Using Notes Server Statistics and Event Configuration
This database is used to configure Notes server event handling, statistic monitoring, ACL monitoring, and replication monitoring. It replaces the database EVTTYPES.NMF, ALARMS.NSF and some sections of NAMES.NSF from Release 3 of Notes.
This database contains the names of all statistics monitored by the Notes server program.
In addition, it contains error and status messages reported by the Notes server. Server administrators can use this database to change severities to possible errors, and to add customized text to the standard message text.
For recommendations on using this database with the server's Statistics Reporting, and Event Monitoring programs, see the Lotus Notes
Administrator's Guide.
Types of Documents
This database is primarily used as a reference for administrators, but can be customized and edited to be specific to each site.
Notes uses this form to display information about error messages. You can edit existing messages to add more information in the
User addendum
field or to change the severity of a message.
Notification Method
an add-on product may use this form to create additional notification methods for the Event Dispatcher.
Notes uses this form to display information about server statistics. You could use this form if you needed to create a new statistic (for instance, Disk.F.Free). You can also edit existing statistic documents to change the default threshold information.
Statistic Monitors
. Notes uses this form for entering which statistics you want to monitor. You can select the statistic you want to monitor, its threshold, operator and event severity.
Event Monitors
This form is used to configure the event monitors. You can set the notification method, the notification destination, the event severity, and the event description.
ACL Monitors
This form is used for setting ACL monitor configuration.
Replication Monitors
This form is used to configure the replication monitors..
This form is used to configure the server which will be running the Reporter and Event tasks. The Mail-in database cane be entered her. The Collection and An
alysis intervals cane also be set here.
Views and Folders
Database Monitors
Displays all ACL Monitors and Replication Monitors that have been configured.
Event Monitors
Displays all Event Monitors that have been configured.
Statistic Monitors
Displays all Statistic Monitors that have been configured.
Servers to Monitor
Displays all servers that have been configured for monitoring.
Displays all message documents, categorized by type and severity.
The types of error messages are:
. Relates to remote and LAN communications and modems
. Relates to mail routing
. Relates to events not classified in the other categories
. Relates to replication
. Relates to system resources, such as insufficient memory or disk space
. Relates to access and IDs
. Relates to conditions tied to a particular server, such as server tasks not executed or problems with the server entry in the Name & Address Book
. Relates to Statistics Reporting
The severity levels are:
. Imminent system crash
. Severe failure that does not result in system crash
Warning (high)
. Loss of function requiring intervention
Warning (low)
. Performance degradation
. Status messages
Notification Methods
Displays the notification methods available to the Notes Event Dispatcher. The three ways to send event notices are through Notes mail, logging them to a database, and relaying them to another server. (If you purchased an add-on product designed to work with the Notes server management tools, you may see additional notification methods.)
Statistic Names
Displays the statistics tracked by Notes when the Statistics Reporting task runs on the server, sorted in alphabetical order.
Displays those statistics that are critical enough to warrant Statistic Monitor documents in the Name & Address Book (so that an alarm is generated when the server exceeds a threshold).
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Task List
&Switch To
About Notes Server Statistics and Event Configurationh
Notes Server Statistics and Event Configuration Database
This database is used to configure Notes server event handling, statistic monitoring, ACL monitoring, and replication monitoring. It replaces the database EVTTYPES.NMF from Release 3 of Notes.
This database contains the names of all statistics monitored by the Notes server program. Each statistic record contains default thresholds. An administrator may wish to modify these defaults to reflect individual installation requirements.
In addition, it contains error and status messages reported by the Notes server. Server administrators can use this database to assign severities to possible errors, and to add customized text to the standard message text.i
This database can be used in four ways:e
- to configure Notes server event handling;
- as a reference, to look up information about a specific statistic or event message;s
- to set default behavior for new statistic thresholds;
- to assign types and severities to server events, and to add user specific documentation.
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Remove all members that contain domain names (e.g. @ Domain)
Remove all members that contain domain names (e.g. @ Domain)
Enter the database name where you wish to monitor fo an ACL change.
If the ACL on database,
DatabaseFile name of database to monitor.
is modified
The server name where the ACL change should be monitored. This defaults to '*' (Any Server). You may select a specific server or multiple servers to monitor.
on the server(s),
Any server
ServerNameNewDistinguished name(s) of server on which database resides.
Any server | *;
Any server
3S4S5S6S7S8S10SServerNameDistinguished name(s) of server(s) to monitor.
Severity of event to generate on ACL change. You may select one severity or all severities to generate.
Generate a Security event of severity
SeverityEvent severity level. (Press Enter for a list)
Select suggested operator. 'Percent of' is based on the percentage of a statistic. If we go below x% of value we set an alarm. All others are checked against actual value given.
Threshold operator:
OperatorSend alarm when statistic is less than (<), greater than (>), or a multiple of (%) the threshold.
Less than | <Greater than | >Multiple of | %Percent of | *
The event suppression time must be at least 15 minutes or 0 for no suppression.
SuppressionTimeUse this field to limit the number of events reported
Enter the probable cause for this error here. (Optional)
Probable cause:
ProbableCauseEnter the probable cause for this error here. (Optional)
Enter possible solution for this problem here. (Optional)
Possible solution:
PossibleSolutionEnter possible solution for this problem here. (Optional)
Enter any additional comments about the error message here. (Optional)
User comments:
UserTextEnter any additional comments about the error message here. (Optional)
Hidden Fields:
Yes | 1No | 0
Edit Documente
Edit Message
Save Message<
Send Docu_ment
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O=Lotus Notes
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CN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes
New Replication Monitor
Replication Monitor for
All domain servers
Times New Roman
Replication Monitor
EnabledStatistic monitor enabled or disabled.
Replication Failure Monitor
All Databases
Enter file name(s) of database(s) to monitor or '*' for ALL databases. Multiple files must be comma seperated.
If the database(s),
DatabaseFile name of database to monitor. "*" means all databases.
The server name where the replication failure(s) should be monitored. This defaults to '*' (Any Server). You may select a specific server or multiple servers to monitor.
on the server(s),
Any server
ServerNameNewDistinguished name(s) of server on which database resides.
Any server | *;
Any server
3S4S5S6S7S8S10SServerNameDistinguished name(s) of server(s) to monitor.
The target server name where the replication should take place with. This defaults to '*' (Any Server). You may select a specific server or multiple servers to monitor
has not replicated with server(s),
Any server
TargetServerNameNewDistinguished name(s) of server on which remote database resides.
Any server | *;
TargetServerNameDistinguished name(s) of server on which database resides.
Enter the interval at wich replication should happen.
in the last
IntervalMaximum time allowed to elapse between replications.
Severity of event to generate. You may select one severity or all severities to generate.
Generate a Replication event of severity
SeverityEvent severity level. (Press Enter for a list)
Statistic to monitor. You may select one statistic to monitor.
If the statistic,
Free space on drive C:
StatNameKey[Name of statistic to monitor. (Press Enter for a list)
StatNameName of statistic to monitor. (Press Enter for a list)
StatNamePerName of statistic to monitor. (Press Enter for a list)
The server name where the statistic should be monitored. This defaults to '*' (Any Servers). You may select a specific server or multiple servers to monitor.
on the server(s)
Any server
ServerNameNewDistinguished name(s) of server on which database resides.
Any server | *;
Any server
3S4S5S6S7S8S10SServerNameDistinguished name(s) of server(s) to monitor.
3S4S10S12S14S16S22S23S24S25S26S27S29SOperatorSend alarm when statistic is less than (<), greater than (>), or a multiple of (%) the threshold.
3S5S6S7S8S10SOperatorKeySend alarm when statistic is less than, greater than, multiple of ar less then the prcent of the threshold.
3S4S6S10S12S14S16S19SCommentDescribe what problem this monitor is for, and how to fix it.
Edit Documente
Edit Statistic Monitor
Save Statistic Monitor<
Send Docu_ment
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CN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes
New Memo
Times New Roman
The following 2 lines probably should go into the Memo form only!
Test to see how this document is being opened. If VersionOpt=6, create a new copy of the message. If it is a stationery message, check to see if the user wants to edit the stationery or just use it.
The server name where the event should be monitored. This defaults to '*' (Any Server). You may select a specific server or multiple servers to monitor.
occurs on the server(s),
Any server
ServerNameNewDistinguished name(s) of server on which database resides.
Any server | *;
Any server
3S4S5S6S7S8S10SServerNameDistinguished name(s) of server(s) to monitor.
You may select one notification method.
Event notification method:
You must specify a notification method{
3S4S6S11SRouterMethod to be used for event notification. (Press Enter for a list.)
Notification Methods
Notification Methods
NT Event Viewer
Unix System Log
DestinationDistinguished names of people or servers, or database file names to receive notification.
You must enter the database where you want the event to be logged.
Enter database name:
(For log to database)
Destination_1Name of database to receive notification.
You must enter the server where you want the event to be logged.
On server:
(For log to database)
ServerNameDestDistinguished name(s) of server on which database resides.
0x1A05Your request was not signed. You must sign all requests sent to an agent by checking the 'Sign' box when sending your request by mail.PKG_AGENTerror6
0x0F24The query contains a new number or date field that was added after the full text index was created. Please re-create the full text index to use this field in queriesPKG_FTerror9
0x1C02A NetBIOS network could not be found for the configured unit number. Load the NetBIOS software for your network, or change the unit number with the Port Setup dialog.PKG_NETDRVerror1
0x1C1BThe Notes Server for Windows does not support the use of Banyan's native Vines protocol stack. Instead, you should load Banyan's NETBIOS and configure this LAN port to use it.PKG_NETDRVerror1
0x143DExcessive retransmissions experienced on the last connection. The remote end of the connection may have been experiencing port errors.PKG_XPCerror1
StatisticServer.TaskTextnoneThis statistic appears once for every task running on the server, listing the name of the task and the task status.VariesNo
cAStatisticDisk.Swapdisk.FreeNumberbytesNumber of free bytes on the disk that contains the server's swap file.VariesYes<
1Since the server uses a swap file for its virtual memory, this is a very important threshold. If it is crossed, either move the swap file to a disk with more free space, or move/delete other files on the disk.Yes
cAStatisticDisk.E.FreeNumberbytesFree space on drive E:VariesYes<
3Disk.E.SizeThis indicates that there is not much disk space left on drive E: for databases and other uses. Compact, delete, or move some files to free up disk space before it becomes a serious problem.No
cAStatisticDisk.C.FreeNumberbytesFree space on drive C:VariesYes*
3Disk.C.SizeThis indicates that there is not much disk space left on drive C: for databases and other uses. Compact, delete, or move some files to free up disk space before it becomes a serious problem.Yes
cAStatisticDisk.D.FreeNumberbytesFree space on drive D:VariesYes<
3Disk.D.SizeThis indicates that there is not much disk space left on drive D: for databases and other uses. Compact, delete, or move some files to free up disk space before it becomes a serious problem.No
@StatisticMAIL.DeadNumbermessagesNumber of dead (undeliverable) messages in MAIL.BOX0Yes>
2Dead mail messages may indicate a routing or addressing problem. Inspect the dead messages in the servers mailbox and correct any problems that are indicated. Reroute and delete the dead messages when done.Yes
cAStatisticMem.SwapFile.SizeNumberbytesSize (in bytes) of system swap file5,000,000Yes>
3This can indicate a large load on the server and therefore possible performance degradation. In itself, this is not a dangerous condition, but it is something to be noted and watched for.No
@StatisticServer.Sessions.DroppedNumberdropped sessionsSessions dropped in mid-transaction.VariesYes>
4This usually indicates that server performance is very slow, and users are aborting transactions before they complete. You may need to upgrade your Notes server hardware or decrease the load on it.No
4@StatisticMAIL.WaitingNumbermessagesNumber of outgoing mail messages currently in MAIL.BOX waiting for transferVariesYes>
2If there are a lot of mail messages waiting to be routed, it may indicate a problem with the mailer or the connections that it uses. Inspect the server log for any warning or failure messages from the router and correct the problems indicated. Check that all necessary server links are operational.Yes
StatisticMem.FreeNumberbytesAmount of free memory available to the server. In OS/2, this number includes free disk space (because of virtual memory capability). Hence, to test for low memory conditions, monitor free disk space on the drive that contains the server's swap file.VariesYes<
1The amount of free memory available to the server is dangerously low. In OS/2, this number includes free disk space because of virtual memory capability. Increase free disk space on the drive that contains the server's swap file.Yes
StatisticComm.NumOldSessionsClosedNumberclosed sessionsNumber of sessions closed by the Notes server to accommodate new users.VariesYes>
3This indicates that there either was a temporary surge in user activity on the given server or, more likely, that there are too many people trying to access this server. This will cause a decrease in response time from the server and may indicate the need for additional Notes servers.No
StatisticMAIL.TransferFailuresNumbermessagesNumber of mail messages router was unable to transfer.VariesYes>
