This database is used to configure Notes server statistic monitoring. It replaces the database EVTTYPES.NMF, ALARMS.NSF and some sections of NAMES.NSF from Release 3 of Notes.
This database contains the names of all statistics monitored by the Notes server program.
For recommendations on using this database with the server's Statistics Collecting programs, see the Lotus Notes
Administrator's Guide.
Types of Documents
This database is primarily used as a reference for administrators, but can be customized and edited to be specific to each site.
Statistic. Notes uses this form to display information about server statistics. You could use this form if you needed to create a new statistic (for instance, Disk.F.Free). You can also edit existing statistic documents to change the default threshold information.
Statistic Monitors
. Notes uses this form for entering which statistics you want to monitor. You can select the statistic you want to monitor, its threshold, operator and event severity.
Server. This form is used to configure the server which will be running the Collector tasks. The Collection intervals can also be set here.
Views and Folders
Statistic Monitors. Displays all Statistic Monitors that have been configured.
Servers to Monitor
Displays all servers that have been configured for monitoring.
Statistic Names
Displays the statistics tracked by Notes when the Statistics Reporting task runs on the server, sorted in alphabetical order.
Displays those statistics that are critical enough to warrant Statistic Monitor documents in the Name & Address Book (so that an alarm is generated when the server exceeds a threshold).
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About Notes Server Statistics Configuration
Notes Server Statistics Configuration Database
This database is used to configure Notes server statistic monitoring. It replaces the database EVTTYPES.NMF from Release 3 of Notes.
This database contains the names of all statistics monitored by the Notes server program. Each statistic record contains default thresholds. An administrator may wish to modify these defaults to reflect individual installation requirements.
This database can be used in two ways:
- as a reference, to look up information about a specific statistic message;
- to set default behavior for new statistic thresholds;
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CN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes
Remove all members that contain domain names (e.g. @ Domain)
Remove all members that contain domain names (e.g. @ Domain)
Enter new statistic name here. Statistic name must be in the format of 'Facility.Statname'.
Statistic name:
StatNameName of statistic.
Is type of statistic text, number or time? Select one.
Event type:
TypeStatistic type (hit return for list)
Enter type of unit statistic is. Example: 'bytes'.
Statistic unit:
UnitsProper units for this statistic (e.g., bytes, errors, messages)
Enter description of statistic.
Statistic description:
DescriptionDescription of this statistic
Enter the normal value of statistic. Default: 'Varies'.
Normal value:
NomalValuesNormal value given to this statistic.
Is this statistic useful for setting thresholds?
Useful for thresholds?
UsefulIs this statistic useful for setting thresholds?
Select suggested operator. 'Percent of' is based on the percentage of a statistic. If we go below x% of value we set an alarm. All others are checked against actual value given.
Threshold operator:
OperatorSend alarm when statistic is less than (<), greater than (>), or a multiple of (%) the threshold.
Less than | <Greater than | >Multiple of | %Percent of | *
Enter suggested value we are comparing statistic against.
Threshold value:
Enter suggested percentage of value.
Threshold percentage:
Threshold_1Enter the desired threshold value for this statistic
Threshold_2Enter the desired threshold percentage for this statistic
Percent of
ThresholdEnter the desired threshold value for this statistic
Enter suggested severity for this statistic.
Event severity:
SeverityEvent severity when this threshold is exceeded (hit return for list)
Select suggested statistic to be measured against.
Statistic to compare against:
You must specify a statistic name
3S4S6S11SStatNamePerName of statistic to compare value against. (Press Enter for a list)
Enter suggested response if this threshold is exceeded. (Optional)
Suggested response:
SuggestedResponseEnter suggested response if this threshold is exceeded. (Optional)
Do you want to use this in setup? If yes is checked this statistic will be set up when a new Config database is created.
Useful in setup:
SetupCheckDo you want to use this in setup? If yes is checked this statistic will be set up when a new Config database is created.
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Edit Statistic Description
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O=Lotus Notes
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CN=Lotus Notes Template Development/O=Lotus Notes
New Statistic Monitor
Monitor for
All domain servers
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Statistic Monitor
EnabledStatistic monitor enabled or disabled.
