home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Spruuids.odl
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Sample OLE Scripting host.
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // (C) Copyright 1992-1996 by Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
- //
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #include "DispIDs.h"
- // NOTE: These are duplicated from dispatch.h. They need to match.
- #define DISPID_VALUE 0
- [uuid(8703FF61-669C-11cf-A92B-00AA00688A2F), version(1.0)]
- library SPRUUIDS
- {
- importlib("stdole32.tlb");
- coclass SpruuidsApp;
- interface ISpruuidsApp;
- coclass Game;
- interface IGame;
- dispinterface IGameEvents;
- coclass SpriteClass;
- interface ISpriteClass;
- dispinterface ISpriteClassEvents;
- coclass Sprite;
- interface ISprite;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // The SpruuidsApp Object
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- [uuid(8703FF62-669C-11cf-A92B-00AA00688A2F), odl, dual]
- interface ISpruuidsApp : IDispatch
- {
- // Standard properties for all objects
- [id(1), propget] HRESULT Application([out, retval] ISpruuidsApp** ppRet);
- [id(2), propget] HRESULT Parent( [out, retval] ISpruuidsApp** ppRet);
- // Methods
- [id(10)] HRESULT Quit();
- // Properties R/O
- [id(30), propget] HRESULT Game([out, retval] IGame** ppRet);
- }
- [uuid(8703FF63-669C-11cf-A92B-00AA00688A2F)]
- coclass SpruuidsApp
- {
- [default] interface ISpruuidsApp;
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // The Game Object
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- [uuid(8703FF64-669C-11cf-A92B-00AA00688A2F), odl, dual]
- interface IGame : IDispatch
- {
- // Default (value) property/method
- [id(DISPID_VALUE), propget] HRESULT Caption([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrReturn);
- [id(DISPID_VALUE), propput] HRESULT Caption([in] BSTR bstr);
- // Standard properties for all objects
- [id(1), propget] HRESULT Application([out, retval] ISpruuidsApp** ppRet);
- [id(2), propget] HRESULT Parent( [out, retval] ISpruuidsApp** ppRet);
- // Methods
- [id(10)] HRESULT StartGame();
- [id(11)] HRESULT EndGame();
- [id(12)] HRESULT RemoveAllSprites();
- [id(13)] HRESULT NextLevel();
- [id(14)] HRESULT Refresh();
- [id(15)] HRESULT AddScore([in] int val);
- [id(16)] HRESULT StdBorderBounce([in] ISprite* pspr, [in] int brd);
- [id(17)] HRESULT StdBorderWrap( [in] ISprite* pspr, [in] int brd);
- [id(18)] HRESULT StdInitRand( [in] ISprite* pspr, [in] VARIANT user);
- [id(19)] HRESULT StdInitEdge( [in] ISprite* pspr, [in] VARIANT user);
- // Properties R/W
- [id(20), propget] HRESULT Paused([out, retval] boolean* pRet);
- [id(20), propput] HRESULT Paused([in] boolean val);
- [id(21), propget] HRESULT Width([out, retval] int* pRet);
- [id(21), propput] HRESULT Width([in] int val);
- [id(22), propget] HRESULT Height([out, retval] int* pRet);
- [id(22), propput] HRESULT Height([in] int val);
- [id(23), propget] HRESULT BackColor([out, retval] long* pRet);
- [id(23), propput] HRESULT BackColor([in] long val);
- [id(24), propget] HRESULT Score([out, retval] int* pRet);
- [id(24), propput] HRESULT Score([in] int val);
- [id(25), propget] HRESULT Level([out, retval] int* pRet);
- [id(25), propput] HRESULT Level([in] int val);
- [id(26), propget] HRESULT ShipCount([out, retval] int* pRet);
- [id(26), propput] HRESULT ShipCount([in] int val);