2This indicates that the router has been unable to transfer some mail messages and the senders of those messages have received non-deliverable reports. Inspect the non-deliverable reports and the server log file and correct any problems that are indicated.No
StatisticDisk.SYS.FreeNumberBytesFree space on NetWare SYS Volume.VariesYes<
2Disk.SYS.SizeThis indicates that there is not much disk space left on Vol SYS: for databases and other uses. Compact, delete, or move some files to free up disk space before it becomes a serious problem.Yes
StatisticDisk.SYS.TotalDirectorySlotsNumberDirectory SlotsNumber of directory slots NetWare SYS Volume spans.VariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticDisk.Vol0.NameTextnoneName of NetWare Volume 0.SYSNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticDisk.Vol0.FreeNumberByteFree space on NetWare Volume 0.VariesYes<
3Disk.Vol0.SizeThis indicates that there is not much disk space left on Vol0: for databases and other uses. Compact, delete, or move some files to free up disk space before it becomes a serious problem.No
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticDisk.Vol0.SizeNumberByteSize of NetWare Volume 0.VariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticDisk.Vol1.FreeNumberByteFree space on NetWare Volume 1.VariesYes<
3Disk.Vol1.SizeThis indicates that there is not much disk space left on Vol1: for databases and other uses. Compact, delete, or move some files to free up disk space before it becomes a serious problem.No
StatisticDisk.Vol1.NameTextnoneName of NetWare Volume 1.VariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
sVx b
StatisticDisk.Vol1.SizeNumberByteSize of NetWare Volume 1.VariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticDisk.Vol2.FreeNumberByteFree space on NetWare Volume 2.VariesYes<
3Disk.Vol2.SizeThis indicates that there is not much disk space left on Vol2: for databases and other uses. Compact, delete, or move some files to free up disk space before it becomes a serious problem.No
StatisticDisk.Vol3.FreeNumberByteFree space on NetWare Volume 3.VariesYes<
3Disk.Vol3.SizeThis indicates that there is not much disk space left on Vol3: for databases and other uses. Compact, delete, or move some files to free up disk space before it becomes a serious problem.No
cAStatisticDisk.G.FreeNumberbytesFree space on drive G:VariesYes<
3Disk.G.SizeThis indicates that there is not much disk space left on drive G: for databases and other uses. Compact, delete, or move some files to free up disk space before it becomes a serious problem.No
cAStatisticDisk.F.FreeNumberbytesFree space on drive F:VariesYes<
3Disk.F.SizeThis indicates that there is not much disk space left on drive F: for databases and other uses. Compact, delete, or move some files to free up disk space before it becomes a serious problem.No
cAStatisticDisk.H.FreeNumberbytesFree space on drive H:VariesYes<
3Disk.H.SizeThis indicates that there is not much disk space left on drive H: for databases and other uses. Compact, delete, or move some files to free up disk space before it becomes a serious problem.No
cAStatisticDisk.I.FreeNumberbytesFree space on drive I:VariesYes<
3Disk.I.SizeThis indicates that there is not much disk space left on drive I: for databases and other uses. Compact, delete, or move some files to free up disk space before it becomes a serious problem.No
cAStatisticDisk.J.FreeNumberbytesFree space on drive J:VariesYes<
3Disk.J.SizeThis indicates that there is not much disk space left on drive J: for databases and other uses. Compact, delete, or move some files to free up disk space before it becomes a serious problem.No
StatisticNETBIOS.LAN0.Unit.NumNumberUnit number for NetBios PortVariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
cAStatisticDisk.K.FreeNumberbytesFree space on drive K:VariesYes<
3Disk.K.SizeThis indicates that there is not much disk space left on drive K: for databases and other uses. Compact, delete, or move some files to free up disk space before it becomes a serious problem.No
cAStatisticDisk.L.FreeNumberbytesFree space on drive L:VariesYes<
3Disk.L.SizeThis indicates that there is not much disk space left on drive L: for databases and other uses. Compact, delete, or move some files to free up disk space before it becomes a serious problem.No
cAStatisticDisk.M.FreeNumberbytesFree space on drive M:VariesYes<
3Disk.M.SizeThis indicates that there is not much disk space left on drive M: for databases and other uses. Compact, delete, or move some files to free up disk space before it becomes a serious problem.No
StatisticServer.Cluster.Trans.LastIntervalAvgTimeNumberminutesLast average interval time of cluster transactions.VariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticServer.Cluster.AvailabilityIndexNumberCurrent percentage index of a server's availability. Value range is 0-100. Zero (0) indicates no available resources; a value of 100 indicates server completely available.VariesNo
StatisticServer.Cluster.Trans.IntervalAvgTimeNumberminutesAverage interval time of cluster transactions.VariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticServer.Cluster.AvailabilityThresholdNumberCurrent setting of a server's availability threshold. When a server's availability index drops below its availability threshold, the server becomes BUSY.VariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticServer.Cluster.ProbeTimeout(mins)NumberMinutesInterval at which the intra-cluster probe or cluster member heartbeat occurs.VariesNo
StatisticServer.Cluster.ProbeErrorNumberNumber of times that a server receives an error when probing another server.VariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticServer.Cluster.PortnameTextName of the default port that is used for intra-cluster network traffic. An asterisk indicates that there is no default port and that any available active port can be used.VariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticServer.Cluster.Trans.IntervalsUseInAvgNumberCurrent setting for the number of intervals used to capture transaction data used to calculate workload balance.VariesNo
StatisticServer.Cluster.Trans.NormalizeValueNumberCurrent setting of acceptable average transaction time in milliseconds for a serverVariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticServer.Cluster.NameNumberName of the cluster to which the server belongsVariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticServer.Cluster.ProbeCountNumberNumber of times that a server completes a probe request of the other cluster members.VariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticServer.Cluster.OpenRedirects.LoadBalance.SuccessfulNumberNumber of times that a server successfully redirects a client to another cluster member after the client tries to open a database by replica ID when the server is BUSY.VariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticServer.Cluster.OpenRedirects.LoadBalance.UnsuccessfulNumberNumber of times that a server is unable to redirect a client to another cluster member after the client tries to open a database by replica ID when the server is BUSY.VariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticServer.Cluster.OpenRedirects.LoadBalanceByPath.SuccessfulNumberNumber of times that a server successfully redirects a client to another cluster member after the client tries to open a database by pathname when the server is BUSY.VariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticServer.Cluster.OpenRedirects.LoadBalanceByPath.UnsuccessfulNumberNumber of times that a server is not able to redirect a client to another cluster member after the client tries to open a database by pathname when the server is BUSY.VariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticServer.Cluster.OpenRedirects.Failover.SuccessfulNumberNumber of times that a server successfully redirects a client to another cluster member after the client fails to open a database by replica ID.VariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticServer.Cluster.OpenRedirects.Failover.UnsuccessfulNumberNumber of times that a server is not able to redirect a client to another cluster member after the client fails to open a database by replica ID.VariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticServer.Cluster.OpenRedirects.FailoverByPath.SuccessfulNumberNumber of times a server successfully redirects a client to another cluster member after the client fails to open a database by pathname.VariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticServer.Cluster.OpenRedirects.FailoverByPath.UnsuccessfulNumberNumber of times a server is not able to redirect a client to another cluster member after the client fails to open a database by pathname.VariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticServer.Cluster.OpenRequest.LoadBalancedNumberNumber of times a client tries to open a database on the server when the server is BUSY.VariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticServer.Cluster.OpenRequest.DatabaseOutOfServiceNumberNumber of times a client tries to open a database that is marked as out of service on the serverVariesNo
StatisticServer.Cluster.OpenRequest.ClusterBusyNumberNumber of times that a client tries to open a database on the server when the server is BUSY, and on every available member also.VariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticWeb.Retriever.Access.FTPNumberNumber of FTP retriever accesses.VariesNo
StatisticWeb.Retriever.Process.StateTextState of retriever processes.VariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
@StatisticReplica.FailedNumberreplication attemptsNumber of attempted replications that returned some kind of error.VariesYes>
2This is a warning that Notes is having trouble replicating your databases with other servers. Check the log file for replicator errors and fix the indicated problem.No
@StatisticReplica.Cluster.Retry.SkippedNumberNumber of times the Cluster Replicator did not attempt replication because it knew the server was unreachable or the database inaccessibleNo
@StatisticReplica.Cluster.WorkQueueDepth.AvgNumberAverage number of modified databases in the queue waiting to be replicated by the Cluster Replicator to other servers. No
@StatisticReplica.Cluster.WorkQueueDepth.MaxNumberMaximum number of modified databases in the queue waiting to be replicated by the Cluster Replicator to other servers. No
@StatisticReplica.Cluster.WorkQueueDepthNumberCurrent number of modified databases in the queue waiting to be replicated by the Cluster Replicator to other servers. No
StatisticMTA.ccMail.WaitingRecipientsNumberRecipientsNumber of Responsible Recipients in waiting mail held in Inbound and Outbound work queues.VariesNo>
0x173ACannot convert Certificate to internal format, Certificate field is too largePKG_BSAFEerror2
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
D@CommWarningLowThere is a mistake in the command file to the left of the equal sign in an X=X statement. For example, if you wanted to insert the command SETUP=ATS0=0, but you forgot the word "SETUP" and the first equal sign, Notes would assume that ATS0 represented an intended variable. A typo in the variable, such as "SETTUP," will also result in this message. Edit the modem command file to correct the problem.
0x1428Modem command file variable is not recognizedPKG_XPCerror1
F@CommWarningLowIn your last edit of the command file, you entered or omitted a character which apparently Notes does not understand. For example, the backslash character, if typed by itself in a command file for a modem that recognizes the backslash as a legal command character, will produce this error message. This is because Notes normally expects the backslash to be followed by a 3-digit octal integer (see A Sample Modem Command File). The two exceptions to this are when either the backslash or the caret are part of the extended command set for your particular modem, in which case you must preface them with a backslash. Example: RTS/CTS ENABLED=AT\\Q2 is a legal sequence, but RTS/CTS ENABLED=AT\Q2 is not.Edit the modem command file to correct the problem.
0x142DModem command file contains an illegal character sequencePKG_XPCerror1
0x092BAt least one network port requires the Notes Server to be restricted to a single process, and that process has exceeded the maximum number of threads.PKG_SERVERerror7
G@ServerFailureThe server has an access list that specifically allows or denies access to certain groups.If the server has an access list, ask the Notes administrator if it can be modified to give you access to the server.
0x092EYou are not authorized to use the serverPKG_SERVERerror7
L@ServerFailureThe Server document in the Name & Address Book is either missing or inaccurate.Check the Name & Address Book. Add a Server document for this server (as long as it is a server in this domain). If a document exists, check the spelling of the server name and correct it if necessary.
0x0938Name & Address database does not contain a server entry for this serverPKG_SERVERerror7
MessageBegin scan of databases to be consistency checked
Database Fixup is running on the databases in question.You do not have to do anything. See the Notes Administrator's Guide for more information about the Database Fixup program.ERR_FIXUP_BEGINPKG_SERVERerror1
0x093FERR_FIXUP_ERRPKG_SERVER7errorError checking database <Database Name>1An error was encountered by the FIXUP program while attempting to fix the database indicated.Check the additional error information reported for the cause of the error.
@X@ServerFailure1The database replicating program is not currently running on the server.Load the replicator explicitly from the server console using the LOAD REPLICATOR command. The replicator should be included in the ServerTasks line in NOTES.INI so that it is started automatically when the server starts.
0x0961Replicator task not running%nPKG_SERVERerror7
The mail routing program is not currently running on the server.Load the router explicitly from the server console using the LOAD ROUTER command. The router should be included in the ServerTasks line in NOTES.INI so that it is started automatically when the server starts.1MessageERR_CONSOLE_NO_ROUTER
0x096EERR_INIT_CANT_LOADPKG_SERVER7errorError attempting to load or run <Program Name> : <Additional Error Information>1The server was unable to load the reported program.See the additional error information reported for the cause of the failure. Make sure the program name is spelled correctly and that the program does exist.
0x0963ERR_CONSOLE_CANT_TELLPKG_SERVER7errorThe <Taskname> task either does not exist or does not accept "Tell" commands.1A TELL command was entered at the server console for a task that either does not exist or does not accept input from TELL commands.Retry the command making sure that the task name is spelled correctly. The server command SHOW TASKS will list the currently executing tasks. See the Notes Administrator's Guide for more information on server tasks and commands.
@ServerFailureThe server has an access list for this network or serial port and you are not among those who have access.Ask the Notes administrator if the access list can be modified to give you access to the server on this port.
0x0903You are not authorized to use the server on this portPKG_SERVERerror7
0x0906A transient network error or network adapter failure has truncated a message from a client. If it recurs, run the appropriate adapter diagnostics.PKG_SERVERerror7
0x0908This message does not conform to server's protocol requirements. Client and server may be running incompatible versions of the productPKG_SERVERerror7
"@ServerNormalThe command you typed at the server console is incomplete or incorrect.Type the command again. Type HELP at the prompt or check the Notes Administrator's Guide for more information about valid server commands and arguments.
