<string id="sitesetup/wizard/info" value="If you received a Contribute connection key, you can double-click it now to set up your connection automatically."/>
<string id="sitesetup/wizard/cancelonfirstrun" value="Contribute requires you to define a website connection to edit web pages.
Are you sure you want to cancel?"/>
<string id="sitesetup/wizard/getbacktowizard" value="To return to the Connection Wizard, choose Edit > My Connections."/>
<string id="sitesetup/wizard/welcome" value="Welcome to the Contribute website connection wizard!"/>
<string id="sitesetup/wizard/explanation/firsttime" value="To get started using Contribute with your website, you'll need to provide some connection information."/>
<string id="sitesetup/wizard/explanation/othertimes" value="To get started, you'll need to provide some connection information."/>
<string id="sitesetup/wizard/protocol/exportexplanation" value="Customize the server connection settings for this connection key."/>
<string id="sitesetup/wizard/protocol/exportquestion" value="How do your users connect to your web server?"/>
<string id="sitesetup/wizard/group/exportexplanation" value="Specify the group for users of this connection key."/>
<string id="sitesetup/wizard/group/exportquestion" value="Select a &group:"/>
<string id="sitesetup/wizard/group/explanation" value="To determine which pages you're allowed to edit, Contribute needs to know which group you belong to. For assistance, contact the administrator: <a>%s</a>."/>
<string id="sitesetup/wizard/group/question" value="What group do you belong to?"/>
<string id="sitesetup/wizard/admin/hasgroup" value="The permission group you belonged to is no longer valid.
Contribute will automatically fix this problem when you finish the wizard."/>
<string id="sitesetup/wizard/final/exportexplanation" value="These are the settings that %s will include in the connection key."/>
<string id="sitesetup/wizard/status/connhttp" value="Connecting to web address (URL): %s"/>
<string id="sitesetup/wizard/status/connftp" value="Connecting to FTP server: %s"/>
<string id="sitesetup/wizard/status/putvsurl" value="Verifying connection between %s and %s"/>
<string id="sitesetup/wizard/group/email/subject" value="Macromedia Contribute: need help connecting to %s"/>
<string id="sitesetup/wizard/group/email/body" value="Hello,
I'm trying to set up Macromedia Contribute and I'm not sure which group to join. Can you please tell me which group to select so that I may edit web pages?
<string id="sitesetup/wizard/warning/https" value="The Connection Wizard does not fully support HTTPS web addresses
and cannot verify your settings. You can continue if you're sure
that your settings are correct."/>
<string id="sitesetup/wizard/error/empty/name" value="Please enter your name."/>
<string id="sitesetup/wizard/error/empty/email" value="Please enter your e-mail address."/>
<string id="sitesetup/wizard/error/empty/nameandemail" value="Please enter your name and e-mail address."/>
<string id="sitesetup/wizard/error/empty/url" value="Please enter a valid web address (URL) for your website."/>
<string id="sitesetup/wizard/error/alreadyused/url" value=""%s" is already being used by the connection "%s", which points to "%s". Please enter a different web address."/>
<string id="sitesetup/wizard/error/conn/url" value="Contribute cannot find the website "%s".
You might want to check that the web address is correct or contact your website admininstrator.
Would you like to continue?"/>
<string id="sitesetup/wizard/error/empty/conntype" value="Please select a connection type."/>
<string id="sitesetup/wizard/error/empty/lan" value="Please enter your local/network path."/>
<string id="sitesetup/wizard/error/conn/lanvsurl" value="The local/network path "%s"
does not match the website address "%s"."/>
<string id="sitesetup/wizard/error/conn/ftp" value="%s cannot connect to the FTP server "%s".
<string id="sitesetup/wizard/error/empty/ftp" value="Please enter the name of your FTP server."/>
<string id="sitesetup/wizard/error/conn/put" value="%s cannot verify your connection information.
