The Mail Router Mailbox template is a special template, used to automatically create a database that holds mail in transit to other servers or users. It also holds undeliverable, unreturnable mail referred to as "dead letters." Every Notes server has a Mail Router Mailbox. There is also a Mail Router Mailbox on any Notes workstation where a user has enabled Workstation-based Mail as a preference. On a workstation, the Mailbox holds outgoing mail messages until they are transferred by either the
File, Replication, Replicate
... command or the Notes Background program. The filename of the database is always MAIL.BOX.
The Mail Router Mailbox is automatically created on a Notes Server the first time the Router task is run. It is automatically created on a workstation when Workstation-based Mail is selected from the Tools Setup Mail command.
For more information on the Mail Router Mailbox, see the
Administrator's Guide
Dial-up Notes
To the Server Administrator:
Check this mailbox if you suspect there is a problem with mail delivery. The dead and pending messages may indicate a problem you should solve, such as changing an entry in the Name & Address Book.
Review the following list to become familiar with this template.
In general, a server's Mail Router Mailbox should not be accessible to Notes users.
Access Control List:
On a Notes server
, the Access Control List is set up so that by default, the server administrator and the server are defined as managers.
The default access is Depositor.
The administrator maintains the access control list. He/she may change the default access or add additional managers.
On a workstation
, the person whose ID is active when Workstation-based mail is selected will be defined as manager of the Mailbox.
About the Mail Router Mailbox:
Read (and maybe print) this information. Replace the current contents with a paragraph or two that explains the purpose of this database, its audience, and how to contact the manager(s).
(To edit the About Database document, select the Design folder, then the Other folder then , "About Database" document.)
Using the Mail Router Mailbox:
Be sure to update the Using Database document. It should give users specific information on the use of the database.
(To edit the About Database document, select the Design folder, then the Other folder then , "Using Database" document.)
On a workstation, this database contains outgoing mail being held for transfer to your home server.
On a server, this database contains mail in transit to other servers or users. It also holds undeliverable, unreturnable mail referred to as "dead letters."
Composing Documents:
No documents are composed in this database. Documents are stored in this database automatically via the
Actions, Send
Administrators: To resend dead mail from a server's mailbox: after correcting any problems, select
Actions, Release Dead Messages
. This Action releases and tries to resend all dead letters.
Workstation mail users: Use
Actions, Deliver Mail
from the Mail view to transfer outgoing mail to your server.