PC/CD Gamer UK 8
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A Nifty Game from C & L Software By Douglas Clark
How to use this manual
If you went right into the program and got really confused, goto
section A. If you know how to play and want some hints, go to section
B. If you want to know about copyrights, credits, and registering the
game, go to section C. If none of the above apply, contact the author.
Section A - How to play the game
Story - (I'm making this up right now so bear with me) Johnny Barrow
was walking down the street one day, playing with his remote control
marble when it fell down the storm drain. He heard a quite evil sounding
voice say, "HA!". Suddenly the world around him grew blindingly white.
When it dimmed, he found himself kneeling in front of an immense
throne with a benign little old man sitting on it.
"My diamonds, my diamonds!" he said in a depressed voice. "My evil
brother has stolen all of my diamond blocks. I need you, Johnny, to
use your remote control marble to get them from me. No doubt he has
hidden them well for protection from me. But I'm sure you will find them
and get them all back to me. I am too old and weak to find them."
"Sure... Hey do you have any ice cream here?" said Johnny, not in
the least afraid or surprised for some reason.
"You can have all the ice cream you want, my child, when you return
my diamonds to me."
Johnny shrugged his shoulders and accepted.
Wow. Cool story...
Anyways, heres how it works: The object of each level is to get all
the diamond squares. Before you can get them, you have to get rid of
all the red, blue, green, and cyan colored sqaures first. To get rid of
a colored square, touch the key of that color. Then any squares you
touch with that color will disappear. NOTE - There is NO cyan key, so
you have to be sure to get all the cyan squares first. You know what
color you are working on by the color of the outside edge of the game
Your remote control marble always
bounces up and down off of things. You can only control when it goes
right and left. So if you want it to go into a hole to the right, wait
until it is lined up with the hole and press right. On extended
keyboards there are three ways to control the ball - the shift keys,
the alt keys, and the control(ctrl) keys. Pressing left or right of
these buttons will move the ball correspondingly.
Types of squares:
Boxes - red, blue, green and cyan. Eliminate.
Keys - Change your color to let you eliminate boxes.
Diamonds - Eliminate when all boxes are gone. Level is over
when all diamonds are gone.
Death - Dont touch it. You lose one life. (the one with
a skull and moving colors)
Wall - You bounce off them. Permanent, no way of going through
or eliminating. (the one with shades of gray)
Skeleton key - You can hold one of these at a time. They let you
unlock locks. If you die while "carrying" one,
you lose it for good.
Locks - Are removed when you touch them while holding a skeleton
Boxes - 10 points
Cyan Boxes - 20 points
Diamond - 50 points
Skeleton key - 30 points
Lock - 30 points
Bonus - Starts at 2500, moves down 100 points every now and then.
Not a time limit.
Every 2500 points you get a "1-up" or free life.
Section B - Tips and Tricks
- On level 2, you can just hold down left or right and get all the
- If you have to get a square from the side, use your best hand to
"tap" the key right as you go by it.
- At level 5 and beyond, timing is EVERYTHING. Look out and be
- If you have a key, be careful to open the right lock with it, and
not to die while holding it.
Section C - Other Stuff
Copyright stuff:
Diamonds is not a Public Domain program and is not free. Diamonds is
copyright (C) 1994 by C & L Software Programming Services.
Non-registered users of this program are granted a unlimited
license to Diamonds to evaluate the programs suitability for their
requirements. Any usage of Diamonds beyond the evaluation time period
requires registration of each copy of the program used. Use of non-
registered copies of Diamonds beyond the original evaluation period is
Diamonds may NOT be modified in any respect, for any reason, including
but not limited to, de-compiling, disassembling, or reverse
engineering of the program. The opening title screen, help screens,
and all other proprietary program output must never be altered,
removed, bypassed or modified by any means.
You are free to distribute the PUBLICLY AVAILABLE shareware version of
Diamonds to others subject to the above restrictions and also the
A. No fee is charged for its use.
B. No renumeration may be accepted for Diamonds. This does not
apply to computer access charges the system operators (Sysops)
of or organizations owning bulletin board systems, online
services, etc... may charge subscribers.
C. Diamonds must be copied in unaltered form, complete with files
containing license information, the FULL documentation and
all accompanying files. The self-extracting archive
distributed by C & L Soft must not be altered in ANY respect.
D. All shareware houses/distribution firms must make explicitly
clear that the diskette purchase containing any shareware
program has NOT registered the shareware with C & L Soft.
System Operators may make Diamonds available for download only if the
above conditions are met. The archive (TDRAW451.ARJ) distributed by
C & L Soft or an equivalent archive may be made available only in
complete form. Refer to section FILE LISTING to verify complete
package contents. If the contents appear altered or not complete, you
may obtain the latest release of Diamonds directly from C & L Soft by
calling The Time Warp BBS at (510) - 228 - 0813.
Credits -
Original idea and implementation - Some smart Macintosh programmers
(Note - I ripped off the IDEA, not the program... and I changed it
a lot.)
Design, Coding, and Development...................Douglas Clark
Level Design....Douglas Clark, Sam Slutzky, and Jeannette Clark
Title Screen.........Modified from "Acid Warp" by Noah Spurrier
Level Screens.....Made with Fractint, formulas and pallettes by
various fractal people
Block Design......................................Douglas Clark
Playtesting....Douglas Clark, Sam Slutzky, Ryan Vaughn,
Jeannette Clark, Wes Clark
Picture conversion.......Graphics Workshop 7.0a (good software)
SVGA256 BGI Driver..............................Jordan Hargrave
Registration -
For only $20, You can get all this!
- The latest update of Diamonds with all the new levels
- A Level Editor to let you make your own
- Get the latest version for $5
- Really, really high access on The Time Warp BBS
- Be on the C & L Mailing list
Please send a check (no money orders, no CODs, no credit cards,
and it's pretty dumb to put a $20 bill in
an envelope and send it off)
and your name, address, disk size, and whether you want to be
on the mailing list or not. Also, if you want high access on
the Time Warp, include your username and password.
Douglas Clark
4961 John Muir Rd
Martinez, CA 94553
About C & L Software -
Okay, so we're not Microsoft or anything. In fact, the whole
company is pretty much just me, with help from Sam Slutzky. If you want
to join as an artist or programmer, just let me know through e-mail:
Internet: adolf@bif.com
FOXnet: 1@5086
Thanks everyone for all your help! Hope you like the game!