:
- ftp://ftp.net.ohio-state.edu/pub/pagers/sendpage7a.tar.Z
- or from my machine:
- ftp://ftp.cs.unm.edu/pub/chris/paging/sendpage/sendpage7a.tar.Z
- Create a "paging" subdirectory somewhere. Fetch this software and unpack it
- (tar zxvf) in the paging directory.
- At this point, I would strongly suggest that you read over all the
- configuration information and README and INSTALL files in the sendpage
- package. However, you should probably ignore all the discussion on the
- setup of sendmail and instead rely on my procedure.
- Follow the instructions in the INSTALL file for compiling sendpage. Here
- are a few notes about the settings in the sendpage.h file which you will
- need to edit:
- - Make sure you have the "#define ARSYSTEM_NOTIFIER" line commented out
- (using "/*" and "*/") unless you own the commercial Remedy system monitor
- package.
- - Following the ARSYSTEM_NOTIFIER line, there are a few Linux (POSIX)
- specific lines that need to be defined:
- #define POSIX_OPEN
- - For the modem definition, I recommend using:
- #define MODEM_DEV "/dev/modem"
- or "/dev/cua0" [com 1] or "/dev/cua1" [com 2] etc....
- - For the modem init, I use the simple string and rely on NVRAM settings
- instead:
- - I use RTS/CTS flow control:
- - and DTR toggle
- #define TOGGLE_DTR
- *** If you are interested, my sendpage.cf is available in it's entirety
- from my ftp site at:
- ftp://ftp.cs.unm.edu/pub/chris/paging/sendpage/sendpage.h.example
- ----------------------
- I use a ZyXEL 1496+ which seems to work fine with sendpage. With other
- modems, your milage may vary (possibly for the better). Although your
- paging company's modem (referred to by sendpage as "Paging Central")
- could very well be different from mine, you may want to try this setup to
- see if it works. You should have your modem manual handy as a reference
- for the proper init string. Here is what I have set:
- - Modem set to v.22bis 2400/1200 protocol (*no* auto-negotiate)
- - Serial port at 1200bps
- Your init string (sendpage.h) should already take care of:
- - Numeric (non-text) responses [these are a must!] ie:
- 0 for "OK"
- 5 for "CONNECT 1200"
- 7 for "BUSY"
- In order for sendpage to work, it must be able to access the modem. This
- requires read/write permissions to the modem device. On my system,
- sendpage is run set-uid to the username "sendpage". In my /etc/group
- file, I have a group called "modem" of which the user "sendpage" is a
- member. The device file for my modem (/dev/cua1) is owned by user "root"
- and group "modem". It is readable and writeable by both the owner and
- the group (chown root.modem /dev/cua1 ; chmod ug+w /dev/cua1).
- -----------------------
- Here are the build options I use for Linux:
- CC = gcc
- CFLAGS = -DLINUX -O2 -m486 -I/usr/include
- LIBS = -ldb -lbsd
- *** If you are interested, my Makefile is available in it's entirety
- from my ftp site at:
- ftp://ftp.cs.unm.edu/pub/chris/paging/sendpage/Makefile.example
- --------------------
- Hopefully, you were able to get sendpage to compile correctly on the
- first try. Now you must set up sendpage for the initial testing.
- Following the INSTALL file's instructions, you will set up the queue
- directory and begin setting up the sendpage.cf file (I keep mine in /etc).
- A few notes on setting up the /etc/sendpage.cf:
- - I had to comment out (using "#") the entire trMap section for "bofh",
- leaving only the trMap section for "std" in order to get sendpage to work.
- - My "Global Options" section looks like:
- global maxMsgSize=480 maxMsgSplit=5 syslogFacility=LOG_MAIL\
- timeFormat=dayFirst replyToSender=no\
- emailFrom="sendpage@pager.unm.edu (UNM Pager Gateway)"
- - My "Paging Central Definiton" section looks like:
- pc name=westlink phone=92437243 speed=1200 parity=even\
- databits=7 stopbits=1 protocol=pet-pg1 msgretries=10\
- answertime=25 modemdial=atdt dialer=internal\
- modeminit=atevxh modemdev=/dev/cua1\
- emailFrom="sendpage@pager.unm.edu (UNM Pager Gateway)"
- - Here is my "Aliases" section. The 'chrisauto' definition does not send
- an e-mail reply when a page is sent and is used for hourly system stats
- that are sent to my page.
