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Toonstruck - Complete Solution
A gentle start
After the scene-setting intro sequence, walk down the grand staircase and wander
into the room on the right where youÆll find the royal scientist, Bricabrac. Talk to
him to discover that heÆs lost his glasses and, as heÆs as useless as a lace bucket
without them, nip back out again, run up the stairs and go into the trophy room.
Here youÆll find the kingÆs footman, and a brief chat will reveal that Bricabrac
always loses his glasses in his coat pocket. Armed with this information, return to
the lab and talk to Bricabrac again. HeÆll now find his glasses and explain the
ætippety-topÆ secret mission that youÆve agreed to undertake. Grab the bottomless
bag and the blueprint and then leave the palace.
Outside, speak to the guards and watch the key that one drops when they perform
their dance. Speak to the guards again and as soon as the mouse cursor appears,
click on the key to pick it up. Head back into the palace and unlock the door on
the left with the guardÆs key. The door will open to reveal King HughÆs bedroom.
Get the music box from the chest of drawers and use Flux to search the bed. Get
the voucher that he finds and then roll back the rug on the floor. Read the note
stuck to the mirror and solve the draw puzzle to open a secret passageway (this
will be revealed when both the top draw and the bottom draw are open and the
others are closed.)
My lord, I have a cunning plan...
ItÆs not important yet, but you need to get your hands on the fish and the gold-
plated watering can in the trophy room. ItÆs time to get shot of the footman.
Making sure the rug is rolled back, enter the secret passageway and use Flux on
the loose floorboard. Next, click on the floorboard with the cursor. This catapults
Flux up to the trapdoor so he can unlock it. Return to the bedroom and click on
the rolled-up carpet to replace it over the trapdoor. Pull the large cord next to the
bed to summon the footman. After the footman has been disposed of, return to the
trophy room and get the red fish that hangs on the wall. Forget about the watering
can for now.
Next, leave the palace and head for the town centre (notice the round indentation
in the ground ╤ it becomes important later). Walk into the tavern (the one with
the beer sign), watch the mouse annoying the customers and then talk to the
barman. If the mouse isnÆt already standing next to the mousetrap, manoeuvre it
cunningly towards the trap by trying to pick it up. When itÆs in position, use the
organ and, while the mouse is dancing, use Flux on the mousetrap to stun the
bothersome rodent. Get the battered tankard from the barman, pick up the mouse
and then skip merrily back to the trophy room. Picking up the watering can causes
the door to close, trapping you inside. But to escape, simply plonk the tankard on
the pedestal. ItÆs the same weight as the watering can and so the door will open.
Return to the town.
Ooh, suits you sir
Now enter the arcade at the bottom right of the screen. Speaking to the cashier
will reveal that you can play two games; Wacman and the Strength-O-Meter. If
you can beat the cashier at Wacman heÆll give you a æpractically gold chainÆ.
Unfortunately, you wonÆt be able to win the Strength-O-Meter game just yet.
Especially not with the rubber hammer that the cashier insists you use. So forget
about the æfine wineÆ prize for the moment, leave the arcade and pop into Miss
FitÆs Costumerama. Talk to miss Fit to reveal her passion for books.
As thereÆs nothing you can do here yet either, leave the Costumerama and head
for the bakery. A quick chat with the bakers will reveal that they canÆt make any
dough. Examine the piano and grab the two loose piano keys that fall off when its
ivories are tinkled. Leave the bakers and head south towards the meadow. Talk to
Fluffy to discover (a) her hatred for cotton candy (candyfloss to you and me) and
(b) her love of popcorn. Again, all you can really do now is move on. At the farm,
chat to the Carecrow and take a corncob from the field. Go to the barn on the hill
My, what big teeth you have
In the barn, speak to Marge the cow about the Churnatron. Not even Flux can find
the missing part of the machine in the haystack, so console yourself by filling the
watering can with fertiliser and then return to the Carecrow field. Heading west
again, youÆll come across an angry squirrel, a tree and a pile of nuts. ThereÆs also
a red pepper hidden in a briar patch but this, like many of the objects youÆve seen
so far, is unobtainable at the moment. So, continue west until you encounter B.B.
Wolf. HeÆs looking for a bottle of wine. If you havenÆt got one (and you havenÆt)
you canÆt get past into the Malevolands.
The only option left is the path to the north which leads to the Zanydu Shuttle. To
make the contraption work, you must first use the stunned mouse on the empty
yellow hand (thatÆs the one on the right). Next use the watering can filled with
fertiliser on the mouse to wake it up, then hop into the shuttle and push the lever
forwards. Next stop Zanydu Central.
Is fish-flushing legal?
At Zanydu (notice another circular indentation in the ground here), start by taking
the path to your left. This leads to JimÆs Gym and Zanydu Fish-Flushing Facility.
