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Text File | 1999-02-09 | 118.2 KB | 2,319 lines |
- Linux & AI/Alife
- mini-HOWTO
- Version 2.0
- This document is maintained by [1]John A. Eikenberry
- The master page for this document is
- [2]http://www.ai.uga.edu/~jae/ai.html
- Last modified: Tue Jan 13 17:23:21 EST 1998
- _________________________________________________________________
- Table of Contents
- [3]What's New
- [4]Introduction
- + [5]Purpose
- + [6]Finding the Software
- + [7]Updates and Comments
- [8]Programming Languages
- [9]Traditional Artificial Intelligence
- + [10]AI class/code libraries
- + [11]AI software kits, applications, etc.
- [12]Connectionism (neural nets)
- + [13]Connectionist Class/Code Libraries
- + [14]Connectionist Applications
- [15]Evolutionary Computing (EC) (genetic algorithms/programming)
- + [16]EC Class/Code Libraries
- + [17]EC Applications
- [18]Artificial Life
- + [19]Alife class/code libraries
- + [20]Alife software kits, applications, etc.
- [21]Autonomous Agents and Bots
- [22]AI & Alife related newsgroups
- [23]AI & Alife resource links
- _________________________________________________________________
- What's New
- Note: For a list of new additions to this mini-howto, please visit the
- [24]master page listed above.
- (1.11.98)Thanks to [25]Dirk Heise for his submission of Gas. I've also
- removed a couple more of the non-AI oriented scheme implementations. I
- just felt having 10 scheme implementations listed was a bit silly,
- especially since some of them weren't really meant for AI stuff. If
- you want a listing of more scheme's look [26]here or [27]here.
- (12.29.97) Added a couple more entries and web links, including a
- patched lil-gp.
- (10.1.97) Ok. I struck the motherload of Baysean Networks, see the
- Connectionism section for more. Plus I cleaned off the 'New' flags
- from anything before August.
- (9.26.97) The reformat is done! :) If you are reading this somewhere
- other than the master page, please [28]take a look and [29]let me know
- what you think. Now I can get back to work on my thesis...
- Purpose
- The Linux OS has evolved from its origins in hackerdom to a full blown
- UNIX, capable of rivaling any commercial UNIX. It now provides an
- inexpensive base to build a great workstation. It has shed its
- hardware dependencies, having been ported to DEC Alphas, Sparcs,
- PowerPCs, with others on the way. This potential speed boost along
- with its networking support will make it great for workstation
- clusters. As a workstation it allows for all sorts of research and
- development, including artificial intelligence and artificial life.
- The purpose of this Mini-Howto is to provide a source to find out
- about various software packages, code libraries, and anything else
- that will help someone get started working with (and find resources
- for) artificial intelligence and artificial life. All done with Linux
- specifically in mind.
- Where to find this software
- All this software should be available via the net (ftp || http). The
- links to where to find it will be provided in the description of each
- package. There will also be plenty of software not covered on these
- pages (which is usually platform independent) located on one of the
- resources listed under the [30]Web Links section.
- Updates and comments
- If you find any mistakes, know of updates to one of the items below,
- or have problems compiling and of the applications, please mail me at:
- [31]jae@ai.uga.edu and I'll see what I can do.
- If you know of any AI/Alife applications, class libraries, etc. Please
- [32]email me about them. Include your name, ftp and/or http sites
- where they can be found, plus a brief overview/commentary on the
- software (this info would make things a lot easier on me... but don't
- feel obligated ;).
- I know that keeping this list up to date and expanding it will take
- quite a bit of work. So please be patient (I do have other projects).
- I hope you will find this document helpful.
- _________________________________________________________________
- Programming languages
- While any programming language can be used for artificial
- intelligence/life research, these are programming languages which are
- used extensively for, if not specifically made for, artificial
- intelligence programming.
- ECoLisp [New]
- Web site: [33]www.di.unipi.it/~attardi/software.html
- ECoLisp (Embeddable Common Lisp) is an implementation of Common
- Lisp designed for being embeddable into C based applications.
- ECL uses standard C calling conventions for Lisp compiled
- functions, which allows C programs to easily call Lisp
- functions and viceversa. No foreign function interface is
- required: data can be exchanged between C and Lisp with no need
- for conversion. ECL is based on a Common Runtime Support (CRS)
- which provides basic facilities for memory managment, dynamic
- loading and dumping of binary images, support for multiple
- threads of execution. The CRS is built into a library that can
- be linked with the code of the application. ECL is modular:
- main modules are the program development tools (top level,
- debugger, trace, stepper), the compiler, and CLOS. A native
- implementation of CLOS is available in ECL: one can configure
- ECL with or without CLOS. A runtime version of ECL can be built
- with just the modules which are required by the application.
- The ECL compiler compiles from Lisp to C, and then invokes the
- GCC compiler to produce binaries.
- G÷del
- Web page: [34]www.cs.bris.ac.uk/~bowers/goedel.html
- G÷del is a declarative, general-purpose programming language in
- the family of logic programming languages. It is a strongly
- typed language, the type system being based on many-sorted
- logic with parametric polymorphism. It has a module system.
- G÷del supports infinite precision integers, infinite precision
- rationals, and also floating-point numbers. It can solve
- constraints over finite domains of integers and also linear
- rational constraints. It supports processing of finite sets. It
- also has a flexible computation rule and a pruning operator
- which generalizes the commit of the concurrent logic
- programming languages. Considerable emphasis is placed on
- G÷del's meta- logical facilities which provide significant
- support for meta-programs that do analysis, transformation,
- compilation, verification, debugging, and so on.
- Web page: [35]www.isg.sfu.ca/life
- LIFE (Logic, Inheritance, Functions, and Equations) is an
- experimental programming language proposing to integrate three
- orthogonal programming paradigms proven useful for symbolic
- computation. From the programmer's standpoint, it may be
- perceived as a language taking after logic programming,
- functional programming, and object-oriented programming. From a
- formal perspective, it may be seen as an instance (or rather, a
- composition of three instances) of a Constraint Logic
- Programming scheme due to Hoehfeld and Smolka refining that of
- Jaffar and Lassez.
- CLisp (Lisp)
- FTP site: [36]sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/devel/lang/lisp/
- CLISP is a Common Lisp implementation by Bruno Haible and
- Michael Stoll. It mostly supports the Lisp described by
- [37]'Common LISP: The Language (2nd edition)' and the ANSI
- Common Lisp standard. CLISP includes an interpreter, a
- byte-compiler, a large subset of CLOS (Object-Oriented Lisp) ,
- a foreign language interface and, for some machines, a screen
- editor.
- The user interface language (English, German, French) is chosen
- at run time. Major packages that run in CLISP include CLX &
- Garnet. CLISP needs only 2 MB of memory.
- CMU Common Lisp
- Web page: [38]www.mv.com/users/pw/lisp/index.html
- FTP site: [39]sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/devel/lang/lisp/
- CMU Common Lisp is a public domain "industrial strength" Common
- Lisp programming environment. Many of the X3j13 changes have
- been incorporated into CMU CL. Wherever possible, this has been
- done so as to transparently allow the use of either CLtL1 or
- proposed ANSI CL. Probably the new features most interesting to
- users are SETF functions, LOOP and the WITH-COMPILATION-UNIT
- macro.
- GCL (Lisp)
- FTP site: [40]sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/devel/lang/lisp/
- GNU Common Lisp (GCL) has a compiler and interpreter for Common
- Lisp. It used to be known as Kyoto Common Lisp. It is very
- portable and extremely efficient on a wide class of
- applications. It compares favorably in performance with
- commercial Lisps on several large theorem-prover and symbolic
- algebra systems. It supports the CLtL1 specification but is
- moving towards the proposed ANSI definition. GCL compiles to C
- and then uses the native optimizing C compilers (e.g., GCC). A
- function with a fixed number of args and one value turns into a
- C function of the same number of args, returning one value, so
- GCL is maximally efficient on such calls. It has a conservative
- garbage collector which allows great freedom for the C compiler
- to put Lisp values in arbitrary registers.
- It has a source level Lisp debugger for interpreted code, with
- display of source code in an Emacs window. Its profiling tools
- (based on the C profiling tools) count function calls and the
- time spent in each function.
- Mercury
- Web page: [41]www.cs.mu.oz.au/research/mercury/
- Mercury is a new, purely declarative logic programming
- language. Like Prolog and other existing logic programming
- languages, it is a very high-level language that allows
- programmers to concentrate on the problem rather than the
- low-level details such as memory management. Unlike Prolog,
- which is oriented towards exploratory programming, Mercury is
- designed for the construction of large, reliable, efficient
- software systems by teams of programmers. As a consequence,
- programming in Mercury has a different flavor than programming
- in Prolog.
- Web page: [42]www.ps.uni-sb.de/oz/
- FTP site: [43]ps-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/oz2/
- Oz is a high-level programming language designed for concurrent
- symbolic computation. It is based on a new computation model
- providing a uniform and simple foundation for several
- programming paradigms, including higher-order functional,
- constraint logic, and concurrent object-oriented programming.
- Oz is designed as a successor to languages such as Lisp, Prolog
- and Smalltalk, which fail to support applications that require
- concurrency, reactivity, and real-time control.
- DFKI Oz is an interactive implementation of Oz featuring a
- programming interface based on GNU Emacs, a concurrent browser,
- an object-oriented interface to Tcl/Tk, powerful
- interoperability features (sockets, C, C++), an incremental
- compiler, a garbage collector, and support for stand-alone
- applications. Performance is competitive with commercial Prolog
- and Lisp systems.
- BinProlog
- Web site(documentation):
- [44]clement.info.umoncton.ca/BinProlog/UNCOMPRESSED/doc/html/ar
- t.html
- FTP site(source): [45]clement.info.umoncton.ca/BinProlog
- FTP site(binary):
- [46]clement.info.umoncton.ca/BinProlog/UNCOMPRESSED/bin
- BinProlog is a fast and compact Prolog compiler, based on the
- transformation of Prolog to binary clauses. The compilation
- technique is similar to the Continuation Passing Style
- transformation used in some ML implementations. BinProlog 5.00
- is also probably the first Prolog system featuring dynamic
- recompilation of asserted predicates (a technique similar to
- the one used in some object oriented languages like SELF 4.0),
- and a very efficient segment preserving copying heap garbage
- collector.
- Although it (used to) incorporate some last minute research
- experiments, which might look adventurous at the first sight,
- BinProlog is a fairly robust and complete Prolog implementation
- featuring both C-emulated execution and generation of
- stand-alone applications by compilation to C.
- SWI Prolog
- Web page: [47]swi.psy.uva.nl/projects/xpce/SWI-Prolog.html
- FTP site: [48]swi.psy.uva.nl/pub/SWI-Prolog/
- SWI is a free version of prolog in the Edinburgh Prolog family
- (thus making it very similar to Quintus and many other
- versions). With: a large library of built in predicates, a
- module system, garbage collection, a two-way interface with the
- C language, plus many other features. It is meant as a
- educational language, so it's compiled code isn't the fastest.
- Although it similarity to Quintus allows for easy porting.
- XPCE is freely available in binary form for the Linux version
- of SWI-prolog. XPCE is an object oriented X-windows GUI
- development package/environment.
- Kali Scheme
- Web site: [49]www.neci.nj.nec.com/PLS/Kali.html
- Kali Scheme is a distributed implementation of Scheme that
- permits efficient transmission of higher-order objects such as
- closures and continuations. The integration of distributed
- communication facilities within a higher-order programming
- language engenders a number of new abstractions and paradigms
- for distributed computing. Among these are user-specified
- load-balancing and migration policies for threads,
- incrementally-linked distributed computations, agents, and
- parameterized client-server applications. Kali Scheme supports
- concurrency and communication using first-class procedures and
- continuations. It integrates procedures and continuations into
- a message-based distributed framework that allows any Scheme
- object (including code vectors) to be sent and received in a
- message.
- RScheme
- Web site:[50]www.rosette.com/~donovan/rs/rscheme.html
- FTP site: [51]ftp.rosette.com/pub/rscheme
- RScheme is an object-oriented, extended version of the Scheme
- dialect of Lisp. RScheme is freely redistributable, and offers
- reasonable performance despite being extraordinarily portable.