Please contact your administrator for assistance."/>
<string id="sitesetup/wizard/error/conn/ftpvsurl" value="The FTP server name "%s"
and path "%s"
do not match the website address "%s"."/>
<string id="sitesetup/wizard/error/empty/group" value="Please select a group."/>
<string id="sitesetup/wizard/error/empty/grouppw" value="Please enter a password."/>
<string id="sitesetup/wizard/error/group/pwincorrect" value="The password you entered is incorrect.
Please enter the correct password."/>
<string id="sitesetup/wizard/error/admin/nonmatchingpw" value="The passwords you entered do not match.
Please try again."/>
<string id="sitesetup/wizard/error/admin/highascii" value="Passwords cannot contain special characters, such as letters with accent marks."/>
<string id="sitesetup/export/error/empty/password1" value="Please enter a password."/>
<string id="sitesetup/export/error/empty/password2" value="Please re-enter your password for verification."/>
<string id="sitesetup/export/error/nonmatchingpw" value="The passwords you entered do not match.
Please try again."/>
<string id="sitesetup/export/error/webmailclient" value="%s does not support sending connection keys using web-based mail clients, such as %s.
Would you like to save the connection key so that you can manually attach it to an e-mail?"/>
<string id="sitesetup/export/error/generic/emailclient" value="Please click Back and save the connection key to your local machine, then attach the file from within your e-mail application."/>
<string id="sitesetup/import/error/offline" value="Contribute cannot import a connection key while you're working offline.
Deselect File > Work Offline, then try again."/>
<string id="sitesetup/import/error/empty/nameandpassword" value="Please enter your name and password."/>
<string id="sitesetup/import/promptftploginpw/info" value="You will need to provide an FTP login and password for this connection key."/>
<string id="sitesetup/import/error/empty/emailandpassword" value="Please enter your e-mail address and password."/>
<string id="sitesetup/import/error/empty/nameandemailandpassword" value="Please enter your name, e-mail address and password."/>
<string id="sitesetup/import/error/verify" value="Contribute could not verify your connection key.
Please contact your administrator for assistance.
(Server error: %s)" />
<string id="sitesetup/import/error/connect" value="Contribute could not verify your connection key. A network
connection to the server could not be established.
Please contact your administrator for assistance." />
<string id="sitesetup/import/error/corruptfile" value="The password you entered is incorrect or the connection key you're trying to import is corrupt.
Please try again or contact your administrator for assistance."/>
<string id="sitesetup/import/error/corruptsite" value="The connection key you're trying to import is corrupt.
Please contact your administrator for assistance."/>
<string id="sitesetup/import/error/incorrectpassword" value="The password you entered is incorrect.
Please enter the correct password."/>
<string id="sitesetup/import/error/unencrypt" value="Contribute cannot decrypt the connection key.
Please contact your administrator for assistance."/>
<string id="sitesetup/import/overwritefirewall" value="The connection key you're trying to import will overwrite a global setting.
This change will also affect the following connections:
<string id="sitesetup/export/sendemail/subject" value="Macromedia Contribute connection key for %s"/>
<string id="sitesetup/export/sendemail/body" value="This e-mail contains a connection key to connect Macromedia
Contribute to your website so that you can edit website
content. To import this connection key:
1. Ensure that Macromedia Contribute is installed on your
computer. If it's not installed, contact the sender of this
e-mail for instructions, or go to
2. Double-click the connection key e-mail attachment.
3. Complete the dialog box that appears in Contribute, then
click OK. If you have not received the password for the
connection key, contact the sender of this e-mail.
Contribute will connect to your website so you can begin
<string id="sitesetup/import/editing/explanation" value="You are editing a Contribute connection to:"/>
<string id="sitesetup/import/editing/info" value="This connection was created from a connection key. If you need to edit connection settings for this website, please contact your administrator for an updated connection key."/>
<string id="sitesetup/import/error/alreadyused/url" value="This connection key "%s" overlaps with your connection "%s". Please contact your administrator for assistance."/>
<string id="sitesetup/import/importing/editexisting" value="You already have a connection to %s named "%s".
Would you like to replace this connection?"/>
<string id="sitesetup/import/error/incompatibleversion/upgrade" value="This connection key is incompatible with your version of Contribute.