0x0909Command or option is ambiguousPKG_SERVERerror7
0x090CServer and client are running different versions of the product. Install the same version on all communicating servers and workstations.PKG_SERVERerror7
1@ServerWarningLowThe command you typed at the server console is incomplete or incorrect.Type the command again. Type HELP at the prompt or check the Notes Administrator's Guide for more information about valid server commands and arguments.
0x0911Insufficient arguments. Enter 'HELP' for the correct syntax.PKG_SERVERerror7
3@ServerWarningLowThe command you typed at the server console is incomplete or incorrect.Type the command again. Type HELP at the prompt or check the Notes Administrator's Guide for more information about valid server commands and arguments.
0x0913Command or option is not recognizedPKG_SERVERerror7
@SecurityWarningHighThe server you tried to access doesn't have a certificate in common with your User ID, so you were denied access to that server. Your ID and the server's ID need to be certified by a certifier you both trust.
Note: You may see this message even if you're only editing a mail document locally while waiting to get your new certificate(s) back. If you press F9, Notes tries to interpret the mail address you have entered in anticipation of your choosing Mail - Send.Ask the Notes certifier if your ID can be recertified so that you can access the server. Then choose Mail - Send User ID - Request Certificate. Once the certifier has returned your ID with the new certificate attached, you'll be able to use the server.
0x1905Your ID has not been certified to access the serverPKG_SECUREerror2
&@SecurityFailure1A user authenticates with a server by demonstrating that he can decrypt a message sent by the server and encrypted with the user's public key. This error message indicates that the user claimed to own a particular public key, but then could not demonstrate that he could decrypt the message. This may indicate that the user's ID file has been corrupted. It may also indicate that an attacker claiming to be the user is attempting to break into the server.If the user's ID has been corrupted, restore it from a backup. If none exists, the user will need a new ID. If the user should have access, make sure that he or she has the proper certificates and is in the proper ACLs for the server in question.
0x190BRemote user failed authenticationPKG_SECUREerror2
0@SecurityFatal A user authenticates with a server by demonstrating that he can decrypt a message sent by the server and encrypted with the user's public key. This error message indicates that the user claimed to own a particular public key, but then could not demonstrate that he could decrypt the message. This may indicate that the user's ID file has been corrupted. It may also indicate that an attacker claiming to be the user is attempting to break into the server. If the user's ID has been corrupted, restore it from a backup. If none exists, the user will need a new ID.
0x1910Remote user's identity is fraudulentPKG_SECUREerror2
0x1108ERR_ROUTER_NOROUTETOSERVERFROMPKG_ROUTER3errorNo route found to server <Destination Server> from server <Initial Server>. Check Server and Connection documents in Name & Address Book.1The mail router cannot find a route to server X based on the network topology described in the public Name & Address Book.Check the Name & Address Books for all servers involved, to ensure that the Remote Connection documents are correct (with mail routing enabled and correct phone numbers). Also check the Name & Address Books' Server documents for correct information.
If all network names are correct but there is still a problem, try the following: Based on the information in the Servers view of the Name & Address Book, draw a diagram that shows every network and the Notes servers attached to these networks. Switch to the Connections view. For each document that specifies Mail Routing on a COM port, draw an arrow on your diagram from the originating server to the recipient server. Draw the arrow only in the direction for which the mail routing is set up. When you are finished, there should be arrows pointing in both directions. See if there are any servers that cannot reach the recipient's server (based on your diagram). Look for either a missing connection or a misnamed network. Edit the documents in the Name & Address Book to correct the problem so that all servers can reach all other servers.
0x110BERR_ROUTER_DELIVERY_FILEPKG_ROUTER3errorError delivering to <Server Name> <Mail File Name>; <Additional Error Information>1The router was unable to deliver mail to the specified file on the specified server.See the additional error information reported for the cause of the failure.
0x1109ERR_ROUTER_NOROUTETODOMAINFROMPKG_ROUTER3errorNo route found to domain <Domain Name> from server <Server Name>. Check Server, Connection and Domain documents in Name & Address Book.Notes can't find a way to transfer mail from the sender's domain to the recipient's domain. A Connection document must exist for mail routing in both directions, or a non-adjacent Domain document needs to exist that shows a way to bridge the domains.Ensure that the sender server's Name & Address Book has a Connection document that specifies mail routing from a server in its domain to a server in the recipient server's domain, and that the Name & Address Book in the recipient's domain has a Connection document that specifies mail routing from a server in its domain to a server in the sender's domain. If they are non-adjacent domains, verify that a Non-adjacent Domain document exists in each domain's Name & Address Book.
If there is still a problem, ensure that the recipient's Person document contains a MailDomain field in all replicas of the Name & Address Book (or Books, if multiple books are used). Redesign the Name & Address Book if necessary (choose Design - Replace Design).
0x110AERR_ROUTER_NOROUTETODOMAINVIAPKG_ROUTER3errorNo route found to domain <Domain Name> from server <Server Name> via server <Server Name>. Check Server, Connection and Domain documents in Name & Address Book.Notes can't find a way to transfer mail from the sender's domain to the recipient's domain. A Connection document must exist for mail routing in both directions, or a non-adjacent Domain document needs to exist that shows a way to bridge the domains.Ensure that the sender server's Name & Address Book has a Connection document that specifies mail routing from a server in its domain to a server in the recipient server's domain, and that the Name & Address Book in the recipient's domain has a Connection document that specifies mail routing from a server in its domain to a server in the sender's domain. If they are non-adjacent domains, verify that a Non-adjacent Domain document exists in each domain's Name & Address Book.
If there is still a problem, ensure that the recipient's Person document contains a MailDomain field in all replicas of the Name & Address Book (or Books, if multiple books are used). Redesign the Name & Address Book if necessary (choose Design - Replace Design).
0x110CERR_ROUTER_TRANSFER_FILEPKG_ROUTER3errorError transferring to <Database Name>; <Additional Error Information>1The router was unable to access the indicated database.See the additional error information reported for the cause of the failure.
,@MailFailure1The connection records between servers have caused the mail router to forward a message between too many servers in search of the destination server. Often this means that there is a conflict in the routing instructions, such that a message bounces back and forth between two servers without reaching its destination.
This can happen if two servers choose different routes when making their routing decision. Server A consults its routing table and decides the lowest-cost route to Server E is through Server B. Server B consults its routing table and decides the lowest-cost route to Server E is through Server A. Thus, the message bounces back and forth between the two servers until they reach the maximum hop count of 25.Check the delivery failure report which will indicate which servers the message was transferred through. Look for a possible routing loop and correct the connection records so that a more direct path from the source server to the destination server can be found. You can also try restarting one of the servers or modifying its Name & Address Book to reinitialize its routing table.
0x110EMaximum hop count exceeded. Message probably in a routing loop.PKG_ROUTERerror3
@ReplicaWarningLowAlthough the database was scheduled to be replicated, replication has been disabled. The database manager or administrator has selected "Disable replication for this database" in the Replication Settings dialog box. Usually this is a temporary situation, initiated by a problem on the database. The manager wants to examine the database (for corruption, possibly) before allowing it to replicate out.Check with the database manager to see what the problem is. He or she can de-select "Disable replication for this database" when the problem is fixed to restart replication.
0x1605Replication is disabled for this databasePKG_REPLerror4
MessageSelective replication is not available with Version 2 servers: <ServerName>. If you wish, you may use File Database Information Replication Selective Advanced... to delete the selective replication information.
An attempt was made to use selective replication with a database that resides on a server running Release 2 of Notes.Selective replication can only be used on servers running Notes Release 3 or higher. Upgrade the Release 2 server to Release 3, replicate the database from a Release 3 server, or remove the selective replication from the desired database.LOG_NO_SELECTIVE_REPPKG_REPLerror1
0x1614LOG_REPLINIT_ERRPKG_REPL4errorReplicator was unable to initialize <Destination Server database> (from <Source Server database>):1The replicator was unable to initialize the destination database using the source database. See additional error information reported for more information.Look in the EVTTYPES.NMF database for the additional error information that was reported with this error.
0x1616LOG_REPL_SRC_ACCESSPKG_REPL4errorNot replicating <Destination Server database> (not authorized to read <Source Server database>)1Destination Server has less than Reader access in the Source Server database. Check the Replication Events view in the Destination Server's log file to find out which database has the problem. Update the Destination Server's access to Reader or above in the Source Server's database either by modifying the server's access or including the server in an appropriate group.
0x1617LOG_REPL_NOTES_ONLYPKG_REPL4errorAccess control is set in <Destination Server database> to not replicate forms or views from <Source Server database>The Source Server doesn't have enough access to replicate Design changes--it currently has Editor access or lower in the Destination Server database. (Designer access is needed to replicate changes to views and forms; Manager access is needed to replicate changes to the ACL.) If it's appropriate that the destination database receives design changes, change the destination database's access control list to give the Source server Designer access or higher.
0x1618LOG_REPL_NEW_NOTES_ONLYPKG_REPL4errorAccess control is set in <Destination Server database> to not replicate forms, views or edits from <Source Server database>.The Source Server doesn't have enough access to replicate design changes and modified documents--it currently has Author access or lower in the Destination Server database. (Editor access is needed to replicate changes; Designer access is needed to replicate changes to views and forms; Manager access is needed to replicate changes to the ACL.)If it's appropriate that the destination database receives design changes and modified documents, change the destination database's access control list to give the Source server Editor access or higher.
0x1619LOG_REPL_NO_UPDATEPKG_REPL4errorAccess control is set in <Destination Server Pathname> to not allow replication from <Source Server Pathname>1The source server doesn't have enough access in the destination database's ACL to replicate the changes into the destination database.Check the Replication Events view in the Destination Server's log file to find out which database has the problem. If it's appropriate that they replicate, change the destination database's access control list to give both servers sufficient access. (Note that Editor access is needed to replicate changes to documents; Designer access is needed to replicate changes to views and forms; Manager access is needed to replicate changes to the ACL.)
0x161DLOG_REPL_FILE_ERRPKG_REPL4errorUnable to replicate <Database Name>1The replicator was unable to replicate the reported database for the reported reason.See the additional error information reported for the cause of the failure.
0x161ELOG_REPL_PARTIALPKG_REPL4errorPartially replicated <Destination Server database> (due to previously reported error)1Check the Replication Events view in Destination Server's log file to find out which database was partially replicated. The replication history is not written for this database until the error is corrected, producing longer replication times.
0x161FLOG_REPL_NOTE_ERRPKG_REPL4errorUnable to copy document into <Destination Database> from <Source Database>:1The replicator was unable to store a document in the reported database for the reported reason.See the additional error information reported for the cause of the failure.
0x1621LOG_REPL_CACHE_NGPKG_REPL4errorReplication history in <Destination Server database> is corrupted and cannot be repaired. Please make a new replica copy of the database.
0x1622LOG_REPL_DEST_PRIVSPKG_REPL4errorWarning: <Source Database> does not have enough privileges to update some documents in <Destination Database>1The database that is being replicated has a document, view, or form that has an access role assigned to it and the server has not been given all access roles.Modify the ACL to give the server enough access to replicate all documents.
0x1624LOG_REPL_CONFLICT_ERRPKG_REPL4errorError handling possible update conflict in <Destination Database>1The replicator encountered a problem when trying to resolve a conflict of document updates between two databases.See the additional error information reported for the cause of the failure.
0x1625LOG_REPL_ERRORPKG_REPL4errorUnable to replicate with server <Server Name>1The other server is not available. See the additional information reported with this error.Check to see whether the other server has crashed. If not, check the Log to see if a network error occurred when your server attempted to contact the other server. A network error can be due to a problem with network hardware or software. If you find a network error message, contact your network administrator.
Check the EVTTYPES.NMF database regarding the additional information reported with this error.
0x1627LOG_REPL_ACL_ERRPKG_REPL4errorUnable to copy access control list into <Destination Database> from <Source Database>:1The replicator was unable to store a document in the reported database for the reported reasonSee the additional error information reported for the cause of the failure.
0x1628LOG_REPL_INIT_ACLPKG_REPL4errorUnable to copy access control list into <Destination database>1See the additional information reported with this error.Check the EVTTYPES.NMF database regarding the additional information reported with this error.
0x162BLOG_REPL_DUPLPKG_REPL4errorReplicator noticed duplicate document in <Database Name>1There are duplicate copies of a document in the database specified.This is normally not a problem but you may want to delete duplicate documents to avoid confusion and save disk space.
0x162DLOG_REPL_NOTE_DEST_ERRPKG_REPL4errorUnable to store document in <Database Name>:1The replicator was unable to store a document in the reported database for the reported reason.See the additional error information reported for the cause of the failure.
0x162FLOG_REP_DISABLEDPKG_REPL4errorReplication is disabled for <Database Name>1Although the database was scheduled to be replicated, replication has been disabled. The database manager or administrator has selected "Disable replication for this database" in the Replication Settings dialog box. Usually this is a temporary situation, initiated by a problem on the database. The manager wants to examine the database (for corruption, possibly) before allowing it to replicate out. Check with the database manager to see what the problem is. He or she can de-select "Disable replication for this database" when the problem is fixed to restart replication.
