<string id="pi/textCSSInvalidColor" value="%s is not a valid color value. Enter a hex value (#RRGGBB or #RGB), rgb function notation (rgb(255,0,0) or rgb(100%%,0%%,0%%)), or a standard color name."/>
<string id="pi/classTooltip" value="CSS style"/>
<string id="pi/classLabel/Win" value="&Class"/>
<string id="pi/classLabel/Mac" value="Class"/>
<string id="pi/idTooltip" value="ID for <div> tag"/>
<!-- JavaScript error messages -->
<string id="js/error/can't open script" value='Unable to open script file "%s" (error %d).'/>
<string id="cssPanel/Missing Sheet" value='The specified style sheet could not be found. Continue by adding the link/import statement in this page anyway?'/>
<string id="css/cannotGetOrCreateSheet" value='A request to create a new STYLE, LINK or IMPORT failed. If you are working with an instance of a template, make certain that there is an editable region within the HEAD tag.'/>
<string id="selInspector/ruleTab/irrelevant/overridden" value='Overridden by %s'/>
<string id="selInspector/ruleTab/irrelevant/noninheritable/background" value='%s is not inherited. However, the default color of child elements is transparent, so this property may show through.'/>
<string id="selInspector/ruleTab/irrelevant/noninheritable/long" value='%s is not inherited'/>
<string id="selInspector/ruleTab/irrelevant/overridden/long" value='%s is overridden by %s'/>
<string id="selInspector/ruleTab/irrelevant/overriddenByImportant/long" value='%s is overridden by %s where it is marked !important'/>
<string id="pagePropertiesDialog/encodingWarning/text" value='The encoding you have selected is not supported by your testing server. Do you want to change it anyway?'/>
<string id="pagePropertiesDialog/conversionWarning/name" value='Possible loss of data'/>
<string id="pagePropertiesDialog/conversionWarning/text" value="The selected encoding does not have all of the characters of the current encoding. This may result in question marks ('?') or random characters. Do you want to apply or skip the encoding change?"/>
<string id="pagePropertiesDialog/propertiesLocked" value="All of this page's properties are locked by a template, so you can't edit them."/>
<string id="pagePropertiesDialog/sameAsDefault" value="(Same as page font)"/>
<string id="pagePropertiesDialog/cantClearExternal" value="You can't clear this value because it's set by an external style sheet (%s).
However, you can change it to a new value."/>
<string id="pagePropertiesDialog/cantSetDefaultFont" value="You can't set this font back to the default because it's set by an external style sheet (%s).
However, you can change it to a different font."/>
<!-- Insertbar Labels -->
<string id="insertPanel/insert" value='Insert' />
<string id="insertPanel/moveToFirstRecord" value='Move to first record' />
<string id="insertPanel/moveToFirstPage" value='Move to first page' />
<string id="insertPanel/customizeHelp/Win" value='Right-click to customize your favorite objects.' />
<string id="insertPanel/customizeHelp/Mac" value='Control-click to customize your favorite objects.' />
<string id="insertPanel/showAsTabs" value='Show as Tabs' />
<string id="insertPanel/showAsMenu" value='Show as Menu' />
<!-- Document Type strings -->
<string id="documentTypes/noDocumentTypesAvailableErrMsg" value='No Document Types have been found. The application will exit now.' />
<string id="documentTypes/cannotLoadDocumentTypeErrMsg" value='The Document Type "%s" will not be added because it uses a file extension that is already associated with a prior Document Type.'/>
<string id="newDocumentPrefs/ExtensionHelp" value='You can change the default extension in the <a>document type XML file</a>.'/>
<!-- Start Page -->
<string id="startPage/howTurnBackOn" value="To display the Start Page again, select Show Start Page from the General category in the Preferences dialog box (Edit > Preferences)."/>
<string id="locker/lockedRegionChanged" value='Making this change would require changing code that is locked by a template or a translator. The change will be discarded.' />
<string id="locker/templateRegionSplit" value='You have created editable or repeated regions with the same name. This must be corrected before the template can be used.' />
<string id="locker/templateBeforeHTMLChanged" value='You have added or changed code outside the <html> tag. This change will not be copied to documents based on the template unless you insert this tag in the <head> section of your template:
<!-- TemplateInfo codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="true" -->' />
<string id="locker/instanceBeforeHTMLChanged" value='The template that this document is based on does not allow changes outside the <html> tag. The change you made will be discarded.' />
<string id="locker/lockedRegionChangedChoice" value='You have made changes to code that is not marked as editable. If you retain those changes, they will be lost the next time you apply a template update to this file. Do you want to retain the changes until then?' />
<string id="locker/instanceBeforeHTMLChangedChoice" value='The template that this document is based on does not allow changes outside the <html> tag. You have made changes to code outside the <html> tag. If you retain those changes, they will be lost the next time you apply a template update to this file. Do you want to retain the changes until then?' />
<!-- ASP.Net In-Place Editing tooltips -->
<string id="inPlaceEditing/EditModeStr" value="Click to edit templates" />
<string id="inPlaceEditing/PreviewModeStr" value="Click to preview control" />
<!-- Validation Process -->
<string id="validateSite/FileExceptions" value="Cannot open %s. OS return code is: %d" />
<string id="paste/cantPasteTemplateTableCells" value="Cannot complete the paste. The clipboard contains table cells inside a template region; Dreamweaver cannot paste this type of clipboard (try using Code view)." />
<!-- Tag Chooser -->
<string id="tagChooser/tagInfoMissing" value="Tag Info not available for %s." />
<!-- Connection Manager -->
<string id="connectionManager/writeProtected" value="Cannot modify this read-only file: %s." />