You should upgrade to the latest version or contact the sender."/>
<string id="siteexport/advanced/usepasv" value="Select this option if your server supports passive FTP and Contribute cannot connect using standard FTP."/>
<string id="siteexport/advanced/usefirewall" value="Select this option if the recipient is behind a firewall, then enter the firewall's host and port information."/>
<string id="siteadmin/admin/adminsettingsnow" value="Would you like to change the Contribute administration settings for this website? To change these settings later, select Edit > Administer Websites."/>
<string id="siteadmin/sitewide/advanced/indexinfo" value="This list specifies the filenames that your web server uses when looking for a default index page in a directory. The order of the list is the order in which Contribute looks for index files when browsing a directory URL."/>
<string id="ibAnyURL/BrowseForFileURL/file too large" value="The size of the image file you selected is larger than the limit set by your administrator." />
<!-- SetupCCSite.cpp -->
<string id="SetupCCSite/only ftp or lan" value="Error, you should only be able to choose FTP and LAN" />
<string id="SetupCCSite/bad access type" value="We don't handle the access type of your site" />
<string id="SetupCCSite/enter site name" value="Please enter a website name." />
<string id="SetupCCSite/website name already used" value="This website name is already being used.
Please choose another name." />
<string id="SetupCCSite/edit unpublished drafts warning" value="You can't edit this information because you have unpublished drafts for this website." />
<string id="SetupCCSite/edit unpublished drafts error" value="You can't edit '%s' because you have unpublished drafts.
Please publish or cancel each draft for this website before editing the connection." />
<string id="SetupCCSite/delete unpublished drafts warning" value="You can't remove '%s' because you have unpublished drafts.
Please publish or cancel each draft for this website before removing the connection." />
<string id="SetupCCSite/remove site warning" value="Are you sure you want to remove your connection to the website '%s'?" />
<string id="SetupCCSite/none" value="(none)" />
<!-- AdminCCAdvancedDialog.cpp -->
<string id="AdvDialog/index exists" value="The index filename you entered is already in the list." />
<string id="AdvDialog/duplicate index title" value="Duplicate Index Filename" />
<string id="AdvDialog/alias exists" value="The alternate address you entered is already in the list." />
<string id="AdvDialog/duplicate alias title" value="Duplicate Alternate Address" />
<string id="AdvDialog/web site address label" value="Primary address:" />
<!-- AdminCCDialg.cpp -->
<string id="AdminDialog/too old" value="This version of Contribute is too old to administer this site." />
<string id="AdminDialog/remove admin danger" value="Warning: This will remove all Contribute sitewide settings and permission groups from this website. Are you sure you want to continue?" />
<string id="AdminDialog/remove admin danger 2" value="Are you really sure you want to remove administration from this website? This operation cannot be undone." />
<string id="AdminDialog/hub cleared" value="%s has removed all sitewide settings and permission groups from the website." />
<string id="AdminDialog/site wide window title" value="Sitewide Settings for %s" />
<string id="AdminDialog/version too old" value="You must upgrade to the current version of Contribute to administer this website." />
<string id="AdminDialog/changed before write" value="Another user has changed the shared settings for this website while you were editing them. Do you want to overwrite their changes?" />
<string id="AdminDialog/write hub local failed" value="%s cannot save your changes to the website's shared settings." />
<string id="AdminDialog/write hub remote failed" value="Contribute cannot save your changes to the website's shared settings on the server." />
<string id="AdminDialog/wrote hub success" value="%s successfully saved your settings on the web server." />
<string id="AdminDialog/enter new group name" value="New permission group name:" />
<string id="AdminDialog/group name window title" value="Permission Group Name" />
<string id="AdminDialog/rename group prompt" value="Rename permission group to:" />
<string id="AdminDialog/must enter group name" value="Please enter a name for this permission group." />
<string id="AdminDialog/group already exists" value="A permission group with that name already exists. Please enter a different name." />