- [id(27), propget] HRESULT ScoreFirst1Up([out, retval] int* pRet);
- [id(27), propput] HRESULT ScoreFirst1Up([in] int val);
- [id(28), propget] HRESULT ScoreSecond1Up([out, retval] int* pRet);
- [id(28), propput] HRESULT ScoreSecond1Up([in] int val);
- [id(29), propget] HRESULT DScoreNext1Up([out, retval] int* pRet);
- [id(29), propput] HRESULT DScoreNext1Up([in] int val);
- [id(30), propget] HRESULT ShipsStart([out, retval] int* pRet);
- [id(30), propput] HRESULT ShipsStart([in] int val);
- [id(31), propget] HRESULT Tag([out, retval] VARIANT* pRet);
- [id(31), propput] HRESULT Tag([in] VARIANT val);
- [id(32), propget] HRESULT StatusText([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrReturn);
- [id(32), propput] HRESULT StatusText([in] BSTR bstr);
- }
- [uuid(8703FF65-669C-11cf-A92B-00AA00688A2F)]
- dispinterface IGameEvents
- {
- properties:
- methods: // Events
- [id(DISPID_GameEvents_NewGame)] void NewGame();
- [id(DISPID_GameEvents_NewLevel)] void NewLevel();
- [id(DISPID_GameEvents_NewShip)] void NewShip();
- [id(DISPID_GameEvents_Collide)] void Collide( [in] IDispatch* pspr1, [in] IDispatch* pspr2, [in] long collide);
- [id(DISPID_GameEvents_Tick)] void Tick();
- [id(DISPID_GameEvents_KeyDown)] void KeyDown( [in] long vk);
- [id(DISPID_GameEvents_KeyPress)] void KeyPress([in] long ascii);
- [id(DISPID_GameEvents_KeyUp)] void KeyUp( [in] long vk);
- [id(DISPID_GameEvents_MouseMove)]void MouseMove([in] long x, [in] long y, [in] long keys, [in] long buttons);
- [id(DISPID_GameEvents_MouseDown)]void MouseDown([in] long x, [in] long y, [in] long keys, [in] long buttons);
- [id(DISPID_GameEvents_MouseUp)] void MouseOver([in] long x, [in] long y, [in] long keys, [in] long buttons);
- }
- [uuid(8703FF66-669C-11cf-A92B-00AA00688A2F)]
- coclass Game
- {
- [default] interface IGame;
- [default, source] dispinterface IGameEvents;
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // The SpriteClass Object
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- [uuid(8703FF67-669C-11cf-A92B-00AA00688A2F), odl, dual]
- interface ISpriteClass : IDispatch
- {
- // Standard properties for all objects
- [id(1), propget] HRESULT Application([out, retval] ISpruuidsApp** ppRet);
- [id(2), propget] HRESULT Parent( [out, retval] IGame** ppRet);
- // Methods
- [id(10)] HRESULT CreateSprite([in] int x, [in] int y, [in] VARIANT arg, [out, retval] ISprite** ppRet);
- // Properties R/W
- [id(11), propget] HRESULT Tag([out, retval] VARIANT* pRet);
- [id(11), propput] HRESULT Tag([in] VARIANT val);
- [id(12), propget] HRESULT Image([out, retval] int* pRet);
- [id(12), propput] HRESULT Image([in] int val);
- [id(13), propget] HRESULT Border([out, retval] int* pRet);
- [id(13), propput] HRESULT Border([in] int val);
- [id(14), propget] HRESULT Collide([out, retval] int* pRet);
- [id(14), propput] HRESULT Collide([in] int val);
- [id(15), propget] HRESULT MaximumVelocity([out, retval] float* pRet);
- [id(15), propput] HRESULT MaximumVelocity([in] float val);
- [id(16), propget] HRESULT Friction([out, retval] float* pRet);
- [id(16), propput] HRESULT Friction([in] float val);
- [id(17), propget] HRESULT MaximumAcceleration([out, retval] float* pRet);
- [id(17), propput] HRESULT MaximumAcceleration([in] float val);
- [id(18), propget] HRESULT AccelerationFriction([out, retval] float* pRet);
- [id(18), propput] HRESULT AccelerationFriction([in] float val);