<string id="connectionManager/unclosedAddKeyTag" value="This file has an unclosed 'add key' tag: %s." />
<string id="connectionManager/connectionExistsIn" value="This file already has data for a connection named %s: %s." />
<!-- Wizard Button Text -->
<string id="wizard/donebutton" value='_Done' />
<string id="wizard/nextbutton" value='_Next >' />
<!-- Table -->
<string id="tables/cellTooltip" value="Control-click to select cell" />
<string id="tables/cellTooltipMac" value="Command-click to select cell" />
<string id="tables/colBorderTooltip" value="Shift-drag to retain other column widths
Control-click to select cell" />
<string id="tables/colBorderTooltipMac" value="Shift-drag to retain other column widths
Command-click to select cell" />
<string id="tables/rowBorderTooltip" value="Control-click to select cells" />
<string id="tables/rowBorderTooltipMac" value="Command-click to select cell" />
<string id="tables/tableHighlightTooltip" value="Press control key to see table structure" />
<string id="tables/tableHighlightTooltipMac" value="Press command key to see table structure" />
<string id="tables/explodedButton" value="Click to exit Expanded Tables mode (F6)" />
<string id="reminder/trial/contribute" value="This trial version of Contribute will expire\n in %d day(s).\n\nTo purchase Contribute, click Buy,\n or visit www.macromedia.com."/>
<string id="reminder/beta/contribute" value="This beta version of Contribute will expire\n in %d day(s)."/>
<string id="codebehind/deletecbfile" value="Do you want to delete the code-Behind file '%s' as well?"/>
<string id="codebehind/dontshowdeletecbfile" value="Always automatically delete Code-Behind Page and do not prompt me again."/>
<string id="codebehind/deletedesignfile" value="Do you want to delete the design file '%s' as well?"/>
<string id="codebehind/dontshowdeletedesignfile" value="Always automatically delete Design Page and do not prompt me again."/>
<string id="codebehind/deletefiles" value="Do you want to delete the code-Behind/design file(s) '%s' as well?"/>
<string id="codebehind/dontshowdeletefiles" value="Always automatically delete Code-Behind/Design Page(s) and do not prompt me again."/>
<string id="codebehind/savecodebehindfiles" value="New ASP.NET documents that use the Code-Behind Page require that you first save the page before editing it. You will be required to indicate where you want the file to be saved."/>
<string id="codebehind/savecodebehindtitle" value="Save ASP.NET Code-Behind And Design File As"/>
<string id="codebehind/renamereadonlycodebehind" value="Are you sure you want to update code-Behind link in the read only design-Page '%s'?"/>
<string id="codebehind/renameremotecodebehind" value="Unable to rename the remote design and Code-Behind Page(s) due to following reasons:"/>
<string id="codebehind/renamelocalcodebehind" value="Unable to rename the local design and Code-Behind Page(s) due to following reasons:"/>
<string id="codebehind/renameremotecodebehindres1" value="Page(s) need to reside locally to update the design page association to Code-Behind Page."/>
<string id="codebehind/renamelocalcodebehindres1" value="Page(s) need to be unlocked or checked out to update the design page association to Code-Behind Page."/>
<string id="imagePropDialog/requireAltTagStr" value="A description is required." />
<!-- Encoding messages -->
<string id="fileSave/encodingWarning/text" value="The document's current encoding can not correctly save all of the characters within the document. You may want to change to UTF-8 or an encoding that supports the special characters in this document."/>
<string id="accessibilityString/ImageMap Alt Field" value="Please describe the image map in the 'alt' field on the Properties inspector. This description will help visually impaired people who use tools that read web pages to them."/>
<string id="accessibilityString/Empty Alt Field" value="<empty>"/>
<!-- Rename Style dialog -->
<string id="rename class/enter new name" value="Please enter a new name for the selected style."/>
<string id="rename class/external class" value="This style is defined in an external stylesheet, and may affect multiple documents.
Use Find & Replace to fix the documents that use this style?
<string id="rename class/external class passive" value="This style is defined in an external stylesheet, and may affect multiple documents.
You can use Find & Replace to fix the documents that use this style.
<string id="rename class/locked class" value="You can't rename this class because it's defined in a locked region of the document."/>
<string id="rename class/rename class label" value="Rename class:"/>
<string id="rename class/no classes defined" value="No CSS classes defined in the current document."/>
<string id="rename class/no unlocked classes" value="All classes in the current document are defined in locked regions, so you can't rename them."/>
<!-- other -->
<string id="images/manipulationWarning" value="The action you are about to perform will permanently alter the selected image. You can undo any changes you make by selecting Edit > Undo." />
<string id="images/alterationWarning" value="The action you are about to perform will permanently alter the selected image. You can undo any changes you make by selecting Edit > Undo." />
<string id="images/tooSmallToCrop" value="The image is too small to crop." />
<string id="launch and edit/no valid editor" value="Can't find a valid editor for this file extension."/>
<string id="launch and edit/invalid path" value="Files on remote FTP/RDS servers cannot be opened in an external editor. Try copying the file on the server and pasting it to a local volume.
Then you can launch and edit the local copy, and paste the modified file back to the remote server."/>
<string id="imagePI/edit" value="Edit" />
<string id="imagePI/resample" value="Resample" />
<string id="imagePI/crop" value="Crop" />
<string id="imagePI/b_and_c" value="Brightness and Contrast" />
<string id="imagePI/sharpen" value="Sharpen" />
<string id="imagePI/optimize" value="Optimize in Fireworks" />
<string id="pib/saveAllBeforePut" value="Some files needed to accurately preview this page have been modified but not saved. Save them now?" />