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- Basilisk II, Version 0.4
- A free, portable Mac II emulator
- Copyright (C) 1997-1999 Christian Bauer et al.
- Freely distributable
- License
- -------
- Basilisk II is available under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
- See the file "COPYING" that is included in this archive for details.
- Overview
- --------
- Basilisk II is an attempt at creating a free, portable 68k Mac emulator.
- It requires a copy of a 512K or 1MB Mac ROM and a copy of MacOS 7.x or
- 8.x to run. Basilisk II is freeware and distributed under the GNU General
- Public License.
- Basilisk II has currently been ported to the following systems:
- - BeOS R4 (PowerPC and x86)
- - Unix (tested under Linux)
- - AmigaOS 3.x
- Some features of Basilisk II:
- - Runs MacOS 7.x and 8.x (7.0 not recommended)
- - Color video
- - Floppy disk driver (only 1.44MB disks supported)
- - Driver for HFS partitions and hardfiles
- - CD-ROM driver with basic audio functions
- - Ethernet driver
- - Serial drivers
- - SCSI Manager (old-style) emulation
- - Emulates extended ADB keyboard and 3-button mouse
- - Uses UAE 68k emulation or (under AmigaOS) real 68k processor
- The emulator is far from being complete. See the file "TODO" for a list
- of unimplemented stuff.
- Installation
- ------------
- BeOS:
- The archive contains a precompiled BeOS binary (unless it's a "src"
- archive). On a PowerPC system you also need the "sheep" driver that
- comes with SheepShaver. To use Ethernet, you need the "sheep_net"
- add-on that also comes with SheepShaver (both items are included
- in the SheepShaver Trial Versions). Basilisk II cannot run concurrently
- with SheepShaver. Trying to do so will crash Basilisk II, or SheepShaver,
- or both.
- Unix:
- You need X11R6. To compile, cd to "src/Unix", and type "./configure"
- followed by "make".
- AmigaOS:
- The archive contains a precompiled AmigaOS binary (unless it's a "src"
- archive). You need at least a 68020 and AmigaOS 3.0. You must also have
- the "PrepareEmul" utility installed that comes with ShapeShifter (or any
- equivalent PrepareEmul substitute, see the ShapeShifter docs).
- Basilisk II needs a 512K or 1MB 32-bit clean Macintosh ROM image. For
- copyright reasons this is not included in the archive. No, I don't know
- where you can download it. No, I won't send you one. The ROM file has to
- be named "ROM" and put in the same directory as the Basilisk II executable
- but you can specify a different location for the ROM file with the "rom"
- option in the preferences file.
- Configuration
- -------------
- Basilisk II is configured via a text file.
- BeOS:
- /boot/home/config/settings/BasiliskII_prefs
- Unix:
- ~/.basilisk_ii_prefs
- AmigaOS:
- ENV:BasiliskII_prefs
- If no preferences file is present, Basilisk II will create one with the
- default settings upon startup.
- The preferences file is a text file editable with any text editor.
- Each line in this file has the format "keyword value" and describes
- one preferences item. For each keyword, the meaning of the "value"
- string may vary across platforms. The following keywords exist:
- disk <volume description>
- This item describes one MacOS volume to be mounted by Basilisk II.
- There can be multiple "disk" lines in the preferences file. Basilisk II
- can handle hardfiles (byte-per-byte images of HFS volumes in a file on
- the host system) as well as HFS partitions on hard disks etc. The
- "volume description" is either the pathname of a hardfile or a
- platform-dependant description of an HFS partition or drive. If the
- volume description starts with an asterisk ("*"), the volume is write
- protected for MacOS (and the "*" is discarded).
- BeOS:
- To specify an HFS partition, simply specify its path (e.g.
- "/dev/disk/scsi/0/1/0/0_3")
- Unix:
- To specify an HFS partition, simply specify its path (e.g.
- "/dev/sda5")
- AmigaOS:
- Partitions/drives are specified in the following format:
- /dev/<device name>/<unit>/<open flags>/<start byte>/<size>/<block size>
- "start byte", "size" and "block size" are given in bytes.
- floppy <floppy drive description>
- This item describes one floppy drive to be used by Basilisk II. There
- can be multiple "floppy" lines in the preferences file. If no "floppy"
- line is given, Basilisk II will try to automatically detect and use
- installed floppy drives. The format of the "floppy drive description"
- is the same as that of "disk" lines.
- cdrom <CD-ROM drive description>
- This item describes one CD-ROM drive to be used by Basilisk II. There
- can be multiple "cdrom" lines in the preferences file. If no "cdrom"
- line is given, Basilisk II will try to automatically detect and use
- installed CD-ROM drives. The format of the "CD-ROM drive description"
- is the same as that of "disk" lines.
