<string id="site/transfer/warnCheckedOut" value="%s is currently working on %s. (Please enable Check In/Out in the Site Definition dialog box to avoid overwriting changes made by other users.) Do you want to upload the file anyway?" />
<string id="site/connectionLost" value="The connection to the remote host has been lost. Click Refresh to reconnect." />
<string id="site/defineoredit/site" value="Before using this feature, you must define a site that contains the selected files. Would you like to define one now?" />
<string id="site/defineoredit/remote" value="Before using this feature, you must define a remote server. Would you like to define one now?" />
<string id="site/defineoredit/checkin" value="Before using this feature, you must enable check-in/check-out. Would you like to enable that feature now?" />
<!-- Delete a Site Strings -->
<string id="site/delete/site/confirm" value="You cannot undo this action.
Delete the site named "%s"?" />
<string id="site/delete/serverconfiguration/confirm" value="You cannot undo this action.
Delete the server configuration named "%s"?" />
<string id="site/definesites/siteLocalRootInvalidChars" value="Invalid characters in local root folder name. The following are not allowed: ? * / | < >" />
<string id="site/definesites/workflow/warnOnDisableNotes" value="Disabling Design Notes or the uploading of Design Notes will also disable Contribute compatibility and file view column sharing." />
<string id="site/CFDiscovery/CFNeoFound" value='The ColdFusion %s Web application server is running on this computer. You can easily create and host a dynamic site using ColdFusion.' />
<string id="site/URLPrefix/TestURLPrefix" value='The URL Prefix test was successful.' />
<string id="site/URLPrefix/TestURLPrefixInvalidMsg" value='Dreamweaver cannot use the prefix you entered to display live data. Please double-check your site configuration or click on Help for more information on how to correct this problem. (HTTP Error: %d)' />
<string id="site/URLPrefix/TestDocumentStub" value='<html><body>Hello world </body></html>' />
<string id="site/DlgNeoCreateWebFolderStatic_1" value='You have selected a site local root folder (%s) that is not under your web root (%s). In order to browse pages through the local web server/testing server, you need a virtual web folder mapping.' />
<string id="site/DlgNeocreateWebFolderStatic_2" value='This is normally handled through your web server, but we have detected that you are using %s and we can create this virtual folder for you. Would you like it to be created for you?' />
<string id="site/dlgWebFolderInfoStatic1" value='The URL prefix %s could not be resolved. This could be due to several reasons:' />
<string id="site/dlgWebFolderInfoStatic2" value='1. You have specified a local root folder that does not fall under the web server root folder (not the easiest way to test a site).' />
<string id="site/dlgWebFolderInfoStatic3" value='2. There is no web server runnning on the URL. A web server must be running in order to map pages through a URL.' />
<string id="site/dlgWebFolderInfoStatic4" value="3. There is a web server running but no virtual web folder has been mapped to this prefix. A web virtual folder mapping is needed for local sites that aren't under the web root folder." />
<string id="site/dlgWebFolderInfoStatic5" value='Please consult your web server documentation or your system administrator if you need further information.' />
<string id="site/URLPrefix/TestCFURLPrefix" value='The ColdFusion Administrator URL test was successful.' />
<string id="site/URLPrefix/TestCFURLPrefixInvalidMsg" value='The ColdFusion Administrator URL test failed. Please double-check your site configuration or click on Help for more information on how to correct this problem. (HTTP Error: %d)' />
<string id="site/URLPrefix/TestCFRdsPasswordInvalidMsg" value='Unable to authenticate on RDS server using current security information!' />
<string id="site/mmServerScripts/FailedCFServerReason1" value="1. The URL specified for this site's testing server may be incorrect: %s" />
<string id="site/mmServerScripts/FailedCFServerReason2" value='2. The testing server may be incorrectly configured (for example, ColdFusion may not be running).' />
<!-- Create Site Folder Dialog prompt -->
<string id="site/CreateLocalRoot" value="Local root folder %s does not exist. The folder must exist to create a site. Create it now?" />
<string id="site/MustcreateFolder" value="Folder must be created in order to continue" />
<string id="site/SSH/UseActive" value="Use active SSH session?" />
<string id="site/SSH/terminate" value="Do you want to terminate the SSH session?" />
<string id="site/SSH/CloseCancel" value="FTP connection for site %s has been closed, reset, or cancelled." />
<string id="site/SSH/SSHNotSuccessful" value="If this failure occurred while attempting to connect, it may be due to an unsuccessful SSH login attempt." />