C@SecurityWarningHighA safe copy of your User ID file has only enough information to collect certificates to be merged into your actual ID. It can't be used to access servers.Select another ID file and try the operation again.
0x1727The ID file is a safe copy and cannot be used for that purpose.PKG_BSAFEerror2
E@SecurityFailureNotes can't create the ID file because the disk is write-protected or full, you're trying to write to a nonexistent drive, or Notes can't get access to a file server's disk.Make sure you're writing to the correct drive or that the drive has enough room, and try again. If the problem is access to a file server, see your Notes administrator.
E@SecurityFatal1The specified file was corrupted and is no longer valid, or is not an ID file.
NOTE: Always keep a backup of your User ID file on floppy disk, particularly after each time you receive certificates allowing you access to additional Notes servers. Use Windows, PM, or the Macintosh Finder to replace the corrupted ID file with a copy of your backup ID file; or ask your Notes administrator for a new User ID. If you must get a new ID, you need to get new certificates as well. If you had any encryption keys from other Notes users and still need them, ask those users to send them to you again.
0x172BThe specified ID file has been corrupted, or is not an ID filePKG_BSAFEerror2
8@CommFailureThe VinesServiceName variable in NOTES.INI is set, and the item name does not match the Notes service name.Check to see which is correct and make the correction in the other name.
0x1C18VINES service name does not match Notes name.PKG_NETDRVerror1
9@CommFailureThe server name violates the accepted syntax for VINES StreetTalk names.Check the server name against StreetTalk naming conventions described in your Banyan documentation.
0x1C19Server name is not a valid VINES StreetTalk name.PKG_NETDRVerror1
0x1104ERR_ROUTER_NOTUNIQUEPKG_ROUTER3errorRecipient user name <User Name> not unique. Several matches found in Name & Address Book.1There is more than one document in the Name & Address Book for user <User Name>, usually meaning there are several people with the same name. Notes needs more information in order to route the mail message.Edit the mail document to include a domain name, as in Alex Thomas@Sales, if the person is in another mail domain. Remove any duplicate Person documents from the Name & Address Book.
0x1105ERR_ROUTER_NOSUCHUSERPKG_ROUTER3errorUser <User Name> not listed in public Name & Address Book1Either the recipient's name is misspelled in the mail message or the Name & Address Book, the Person document is missing, or the recipient is not a Notes user.Check the spelling of the recipient's name; the sender may have misspelled it.
If the spelling is correct, check and correct the existing Person document.
If there is no Person document, but the recipient is a Notes user, create a new Person document.
If the recipient is not a Notes user, create a new ID if needed.
@MailNormalThe server has detected that new mail messages have been delivered to your mail file.Use Mail - Open or Mail - Scan Unread to check the messages.
0x1107New mail has been delivered to you!PKG_ROUTERerror3
@ResourceFatalYou tried to create or write to a file in a directory or subdirectory or on another drive to which you don't have write access.
For example, you may be trying to create a file on a write-protected disk or write to a directory whose files have the read-only attribute set.Check your access to the medium and try again.
0x0102Cannot write or create file (file or disk is read-only)PKG_OSerror5
@ResourceFailure1You either tried to open a database whose file does not exist or was deleted, or to import or attach a file which is not in the specified directory. This message may also appear if the network connection has been lost.Make sure the specified directory and file name are correct, and check the network connection. If it is a database, check the Database Catalog to verify the name. If the database is on a floppy disk, insert that disk into the drive and try opening the database again.
"@ResourceWarningHighAn internal consistency was detected, indicating that a file may have been damaged.The author of a damaged document should delete the document and re-create it. (Replicas of the document may also be damaged and should be checked.)
0x0109File truncated - file may have been damagedPKG_OSerror5
3@ResourceWarningHighThe file name is longer than 8 characters.
Notes will only accept eight-character file names. Databases whose file names are eight characters or less are the only ones that will appear in the Open Database dialog box.Rename any databases whose file names are too long.
0x0113File name too long or invalid file name syntaxPKG_OSerror5
0x0115ERR_OS_ERRORPKG_OS5errorAn OS/2 error has occurred. The code is <Decimal Error Code> (<Hex Error Code>). Consult your OS/2 documentation or ask for assistance.1When an error occurs at the operating system level, OS/2 returns a code number that can help identify problems such as too many open files, no more disk space, or not enough memory.The IBM booklet "Problem Determination Guide for the Service Coordinator" lists these codes and their meanings.
;@ResourceFailureYou are creating a database using File - Database - Copy or File - New Database, but the file name or path name you entered contains invalid characters.Correct the file name or path and try again.
G@ResourceFailureYou tried to write to a file in a directory or subdirectory or on another drive to which you don't have write access, or to a drive that's full.
For example, you may be trying to change a file on a write-protected disk or write to a directory whose files have the read-only attribute set.Check your access and the available space, and try again.
0x012ECannot write to file (possibly it is READ-ONLY or the disk is out of space or not ready)PKG_OSerror5
N@ResourceFailureThe server has reached the maximum number of threads (sessions) specified in CONFIG.SYS or its network file.
A database server thread is established for the users accessing the server and for each server task, such as mail routing and replication. The number of sessions for each thread is constrained by the OS/2 limit (53 in OS/2 1.2; 4,096 in OS/2 2.0) and by the number of sessions/threads configured. When the maximum thread count is reached for the database server thread, Notes creates additional threads to accommodate more users.
MessageYou must first run the workstation to setup your system.
After installing the Notes program and data files, you'll need to supply a little more information about yourself and your machine. This process is known as Notes Setup.Start Notes. Setup questions automatically appear. You will only need to go through Notes Setup once. In the future, Notes will start automatically.ERR_SETUP_NOT_DONEPKG_OSerror1
Q@ResourceFailureYou're using Notes in Windows or PM, and Notes can't find the executable program library files it needs to run.Make sure that when you run the Notes Install program under DOS or OS/2, you choose the right files for your configuration. For more information , see the "Start Here" book.
With DOS, make sure the Notes directory is listed in the PATH statement in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
With OS/2, make sure the Notes directory is listed in the LIBPATH statement in the CONFIG.SYS file.
0x0147The executable program library cannot be found.PKG_OSerror5
0x014CPKG_OSYour user ID file was created by using the same License as another user's ID file. Please re-create your ID file using a different License.error5
1You used CTRL-Break to stop the active process.Try the process again. If you were trying to access a server, it may be that activity on the server was high. You may want to wait until later to try again.
0x019DOperation stopped at your requestPKG_OSerror5
1The file you specified is not an ID file or the ID file has been corrupted and is no longer an ID.
NOTE: Always keep a backup of your User ID file on floppy disk, particularly after each time you receive certificates allowing you access to additional Notes servers. Use Windows, PM, or the Macintosh Finder to replace the corrupted ID file with a copy of your backup ID file; or ask your Notes administrator for a new User ID. If you must get a new ID, you'll need to get new certificates as well. If you had any encryption keys from other Notes users and you still need them, ask those users to send them to you again.
0x1754Your ID file has been corrupted, or is not an ID file.PKG_BSAFEerror2
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1C4CNetWare IPX/SPX could not be initialized: Packet size is too large.PKG_NETDRVerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
MessageNotes requires a NetWare OS/2 Requester, with IPX (IPX.SYS) configured.
0x1922The password and its confirmation value are not the samePKG_SECUREerror2
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
1A user entered a command at the server console but they did not specify the correct number of parameters for the command.Re-enter the command with the proper number of parameters. Type HELP at the server or check the Server Administrator's guide for more information on server commands.
0x0966Wrong number of parameters%nPKG_SERVERerror7
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
1The command you typed at the server console is incomplete or incorrect.Type the command again. Type HELP at the prompt or check the Notes Administrator's Guide for more information about valid server commands and arguments.
0x09A4Too many arguments. Enter 'HELP' for the correct syntax.PKG_SERVERerror7
0x0E04ERR_MAIL_NAME_NOT_FOUNDPKG_MAIL3error<Recipient Name> not found in any Name & Address Book. Choose OK to skip; Cancel to stop.1Notes can't find the name of your intended recipient in the Name & Address Books for your domain.
OK - Notes skips the name it can't find and sends the message to all other recipients. Select this option if you decide not to send the message to the person whose name you're not sure of, but still want to send it to everyone else.
Cancel - Notes doesn't send the message to any recipients. Select this message if you know the proper spelling of the name, but realize you typed it incorrectly. Correct the name and resend the document.
You can look for the recipient's name in your Name & Address books by choosing Mail - Address.
Tip You can also try entering variations on a name you're not sure how to spell; depending on whether the person is in your domain, Notes may be able to suggest valid names similar to what you enter.
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris###############
MessageNo 'SendTo' field in document. Use 'Forward' on the 'Actions' menu instead.
The document you tried to send doesn't have a SendTo field with the recipient name(s).Choose Mail - Forward to send the document.ERR_MAIL_NO_TO_FIELDPKG_MAILerror1
1Notes can't find the public Name & Address Book on your server, or your personal Name & Address Book (on your local hard drive or, for shared system users, in your personal directory).If you don't have a Name & Address Book icon on your workspace, add it using File - Open Database.
If you already have a public Name & Address Book on your workspace, see the Notes administrator. If it has been deleted accidentally, the administrator needs to make a new replica.
0x0E08No Name & Address Book database found.PKG_MAILerror3
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
1You can send mail to a user group containing the name of another user group, a feature called nesting. Notes allows six levels of nesting. The address in your active mail memo exceeded that level.To solve the immediate problem, specify the individual users to whom you want to send the mail, rather than the group names. As a long-term solution, ask your Notes administrator to consolidate your user group names in the Name & Address Book.
0x0E0BGroups cannot be nested more than 6 levels deep when mailing.PKG_MAILerror3
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x0E0EERR_MAIL_NO_MAILFILE_ON_DESKTOPPKG_MAIL3errorYou must first add your mail file, <Server Name> <File Name>, to your workspace.1You chose a command from the Mail menu while your mail database icon was not on your workspace.
Note You also may see this message if you have a different server from your usual mail server selected in Location Setup and you choose a Mail command.
1. Choose Tools - Setup - Location and check your home server name.
2. Choose Tools - Setup - Mail and check your mail database file name.
3. Choose File - Open Database and add your mail file to your workspace.
If this doesn't work, see your Notes administrator. Remember that not all Notes users use Notes mail.
1 Notes can't find the public Name & Address Book on your server, or your personal Name & Address Book (on your local hard drive or, for shared system users, in your personal directory).If you don't have a Name & Address Book icon on your workspace, add it using File - Open Database.
If you already have a public Name & Address Book on your workspace, see the Notes administrator. If it has been deleted accidentally, the administrator needs to make a new replica.
0x0E26Unable to locate a Name & Address book.PKG_MAILerror3
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
MessageYou do not have a mail system specified. Use File Tools User Preferences... to set it.
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
1An alternative mail program could not handle the number of recipients in the message.If you need to use the alternative mail program, decrease the number of recipients.
Notes mail allows a larger number of recipients. If you have a Notes mail database, you can switch to Notes Mail in the Tools - Setup - Mail dialog box and try the operation again.
0x0E29There were too many recipients listed in the message.PKG_MAILerror3
1An alternative mail program could not handle the complex documents you have selected.If you need to use the alternative mail program, decrease the number of documents or attachments.
Notes mail allows a larger number of documents and/or attachments. If you have a Notes mail database, you can switch to Notes Mail in the Tools - Setup - Mail dialog box and try the operation again.
0x0E2AThe number of documents and/or attachments in the selected messages exceeds the capacity of your mail system.PKG_MAILerror3
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
1Your alternate mail system could not complete a requested action.If you have a Notes mail database, you can switch to Notes Mail in the Tools - Setup - Mail dialog box and try the operation again.
0x0E2BYour mail system is unable to complete your requested action.PKG_MAILerror3
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x0E2CA duplicate recipient was specified and will be ignored.PKG_MAILerror3
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
MessageNotes requires a newer NetWare OS/2 Requester, v2.11a or later.
0x1C57Notes requires newer NetWare SPX.SYS and SPDAEMON.EXE files, v3.0b or later.PKG_NETDRVerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
1Notes is unable to create a network session to the particular server. Either the Notes server that is being contacted has been shut down or there is a network problem between the two servers.Restart the Notes server if it has been shut down. If not, check the network configuration, software, and hardware for problems.
0x0A02Remote system no longer respondingPKG_NETWORKerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x0A03Another system is using the same server name as this systemPKG_NETWORKerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x0A04Network error due to transient network condition or hardware failurePKG_NETWORKerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
1Notes inquired about the network adapter status and got no response. Either there is no adapter or the adapter cannot pass the diagnostics.Contact the network administrator.
0x0A05Network adapter not installed or not functioningPKG_NETWORKerror1
1Notes requires two available network sessions for some operations (for example, redesigning a database or communicating with two servers), but there aren't enough network sessions available.First, try restarting your computer. If you still see this message in Notes, do one of the following:
If you use Windows for Workgroups with any network
Enable LAN1 in the Ports dialog box.