- scsi0 <SCSI target> ... scsi6 <SCSI target>
- These items describe the SCSI target to be used for a given Mac SCSI
- ID by Basilisk II. Basilisk II emulates the old SCSI Manager and allows
- to assign a different SCSI target (they don't even have to be on the
- same SCSI bus) for each SCSI ID (0..6) as seen by the MacOS. "scsi0"
- describes the target for ID 0, "scsi1" the target for ID 1 etc.
- The format of the "SCSI target" is platform specific.
- BeOS:
- The "SCSI target" has the format "<bus>/<unit>" (e.g. "0/2").
- Due to a bug in BeOS, using SCSI with Basilisk II may cause the
- SCSI bus to hang. Use with caution.
- Unix:
- <not yet implemented>
- AmigaOS:
- The "SCSI target" has the format "<device name>/<unit>" (e.g.
- "scsi.device/2").
- screen <video mode>
- This item describes the type of video display to be used by Basilisk II.
- The format of the "video mode" is platform specific.
- BeOS:
- The "video mode" is one of the following:
- win/<width>/<height>
- 8-bit color display in a window of the given size. This is the
- default.
- scr
- Full-screen display in an 8-bit 640x480 BWindowScreen.
- Unix:
- The "video mode" is one of the following:
- win/<width>/<height>
- Color display in an X11 window of the given size. The color depth
- (8/15/24 bit) depends on the depth of the underlying X11 screen.
- This is the default.
- dga
- Full-screen display using the X11 DGA extensions. The color depth
- (8/15/24 bit) depends on the depth of the underlying X11 screen.
- For DGA to work, Basilisk II must be compiled with DGA support
- enabled (set ENABLE_DGA to 1 in Unix/video_x.cpp).
- AmigaOS:
- The "video mode" is one of the following:
- win/<width>/<height>
- Black-and-white display in a window of the given size on the
- Workbench screen. This is the default and will also be used when
- one of the other options (PIP/screen) fails to open.
- pip/<width>/<height>
- 15-bit truecolor display in a Picasso96 PIP. This requires
- Picasso96 as well as a PIP-capable graphics card (e.g. Picasso IV).
- scr/<hexadecimal mode ID>
- 8/15/24-bit fullscreen display on a Picasso96 screen with the given
- mode ID. This requires Picasso96. For 15 and 24 bit, the frame buffer
- format must be QuickDraw-compatible (big-endian, xRGB 1:5:5:5 or
- xRGB 8:8:8:8). The screen size will be the default size for that
- mode ID.
- seriala <serial port description>
- This item describes the serial port to be used as Port A (Modem Port)
- by Basilisk II. If no "seriala" line is given, Basilisk II will try to
- automatically detect and use installed serial ports. The "serial port
- description" is a platform-dependant description of a serial port.
- BeOS:
- Either specify the name of a serial port (e.g. "serial1") or one of
- "parallel1", "parallel2" or "parallel3". See below for more information
- about parallel ports.
- Unix:
- Specify the device name of a serial port (e.g. "/dev/ttyS0") or a
- parallel "lp" port (e.g. "/dev/lp1"; this only works under Linux).
- See below for more information about parallel ports.
- AmigaOS:
- You have to specify the name of the serial device and the device unit
- as "<device name>/<unit>" (e.g. "serial.device/0"). If the given device
- is not compatible to serial.device, Basilisk II will crash. If the
- device name starts with an asterisk (e.g. "*parallel.device/0"), the
- device is treated as a parallel.device compatible device. See below for
- more information about parallel ports.
- Parallel ports: If you select a parallel port it will look like a serial
- port to MacOS but Basilisk II will only allow data output and ignore baud
- rate settings etc. You should be able to get some printers to work with
- this method (provided that you have the right printer driver, like
- "PowerPrint").
- serialb <serial port description>
- This item describes the serial port to be used as Port B (Printer Port)
- by Basilisk II. If no "serialb" line is given, Basilisk II will try to
- automatically detect and use installed serial ports. The format of the
- "serial port description" is the same as that of the "seriala" option.
- ether <ethernet card description>
- This item describes the Ethernet card to be used for Ethernet networking
- by Basilisk II. If no "ether" line is given, Ethernet networking is disabled
- (although the Ethernet driver of Basilisk II will behave like a "dummy"
- Ethernet card in this case). The "ethernet card description" is a platform-
- dependant description of an ethernet card.
- BeOS:
- It doesn't matter what you give as "ethernet card description", Basilisk II
- will always use the first Ethernet card it finds as long an an "ether"
- line exists (e.g. say "ether yes"). As Basilisk II requires the sheep_net
- net server add-on from SheepShaver, you can only use Ethernet on PowerPC
- machines.
- Unix:
- <not implemented>
- AmigaOS:
- You have to specify the name of the SANA-II Ethernet device and the device
- unit as "<device name>/<unit>" (e.g. "ariadne.device/0"). If the given
- device is not a SANA-II device, Basilisk II will crash. If the device is
- not an Ethernet device, Basilisk II will display a warning message and
- disable Ethernet networking.