<string id="site/wizard/LocalAppSvr2Header" value="To preview pages containing server-side code, you need a testing server. Have you configured a testing server to process files in the %s folder? " />
<string id="site/wizard/AppSvrAccessFTP" value="What is the hostname or FTP address of your testing server?" />
<string id="site/wizard/AppSvrAccessLocalNetwork" value="Where do you copy your files to in order to test them?" />
<string id="site/wizard/localStatic/folder/local" value="Where on your computer do you want to store your files?" />
<string id="site/wizard/localStatic/folder/network" value="Where are your files on the network?" />
<string id="site/wizard/localStatic/folder/ftp" value="Where on your computer do you want Dreamweaver to store local copies of your files?" />
<string id="site/wizard/localDynamic/cfOnlyStatic" value="Because ColdFusion has been installed on your computer, your computer can be used as a local testing server." />
<string id="site/wizard/localDynamic/iisOnlyStatic" value="Because IIS has been installed on your computer, your computer can be used as a local testing server." />
<string id="site/wizard/summary/newFolder" value=" (Local root folder will be created)" />;
<string id="site/wizard/cantShowWizardMsg" value="This site's Testing and Remote Servers are different. This scenario is not supported in the Site Wizard." />;
<string id="site/wizard/testingServer/testSuccessMsg" value="%s connected to your server successfully." />
<string id="site/wizard/ftprdsinfo" value="If you want to work directly on the server using FTP or RDS, you should <a>create an FTP or RDS server connection </a> instead. Server connections do not allow you to perform sitewide operations like link checking or site reports. " />
<string id="site/managesites/ftprdsinfo" value="Server connections allow you to work directly on the server using FTP or RDS, but they do not allow you to perform sitewide operations like link checking or site reports." />
<!-- Report Dialog strings -->
<string id="site/reportdialog/nosite" value="Before using this option, you must define a site that contains the selected files." />
<string id="site/reportdialog/switchtosite" value="Before using this option, you must select a site in the Files panel." />
<!-- Contributor Integration strings -->
<string id="site/contributor/mustInstallContribute" value="You must install Macromedia Contribute version 2.0 or later to administer a site. Would you like to install Contribute now?" />
<string id="site/contributor/errorLaunchingContribute" value="Dreamweaver could not launch Macromedia Contribute to administer the site. Please check the Contribute installation." />
<string id="site/contributor/enableCCCompatibility" value="This site has been set up for use by Macromedia Contribute users. Do you want Dreamweaver to enable all required site settings for compatibility with Contribute sites?" />
<string id="site/contributor/remoteCantIntegrate" value="The current connection type is not compatible with Contribute sites. Choose a remote access method that supports Dreamweaver's Check In/Check Out and Design Notes systems." />
<string id="site/contributor/remoteCantAdmin" value="The current remote connection type cannot be used to administer Contribute sites. To administer Contribute sites, choose LAN or FTP access." />
<string id="site/contributor/enableCheckoutAndNotes" value="To use Contribute compatibility features with this site, you must enable Design Notes, the uploading of Design Notes, and Check In/Out. Click OK to enable these options." />
<string id="site/contributor/cantConnectToRemote" value="Dreamweaver could not connect to the remote server. You cannot perform Contribute administration tasks without a connection to a remote server. Please fix the remote connection before continuing." />
<string id="site/contributor/cantFindAddressOnRemote" value="The site root URL does not refer to the same location as the remote server connection. Please check the site root URL." />
<string id="site/contributor/connTestSuccessful" value="Dreamweaver connected to the Contribute site successfully." />
<string id="site/contributor/enterWebsiteAddress" value="Please enter the URL of the site's root." />
<string id="site/contributor/notLiveWebsiteAddress" value="Dreamweaver could not find a page at the specified site root URL. Please check the site root URL." />
<string id="site/contributor/hubReadVersionTooNew" value="This website is being administered with a newer version of Contribute. For more information contact this website's administrator."/>
<string id="site/contributor/hubReadVersionTooOld" value="This website is being administered with an older version of Contribute. For more information contact this website's administrator."/>
<string id="site/contributor/newerHubWriteVersion" value="This Contribute site was set up using a newer version of Contribute or Dreamweaver. Please use a newer version to perform administration tasks." />
