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- ;; Copyright 1995 Crack dot Com, All Rights reserved
- ;; See licensing information for more details on usage rights
- ;;(setf player1 'joystick)
- ;; note : this function is called by the game when it collects input from
- ;; the local player (the machine you are playing on in net games)
- ;; because it is only executed locally it should not change any global varible
- ;; Also the rest of the game should not use any input gathering routines such as
- ;; joy_stat & key_presed.
- ;; The returned input from this routine is passed on to the server where it is
- ;; distributed to other clients.
- ;; The format for return is '(xv yv B1 B2 B3 mx my)
- ;; xv = movement left right (-1=left, 0=none, 1=right)
- ;; yv = movement up and down (-1=up, 0=none, 1=right)
- ;; B1 = using special power (T or nil)
- ;; B2 = firing button (T or nil)
- ;; B3 = toggle to weapons (-1 toggle weapons to the left, 0=no toggle, 1 toggle to the right)
- ;; mx = mouse x position on the screen
- ;; my = mouse y position on the screen
- ;; other possible key names for get_key_code include :
- ;; "Up_Arrow","Down_Arrow","Left_Arrow","Right_Arrow",
- ;; "Left_Ctrl","Right_Ctrl","Left_Alt","Right_Alt",
- ;; "Left_Shift","Right_Shift","Caps_Lock","Num_Lock",
- ;; "Home","End","Del","F1","F2","F3","F4","F5","F6",
- ;; "F7","F8","F9","F10","Insert"
- ;; "a", "b", "c", ...
- ;; though not all of these keys will work on all operating systems
- ;; note : at this current time weapon toggle input is ignored and
- ;; CTRL & INS are used... sorry :) These have to be event based,
- ;; not polled so no key pressed are missed.
- (setq left-key (get_key_code "left_arrow"))
- (setq right-key (get_key_code "right_arrow"))
- (setq up-key (get_key_code "up_arrow"))
- (setq down-key (get_key_code "down_arrow"))
- (setq weapon-left-key (get_key_code "right_ctrl"))
- (setq weapon-right-key (get_key_code "insert"))
- (defun get_local_input ()
- (let ((mstat (mouse_stat)))
- (list (if (local_key_pressed left-key) -1 (if (local_key_pressed right-key) 1 0)) ;; xv
- (if (local_key_pressed up-key) -1 (if (local_key_pressed down-key) 1 0)) ;; yv
- (eq (fourth mstat) 1) ;; special button
- (eq (third mstat) 1) ;; fire button
- (if (or (eq (fifth mstat) 1)
- (local_key_pressed weapon-left-key)) -1 ;; weapon toggle
- (if (local_key_pressed weapon-right-key) 1 0))
- (first mstat) ;; mx
- (second mstat) ;; my
- )))