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Text File | 1994-12-09 | 51.7 KB | 1,204 lines |
- =================================================================
- README.NET 12/09/94
- =================================================================
- This README file contains information about running PerfectOffice
- on a network that was not documented in the PerfectOffice 3.0 for
- Windows Up and Running Guide. In addition to general information
- about networking the suite, this file also contains specific
- information about networking WordPerfect 6.1 for Windows,
- Presentations 3.0 for Windows, and Quattro Pro 6.0 for Windows.
- In addition to this README file, there are separate README files
- for specific applications in the suite. There is also README.TXT,
- which contains general information about PerfectOffice; and
- README.LCN, which contains information about licencing.
- This README file contains the following information.
- =================================================================
- -> Setting network file handles to run OBEX
- -> Granting rights/privileges to OBEX post office and mailbox
- directories
- -> Setting up OBEX on a non-NetWare network operating system
- -> Enabling remote or non-interactive PerfectOffice installations
- -> Mouse/Cursor response time
- =================================================================
- -> Workstation Installation Following Server Installation
- -> Documentation Changes
- -> Disabling Password Protection
- -> Disabling Password Asterisks
- -> Disabling Open File Options
- -> Disabling Open/Save As Buttons
- -> Making Open As Copy Be Checked by Default
- -> Writing Tools and WTAPI.INI
- -> Binary Initialisation File (.BIF) Tips
- -> About .UNR Files
- -> Supplementary Dictionary Files
- -> Making QuickFinder Indexes Available on the Network
- -> Using WordPerfect 6.1 with 6.0a or GroupWise 4.1
- -> Using the /CSLA Startup Option
- -> Using the /U Startup Option
- -> Error Running QuickFinder from WPWin 6.0 Workstations
- -> Environment Filename Syntax Change
- =================================================================
- -> Workstation Installation following Server Installation
- -> Environment Filename Syntax Change
- -> Disabling Open File Options
- -> Writing Tools and WTAPI.INI
- -> Binary Initialisation File (.BIF) Tips
- -> About .UNR Files
- -> Supplementary Dictionary Files
- -> Using the /CSLA Startup Option
- -> Using the /U Startup Option
- =================================================================
- -> Installing Quattro Pro on a Network Server
- -> Running the IDAPI Configuration Utility
- -> Setting Up Additional Users
- -> Assigning Network Rights
- =================================================================
- =================================================================
- =================================================================
- To successfully run OBEX over a network running Novell
- NetWare, you must modify the NET.CFG file to include the line
- "FILE HANDLES=100." For more information about file handles,
- see your DOS documentation.
- =================================================================
- Users should have the following access rights to OBEX post
- office and mailbox directories: user■s own mailbox - ACCESS
- people■s mailboxes - CREATE and WRITE.
- ==================================================================
- 1 Ensure that network file handles are set correctly (see
- 2 Install PerfectOffice to a network server.
- If Paradox (or any other IDAPI application) is already
- installed, skip steps 3 through 5.
- 3 Run the IDAPI Configuration Utility (IDAPICFG.EXE)
- located in the Quattro Pro program group or the
- \OFFICE\SHARED\IDAPI subdirectory.
- 4 Select the Paradox driver, and change the NET DIR
- parameter to refer to a network directory shared by all
- users. (This pathname must use a drive letter that is
- mapped to the same location on every user■s workstation.
- The Net Dir parameter is located under the Paradox
- driver.)
- 5 Save your changes and exit the utility.
- 6 Run the OBEX LAN Admin setup utility (OBEXLAN.EXE)
- located in the Quattro Pro program group or the
- \OFFICE\SHARED\OBEX\BIN subdirectory.
- 7 Choose Create Post Office from the File menu, specify a
- post office name and the directory in which you wish
- mailboxes located, then choose OK.
- 8 Create mailboxes for your users, then choose Exit from
- the File menu to exit the utility.
- 9 Run OBEX (OBEX.EXE) located in the Quattro Pro program
- group or the \OFFICE\SHARED\OBEX\BIN subdirectory.
- 10 Choose New from the Accounts menu, select LAN as the
- transport type, then choose OK.
- 11 Specify your own mailbox name and the post office
- location to set up the LAN account.
- 12 Choose Exit from the File menu to exit Object Exchange.
- 13 Run the OBEX Address Book utility (MAILBOOK.EXE) located
- in the Quattro Pro program group or the
- \OFFICE\SHARED\OBEX\BIN subdirectory.
- 14 Choose New from the File menu, then type an address book
- name.
- 15 Select the Make the current address book option, then
- click OK.
- 16 Select New from the Names menu, type an alias name along
- with other information required.
- 17 Choose Setup to set the default transport type.
- 18 Repeat steps 16 and 17 to create names and mailbox
- addresses for each user, then exit the Address Book
- utility.