<string id="site/contributor/olderHubWriteVersion" value="This Contribute site was set up using an older version of Contribute or Dreamweaver. Please use an older version to perform administration tasks." />
<string id="site/contributor/warnDisableOnChangeRemote" value="The chosen connection type is not compatible with Contribute sites. Changing to this connection type will disable Contribute compatibility." />
<string id="site/contributor/warnNoAdminOnChangeRemote" value="The chosen connection type cannot be used to administer Contribute sites. Changing to this connection type will disable Contribute administration." />
<string id="site/contributor/warnOnDisableCheckout" value="Disabling Check In/Out will disable Contribute compatibility." />
<string id="site/contributor/warnOnRemoveEmail" value="Removing the Check In/Out email address will disable Contribute compatibility." />
<string id="site/contributor/warnOnDisableNotes" value="Disabling Design Notes or the uploading of Design Notes will disable Contribute compatibility." />
<string id="site/contributor/enterAliasAndEmail" value="Please enter a Check In/Out name and email address." />
<string id="site/contributor/warnOnMoveCheckedOutFile" value="The file %s is currently checked out. Are you sure you want to move it?" />
<string id="site/contributor/badHub" value="Dreamweaver could not read the shared site administration settings file on the remote site." />
<string id="site/contributor/unknownErrorOnConn" value="An unknown error occurred when Dreamweaver tried to connect to this Contribute site." />
<string id="site/contributor/warnLanConnPcVsMac" value="Note: Local/Network connection paths cannot be shared between a Macintosh and a Windows computer." />
<string id="site/contributor/warnLaunchTrialFirstToAdmin" value="If you are using the Trial version of Contribute, please launch Contribute before you proceed." />
<!-- NetIO error strings -->
<string id="site/netio/errors/unknown host error" value="Dreamweaver could not find the host "%s".
Please check your connection information." />
<string id="site/netio/errors/remote rename" value="Dreamweaver could not rename the file on the server." />
<string id="site/netio/errors/connect error" value="Dreamweaver could not connect to the server.
Please check your network connection and try again." />
<string id="site/netio/errors/bad host error" value="The server "%s" is not responding.
Please check your connection information." />
<string id="site/netio/errors/authentication error" value="Your login or password is incorrect. Please check your connection information." />
<string id="site/netio/errors/service unavailable" value="Dreamweaver could not connect because the server is down or not accepting connections." />
<string id="site/netio/errors/server error" value="The server gave an unknown response. Please try the operation again." />
<string id="site/netio/errors/out of memory" value="Out of memory" />
<string id="site/netio/errors/stream error" value="Dreamweaver encountered an internal data error. Please try the
operation again." />
<string id="site/netio/errors/bad filename" value="Invalid filename
The given file name either contains illegal characters
or the name is too long. Please note that the length of
the path to the file is part of any file length limits." />
<string id="site/netio/errors/not empty" value="Operation failed. The directory is not empty, or
there may be a permission problem." />
<string id="site/netio/errors/not directory" value="Operation failed. The resource is not a directory,
or there may be a permission problem." />
<string id="site/netio/errors/not file" value="Operation failed. The resource is not a file, or
there may be a permission problem." />
<string id="site/netio/errorcode/421-426" value="Unable to connect to the server." />
<string id="site/netio/errorcode/450" value="Unable to access a remote file." />
<string id="site/netio/errorcode/451" value="Unable to access a local file." />
<string id="site/netio/errorcode/452" value="There is not enough disk space on the server to perform this
action." />
<string id="site/netio/errorcode/530" value="Check your FTP username and password." />
<string id="site/netio/errorcode/532" value="You do not have permission to put files on the server." />
<string id="site/netio/errorcode/550" value="Access Denied. The file may not exist, or
there could be a permission problem." />
<string id="site/netio/errorcode/552" value="You have exceeded your storage quota on the server." />
<string id="site/netio/errorcode/553" value="Access Denied. There could be a permission
problem, or you may have exceeded a file transfer limit." />
<string id="site/netio/errorcode/550 with file name" value="Unable to access file "%s". The file may
not exist, or there could be a permission problem." />