Statistic Monitor -
Statistic to monitor. You may select one statistic to monitor.
If the statistic,
Free space on drive C:
StatNameKey[Name of statistic to monitor. (Press Enter for a list)
StatNameName of statistic to monitor. (Press Enter for a list)
StatNamePerName of statistic to monitor. (Press Enter for a list)
The server name where the statistic should be monitored. This defaults to '*' (Any Servers). You may select a specific server or multiple servers to monitor.
on the server(s)
Any server
ServerNameNewDistinguished name(s) of server on which database resides.
Any server | *;
Any server
3S4S5S6S7S8S10SServerNameDistinguished name(s) of server(s) to monitor.
3S4S10S12S14S16S22S23S24S25S26S27S29SOperatorSend alarm when statistic is less than (<), greater than (>), or a multiple of (%) the threshold.
3S5S6S7S8S10SOperatorKeySend alarm when statistic is less than, greater than, multiple of ar less then the prcent of the threshold.
3S4S6S10S12S14S16S19SCommentDescribe what problem this monitor is for, and how to fix it.
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Edit Statistic Monitor
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StatisticServer.TaskTextnoneThis statistic appears once for every task running on the server, listing the name of the task and the task status.VariesNo
@StatisticMAIL.DeadNumbermessagesNumber of dead (undeliverable) messages in MAIL.BOX0Yes>
?2Dead mail messages may indicate a routing or addressing problem. Inspect the dead messages in the servers mailbox and correct any problems that are indicated. Reroute and delete the dead messages when done.Yes
cAStatisticMem.SwapFile.SizeNumberbytesSize (in bytes) of system swap file5,000,000Yes>
?3This can indicate a large load on the server and therefore possible performance degradation. In itself, this is not a dangerous condition, but it is something to be noted and watched for.No
@StatisticServer.Sessions.DroppedNumberdropped sessionsSessions dropped in mid-transaction.VariesYes>
?4This usually indicates that server performance is very slow, and users are aborting transactions before they complete. You may need to upgrade your Notes server hardware or decrease the load on it.No
4@StatisticMAIL.WaitingNumbermessagesNumber of outgoing mail messages currently in MAIL.BOX waiting for transferVariesYes>
?2If there are a lot of mail messages waiting to be routed, it may indicate a problem with the mailer or the connections that it uses. Inspect the server log for any warning or failure messages from the router and correct the problems indicated. Check that all necessary server links are operational.Yes
StatisticMem.FreeNumberbytesAmount of free memory available to the server. In OS/2, this number includes free disk space (because of virtual memory capability). Hence, to test for low memory conditions, monitor free disk space on the drive that contains the server's swap file.VariesYes<
?1The amount of free memory available to the server is dangerously low. In OS/2, this number includes free disk space because of virtual memory capability. Increase free disk space on the drive that contains the server's swap file.Yes
StatisticComm.NumOldSessionsClosedNumberclosed sessionsNumber of sessions closed by the Notes server to accommodate new users.VariesYes>
?3This indicates that there either was a temporary surge in user activity on the given server or, more likely, that there are too many people trying to access this server. This will cause a decrease in response time from the server and may indicate the need for additional Notes servers.No
StatisticMAIL.TransferFailuresNumbermessagesNumber of mail messages router was unable to transfer.VariesYes>
?2This indicates that the router has been unable to transfer some mail messages and the senders of those messages have received non-deliverable reports. Inspect the non-deliverable reports and the server log file and correct any problems that are indicated.No
StatisticServer.Cluster.Trans.LastIntervalAvgTimeNumberminutesLast average interval time of cluster transactions.VariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticServer.Cluster.AvailabilityIndexNumberCurrent percentage index of a server's availability. Value range is 0-100. Zero (0) indicates no available resources; a value of 100 indicates server completely available.VariesNo
StatisticServer.Cluster.Trans.IntervalAvgTimeNumberminutesAverage interval time of cluster transactions.VariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticServer.Cluster.AvailabilityThresholdNumberCurrent setting of a server's availability threshold. When a server's availability index drops below its availability threshold, the server becomes BUSY.VariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticServer.Cluster.ProbeTimeout(mins)NumberMinutesInterval at which the intra-cluster probe or cluster member heartbeat occurs.VariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticServer.Cluster.ProbeErrorNumberNumber of times that a server receives an error when probing another server.VariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticServer.Cluster.PortnameTextName of the default port that is used for intra-cluster network traffic. An asterisk indicates that there is no default port and that any available active port can be used.VariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticServer.Cluster.Trans.IntervalsUseInAvgNumberCurrent setting for the number of intervals used to capture transaction data used to calculate workload balance.VariesNo
