PC World Komputer 1997 November
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CTS IRQInfo is the most accurate software IRQ identification
tool available. IRQInfo does a detailed analysis of the hardware
to identify used and available IRQs. Unlike many other utilities,
IRQInfo actually uses most hardware to accurately detect IRQs
used by the hardware.
IRQInfo includes tests for serial ports (including internal modems),
parallel ports, sound cards, scanners, the mouse, hard and floppy
drives, network cards, SCSI - just about everything that uses an IRQ.
Devices that IRQInfo does not know about are detected by the presence
of the device driver or TSR for that particular device.
IRQInfo is the perfect addition to your collection of diagnostic
tools, and is a great supplement to the PortInfo program in the CTS
Serial Port Utility set (look for a file named "CTSSPUxx.ZIP").
When you order the IRQInfo software, you receive:
* The most current version of IRQInfo and a option to upgrade
to IRQInfo PRO.
* The printed user guide (optional). Please indicate if you would
like the user guide.
* Special discounts on SwapIRQ and PortFix utilities.
* Announcements about updates and other new products.
A non-shareware version of IRQInfo that includes additional device
tests, more information on the summary screen, and a TSR module
that monitors the inactive IRQs for activity while you use your
system to detect devices that cannot otherwise be detected. Includes
a full color, interactive display that creates the summary table
while you watch. IRQInfo PRO is a available to registered users
of IRQInfo.
The CTS Software Utilities Order Form
Name: ________________________________ Telephone: _____________________
Company: ________________________________ E-mail ID: ____________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________
QTY Description Price Subtotal
=== =========== ====== ========
___ IRQInfo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.00 ________
___ IRQInfo PRO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35.00 ________
(The following files are described in the PRODUCTS.DOC file)
The CTS Serial Port Utilities (CTSSPU)
___ Personal License . . . . . . . . . $20.00 ________
___ Personal PLUS License . . . . . . 35.00 ________
___ Professional License . . . . . . . 59.00 ________
___ Professional PLUS License . . . . 79.00 ________
___ SwapIRQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 ________
___ PortFix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 ________
Sub-Total $________
Sales Tax: State of Georgia residents add 5% $________
Shipping and Handling: USA/Canada, all products $ 4.00
2nd Day COD (USA Only) $15.00
International (CTSSPU Personal PLUS, PRO or PRO PLUS) 10.00
International (all other products) 4.00 $________
TOTAL (US dollars, please) $________
PAYMENT METHOD: Check __ Money Order __ EuroCheq __ Discover __
Visa __ MasterCard __ Am. Express __ Purchase Order ($50 min) __
Name as it appears on the card: _________________________________
Card No. ________ ________ ________ ________ Expires ___/___
Cardholder signature: ___________________________________________
Please send to, FAX, Email or call:
| Computer Telecommunication Systems, Inc. |
| 3847 Foxwood Road, Suite 1000 |
| Duluth, Georgia 30136-6100 USA |
| Telephone | Electronic Mail |
| --------- | --------------- |
| Orders: 1-800-380-2666 | Internet:sales@comminfo.com |
| Voice: 1-770-263-8623 | or http://www.comminfo.com |
| FAX: 1-770-263-0124 | CompuServe: 76662,2315 |
Federal TaxID: 58-1880693. Prices are subject to change without notice.