If you use LAN Manager
Delete an existing network assignment, making it available for Notes to use.
To delete a network assignment created with NET USE, type:
X is the resource you have assigned to the session; a resource, for example, may be a printer or disk drive.
If you see this message often, see your network administrator about changing your workstation's PROTOCOL.INI file to allow more sessions. If PROTOCOL.INI specifies you as a LIGHT-USER, change this to USER to increase the number of sessions available at one time.
If you use Novell
Your network administrator may need, if possible, to increase the number of NetBIOS sessions available on the network. Novell Advanced NetWare 2.15 SFT defaults to 10 NetBIOS sessions and Novell 386 defaults to 32 NetBIOS sessions (for version 3.0, the limit is 100; for version 3.1, the limit is 250).
To increase the number of sessions, create a SHELL.CFG file and add the following statement to it:
Note You may also see this message if the network operating system is not fully compatible with Notes or NetBIOS, and Notes does not receive a valid reply when it queries the adapter.
If you use VINES
Run PCCONFIG from the Banyan Vines Directory containing the network card drivers.
At the main menu, choose Communications Settings.
In the Comm Settings menu, choose Set Maximum Number of Open Sockets and set
Default = 30.
Next, choose Set Maximum Number of Open SPP Connections and set Default = 50.
0x0A01Insufficient network or adapter resources. Consult Network documentation to increase the maximum number of sessions.PKG_NETWORKerror1
1 There is a problem with the network operating system software.Contact your network administrator immediately.
0x0A06Internal network software problem (or hardware malfunction)PKG_NETWORKerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
1An attempt was made to contact a server and no response was received in a reasonable amount of time. The server is probably busy handling other requests and was unable to respond quickly.Check the server load by doing a SHOW TASKS command on the console. Wait for the load to decrease or spread the load by having users access a different server.
0x0A07Network operation did not complete in a reasonable amount of time; please retryPKG_NETWORKerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x0A08Network operation was cancelledPKG_NETWORKerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
1The Notes server tried to establish a session with another server via a wide area network (WAN) or remote connection. The other server's modem may not have responded, or the server is down for maintenance or due to technical problems.Try to connect again later.
0x0A0ARemote system not respondingPKG_NETWORKerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x0A0BNetwork name already in use on this systemPKG_NETWORKerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x0A0CNetwork error: insufficient data receivedPKG_NETWORKerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x0A0DNetwork error: message has incorrect sequence numberPKG_NETWORKerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x0A0E(Network error: buffer was too small)PKG_NETWORKerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
1The NetBIOS protocol driver did not respond correctly to an adapter status query by Notes.Contact the network administrator.
0x0A0FNETBIOS not loaded or not runningPKG_NETWORKerror1
1The remote server's modem is busy. It could also be that, when the Remote Connection document was created to set up calling to the remote server, the phone number your modem is dialing from was mistakenly typed into the field where the number you want to dial out to should go (which will always return a busy message).If you receive this message repeatedly and the Remote Connection document is correct, you may need to talk to the remote server administrator about adding more lines and modems to the system.
0x0A15Remote phone was busyPKG_NETWORKerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
1You will see this message if the remote modem is shut off or damaged. The local modem should make several tries before giving up. The number of seconds it will ring is adjustable via S-Register 7. Turning Volume on (in the Additional Setup dialog box) allows you to hear the Ring signal locally.
You should also see this message if the remote server is not running, even though the modem may be powered up.Determine if one of the above is the problem and try again.
0x0A17Remote phone did not answer or modem could not detect carrierPKG_NETWORKerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x0A18Modem could not detect dial tonePKG_NETWORKerror1
1This message means that everything worked fine up to the point where the modems attempted "handshaking" and negotiating for a common communications protocol, and then reached an impasse. Two modems which are fundamentally incompatible will cause this message to appear in the Log and in a message box on the workstation end. A syntax error in the command file response codes, or too long an Auto Dial suffix can also produce this problem.
Most often, however, it is caused by incorrectly worded CONNECT responses in the command file.Determine which of the above is the problem, correct it, and try again.
0x0A1CCould not establish dialog with remote systemPKG_NETWORKerror1
0x0A4BERR_MODEM_BADCMDPKG_NETWORK1errorModem reported command error. Check: (1) That the command file selected is correct; (2) If editing a command file, that all commands conform to modem vendor documentation of supported AT commands.Ordinarily this message means your modem couldn't interpret something in your command file and it reported to Notes that it could not continue.The most common reason for this is the selection of the wrong command file for your modem. Occasionally, however, this message will appear for no apparent reason (random static, perhaps, or switching an initialized server modem for one which hasn't yet been initialized), even when your configuration previously worked. It is recommended you try two or three times before looking into your command file for a solution to the problem.
Another possible reason for this message is that you have edited your command file and made a mistake, perhaps using a command that works for another type of modem, but not for your current one.
You may encounter this problem on the server end during replication; the console will display the following: "Unable to replicate with server <server name>: received unrecognizable response from modem." Again, try two or three times before assuming the command file is at fault.
0x020DERR_NO_FILE_SHARINGPKG_NSF6errorThis database is currently being used by someone else. In order to share a Notes database, you must use a Notes Server instead of a File Server.1
1In Windows or PM, you chose File - New Database or File - New Replica to create a database on a Notes server, but tried to create the database outside of the server's Notes data directory. The new database can only be created in the data directory or in a subdirectory of the data directory (you can create your own new subdirectory while creating the database).
Note You don't see this message on the Macintosh because you can't enter either a DOS drive specifier, which contains a colon (:), or a backslash (\) in a new database name.Change the pathname to be relative to the server's data directory.
For example, if a server's data directory is:
and you tried to create a database with this path:
Notes would display this message. Instead, enter this:
and Notes stores the new database in:
0x022FRemote pathname must be relative to Data DirectoryPKG_NSFerror6
MessageUpdating Name & Address book view '<Viewname>'
Notes is unable to open the source database in order to copy data from it.Make sure that the server containing the database is running and that you have access to the database.ERR_SOURCE_DB_CLOSEDPKG_NSFerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x023AUnknown type of compression techniquePKG_NSFerror6
0x0240Field length stored in document is incorrectPKG_NSFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x0242Special database object cannot be locatedPKG_NSFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
1The document has been corrupted. The most common causes for database corruption are:
1) Improper shutdown of the operating system due to system reboot, system crash, power failure, or failure to use proper shutdown procedures (i.e., under OS/2, the shutdown command in the desktop manager); or
2) Improper database access by an API program. Copy a valid copy of the document from a replica or backup copy of the database.
0x0243Document is damaged or obsolete (incorrect field length)PKG_NSFerror6
1 The document has been corrupted. The most common causes for database corruption are:
1) Improper shutdown of the operating system due to system reboot, system crash, power failure, or failure to use proper shutdown procedures (i.e., under OS/2, the shutdown command in the desktop manager); or
2) Improper database access by an API program.Copy a valid copy of the document from a replica or backup copy of the database.
0x0244Document is damaged or obsolete (unrecognized data type)PKG_NSFerror6
1You tried to browse a server or access a directory for which you don't have the required access privileges.Ask your Notes administrator for access privileges.
0x0246You are not authorized to perform that operationPKG_NSFerror6
1You tried to open a database but you don't have the privileges needed to do so.Ask your Notes administrator or the database manager about getting those privileges.
0x024BYou are not authorized to access that databasePKG_NSFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
1You tried to delete or copy over this database but you don't have the privileges needed to do so.Ask your Notes administrator or the database manager about getting those privileges.
0x024CYou are not authorized to delete that databasePKG_NSFerror6
0x024EYou cannot update or delete the document(s) since you are not listed as an allowable Author for this documentPKG_NSFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
1Notes detected an internal inconsistency, which may indicate damage, in a file.The author of the damaged document should delete the document and re-create it. Replicas of the document may also be damaged and should also be checked.
0x024FFile object is truncated - file may have been damagedPKG_NSFerror6
1A directory exists with the same name as one given for a database.Choose another name for the database that does not match an existing directory name.
0x0254Cannot create database - the specified filename is a directoryPKG_NSFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x0255Cannot create a document without a valid user licensePKG_NSFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
1The server's administrator has restricted who can create new databases on the server. Only people listed in the "Can create new databases" field of the Server document in the Name & Address Book are allowed this access.Ask the server's administrator if you can be added to the access list.
0x0256You are not authorized to create new databases on this serverPKG_NSFerror6
1The server's administrator has restricted who can create replica databases on the server. Only people listed in the "Can create replica databases" field of the Server document in the Name & Address Book are allowed this access.Ask the server's administrator if you can be added to the access list.
0x0257You are not authorized to create new replica databases on this serverPKG_NSFerror6
1A signed document has either been changed since it was signed or has somehow been corrupted.Check with the author of the document to get the original.
0x025BDocument has been modified or corrupted since signed! (data)PKG_NSFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
1Notes cannot verify the signature on a "signed" mail document.If you need to verify the signature, do one of the following:
* You and the sender have no certificates in common. Try to get at least one certificate in common with the sender.
* You and the sender have at least one certificate in common but you turned off the Trust other certificates signed by the certifier option. Turn on the option and try again.
0x025CYou and signer have no Certificates in common; signer cannot be assumed to be trustworthy.PKG_NSFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x025ESignature has been modified or corrupted since document was signed!PKG_NSFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x0260Document has been modified or corrupted since signed! (signature)PKG_NSFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
1You tried to detach or launch an attachment which may have become corrupted.Ask the person who sent you the attachment to send it again.
0x0261Attachment has been modified or corrupted since signed!PKG_NSFerror6
0x0263You cannot encrypt a document that is already encrypted.PKG_NSFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x0266Database is currently being replicated or copied elsewherePKG_NSFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x0268Specified database is not currently openPKG_NSFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
1The length of a string of text to be searched for in a database is longer than the maximum length allowed (i.e., 256 characters in Notes Version 3.0).Shorten the search string.
0x0269Text search string is too longPKG_NSFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x026AUser activity recording is disabledPKG_NSFerror6
1An operation was attempted that requires the user to have all privileges (roles) and the user did not have them.Determine who attempted the operation and give him or her all privileges if appropriate.
0x0272All privileges are required for this operationPKG_NSFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
1 The document has been corrupted. The most common causes for database corruption are:
1) Improper shutdown of the operating system due to system reboot, system crash, power failure, or failure to use proper shutdown procedures (i.e., under OS/2, the shutdown command in the desktop manager); or
2) Improper database access by an API program.Copy a valid copy of the document from a replica or backup copy of the database.
0x0273Document is damaged or obsolete (unrecognized field)PKG_NSFerror6
0x0274ERR_FIXUP_DOCPKG_NSF7errorDocument NT<Document Number> in database <Database Name> is damaged: <Error Message>1The indicated document was somehow corrupted. The most common causes for database corruption are:
1) Improper shutdown of the operating system due to system reboot, system crash, power failure, or failure to use proper shutdown procedures (i.e., under OS/2, the shutdown command in the desktop manager); or
2) Improper database access by an API program.
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris##
0x0275ERR_FIXUP_DOC_DELETEDPKG_NSF7errorDocument NT<Document Number> in database <Database Name> has been deleted1The indicated document was somehow corrupted and the FIXUP program has purged it from the database. The most common causes for database corruption are:
1) Improper shutdown of the operating system due to system reboot, system crash, power failure, or failure to use proper shutdown procedures (i.e., under OS/2, the shutdown command in the desktop manager); or
2) Improper database access by an API program.
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris###############
0x0276Field name table (UNK table) is damagedPKG_NSFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x0277Field name table (UNK table) has been repairedPKG_NSFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x0279You are unable to decrypt this document because your key is incorrectPKG_NSFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x0278You cannot access portions of this document because it was encrypted and you do not have any of the keysPKG_NSFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x027AERR_FIXUP_DOC_ITEMPKG_NSF7errorDocument NT<Document Number> in database <Database Name> is damaged: <Error Message> (Field <Field Name>, Datatype <Data Type>)1The indicated document was somehow corrupted. The most common causes for database corruption are:
1) Improper shutdown of the operating system due to system reboot, system crash, power failure, or failure to use proper shutdown procedures (i.e., under OS/2, the shutdown command in the desktop manager); or
2) Improper database access by an API program.
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris##################
1Your DESKTOP.DSK file, which contains the list of database icons in your workspace, has become corrupted. You may see this message when you attempt to open a database on your workspace. You won't be able to remove the selected icon from your desktop until you replace your DESKTOP.DSK file. If you have a backup copy of your DESKTOP.DSK file, use your operating system to replace the file; otherwise, you must rebuild the file from scratch. See the message document on "Notes Version 1 workspace file (DESKTOP.DSK) has grown larger than 1MB... "
0x0281Database object has been deletedPKG_NSFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x0284ERR_FIXUP_BUCKET_REPAIREDPKG_NSF7errorPartially-saved document in database <Database Name> has been deleted1Notes detected a document that was not properly saved and deleted it from the database indicated.
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris#####
0x0286Database has been corrupted and can't be repaired; cannot openPKG_NSFerror6
MessageDatabase (.nsf) has grown too large; use File New Replica to recreate your file with larger capacity.