StatisticServer.Cluster.Trans.NormalizeValueNumberCurrent setting of acceptable average transaction time in milliseconds for a serverVariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticServer.Cluster.NameNumberName of the cluster to which the server belongsVariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticServer.Cluster.ProbeCountNumberNumber of times that a server completes a probe request of the other cluster members.VariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticServer.Cluster.OpenRedirects.LoadBalance.SuccessfulNumberNumber of times that a server successfully redirects a client to another cluster member after the client tries to open a database by replica ID when the server is BUSY.VariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticServer.Cluster.OpenRedirects.Failover.SuccessfulNumberNumber of times that a server successfully redirects a client to another cluster member after the client fails to open a database by replica ID.VariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticServer.Cluster.OpenRedirects.LoadBalance.UnsuccessfulNumberNumber of times that a server is unable to redirect a client to another cluster member after the client tries to open a database by replica ID when the server is BUSY.VariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticServer.Cluster.OpenRedirects.LoadBalanceByPath.SuccessfulNumberNumber of times that a server successfully redirects a client to another cluster member after the client tries to open a database by pathname when the server is BUSY.VariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticServer.Cluster.OpenRedirects.LoadBalanceByPath.UnsuccessfulNumberNumber of times that a server is not able to redirect a client to another cluster member after the client tries to open a database by pathname when the server is BUSY.VariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticServer.Cluster.OpenRedirects.Failover.UnsuccessfulNumberNumber of times that a server is not able to redirect a client to another cluster member after the client fails to open a database by replica ID.VariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticServer.Cluster.OpenRedirects.FailoverByPath.SuccessfulNumberNumber of times a server successfully redirects a client to another cluster member after the client fails to open a database by pathname.VariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticServer.Cluster.OpenRedirects.FailoverByPath.UnsuccessfulNumberNumber of times a server is not able to redirect a client to another cluster member after the client fails to open a database by pathname.VariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticServer.Cluster.OpenRequest.LoadBalancedNumberNumber of times a client tries to open a database on the server when the server is BUSY.VariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticDisk.Vol0.SizeNumberByteSize of NetWare Volume 0.VariesNo
StatisticServer.Cluster.OpenRequest.DatabaseOutOfServiceNumberNumber of times a client tries to open a database that is marked as out of service on the serverVariesNo
StatisticServer.Cluster.OpenRequest.ClusterBusyNumberNumber of times that a client tries to open a database on the server when the server is BUSY, and on every available member also.VariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticWeb.Retriever.Access.FTPNumberNumber of FTP retriever accesses.VariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticWeb.Retriever.Access.GopherNumberNumber of Gopher retriever accesses.VariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticWeb.Retriever.Process.Num.MaximumNumberMaximum number of retriever processes.VariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticWeb.Retriever.Process.Num.IdleNumberNumber of idle retriever processes.VariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticWeb.Retriever.Process.Num.BusyNumberNumber of busy retriever processes.VariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticWeb.Retriever.Process.Num.ActiveNumberNumber of active retriever processes.VariesNo
@StatisticReplica.FailedNumberreplication attemptsNumber of attempted replications that returned some kind of error.VariesYes>
?2This is a warning that Notes is having trouble replicating your databases with other servers. Check the log file for replicator errors and fix the indicated problem.No
@StatisticReplica.Cluster.Retry.SkippedNumberNumber of times the Cluster Replicator did not attempt replication because it knew the server was unreachable or the database inaccessibleNo
@StatisticReplica.Cluster.WorkQueueDepth.AvgNumberAverage number of modified databases in the queue waiting to be replicated by the Cluster Replicator to other servers. No
@StatisticReplica.Cluster.WorkQueueDepth.MaxNumberMaximum number of modified databases in the queue waiting to be replicated by the Cluster Replicator to other servers. No
@StatisticReplica.Cluster.WorkQueueDepthNumberCurrent number of modified databases in the queue waiting to be replicated by the Cluster Replicator to other servers. No
StatisticMTA.ccMail.WaitingRecipientsNumberRecipientsNumber of Responsible Recipients in waiting mail held in Inbound and Outbound work queues.VariesNo>
StatisticNNTP."RemoteServerName".Bytes.ReceivedNumberbytesNumber of bytes received from the remote NNTP server.VariesYes>
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticNNTP."RemoteServerName".Bytes.SentNumberbytesNumber of bytes sent to the NNTP server on the remote server.VariesYes>
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticNNTP."RemoteServerName".Articles.PostedNumberArticlesNumber of news articles posted by NNTP clients and received from NNTP servers on the remote server.VariesYes>
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticNNTP.Bytes.SentNumberbytesNumber of bytes sent by NNTP server.VariesYes>
StatisticDisk.SYS.AvailableDirectorySlotsNumberSlotsAvailable directory slots on NetWare SYS volume.VariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris##############
StatisticNNTP.Articles.PostedNumberarticlesNumber of news articles posted by NNTP server.VariesYes>
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticNNTP.Articles.SentNumberarticlesNumber of news articles sent by NNTP server.VariesYes>
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticNNTP."RemoteServerName".Push.Articles.RequestedNumberArticlesNumber of news articles requested by the remote NNTP server during a push feed.VariesYes>
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticNNTP."RemoteServerName".Pull.Articles.OfferedNumberArticlesNumber of news articles offered by the remote NNTP server during a pull feed.VariesYes>
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticNNTP."RemoteServerName".Pull.Articles.TransferredNumberArticlesNumber of news articles received from the remote NNTP server during a pull feed.VariesYes>
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticNNTP."RemoteServerName".Push.Articles.FailedNumberArticlesNumber of news articles which failed to be sent during a push feed to the remote NNTP server.VariesYes>
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticNNTP.Push.Articles.RequestedNumberArticlesTotal number of news articles requested during push feed by the remote NNTP server.VariesYes>
StatisticNNTP.Pull.Articles.TransferredNumberArticlesTotal number of news articles received by the NNTP server during a pull feed.VariesYes>
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticNNTP.Push.Articles.FailedNumberArticlesTotal number of news articles which failed to be sent to remote NNTP servers during a push feed.VariesYes>
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticNNTP."RemoteServerName".Pull.Articles.RequestedNumberArticlesNumber of news articles requested from the remote NNTP server during a pull feed.VariesYes>
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticNNTP."RemoteServerName".Push.Articles.OfferedNumberArticlesNumber of news articles offered to the remote NNTP server during a push feed.VariesYes>
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticNNTP."RemoteServerName".Push.Articles.TransferredNumberArticlesNumber of news articles sent to the remote NNTP server during a push feed.VariesYes>
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticNNTP."RemoteServerName".Pull.Articles.FailedNumberArticlesNumber of news articles which failed to be received from the remote NNTP server during a pull feed.VariesYes>
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=IrisCN=Rob Slapikoff/O=Iris
StatisticNNTP.Pull.Articles.RequestedNumberArticlesTotal number of news articles requested during pull feed by the NNTP server.VariesYes>
cAStatisticDisk.C.FreeNumberbytesFree space on drive C:Varies<
cA3This indicates that there is not much disk space left on drive C: for databases and other uses. Compact, delete, or move some files to free up disk space before it becomes a serious problem.Yes
StatisticDisk.Vol3.FreeNumberByteFree space on NetWare Volume 3.VariesYes>
cA3This indicates that there is not much disk space left on Vol3: for databases and other uses. Compact, delete, or move some files to free up disk space before it becomes a serious problem.
cAStatisticDisk.I.FreeNumberbytesFree space on drive I:VariesYes<
cA3This indicates that there is not much disk space left on drive I: for databases and other uses. Compact, delete, or move some files to free up disk space before it becomes a serious problem.
cAStatisticDisk.F.FreeNumberbytesFree space on drive F:VariesYes<
cA3This indicates that there is not much disk space left on drive F: for databases and other uses. Compact, delete, or move some files to free up disk space before it becomes a serious problem.
StatisticDisk.Vol1.FreeNumberByteFree space on NetWare Volume 1.VariesYes>
cA3This indicates that there is not much disk space left on Vol1: for databases and other uses. Compact, delete, or move some files to free up disk space before it becomes a serious problem.
StatisticDisk.Vol0.FreeNumberByteFree space on NetWare Volume 0.VariesYes<
cA3This indicates that there is not much disk space left on Vol0: for databases and other uses. Compact, delete, or move some files to free up disk space before it becomes a serious problem.
cAStatisticDisk.M.FreeNumberbytesFree space on drive M:VariesYes<
cA3This indicates that there is not much disk space left on drive M: for databases and other uses. Compact, delete, or move some files to free up disk space before it becomes a serious problem.
cAStatisticDisk.J.FreeNumberbytesFree space on drive J:VariesYes<
cA3This indicates that there is not much disk space left on drive J: for databases and other uses. Compact, delete, or move some files to free up disk space before it becomes a serious problem.
StatisticDisk.SYS.FreeNumberBytesFree space on NetWare SYS Volume.VariesYes<
cA3This indicates that there is not much disk space left on Vol SYS: for databases and other uses. Compact, delete, or move some files to free up disk space before it becomes a serious problem.
StatisticDisk.SYS.NotYetPurgableBlocksNumberBlocksBlocks that ar not purgable on NetWare SYS Volume.VariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris##############
cAStatisticDisk.H.FreeNumberbytesFree space on drive H:VariesYes<
cA3This indicates that there is not much disk space left on drive H: for databases and other uses. Compact, delete, or move some files to free up disk space before it becomes a serious problem.
cAStatisticDisk.G.FreeNumberbytesFree space on drive G:VariesYes<
cA3This indicates that there is not much disk space left on drive G: for databases and other uses. Compact, delete, or move some files to free up disk space before it becomes a serious problem.
cAStatisticDisk.Swapdisk.FreeNumberbytesNumber of free bytes on the disk that contains the server's swap file.VariesYes<
cA1Since the server uses a swap file for its virtual memory, this is a very important threshold. If it is crossed, either move the swap file to a disk with more free space, or move/delete other files on the disk.
StatisticDisk.SYS.TotalDirectorySlotsNumberDirectory SlotsNumber of directory slots NetWare SYS Volume spans.VariesNo
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris#####
StatisticDisk.Vol2.FreeNumberByteFree space on NetWare Volume 2.VariesYes>
cA3This indicates that there is not much disk space left on Vol2: for databases and other uses. Compact, delete, or move some files to free up disk space before it becomes a serious problem.
StatisticDisk.SYS.DriveNumberNumberPhysical drive numebrPhysical drive number of NetWare SYS Volume.0No
CN=Gilles Carrier/O=Iris###################
cAStatisticDisk.E.FreeNumberbytesFree space on drive E:Varies<
cA3This indicates that there is not much disk space left on drive E: for databases and other uses. Compact, delete, or move some files to free up disk space before it becomes a serious problem.Yes
cAStatisticDisk.L.FreeNumberbytesFree space on drive L:VariesYes<
cA3This indicates that there is not much disk space left on drive L: for databases and other uses. Compact, delete, or move some files to free up disk space before it becomes a serious problem.
cAStatisticDisk.K.FreeNumberbytesFree space on drive K:VariesYes<
cA3This indicates that there is not much disk space left on drive K: for databases and other uses. Compact, delete, or move some files to free up disk space before it becomes a serious problem.
cAStatisticDisk.D.FreeNumberbytesFree space on drive D:Varies<
cA3This indicates that there is not much disk space left on drive D: for databases and other uses. Compact, delete, or move some files to free up disk space before it becomes a serious problem.Yes