- RScheme can be compiled to C, and the C can then compiled with
- a normal C compiler to generate machine code. By default,
- however, RScheme compiles to bytecodes which are interpreted by
- a (runtime) virtual machine. This ensures that compilation is
- fast and keeps code size down. In general, we recommend using
- the (default) bytecode code generation system, and only
- compiling your time-critical code to machine code. This allows
- a nice adjustment of space/time tradeoffs. (see web site for
- details)
- Scheme48
- Web site: [52]www-swiss.ai.mit.edu/~jar/s48.html (download from
- ftp site)
- FTP site: [53]swiss-ftp.ai.mit.edu:/archive/s48/
- Scheme 48 is a Scheme implementation based on a virtual machine
- architecture. Scheme 48 is designed to be straightforward,
- flexible, reliable, and fast. It should be easily portable to
- 32-bit byte-addressed machines that have POSIX and ANSI C
- support. In addition to the usual Scheme built-in procedures
- and a development environment, library software includes
- support for hygienic macros (as described in the Revised^4
- Scheme report), multitasking, records, exception handling, hash
- tables, arrays, weak pointers, and FORMAT. Scheme 48 implements
- and exploits an experimental module system loosely derived from
- Standard ML and Scheme Xerox. The development environment
- supports interactive changes to modules and interfaces.
- SCM (Scheme)
- Web site: [54]www-swiss.ai.mit.edu/~jaffer/SCM.html
- FTP site: [55]swiss-ftp.ai.mit.edu:/archive/scm/
- SCM conforms to the Revised^4 Report on the Algorithmic
- Language Scheme and the IEEE P1178 specification. Scm is
- written in C. It uses the following utilities (all available at
- the ftp site).
- + SLIB (Standard Scheme Library) is a portable Scheme library
- which is intended to provide compatibility and utility
- functions for all standard Scheme implementations, including
- SCM, Chez, Elk, Gambit, MacScheme, MITScheme, scheme->C,
- Scheme48, T3.1, and VSCM, and is available as the file
- slib2c0.tar.gz. Written by Aubrey Jaffer.
- + JACAL is a symbolic math system written in Scheme, and is
- available as the file jacal1a7.tar.gz.
- + Interfaces to standard libraries including REGEX string
- regular expression matching and the CURSES screen management
- package.
- + Available add-on packages including an interactive debugger,
- database, X-window graphics, BGI graphics, Motif, and
- Open-Windows packages.
- + A compiler (HOBBIT, available separately) and dynamic linking
- of compiled modules.
- Shift [New]
- Web site: [56]www.path.berkeley.edu/shift/
- Shift is a programming language for describing dynamic networks
- of hybrid automata. Such systems consist of components which
- can be created, interconnected and destroyed as the system
- evolves. Components exhibit hybrid behavior, consisting of
- continuous-time phases separated by discrete-event transitions.
- Components may evolve independently, or they may interact
- through their inputs, outputs and exported events. The
- interaction network itself may evolve.
- Traditional Artificial Intelligence
- Traditional AI is based around the ideas of logic, rule systems,
- linguistics, and the concept of rationality. At its roots are
- programming languages such as Lisp and Prolog. Expert systems are the
- largest successful example of this paradigm. An expert system consists
- of a detailed knowledge base and a complex rule system to utilize it.
- Such systems have been used for such things as medical diagnosis
- support and credit checking systems.
- AI class/code libraries
- These are libraries of code or classes for use in programming within
- the artificial intelligence field. They are not meant as stand alone
- applications, but rather as tools for building your own applications.
- AI Search
- FTP site: [57]ftp.icce.rug.nl/pub/peter/
- Submitted by: [58]Peter M. Bouthoorn
- Basically, the library offers the programmer a set of search
- algorithms that may be used to solve all kind of different
- problems. The idea is that when developing problem solving
- software the programmer should be able to concentrate on the
- representation of the problem to be solved and should not need
- to bother with the implementation of the search algorithm that
- will be used to actually conduct the search. This idea has been
- realized by the implementation of a set of search classes that
- may be incorporated in other software through C++'s features of
- derivation and inheritance. The following search algorithms
- have been implemented:
- - depth-first tree and graph search.
- - breadth-first tree and graph search.
- - uniform-cost tree and graph search.
- - best-first search.
- - bidirectional depth-first tree and graph search.
- - bidirectional breadth-first tree and graph search.
- - AND/OR depth tree search.
- - AND/OR breadth tree search.
- Peter plans to release a new version of the library soon, which
- will also be featured in a book about C++ and AI to appear this
- year.
- Chess In Lisp (CIL)
- FTP site: [59]chess.onenet.net/pub/chess/uploads/projects/
- The CIL (Chess In Lisp) foundation is a Common Lisp
- implementaion of all the core functions needed for development
- of chess applications. The main purpose of the CIL project is
- to get AI researchers interested in using Lisp to work in the
- chess domain.
- DAI [New]
- Web site: [60]starship.skyport.net/crew/gandalf/DNET/AI
- A library for the Python programming language that provides an
- object oriented interface to the CLIPS expert system tool. It
- includes an interface to COOL (CLIPS Object Oriented Language)
- that allows:
- + Investigate COOL classes
- + Create and manipulate with COOL instances
- + Manipulate with COOL message-handler's
- + Manipulate with Modules
- Nyquist [New]
- Web site:
- [61]www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/music/web/music.html
- The Computer Music Project at CMU is developing computer music
- and interactive performance technology to enhance human musical
- experience and creativity. This interdisciplinary effort draws
- on Music Theory, Cognitive Science, Artificial Intelligence and
- Machine Learning, Human Computer Interaction, Real-Time
- Systems, Computer Graphics and Animation, Multimedia,
- Programming Languages, and Signal Processing. A paradigmatic
- example of these interdisciplinary efforts is the creation of
- interactive performances that couple human musical
- improvisation with intelligent computer agents in real-time.
- Screamer
- Web site: [62]www.cis.upenn.edu/~screamer-tools/home.html
- Screamer is an extension of Common Lisp that adds support for
- nondeterministic programming. Screamer consists of two levels.
- The basic nondeterministic level adds support for backtracking
- and undoable side effects. On top of this nondeterministic
- substrate, Screamer provides a comprehensive constraint
- programming language in which one can formulate and solve mixed
- systems of numeric and symbolic constraints. Together, these
- two levels augment Common Lisp with practically all of the
- functionality of both Prolog and constraint logic programming
- languages such as CHiP and CLP(R). Furthermore, Screamer is
- fully integrated with Common Lisp. Screamer programs can
- coexist and interoperate with other extensions to Common Lisp
- such as CLOS, CLIM and Iterate.
- AI software kits, applications, etc.
- These are various applications, software kits, etc. meant for research
- in the field of artificial intelligence. Their ease of use will vary,
- as they were designed to meet some particular research interest more
- than as an easy to use commercial package.
- ASA - Adaptive Simulated Annealing
- Web site: [63]www.ingber.com/#ASA-CODE
- FTP site: [64]ftp.ingber.com/
- ASA (Adaptive Simulated Annealing) is a powerful global
- optimization C-code algorithm especially useful for nonlinear
- and/or stochastic systems.
- ASA is developed to statistically find the best global fit of a
- nonlinear non-convex cost-function over a D-dimensional space.
- This algorithm permits an annealing schedule for 'temperature'
- T decreasing exponentially in annealing-time k, T = T_0 exp(-c
- k^1/D). The introduction of re-annealing also permits
- adaptation to changing sensitivities in the multi-dimensional
- parameter-space. This annealing schedule is faster than fast
- Cauchy annealing, where T = T_0/k, and much faster than
- Boltzmann annealing, where T = T_0/ln k.
- Babylon
- FTP site: [65]ftp.gmd.de/gmd/ai-research/Software/Babylon/
- BABYLON is a modular, configurable, hybrid environment for
- developing expert systems. Its features include objects, rules
- with forward and backward chaining, logic (Prolog) and
- constraints. BABYLON is implemented and embedded in Common
- Lisp.
- Web site: [66]www.coli.uni-sb.de/~clears/
- The CLEARS system is an interactive graphical environment for
- computational semantics. The tool allows exploration and
- comparison of different semantic formalisms, and their
- interaction with syntax. This enables the user to get an idea
- of the range of possibilities of semantic construction, and
- also where there is real convergence between theories.
- Web site: [67]www.jsc.nasa.gov/~clips/CLIPS.html
- FTP site:
- [68]cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/ai-repository/ai/areas/ex
- pert/systems/clips
- CLIPS is a productive development and delivery expert system
- tool which provides a complete environment for the construction
- of rule and/or object based expert systems.
- CLIPS provides a cohesive tool for handling a wide variety of
- knowledge with support for three different programming
- paradigms: rule-based, object-oriented and procedural.
- Rule-based programming allows knowledge to be represented as
- heuristics, or "rules of thumb," which specify a set of actions
- to be performed for a given situation. Object-oriented
- programming allows complex systems to be modeled as modular
- components (which can be easily reused to model other systems
- or to create new components). The procedural programming
- capabilities provided by CLIPS are similar to capabilities
- found in languages such as C, Pascal, Ada, and LISP.
- EMA-XPS - A Hybrid Graphic Expert System Shell
- Web site: [69]wmwap1.math.uni-wuppertal.de:80/EMA-XPS/
- EMA-XPS is a hybrid graphic expert system shell based on the
- ASCII-oriented shell Babylon 2.3 of the German National
- Research Center for Computer Sciences (GMD). In addition to
- Babylon's AI-power (object oriented data representation,
- forward and backward chained rules - collectible into sets,
- horn clauses, and constraint networks) a graphic interface
- based on the X11 Window System and the OSF/Motif Widget Library
- has been provided.
- FTP site: [70]ntia.its.bldrdoc.gov/pub/fuzzy/prog/
- FOOL stands for the Fuzzy Organizer OLdenburg. It is a result
- from a project at the University of Oldenburg. FOOL is a
- graphical user interface to develop fuzzy rulebases. FOOL will
- help you to invent and maintain a database that specifies the
- behavior of a fuzzy-controller or something like that.
- FOX is a small but powerful fuzzy engine which reads this
- database, reads some input values and calculates the new
- control value.
- Web site: [71]www.dfki.de/lt/registry/generation/fuf.html
- FTP site: [72]ftp.cs.columbia.edu/pub/fuf/
- FUF is an extended implementation of the formalism of
- functional unification grammars (FUGs) introduced by Martin Kay
- specialized to the task of natural language generation. It adds
- the following features to the base formalism:
- + Types and inheritance.
- + Extended control facilities (goal freezing, intelligent
- backtracking).
- + Modular syntax.
- These extensions allow the development of large grammars which
- can be processed efficiently and can be maintained and
- understood more easily. SURGE is a large syntactic realization
- grammar of English written in FUF. SURGE is developed to serve
- as a black box syntactic generation component in a larger
- generation system that encapsulates a rich knowledge of English
- syntax. SURGE can also be used as a platform for exploration of
- grammar writing with a generation perspective.
- The Grammar Workbench
- Web site: [73]www.cs.kun.nl/agfl/GWB.html
- The Grammar Workbench, or GWB for short, is an environment for
- the comfortable development of Affix Grammars in the
- AGFL-formalism. Its purposes are:
- + to allow the user to input, inspect and modify a grammar;
- + to perform consistency checks on the grammar;
- + to compute grammar properties;
- + to generate example sentences;
- + to assist in performing grammar transformations.
- GSM Suite [New]
- Web site: [74]www.slip.net/~andrewm/gsm/
- The GSM Suite is a set of programs for using Finite State
- Machines in a graphical fashion. The suite consists of programs
- that edit, compile, and print state machines. Included in the
- suite is an editor program, gsmedit, a compiler, gsm2cc, that
- produces a C++ implementation of a state machine, a PostScript
- generator, gsm2ps, and two other minor programs. GSM is
- licensed under the GNU Public License and so is free for your
- use under the terms of that license.
- Illuminator
- Web site:
- [75]documents.cfar.umd.edu/resources/source/illuminator.html
- Illuminator is a toolset for developing OCR and Image
- Understanding applications. Illuminator has two major parts: a
- library for representing, storing and retrieving OCR
- information, heretofore called dafslib, and an X-Windows "DAFS"
- file viewer, called illum. Illuminator and DAFS lib were
- designed to supplant existing OCR formats and become a standard
- in the industry. They particularly are extensible to handle
- more than just English. The features of this release:
- + 5 magnification levels for images
- + flagged characters and words
- + unicode support -- American, British, French, German, Greek,
- Italian, MICR, Norwegian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish,
- keyboards
- + reads DAFS, TIFF's, PDA's (image only)
- + save to DAFS, ASCII/UTF or Unicode
- + Entity Viewer - shows properties, character choices, bounding
- boxes image fragment for a selected entity, change type,
- change content, hierarchy mode
- Jess, the Java Expert System Shell
- Web site: [76]herzberg.ca.sandia.gov/jess/
- Jess is a clone of the popular CLIPS expert system shell
- written entirely in Java. With Jess, you can conveniently give
- your applets the ability to 'reason'. Jess is compatible with
- all versions of Java starting with version 1.0.2. Jess
- implements the following constructs from CLIPS: defrules,
- deffunctions, defglobals, deffacts, and deftemplates.
