The Master Address Book is used to configure the Directory Assistance feature.
If your organization includes multiple domains, you can set up directory assistance to enable users to browse and select names from Public Address books outside of their domain, for example when they address mail, define database access control lists (ACL), or complete a NAMES field in documents. When users send mail to recipients in another domain, directory assistance also allows Notes to resolves the names before sending the memo.
To set up directory assistance, you create a Master Address Book from the MAB45.NSF template. In the Master Address Book you define naming rules that associate naming hierarchies with each domain--this allows Notes to search only Public Address books of domains associated with those naming hierarchies when resolving the name of a recipient from another domain. You also use the Master Address Book to point to one or more strategically-located replicas of each domain's Public Address Book. You then create a replica of a Master Address Book on all servers in each domain.
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Using the Master Address Book
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About directory assistance
If your organization includes multiple domains, you can set up directory assistance to enable users to browse and select names from Public Address books outside of their domain, for example when they address mail, define database access control lists (ACL), or complete a NAMES fields in documents. When users send mail to recipients in another domain, directory assistance also allows Notes to resolves the names before sending the memo.
To set up directory assistance, you create a Master Address Book from the MAB45.NTF template. In the Master Address Book you define naming rules that associate naming hierarchies with each domain--this allows Notes to search only Public Address books of domains associated with those naming hierarchies when resolving the name of a recipient from another domain. You also use the Master Address Book to point to one or more strategically-located replicas of each domain's Public Address Book. You then create a replica of a Master Address Book on all servers in each domain.
When a user chooses to browse and select a name from the Public Address Book in another domain, the user's home server refers to its replica of the Master Address Book to locate a replica of the other domain's Public Address Book. If the home server doesn't store a replica, then it issues a remote database request to retrieve the information from a server that does. That server relays the list of names back to the server that made the request which then relays the list to the user.
When a user addresses a memo to a recipient in another domain, Notes resolves the name before sending it. To do this, Notes first searches the user's primary Public Address Book and if it doesn't find the name there, refers to naming rules in its replica of the Master Address Book to determine which other Public Address Book(s) to search. If the user's home server doesn't store a replica of the other Public Address Book(s), it issues a remote database request to retrieve information from a server that does.
Directory assistance is only available to users if they select "on server" as the mail file location in their Location documents.
About multiple domains
A multi-domain Notes system is useful when
Your company works closely with and needs to communicate with another company that uses Notes. You can create a second domain to route mail securely to and from the other company.
Your company is large and you want to distribute the responsibility for system security to several administrators.
Working with multiple domains requires additional administrative work to connect the domains for mail routing and replication, to cross-certify users and servers, and so on. Also, the Administration Process only works within a single domain.
To create an additional domain, you perform a first server setup, as described in the
Install Guide for Servers
About managing multiple Public Address books
When you work with multiple domains, each domain has its own Public Address Book. You can use any of the following methods to manage multiple Public Address books.
Separate Public Address books
Using this strategy, a server stores only a replica of its primary Public Address Book (the one associated with its domain). The advantages to this approach are that it's easier to maintain a single Public Address Book, you save disk space, and you don't have to replicate Public Address books across domains. However, the only way a user can send mail to a recipient listed in a secondary Public Address Book (an Address Book associated with another domain) is to include the domain as part of the address, as in John Smith@Acmewest. Users can't use type-ahead against or search secondary Public Address books. The mailer also can't resolve recipient names of a users listed in a secondary Address Book.
Directory assistance
Directory assistance allows users to select names from secondary Public Address books. When users send mail to recipients in another domain, directory assistance also allows Notes to resolve the names before sending the memo. You set up directory assistance by creating a replica of a Master Address Book on all servers in all domains. The Master Address Book tells each server 1) the naming rules associated with a domain so that it can search secondary Public Address books efficiently and 2) the location of one or more replicas of Public Address books. You can replicate a Public Address Book on strategic servers outside of its domain if network connections between domains are slow; if the cross-domain connections are fast, this may be unnecessary.
Directory assistance has the following advantages:
It requires only minimal, if any, cross-domain replication of Public Address books.
It enables users to select names from secondary Public Address books.
It resolves names from secondary Public Address books entered in memos before sending the memos.
It associates naming rules with a domain so that during name resolution it can search Public Address books efficiently.
It can support an unlimited number of domains.