You're using a database (.NSF file) created in an earlier release of Notes and have exceeded that version's limit. Notes Release 3 supports databases up to 1 gigabyte in size.Upgrade your database as follows:
1. Close the database.
2. If the database is on a server, exit the server.
If it's a local database (stored on your workstation's hard disk), continue with step 3.
3. Highlight the database icon and choose File - New Replica to make a new copy of that database. In the New Replica dialog box, enter a different name for the copy (for example, if you're copying NAMES.NSF, call it NAMES2.NSF).
Be sure to leave the Replicate Access Control List option selected.
4. After Notes creates the copy, delete the original database.
5. Rename the copy at the DOS or OS/2 command prompt (or use the File Manager):
6. If the database is stored on a server, restart the server.
Keep in mind:
* For very large databases, Notes may need several hours to create the copy, so you may want to do this procedure overnight.
* You can check any database's size by choosing File - Database - Information.
* You can check the size of all of the server's databases at once by looking in the Database Sizes view of the Notes Log database (LOG.NSF) on each server.ERR_FILEMAXPKG_NSFerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
MessageNotes Version 1 database (.nsf) has grown larger than 40MB; use File Replication New Replica to recreate your file as a Notes Version 4 database (.nsf) capable of 4GB
You're using a database (.NSF file) created in Notes Release 1 and have exceeded the 40MB limit. Notes Release 3 supports databases up to 1 gigabyte in size.Upgrade your database as follows:
1. Close the database.
2. If the database is on a server, exit the server.
If it's a local database (stored on your workstation's hard disk), continue with step 3.
3. Highlight the database icon and choose File - New Replica to make a new copy of that database. In the New Replica dialog box, enter a different name for the copy (for example, if you're copying NAMES.NSF, call it NAMES2.NSF).
Be sure to leave the Replicate Access Control List option selected.
4. After Notes creates the copy, delete the original database.
5. Rename the copy at the DOS or OS/2 command prompt (or use the Windows File Manager):
6. If the database is stored on a server, restart the server.
Keep in mind:
* For very large databases, Notes may need several hours to create the copy, so you may want to do this procedure overnight.
* You can check any database's size by choosing File - Database - Information.
* You can check the size of all of the server's databases at once by looking in the Database Sizes view of the Notes Log database (LOG.NSF) on each server.ERR_FILEMAXV1PKG_NSFerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x02A0This function cannot be performed in conjunction with a Notes Version 2 ServerPKG_NSFerror6
0x02A1Your connection to the server unexpectedly dropped; please retry the operationPKG_NSFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x02AFDatabase is damaged and can't be repaired (RRV buckets bad)PKG_NSFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x02B0Maximum number of concurrently open objects has been exceededPKG_NSFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x02B5File not found or not a Notes databasePKG_NSFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x02B6Unable to enlarge a view container. Increase NSF_BUFFER_POOL_SIZE.PKG_NSFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
1This is an internal Notes error.Please contact Lotus customer support to report the problem.
0x02B7Attempt to use an invalid page numberPKG_NSFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x02B8Database already contains a document with this ID (UNID)PKG_NSFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x02BAERR_FIXUP_UNID_CHANGEDPKG_NSF7errorDocument NT<Document Number> in database <Database Name> has been assigned a new UNID1The indicated document had a bad or duplicate ID field and has been assigned a new unique one.
0x02BDERR_FIXUP_REBUILD_UNIDPKG_NSF7errorRebuild UNID index in database <Database Name>1Notes detected a problem with an index in the specified database and will automatically rebuild the index.
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris######################
0x1638STS_REPL_SERVERPKG_REPL4errorStarting to replicate with server <Server Name>1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris#####
1The database has somehow become corrupted. An attempt was made to correct the problem but it failed. The most common causes for database corruption are:
1) Improper shutdown of the operating system due to system reboot, system crash, power failure, or failure to use proper shutdown procedures (i.e., under OS/2, the shutdown command in the desktop manager); or
2) Improper database access by an API program.Try copying the database using the File - New Replica command from the Notes workstation. If this does not work, restore the database from a backup copy.
0x02BCDatabase is damaged and can't be repaired (UNID index)PKG_NSFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x02BEExtendible hash index structure is invalidPKG_NSFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
?6RF -&a
0x02BFContainer user data buffer will be truncatedPKG_NSFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x02C0Extendible hash index is corrupt and can't be usedPKG_NSFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x02C2Database's expiration date has passedPKG_NSFerror6
11) The server that the database is on crashed or was rebooted while Notes was running.
2) An API program is improperly accessing the database.The database should be fixed-up automatically the next time it is opened. You can also LOAD FIXUP from the Notes server console. When rebooting or powering off an OS/2 machine, always use the shutdown option from the desktop manager to ensure proper handling of files.
For more information about the Database Fixup program, see the Notes Administrator's Guide.
0x0238Database is corrupt -- Cannot allocate spacePKG_NSFerror6
0x019ESomeone else is running a different version of Notes right now. You cannot run 2 different versions at the same time on the same machine.PKG_OSerror5
The maximum number of memory handles allowed by the operating system has been reached.Decrease the amount of load on the server. Under OS/2 while the Notes server is running, open an OS/2 command prompt window and enter the command "notes server -m >file.out" and send the resultant file (file.out) to Lotus technical support.
0x01A2Maximum number of memory segments that Notes can support has been exceededPKG_OSerror5
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
MessageThe file 'Notes Preferences' has a damaged resource fork.
StatisticNNTP."RemoteServerName".Push.Articles.RequestedNumberArticlesNumber of news articles requested by the remote NNTP server during a push feed.VariesYes>
StatisticNNTP."RemoteServerName".Pull.Articles.OfferedNumberArticlesNumber of news articles offered by the remote NNTP server during a pull feed.VariesYes>
StatisticNNTP."RemoteServerName".Pull.Articles.TransferredNumberArticlesNumber of news articles received from the remote NNTP server during a pull feed.VariesYes>
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticNNTP."RemoteServerName".Push.Articles.FailedNumberArticlesNumber of news articles which failed to be sent during a push feed to the remote NNTP server.VariesYes>
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticNNTP.Push.Articles.RequestedNumberArticlesTotal number of news articles requested during push feed by the remote NNTP server.VariesYes>
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticNNTP.Pull.Articles.OfferedNumberArticlesTotal number of news articles offered during a pull feed by the remote NNTP servers.VariesYes>
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticNNTP.Pull.Articles.TransferredNumberArticlesTotal number of news articles received by the NNTP server during a pull feed.VariesYes>
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticNNTP.Push.Articles.FailedNumberArticlesTotal number of news articles which failed to be sent to remote NNTP servers during a push feed.VariesYes>
MessageThe Notes Preferences file cannot be found.
You're using Windows or PM, and Notes can't find your NOTES.INI file.
NOTES.INI is a customizable settings file that contains information about your use of Notes. In order for Notes to run, the NOTES.INI file must be in the search path. This message doe
* Under DOS, make sure the PATH statement in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file contains the directory that contains NOTES.INI (either your Windows directory or your Notes data directory).
* Under OS/2, make sure the LIBPATH statement in the CONFIG.SYS file includeERR_NO_NOTESINIPKG_OSerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x01A7OSLocalAlloc/Free may only be used within a single thread!PKG_OSerror5
0x01BAToo many PROCESS termination handlersPKG_OSerror5
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x01BBToo many THREAD termination handlersPKG_OSerror5
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x01BCThere is not enough memory available to launch the application. To make more memory available, try quitting other open applications.PKG_OSerror5
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x01BDDevice is Busy/In UsePKG_OSerror5
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
MessageThe Notes Data Directory is in use by another Notes program (possibly on another computer). You must first shut down all Notes programs (for example, the Adminstration program) that share this Data Directory.
0x1C55The Notes Server for Windows does not support the use of NetWare's IPX/SPX protocol. Instead, you should load Novell's NETBIOS and configure this LAN port to use it.PKG_NETDRVerror1
0x1C59Insufficient SPX sessions are available. Consult NetWare documentation to increase the maximum number of sessions.PKG_NETDRVerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1C5AUnexpected SAP error. See the Notes log file on this system for error code.PKG_NETDRVerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1C61The Windows Sockets library WINSOCK.DLL could not be loaded.PKG_NETDRVerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1C67The Novell LAN Workplace library RCB43.DLL could not be loaded.PKG_NETDRVerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1C68The TCP/IP protocol stack reported that it ran out of memory. Consult your network documentation to increase configured memory, or reduce Notes connections by limiting clients (see SERVER_MAXSESSIONS parameter in Notes Admin Guide).PKG_NETDRVerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1C69Insufficient TCP sockets are available. Consult your vendor's TCP/IP documentation to increase the maximum number of sockets.PKG_NETDRVerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1C6AThe MacTCP driver is not installed.PKG_NETDRVerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1C6BThe Notes Winsock Daemon _WSKDMN.EXE could not be loaded.PKG_NETDRVerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1C6CThe Notes _WSKAPI.DLL could not be loaded.PKG_NETDRVerror1
0x1C6EThe Notes Server for Windows does not support the use of the TCP/IP protocol. Please reconfigure, using another protocol for this server.PKG_NETDRVerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
MessageThe TCP/IP NTI transport driver could not be loaded. Verify that the TCP protocol is installed on the system and that the system PATH environment variable is correct.
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1C71The destination network is unreachable.PKG_NETDRVerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
MessageThe TCP/IP stack can't bind a network address to a TCP socket, please verify that the TCP stack has been properly initialized.
0x1C82A NetWare library could not be loaded because a function is missing from the DLL.PKG_NETDRVerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1C83Insufficient IPX sockets, SPX sessions, or TLI endpoints are available. Consult NetWare documentation to increase these resources.PKG_NETDRVerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
MessageThe IPX/SPX NTI transport driver was not found on the path.
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
It is likely you have closed a database yet still have a connection with the server on which it is located. Attempting to open another database on another server without first hanging up and dialing the new server will produce this message.
This message Determine which of the above is the problem, then try again.
0x0A10Specified port(s) currently in usePKG_NETWORKerror1
0x0A28A port with that name already existsPKG_NETWORKerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x0A2CInsufficient network or adapter resources. Consult Network documentation to increase those resources.PKG_NETWORKerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x0A3CThe LANMAN process limit has been exceeded. This cannot be increased. Reduce usage by limiting clients (see SERVER_MAXSESSIONS parameter in Notes Admin Guide).PKG_NETWORKerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x0A67Request failed because the requested port is inactivePKG_NETWORKerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x0A79This function is only available when used on a Notes ServerPKG_NETWORKerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x0A87Asynchronous notification message too largePKG_NETWORKerror1
0x0A8EInsufficient memory - Job Scheduling Path Cache Pool is full.PKG_NETWORKerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
An internal network message queue has reached its capacity and will not accept any new messages until some are removed. Either the system is overloaded and the messages cannot be handled quickly enough or the process responsible for removing the messageCheck the server log for error messages indicating a process has failed. If so, restart that process or the entire server if necessary. If not, check the server for excessive load and decrease it by having some users access a different server.
0x0AE4Queue is fullPKG_NETWORKerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
MessageFile is not a database
If the file is a Notes database then the file has been corrupted. The most common causes for database corruption are:
1) Improper shutdown of the operating system due to system reboot, system crash, power failure, or failure to use proper shutdown proceRestore the file from backup.ERR_SORT_DATATYPEPKG_NIFerror1
MessageThe program cannot interpret this file due to an invalid structure
The file has somehow become corrupted. The most common causes for database corruption are:
1) Improper shutdown of the operating system due to system reboot, system crash, power failure, or failure to use proper shutdown procedures (i.e., under OS/2, thRestore the file from a backup copy.ERR_UNSUPPORTED_FLAGSPKG_NIFerror1
The document has been corrupted. The most common causes for database corruption are:
1) Improper shutdown of the operating system due to system reboot, system crash, power failure, or failure to use proper shutdown procedures (i.e., under OS/2, the shutdCopy a valid copy of the document from a replica or backup copy of the database.ERR_LOOKUP_ERRORPKG_NIFerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x0208Index entry has too many levelsPKG_NIFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x020AName & Address Book database (names.nsf) does not existPKG_NIFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x0210Specified item is not presentPKG_NIFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x0214Index is not to be generated on server.PKG_NIFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x0215Someone else deleted this index while you were updating it.PKG_NIFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x0218User or server name not found in Name & Address BookPKG_NIFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
Either the database being accessed was created by a dramatically different version of Notes or it has been corrupted.Use the correct version of Notes for the database. If it has been corrupted, you must restore it from a replica or backup copy.