<string id="AdminDialog/delete group prompt" value="Are you sure you want to delete permission group "%s"?" />
<string id="AdminDialog/new group name" value="New permission group" />
<!-- CCFileBrowserTool.cpp -->
<string id="FileBrowserTool/no connections defined" value="To choose a file on a website, you must set up a connection to that site. Choose Edit > My Connections to set up a connection." />
<string id="FileBrowserTool/no enabled sites" value="All websites are disabled. At least one website must be enabled to choose a file or folder on a website." />
<string id="ContributorAdmin/StrPathSubsetError" value="%s cannot add the folder "%s" because it is contained within the folder "%s", which is already in the list." />
<string id="ContributorAdmin/StrPathDuplicate" value="The folder "%s" is already in the list." />
<string id="ContributorAdmin/StrPathSuperSetError" value="The folder "%s" contains other folders that are already in the list. %s will replace those folders with the folder you selected." />
<string id="ContributorAdmin/StrVersionTooNew" value="Your version of Contribute is too new to administer this website. Please upgrade the site to a newer version of Contribute, or use an older version to administer the site." />
<string id="ContributorAdmin/StrPermissionsWindowTitle" value="Permission Group "%s" for Website "%s"" />
<string id="ContributorAdmin/StrInitialAdminDescription" value="Members of this permission group are administrators of this website." />
<string id="ContributorAdmin/StrInitialUsersDescription" value="Members of this permission group are users of this website." />
<string id="ContributorAdmin/PickAnotherGroup" value="Your previously chosen group is invalid. Please choose another group." />
<string id="ContributorAdmin/CharSetProblem" value="There are international characters in the shared settings file that your system cannot read. Changing shared settings on this computer may cause problems for other Contribute users." />
<!-- RemoteFileBrowser.cpp -->
<string id="RemoteFileBrowser/StrFTPHost/ftp" value="FTP Server Name" />
<string id="RemoteFileBrowser/StrMustEnterFolderName" value="Please enter a folder name." />
<string id="RemoteFileBrowser/StrFolderNameBadChars" value="The folder name you entered is invalid. Folder names cannot contain any of the following characters: %s" />
<string id="RemoteFileBrowser/StrNewFolderNotAtThisLevel" value="You can't create new folders at this level." />
<string id="RemoteFileBrowser/StrYouDoNotHavePermissionsToCreateFolder" value="You don't have permission to create a new folder within this folder." />
<string id="RemoteFileBrowser/StrNoHighASCII" value="Folder names cannot contain special characters, such as letters with accent marks." />
<string id="RemoteFileBrowser/DeleteFolderWarning" value="%s cannot delete this folder. Please make sure the folder is empty." />
<string id="RemoteFileBrowser/BaksNotEmptyMessage" value="This folder contains rollback versions of previously deleted files. Are you sure you want to delete the folder?" />
<string id="RemoteFileBrowser/DeleteFileMessage" value="Please select a folder before clicking the Delete Folder button." />
<string id="RemoteFileBrowser/file not exists" value="The file you selected does not exist.
Please try to select the file again." />
<string id="RemoteFileBrowser/SiteDisabledError" value="That site has been disabled. Please re-enable
the site or select a different site." />
<string id="RemoteFileBrowser/Up Folder Tooltip" value="Up One Level" />
<string id="FileStateHandlers/publishing page info" value="Publishing your draft to the server..." />
<!-- TimestampMismatchDialog.cpp -->
<string id="TimestampMismatchDialog/warning text" value="Someone else changed this page on your website while you were editing it.
What do you want to do?" />
<string id="TimestampMismatchDialog/overwrite option" value="Publish your draft, over&writing the changes the other person made." />
<string id="TimestampMismatchDialog/new page option" value="Publish your draft as a &new page." />
<string id="TimestampMismatchDialog/no admin email text" value="this web site's administrator" />
<!-- Site error strings -->
<string id="site/contributor/cant connect to website" value="Contribute cannot contact the website specified in the connection key. Please contact this website's administrator for assistance." />
<string id="site/contributor/path does not match" value="The path given does not match the provided website's home page." />