<string id="sitemanager/errors/remote rename" value="Contribute could not rename the file on the server." />
<string id="sitemanager/errors/connect error" value="Contribute could not connect to the server.
Please check your network connection and try again." />
<string id="sitemanager/errors/bad host error" value="The server "%s" is not responding.
Please check your connection information or contact your administrator." />
<string id="sitemanager/errors/unknown host error" value="Unknown host. Contribute could not find the server "%s".
Please check your connection information or contact your administrator." />
<string id="sitemanager/errors/authentication error" value="Your login or password is incorrect. Please check your connection information
or contact your administrator." />
<string id="sitemanager/errors/service unavailable" value="Contribute could not connect because the server is down or not accepting connections.
Please contact your administrator." />
<!-- Dialog strings -->
<string id="sitemanager/dialogs/checking template" value="Checking site "%s" - template "%s"" />
<string id="sitemanager/dialogs/password info" value="Contribute was unable to log into the FTP server '%s' for site '%s' because the password is invalid. Enter the correct password to continue, or contact your administrator for assistance." />
<string id="sitemanager/dialogs/stc password failed info" value="Contribute was unable to log into the server
for site "%s" because the password is invalid.
Contact your administrator (%s) for a new connection key." />
<string id="sitemanager/revert dialog/no baks" value="There are no previous versions for the current page." />
<string id="sitemanager/revert dialog/revert info no selection" value="Please select a previous version to roll back to." />
<string id="sitemanager/revert dialog/error/cannot revert while editing" value="You can't roll back a page you're editing. Publish your changes
or cancel this draft, then select Roll Back again." />
<string id="sitemanager/revert dialog/no revisions" value="There are no previous versions of this file. You cannot roll back to a previous version." />
<string id="sitemanager/revert dialog/checkin before rollback" value="You have this file checked out. You must check the file in before you can roll back to a previous version." />
<string id="sitemanager/revert dialog/no http for preview" value="You cannot preview this page. Please enter the site's HTTP address in the site definition dialog box." />
<!-- Error Response Codes -->
<string id="sitemanager/errorcode/421-426" value="Unable to connect to the server." />
<string id="sitemanager/errorcode/450" value="Unable to access a remote file." />
<string id="sitemanager/errorcode/451" value="Unable to access a local file." />
<string id="sitemanager/errorcode/452" value="There is not enough disk space on the server to perform this
action. Please contact your administrator for assistance." />
<string id="sitemanager/errorcode/530" value="Check your FTP username and password." />
<string id="sitemanager/errorcode/532" value="You do not have permission to put files on the server." />
<string id="sitemanager/errorcode/550" value="Access Denied. The file may not exist, or
there could be a permission problem." />
<string id="sitemanager/errorcode/552" value="You have exceeded your storage quota on the server." />
<string id="sitemanager/errorcode/553" value="Access Denied. There could be a permission
problem, or you may have exceeded a file transfer limit." />
<string id="sitemanager/errorcode/550 with file name" value="Unable to access file "%s". The file may
not exist, or there could be a permission problem." />