The guard bars the way into the outhouse, but by speaking to him you can
discover what time his shift ends (6 oÆclock) and that he wonÆt leave until the
Zanydu clock strikes the hour. Unfortunately, the guard times his shift by the
Zanydu clock, which is broken. Look at the flyer outside the gym that advertises
the phone-in quiz. Remember the sequence of colours (blue, purple, red, orange,
yellow, green, orange) for later use.
Go into JimÆs Gym. Look at the Pump-O-Tron and then talk to Jim about his
athletic prowess. Watch JimÆs impressive tumbling routine and then return to the
Zanydu crossroads. The middle path leads to the Way-Outback, where youÆll find
a vulture perched on an arrow sign. As for the right-hand path, this leads to the
WACME building and the Zanydu clock. Enter WACME by going through a door
with a light above it and talk to Woof. When he demonstrates the contents of the
show cabinet, collect the floating stars and ask about the Gift-O-Matic machine.
Look at the portraits on the wall and note down the phone number on the security
guards ID badge (purple, yellow, yellow, blue, green, red, orange).
ItÆs good to talk
Return to the tavern in Cutopia and use the phone on the bar. Phone the outhouse
guard (using the colour-coded number above) and listen to his answerphone
message. Next, phone the Zanydu quiz line. You must answer six questions
correctly to win a can of WACME jumping beans. The answers to the questions
are listed below:
l The fish on the top of the outhouse are YELLOW
l The fish on the guardÆs right shoulder is RED
l The fish on the guardÆs left shoulder is YELLOW
l The arrow pointing to the gym is BLUE
l WoofÆs dog collar is GREEN
l WoofÆs fur is white and PURPLE
l The floor tiles inside the gym are BLUE
l The rocky mountains of Way-Outback are ORANGE
l The plant pots outside WACME are PURPLE
l JimÆs fur is BLUE
l The arrow pointing to WACME is RED
If you get all six questions correct, leave the tavern, pick up the package and then
make your way back to WACME.
WACME? IÆll smack your face in!
At WACME, use the jumping beans on Woof to prove you are a paying customer.
Activate the Gift-O-Matic machine to get your hands on the magnet, the rubber
glove and the mallet. Next, head for the barn. Use the magnet on the haystack to
find the missing piece of the Churnatron, use the part on the machine and then
take the two sticks of butter that are produced once Marge is plugged in. Now
return to JimÆs Gym. Use one stick of butter on the vaulting horse and then speak
to Jim again to get him to perform his tumbling routine. When he slips and ends
up in the far wall, use the Pump-O-Tron to become stronger.
Return to the arcade and use the new mallet on the Strength-O-Meter. When it
breaks, pick up the bells and get the wine that the cashier gives you as a reward.
In the meantime, Nefarious has zapped the barn and Marge is strapped to the
Wheel OÆ Love enjoying a good whipping from Punisher Polly. Fill the watering
can with the gunk (weed killer) and then walk towards the squirrelÆs tree. Use the
weed killer on the briar patch to get the red pepper and then hand over the wine to
the wolf. When youÆre captured, click on the left and right edges of the cooking
pot to rock it and tip it over. Use the corncob on the fire to make some popcorn,
get the roasting spit and grab æThe Mating Habits Of The Malevolent SquirrelÆ
that lies on the bookcase.
The not-so-fabulous Baker Boys
Head back towards the palace, stopping to give the popcorn to Fluffy ╤ sheÆll
give you her cotton candy in return ╤ and to refill the watering can with weed
killer in the barn. When you reach the palace, use the spit on the locked cabinet
(specifically the hole on the side) and get the stuffed cat that you find in there.
Your next stop is the bakery (if the dreaded Pencil Test Patrol appear, hide in the
pantry to escape them*). Give the second butter stick to the bakers and they will
make some dough. Take the dough with you to the wolves den and, using the spit,
cook it over the fire. Take the roll from the spit and put both in your bottomless
bag. With B.B. out of the way, you can now enter the Malevolands (again, notice
the circular depression in the street). Talk to Slab the bouncer about the dress
code for SeedyÆs Bowling Club. Pick up a lump of meat from the street and then
head towards the Zanydu Shuttle.
* If you are captured by the PTP at any point, youÆll get thrown into prison. To
escape, walk around the cell to charge yourself up with static electricity. Touch
the Years-Left-O-Meter to decrease the length of the sentence. Repeat this process
until the time remaining is zero, whereupon the cell door automatically opens. To
retrieve your belongings, examine the picture on the wall and then complete the
sliding block puzzle to open the safe.
Love is blind
Use the weed killer with the lump of meat, take the middle path towards the Way-
Outback and give the poisoned drumstick to the vulture. When it dies, get the
arrow sign that it was perched on and pluck a feather from its body. Head back to
the shuttle and then to the barn. Give the feather to the animal S&M fans and take
the tube of glue that they offer you.
You should now have all the items to make a convincing squirrel decoy. Use the
glue on the cotton candy and then use the cotton candy on the cat. Dab some glue
on the two piano keys and attach them to the stuffed feline too. Lastly, use the
jumping beans with the cat to give it a bit of life. When the decoy is complete, use
it with the squirrelÆs doorstep and then send Flux up into the tree to get the nuts.
Go to the Malevolands.
Harlequins? IÆm a Bath man myself
Enter the PTP prison office, examine the picture on the wall and complete the
sliding block puzzle to open the safe. Take the cartoon hole from the safe and
the inkpad from the desk. Leave the prison office and use the hole with the
circular dent on the ground to travel to the nexus. Transport to the Cutopian town
centre, use the inkpad on the music box to create a stamp and then use the music
box on the costume voucher to validate it. Nip quickly into Miss FitÆs (hide in the
changing room if the PTP show up) and give her the voucher. Take the free fly
suit and then choose the Harlequin costume from the catalogue. Give the costume
to the Carecrow in the field and he will give you his cloak.
Return to SeedyÆs Bowling Alley and use the cloak to get past the bouncer. Talk
to Seedy (if the PTP arrive try to hide in the room on the right) to learn the rules
of hare-pin bowling. To get a lane, use the glue in the bearÆs ball when it arrives
back at the top of the lane. To get a strike and win the golden pins, use Flux with
the lane. After this, cross the road and visit the robot maker. Talk to him and note
the plunger on his counter.
The curtain falls on Act One
Go to Miss FitÆs and swap the Squirrel book for the Enigman book that sheÆs
reading. Return to the robot makers and ask him a question from the Enigman
book. When his head blows off, take the plunger from the counter and head for
the WACME building in Zanydu. To get rid of the Fish-Flushing guard, use the
two levers to set the clock to 6pm. Now go to the Fish Flushing Facility, examine
the toilet paper and the toilet. Use the plunger to unblock the toilet and then drop
the red fish into the bowl. Flush the handle again to catch another fish. You need
the Sole. And thatÆs the green one. Finally, when youÆve got the fish, return to see
Bricabrac in the palace. Enter the room on the right and plug the components into
the Cutifier. They are:
Roll (rock); cloak (dagger); stars (stripes); sole (heart); bells (whistles); spit
(polish); pins (needles); nuts (bolts); chain (ball); arrow (bow); pepper (salt).
Cue Act Two...
The dungeon, the stupid guard
When the guardÆs back is turned, at the moment when heÆs about to sneeze, pick
up the welcome mat on the floor. Your first attempt will reveal a crystal, but the
second will be successful. To escape, use the mat on the bars of the cell to create
a dust cloud. This makes the guard sneeze and releases the key which you can use
to unlock the door. Grab your belongings and listen carefully to the Mynah bird,
noting down its babble carefully. Leaving north, examine the Climatron then
retrace your steps and go up the stairs to the first-floor landing.
Examine the fish bowl then click on the large clown face in the eastern end of the
room. Complete the ╘Simon SaysÆ game to open the door, talk to Spike the clown
and then return to the Climatron. Open the iris door by pushing the button. Put on
the fly suit and climb the air vent. In the bathroom hide in the shower or nip back
in the vent to avoid the curious gators. If you get caught, youÆll get thrown back in
your cell. Although the guard is wearing a gas mask this time, talk to him to get
him to take it off and then repeat the mat/dust manoeuvre to escape. If you do
manage to hide, open the cabinet and take the chloroform wipes that you find
How do you like your fish?
Go to SpikeÆs padded cell and when he removes his nose to powder his face, wipe
the red nose with chloroform. When he passes out, pick up the pin and a balloon.
Return to the Climatron room and, by using the pin as a lever, set the heat output
to ╘extremely hotÆ. After a cut scene shows the fish being boiled out of its bowl,
walk up to the first floor landing to find Buster on the floor. As the water is
boiling, return to the Climatron, set it to normal and rush back up again to reach
the bowl before the fish dives back in. If you donÆt make it, simply repeat the
boiling/cooling process until you do. Grab the treasure chest and open it to find a
Walk up the stairs to the second floor landing and take note of the layout of the
guardroom and the dumbwaiter. Now return to the bathroom and fill the watering
can with tap water. Go to the first floor landing and walk west into the kitchen.
Tip the water over the robo-chef to disable it. Wander to the second floor landing
again and use the doorway to the east. In here, youÆll find a knight in armour and
a pressure pad, but the doorway to it is barred by a gate. A bookcase near the
doorway has books which can be pulled out. If you didnÆt note down the Mynah
BirdÆs riddle, go back and do it now.
It never works in real life
If you pull the books out in the correct order, the bookcase slides back to reveal a
doorway that leads to the surveillance room. Use the music box to send the guard
to sleep, then examine the security monitor until you get a picture of the knight in
the room above. Use the magnet with the riveted ceiling panel to move the knight
over the pressure pad. As this tile goes down, another pops up and as the knight is
moved over this next one, yet another pops up in its place. After the fourth tile,
the gate opens and you can explore the room freely. Get the knightÆs gauntlet as
you pass and then head through the doorway to the north.
This leads to the armoury, where the PTP are playing cards. Before you touch
anything, return to the Climatron and get the pin. Go back to the armoury and
open the nearby crate with it. When the crate opens, Ray Frog is released. HeÆll
give you a crystal before escaping unnoticed by the PTP. To get to the handy pile
of TNT, jump into the crate and close the lid. Move towards the explosive, grab it
and then move back. Go back to the kitchen.
Anybody got a light?
Grab a turkey and use a stick of TNT with it. With the explosive firmly wedged in
the birdÆs behind, open the stove door and light the TNTÆs fuse. Put the turkey-
bomb in the dumb-waiter and then send it up to the guardroom. When the guards
start fighting over the turkey, it explodes, killing everyone and blowing the room
to smithereens. Walk up to the second floor landing and enter the room that
youÆve just blown up. Grab the pool cue that survived the blast and examine the
heads on the banisters. At the end of each is a gargoyle head and the one on the
left opens like a giant PEZ dispenser to reveal a crystal.
Go back to the bathroom. Open the door, peek at the guards and then hide in the
shower when they spot you. To lay a trap for them, push the plug into the sink and
turn on the tap. When the sink overflows, use the fly suit to climb down the air
vent to the Climbatron room. Put the pin back into the Climbatron control and
turn it to ╘extremely coldÆ. Climb back up to the bathroom to see that the floor is
covered with ice. Now open the door to attract the guardsÆ attention. When they
rush in, they will slip on the ice and go sliding out of the window.
Ms. Fortune. Geddit?
Leave the bathroom and return to the gargoyle heads. Push down the horn on the
left head and instead of moving over to the right head, walk up to the third floor
landing. Now head towards the bathroom, slip on the fly suit and descend down
the air vent. Go up to the first floor landing and then up to the second floor. You
should be standing by the right gargoyle head. Open the head to reveal a crystal.
You should now have four, each one a different colour. DonÆt go up to the fourth
floor just yet. The evil Ms. Fortune is waiting to hypnotise the unwary adventurer.
The jail cells beckons again...
* If at any point you get caught again, youÆll get thrown back into the dungeon.
This time the guard is taking no chances and heÆs hoovering the whole place
trying to get it dust-free. To escape, switch off the vacuum cleaner when the guard
has his back to the cell. When he looks quizzically at the nozzle, wondering what
is wrong, turn the vacuumÆs dial from æsuckÆ to æblowÆ and then switch the power
back on. Hello dust-cloud, bye-bye guard. (ItÆs either this or he leaves a short note
saying that heÆs given up and that the key is under the mat.)
The accident-prone hero
The only place left unexplored now is the room on the third floor, and the door to
it can be opened using the treasure chest key. Climb up the side of the bookshelf
to try and get the cool sunglasses. Flick the switch on the wall that has been
revealed by the falling bookcase and then, after the mayhem, use a chair to try and
get the glasses from atop the stuffed ass. When they then fall onto a Venus Fly
Trap, slip on the fly suit and try speaking to the ravenous plant. This doesnÆt
work, however, and the glasses finally end up in a rather tasteful-looking vase. By
now the whole room should be a mess. Get the sunglasses (which have mirrored
lenses) by smashing the vase with the mallet.
Now for the fourth floor. Put on the mirrored sunglasses and enter Ms. FortuneÆs
room. When she tries to hypnotise you, the hypnotic beam is reflected back at her
and soon she is under your control. Tell her to follow you out to the landing and
to place her paw in the hand-recognition security device. With a click the door
will open and you can tip-toe quietly into NefariousÆ HQ.
So this is it then?
Pull the lever on the wall and when it jams halfway, place the four crystals in the
four empty sockets in the wall panel. Pull the lever again to open the hatch and to
reveal a trigger device. Grab the trigger and then flick the switches that control
the lights, the door between the HQ and the launch room, the force field
surrounding the Malevolator and the launch bay itself, so that you can get to the
craft and fly it safely away. Walk through the open door, sit back and enjoy the
smoothly animated finale. ThatÆs it. There is no more. Thank you for flying the
PC Gamer Toonstruck Solution, we hope you had a pleasant journey.