0x0219ID file not found in Name & Address BookPKG_NIFerror6
0x027EYou can only Sign documents whose Field names are < 512 bytes.PKG_NSFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x027FDocument does not specify any fields to be encryptedPKG_NSFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x0287Cannot store document; database has too many unique field names. Please ask your administrator to compact the database.PKG_NSFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x0289Notes Version 1 workspace file (DESKTOP.DSK) has grown larger than 1MB; you can delete DESKTOP.DSK if you wish a new one to be created that is capable of 50MB of private views.PKG_NSFerror6
An attempt was made to allocate memory from a memory pool but the pool has reached its maximum size set by the variable NSF_BUFFER_POOL_SIZE in the NOTES.INI file.Increase the value of the variable NSF_BUFFER_POOL_SIZE in the NOTES.INI file. For more information, see the Notes Administrator's Guide.
0x028FThere is not enough memory for a view or database buffer. Please close any unneeded windows. You may also increase Notes' available memory by quitting and choosing 'Get Info...' from the Finder.PKG_NSFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x0292Operation can't be performed while container is in usePKG_NSFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x0293Attempt to use an invalid slot numberPKG_NSFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x0294Attempt to use an invalid cluster numberPKG_NSFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x0295Attempt to use an invalid database pointerPKG_NSFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x0296B-tree index has not been openedPKG_NSFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x0297Invalid CNO vector - position == 0PKG_NSFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x029CContainer not found - new context allocatedPKG_NSFerror6
0x02A7You may not use that database driverPKG_NSFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x02ADDocument attachment is invalidPKG_NSFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
The value of the environment variable NSF_BUFFER_POOL_SIZE is too small.Increase the value of NSF_BUFFER_POOL_SIZE in NOTES.INI. The default values are 51200 for Macintosh and 2048000 for Windows and OS/2.
Caution: Do not set this value to a number larger than available physical memory. Overall performance will deteriorate
0x02AEInsufficient memory for a view or database buffer. Please close any unneeded windows. You may also increase Notes' available memory by quitting and choosing 'Get Info...' from the Finder.PKG_NSFerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
MessageWARNING: Both <Template File> and <Template File> claim to be Design Template '<Template Name>'
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x02C4Maximum size of a storage container (130MB) reachedPKG_NSFerror6
0x1603Replicator unable to build list of local databases - insufficient memory in pool.PKG_REPLerror4
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1607Replication history is corrupted. Use File Database Copy (Replica) to clear the history.PKG_REPLerror4
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
The database that is being replicated has a document, view, or form that has an access role assigned to it and the destination server has not been given all access roles in the source database's ACL.If it's appropriate that the destination server receive those documents, modify the ACL in the source database to give the destination server enough access to replicate all documents.
0x1623Replication cancelled due to timeoutPKG_REPLerror4
0x1635A hidden design will apply to this database and all of its replicas. Once this option has been set it can never be changed. Are you sure you want to continue?PKG_REPLerror4
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
MessageUnable to replace access control list in <Database Name>
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x169AReplication can not proceed because can not maintain uniform access control list on replicasPKG_REPLerror4
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x169DServer is not a cluster memberPKG_REPLerror4
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x169EInsufficient memory - Realtime Replicator pool is fullPKG_REPLerror4
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x169FInsufficient memory - Realtime Replicator Pathname Index pool is fullPKG_REPLerror4
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1111Insufficient memory - Router message queue is full.PKG_ROUTERerror3
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1112Insufficient memory - Router transfer queue is full.PKG_ROUTERerror3
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1113Message contains too many recipients (over 4 megabytes).PKG_ROUTERerror3
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1114Groups cannot be nested more than 20 levels deep.PKG_ROUTERerror3
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1115Billing record not written. Insufficient memory.PKG_ROUTERerror3
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1978Illegal destination server namePKG_SECUREerror2
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1932Your public key does not match the one stored in the Address BookPKG_SECUREerror2
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1933The server's certificate has expiredPKG_SECUREerror2
0x1983The remote system failed to prove its identityPKG_SECUREerror2
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1984Internal error: request to make an unknown Proxy Database entryPKG_SECUREerror2
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1985Internal error: a required parameter in a subroutine call has not been suppliedPKG_SECUREerror2
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
XV} b
0x1986The new name in the supplied Change Request does not match the subject name in the supplied certificatePKG_SECUREerror2
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x091DThe server's full text indexer is too busy right now to accept this requestPKG_SERVERerror7
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
There is a port configured for this server but it is not included in the Server record for this server in the Name & Address book.Add the required information for this port in the Server record for this server in the Name & Address book. If the port does not exist on this server, de-configure it.
0x09BAServer entry in Name & Address database does not contain any information for port %sPKG_SERVERerror7
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x142EInsufficient memory - VPE Pool is fullPKG_XPCerror1
MessageNNTP Server: Invalid or non-existent group name: <'Group Name'>NNTP Server
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
MessageNNTP Server: Can't find an Enabled Connection document specifying an NNTP Accept Feed for server: <'Server Name'> (<'Group Name'>); terminating the connection.NNTP Server
0x0E30Unable to encrypt saved mail because the mailfile specified in your current location (%p) is not on your workspace or available on the network.PKG_MAILerror3
0x16ABReplication not supported to database with selective replication enabled. If you wish, you may use File Database Properties Replication Settings... to delete the selective replication information.PKG_REPLerror4
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x16ACUnable to replicate from %p to %pPKG_REPLerror4
0x16ADChecking for database configuration changes in Cluster Database DirectoryPKG_REPLerror4
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x16AEChecking for modified databases requiring replicationPKG_REPLerror4
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x16B1Invalid replica ID for cluster database directory. If cluster name changed, delete cluster database directory and restart cldbdir task.PKG_REPLerror4
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1118No route found to domain %s. Check Server, Connection and Domain documents in Name & Address Book.PKG_ROUTERerror3
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1119No route found to server %a. Check Server and Connection documents in Name & Address Book.PKG_ROUTERerror3
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x111BInsufficient memory - Router unable to allocate a new symbol table.PKG_ROUTERerror3
StatisticNNTP."RemoteServerName".Bytes.ReceivedNumberbytesNumber of bytes received from the remote NNTP server.VariesYes>
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticNNTP."RemoteServerName".Bytes.SentNumberbytesNumber of bytes sent to the NNTP server on the remote server.VariesYes>
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticNNTP."RemoteServerName".Articles.PostedNumberArticlesNumber of news articles posted by NNTP clients and received from NNTP servers on the remote server.VariesYes>
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticNNTP.Bytes.SentNumberbytesNumber of bytes sent by NNTP server.VariesYes>
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticNNTP."RemoteServerName".Articles.SentNumberarticlesNumber of news articles sent to the remote NNTP server.VariesYes>
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticNNTP.Articles.PostedNumberarticlesNumber of news articles posted by NNTP server.VariesYes>
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticNNTP.Articles.SentNumberarticlesNumber of news articles sent by NNTP server.VariesYes>
StatisticNNTP."RemoteServerName".Pull.Articles.RequestedNumberArticlesNumber of news articles requested from the remote NNTP server during a pull feed.VariesYes>
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticNNTP."RemoteServerName".Push.Articles.OfferedNumberArticlesNumber of news articles offered to the remote NNTP server during a push feed.VariesYes>
StatisticNNTP."RemoteServerName".Push.Articles.TransferredNumberArticlesNumber of news articles sent to the remote NNTP server during a push feed.VariesYes>
StatisticNNTP."RemoteServerName".Pull.Articles.FailedNumberArticlesNumber of news articles which failed to be received from the remote NNTP server during a pull feed.VariesYes>
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticNNTP.Pull.Articles.RequestedNumberArticlesTotal number of news articles requested during pull feed by the NNTP server.VariesYes>
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticNNTP.Push.Articles.OfferedNumberArticlesTotal number of news articles offered during push feed by the NNTP server.VariesYes>
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticNNTP.Push.Articles.TransferredNumberArticlesTotal number of news articles sent by the NNTP server during a push feed.VariesYes>
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticNNTP.Pull.Articles.FailedNumberArticlesTotal number of news articles which failed to be received by the NNTP server.VariesYes>
0x337DThe Person document for %s could not be found in the Public Address Book.PKG_ADDINerrorAdmin Process6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x337EThe person requesting the create action needs Reader access to the database.PKG_ADDINerrorAdmin Process6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x337FAdministration Process: Unable to create entry threadPKG_ADDINerrorAdmin Process6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3302No mail file in locationPKG_ADDINerrorAlarm6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3380Administration Process: Unable to access transfer context informationPKG_ADDINerrorAdmin Process6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3381The Administration Process could not change or delete the name from a document because another process was modifying it.PKG_ADDINerrorAdmin Process6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3382The person requesting the delete action needs Author access (or greater) to this database.PKG_ADDINerrorAdmin Process6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3383The person requesting this move action needs Manager access to the database.PKG_ADDINerrorAdmin Process6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3384The Administration Process on %s will not work until the Administration Request Database is replicated from %s or another server in the domain.PKG_ADDINerrorAdmin Process6
0x3388The Administration Process cannot delete the database %s at this time because it is in use by someone else; will try again at %z.PKG_ADDINerrorAdmin Process6
0x338DThe Administration Process on %s will not work until an Administration Server has been designated for this domain's Public Address Book.PKG_ADDINerrorAdmin Process6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x338EThe Administration Process cannot remove the last non-server manager of a database enforcing a consistent Access Control List.PKG_ADDINerrorAdmin Process6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x338F%s could not be found in the free time database.PKG_ADDINerrorAdmin Process6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3390There is no busy time information for %s in the free time database.PKG_ADDINerrorAdmin Process6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3391The Administration Process could not rename %s in an appointment document in %s.PKG_ADDINerrorAdmin Process6
0x3315The Cluster Database Directory (%p) contains the wrong replica ID (which is based on the cluster name). If you changed the cluster name you need to remove this database and restart cldbdirPKG_ADDINerrorCluster Directory6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3316Replica ID was null or marked to not replicatePKG_ADDINerrorCluster Directory6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3317Renamed database %s to %s in the Cluster Database DirectoryPKG_ADDINerrorCluster Directory6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3318The Cluster Database Directory task only runs on servers that are a member of a clusterPKG_ADDINerrorCluster Directory6
0x159EReplication for the local database '%s' is currently disabled. Do you want to reenable replication?PKG_BCASEerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x15A2Sorry, modifications while the background is running is not allowed in 126.0.PKG_BCASEerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x15A7Remove '%s' from your Replicator page?PKG_BCASEerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x15AAThere is no local copy of the database on the workspace. Please add the database to your workspace, or create a replica of the database before performing this operation.PKG_BCASEerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1710Inconsistent name attributesPKG_BSAFEerror2
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1716There is no certificate in the Address Book.PKG_BSAFEerror2
0x1C20The required Vines client application files have not been installed. The VNSAPI32.DLL or VNSAPI16.DLL, libraries could not be loaded.PKG_NETDRVerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1C21The required Vines client application files have not been installed. The VNSAPI.DLL library could not be loaded.PKG_NETDRVerror1
0x1C35OS/2 failed to lock memory required by the AppleTalk driver. (A long-term lock failed.)PKG_NETDRVerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1C36The OS/2 AppleTalk protocol driver was not fully initialized, and the server will have to be rebooted. If this error happens frequently, try adding the command \042TPAUSE 60\042 to startup.cmd.PKG_NETDRVerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1C37The OS/2 AppleTalk protocol driver was unable to allocate memory.PKG_NETDRVerror1
0x1C89Warning: NetWare library NETWIN32.DLL could not be loaded. NDS cannot be initialized without NETWIN32.DLL in your path. To suppress this warning, and you are not using NDS, select the Bindery Services Option in the SPX Port Driver Setup Dialogue.PKG_NETDRVerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1C8AThe NetWare library DSAPI.NLM has not been loaded. Please load.PKG_NETDRVerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1C8BThe NetWare library SPX.NLM has not been loaded. Please load.PKG_NETDRVerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1C8CThe NetWare library TLI.NLM has not been loaded. Please load.PKG_NETDRVerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1C8DThe NetWare library IPXCALLS.DLL could not be found.PKG_NETDRVerror1
0x1CA5The Notes Servers NDS Distinguished Name contains an invalid syntax.PKG_NETDRVerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1CA6The NetWare Bindery is unavailable. See your NetWare Administrator.PKG_NETDRVerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1CA7The SPX Port Driver failed to initialize. Not all of the required NetWare Services have been installed or configured. Please install and configure.PKG_NETDRVerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1CA8The NDS Name Context could not be found. Verify that you have selected a default NDS Name Context and logged into NDS.PKG_NETDRVerror1
0x1CABNDS Service unavailable. A Direcory Service Volume is not mounted or IO Failure has occurred. See your NetWare NDS Administrator.PKG_NETDRVerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1CACNDS Service is locked. If problem persists, see your NetWare NDS Administrator.PKG_NETDRVerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1CC8Searching NDS for %sPKG_NETDRVerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1CADNDS Service failure. A local error occured within NDS service requester. See your NetWare NDS Administrator.PKG_NETDRVerror1
0x1CB5Configuration error: SPX Port configured for NDS, but Notes Server's NDS Distinguished Name was not specified in Server record's NetAddress field, in the N&A. Update the Server record or disable the NDS Service.PKG_NETDRVerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1CB6The configured NetWare Service(s) failed to Advertise.PKG_NETDRVerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1CC9Searching Bindery for Server %sPKG_NETDRVerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1CB7The NetWare Services Requester has not been installed or configured. Please install.PKG_NETDRVerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1CB8Microsoft SAP Agent Service has not been installed or configured. Please install.PKG_NETDRVerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1CB9No Read priviledge for Registery. NetWare Service installation cannot be verified.PKG_NETDRVerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1CBANo NDS distinguished name found for this server in the N & A Book.PKG_NETDRVerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1CBBThe Notes Secondary name server for NDS is not configured.PKG_NETDRVerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1CBCNDS Service Request failed due to a network transport error. If problem persists see your NetWare NDS Administrator.PKG_NETDRVerror1