- alias chris 9246403.westlink
- alias chrisauto 9246403.westlink emailReply=no msgIncTime=yes
- alias nicolas 2515025.westlink
- - And finally, the "Profile" section:
- profile default emailReplyErr=yes emailReply=yes msgIncSender=yes\
- msgIncDate=yes msgIncTime=yes
- profile numeric emailReplyErr=yes emailReply=yes msgIncSender=no\
- msgIncDate=no msgIncTime=no
- set profile=default
- *** If you are interested, my sendpage.cf is available in it's entirety
- from my ftp site at:
- ftp://ftp.cs.unm.edu/pub/chris/paging/sendpage/sendpage.cf.example
- ---------------------
- Alright. At this point, I am assuming you have been able to at least
- send a page to your pager using sendpage's command-line interface. If
- you haven't been able to do this, re-read the INSTALL file and re-check
- your sendpage.h and sendpage.cf. If all else fails, subscribe to the IXO
- mailing list and ask there.
- -----------------------------
- If you want to have a special virtual hostname for your paging gateway (ie.
- pager.yourcompany.com), there are a few steps that you will need to
- follow. If you do not want to (or cannot) set up an extra virtual
- hostname, skip ahead to the section entitiled "SETTING UP /etc/aliases".
- ***** UPDATED 11.12.96 ***********************************************
- Setting up a separate UP address (as described below) is not necessary
- if all you need is a mail->pager gateway [no www]. If this is all you
- need, follow the instructions found at:
- ftp://ftp.cs.unm.edu/pub/chris/paging/Sendmail-and-virtual-domains.txt
- to set up a MX entry for your paging hostname. When you've done this,
- skip ahead to the "SETTING UP SENDMAIL" section.
- **********************************************************************
- The first thing you need to do to set up your new hostname is to ask your
- network adminstrator to add a new ip address and hostname to the DNS
- tables. I would reccommend using the hostname "pager" but it really
- doesn't matter.
- Now that you have your new address and the associated IP number, you need
- to add it to your machine. This will be done in one of two ways,
- depending on the type of your linux distribution.
- * If you use the Linux kernel 1.2.xx series
- Get the IP aliasing patches from:
- ftp://ftp.cs.unm.edu/pub/chris/paging/ip_alias
- and follow the instructions in the file README.alias,
- substituting your newly-assigned IP address and gateway
- address for the ones mentioned in this README file.
- * If you are using Linux kernel 2.0.xx and above
- Enable the following options for your kernel and recompile:
- Network aliasing
- IP: aliasing support
- In your startup scripts (/etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 for Slackware users,
- /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-eth for RedHat users) add
- the following lines:
- ifconfig eth0:0
- route add -host dev eth0:0
- replacing with your new IP address
- -------------------
- We need to make some aliases so that sendmail can distinguish between a
- message sent to you@somemachine.dink.com and you@pager.dink.com,
- when "somemachine" and "pager" are actually the same machine. To do
- this, we need to set up a sendmail alias database.
- The following information is based upon the info I got from
- http://www.qosina.com/~awm/apache/sendmail.html .
- *** Create a file, /etc/domainalias with translations from the pager
- hostname to the "real" hostname. On my machine (luckenbach), my translation
- file looks like this:
- chris@pager.unm.edu cjs-pager@luckenbach.unm.edu
- droux@pager.unm.edu nicolas-pager@luckenbach.unm.edu
- That's it for that file. We are almost done now. I hope you have a
- sendmail binary that was compiled with the following switches:
- These are to enable the database-handling code needed to read the
- domainalias.db file that we are about to create.
- *** Make sure that you have the makemap utility (part of the sendmail
- distribution). Compile it like this if you haven't already:
- ( This may not be neccessary, check to see if hash, dbm, or
- btree are supported or not, check next step on how to do this. )
- # cd /usr/src/sendmail-8.7.x/makemap
- # rm Makefile makemap
- # make CFLAGS='-m486 -O2 -I../src -DNDBM -DNEWDB' LDFLAGS='-s
- -lgdbm -ldb' makemap
- # cp makemap /usr/bin
- *** Add a line to your /etc/sendmail.cf to make sendmail accept mail for
- the new virtual hostname:
- Cw pager.yourdomain.com
- *** Compile /etc/domainaliases into a database format:
- makemap btree domainaliases.db < domainalisaes
- *** Add another line to your /etc/sendmail.cf to tell sendmail about
- the domainaliases.db translation file which we just compiled.
- Kdomainaliases btree /etc/domainaliases.db
- *** Now for the rule-set, make sure you type it exactly into /etc/sendmail.cf
- The entries are seperated by a TAB field NOT SPACES!!!!
- These are to be inserted INSIDE the S98 Ruleset.
- PRE 8.7.1
- R$+ < @ $+ . > $: $1 < @ $2 > .
- R$+ < @ $+ . > $* $: (domainaliases $1@$2 $: $1 < @ $2 > $3 $)
- R$+ < @ $+ . > $* $: (domainaliases $2 $: $1 < @ $2 > $3 $)
- R$+ < @ $+ > . $: $1 < @ $2 . >
- POST 8.7.1
- R$+< $+. > $1< $2 >
- R$+< $+ > $: < > $(domainaliases $1$2 $)
- R< > $+ @ $* $: < $1 > $(domainaliases * @ $2 $)
- R< $+ > * $* $: < > $1 $2
- R< > $* $: $>3 $1
- *** Now you must kill your sendmail daemon and restart it for the new
- configurations to take effect.