- // Properties R/O
- [id(20), propget] HRESULT SpriteCount([out, retval] int* pRet);
- }
- [uuid(8703FF68-669C-11cf-A92B-00AA00688A2F)]
- dispinterface ISpriteClassEvents
- {
- properties:
- methods: // Events
- [id(DISPID_SpriteClassEvents_Init)] void Init( [in] IDispatch *sprite, [in] VARIANT arg);
- [id(DISPID_SpriteClassEvents_Tick)] void Tick( [in] IDispatch *sprite);
- [id(DISPID_SpriteClassEvents_Border)] void Border([in] IDispatch *sprite, [in] long border);
- [id(DISPID_SpriteClassEvents_Term)] void Term( [in] IDispatch *sprite);
- [id(DISPID_SpriteClassEvents_LastTerm)] void lastTerm(void);
- }
- [uuid(8703FF69-669C-11cf-A92B-00AA00688A2F)]
- coclass SpriteClass
- {
- [default] interface ISpriteClass;
- [default, source] dispinterface ISpriteClassEvents;
- };
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // The Sprite Object
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- [uuid(8703FF6a-669C-11cf-A92B-00AA00688A2F), odl, dual]
- interface ISprite : IDispatch
- {
- // Standard properties for all objects
- [id(1), propget] HRESULT Application([out, retval] ISpruuidsApp** ppRet);
- [id(2), propget] HRESULT Parent( [out, retval] ISpriteClass** ppRet);
- // Methods
- [id(10)] HRESULT MoveTo([in] float x, [in] float y);
- [id(11)] HRESULT MoveBy([in] float dx, [in] float dy);
- // flags: 1=X, 2=Y, 4=Pos; 8=Vel; 16=Accel; 128=Remember
- [id(12)] HRESULT MoveAtSprite([in] ISprite *sprite, [in] float scale, [in] float dMax, [in] long flags);
- [id(15)] HRESULT Remove();
- [id(16)] HRESULT Refresh();
- [id(17)] HRESULT IgnoreMove();
- // Properties R/W
- [id(20), propget] HRESULT Left([out, retval] float* pRet);
- [id(20), propput] HRESULT Left([in] float val);
- [id(21), propget] HRESULT Top([out, retval] float* pRet);
- [id(21), propput] HRESULT Top([in] float val);
- [id(22), propget] HRESULT Vx([out, retval] float* pRet);
- [id(22), propput] HRESULT Vx([in] float val);
- [id(23), propget] HRESULT Vy([out, retval] float* pRet);
- [id(23), propput] HRESULT Vy([in] float val);
- [id(24), propget] HRESULT Ax([out, retval] float* pRet);
- [id(24), propput] HRESULT Ax([in] float val);
- [id(25), propget] HRESULT Ay([out, retval] float* pRet);
- [id(25), propput] HRESULT Ay([in] float val);
- [id(26), propget] HRESULT FrictionX([out, retval] float* pRet);
- [id(26), propput] HRESULT FrictionX([in] float val);
- [id(27), propget] HRESULT FrictionY([out, retval] float* pRet);
- [id(27), propput] HRESULT FrictionY([in] float val);
- [id(28), propget] HRESULT Image([out, retval] int* pRet);
- [id(28), propput] HRESULT Image([in] int val);
- [id(29), propget] HRESULT TickMove([out, retval] int* pRet);
- [id(29), propput] HRESULT TickMove([in] int val);
- [id(30), propget] HRESULT TickEvent([out, retval] int* pRet);
- [id(30), propput] HRESULT TickEvent([in] int val);
- [id(31), propget] HRESULT Visible([out, retval] boolean* pRet);
- [id(31), propput] HRESULT Visible([in] boolean val);
- [id(32), propget] HRESULT Tag([out, retval] VARIANT* pRet);
- [id(32), propput] HRESULT Tag([in] VARIANT val);
- // Properties R/O
- [id(40), propget] HRESULT Width( [out, retval] int* pRet);
- [id(41), propget] HRESULT Height([out, retval] int* pRet);
- }
- [uuid(8703FF6b-669C-11cf-A92B-00AA00688A2F)]
- coclass Sprite
- {
- [default] interface ISprite;
- };
- }
- //--- EOF -------------------------------------------------------------------