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- ;; Copyright 1995 Crack dot Com, All Rights reserved
- ;; See licensing information for more details on usage rights
- (defun jug_ai ()
- (if (<= (hp) 0)
- (if (eq (state) dieing)
- (next_picture)
- (set_state dieing))
- (if (activated)
- (progn
- (set_targetable T)
- (push_char 35 40)
- (select (aistate)
- (0 ;; prepare to walk toward player
- (if (eq stationary 0)
- (progn
- (set_state running)
- (go_state 1))
- (if (> (state_time) (aitype))
- (progn
- (set_state weapon_fire)
- (set_aistate 2)))))
- (1 ;; walk toward player
- (if (eq stationary 0)
- (progn
- (set_direction (toward))
- (let ((curx (x));; save position in case we fall off a cliff
- (cury (y)))
- (if (next_picture)
- (if (eq (current_frame) 8)
- (play_sound JSTOMP_SND 127 (x) (y)))
- (progn
- (play_sound JSTOMP_SND 127 (x) (y))
- (set_state weapon_fire)
- (set_aistate 2)))
- (if (can_see (x) (y) (x) (+ (y) 5) nil)
- (progn
- (set_x curx)
- (set_y cury)
- (try_move 0 10)))))
- (if (> (state_time) (aitype))
- (progn
- (set_state weapon_fire)
- (set_aistate 2)))))
- (2 ;; start fire
- (if (> (state_time) 3)
- (let ((myself (me))
- (xspeed (* throw_xvel (direction)))
- (yspeed throw_yvel))
- (with_object (add_object GRENADE (x) (- (y) 24) 1)
- (progn
- (user_fun myself)
- (set_xvel xspeed)
- (set_yvel yspeed)))
- (go_state 3))
- (next_picture)))
- (3 ;; wait for fire animation
- (if (next_picture) nil (set_aistate 0))))
- T)
- (progn (set_targetable nil)
- T))))
- (defun jug_cons ()
- (setq throw_xvel 13)
- (setq throw_yvel -10)
- (set_aitype 10))
- (defun explo_damage_cache (type)
- (list (list EXPLODE6) nil))
- (def_char JUGGER
- (range 200 0)
- (funs (ai_fun jug_ai)
- (constructor jug_cons)
- (get_cache_list_fun explo_damage_cache)
- (damage_fun explo_damage))
- (flags (hurtable T))
- (abilities (start_hp 50)
- (push_xrange 1))
- (vars throw_xvel throw_yvel stationary)
- (fields ("hp" ai_health)
- ("aitype" jug_throw_spd)
- ("throw_xvel" jug_throw_xv)
- ("throw_yvel" jug_throw_yv)
- ("stationary" jug_stat)
- ("aistate" ai_state))
- (states "art/jug.spe"
- (stopped "robo0001.pcx")
- (running (seq "rwlk" 1 13))
- (weapon_fire (seq "robo" 1 10))
- (dieing (seq "jugdie" 1 8))))
- ;; AI for cleaner robot machine "ROB1"
- ;; The robot waits for a sensor/switch/gate to turn it
- ;; on before appearing
- (defun rob1_ai ()
- (if (not (eq (fade_count) 0)) ;; appearing?
- (set_fade_count (- (fade_count) 1))) ;; fade in
- (select (aistate)
- (0 ;; wait for sensor to turn on
- (if (eq rob_hiden 1)
- (progn
- (set_targetable nil) ;; can't lock into us while hiden
- (set_state rob_hiding)) ;; set invisible animation frame
- (progn
- (set_targetable T) ;; can lock into us
- (push_char 30 55))) ;; push player away
- (if (or (< (total_objects) 1) ;; if not linked or link is on
- (not (eq (with_object (get_object 0) (aistate)) 0)))
- (progn
- (if (eq rob_hiden 1)
- (set_fade_count 15))
- (set_aistate 1)))
- T)
- (1 ;; walk towards player
- (push_char 30 55) ;; push her back
- (next_picture) ;; go to next animation frame
- (if (eq (mod (state_time) 6) 0) ;; play sound every 6 ticks
- (play_sound CLEANER_SND 127 (x) (y)))
- (try_move 0 10) ;; see how far ahead we can move
- (if (> (direction) 0) ;; moving right
- (if (can_see (x) (y) (+ (x) (xvel) 23) (y) nil) ;; can we see 23 pixels ahead?