It allows for failover if a server pointed to by the Master Address Book is unavailable.
It supports type-ahead searching of secondary Public Address Books.
Cascading Public Address books
You set up cascading Public Address books by using the NOTES.INI setting NAMES= on servers to point to a replica of secondary Public Address books. With this approach, users can use the addressing dialog to select names from secondary Public Address books. This approach has the following disadvantages, however:
Notes searches the secondary Public Address books in the order they are listed in the NAMES= setting.
You can include only 256 characters in NAMES=, therebye limiting the number of Public Address Books you can specify.
There is no failover available when the server that stores the secondary Public Address Book NAMES= points to is unavailable.
There are two ways to set up cascading Public Address books:
Replicate secondary Public Address books within a domain
With this arrangement, each server in a domain stores replicas of all secondary Public Address books as well as a replica of their primary Public Address Book. The advantage to this approach to cascading Public Address Book is that the type-ahead addressing feature searches for names in the secondary Public Address books in addition to the primary Public Address Book. The disadvantages are the additional disk space and Public Address Book replication required.
Access secondary Public Address books over the network
With this arrangement, most or all servers in a domain store only replicas of their primary Public Address books and point to replicas of secondary Public Address books on another server which are accessed over the network. The advantage to this approach to cascading Public Address books is that it requires less disk space and less Public Address Book replication. The disadvantages are that type-ahead doesn't search secondary Public Address books accessed over the network and a server session is kept open permanently for each server configured in NAMES= to be accessed over the network.
Summary of advantages for each method of managing multiple Public Address books
The following table summarizes the advantages of each approach to managing Public Address book in a multiple-domain environment:
Separate Public Address books
Directory assistance
Cascading Public Address books (Public Address books replicated across domains)
Cascading Public Address books (Public Address books accessed over the network)
Users can use addressing feature to select names from secondary Public Address books
Users can use the type-ahead mail addressing to search names from secondary Public Address books
Name of a recipient from a secondary Public Address Book resolved before memos sent
Low disk space usage
Failover to another replica of a secondary Public Address Book
No permanently open server sessions
Public Address books replicated primarily or exclusively within their domains only
Uses rules for more efficient searching of secondary Public Address books
Supports an unlimited number of Public Address books
About preparing for directory assistance
Before you set up and enable directory assistance, you should prepare your organization by planning locations for Public Address Books, establishing network connections, and setting up organization, user, and server access.
Replicating Public Address Books
Each server must store a replica of its primary Public Address Book and a replica of the Master Address Book. Before you set up directory assistance, you might also want to create replicas of secondary Public Address Books on strategic servers in each domain. In this case, domain documents in the Master Address Book would point to multiple replicas of the domain's Public Address Book. You might do this for the following reasons:
There are dial-up or slow WAN connections between domains
If communication between domains occurs over dial-up or slow WAN connections, you may also want to have a strategically-located server, for example a hub server, in each domain store replicas of secondary Public Address Books to avoid slow search and browse performance. However, if connections between two domains are high-speed WAN or LAN connections, then storing replicas of each Public Address Book in both domains may not be necessary.
You want to fail over to alternate servers
If the Master Address Book points to more than one replica of a Public Address Book, Notes has an alternate replica to search if one of the servers storing the replica is down.
Setting up network connections
Each Notes mail server in each domain must be able to submit remote database requests over the network to at least one server that stores a Public Address Book to which the Master Address Book points. This requires that the servers have protocols in common or that passthru connections exist that enable communication through one or more intermediate servers.
Setting up access
Before you set up directory assistance, you should set up appropriate access as follows:
Create cross-certificates to enable authentication across domains.
Give all users in all domains access to each server that stores a replica of a Public Address Book pointed to in the Master Address Book and give them Reader access in the access control lists of these Public Address Books. Doing this gives them the access necessary to select names from all Public Address Books.
Give all servers in all domains access to each server that stores a replica of a Public Address Book to which the Master Address Book points and Reader access in the access control lists of these Public Address Books. Doing this gives the servers the access necessary to retrieve Public Address Book information during remote database requests.
When a user verifies a recipient in a memo, Notes authenticates and provides access to a remote server and Public Address Book according to the user's home server access rather than the user's access. However, user access does apply when users select directly from a Public Address Book.
Setting up directory assistance
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After you've completed the steps necessary to
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prepare for directory assistance, follow these steps to set it up.