- learn
- FTP site: [77]sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/apps/cai/
- Learn is a vocable learning program with memory model.
- Otter: An Automated Deduction System
- Web site: [78]www.mcs.anl.gov/home/mccune/ar/otter
- Our current automated deduction system Otter is designed to
- prove theorems stated in first-order logic with equality.
- Otter's inference rules are based on resolution and
- paramodulation, and it includes facilities for term rewriting,
- term orderings, Knuth-Bendix completion, weighting, and
- strategies for directing and restricting searches for proofs.
- Otter can also be used as a symbolic calculator and has an
- embedded equational programming system.
- Web site: [79]www.research.att.com/~wcohen/ripperd.html
- Ripper is a system for fast effective rule induction. Given a
- set of data, Ripper will learn a set of rules that will predict
- the patterns in the data. Ripper is written in ASCI C and comes
- with documentation and some sample problems.
- Web site: [80]www.cs.buffalo.edu/pub/sneps/WWW/
- FTP site: [81]ftp.cs.buffalo.edu/pub/sneps/
- The long-term goal of The SNePS Research Group is the design
- and construction of a natural-language-using computerized
- cognitive agent, and carrying out the research in artificial
- intelligence, computational linguistics, and cognitive science
- necessary for that endeavor. The three-part focus of the group
- is on knowledge representation, reasoning, and natural-language
- understanding and generation. The group is widely known for its
- development of the SNePS knowledge representation/reasoning
- system, and Cassie, its computerized cognitive agent.
- Soar
- Web site: [82]www.isi.edu/soar/soar.html
- FTP site: [83]cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/project/soar/public/Soar6/
- Soar has been developed to be a general cognitive architecture.
- We intend ultimately to enable the Soar architecture to:
- + work on the full range of tasks expected of an intelligent
- agent, from highly routine to extremely difficult, open-ended
- problems
- + represent and use appropriate forms of knowledge, such as
- procedural, declarative, episodic, and possibly iconic
- + employ the full range of problem solving methods
- + interact with the outside world and
- + learn about all aspects of the tasks and its performance on
- them.
- In other words, our intention is for Soar to support all the
- capabilities required of a general intelligent agent.
- TCM (Toolkit for Conceptual Modeling)
- Web site: [84]www.cs.vu.nl/~tcm/
- FTP site: [85]ftp.cs.vu.nl/pub/tcm/
- TCM (Toolkit for Conceptual Modeling) is our suite of graphical
- editors. TCM contains graphical editors for Entity-Relationship
- diagrams, Class-Relationship diagrams, Data and Event Flow
- diagrams, State Transition diagrams, Jackson Process Structure
- diagrams and System Network diagrams, Function Refinement trees
- and various table editors, such as a Function-Entity table
- editor and a Function Decomposition table editor. TCM is easy
- to use and performs numerous consistency checks, some of them
- immediately, some of them upon request.
- WEKA [New]
- Web site: [86]lucy.cs.waikato.ac.nz/~ml/
- WEKA (Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis) is an
- state-of-the-art facility for applying machine learning
- techniques to practical problems. It is a comprehensive
- software "workbench" that allows people to analyse real-world
- data. It integrates different machine learning tools within a
- common framework and a uniform user interface. It is designed
- to support a "simplicity-first" methodology, which allows users
- to experiment interactively with simple machine learning tools
- before looking for more complex solutions.
- Connectionism
- Connectionism is a technical term for a group of related techniques.
- These techniques include areas such as Artificial Neural Networks,
- Semantic Networks and a few other similar ideas. My present focus is
- on neural networks (though I am looking for resources on the other
- techniques). Neural networks are programs designed to simulate the
- workings of the brain. They consist of a network of small
- mathematical-based nodes, which work together to form patterns of
- information. They have tremendous potential and currently seem to be
- having a great deal of success with image processing and robot
- control.
- Connectionist class/code libraries
- These are libraries of code or classes for use in programming within
- the Connectionist field. They are not meant as stand alone
- applications, but rather as tools for building your own applications.
- ANSI-C Neural Networks
- Web site: [87]www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/1624/
- This site contains ANSC-C source code for 8 types of neural
- nets, including:
- + Adaline Network
- + Backpropagation
- + Hopfield Model
- + (BAM) Bidirectional Associative Memory
- + Boltzmann Machine
- + Counterpropagation
- + (SOM) Self-Organizing Map
- + (ART1) Adaptive Resonance Theory
- They were designed to help turn the theory of a particular
- network model into the design for a simulator implementation ,
- and to help with embeding an actual application into a
- particular network model.
- BELIEF [New]
- Web site:
- [88]www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/project/ai-repository/ai/areas/reason
- ng/probabl/belief/0.html
- BELIEF is a Common Lisp implementation of the Dempster and Kong
- fusion and propagation algorithm for Graphical Belief Function
- Models and the Lauritzen and Spiegelhalter algorithm for
- Graphical Probabilistic Models. It includes code for
- manipulating graphical belief models such as Bayes Nets and
- Relevance Diagrams (a subset of Influence Diagrams) using both
- belief functions and probabilities as basic representations of
- uncertainty. It uses the Shenoy and Shafer version of the
- algorithm, so one of its unique features is that it supports
- both probability distributions and belief functions. It also
- has limited support for second order models (probability
- distributions on parameters).
- IDEAL [New]
- Web site: [89]www.rpal.rockwell.com/ideal.html
- IDEAL is a test bed for work in influence diagrams and Bayesian
- networks. It contains various inference algorithms for belief
- networks and evaluation algorithms for influence diagrams. It
- contains facilities for creating and editing influence diagrams
- and belief networks.
- IDEAL is written in pure Common Lisp and so it will run in
- Common Lisp on any platform. The emphasis in writing IDEAL has
- been on code clarity and providing high level programming
- abstractions. It thus is very suitable for experimental
- implementations which need or extend belief network technology.
- At the highest level, IDEAL can be used as a subroutine library
- which provides belief network inference and influence diagram
- evaluation as a package. The code is documented in a detailed
- manual and so it is also possible to work at a lower level on
- extensions of belief network methods.
- IDEAL comes with an optional graphic interface written in CLIM.
- If your Common Lisp also has CLIM, you can run the graphic
- interface.
- Matrix Class
- FTP site: [90]pink.cs.ucla.edu/pub/
- A simple, fast, efficient C++ Matrix class designed for
- scientists and engineers. The Matrix class is well suited for
- applications with complex math algorithms. As an demonstration
- of the Matrix class, it was used to implement the backward
- error propagation algorithm for a multi-layer feed-forward
- artificial neural network.
- Pulcinella
- Web site: [91]iridia.ulb.ac.be/pulcinella/Welcome.html
- Pulcinella is written in CommonLisp, and appears as a library
- of Lisp functions for creating, modifying and evaluating
- valuation systems. Alternatively, the user can choose to
- interact with Pulcinella via a graphical interface (only
- available in Allegro CL). Pulcinella provides primitives to
- build and evaluate uncertainty models according to several
- uncertainty calculi, including probability theory, possibility
- theory, and Dempster-Shafer's theory of belief functions; and
- the possibility theory by Zadeh, Dubois and Prade's. A User's
- Manual is available on request.
- S-ElimBel [New]
- Web site: [92]www.spaces.uci.edu/thiery/elimbel/
- S-ElimBel is an algorithm that computes the belief in a
- Bayesian network, implemented in MIT-Scheme. This algorithm has
- the particularity of being rather easy to understand. Moreover,
- one can apply it to any kind of Bayesian network - it being
- singly connected or muliply connected. It is, however, less
- powerful than the standard algorithm of belief propagation.
- Indeed, the computation has to be reconducted entirely for each
- new evidence added to the network. Also, one needs to run the
- algorithm as many times as one has nodes for which the belief
- is wanted.
- Software for Flexible Bayesian Modeling [New]
- Web site: [93]www.cs.utoronto.ca/~radford/fbm.software.html
- This software implements flexible Bayesian models for
- regression and classification applications that are based on
- multilayer perceptron neural networks or on Gaussian processes.
- The implementation uses Markov chain Monte Carlo methods.
- Software modules that support Markov chain sampling are
- included in the distribution, and may be useful in other
- applications.
- Spiderweb2 [New]
- Web site:
- A C++ artificial neual net library. Spiderweb2 is a complete
- rewrite of the original Spiderweb library, it has grown into a
- much more flexible and object-oriented system. The biggest
- change is that each neuron object is responsible for its own
- activations and updates, with the network providing only the
- scheduling aspect. This is a very powerful change, and it
- allows easy modification and experimentation with various
- network architectures and neuron types.
- There is still a lack of documentation and support for file
- I/O, but that will eventually get done.
- Symbolic Probabilistic Inference (SPI)
- FTP site: [94]ftp.engr.orst.edu/pub/dambrosi/spi/
- Paper (ijar-94.ps): [95]ftp.engr.orst.edu/pub/dambrosi/
- Contains Common Lisp function libraries to implement SPI type
- baysean nets. Documentation is very limited.
- Features:
- Probabilities, Local Expression Language Utilities, Explanation,
- Dynamic Models, and a TCL/TK based GUI.
- TresBel
- FTP site: [96]iridia.ulb.ac.be/pub/hongxu/software/
- Libraries containing (Allegro) Common Lisp code for Belief
- Functions (aka. Dempster-Shafer evidential reasoning) as a
- representation of uncertainty. Very little documentation. Has a
- limited GUI.
- Various (C++) Neural Networks
- Web site: [97]www.mcs.com/~drt/svbp.html
- Submitted by: [98]Don Tveter
- Example neural net codes from the book, [99]The Basis of
- Artificial Intelligence. These are simple example codes of
- these various neural nets. They work well as a good starting
- point for simple experimentation and for learning what the code
- is like behind the simulators. The types of networks available
- on this site are: (implemented in C++)
- + The Backprop Package
- + The Nearest Neighbor Algorithms
- + The Interactive Activation Algorithm
- + The Hopfield and Boltzman machine Algorithms
- + The Linear Pattern Classifier
- + ART I
- + Bi-Directional Associative Memory
- + The Feedforward Counter-Propagation Network
- Connectionist software kits/applications
- These are various applications, software kits, etc. meant for research
- in the field of Connectionism. Their ease of use will vary, as they
- were designed to meet some particular research interest more than as
- an easy to use commercial package.
- Aspirin/MIGRAINES (am6.tar.Z on ftp site)
- FTP site:
- [100]sunsite.unc.edu/pub/academic/computer-science/neural-netwo
- rks/programs/Aspirin/
- The software that we are releasing now is for creating, and
- evaluating, feed-forward networks such as those used with the
- backpropagation learning algorithm. The software is aimed both
- at the expert programmer/neural network researcher who may wish
- to tailor significant portions of the system to his/her precise
- needs, as well as at casual users who will wish to use the
- system with an absolute minimum of effort.
- JavaBayes [New]
- Web site: [101]www.cs.cmu.edu/People/javabayes/index.html/
- The JavaBayes system is a set of tools, containing a graphical
- editor, a core inference engine and a parser. JavaBayes can
- produce:
- + the marginal distribution for any variable in a network.
- + the expectations for univariate functions (for example,
- expected value for variables).
- + configurations with maximum a posteriori probability.
- + configurations with maximum a posteriori expectation for
- univariate functions.
- Neureka ANS (nn/xnn)
- Web site: [102]www.bgif.no/neureka/
- FTP site: [103]ftp.ii.uib.no/pub/neureka/linux/
- nn is a high-level neural network specification language. The
- current version is best suited for feed-forward nets, but
- recurrent models can and have been implemented, e.g. Hopfield
- nets, Jordan/Elman nets, etc. In nn, it is easy to change
- network dynamics. The nn compiler can generate C code or
- executable programs (so there must be a C compiler available),
- with a powerful command line interface (but everything may also
- be controlled via the graphical interface, xnn). It is possible
- for the user to write C routines that can be called from inside
- the nn specification, and to use the nn specification as a
- function that is called from a C program. Please note that no
- programming is necessary in order to use the network models
- that come with the system (`netpack').
- xnn is a graphical front end to networks generated by the nn
- compiler, and to the compiler itself. The xnn graphical
- interface is intuitive and easy to use for beginners, yet
- powerful, with many possibilities for visualizing network data.
- NOTE: You have to run the install program that comes with this
- to get the license key installed. It gets put (by default) in
- /usr/lib. If you (like myself) want to install the package
- somewhere other than in the /usr directory structure (the
- install program gives you this option) you will have to set up
- some environmental variables (NNLIBDIR & NNINCLUDEDIR are
- required). You can read about these (and a few other optional
- variables) in appendix A of the documentation (pg 113).
- PDP++
- Web site: [104]www.cnbc.cmu.edu/PDP++/
- FTP site (US): [105]cnbc.cmu.edu/pub/pdp++/
- FTP site (Europe): [106]unix.hensa.ac.uk/mirrors/pdp++/
- As the field of Connectionist modeling has grown, so has the
- need for a comprehensive simulation environment for the
- development and testing of Connectionist models. Our goal in
- developing PDP++ has been to integrate several powerful
- software development and user interface tools into a general
- purpose simulation environment that is both user friendly and
- user extensible. The simulator is built in the C++ programming
- language, and incorporates a state of the art script
- interpreter with the full expressive power of C++. The
- graphical user interface is built with the Interviews toolkit,
- and allows full access to the data structures and processing
- modules out of which the simulator is built. We have
- constructed several useful graphical modules for easy
- interaction with the structure and the contents of neural
- networks, and we've made it possible to change and adapt many
- things. At the programming level, we have set things up in such
- a way as to make user extensions as painless as possible. The
- programmer creates new C++ objects, which might be new kinds of
- units or new kinds of processes; once compiled and linked into
- the simulator, these new objects can then be accessed and used
- like any other.
- Simple Neural Net (in Python)
- Web site: [107]starship.skyport.net/crew/amk/unmaintained/
- Simple neural network code, which implements a class for
- 3-level networks (input, hidden, and output layers). The only
- learning rule implemented is simple backpropagation. No
- documentation (or even comments) at all, because this is simply
- code that I use to experiment with. Includes modules containing
- sample datasets from Carl G. Looney's NN book. Requires the
- Numeric extensions.
- Web site:
- [108]apx00.physik.uni-frankfurt.de/e_ag_rt/cnn/SCNN/homepage.ht
- ml
- SCNN is an universal simulating system for Cellular Neural
- Networks (CNN). CNN are analog processing neural networks with
- regular and local interconnections, governed by a set of
- nonlinear ordinary differential equations. Due to their local
- connectivity, CNN are realized as VLSI chips, which operates at
- very high speed.
- Semantic Networks in Python
- Web site: [109]www-acs.ucsd.edu/~jstrout/python/ai/
- The semnet.py module defines several simple classes for
- building and using semantic networks. A semantic network is a
- way of representing knowledge, and it enables the program to do
- simple reasoning with very little effort on the part of the
- programmer.
- The following classes are defined:
- + Entity: This class represents a noun; it is something which
- can be related to other things, and about which you can store
- facts.
- + Relation: A Relation is a type of relationship which may
- exist between two entities. One special relation, "IS_A", is
- predefined because it has special meaning (a sort of logical
- inheritance).
- + Fact: A Fact is an assertion that a relationship exists
- between two entities.
- With these three object types, you can very quickly define
- knowledge about a set of objects, and query them for logical
- conclusions.
- Web site:
- [110]www.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/ipvr/bv/projekte/snns/snns
- .html
- FTP site: [111]ftp.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/pub/SNNS/
- Stuttgart Neural Net Simulator (version 4.1). An awesome neural
- net simulator. Better than any commercial simulator I've seen.
- The simulator kernel is written in C (it's fast!). It supports
- over 20 different network architectures, has 2D and 3D X-based
- graphical representations, the 2D GUI has an integrated network
- editor, and can generate a separate NN program in C.
- SNNS is very powerful, though a bit difficult to learn at
- first. To help with this it comes with example networks and
- tutorials for many of the architectures.
- ENZO, a supplementary system allows you to evolve your networks
- with genetic algorithms.
- The Readme.linux file that comes with this package must be old.
- It's instructions for building the package are wrong. I've
- edited it to reflect what I had to do to get the package to
- compile. Please download [112]SNNS.Readme.linux and use it
- instead of the Readme.linux file that comes with the
- distribution.
- Web site: [113]www.ph.tn.tudelft.nl/~sprlib/
- SPRLIB (Statistical Pattern Recognition Library) was developed
- to support the easy construction and simulation of pattern
- classifiers. It consist of a library of functions (written in
- C) that can be called from your own program. Most of the
- well-known classifiers are present (k-nn, Fisher, Parzen,
- ....), as well as error estimation and dataset generation
- routines.
- ANNLIB (Artificial Neural Networks Library) is a neural network
- simulation library based on the data architecture laid down by
- SPRLIB. The library contains numerous functions for creating,
- training and testing feed-forward networks. Training algorithms
- include back-propagation, pseudo-Newton, Levenberg-Marquardt,
- conjugate gradient descent, BFGS.... Furthermore, it is
- possible - due to the datastructures' general applicability -
- to build Kohonen maps and other more exotic network
- architectures using the same data types.
- Evolutionary Computing
- Evolutionary computing is actually a broad term for a vast array of
- programming techniques, including genetic algorithms, complex adaptive
- systems, evolutionary programming, etc. The main thrust of all these
- techniques is the idea of evolution. The idea that a program can be
- written that will evolve toward a certain goal. This goal can be
- anything from solving some engineering problem to winning a game.
- EC class/code libraries
- These are libraries of code or classes for use in programming within
- the evolutionary computation field. They are not meant as stand alone
- applications, but rather as tools for building your own applications.
- Web site: [114]www.staff.uiuc.edu/~carroll/ga.html
- This program is a FORTRAN version of a genetic algorithm
- driver. This code initializes a random sample of individuals
- with different parameters to be optimized using the genetic
- algorithm approach, i.e. evolution via survival of the fittest.
- The selection scheme used is tournament selection with a
- shuffling technique for choosing random pairs for mating. The
- routine includes binary coding for the individuals, jump
- mutation, creep mutation, and the option for single-point or
- uniform crossover. Niching (sharing) and an option for the
- number of children per pair of parents has been added. More
- recently, an option for the use of a micro-GA has been added.
- Web site: [115]kal-el.ugr.es/gags.html
- FTP site: [116]kal-el.ugr.es/GAGS/
- Genetic Algorithm application generator and class library
- written mainly in C++.
- As a class library, and among other thing, GAGS includes:
- + A chromosome hierarchy with variable length chromosomes.
- Genetic operators: 2-point crossover, uniform crossover,
- bit-flip mutation, transposition (gene interchange between 2
- parts of the chromosome), and variable-length operators:
- duplication, elimination, and random addition.
- + Population level operators include steady state, roulette
- wheel and tournament selection.
- + Gnuplot wrapper: turns gnuplot into a iostreams-like class.
- + Easy sample file loading and configuration file parsing.
- As an application generator (written in PERL), you only need to
- supply it with an ANSI-C or C++ fitness function, and it
- creates a C++ program that uses the above library to 90%
- capacity, compiles it, and runs it, saving results and
- presenting fitness thru gnuplot.
- GAlib: Matthew's Genetic Algorithms Library
- Web Site: [117]lancet.mit.edu/ga/
- FTP site: [118]lancet.mit.edu/pub/ga/
- Register GAlib at: [119]http://lancet.mit.edu/ga/Register.html
- GAlib contains a set of C++ genetic algorithm objects. The
- library includes tools for using genetic algorithms to do
- optimization in any C++ program using any representation and
- genetic operators. The documentation includes an extensive
- overview of how to implement a genetic algorithm as well as
- examples illustrating customizations to the GAlib classes.
- Web site: [120]GARAGe.cps.msu.edu/software/software-index.html
- FTP site: [121]garage.cps.msu.edu/pub/GA/galopps/
- GALOPPS is a flexible, generic GA, in 'C'. It was based upon
- Goldberg's Simple Genetic Algorithm (SGA) architecture, in
- order to make it easier for users to learn to use and extend.
- GALOPPS extends the SGA capabilities several fold:
- + (optional) A new Graphical User Interface, based on TCL/TK,
- for Unix users, allowing easy running of GALOPPS 3.2 (single
- or multiple subpopulations) on one or more processors. GUI
- writes/reads "standard" GALOPPS input and master files, and
- displays graphical output (during or after run) of
- user-selected variables.
- + 5 selection methods: roulette wheel, stochastic remainder
- sampling, tournament selection, stochastic universal
- sampling, linear-ranking-then-SUS.
- + Random or superuniform initialization of "ordinary"
- (non-permutation) binary or non-binary chromosomes; random
- initialization of permutation-based chromosomes; or
- user-supplied initialization of arbitrary types of
- chromosomes.
- + Binary or non-binary alphabetic fields on value-based
- chromosomes, including different user-definable field sizes.
- + 3 crossovers for value-based representations: 1-pt, 2-pt, and
- uniform, all of which operate at field boundaries if a
- non-binary alphabet is used.
- + 4 crossovers for order-based reps: PMX, order-based, uniform
- order-based, and cycle.
- + 4 mutations: fast bitwise, multiple-field, swap and random
- sublist scramble.
- + Fitness scaling: linear scaling, Boltzmann scaling, sigma
- truncation, window scaling, ranking.
- + Plus a whole lot more....
- GAS [New]
- Web site: [122]starship.skyport.net/crew/gandalf
- FTP site: [123]ftp.coe.uga.edu/users/jae/ai
- GAS means "Genetic Algorithms Stuff". GAS is freeware.
- Purpose of GAS is to explore and exploit artificial evolutions.
- Primary implementation language of GAS is Python. The GAS
- software package is meant to be a Python framework for applying
- genetic algorithms. It contains an example application where it
- is tried to breed Python program strings. This special problem
- falls into the category of Genetic Programming (GP), and/or
- Automatic Programming. Nevertheless, GAS tries to be useful for
- other applications of Genetic Algorithms as well.
- FTP site: [124]ftp://ftp.aic.nrl.navy.mil/pub/galist/src/
- GECO (Genetic Evolution through Combination of Objects), an
- extendible object-oriented tool-box for constructing genetic
- algorithms (in Lisp). It provides a set of extensible classes
- and methods designed for generality. Some simple examples are
- also provided to illustrate the intended use.
- GPdata
- FTP site:
- [125]ftp.cs.bham.ac.uk/pub/authors/W.B.Langdon/gp-code/
- Documentation (GPdata-icga-95.ps):
- [126]cs.ucl.ac.uk/genetic/papers/
- GPdata-3.0.tar.gz (C++) contains a version of Andy Singleton's
- GP-Quick version 2.1 which has been extensively altered to
- support:
- + Indexed memory operation (cf. teller)
- + multi tree programs
- + Adfs
- + parameter changes without recompilation
- + populations partitioned into demes
- + (A version of) pareto fitness
- This ftp site also contains a small C++ program (ntrees.cc) to
- calculate the number of different there are of a given length
- and given function and terminal set.
- gpjpp Genetic Programming in Java
- Web site: [127]www.turbopower.com/~kimk/gpjpp.asp
- gpjpp is a Java package I wrote for doing research in genetic
- programming. It is a port of the gpc++ kernel written by Adam
- Fraser and Thomas Weinbrenner. Included in the package are four
- of Koza's standard examples: the artificial ant, the hopping
- lawnmower, symbolic regression, and the boolean multiplexer.
- Here is a partial list of its features:
- + graphic output of expression trees
- + efficient diversity checking
- + Koza's greedy over-selection option for large populations
- + extensible GPRun class that encapsulates most details of a
- genetic programming test
- + more robust and efficient streaming code, with automatic
- checkpoint and restart built into the GPRun class
- + an explicit complexity limit that can be set on each GP
- + additional configuration variables to allow more testing
- without recompilation
- + support for automatically defined functions (ADFs)
- + tournament and fitness proportionate selection
- + demetic grouping
- + optional steady state population
- + subtree crossover
- + swap and shrink mutation
- GP Kernel
- Web site:
- [128]www.emk.e-technik.th-darmstadt.de/~thomasw/gp.html
- The GP kernel is a C++ class library that can be used to apply
- genetic programming techniques to all kinds of problems. The
- library defines a class hierarchy. An integral component is the
- ability to produce automatically defined functions as found in
- Koza's "Genetic Programming II".Technical documentation
- (postscript format) is included. There is also a short
- introduction into genetic programming.
- Functionality includes; Automatically defined functions (ADFs),
- tournament and fitness proportionate selection, demetic
- grouping, optional steady state genetic programming kernel,
- subtree crossover, swap and shrink mutation, a way of changing
- every parameter of the system without recompilation, capacity
- for multiple populations, loading and saving of populations and
- genetic programs, standard random number generator, internal
- parameter checks.