- (set_x (+ (x) (xvel))))
- (if (can_see (x) (y) (- (x) (xvel) 23) (y) nil)
- (set_x (- (x) (xvel)))))
- (if (<= (hp) 0) ;; are we dead, if so blow up
- (progn
- (add_object EXPLODE1 (+ (x) 5) (- (y) 10) 0)
- (add_object EXPLODE1 (+ (x) -5) (- (y) 15) 2) ;; wait 2 frames before appearing
- (add_object EXPLODE1 (+ (x) 10) (- (y) 2) 1)
- (add_object EXPLODE1 (+ (x) -10) (- (y) 20) 3)
- (add_object EXPLODE1 (+ (x) 20) (- (y) 27) 4)
- (add_object EXPLODE1 (+ (x) -25) (- (y) 30) 2)
- (add_object EXPLODE1 (+ (x) 20) (- (y) 5) 4)
- (add_object EXPLODE1 (+ (x) -3) (- (y) 1) 5)
- (set_aistate 2)))
- T)
- (2 ;; dead, wait a few frames then return nil
- (push_char 30 55)
- (< (state_time) 3)))) ;; return nil (dead) if we've been in this state for 3 frames
- (defun explo_damage (amount from hitx hity push_xvel push_yvel)
- (add_object EXPLODE6 (+ (x) (- 10 (random 20))) (- (y) (random 30)) 0)
- (damage_fun amount from hitx hity 0 0)
- (if (eq 0 (hp))
- (play_sound BLOWN_UP 127 (x) (y))))
- (defun rob_cons () (set_xvel 2))
- (def_char ROB1
- (range 200 0)
- (funs (ai_fun rob1_ai)
- (constructor rob_cons)
- (get_cache_list_fun explo_damage_cache)
- (damage_fun explo_damage))
- (flags (hurtable T)
- (can_block T))
- (abilities (run_top_speed 4)
- (start_hp 70)
- (push_xrange 1))
- (vars rob_hiden)
- (fields ("xvel" ai_xvel)
- ("aitype" rob_noturn)
- ("rob_hiden" rob_hide)
- ("hp" ai_health))
- (states "art/rob1.spe"
- (rob_hiding "hiding")
- (stopped (seq "clen" 1 10))))
- (defun who_ai ()
- (if (eq (hp) 0)
- nil
- (progn
- (set_xvel (+ (xvel) (* (+ (mod (state_time) 10) -4) (direction))))
- (if (< (xvel) -15) (set_xvel -15))
- (if (> (xvel) 15) (set_xvel 15))
- (if (not (next_picture)) (set_state stopped))
- (bounce_move '(progn
- (set_direction (- 0 (direction)))
- (set_state turn_around))
- '(progn
- (set_direction (- 0 (direction)))
- (set_state turn_around))
- nil nil nil)
- T)))
- (defun who_cache (type) `((,STRAIT_ROCKET) nil))
- (def_char WHO
- (range 200 100)
- (funs (ai_fun flyer_ai)
- (damage_fun flyer_damage)
- (get_cache_list_fun who_cache)
- (constructor flyer_cons))
- (flags (hurtable T))
- (abilities (start_hp 20))
- (vars fire_delay burst_delay burst_total burst_wait burst_left
- max_xvel max_yvel smoke_time fire_time)
- (fields ("fire_delay" who_fdelay)
- ("burst_delay" who_bdelay)
- ("burst_total" who_btotal)
- ("max_xvel" who_mxv)
- ("max_yvel" who_myv)
- ("hp" ai_health)
- ("aistate" ai_state))
- (states "art/rob2.spe"
- (stopped (seq "wgo" 1 3))
- (running (seq "wgo" 1 3))
- (turn_around (seq "wtrn" 1 9))
- (flinch_up '("flinch" "flinch" "flinch"))
- ))
- /* --- not working
- (defun burst_fire (firex firey angle)
- (if (> fire_time 0);; if we need to wait till next burst
- (progn
- (setq fire_time (- fire_time 1))
- (if (eq fire_time 0)
- (progn
- (setq burst_left burst_total)
- (setq burst_wait 0))))
- (if (eq burst_wait 0)
- (progn
- (if (or (eq burst_left 1) (eq burst_left 0))
- (setq fire_time fire_delay)
- (setq burst_left (- burst_left 1)))
- (setq burst_wait burst_delay)
- (fire_object (me) (aitype) firex firey angle (bg)))
- (setq burst_wait (- burst_wait 1)))))
- (defun wrob_cons ()
- (setq fire_delay 4)
- (setq burst_delay 1)
- (setq max_xvel 10)
- (setq max_yvel 5)
- (set_aitype 0)
- (setq burst_total 5))
- (defun wrob_ai ()
- (if (eq (hp) 0)
- nil
- (progn
- (select (aistate)
- (0;; walk toward player
- (if (or (> (distx) 120) (not (eq (direction) (toward))))
- (progn
- (move (toward) 0 0)
- (next_picture))
- (progn
- (set_state stopped)
- (set_aistate 1))))
- (1;; stop and fire
- (burst_fire (+ (x) (* (direction) 28)) (- (y) 35)
- (if (> (direction) 0)
- (mod (- 375 (/ (* burst_left 30) burst_total)) 360)
- (+ 165 (/ (* burst_left 30) burst_total))))
- (if (not (eq fire_time 0))
- (set_aistate 0))))
- T)))
- (def_char WALK_ROB
- (funs (ai_fun wrob_ai)
- (constructor wrob_cons)
- (damage_fun guner_damage))
- (abilities (run_top_speed 12))
- (flags (hurtable T) (can_block T))
- (range 300 100)
- (vars fire_delay burst_delay burst_total burst_wait burst_left
- max_xvel max_yvel smoke_time fire_time)
- (fields ("fire_delay" wrob_fdelay)
- ("burst_delay" wrob_bdelay)
- ("burst_total" wrob_btotal)
- ("max_xvel" wrob_mxv)
- ("max_yvel" wrob_myv)
- ("hp" ai_health)
- ("aistate" ai_state))
- (states "art/rob2.spe"
- (stopped "wwlk0001.pcx")
- (running (seq "wwlk" 1 10))
- (start_run_jump "wstart_jump")
- (flinch_up "wflinch")
- (run_jump "wwlk0009.pcx")
- ))
- */