1. Create the Master Address Book on one server using the Master Address Book template (MAB45.NTF). You can give it any file name and title.
2. Open the Master Address Book.
3. Choose Create - Directory Assistance.
4. Next to Domain Type, select Notes.
5. Next to Domain Name, enter the name of a domain.
6. Next to Company Name, enter the name of the company associated with the domain.
7. In the Rules section, include one or more rules to indicate the Notes names that correspond to this domain. To enable a rule, select Enabled.
8. In the Replicas section, enter a server name, file name, and title for one or more replicas of the domain's Public Address Book.
9. Close and save the document.
10. Repeat steps 3 to 9 for each additional domain you want to enable for directory assistance.
11. Create replicas of the Master Address Book on each server in each domain. The access control list (ACL) for the Master Address Book should set the -Default- access to Reader. Make sure that servers have at least Editor access so they can replicate changes.
Details: Setting up directory assistance
Add one or more rules that correspond to the naming hierarchy associated with members of this domain.
This section tells Notes where to locate a replica of the Public Address Book associated with this domain. Refer to your plan for creating replicas of Public Address Book to determine what information to enter here.
For each replica, enter the name of the server that stores it, the file name of its Public Address Book, for example, NAMES.NSF, and the exact title of the Public Address Book, for example, MKTG's Address Book. To ensure that you enter the exact database title, select the Public Address Book, choose File - Database - Properties, copy the title from the Title field, and paste it into the domain document.
If you specify more than one replica, Notes selects one to search as follows:
1. A replica in the same Notes named network as the server making the remote database request
2. A replica in the same domain
3. The first replica in the list
Creating replicas
When you create replicas of the Master Address Book, we recommened that you specify for each the same file name and, optionally, subdirectory to the Notes data directory; this makes it easy to enable directory assistance later.
Enabling directory assistance
After you have set up directory assistance, enable it for each domain as follows. This requires that you have set up the Administration Process.
1. Open the Public Address Book.
2. Choose View - Server - Servers.
3. Select Server documents for servers that use the same file name and directory path for the Master Address Book.
4. Choose Actions - Set Master Address Book Information.
5. Enter the file name you gave to the Master Address Book, for example MAB.NSF, for these servers. If the Master Address Book is in a subdirectory to the data directory, provide the path relative to the data directory.
6. Click OK.
7. Repeat steps 3 through 6 to enable the Master Address Book on servers that use different different file names or directory paths for the Master Address Book.
Details: Enabling directory assistance
Administration Process posts a Set Master Address Book request in the Administration Requests database for each server. The Administration Process on each server responds to this request by copying the Master Address Book file name and path to the Master address book name field of its Server document.
Although it's possible to enter information directly into the Master address book name field without using the Administration Process, we don't recommend doing this as this is likely to cause replication conflicts. The only time it's feasible to enter this information manually is if you want to later make a change to this field for a specific server.
About domain naming rules in the Master Address Book
When Notes resolves the name of a mail recipient from another domain, it uses naming rules defined in the Master Address Book to determine the domain the recipient is likely to belong to. Once this is done, Notes can locate that domain's Public Address Book to search.
A naming rule contains six fields which correspond to the components of hierarchical names. For any field in a rule, you can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard, or specify a component of the naming hierarchy. The rules in a domain document should correspond to the naming hierarchy or hierarchies associated with users in the domain.
For example, the Acme Corporation has three domains, Sales, Mktg, and Engrg. All names in the Sales domain are in the form */Sales/Acme, all names in the Mktg domain are in the form */Mktg/Acme, and all names in the Engrg domain are in the form */Engrg/Acme. You can create three domain documents in the Master Address Book with the following rules:
Rule for Sales domain
Rule for Mktg domain
Rule for Engrg domain
Note that a name such as Anne/East/Mktg/Acme would not match the rule for the Mktg domain since OrgUnit2 field does not specify East or *.
These rules ensure that when a user correctly enters a complete hierarchical name of a recipient in one of these domains, Notes will search only the matching domains to resolve the name. If users enter only the common name (for example Lyn Chang), Notes will search all Public Address Books.
Domains with overlapping naming hierarchies
If members of a domain represent different naming hierarchies, then the domain document must reflect this. For example, if the Sales domain includes users with names of the form */Mktg/Acme, then the Sales domain document should include these rules: