PC Gamer 2000 January
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INI File
1,406 lines
; ******************************************************************************
; ******************** ********************
; ******************** SLAVEZERO.INI ********************
; ******************** ********************
; ******************************************************************************
[Main Options]
; Debug Scripts is the master switch for Design Debugging
; If this is 0, none of the debug windows will open
Debug Scripts = 0
; zLevel chooses the next map via the following entries.
; Change the mapnames or re-order maps by altering these fields.
Mission_Startup = m00_intro
m00 = m00_startup
m01_a = M01_A
m01_b = M01_B
m02_a = pimpscreen
m02_b = pimpscreen
M02_c = pimpscreen
m03_a = pimpscreen
m03_b = pimpscreen
m03_c = pimpscreen
m04_a = pimpscreen
m04_b = pimpscreen
m05_a = pimpscreen
m05_b = pimpscreen
m05_c = pimpscreen
M07_A = pimpscreen
M07_B = pimpscreen
M07_C = pimpscreen
M08_A = pimpscreen
M08_B = pimpscreen
M08_C = pimpscreen
M09_A = M09_A
M09_B = M09_B
M09_C = pimpscreen
M11_A = pimpscreen
M11_B = pimpscreen
M11_C = pimpscreen
M12_A = pimpscreen
M12_B = pimpscreen
M12_C = pimpscreen
M13_A = pimpscreen
M13_B = pimpscreen
M13_C = pimpscreen
M14_a = pimpscreen
M14_B = pimpscreen
M14_C = pimpscreen
M15_a = pimpscreen
M15_B = pimpscreen
M15_C = pimpscreen
[Mission Chunk Names]
m01_A = Comm Tower A
m01_b = Comm Tower B
m02_a = Lower City A
m02_b = Lower City B
M02_c = Lower City C
m03_a = Lab Attack A
m03_b = Lab Attack B
m03_c = Lab Attack C
m04_a = Sewer War A
m04_b = Sewer War B
m05_a = Escort Run A
m05_b = Escort Run B
m06_a = Escort Run C
m07_a = Trainwreck A
m07_b = Trainwreck B
m07_c = Trainwreck C
m08_a = Embryos A
m08_b = Embryos B
m08_c = Embryos C
m09_a = High Climb A
m09_b = High Climb B
m09_c = High Climb C
m11_a = Dropships A
m11_b = Dropships B
m11_c = Dropships C
m12_a = Exo Rescue A
m12_b = Exo Rescue B
m12_c = Exo Rescue C
m13_a = Dmat Rifle A
m13_b = Dmat Rifle B
m13_c = Dmat Rifle C
m14_a = Upper City A
m14_b = Upper City B
m14_c = Upper City C
m15_a = Apocalypse A
m15_b = Apocalypse B
m15_c = Apocalypse C
; ******************************************************************************
; ******************** ********************
; ******************** MISC ********************
; ******************** ********************
; ******************************************************************************
Thunder1 Sound = E_thunder_ambient_01
Thunder2 Sound = E_thunder_ambient_02
Rain Sound = E_rain_ambient_01
; ******************************************************************************
; ******************** ********************
; ******************** WEAPONS ********************
; ******************** ********************
; ******************************************************************************
Riccochet1Sound = e_ricochet_01
Riccochet1PitchMin = -4000
Riccochet1PitchMax = 2000
Riccochet2Sound = e_ricochet_02
Riccochet2PitchMin = -4000
Riccochet2PitchMax = 2000
Riccochet3Sound = e_ricochet_03
Riccochet3PitchMin = -4000
Riccochet3PitchMax = 2000
FireDelayL = 0.125
FireDelayS = 0.125
DropDebounceDelay = 4.0
FadeAwayDelay = 10.0
FireSoundLoop = w_avenger_gun_fire
FireSoundOutro = w_avenger_gun_fire
DrySound = w_avenger_gun_dry
ReadySound = w_weapon_readied
StowSound = w_weapon_stow
BulletDamage = 1.25
BulletSpeed = 10
FireDelay = 0.10
DropDebounceDelay = 4.0
FadeAwayDelay = 10.0
FFeffect = Fire_Ironroar
FireSoundLoop = w_ironroar_gun_fire_loop
FireSoundOutro = w_ironroar_gun_fire_outro
DrySound = w_ironroar_gun_dry
ReadySound = w_ironroar_gun_reload
StowSound = w_weapon_stow
BulletDamage = 2.5
BulletSpeed = 100
FireDelay = 0.125
DropDebounceDelay = 4.0
FadeAwayDelay = 10.0
FireSoundLoop = w_cyclone_gun_fire_loop
FireSoundOutro = w_cyclone_gun_fire_outro
DrySound = w_cyclone_gun_dry
ReadySound = w_cyclone_gun_reload
BulletDamage = 7.00
BulletSpeed = 100
FireDelay = 2
FFeffect = Fire_SiegeCannon
FireSoundLoop = w_Seige_gun_fire
FireSoundOutro = w_Seige_gun_fire_outro
DrySound = w_cyclone_gun_dry
ReadySound = w_Seige_gun_load
StowSound = w_weapon_stow
HitSound = w_seige_bullet_hit
DropDebounceDelay = 4.0
FadeAwayDelay = 10.0
BulletDamage = 10.0
BulletSpeed = 12.0
BulletGravity = -0.02
Explosion Damage = 20.0
Explosion Radius = 80.0
Explosion Force = 20.0
AmmoUsed = 10
FireDelay = 0.8
FFeffect = Fire_DmatRifle
FireSoundLoop = w_dmat_charge_loop
FireSoundOutro = w_dmat_fire
DrySound = w_cyclone_gun_dry
ReadySound = w_weapon_ready_2
StowSound = w_weapon_stow
HitSound = w_dmat_hit
DropDebounceDelay = 4.0
FadeAwayDelay = 10.0
BulletDamage = 8.0
BulletSpeed = 5.0
BulletGravity = 0.0
Ammo Used = 10
Explostion Damage = 8.0
Explostion Force = 5.0
Explostion Radius = 220.0
ExplosionSound = w_plasma200_bullet_hit
FlySound = w_plasma200_bullet_loop
FlyPitchMin = -2000
FlyPitchMax = 2000
FireDelay = 0.4
Splatter Damage = 0.0
Splatter Radius = 0.0
DropDebounceDelay = 4.0
FadeAwayDelay = 10.0
FFeffect = Fire_Plasma200
FireSound = w_plasma200_gun_fire
FireSoundPitchMin = -1000
FireSoundPitchMax = 1000
DrySound = w_cyclone_gun_dry
ReadySound = w_plasma200_clip_load
StowSound = w_weapon_stow
ShotDamage = 10.0
ShotStartSpeed = 7.0
ShotMaxSpeed = 9.0
FireDelay = 1
DropDebounceDelay = 4.0
FadeAwayDelay = 10.0
FFeffect = Fire_Plasma200
FireSound = w_plasmaburst_gun_fire
FireSoundPitchMin = -1000
FireSoundPitchMax = 1000
DrySound = w_cyclone_gun_dry
ReadySound = w_plasmaburst_clip_load
StowSound = w_weapon_stow
ShotDamage = 7
Splatter Damage = 0.0
Splatter Radius = 0.0
ShotStartSpeed = 5.0
ShotMaxSpeed = 8.0
Spread Angle = -3.5
FireDelay = 2
BeamOnTime = 0.1
Damage = 60.0
FFeffect = Fire_plasmarail
FireSound = w_plasmarail_gun_fire
DrySound = w_cyclone_gun_dry
ReadySound = w_plasmarail_charge
StowSound = w_weapon_stow
HitSound = w_plasma200_bullet_hit
DropDebounceDelay = 4.0
FadeAwayDelay = 10.0
AmmoUsed = 4
DamageDelay = 6.0 ; (DamageDelay/120fr. - ie: 6.0 = 1/6 of a second)
BeamDamage = 10.0
DropDebounceDelay = 4.0
FadeAwayDelay = 10.0
FFeffect = Fire_plasma400
FireSound = a_shiva_fire_loop
FireSoundOutro = w_p400_gun_fire_outro
DrySound = w_cyclone_gun_dry
ReadySound = w_weapon_ready_2
StowSound = w_weapon_stow
AmmoUsed = 1
FlyPitchMin = -2000
FlyPitchMax = 2000
Fly Pitch Min = 0
Fly Pitch Max = 0
Fly Sound = w_shrieker_bullet_loop
Explosion Sound = e_explosion_generic_04
FireDelay = 1.0
DropDebounceDelay = 4.0
FadeAwayDelay = 10.0
FFeffect = Fire_Shrieker
DrySound = w_shrieker_gun_dry
FireSound = w_shrieker_gun_fire
ReadySound = w_shrieker_clip_load
StowSound = w_weapon_stow
FireSoundPitchMax = 2000
FireSoundPitchMin = -1000
MissileSpeed = 10.0
MissileDamage = 10.5
MissileSplatterDamage = 10.5
MissileSplatterRadius = 50.0
FireDelay = 1.0
DropDebounceDelay = 4.0
FadeAwayDelay = 10.0
FFeffect = Stone_Dog
ReadySound = w_stonedog_gun_reload
missilespeed = 10.0
MissileDamageDumb = 9.5
MissileDamageGuided = 9.5
MissileYawClipAngle = 14.0
MissilePitchClipAngle = 14.0
MissileTurnTimeLimit = 8.0
MissileLifespan = 12.0
MissileSplatterDamage = 9.5
MissileSplatterRadius = 50.0
ExplosionSound = w_firestreak_bullet_hit
FlySound = w_shrieker_bullet_loop
FlyPitchMin = -2000
FlyPitchMax = 2000
FireDelay = 1.
FFeffect = Fire_Valhalla
FireSound = w_shrieker_gun_fire
FireSoundPitchMin = -1000
FireSoundPitchMax = 2000
DrySound = w_shrieker_gun_dry
ReadySound = w_Valhalla_gun_reload
StowSound = w_weapon_stow
DropDebounceDelay = 4.0
FadeAwayDelay = 10.0
MissileSpeed = 6.0
MissileDamage = 20.0
SubMissileDamage = 8.5
SubMissileGravity = -0.001
SplitDistance = 200.0
SplitExplosionRadius = 100.0
SplitExplosionDamage = 1.5
MissileLifeTimer = 10.0
FireDelay = 0.3
FFeffect = Zulu
FireSound = w_shrieker_gun_fire
DrySound = w_shrieker_gun_dry
ReadySound = w_zulu_gun_reload
StowSound = w_weapon_stow
DropDebounceDelay = 4.0
FadeAwayDelay = 10.0
MissileSpeed = 10.0
MissileDamageGuided = 10.5
MissileClipYaw = 6.0
MissileClipPitch = 6.0
MissileTurnTimeLimit = 8.0
MissileLifespan = 12.0
MissileSplatterDamage = 10.5
MissileSplatterRadius = 50.0
; ******************************************************************************
; ******************** ********************
; ******************** SENTINELS ********************
; ******************** ********************
; ******************************************************************************
[zPiranha (Industrial)]
Death Sound = a_piranha_death
Hit Sound = a_sentinel_hit_03
Step Sound = a_sentinel_step
Fire Sound Loop = w_ironroar_gun_fire_loop
Fire Sound Outro = w_ironroar_gun_fire_outro
Fire Pitch Min = -2000
Fire Pitch Max = 1000
Shot Damage = 1.5
Shot Speed = 5.0
Shot Gravity = 0.0
Death Radius = 30.0
Death Radius Damage = 2.0
Shot Delay Min = 2.0
Shot Delay Max = 7.0
Health = 20.0
Pickup Delay Min = 3.0
Pickup Delay Max = 5.0
Throw Delay Min = 1.0
Throw Delay Max = 3.0
Scent Turn Delay = 0.5
Scent Turn Rate = 5.0
; weapon typ
; 0 = avenger
; 1 = ironroar
Weapon Type = 0
[zPiranha (Police)]
Death Sound = a_piranha_death
Hit Sound = a_sentinel_hit_03
Step Sound = a_sentinel_step
Fire Sound Loop = w_ironroar_gun_fire_loop
Fire Sound Outro = w_ironroar_gun_fire_outro
Fire Pitch Min = -2000
Fire Pitch Max = 1000
Shot Damage = 4.0
Shot Speed = 5.0
Shot Gravity = 0.0
Death Radius = 30.0
Death Radius Damage = 1.0
Shot Delay Min = 2.0
Shot Delay Max = 7.0
Health = 25.0
Pickup Delay Min = 3.0
Pickup Delay Max = 5.0
Throw Delay Min = 1.0
Throw Delay Max = 3.0
Scent Turn Delay = 0.5
Scent Turn Rate = 5.0
; weapon typ
; 0 = avenger
; 1 = ironroar
Weapon Type = 1
[zPiranha (Military)]
Death Sound = a_piranha_death
Hit Sound = a_sentinel_hit_03
Step Sound = a_sentinel_step
Fire Sound Loop = w_ironroar_gun_fire_loop
Fire Sound Outro = w_ironroar_gun_fire_outro
Fire Pitch Min = -2000
Fire Pitch Max = 1000
Shot Damage = 2.5
Shot Speed = 5.0
Shot Gravity = 0.0
Death Radius = 30.0
Death Radius Damage = 2.0
Shot Delay Min = 2.0
Shot Delay Max = 7.0
Health = 25.0
Pickup Delay Min = 3.0
Pickup Delay Max = 5.0
Throw Delay Min = 1.0
Throw Delay Max = 3.0
Scent Turn Delay = 0.5
Scent Turn Rate = 5.0
; weapon typ
; 0 = avenger
; 1 = ironroar
Weapon Type = 1
[zSentinel1 (Industrial)]
Death Sound = a_regulator_death
Hit Sound = a_sentinel_hit_01
Step Sound = a_sentinel_step
Fire Sound = w_shrieker_gun_fire
Fire Pitch Min = -2000
Fire Pitch Max = 2000
Hit Pitch Min = -2000
Hit Pitch Max = 2000
Missile Damage = 9.5
Missile Splatter Damage = 5.0
Missile Splatter Radius = 50.0
Missile Start Speed = 2.0
Missile Max Speed = 10.0
Missile Acceleration = .6
Shot Delay Min = 0.0
Shot Delay Max = 2.0
Shot Delay2 Min = 0.5
Shot Delay2 Max = 2.0
Num Shots Min = 1.0
Num Shots Max = 5.0
Death Radius = 30.0
Death Radius Damage = 3.0
Death Sound = a_regulator_death
Hit Sound = a_titan_hit_03
Step Sound = a_titan_step
Big Hit Damage = 9
Health = 40.0
Ambient Modifier = 0.0
[zSentinel1 (Military)]
Death Sound = a_regulator_death
Hit Sound = a_sentinel_hit_01
Step Sound = a_sentinel_step
Fire Sound = w_shrieker_gun_fire
Fire Pitch Min = -2000
Fire Pitch Max = 2000
Hit Pitch Min = -2000
Hit Pitch Max = 2000
Missile Damage = 12.0
Missile Splatter Damage = 8.0
Missile Splatter Radius = 60.0
Missile Start Speed = 2.0
Missile Max Speed = 4.5
Missile Acceleration = 0.6
Shot Delay Min = 3.0
Shot Delay Max = 5.0
Shot Delay2 Min = 0.1
Shot Delay2 Max = 1.0
Num Shots Min = 1.0
Num Shots Max = 1.0
Death Radius = 15.0
Death Radius Damage = 3.0
Big Hit Damage = 9
Health = 70.0
Ambient Modifier = 0.0
[zJammer (Industrial)]
Death Sound = e_explosion_generic_01
Hit Sound = a_sentinel_hit_02
Step Sound = a_sentinel_step
Dry Sound = w_plasma_dry
Fire Sound = w_plasma200_gun_fire
Fire Pitch Min = -2000
Fire Pitch Max = 2000
Explosion Sound = w_plasma200_bullet_hit
Land Sound = a_sentinel_land_heavy
Thrust Sound = a_jammer_fly_loop
Dodge Up Percent = 0.0
Shot Damage = 4.0
Shot Start Speed = 3.0
Shot Max Speed = 25.0
Shot Delay Min = 3.0
Shot Delay Max = 5.0
Num Shots Min = 1
Num Shots Max = 1
Plasma Splatter Damage = 1.5
Plasma Splatter Radius = 10.0
Health = 25.0
Ambient Modifier = 0.0
Explode Hierarchy = -5.0
Max Fall Speed = 15.0
Fall Acceleration = 5.0
Max Death Fall Speed = 25.0
Fall Death Acceleration = 20.0
[zJammer (Military)]
Death Sound = e_explosion_generic_01
Hit Sound = a_sentinel_hit_02
Step Sound = a_sentinel_step
Dry Sound = w_plasma_dry
Fire Sound = w_plasma200_gun_fire
Fire Pitch Min = -2000
Fire Pitch Max = 2000
Explosion Sound = w_plasma200_bullet_hit
Land Sound = a_sentinel_land_heavy
Thrust Sound = a_jammer_fly_loop
Dodge Up Percent = 50.0
Shot Damage = 5.0
Shot Start Speed = 3.0
Shot Max Speed = 30.0
Shot Delay Min = 1.0
Shot Delay Max = 4.0
Num Shots Min = 3
Num Shots Max = 3
Plasma Splatter Damage = 1.5
Plasma Splatter Radius = 10.0
Health = 25.0
Ambient Modifier = 0.0
Explode Hierarchy = -5.0
Max Fall Speed = 15.0
Fall Acceleration = 5.0
Max Death Fall Speed = 25.0
Fall Death Acceleration = 20.0
[zArbiter (Police)]
Death Sound = a_piranha_death
Hit Sound = a_sentinel_hit_02
Step Sound = a_sentinel_step
Dry Sound = w_plasma_dry
Fire Sound = w_plasmaburst_gun_fire
Shield Active Sound = w_plasma200_gun_fire
Shield Hit Sound = a_arbiter_shield_hit
Shield Destroyed Sound = e_explosion_small_02
Jets Sound = a_jammer_fly_loop
Fire Pitch Min = -2000
Fire Pitch Max = 2000
Explosion Sound = w_plasma200_bullet_hit
Death Radius = 30.0
Death Radius Damage = 5.0
;Horizontal Inaccuracy = 15.0
;Horizontal Inaccuracy2 = 40.0
Vertical Inacuracy = 5.0
Vertical Inacuracy2 = 10.0
Shot Damage = 1.5
Shot Damage Radius = 20.0
Shot Speed = 3
Shot Spread Angle = -2.5
Shot Delay Min = 5.0
Shot Delay Max = 5.0
Shot Delay2 Min = 1
Shot Delay2 Max = 2
Health = 25.0
Shield Health = 60.0
Ambient Modifier = 0.0
Explode Hierarchy = -5.0
Backward Max Speed = -2.0
Backward Acceleration = -2.0
Backward Decceleration = 2.0
Forward Max Speed = 3.0
Forward Acceleration = 2.0
Forward Decceleration = -4.0
Charge Max Speed = 6.0
Charge Acceleration = 4.0
Charge Decceleration = -2.0
Shield Charge Min Distance = 200.0
Shield Charge Percentage = 75.0
Shield Charge Lock Range = 200.0 ; Distance at which he will no longer turn
Shield Damage = 6.0
Shield Force = 50.0
Max Fall Speed = 20.0
Fall Acceleration = 10.0
[zArbiter (Military)]
Death Sound = a_piranha_death
Hit Sound = a_sentinel_hit_02
Step Sound = a_sentinel_step
Dry Sound = w_plasma_dry
Fire Sound = w_plasmaburst_gun_fire
Shield Active Sound = w_plasma200_gun_fire
Shield Hit Sound = a_arbiter_shield_hit
Shield Destroyed Sound = e_explosion_small_02
Jets Sound = a_jammer_fly_loop
Fire Pitch Min = -2000
Fire Pitch Max = 2000
Explosion Sound = w_plasma200_bullet_hit
Death Radius = 30.0
Death Radius Damage = 5.0
;Horizontal Inaccuracy = 15.0
;Horizontal Inaccuracy2 = 40.0
Vertical Inacuracy = 5.0
Vertical Inacuracy2 = 10.0
Shot Damage = 1.5
Shot Damage Radius = 20.0
Shot Speed = 5
Shot Spread Angle = -2.0
Shot Delay Min = 5.0
Shot Delay Max = 5.0
Shot Delay2 Min = 1
Shot Delay2 Max = 2
Health = 25.0
Shield Health = 80.0
Ambient Modifier = 0.0
Explode Hierarchy = -5.0
Backward Max Speed = -2.0
Backward Acceleration = -2.0
Backward Decceleration = 2.0
Forward Max Speed = 3.0
Forward Acceleration = 2.0
Forward Decceleration = -4.0
Charge Max Speed = 6.0
Charge Acceleration = 4.0
Charge Decceleration = -2.0
Shield Charge Min Distance = 200.0
Shield Charge Percentage = 75.0
Shield Charge Lock Range = 200.0 ; Distance at which he will no longer turn
Shield Damage = 5.0
Shield Force = 50.0
Max Fall Speed = 30.0
Fall Acceleration = 20.0
[zRaider (Police)]
Health = 70.0
Acceleration = 0.5
Death Sound = a_piranha_death
Hit Sound = a_sentinel_hit_03
Fire Sound = w_shrieker_gun_fire
Fly Sound = a_raider_fly_loop
Fire Pitch Min = 500
Fire Pitch Max = 1500
Death Explosion = e_explosion_core
Fire Guided Rockets = 0
Shot Delay Min = 1.0
Shot Delay Max = 1.0
Num Shots Min = 1
Num Shots Max = 1
Shot Damage = 3.0
Shot Splatter Damage = 3.0
Shot Splatter Radius = 60.0
Shot Start Speed = 1.0
Shot Max Speed = 4.0
Shot Acceleration = 0.75
; only for dumb fire rockets
Horizontal Shot Inaccuracy = 7.0
Vertical Shot Inaccuracy = 3.0
; only for guided rockets
Shot Yaw Clip Angle = 25.0
Shot Pitch Clip Angle = 23.0
Shot Turn Time Limit = 8.0
Shot Turn Delay = 0.2
Shot Lifespan = 12.0
Horizontal Shot Inaccuracy = 7.0
Vertical Shot Inaccuracy = 3.0
[zRaider (Military)]
Health = 75.0
Acceleration = 0.5
Death Sound = a_piranha_death
Hit Sound = a_sentinel_hit_03
Fire Sound = w_shrieker_gun_fire
Fly Sound = a_raider_fly_loop
Fire Pitch Min = 500
Fire Pitch Max = 1500
Death Explosion = e_explosion_core
Fire Guided Rockets = 0
Shot Delay Min = 1.0
Shot Delay Max = 1.0
Num Shots Min = 1
Num Shots Max = 1
Shot Damage = 3.0
Shot Splatter Damage = 4.0
Shot Splatter Radius = 60.0
Shot Start Speed = 2.0
Shot Max Speed = 4.0
Shot Acceleration = 0.75
; only for dumb fire rockets
Horizontal Shot Inaccuracy = 7.0
Vertical Shot Inaccuracy = 3.0
; only for guided rockets
Shot Yaw Clip Angle = 25.0
Shot Pitch Clip Angle = 23.0
Shot Turn Time Limit = 8.0
Shot Turn Delay = 0.2
Shot Lifespan = 12.0
[zBlackWidow (Recluse)]
Death Sound = a_piranha_death
Hit1 Sound = a_sentinel_hit_01
Hit2 Sound = a_sentinel_hit_02
Fire Sound Loop = w_ironroar_gun_fire_loop
Fire Sound Outro = w_ironroar_gun_fire_outro
Step Sound = a_blackwidow_step
Rise Sound = a_blackwidow_rise
Lower Sound = a_blackwidow_lower
Fire Pitch Min = -2000
Fire Pitch Max = 2000
Health = 25.0
Pursuit Speed Min = 80.0
Pursuit Speed Max = 80.0
Shot Damage = 1.5
Shot Speed = 5.0
Shot Gravity = 0.0
Num Shots Min = 5
Num Shots Max = 10
Shot Delay Min = 2.0
Shot Delay Max = 3.0
Shot Delay2 Min = 0.1
Shot Delay2 Max = 0.3
Ambient Modifier = 0.0
Explode Hierarchy = -5.0
Fall Height = 5.0
Reactive Lag Delay = 2.5
Reactive Random Motion Delay = 1.0
Reactive Random Motion Duration = 1.5
[zBlackWidow (Industrial)]
Death Sound = a_piranha_death
Hit1 Sound = a_sentinel_hit_01
Hit2 Sound = a_sentinel_hit_02
Fire Sound Loop = w_ironroar_gun_fire_loop
Fire Sound Outro = w_ironroar_gun_fire_outro
Step Sound = a_blackwidow_step
Rise Sound = a_blackwidow_rise
Lower Sound = a_blackwidow_lower
Fire Pitch Min = -2000
Fire Pitch Max = 2000
Health = 60.0
Pursuit Speed Min = 80.0
Pursuit Speed Max = 80.0
Shot Damage = 1.5
Shot Speed = 5.0
Shot Gravity = 0.0
Num Shots Min = 5
Num Shots Max = 10
Shot Delay Min = 1.0
Shot Delay Max = 3.0
Shot Delay2 Min = 0.1
Shot Delay2 Max = 0.3
Ambient Modifier = 0.0
Explode Hierarchy = -5.0
Fall Height = 5.0
Reactive Lag Delay = 2.5
Reactive Random Motion Delay = 1.0
Reactive Random Motion Duration = 1.5
[zBlackWidow (Sovkhan)]
Death Sound = a_piranha_death
Hit1 Sound = a_sentinel_hit_01
Hit2 Sound = a_sentinel_hit_02
Fire Sound Loop = w_ironroar_gun_fire_loop
Fire Sound Outro = w_ironroar_gun_fire_outro
Step Sound = a_blackwidow_step
Rise Sound = a_blackwidow_rise
Lower Sound = a_blackwidow_lower
Fire Pitch Min = -2000
Fire Pitch Max = 2000
Health = 60.0
Pursuit Speed Min = 80.0
Pursuit Speed Max = 80.0
Shot Damage = 1.5
Shot Speed = 5.0
Shot Gravity = 0.0
Num Shots Min = 5
Num Shots Max = 10
Shot Delay Min = 2.0
Shot Delay Max = 6.0
Shot Delay2 Min = 0.25
Shot Delay2 Max = 0.5
Ambient Modifier = 0.0
Explode Hierarchy = -5.0
Fall Height = 5.0
Reactive Lag Delay = 2.5
Reactive Random Motion Delay = 1.0
Reactive Random Motion Duration = 1.5
[zGhostSpider (Industrial)]
Step Land Sound = a_ghost_step_land_loop
Step Water Sound = a_ghost_step_water_loop
Warning Sound = a_ghost_beep
Explosion Sound = a_ghost_attack
Explosion Damage = 15.0
Explosion Radius = 20.0
Explosion Force = 5.0
Explosion Template = e_explosion_core
Attack Speed = 120.0
Attack Delay Min = 2.0
Attack Delay Max = 5.0
Attach Time = 5.0
Pursuit Speed Min = 90.0
Pursuit Speed Max = 120.0
Scatter Speed = 90.0
Health = 12.0
Gravity = -0.05
Scent Delay Min = 0.05
Scent Delay Max = 0.05
Scent Turn Rate = 3.0
[zGhostSpider (Sovkhan)]
Step Land Sound = a_ghost_step_land_loop
Step Water Sound = a_ghost_step_water_loop
Warning Sound = a_ghost_beep
Explosion Sound = a_ghost_attack
Explosion Damage = 15.0
Explosion Radius = 20.0
Explosion Force = 5.0
Explosion Template = e_explosion_core
Attack Speed = 120.0
Attack Delay Min = 2.0
Attack Delay Max = 5.0
Attach Time = 5.0
Pursuit Speed Min = 90.0
Pursuit Speed Max = 120.0
Scatter Speed = 90.0
Health = 15.0
Gravity = -0.05
Scent Delay Min = 0.05
Scent Delay Max = 0.05
Scent Turn Rate = 3.0
[zShiva (Military)]
P400 Damage = 3.5
P400 Duration Min = 2.0
P400 Duration Max = 5.0
P200 Damage = 6.0
P200 Splatter Damage = 6.0
P200 Splatter Radius = 20.0
P200 Start Speed = 13.0
P200 Max Speed = 30.0
Rocket Damage = 6.0
Rocket Splatter Damage = 6.0
Rocket Splatter Radius = 60.0
Rocket Speed = 3.5
Rocket Turn Time Limit = 8.0
Rocket Turn Delay = 0.2
Rocket Lifespan = 5.0
Hand Attack Range = 100.0
Punch Damage = 10.0
Punch Force = 50.0
Health = 400.0
Mini Boss Health = 800.0
Shot Delay Min = 1.0
Shot Delay Max = 3.0
Death Explosion = e_explosion_core
Death Radius = 60.0
Death Radius Damage = 6.0
Explode Hierarchy = -25.0
Fall Height = 5.0
Big Hit Damage = 5000.0
Death Sound = a_regulator_death
Hit Sound = a_slave0_hit_02
Step Sound = a_titan_step
Rocket Fire Sound = a_titan_gun_missile_fire
P400 Charge Sound = a_titan_gun_arm_charge
P400 Fire Sound = a_shiva_fire_loop
P400 Hit Sound = w_p400_sizzle_loop
P200 Fire Sound = w_plasma200_gun_fire
Rocket Fire Pitch Min = -2000
Rocket Fire Pitch Max = 3000
Step Pitch Min = -3000
Step Pitch Max = 2000
Hit Pitch Min = -3000
Hit Pitch Max = 2000
P200 Explosion Sound = w_plasma200_bullet_hit
Debug Script = 0
[zShiva (Sovkhan)]
P400 Damage = 4.0
P400 Duration Min = 2.0
P400 Duration Max = 5.0
P200 Damage = 5.0
P200 Splatter Damage = 5.0
P200 Splatter Radius = 20.0
P200 Start Speed = 13.0
P200 Max Speed = 30.0
Rocket Damage = 6.0
Rocket Splatter Damage = 6.0
Rocket Splatter Radius = 60.0
Rocket Speed = 3.5
Rocket Turn Time Limit = 8.0
Rocket Turn Delay = 0.2
Rocket Lifespan = 5.0
Hand Attack Range = 100.0
Punch Damage = 10.0
Punch Force = 50.0
Health = 600.0
Mini Boss Health = 900.0
Shot Delay Min = 1.0
Shot Delay Max = 3.0
Death Explosion = e_explosion_core
Death Radius = 60.0
Death Radius Damage = 6.0
Explode Hierarchy = -5.0
Fall Height = 5.0
Big Hit Damage = 5000.0
Death Sound = a_regulator_death
Hit Sound = a_slave0_hit_02
Step Sound = a_titan_step
Rocket Fire Sound = a_titan_gun_missile_fire
P400 Charge Sound = a_titan_gun_arm_charge
P400 Fire Sound = a_shiva_fire_loop
P400 Hit Sound = w_p400_sizzle_loop
P200 Fire Sound = w_plasma200_gun_fire
Rocket Fire Pitch Min = -2000
Rocket Fire Pitch Max = 3000
Step Pitch Min = -3000
Step Pitch Max = 2000
Hit Pitch Min = -3000
Hit Pitch Max = 2000
P200 Explosion Sound = w_plasma200_bullet_hit
Debug Script = 0
[zUmberKnight (Military)]
Shot Damage = 15.0
Shot Speed = 5.0
Shot Gravity = -0.01
Shot Delay Min = 2.0
Shot Delay Max = 4.0
Shot Hit Sound = w_seige_bullet_hit
Health = 200.0
Death Radius = 30.0
Death Radius Damage = 3.0
Turn Rate = 1.5
Retreat Speed = -80.0
Punch Damage = 3.0
Punch Force = 50.0
Punch Range = 100.0
Lance Charge Percentage = 25.0
Lance Charge Lock Range = 200.0
Lance Damage = 3.0
Lance Force = 50.0
Big Hit Damage = 5000.0
Fall Height = 5.0
Death Sound = a_piranha_death
Hit Sound = a_sentinel_hit_02
Step Sound = a_sentinel_step
Fire Sound = w_seige_gun_fire
Shield Activated Sound = a_umberknight_shield_plant
Shield Hit Sound = a_titan_hit_03
Fire Pitch Min = -2000
Fire Pitch Max = 2000
Hit Pitch Min = -2000
Hit Pitch Max = 2000
Shield Time Min = 1.0
Shield Time Max = 2.0
Shield Delay Min = 3.0
Shield Delay Max = 5.0
[zUmberKnight (Sovkhan)]
Shot Damage = 15.0
Shot Speed = 5.0
Shot Gravity = -0.01
Shot Delay Min = 2.0
Shot Delay Max = 4.0
Shot Hit Sound = w_seige_bullet_hit
Health = 220.0
Death Radius = 30.0
Death Radius Damage = 3.0
Turn Rate = 1.5
Retreat Speed = -80.0
Punch Damage = 10.0
Punch Force = 25.0
Punch Range = 100.0
Lance Charge Percentage = 10.0
Lance Charge Lock Range = 200.0
Lance Damage = 10.0
Lance Force = 50.0
Big Hit Damage = 5000.0
Fall Height = 5.0
Death Sound = a_piranha_death
Hit Sound = a_sentinel_hit_02
Step Sound = a_sentinel_step
Fire Sound = w_seige_gun_fire
Shield Activated Sound = a_umberknight_shield_plant
Shield Hit Sound = a_titan_hit_03
Fire Pitch Min = -3000
Fire Pitch Max = 1000
Hit Pitch Min = -3000
Hit Pitch Max = 1000
Shield Time Min = 1.0
Shield Time Max = 2.0
Shield Delay Min = 3.0
Shield Delay Max = 5.0
[zTitan (Police)]
Death Sound = a_regulator_death
Hit Sound = a_slave0_hit_01
Step Sound = a_titan_step
Rocket Fire Sound = W_SHRIEKER_GUN_FIRE
Rail Charge Sound = a_titan_gun_arm_charge
Rail Fire Sound = a_titan_gun_arm_fire
Hand Attack Sound = a_titan_arm_swipe
Land Sound = a_sentinel_land_heavy
Rocket Fire Pitch Min = 0
Rocket Fire Pitch Max = 0
Step Pitch Min = -2000
Step Pitch Max = 2000
Hit Pitch Min = -2000
Hit Pitch Max = 2000
Health = 120.0
Mini Boss Health = 240.0
Hand Damage = 12.0
Rail Damage = 12.0
Rail Shot Delay Min = 2.0
Rail Shot Delay Max = 5.0
Rail Shot Delay2 Min = 0.0
Rail Shot Delay2 Max = 0.5
Num Rail Shots Min = 1
Num Rail Shots Max = 1
Cluster Damage = 14.0
Cluster Explostion Damage = 10.0
Cluster Explostion Force = 5.0
Cluster Explostion Radius = 40.0
Cluster Shot Delay = 2.0
Fall Height = 5.0
Max Fall Speed = 30.0
Fall Acceleration = 20.0
Death Radius = 60.0
Death Radius Damage = 6.0
Max Rail Yaw = 55.0
Max Rail Pitch = 55.0
Debug Script = 0
[zTitan (Military)]
Death Sound = a_regulator_death
Hit Sound = a_slave0_hit_01
Step Sound = a_titan_step
Rocket Fire Sound = W_SHRIEKER_GUN_FIRE
Rail Charge Sound = a_titan_gun_arm_charge
Rail Fire Sound = a_titan_gun_arm_fire
Hand Attack Sound = a_titan_arm_swipe
Land Sound = a_sentinel_land_heavy
Rocket Fire Pitch Min = 0
Rocket Fire Pitch Max = 0
Step Pitch Min = 0
Step Pitch Max = 0
Hit Pitch Min = 0
Hit Pitch Max = 0
Health = 150
Mini Boss Health = 200.0
Hand Damage = 15.0
Rail Damage = 15.0
Rail Shot Delay Min = 1.0
Rail Shot Delay Max = 3.0
Rail Shot Delay2 Min = 0.0
Rail Shot Delay2 Max = 0.5
Num Rail Shots Min = 1
Num Rail Shots Max = 1
Cluster Damage = 19.0
Cluster Explostion Damage = 10.0
Cluster Explostion Force = 5.0
Cluster Explostion Radius = 40.0
Cluster Shot Delay = 2.0
Fall Height = 5.0
Max Fall Speed = 80.0
Fall Acceleration = 40.0
Death Radius = 60.0
Death Radius Damage = 6.0
Max Rail Yaw = 55.0
Max Rail Pitch = 55.0
Debug Script = 0
ExplosionSound = e_explosion_big_01
Height = 150.0
[zWolfSpider (Industrial)]
Death Sound = a_regulator_death
Hit1 Sound = a_sentinel_hit_02
Hit2 Sound = a_sentinel_hit_03
Fire Sound = w_shrieker_gun_fire
Step Sound = a_wolf_step
Ghost Spawn Sound = a_wolf_fire
Health = 100.0
Run Speed Min = 30.6
Run Speed Max = 61.2
Shot Delay Min = 1.0
Shot Delay Max = 3.0
; see ghost spider for shot damage
; ShotDamage = 12.0
Max Ghosts Spiders = 4
[zWolfSpider (Sovkhan)]
Death Sound = a_regulator_death
Hit1 Sound = a_sentinel_hit_02
Hit2 Sound = a_sentinel_hit_03
Fire Sound = w_shrieker_gun_fire
Step Sound = a_wolf_step
Ghost Spawn Sound = a_wolf_fire
Health = 100.0
Run Speed Min = 30.6
Run Speed Max = 61.2
Shot Delay Min = 1.0
Shot Delay Max = 3.0
; see ghost spider for shot damage
; ShotDamage = 14.0
Max Ghosts Spiders = 8
Death Sound = a_piranha_death
Hit Sound = a_slave0_hit_03
Step Sound = a_sentinel_step
Hand Attack Range = 100.0
Punch Damage = 7.0
Punch Force = 50.0
Iron Roar Shot Damage = 3.0
Iron Roar Shot Speed = 5.0
Iron Roar Shot Gravity = 0.0
Iron Roar Shot Delay Min = 2.0
Iron Roar Shot Delay Max = 7.0
Iron Roar Shot Delay2 Min = 0.25
Iron Roar Shot Delay2 Max = 0.5
Iron Roar Num Shots Min = 4
Iron Roar Num Shots Max = 8
Iron Roar Horizontal Inaccuracy = 7.0
Iron Roar Vertical Inaccuracy = 5.0
Iron Roar Switch Timer = 10.0
Ironroar Loop Sound = w_ironroar_gun_fire_loop
Ironroar Outro Sound = w_ironroar_gun_fire_outro
Iron Roar Fire Pitch Min = 0
Iron Roar Fire Pitch Max = 0
Plasma 200 Shot Damage = 3.0
Plasma 200 Shot Speed = 5.0
Plasma 200 Shot Gravity = 0.0
Plasma 200 Shot Delay Min = 2.0
Plasma 200 Shot Delay Max = 7.0
Plasma 200 Shot Delay2 Min = 0.25
Plasma 200 Shot Delay2 Max = 0.5
Plasma 200 Num Shots Min = 4
Plasma 200 Num Shots Max = 8
Plasma 200 Horizontal Inaccuracy = 7.0
Plasma 200 Vertical Inaccuracy = 5.0
Plasma 200 Splatter Damage = 0.0
Plasma 200 Splatter Radius = 0.0
Plasma 200 Switch Timer = 10.0
Plasma 200 Fire Sound = w_plasma200_gun_fire
Plasma 200 Fire Pitch Min = 0
Plasma 200 Fire Pitch Max = 0
Plasma Burst Shot Damage = 3.0
Plasma Burst Shot Speed = 5.0
Plasma Burst Shot Gravity = 0.0
Plasma Burst Shot Delay Min = 2.0
Plasma Burst Shot Delay Max = 7.0
Plasma Burst Num Shots Min = 4
Plasma Burst Num Shots Max = 4
Plasma Burst Horizontal Inaccuracy = 7.0
Plasma Burst Vertical Inaccuracy = 5.0
Plasma Burst Splatter Damage = 0.0
Plasma Burst Splatter Radius = 0.0
Plasma Burst Switch Timer = 10.0
Plasma Burst Fire Sound = w_plasma200_gun_fire
Plasma Burst Fire Pitch Min = 0
Plasma Burst Fire Pitch Max = 0
Plasma Rail Shot Delay Min = 5.0
Plasma Rail Shot Delay Max = 5.0
Plasma Rail Shot Delay2 Min = 5.5
Plasma Rail Shot Delay2 Max = 5.5
Plasma Rail Num Shots Min = 1
Plasma Rail Num Shots Max = 1
Plasma Rail Shot Damage = 8.0
Plasma Rail Push Force = 50.0
Plasma Rail Patch = w_plasma200_patch
Plasma Rail Switch Timer = 10.0
Plasma Rail Fire Sound = w_plasma200_gun_fire
Plasma Rail Fire Pitch Min = 0
Plasma Rail Fire Pitch Max = 0
Shrieker Shot Delay Min = 3.0
Shrieker Shot Delay Max = 7.0
Shrieker Shot Delay2 Min = 1
Shrieker Shot Delay2 Max = 3
Shrieker Num Shots Min = 4
Shrieker Num Shots Max = 8
Shrieker Shot Damage = 10.0
Shrieker Shot Speed = 4.0
Shrieker Horizontal Inaccuracy = 7.0
Shrieker Vertical Inaccuracy = 5.0
Shrieker Splatter Damage = 6.0
Shrieker Splatter Radius = 60.0
Shrieker Fire Sound = w_shrieker_gun_fire
Shrieker Fire Pitch Min = 0
Shrieker Fire Pitch Max = 0
Stone Dog Shot Delay Min = 3.0
Stone Dog Shot Delay Max = 7.0
Stone Dog Shot Delay2 Min = 1
Stone Dog Shot Delay2 Max = 2
Stone Dog Num Shots Min = 4
Stone Dog Num Shots Max = 8
Stone Dog Shot Damage = 8.0
Stone Dog Shot Speed = 4.0
Stone Dog Horizontal Inaccuracy = 7.0
Stone Dog Vertical Inaccuracy = 5.0
Stone Dog Yaw Clip Angle = 12.0
Stone Dog Pitch Clip Angle = 12.0
Stone Dog Turn Time Limit = 8.0
Stone Dog Life Span = 12.0
Stone Dog Splatter Damage = 6.0
Stone Dog Splatter Radius = 60.0
Stone Dog Fire Sound = w_shrieker_gun_fire
Stone Dog Fire Pitch Min = 0
Stone Dog Fire Pitch Max = 0
Slave1 Health = 120.0
Slave2 Health = 140.0
Death Radius = 50.0
Death Radius Damage = 30.0
Fall Height = 20.0
Ambient Modifier = 0.0
Explode Hierarchy = -5.0