- lil-gp
- Web site: [129]isl.msu.edu/GA/software/lil-gp/index.html
- FTP site: [130]isl.cps.msu.edu/pub/GA/lilgp/
- patched lil-gp * [New]
- Web site: [131]www.cs.umd.edu/users/seanl/patched-gp
- lil-gp is a generic 'C' genetic programming tool. It was
- written with a number of goals in mind: speed, ease of use and
- support for a number of options including:
- + Generic 'C' program that runs on UNIX workstations
- + Support for multiple population experiments, using arbitrary
- and user settable topologies for exchange, for a single
- processor (i.e., you can do multiple population gp
- experiments on your PC).
- + lil-gp manipulates trees of function pointers which are
- allocated in single, large memory blocks for speed and to
- avoid swapping.
- * The patched lil-gp kernel is strongly-typed, with
- modifications on multithreading, fixes to some *serious* bugs
- in lilgp, coevolution, and other tweaks and features.
- PGAPack Parallel Genetic Algorithm Library
- Web site: [132]www.mcs.anl.gov/home/levine/PGAPACK/index.html
- FTP site: [133]ftp.mcs.anl.gov/pub/pgapack/
- PGAPack is a general-purpose, data-structure-neutral, parallel
- genetic algorithm library. It is intended to provide most
- capabilities desired in a genetic algorithm library, in an
- integrated, seamless, and portable manner. Key features are in
- PGAPack V1.0 include:
- + Callable from Fortran or C.
- + Runs on uniprocessors, parallel computers, and workstation
- networks.
- + Binary-, integer-, real-, and character-valued native data
- types.
- + Full extensibility to support custom operators and new data
- types.
- + Easy-to-use interface for novice and application users.
- + Multiple levels of access for expert users.
- + Parameterized population replacement.
- + Multiple crossover, mutation, and selection operators.
- + Easy integration of hill-climbing heuristics.
- + Extensive debugging facilities.
- + Large set of example problems.
- + Detailed users guide.
- Sugal
- Web site: [134]www.trajan-software.demon.co.uk/sugal.htm
- Sugal [soo-gall] is the SUnderland Genetic ALgorithm system.
- The aim of Sugal is to support research and implementation in
- Genetic Algorithms on a common software platform. As such,
- Sugal supports a large number of variants of Genetic
- Algorithms, and has extensive features to support customization
- and extension.
- EC software kits/applications
- These are various applications, software kits, etc. meant for research
- in the field of evolutionary computing. Their ease of use will vary,
- as they were designed to meet some particular research interest more
- than as an easy to use commercial package.
- ADATE(Automatic Design of Algorithms Through Evolution)
- Web site: [135]www-ia.hiof.no/~rolando/adate_intro.html
- ADATE is a system for automatic programming i.e., inductive
- inference of algorithms, which may be the best way to develop
- artificial and general intelligence.
- The ADATE system can automatically generate non-trivial and
- novel algorithms. Algorithms are generated through large scale
- combinatorial search that employs sophisticated program
- transformations and heuristics. The ADATE system is
- particularly good at synthesizing symbolic, functional programs
- and has several unique qualities.
- esep & xesep [New]
- Web site(esep): [136]www.iit.edu/~linjinl/esep.html Web
- site(xesep): [137]www.iit.edu/~linjinl/xesep.html
- This is a new scheduler, called Evolution Scheduler, based on
- Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Programming. It lives with
- original Linux priority scheduler.This means you don't have to
- reboot to change the scheduling policy. You may simply use the
- manager program esep to switch between them at any time, and
- esep itself is an all-in-one for scheduling status, commands,
- and administration. We didn't intend to remove the original
- priority scheduler; instead, at least, esep provides you with
- another choice to use a more intelligent scheduler, which
- carries out natural competition in an easy and effective way.
- Xesep is a graphical user interface to the esep (Evolution
- Scheduling and Evolving Processes). It's intended to show users
- how to start, play, and feel the Evolution Scheduling and
- Evolving Processes, including sub-programs to display system
- status, evolving process status, queue status, and evolution
- scheduling status periodically in as small as one mini-second.
- FSM-Evolver [New]
- Web site: [138]pages.prodigy.net/czarneckid
- A Java (jdk-v1.0.2+) code library that is used to evolve finite
- state machines. The problem included in the package is the
- Artificial Ant problem. You should be able to compile the .java
- files and then run: java ArtificialAnt.
- GPsys [New]
- Web site: [139]www.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/A.Qureshi/gpsys.html
- GPsys (pronounced gipsys) is a Java (requires Java 1.1 or
- later) based Genetic Programming system developed by Adil
- Qureshi. The software includes documentation, source and
- executables.
- Feature Summary:
- + Steady State engine
- + ADF support
- + Strongly Typed
- + supports generic functions and terminals
- + has many built-in primitives
- + includes indexed memory
- Save/Load feature
- + can save/load current generation to/from a file
- + data stored in GZIP compression format to minimise disk
- requirements
- + uses serialisable objects for efficiency
- Fully Documented
- Example Problems
- + Lawnmower (including GUI viewer)
- + Symbolic Regression
- Totally Parameterised
- Fully Object Oriented and Extensible
- High Performance
- Memory Efficient
- Alife
- Alife takes yet another approach to exploring the mysteries of
- intelligence. It has many aspects similar to EC and Connectionism, but
- takes these ideas and gives them a meta-level twist. Alife emphasizes
- the development of intelligence through emergent behavior of complex
- adaptive systems. Alife stresses the social or group based aspects of
- intelligence. It seeks to understand life and survival. By studying
- the behaviors of groups of 'beings' Alife seeks to discover the way
- intelligence or higher order activity emerges from seemingly simple
- individuals. Cellular Automata and Conway's Game of Life are probably
- the most commonly known applications of this field.
- Alife class/code libraries
- These are libraries of code or classes for use in programming within
- the artificial life field. They are not meant as stand alone
- applications, but rather as tools for building your own applications.
- John von Neumann Universal Constructor
- Web site: [140]alife.santafe.edu/alife/software/jvn.html
- FTP site: [141]alife.santafe.edu/pub/SOFTWARE/jvn/
- The universal constructor of John von Neumann is an extension
- of the logical concept of universal computing machine. In the
- cellular environment proposed by von Neumann both computing and
- constructive universality can be achieved. Von Neumann proved
- that in his cellular lattice both a Turing machine and a
- machine capable of producing any other cell assembly, when fed
- with a suitable program, can be embedded. He called the latter
- machine a "universal constructor" and showed that, when
- provided with a program containing its own description, this is
- capable of self-reproducing.
- Swarm
- Web site: [142]www.santafe.edu/projects/swarm
- FTP site: [143]ftp.santafe.edu/pub/swarm
- The swarm Alife simulation kit. Swarm is a simulation
- environment which facilitates development and experimentation
- with simulations involving a large number of agents behaving
- and interacting within a dynamic environment. It consists of a
- collection of classes and libraries written in Objective-C and
- allows great flexibility in creating simulations and analyzing
- their results. It comes with three demos and good
- documentation.
- Swarm 1.0 is out. It requires libtclobjc and BLT 2.1 (both
- available at the swarm site).
- Alife software kits, applications, etc.
- These are various applications, software kits, etc. meant for research
- in the field of artificial life. Their ease of use will vary, as they
- were designed to meet some particular research interest more than as
- an easy to use commercial package.
- BugsX
- FTP site:
- [144]ftp.Germany.EU.net/pub/research/softcomp/Alife/packages/bu
- gsx/
- Display and evolve biomorphs. It is a program which draws the
- biomorphs based on parametric plots of Fourier sine and cosine
- series and let's you play with them using the genetic
- algorithm.
- The Cellular Automata Simulation System
- Web site: [145]www.cs.runet.edu/~dana/ca/cellular.html
- The system consists of a compiler for the Cellang cellular
- automata programming language, along with the corresponding
- documentation, viewer, and various tools. Cellang has been
- undergoing refinement for the last several years (1991-1995),
- with corresponding upgrades to the compiler. Postscript
- versions of the tutorial and language reference manual are
- available for those wanting more detailed information. The most
- important distinguishing features of Cellang, include support
- for:
- + any number of dimensions;
- + compile time specification of each dimensions size; cell
- neighborhoods of any size (though bounded at compile time)
- and shape;
- + positional and time dependent neighborhoods;
- + associating multiple values (fields), including arrays, with
- each cell;
- + associating a potentially unbounded number of mobile agents [
- Agents are mobile entities based on a mechanism of the same
- name in the Creatures system, developed by Ian Stephenson
- (ian@ohm.york.ac.uk).] with each cell; and
- + local interactions only, since it is impossible to construct
- automata that contain any global control or references to
- global variables.
- dblife & dblifelib
- FTP site:
- [146]ftp.cc.gatech.edu/ac121/linux/games/amusements/life/
- dblife: Sources for a fancy Game of Life program for X11 (and
- curses). It is not meant to be incredibly fast (use xlife for
- that:-). But it IS meant to allow the easy editing and viewing
- of Life objects and has some powerful features. The related
- dblifelib package is a library of Life objects to use with the
- program.
- dblifelib: This is a library of interesting Life objects,
- including oscillators, spaceships, puffers, and other weird
- things. The related dblife package contains a Life program
- which can read the objects in the Library.
- Drone
- Web site: [147]pscs.physics.lsa.umich.edu/Software/Drone/
- Drone is a tool for automatically running batch jobs of a
- simulation program. It allows sweeps over arbitrary sets of
- parameters, as well as multiple runs for each parameter set,
- with a separate random seed for each run. The runs may be
- executed either on a single computer or over the Internet on a
- set of remote hosts. Drone is written in Expect (an extension
- to the Tcl scripting language) and runs under Unix. It was
- originally designed for use with the Swarm agent-based
- simulation framework, but Drone can be used with any simulation
- program that reads parameters from the command line or from an
- input file.
- EcoLab [New]
- Web site: [148]parallel.acsu.unsw.edu.au/rks/ecolab.html
- EcoLab is a system that implements an abstract ecology model.
- It is written as a set of Tcl/Tk commands so that the model
- parameters can easily be changed on the fly by means of editing
- a script. The model itself is written in C++.
- Game Of Life (GOL) [New]
- Web site: [149]www.arrakeen.demon.co.uk/downloads.html
- FTP site: [150]sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/science/ai/life
- GOL is a simulator for conway's game of life (a simple cellular
- automata), and other simple rule sets. The emphasis here is on
- speed and scale, in other words you can setup large and fast
- simulations.
- Web site: [151]www-cse.ucsd.edu/users/fil/lee/lee.html
- FTP site: [152]cs.ucsd.edu/pub/LEE/
- LEE (Latent Energy Environments) is both an Alife model and a
- software tool to be used for simulations within the framework
- of that model. We hope that LEE will help understand a broad
- range of issues in theoretical, behavioral, and evolutionary
- biology. The LEE tool described here consists of approximately
- 7,000 lines of C code and runs in both Unix and Macintosh
- platforms.
- Net-Life & ZooLife
- Web site:[153]www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Heights/1051**
- FTP site: [154]ftp.coe.uga.edu/users/jae/alife/
- *(netlife-2.0.tar.gz contains both Net-Life and ZooLife)
- Net-Life is a simulation of artificial-life, with neural
- "brains" generated via slightly random techniques. Net-Life
- uses artificial neural nets and evolutionary algorithms to
- breed artificial organisms that are similar to single cell
- organisms. Net-life uses asexual reproduction of its fittest
- individuals with a chance of mutation after each round to
- eventually evolve successful life-forms.
- ZooLife is a simulation of artificial-life. ZooLife uses
- probabilistic methods and evolutionary algorithms to breed
- artificial organisms that are similar to plant/animal zoo
- organisms. ZooLife uses asexual reproduction with a chance of
- mutation.
- Primordial Soup
- Web site: [155]alife.santafe.edu/alife/software/psoup.html
- Primordial Soup is an artificial life program. Organisms in the
- form of computer software loops live in a shared memory space
- (the "soup") and self-reproduce. The organisms mutate and
- evolve, behaving in accordance with the principles of Darwinian
- evolution.
- The program may be started with one or more organisms seeding
- the soup. Alternatively, the system may be started "sterile",
- with no organisms present. Spontaneous generation of
- self-reproducing organisms has been observed after runs as
- short as 15 minutes.
- Tierra
- Web site: [156]www.hip.atr.co.jp/~ray/tierra/tierra.html
- FTP site: [157]alife.santafe.edu/pub/SOFTWARE/Tierra/
- Alternate FTP site:
- [158]ftp.cc.gatech.edu/ac121/linux/science/biology/
- Tierra's written in the C programming language. This source
- code creates a virtual computer and its operating system, whose
- architecture has been designed in such a way that the
- executable machine codes are evolvable. This means that the
- machine code can be mutated (by flipping bits at random) or
- recombined (by swapping segments of code between algorithms),
- and the resulting code remains functional enough of the time
- for natural (or presumably artificial) selection to be able to
- improve the code over time.
- FTP site: [159]ftp.coe.uga.edu/users/jae/alife/
- This program simulates primitive life-forms, equipped with some
- basic instincts and abilities, in a 2D environment consisting
- of cells. By mutation new generations can prove their success,
- and thus passing on "good family values".
- The brain of a TIN can be seen as a collection of processes,
- each representing drives or impulses to behave a certain way,
- depending on the state/perception of the environment ( e.g.
- presence of food, walls, neighbors, scent traces) These
- behavior process currently are : eating, moving, mating,
- relaxing, tracing others, gathering food and killing. The
- process with the highest impulse value takes control, or in
- other words: the tin will act according to its most urgent
- need.
- FTP site:
- [160]ftp.cc.gatech.edu/ac121/linux/games/amusements/life/
- This program will evolve patterns for John Horton Conway's game
- of Life. It will also handle general cellular automata with the
- orthogonal neighborhood and up to 8 states (it's possible to
- recompile for more states, but very expensive in memory).
- Transition rules and sample patterns are provided for the
- 8-state automaton of E. F. Codd, the Wireworld automaton, and a
- whole class of `Prisoner's Dilemma' games.
- Autonomous Agents
- Also known as intelligent software agents or just agents, this area of
- AI research deals with simple applications of small programs that aid
- the user in his/her work. They can be mobile (able to stop their
- execution on one machine and resume it on another) or static (live in
- one machine). They are usually specific to the task (and therefore
- fairly simple) and meant to help the user much as an assistant would.
- The most popular (ie. widely known) use of this type of application to
- date are the web robots that many of the indexing engines (eg.
- webcrawler) use.
- AgentK
- FTP site: [161]ftp.csd.abdn.ac.uk/pub/wdavies/agentk
- This package synthesizes two well-known agent paradigms:
- Agent-Oriented Programming, Shoham (1990), and the Knowledge
- Query & Manipulation Language, Finin (1993). The initial
- implementation of AOP, Agent-0, is a simple language for
- specifying agent behaviour. KQML provides a standard language
- for inter-agent communication. Our integration (which we have
- called Agent-K) demonstrates that Agent-0 and KQML are highly
- compatible. Agent-K provides the possibility of inter-operable
- (or open) software agents, that can communicate via KQML and
- which are programmed using the AOP approach.
- Agent, the Perl5 Module
- FTP site:
- [162]ftp.hawk.igs.net/pub/users/jduncan/modules/Agent/
- The Agent is a prototype for an Information Agent system. It is
- both platform and language independent, as it stores contained
- information in simple packed strings. It can be packed and
- shipped across any network with any format, as it freezes
- itself in its current state.
- Web site: [163]www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~agent/
- FTP site: [164]ftp.cs.dartmouth.edu/pub/agents/
- A transportable agent is a program that can migrate from
- machine to machine in a heterogeneous network. The program
- chooses when and where to migrate. It can suspend its execution
- at an arbitrary point, transport to another machine and resume
- execution on the new machine. For example, an agent carrying a
- mail message migrates first to a router and then to the
- recipient's mailbox. The agent can perform arbitrarily complex
- processing at each machine in order to ensure that the message
- reaches the intended recipient.
- Aglets Workbench
- Web site: [165]www.trl.ibm.co.jp/aglets/
- An aglet is a Java object that can move from one host on the
- Internet to another. That is, an aglet that executes on one
- host can suddenly halt execution, dispatch to a remote host,
- and resume execution there. When the aglet moves, it takes
- along its program code as well as its state (data). A built-in
- security mechanism makes it safe for a computer to host
- untrusted aglets. The Java Aglet API (J-AAPI) is a proposed
- public standard for interfacing aglets and their environment.
- J-AAPI contains methods for initializing an aglet, message
- handling, and dispatching, retracting, deactivating/activating,
- cloning, and disposing of the aglet. J-AAPI is simple,
- flexible, and stable. Application developers can write
- platform-independent aglets and expect them to run on any host
- that supports J-AAPI.
- Ara
- Web site: [166]www.uni-kl.de/AG-Nehmer/Ara/
- Ara is a platform for the portable and secure execution of
- mobile agents in heterogeneous networks. Mobile agents in this
- sense are programs with the ability to change their host
- machine during execution while preserving their internal state.
- This enables them to handle interactions locally which
- otherwise had to be performed remotely. Ara's specific aim in
- comparison to similar platforms is to provide full mobile agent
- functionality while retaining as much as possible of
- established programming models and languages.
- JAFMAS [New]
- Web site: [167]www.ececs.uc.edu/~abaker/JAFMAS
- JAFMAS provides a framework to guide the coherent development
- of multiagent systems along with a set of classes for agent
- deployment in Java. The framework is intended to help beginning
- and expert developers structure their ideas into concrete agent
- applications. It directs development from a speech-act
- perspective and supports multicast and directed communication,
- KQML or other speech-act performatives and analysis of
- multiagent system coherency and consistency.
- Only four of the provided Java classes must be extended for any
- application. Provided examples of the N-Queens and Supply Chain
- Integration use only 567 and 1276 lines of additional code
- respectively for implementation.
- JATLite
- Web site: [168]java.stanford.edu/java_agent/html/
- JATLite is providing a set of java packages which makes easy to
- build multi-agent systems using Java. JATLite provides only
- light-weight, small set of packages so that the developers can
- handle all the packages with little efforts. For flexibility
- JATLite provides four different layers from abstract to Router
- implementation. A user can access any layer we are providing.
- Each layer has a different set of assumptions. The user can
- choose an appropriate layer according to the assumptions on the
- layer and user's application. The introduction page contains
- JATLite features and the set of assumptions for each layer.
- Java(tm) Agent Template
- Web site: [169]cdr.stanford.edu/ABE/JavaAgent.html
- The JAT provides a fully functional template, written entirely
- in the Java language, for constructing software agents which
- communicate peer-to-peer with a community of other agents
- distributed over the Internet. Although portions of the code
- which define each agent are portable, JAT agents are not
- migratory but rather have a static existence on a single host.
- This behavior is in contrast to many other "agent"
- technologies. (However, using the Java RMI, JAT agents could
- dynamically migrate to a foreign host via an agent resident on
- that host). Currently, all agent messages use KQML as a
- top-level protocol or message wrapper. The JAT includes
- functionality for dynamically exchanging "Resources", which can
- include Java classes (e.g. new languages and interpreters,
- remote services, etc.), data files and information inlined into
- the KQML messages.
- Java-To-Go
- Web site:
- [170]ptolemy.eecs.berkeley.edu/dgm/javatools/java-to-go/
- Java-To-Go is an experimental infrastructure that assists in
- the development and experimentation of mobile agents and
- agent-based applications for itinerative computing (itinerative
- computing: the set of applications that requires site-to-site
- computations. The main emphasis here is on a easy-to-setup
- environment that promotes quick experimentation on mobile
- agents.
- Kafka [New]
- Web site: [171]www.fujitsu.co.jp/hypertext/free/kafka/
- Kafka is yet another agent library designed for constructing
- multi-agent based distributed applications. Kafka is a
- flexible, extendable, and easy-to-use java class library for
- programmers who are familiar with distributed programming. It
- is based on Java's RMI and has the following added features:
- Runtime Reflection:
- Agents can modify their behaviour (program codes) at
- runtime. The behaviour of the agent is represented by an
- abstract class Action. It is useful for remote
- maintenance or installation services.
- Remote Evaluation:
- Agents can receive and evaluate program codes (classes)
- with or without the serialized object. Remote evaluation
- is a fundamental function of a mobile agent and is
- thought to be a push model of service delivery.
- Distributed Name Service:
- Agents have any number of logical names that don't
- contain the host name. These names can be managed by the
- distributed directories.
- Customizable security policy
- a very flexible, customizable, 3-layered security model
- is implemented in Kafka.
- 100% Java and RMI compatible:
- Kafka is written completely in Java. Agent is a Java RMI
- server object itself. So, agents can directly communicate
- with other RMI objects.
- Khepera Simulator
- Web site: [172]diwww.epfl.ch/lami/team/michel/khep-sim/
- Khepera Simulator is a public domain software package written
- by [173]Olivier MICHEL during the preparation of his Ph.D.
- thesis, at the Laboratoire I3S, URA 1376 of CNRS and University
- of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France. It allows to write your own
- controller for the mobile robot Khepera using C or C++
- languages, to test them in a simulated environment and features
- a nice colorful X11 graphical interface. Moreover, if you own a
- Khepera robot, it can drive the real robot using the same
- control algorithm. It is mainly oriented toward to researchers
- studying autonomous agents.
- Mole
- Web site:
- [174]www.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/ipvr/vs/projekte/mole.html
- Mole is an agent system supporting mobile agents programmed in
- Java. Mole's agents consist of a cluster of objects, which have
- no references to the outside, and as a whole work on tasks
- given by the user or another agent. They have the ability to
- roam a network of "locations" autonomously. These "locations"
- are an abstraction of real, existing nodes in the underlying
- network. They can use location-specific resources by
- communicating with dedicated agents representing these
- services. Agents are able to use services provided by other
- agents and to provide services as well.
- Odyssey
- Web site: [175]www.genmagic.com/agents/
- Odyssey is General Magic's initial implementation of mobile
- agents in 100% pure Java. The Odyssey class libraries enable
- you to develop your own mobile agent applications. Use mobile
- agents to access data, make decisions and notify users. Your
- agent-enabled applications may also take full advantage of the
- Java platform and use other third party libraries, for example,
- to access remote CORBA objects or to access relational
- databases using JDBC. To see how it's done, take a look at the
- sample applications included as part of the Odyssey download.
- Penguin!
- FTP site:
- [176]www.perl.org/CPAN/modules/by-category/23_Miscellaneous_Mod
- ules/Penguin/FSG/
- Penguin is a Perl 5 module. It provides you with a set of
- functions which allow you to:
- + send encrypted, digitally signed Perl code to a remote
- machine to be executed.
- + receive code and, depending on who signed it, execute it in
- an arbitrarily secure, limited compartment.
- The combination of these functions enable direct Perl coding of
- algorithms to handle safe internet commerce, mobile
- information-gathering agents, "live content" web browser helper
- apps, distributed load-balanced computation, remote software
- update, distance machine administration, content-based
- information propagation, Internet-wide shared-data
- applications, network application builders, and so on.
- SimRobot
- Web site: [177]www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/~simrobot/
- FTP site: [178]ftp.uni-bremen.de/pub/ZKW/INFORM/simrobot/
- SimRobot is a program for simulation of sensor based robots in
- a 3D environment. It is written in C++, runs under UNIX and X11
- and needs the graphics toolkit XView.
- + Simulation of robot kinematics
- + Hierarchically built scene definition via a simple definition
- language
- + Various sensors built in: camera, facette eye, distance
- measurement, light sensor, etc.
- + Objects defined as polyeders
- + Emitter abstractly defined; can be interpreted e.g. as light
- or sound
- + Camera images computed according to the raytracing or
- Z-buffer algorithms known from computer graphics
- + Specific sensor/motor software interface for communicating
- with the simulation
- + Texture mapping onto the object surfaces: bitmaps in various
- formats
- + Comprehensive visualization of the scene: wire frame w/o
- hidden lines, sensor and actor values
- + Interactive as well as batch driven control of the agents and
- operation in the environment
- + Collision detection
- + Extendability with user defined object types
- + Possible socket communication to e.g. the Khoros image
- processing software
- TclRobots
- FTP site:
- [179]ftp.neosoft.com/pub/tcl/sorted/games/tclrobots-2.0/
- Redhat Patch:
- [180]ftp.coe.uga.edu/users/jae/ai/tclrobots-redhat.patch
- RPMs: [181]ftp://ftp.redhat.com/contrib/
- TclRobots is a programming game, similar to 'Core War'. To play
- TclRobots, you must write a Tcl program that controls a robot.
- The robot's mission is to survive a battle with other robots.
- Two, three, or four robots compete during a battle, each
- running different programs (or possibly the same program in
- different robots.) Each robot is equipped with a scanner,
- cannon, drive mechanism. A single match continues until one
- robot is left running. Robots may compete individually, or
- combine in a team oriented battle. A tournament can be run with
- any number of robot programs, each robot playing every other in
- a round-robin fashion, one-on-one. A battle simulator is
- available to help debug robot programs.
- The TclRobots program provides a physical environment, imposing
- certain game parameters to which all robots must adhere.
- TclRobots also provides a view on a battle, and a controlling
- user interface. TclRobots requirements: a wish interpreter
- built from Tcl 7.4 and Tk 4.0.
- The Tocoma Project
- Web site: [182]www.cs.uit.no/DOS/Tacoma/index.html
- An agent is a process that may migrate through a computer
- network in order to satisfy requests made by clients. Agents
- are an attractive way to describe network-wide computations.
- The TACOMA project focuses on operating system support for
- agents and how agents can be used to solve problems
- traditionally addressed by operating systems. We have
- implemented a series of prototype systems to support agents.
- TACOMA Version 1.2 is based on UNIX and TCP. The system
- supports agents written in C, Tcl/Tk, Perl, Python, and Scheme
- (Elk). It is implemented in C. This TACOMA version has been in
- public domain since April 1996.
- We are currently focusing on heterogeneity, fault-tolerance,
- security and management issues. Also, several TACOMA
- applications are under construction. We implemented StormCast
- 4.0, a wide-area network weather monitoring system accessible
- over the internet, using TACOMA and Java. We are now in the
- process of evaluating this application, and plan to build a new
- StormCast version to be completed by June 1997.
- Virtual Secretary Project (ViSe) (Tcl/Tk) [New]
- Web site: [183]www.cs.uit.no/DOS/Virt_Sec
- The motivation of the Virtual Secretary project is to construct
- user-model-based intelligent software agents, which could in
- most cases replace human for secretarial tasks, based on modern
- mobile computing and computer network. The project includes two
- different phases: the first phase (ViSe1) focuses on
- information filtering and process migration, its goal is to
- create a secure environment for software agents using the
- concept of user models; the second phase (ViSe2) concentrates
- on agents' intelligent and efficient cooperation in a
- distributed environment, its goal is to construct cooperative
- agents for achieving high intelligence. (Implemented in
- Tcl/TclX/Tix/Tk)
- Web site: [184]www.ai.uga.edu/~jae/projects.html#vworld
- Vworld is a simulated environment for research with autonomous
- agents written in prolog. It is currently in something of an
- beta stage. It works well with SWI-prolog, but should work with
- Quitnus-prolog with only a few changes. It is being designed to
- serve as an educational tool for class projects dealing with
- prolog and autonomous agents. It comes with three demo worlds
- or environments, along with sample agents for them.
- There are two versions now. One written for SWI-prolog and one
- written for LPA-prolog. Documentation is roughly done (with a
- student/professor framework in mind), and a graphical interface
- is planned.
- WebMate
- Web site: [185]www.cs.cmu.edu/~softagents/webmate/
- WebMate is a personal agent for World-Wide Web browsing and
- searching. It accompanies you when you travel on the internet
- and provides you what you want.
- Features include:
- + Searching enhancement, including parallel search, searching
- keywords refinement using our relevant keywords extraction
- technology, relevant feedback, etc.
- + Browsing assistant, including learning your current
- interesting, recommending you new URLs according to your
- profile and selected resources, monitoring bookmarks of
- Netscape or IE, sending the current browsing page to your
- friends, etc.
- + Offline browsing, including downloading the following pages
- from the current page for offline browsing.
- + Filtering HTTP header, including recording http header and
- all the transactions between your browser and WWW servers,
- etc.
- + Checking the HTML page to find the errors or dead links, etc.
- + Programming in Java, independent of operating system, runing
- in multi-thread.
- AI & Alife related newsgroups
- These newsgroups are not Linux specific. But they are good resources
- for anyone working in artificial intelligence or artificial life. If
- you can't access these newsgroups, many of their FAQs are available
- at:
- [186]http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/hypertext/faq/bngusenet/comp/ai/top
- .html
- * [187]comp.ai
- * [188]comp.ai.edu
- * [189]comp.ai.genetic
- * [190]comp.ai.neural-nets
- * [191]comp.ai.vision
- * [192]comp.ai.fuzzy
- * [193]comp.ai.games
- * [194]comp.ai.jair.announce
- * [195]comp.ai.jair.papers
- * [196]comp.ai.nat-lang
- * [197]comp.ai.nlang-know-rep
- * [198]comp.ai.philosophy
- * [199]comp.ai.shells
- * [200]comp.ai.alife
- * [201]comp.ai.doc-analysis.misc
- * [202]comp.ai.doc-analysis.ocr
- * [203]comp.lang.prolog
- * [204]comp.lang.lisp
- * [205]alt.irc.bots
- AI & Alife resource links
- These are a few of the many AI and Alife sites out there. These sites
- are good places to start hunting for more information or for finding
- software. I'll be adding more links to this list soon, as well as
- organizing it better. These links are not Linux specific, but I wanted
- to include them to provide a jump off point to the huge amount of info
- related to these topics located on the web.
- AI/Alife Archives, Research, Bibliographies, etc.
- All Catagories
- [206]SAL.KachinaTech.COM/Z/3/-Scientific Applications for Linux's AI
- page
- [207]www.cs.cmu.edu/Web/Groups/AI/html/repository.html-CMU
- Artificial Intelligence Repository
- [208]liinwww.ira.uka.de/bibliography/Ai/index.html -Bibliographies
- on Artificial Intelligence [New]
- Traditional AI
- [209]www.mcs.net/~jorn/html/ai.html-Outsider's Guide to AI
- [210]www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/ai-repository/ai/html/clt
- l/clm/clm.html-Common Lisp Book
- [211]www.elwoodcorp.com/alu/table/contents.htm-The Association of
- Lisp Users
- [212]www.cs.indiana.edu/scheme-repository/home.html-Scheme
- repository
- [213]www.aic.nrl.navy.mil/-Navy Center for Applied Research in
- Artificial Intelligence
- [214]intranet.ca/~sshah/waste/waste.html-WASTE (AI Contest)
- [215]www.cs.washington.edu/research/jair/home.html-Journal of
- Artificial Intelligence Research
- [216]www.cs.ucl.ac.uk/misc/ai/-University of London's AI Resource
- Page
- [217]www.cris.com/~swoodcoc/ai.html -Artificial Intelligence in
- Games
- [218]strips.lboro.ac.uk/bib/ -An Online Bibliography on Planning and
- Scheduling
- Connectionism
- [219]www.neuronet.ph.kcl.ac.uk/neuronet/software/software.html-NEuro
- Net - ANN software
- Evolutionary Computing
- [220]ftp://ftp.mad-scientist.com/pub/genetic-programming/-John
- Koza's Genetic Programming archive.
- [221]www.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/~jacob/Evolvica/ -Tutorial: Evolutionary
- Algorithms in Action
- [222]alife.santafe.edu/~joke/encore/-ENCORE-The Hitch-Hikers Guide
- to Evolutionary Computation
- [223]gal4.ge.uiuc.edu/illigal.home.html-IlliGAL Home Page (GA's)
- [224]isl.msu.edu/GA/-MSU GARAGe Home Page (GA's)
- [225]www.aracnet.com/~wwir/NovaGenetica/-Nova Genetica (GA's)
- Artifical Life
- [226]alife.santafe.edu/~joke/zooland/-ZooLand Artificial Life
- Resources
- [227]alife.santafe.edu-Santafe's Alife page
- [228]www.krl.caltech.edu/~brown/alife/-Alife FAQ
- [229]www.cogs.susx.ac.uk/users/ezequiel/alife-page/alife.html-ALife
- Bibliography
- [230]complex.csu.edu.au/complex/-Complex Systems Information Network
- [231]www.geneticprogramming.com/-The Genetic Programming Notebook
- [232]gracco.irmkant.rm.cnr.it/luigi/lupa_algames.html-The Artificial
- Life Games Homepage
- [233]www.krl.caltech.edu/~charles/alife-game/-Project: Von Neumann
- Agents & Bots
- [234]agents.www.media.mit.edu/groups/agents/-MIT Media Lab,
- Autonomous Agents Group
- [235]www.cs.umbc.edu/agents/agentnews/-AgentNews Webletter
- [236]www.cs.umbc.edu/agents-UMBC AgentWeb (includes KQML info) [New]
- [237]www.agent.org-Agent Society Home Page
- [238]www.botspot.com/main.html-The BotSpot (a software agent
- resource page) [New]
- [239]www.cselt.it/fipa/-FIPA Foundation for Intelligent Physical
- Agents
- [240]www.robotmag.com/-Robot Magazine
- [241]www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/3086/robots/index2.htm-Intro to
- Indexing Bots (aka spiders) [New]
- [242]luz.cs.nmt.edu/~rtlinux-Real time linux (for robotics, etc)
- References
- Visible links:
- 1. mailto:jae@ai.uga.edu
- 2. http://www.ai.uga.edu/~jae/ai.html
- 3. file://localhost/home/tjbynum/HOWTO/minisrc/AI-Alife.html#What's New
- 4. file://localhost/home/tjbynum/HOWTO/minisrc/AI-Alife.html#Intro, Links & Newsgroups
- 5. file://localhost/home/tjbynum/HOWTO/minisrc/AI-Alife.html#Purpose
- 6. file://localhost/home/tjbynum/HOWTO/minisrc/AI-Alife.html#Finding the Software
- 7. file://localhost/home/tjbynum/HOWTO/minisrc/AI-Alife.html#Updates and Comments
- 8. file://localhost/home/tjbynum/HOWTO/minisrc/AI-Alife.html#Languages
- 9. file://localhost/home/tjbynum/HOWTO/minisrc/AI-Alife.html#Traditional AI
- 10. file://localhost/home/tjbynum/HOWTO/minisrc/AI-Alife.html#AI Libraries
- 11. file://localhost/home/tjbynum/HOWTO/minisrc/AI-Alife.html#AI Applications
- 12. file://localhost/home/tjbynum/HOWTO/minisrc/AI-Alife.html#Connectionism
- 13. file://localhost/home/tjbynum/HOWTO/minisrc/AI-Alife.html#Conn. Libraries
- 14. file://localhost/home/tjbynum/HOWTO/minisrc/AI-Alife.html#Conn. Applications
- 15. file://localhost/home/tjbynum/HOWTO/minisrc/AI-Alife.html#Evolutionary Computing
- 16. file://localhost/home/tjbynum/HOWTO/minisrc/AI-Alife.html#EC Libraries
- 17. file://localhost/home/tjbynum/HOWTO/minisrc/AI-Alife.html#EC Applications
- 18. file://localhost/home/tjbynum/HOWTO/minisrc/AI-Alife.html#Artificial Life
- 19. file://localhost/home/tjbynum/HOWTO/minisrc/AI-Alife.html#Alife Libraries
- 20. file://localhost/home/tjbynum/HOWTO/minisrc/AI-Alife.html#Alife Applications
- 21. file://localhost/home/tjbynum/HOWTO/minisrc/AI-Alife.html#Agents and Bots
- 22. file://localhost/home/tjbynum/HOWTO/minisrc/AI-Alife.html#Newsgroups
- 23. file://localhost/home/tjbynum/HOWTO/minisrc/AI-Alife.html#Web Links
- 24. http://www.ai.uga.edu/~jae/ai.html
- 25. mailto:dheise@metronet.de
- 26. http://www-swiss.ai.mit.edu/scheme-home.html
- 27. http://www.cat.nyu.edu/fox/schemes.html
- 28. http://www.ai.uga.edu/~jae/ai.html
- 29. mailto:jae@ai.uga.edu
- 30. file://localhost/home/tjbynum/HOWTO/minisrc/AI-Alife.html#Web Links
- 31. file://localhost/home/tjbynum/HOWTO/minisrc/mailto=jae@ai.uga.edu
- 32. mailto:jae@ai.uga.edu
- 33. http://www.di.unipi.it/~attardi/software.html
- 34. http://www.cs.bris.ac.uk/~bowers/goedel.html
- 35. http://www.isg.sfu.ca/life
- 36. ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/devel/lang/lisp/
- 37. http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/ai-repository/ai/html/cltl/clm/clm.html
- 38. http://www.mv.com/users/pw/lisp/index.html
- 39. ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/devel/lang/lisp/
- 40. ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/devel/lang/lisp/