0x1CBDThe Notes server %A could not be located on your NetWare SPX network. If the server uses NetWare Directory Services (NDS), enter the NDS object name of the server.PKG_NETDRVerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1CCASearching NDS for Name Server %sPKG_NETDRVerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1CCBSearching Bindery for Name ServerPKG_NETDRVerror1
0x0A68The data in a buffer was too small or was corrupted (file %s, line %d)PKG_NETWORKerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x0A69Bad buffer - please report this error. See log.nsf for more info.PKG_NETWORKerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x0AE5Call timer expiredPKG_NETWORKerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x0AE8Calling %a at %s...PKG_NETWORKerror1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x0FCBUnable to open Name and Address Book (%s), due to error '%e'. Locations cannot be used until the problem has been corrected.PKG_NETWORK2error1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x0FCCUnable to create any locations, '%s' does not contain a required view. Please replace the design with the Address book template. After the design is replaced, restarting Notes will create default locations.PKG_NETWORK2error1
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x0FCDUnable to create locations due to error '%e'. Locations cannot be used until the problem has been corrected.PKG_NETWORK2error1
0x1393Note ID %lu has items that are causing the Compute subsystem to generate a 64K error. This note will not be included in search results.PKG_NSF3error6
0x1696Searching %p for changes (one time only - replication setup)PKG_REPLerror
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1697Searching %p for changes since %Z.PKG_REPLerror
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x16A0REPLICA: Propagating %d folder operations (%d applied) to folder %s (%d) in database %p.PKG_REPLerror4
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x16A7Ignoring replication formula in %sPKG_REPLerror4
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x16A8Retrying failed replicationsPKG_REPLerror4
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x16A9Waiting to retry with destination serverPKG_REPLerror4
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x16AASynchronizing Unread marksPKG_REPLerror4
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x1117Maximum forwarding loop count exceeded. Message probably in a forwarding loop. Examine Forwarding Address of intended recipient in Address Book.PKG_ROUTERerror3
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x111ANo Server entry in Address Book for local server.PKG_ROUTERerror3
0x19ECYour NT account password does not match your Notes password. To synchronize the passwords, use File - Tools - User ID and click Set Password.PKG_SECUREerror2
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x19EDYour new NT password is set. To complete the synchronization, you must log off and back into your NT account. Do you want to log off now?PKG_SECUREerror2
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x19EEYou have a different password on another copy of your ID file and you must change the password on this copy to matchPKG_SECUREerror2
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x19EFThe name %s could not be changed to %s in the Readers and Authors fields of the signed and encrypted documents in %s.PKG_SECUREerror2
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x19F0The server you are trying to access requires that your ID file have a single passwordPKG_SECUREerror2
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x19F1WARNING: Your password will expire on PKG_SECUREerror2
0x19F5The server you are trying to access requires that your ID file have a passwordPKG_SECUREerror2
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x19F6The version of the Notes you are running does not recognise the Template Development key that signed this documentPKG_SECUREerror2
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x19F8The server you are trying to access requires password enhanced authentication, which is not possible with a non-hierarchical ID. Tell your system administrator to either upgrade your ID or remove the requirement on the server.PKG_SECUREerror2
0x09D1Notes server setup completedPKG_SERVERerror7
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x09FDInformational: The registry value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\%s is currently set to %d. For better server performance, change the setting to %dPKG_SERVERerror7
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x04C1No Events are scheduled at this time.PKG_SERVER2error7
0x3672<H1>Bad HTTP/1.0 response</H1>The remote server returned a HTTP/1.0 response that the MIME parser could not understand. Please contact the server maintainer.<P>PKG_WEBerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3673%s(%d): Unable to load the translation library '%s', using defaults\nPKG_WEBerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3674%s(%d): Unable to get translation procedure address for '%s', ordinal '%d', using defaults\nPKG_WEBerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3675Web: Unable to find server record for '%s' in Name and Address BookPKG_WEBerror6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3676Web: Error attempting to read server record in Name and Address Book for server '%s'PKG_WEBerror6
0x3321NNTP Server: Maximum number of feeds (%ld) exceeded, terminating connection...PKG_ADDINerrorNNTP Server6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3336NNTP Server: Unable to find article '%ld' in newsgroup '%s'PKG_ADDINerrorNNTP Server6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x333DNNTP Server: Article in newsgroup '%s' rejected, it exceeds the maximum post size allowed during a feed (%ld Bytes) by %ld bytesPKG_ADDINerrorNNTP Server6
0x3323Mail Convert Failed on %s: Error enabling folder referencesPKG_ADDINerrorMail Upgrade6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3324Mail Convert Failed: Unable to build a list of mail files in '%s'PKG_ADDINerrorMail Upgrade6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3325Mail Convert Failed: Unable to open design template file '%s'PKG_ADDINerrorMail Upgrade6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3326Mail Convert Failed: Unable to open database file '%s'PKG_ADDINerrorMail Upgrade6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3327Mail Convert Failed: Unable to open text file '%s'PKG_ADDINerrorMail Upgrade6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3328Mail Convert Failed: No database found in the specified directory that matches '%s'PKG_ADDINerrorMail Upgrade6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3329Mail Convert Failed: Unable to build a list of mail files in '%s'; View '%s' is missing in the Server Name & Address Book databasePKG_ADDINerrorMail Upgrade6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x332AMail Convert Failed: Unable to locate directory '%s'PKG_ADDINerrorMail Upgrade6
0x332BMail Convert Failed: None of the specified databases' templates match '%s'PKG_ADDINerrorMail Upgrade6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x332CMail Convert Failed: No database found in the specified directory and its subdirectories that matches '%s'PKG_ADDINerrorMail Upgrade6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x332DMail Convert Failed: Unable to build a list of mail files in '%s': Not allowed to overwrite an existing text file, please specify a different file name or delete the filePKG_ADDINerrorMail Upgrade6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x332EMail Convert Aborted: Conversion on '%s' stopped at your requestPKG_ADDINerrorMail Upgrade6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x332FMail Convert Warning: Unable to store conversion date in '%s'PKG_ADDINerrorMail Upgrade6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3330Mail Convert: Skipping database %s, its design template '%s' does not match '%s'PKG_ADDINerrorMail Upgrade6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3332Mail Convert Failed: Unable to convert database to be IMAP enabledPKG_ADDINerrorMail Upgrade6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3333Mail Convert: File is already IMAP enabledPKG_ADDINerrorMail Upgrade6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3334Mail Convert Failed on %s: Error disabling folder referencesPKG_ADDINerrorMail Upgrade6
0x3377Unable to create NDS object. Object with this name aleady exists.PKG_ADDINerrorNDS Snapin6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x331BNT user '%s' registered successfully in Notes!PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3303A certifier ID file could not be found in the notes.ini file. A valid certifier ID and password are required for user synchronization operations.PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
0x3311Synchronization of NT/Notes user(s) complete. %s user(s) synchronized successfully. %s attempt(s) with errors. See NT Event Log for details.PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
0x3313You must supply an internet domain/address with the 'Internet' mail type or with 'Internet only' user registration.PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3315Unable to interpret time or date text. Notes returned this error: %s. See Notes documentation on time/date formats.PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3316User '%s' could not be registered in Notes. A diskette was not provided.PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
0x3318You must supply an internet password for '%s' in order to register this user for POP/IMAP or other internet mail.PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
0x3319You must supply a password for '%s' in order to store the ID file in the Notes Address Book.PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x331ACannot load and initialize Notes from User Manager. Notes users cannot be added or deleted.PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x331CNotes user %s could not be registeredPKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x331DThe current Notes user does not have access to the Address Book. You can switch IDs to gain access in the 'Notes Registration Setup' dialog.PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
0x331EThe Notes user '%s' could not be deleted or synched. The Notes Address book or the server specified could not be located.PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x331FNetapi32.dll could not be found. If available, place it in the Windows system directory (SYSTEM32).PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3320NT User '%s' could not be synched with Notes; the user could not be found in the Notes Address book.PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3321User '%s' could not be deleted; the person document for this user could not be found in the Notes Address Book.PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3326No NT user name specified. The Notes user cannot be registered, deleted or synched.PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
0x332BRegister %s NT user(s) in Notes now? Choosing 'Cancel' will disallow future registration.PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x332CError from Notes: %sPKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x332DCertification failed. Notes users cannot be registered or modified until a valid cert ID and password are supplied.PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x332ENT user '%s' could not be deleted or synchronized in Notes. A certain match could not be found in the Notes Address book.PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3331Insert a formatted diskette into the diskette drive for the new user ID.PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
0x3332Notes registration failed for %s: %sPKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3333The confirmation password you supplied did not match. The password confirmation check is case sensitive.PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3334The directory you specified for the Notes ID file does not exist.PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3335A list of Notes servers could not be retrieved and Notes returned this error: '%s.' Notes servers may still be available for Notes/User Manager synchronization.PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3336The number of selected NT users/groups could not be determined or none were selected.PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3337Name information could not be retrieved for one of the NT users or groups selected.PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
0x3341The selected Notes server is currently unavailable. Notes returned this error: %sPKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3342A list of Notes registration profiles could not be retrieved from the selected serverPKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3344Registration halted. %s user(s) registered successfully. %s attempt(s) with errors. %s left in queue.PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3345Registration finished. %s user(s) registered successfully. %s attempt(s) with errors. %s left in queue.PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3346Registration starting . . . PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3347Choose Notes Administration IDPKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3348You specified no administration ID file or one which does not exist.PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
0x3349No last name was provided for NT user '%s'. This user cannot be registered in Notes until a valid last name is provided.PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x334AThe password entered for user '%s' is too short. The minimum NT password length is %s.PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x334BThe password for user '%s' is invalid. Common NT/Notes passwords may not exceed 14 characters.PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x334CThe primary domain controller for the current NT domain could not be found. Common NT/Notes passwords cannot be set in NT.PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x334DAn administration process request for the deletion of Notes user '%s' could not be created. Error from Notes: %sPKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x334EThe NT user name '%s' already exists as a Network account name in a person document of the Notes Address book. Other changes may have been made.PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x334FThe person's User name, Mail file or Mail server field in the Notes Address book is empty.PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3350The database used to store new generated Notes passwords (ntsync45.nsf) could not be created, opened or updated. Registration will be stopped.PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
0x3336%sDelivering mail to %aPKG_ADDINerrorRouter6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3352Notes Group '%s' successfully deleted from the Notes Address Book.PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3357Without a local Notes server installed, you must specify remote Notes servers for all NT/Notes user synchronization operations.PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3358There are no group members in the group '%s'. Do you want to continue?PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
0x3359The Notes group '%s' was successfully created. Group membership: %s user(s), %s group(s).PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x335AA password has not been set for the current Notes admin ID; Notes/NT synchronization operations using remote Notes servers will fail. Set the password in the Notes Registration Setup dialog.PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x335BAddition of Notes group(s) complete. %s group(s) added successfully with %s total member(s) added. %s attempt(s) with errors. See NT Event Log for details.PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x335EThis synchronization operation is allow on selected NT users only and you have selected an NT group.PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x335FNT user '%s' successfully synchronized with Notes. Name information and/or Notes internet password set.PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
0x3366Notes User Manager Extension settings could not be saved to the Windows NT registry.PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3367Group '%s' could not be found in the Notes Address Book. The NT Event Viewer application log may contain more details.PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3368Do you want to cancel password synchronization for the remaining %s NT users selected (Notes Network account name(s) will still be set)?PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
0x336CNotes registration incomplete or failed for user '%s'. The Network account name (and possibly other information) was not added to the Notes person document.PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x336DA local server name for the mail server could not be retrieved from the notes.ini file. Add the ServerKeyFilename variable to the notes.ini file if it doesn't exist.PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x336EYou have asked to synchronize the selected NT user(s) with Notes, which may result in changes to person documents in the Notes Address book. Continue?PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x336FThe NT full name cannot exceed 100 characters for Notes synchronization operations.PKG_ADDINerrorNotes User Manager Extension6
0x01E3Files needed for this feature are not available in the Notes Starter Kit.\nTo use this feature, download the Supplementary Kit from
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x01E4Help files are not available in the Notes Starter Kit.\nTo use this feature, download the Supplementary Kit from
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x01E5Spelling and dictionary files are not available in the Notes Starter Kit.\nTo use this feature, download the Supplementary Kit from
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris
0x3330Waiting for new connectionPKG_ADDINerrorPOP3 Server6