- /sbin/killall sendmail
- sendmail -bd -q15m
- *** Finally, test your new configuration to make sure you did it correctly,
- Check /var/log/maillog for any possible error messages.
- lonestar~> sendmail -bt
- ADDRESS TEST MODE (ruleset 3 NOT automatically invoked)
- Enter <ruleset> <address>
- > 0 chris@PAGER.phys.unm.edu
- rewrite: ruleset 0 input: chris @ pager . phys . unm . edu
- rewrite: ruleset 98 input: chris @ pager . phys . unm . edu
- rewrite: ruleset 98 returns: chris @ pager . phys . unm . edu
- rewrite: ruleset 97 input: chris @ pager . phys . unm . edu
- rewrite: ruleset 3 input: chris @ pager . phys . unm . edu
- rewrite: ruleset 96 input: chris < @ pager . phys . unm . edu >
- rewrite: ruleset 96 returns: chris < @ pager . phys . unm . edu . >
- rewrite: ruleset 3 returns: chris < @ pager . phys . unm . edu . >
- rewrite: ruleset 0 input: chris < @ pager . phys . unm . edu . >
- rewrite: ruleset 98 input: chris < @ pager . phys . unm . edu . >
- rewrite: ruleset 3 input: cjs-pager @ lonestar . phys . unm . edu
- rewrite: ruleset 96 input: cjs-pager < @ lonestar . phys . unm . edu >
- rewrite: ruleset 96 returns: cjs-pager < @ lonestar . phys . unm . edu . >
- rewrite: ruleset 3 returns: cjs-pager < @ lonestar . phys . unm . edu . >
- rewrite: ruleset 98 returns: cjs-pager < @ lonestar . phys . unm . edu . >
- rewrite: ruleset 0 returns: $# local $: @ cjs-pager
- rewrite: ruleset 97 returns: $# local $: @ cjs-pager
- rewrite: ruleset 0 returns: $# local $: @ cjs-pager
- *** If this didn't work or you just don't understand, consult your local
- sendmail expert.
- SETTING UP /etc/aliases
- -----------------------
- We're almost done. I swear.
- Now you need to set up your /etc/aliases file to handle the piping of the
- e-mail message to the filter which sends the message to sendpage. In the
- previous section, I demonstrated how I made chris@pager.unm.edu
- point to cjs-pager@luckenbach.unm.edu. To make this work, I had to
- add a line to my /etc/aliases file to send all mail to cjs-pager to the
- filter. That line is:
- cjs-pager: "|/usr/local/bin/sendpagefilter chris"
- ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^
- This is the This is the full path to the This is a username that
- alias that paging filter. (see below) you defined in your
- you created sendpage.cf
- The filter used in this example can be obtained at:
- ftp://ftp.cs.unm.edu/pub/chris/paging/paging_filter.tar.gz
- Read the instructions in the included README file, compile the filter,
- and place it in a directory such as /usr/local/bin.
- You must now run the 'newaliases' command to process your new alias(es).
- With this complete, your paging gateway should be working. Try sending
- mail first to the alias which you created in /etc/aliases (in my example,
- cjs-pager). If this works, try sending mail to your virtual mail alias
- which you created in the previous section (in my example,
- chris@pager.unm.edu). If this works, you are done!!!
- ---------------
- I am not going to write much here. I'm assuming that you have some HTML
- skills and have used CGI scripts before. Your gateway will use a CGI
- script to communicate between the web browser and the sendpage program.
- I have made an example script and HTML page available:
- ftp://ftp.cs.unm.edu/pub/chris/paging/example_www_gateway.tar.gz
- This script utilizes two additonal programs, uncgi (to translate CGI data
- into shell environment variables for easy CGI programming) and d2utxt to
- strip out the ^M characters in a page message that make sendpage choke.
- These utilities are available in the same directory on the ftp site that
- the example HTML is found in. Read the instructions that come with them
- to compile them. This should be easy.
- -----------------
- The IXO mailing list
- To subscribe, send email to ixo-request@plts.org with the single word
- "subscribe" in the first line of an otherwise-blank message.
- The Sendpage mailing list
- To subscribe, issue this command from your unix prompt:
- echo 'subscribe' | Mail sendpage-hackers-request@lists.net.ohio-state.edu
- Me
- I'm a busy college student and employee so think three times before asking
- me for help. However, if you are a company and wish to hire me for
- consulting, I will be happy to talk with you.
- Chris Snell
- chris@cs.unm.edu