- 41. http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/research/mercury/
- 42. http://www.ps.uni-sb.de/oz/
- 43. ftp://ps-ftp.dfki.uni-sb.de/pub/oz2/
- 44. http://clement.info.umoncton.ca/BinProlog/UNCOMPRESSED/doc/html/art.html
- 45. ftp://clement.info.umoncton.ca/BinProlog/
- 46. ftp://clement.info.umoncton.ca/BinProlog/UNCOMPRESSED/bin/
- 47. http://swi.psy.uva.nl/projects/xpce/SWI-Prolog.html
- 48. ftp://swi.psy.uva.nl/pub/SWI-Prolog/
- 49. http://www.neci.nj.nec.com/PLS/Kali.html
- 50. http://www.rosette.com/~donovan/rs/rscheme.html
- 51. ftp://ftp.rosette.com/pub/rscheme/
- 52. http://www-swiss.ai.mit.edu/~jar/s48.html
- 53. ftp://swiss-ftp.ai.mit.edu/archive/s48/
- 54. http://www-swiss.ai.mit.edu/~jaffer/SCM.html
- 55. ftp://swiss-ftp.ai.mit.edu/archive/scm/
- 56. http://www.path.berkeley.edu/shift/
- 57. ftp://ftp.icce.rug.nl/pub/peter/
- 58. mailto:peter@obelix.icce.rug.nl
- 59. ftp://chess.onenet.net/pub/chess/uploads/projects/
- 60. http://starship.skyport.net/crew/gandalf/DNET/AI/
- 61. http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/music/web/music.html
- 62. http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~screamer-tools/home.html
- 63. http://www.ingber.com/#ASA-CODE
- 64. ftp://ftp.ingber.com/
- 65. ftp://ftp.gmd.de/gmd/ai-research/Software/Babylon/
- 66. http://www.coli.uni-sb.de/~clears/
- 67. http://www.jsc.nasa.gov/~clips/CLIPS.html
- 68. ftp://cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/ai-repository/ai/areas/expert/systems/clips
- 69. http://wmwap1.math.uni-wuppertal.de/EMA-XPS/
- 70. ftp://ntia.its.bldrdoc.gov/pub/fuzzy/prog/
- 71. http://www.dfki.de/lt/registry/generation/fuf.html
- 72. ftp://ftp.cs.columbia.edu/pub/fuf/
- 73. http://www.cs.kun.nl/agfl/GWB.html
- 74. http://www.slip.net/~andrewm/gsm/
- 75. http://documents.cfar.umd.edu/resources/source/illuminator.html
- 76. http://herzberg.ca.sandia.gov/jess/
- 77. http://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/apps/cai/
- 78. http://www.mcs.anl.gov/home/mccune/ar/otter/
- 79. http://www.research.att.com/~wcohen/ripperd.html
- 80. http://www.cs.buffalo.edu/pub/sneps/WWW/
- 81. ftp://ftp.cs.buffalo.edu/pub/sneps/
- 82. http://www.isi.edu/soar/soar.html
- 83. ftp://cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/project/soar/public/Soar6/
- 84. http://www.cs.vu.nl/~tcm/
- 85. ftp://ftp.cs.vu.nl/pub/tcm/
- 86. http://lucy.cs.waikato.ac.nz/~ml/
- 87. http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/1624/
- 88. http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/project/ai-repository/ai/areas/reasonng/probabl/belief/0.html
- 89. http://www.rpal.rockwell.com/ideal.html
- 90. ftp://pink.cs.ucla.edu/pub/
- 91. http://iridia.ulb.ac.be/pulcinella/Welcome.html
- 92. http://www.spaces.uci.edu/thiery/elimbel/
- 93. http://www.cs.utoronto.ca/~radford/fbm.software.html
- 94. ftp://ftp.engr.orst.edu/pub/dambrosi/spi/
- 95. ftp://ftp.engr.orst.edu/pub/dambrosi/
- 96. ftp://iridia.ulb.ac.be/pub/hongxu/software/
- 97. http://www.mcs.com/~drt/svbp.html
- 98. mailto:drt@mcs.com
- 99. http://www.mcs.com/~drt/basisofai.html
- 100. ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/academic/computer-science/neural-networks/programs/Aspirin/
- 101. http://www.cs.cmu.edu/People/javabayes/index.html/
- 102. http://www.bgif.no/neureka/
- 103. ftp://ftp.ii.uib.no/pub/neureka/linux/
- 104. http://www.cnbc.cmu.edu/PDP++/
- 105. ftp://cnbc.cmu.edu/pub/pdp++/
- 106. ftp://unix.hensa.ac.uk/mirrors/pdp++/
- 107. http://starship.skyport.net/crew/amk/unmaintained/
- 108. http://apx00.physik.uni-frankfurt.de/e_ag_rt/cnn/SCNN/homepage.html
- 109. http://www-acs.ucsd.edu/~jstrout/python/ai/
- 110. http://www.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/ipvr/bv/projekte/snns/snns.html
- 111. ftp://ftp.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/pub/SNNS/
- 112. file://localhost/home/tjbynum/HOWTO/minisrc/SNNS.Readme.linux
- 113. http://www.ph.tn.tudelft.nl/~sprlib/
- 114. http://www.staff.uiuc.edu/~carroll/ga.html
- 115. http://kal-el.ugr.es/gags.html
- 116. ftp://kal-el.ugr.es/GAGS/
- 117. http://lancet.mit.edu/ga/
- 118. ftp://lancet.mit.edu/pub/ga/
- 119. http://lancet.mit.edu/ga/Register.html
- 120. http://GARAGe.cps.msu.edu/software/software-index.html
- 121. ftp://garage.cps.msu.edu/pub/GA/galopps/
- 122. http://starship.skyport.net/crew/gandalf/
- 123. ftp://ftp.coe.uga.edu/users/jae/ai/
- 124. ftp://ftp.aic.nrl.navy.mil/pub/galist/src/
- 125. ftp://ftp.cs.bham.ac.uk/pub/authors/W.B.Langdon/gp-code/
- 126. ftp://cs.ucl.ac.uk/genetic/papers/
- 127. http://www.turbopower.com/~kimk/gpjpp.asp
- 128. http://www.emk.e-technik.th-darmstadt.de/~thomasw/gp.html
- 129. http://isl.msu.edu/GA/software/lil-gp/index.html
- 130. ftp://isl.cps.msu.edu/pub/GA/lilgp/
- 131. http://www.cs.umd.edu/users/seanl/patched-gp/
- 132. http://www.mcs.anl.gov/home/levine/PGAPACK/index.html
- 133. ftp://ftp.mcs.anl.gov/pub/pgapack/
- 134. http://www.trajan-software.demon.co.uk/sugal.htm
- 135. http://www-ia.hiof.no/~rolando/adate_intro.html
- 136. http://www.iit.edu/~linjinl/esep.html
- 137. http://www.iit.edu/~linjinl/xesep.html
- 138. http://pages.prodigy.net/czarneckid/
- 139. http://www.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/A.Qureshi/gpsys.html
- 140. http://alife.santafe.edu/alife/software/jvn.html
- 141. ftp://alife.santafe.edu/pub/SOFTWARE/jvn/
- 142. http://www.santafe.edu/projects/swarm/
- 143. ftp://ftp.santafe.edu/pub/swarm/
- 144. ftp://ftp.Germany.EU.net/pub/research/softcomp/Alife/packages/bugsx/
- 145. http://www.cs.runet.edu/~dana/ca/cellular.html
- 146. ftp://ftp.cc.gatech.edu/ac121/linux/games/amusements/life/
- 147. http://pscs.physics.lsa.umich.edu/Software/Drone/
- 148. http://parallel.acsu.unsw.edu.au/rks/ecolab.html
- 149. http://www.arrakeen.demon.co.uk/downloads.html
- 150. ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/science/ai/life/
- 151. http://www-cse.ucsd.edu/users/fil/lee/lee.html
- 152. ftp://cs.ucsd.edu/pub/LEE/
- 153. http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Heights/1051
- 154. ftp://ftp.coe.uga.edu/users/jae/alife/
- 155. http://alife.santafe.edu/alife/software/psoup.html
- 156. http://www.hip.atr.co.jp/~ray/tierra/tierra.html
- 157. ftp://alife.santafe.edu/pub/SOFTWARE/Tierra/
- 158. ftp://ftp.cc.gatech.edu/ac121/linux/science/biology/
- 159. ftp://ftp.coe.uga.edu/users/jae/alife/
- 160. ftp://ftp.cc.gatech.edu/ac121/linux/games/amusements/life/
- 161. ftp://ftp.csd.abdn.ac.uk/pub/wdavies/agentk
- 162. ftp://ftp.hawk.igs.net/pub/users/jduncan/modules/Agent/
- 163. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~agent/
- 164. ftp://ftp.cs.dartmouth.edu/pub/agents/
- 165. http://www.trl.ibm.co.jp/aglets/
- 166. http://www.uni-kl.de/AG-Nehmer/Ara/
- 167. http://www.ececs.uc.edu/~abaker/JAFMAS/
- 168. http://java.stanford.edu/java_agent/html/
- 169. http://cdr.stanford.edu/ABE/JavaAgent.html
- 170. http://ptolemy.eecs.berkeley.edu/dgm/javatools/java-to-go/
- 171. http://www.fujitsu.co.jp/hypertext/free/kafka/
- 172. http://diwww.epfl.ch/lami/team/michel/khep-sim/index.html
- 173. http://diwww.epfl.ch/lami/team/michel/
- 174. http://www.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/ipvr/vs/projekte/mole.html
- 175. http://www.genmagic.com/agents/
- 176. http://www.perl.org/CPAN/modules/by-category/23_Miscellaneous_Modules/Penguin/FSG/
- 177. http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/~simrobot/
- 178. ftp://ftp.uni-bremen.de/pub/ZKW/INFORM/simrobot/
- 179. ftp://ftp.neosoft.com/pub/tcl/sorted/games/tclrobots-2.0/
- 180. ftp://ftp.coe.uga.edu/users/jae/ai/tclrobots-redhat.patch
- 181. ftp://ftp.redhat.com/contrib/
- 182. http://www.cs.uit.no/DOS/Tacoma/index.html
- 183. http://www.cs.uit.no/DOS/Virt_Sec/
- 184. http://www.ai.uga.edu/~jae/projects.html#vworld
- 185. http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~softagents/webmate/
- 186. http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/hypertext/faq/bngusenet/comp/ai/top.html
- 187. news:comp.ai
- 188. news:comp.ai.edi
- 189. news:comp.ai.genetic
- 190. news:comp.ai.neural-nets
- 191. news:comp.ai.vision
- 192. news:comp.ai.fuzzy
- 193. news:comp.ai.games
- 194. news:comp.ai.jair.announce
- 195. news:comp.ai.jair.papers
- 196. news:comp.ai.nat-lang
- 197. news:comp.ai.nlang-know-rep
- 198. news:comp.ai.philosophy
- 199. news:comp.ai.shells
- 200. news:comp.ai.alife
- 201. news:comp.ai.doc-analysis.misc
- 202. news:comp.ai.doc-analysis.ocr
- 203. news:comp.lang.prolog
- 204. news:comp.lang.lisp
- 205. news:alt.irc.bots
- 206. http://SAL.KachinaTech.COM/Z/3/
- 207. http://www.cs.cmu.edu/Web/Groups/AI/html/repository.html
- 208. http://liinwww.ira.uka.de/bibliography/Ai/index.html
- 209. http://www.mcs.net/~jorn/html/ai.html
- 210. http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/ai-repository/ai/html/cltl/clm/clm.html
- 211. http://www.elwoodcorp.com/alu/table/contents.htm
- 212. http://www.cs.indiana.edu/scheme-repository/home.html
- 213. http://www.aic.nrl.navy.mil/
- 214. http://intranet.ca/~sshah/waste/waste.html
- 215. http://www.cs.washington.edu/research/jair/home.html
- 216. http://www.cs.ucl.ac.uk/misc/ai/
- 217. http://www.cris.com/~swoodcoc/ai.html
- 218. http://strips.lboro.ac.uk/bib/
- 219. http://www.neuronet.ph.kcl.ac.uk/neuronet/software/software.html
- 220. ftp://ftp.mad-scientist.com/pub/genetic-programming/
- 221. http://www.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/~jacob/Evolvica/
- 222. http://alife.santafe.edu/~joke/encore/
- 223. http://gal4.ge.uiuc.edu/illigal.home.html
- 224. http://isl.msu.edu/GA/
- 225. http://www.aracnet.com/~wwir/NovaGenetica/
- 226. http://alife.santafe.edu/~joke/zooland/
- 227. http://alife.santafe.edu/
- 228. http://www.krl.caltech.edu/~brown/alife/
- 229. http://www.cogs.susx.ac.uk/users/ezequiel/alife-page/alife.html
- 230. http://complex.csu.edu.au/complex/
- 231. http://www.geneticprogramming.com/
- 232. http://gracco.irmkant.rm.cnr.it/luigi/lupa_algames.html
- 233. http://www.krl.caltech.edu/~charles/alife-game/
- 234. http://agents.www.media.mit.edu/groups/agents/
- 235. http://www.cs.umbc.edu/agents/agentnews/
- 236. http://www.cs.umbc.edu/agents/
- 237. http://www.agent.org/
- 238. http://www.botspot.com/main.html
- 239. http://www.cselt.it/fipa/
- 240. http://www.robotmag.com/
- 241. http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/3086/robots/index2.htm
- 242. http://luz.cs.nmt.edu/~rtlinux/
- Hidden links:
- 243. http://www.cs.nyu.edu/~klap7794/spiderweb2.html