- rom <ROM file path>
- This item specifies the file name of the Mac ROM file to be used by
- Basilisk II. If no "rom" line is given, the ROM file has to be named
- "ROM" and put in the same directory as the Basilisk II executable.
- bootdrive <drive number>
- Specify MacOS drive number of boot volume. "0" (the default) means
- "boot from first bootable volume".
- bootdriver <driver number>
- Specify MacOS driver number of boot volume. "0" (the default) means
- "boot from first bootable volume". Use "-62" to boot from CD-ROM.
- ramsize <bytes>
- Allocate "bytes" bytes of RAM for MacOS system and application memory.
- The value given should be a multiple of 4096. The default is 8MB.
- frameskip <frames to skip>
- For refreshed graphics modes (usually window modes), this specifies
- how many frames to skip after drawing one frame. Higher values make
- the video display more responsive but require more processing power.
- The default is "8".
- modelid <MacOS model ID>
- Specifies the Model ID that Basilisk II should report to MacOS.
- The default is "5" which corresponds to a Mac IIci. If you want to
- run MacOS 8, you have to set this to "14" (Quadra 900). Other values
- are not officially supported and may result in crashes.
- nocdrom <"true" or "false">
- Set this to "true" to disable Basilisk's built-in CD-ROM driver.
- The only reason to do this is if you want to use a third-party CD-ROM
- driver that uses the SCSI Manager. The default is "false".
- nogui <"true" or "false">
- Set this to "true" to disable the GUI preferences editor and GUI
- error alerts. All errors will then be reported to stdout. The default
- is "false".
- For additional information, consult prefs.cpp, prefs.h, sys_*.cpp,
- serial_*.cpp, scsi_*.cpp and video_*.cpp.
- Usage
- -----
- Quitting:
- The right way to quit Basilisk II is to select the "Shut Down" menu item
- from the Finder's "Special" menu. You should not kill it from the shell
- unless it hangs. Under Unix, pressing "q" while holding the F12 key will
- also quit Basilisk II (in case you are using it in DGA mode and it crashed).
- Floppy:
- Basilisk II can only handle 1.44MB MFM floppies. Depending on your platform,
- flopyy disk changes might not be detected automatically.
- Hardfiles:
- In addition to plain images of HFS volumes, Basilisk II can also handle
- some types of Mac "disk image" files, as long as they are uncompressed
- and unencoded.
- Ethernet:
- Basilisk II supports all Ethernet protocols. Running a protocol under
- Basilisk II that already runs within the host operating system on the same
- network card (e.g. running MacTCP under Basilisk II on a BeOS machine) may
- or may not work (generally, it should work, but some specific things like
- "ping" may not).
- LocalTalk:
- LocalTalk is not supported by Basilisk II. There is no way of getting
- LocalTalk to work with the serial drivers of Basilisk II. Any attempt to
- activate LocalTalk will either result in a crash or revert to Ethernet.
- Serial:
- You can use the serial ports in Basilisk II to connect to the Internet
- with a modem and "MacPPP".
- MacOS versions supported
- ------------------------
- Basilisk II has been tested (i.e. it booted) with MacOS System 7.1, 7.5
- and 8.0. Your Mileage May Vary. Booting from floppy may take several minutes,
- so be patient.
- Technical Documentation
- -----------------------
- Please see the included file "TECH" for a technical overview of the emulator.
- Acknowledgements
- ----------------
- Contributions by:
- - Bernd Schmidt <crux@pool.informatik.rwth-aachen.de>: UAE 68k emulation
- - Mac Hellwig <hellwig@iphcip1.physik.uni-mainz.de>: Some BeOS video code
- - Bill Huey <billh@mag.ucsd.edu>: 15/16 bit DGA and 15/16/32 bit X11
- window support
- Special thanks to:
- - Bernd Schmidt for letting me use his UAE 68k emulation
- - Daniel Bobbert who printed dozens of pages from the THINK Reference for
- me years ago
- - All ShapeShifter users and beta testers
- - Apple Computer Inc., who made writing a Macintosh emulator a child's play
- Bug reports
- -----------
- You found a bug? Well, use the source, fix it and send the fix to
- <cbauer@iphcip1.physik.uni-mainz.de>
- for inclusion in the next release of Basilisk II.
- Author
- ------
- You can contact me at <cbauer@iphcip1.physik.uni-mainz.de>. Don't send
- bug reports, send fixes. Ports to other platforms are also very welcome.
- Please contact me before you intend to make major changes to the source.
- You might be working on something that I have already done or I may have
- different ideas about the Right Way to do it.
- There are two things I will NOT do:
- 1. Send you Mac ROM files
- 2. Explain to you how to use a Macintosh, install printer drivers etc.
- Support
- -------
- The official Basilisk II home page can be found at
- http://www.uni-mainz.de/~bauec002/B2Main.html
- There is no user-level support for Basilisk II at the moment.
- History
- -------
- Please consult the file "CHANGES" for the release history.
- Christian Bauer
- <cbauer@iphcip1.physik.uni-mainz.de>