- After completing the steps listed above, you should notify
- your network users of the location of the post office and also
- their mailbox names. With this information, each user can
- perform a network workstation installation and run OBEX to
- create a LAN account on that post office with the appropriate
- mailbox name (as you did in steps 9 through 12, above).
- =================================================================
- PerfectOffice is installed using the SETUP.EXE program found
- in the \OFFICE\SHARED directory. To enable remote or
- non-interactive installations, SETUP has two command line
- switches to control the actions of the installation.
- The command line switch "/AUTO=WORKSTATION" causes the
- installation to be non-interactive and provides a generic
- workstation installation. A workstation installation is one
- that does not copy the product to the workstation, but does
- create program icons and also registers the product in local
- .INI files and registration databases. The applications run
- on the individual workstations, but the program files reside
- on the server. Only those applications installed to the
- server will be accessible by the workstation.
- To select a subset of the applications to install, use the
- command line switch "/APPS=application-code[,...]". The
- application codes are WP,PR,QP,EN, and IC. One or more may be
- specified, separated by commas. If the "/APPS" switch is not
- used, then all suite applications on the server are installed.
- To enable non-interactive installation, execute the following
- To enable non-interactive installation and install only
- WordPerfect and Presentations, execute the following line:
- During an interactive installation, the user is prompted for
- his or her name to be used by the ENVOY product. For a
- non-interactive installation, SETUP uses the NetWare Directory
- Services user information or the Bindery Identification Name
- or the Login ID for the user's full name.
- Provided in the \OFFICE\SHARED directory are two files that
- are used by NetWare Navigator to install remote workstation
- versions of the PerfectOffice Suite. One file is the
- Navigator script and the other file is a required program that
- supports the script's operation. To execute the script, see
- the documentation in the header of the script.
- =================================================================
- Due to network disk space calculations, mouse/cursor response
- time may be adversely affected in the Network Install -
- PerfectOffice dialog box by slow network interface cards,
- and/or using UNCs (Universal Naming Conventions) to specify
- file locations.
- =================================================================
- IMPORTANT: Once the network server installation of WPWin 6.1
- is complete, you MUST open WordPerfect (double-click the
- WordPerfect Admin icon) from the newly installed server BEFORE
- allowing users to perform workstation installations.
- =================================================================
- Because of a program change made since the WPWin 6.1 User's
- Guide was printed, all references to "WPCNET Settings" and
- "WPCNET Flagging" are incorrect in Appendix D: Networking
- WordPerfect. "WPCNET Settings" should be "WordPerfect Admin,"
- and "WPCNET Flagging" should be "Public BIF Admin." However,
- if you installed WPWin 6.1 over the top of WPWin 6.0/6.0a and
- chose to use the same program group, the icon names will be
- unchanged.
- Also in Appendix D: Networking WordPerfect, you will find
- references to "shared code" or "shared program files." These
- references are generally to files that are installed under the
- PerfectFit Components group in the setup program.
- =================================================================
- Using the BIF Editor, you can disable the Password Protect
- option to prevent users from password protecting the files
- they create.
- To disable password protection for all network users,
- 1 Double-click the Public BIF Admin icon to start the BIF
- Editor, open the WPCNET.BIF file, double-click the
- WordPerfect group, then double-click the Environment
- section.
- 2 Double-click the item Password Protect Enable, choose
- Edit, select False, then choose OK. Skip to step 6.
- or
- If you do not have an item called Password Protect
- Enable, follow steps 3-5.
- 3 Choose Insert, then type Password Protect Enable in the
- Item text box.
- 4 Choose Boolean from the Item Type pop-up list.
- 5 Select False.
- 6 Select Override Private .BIF Value.
- 7 Choose Close, then choose Yes to save your changes.
- =================================================================
- Using the BIF Editor, you can disable the asterisks that
- appear while typing passwords (for security reasons).
- To disable password asterisks for all network users,
- 1 Double-click the Public BIF Admin icon to start the BIF
- Editor, open the WPCNET.BIF file, double-click the WP
- Shared Code group, then double-click the Open File
- section.
- 2 Choose Insert, then type Don't Echo Password Asterisks in
- the Item text box.
- 3 Choose Boolean from the Item Type pop-up list.
- 4 Select True.
- 5 Select Override Private .BIF Value.
- 6 Choose Close, then choose Yes to save your changes.
- =================================================================
- Using the BIF Editor, you can disable the options on the File
- Options pop-up list (for example, Remove Directory or Move) in
- the directory dialog boxes that you do not require users to have
- access to.
- To disable specific File Options for all network users,
- 1 Double-click the Public BIF Admin icon to start the BIF
- Editor, open the WPCNET.BIF file, double-click the WP
- Shared Code group, then double-click the Open File
- section.
- 2 Choose Insert, then type Remove File Options in the Item
- text box.
- 3 Choose Signed Word from the Item Type pop-up list.
- 4 Type the value that corresponds to the option you wish to
- disable in the Value text box. The values for specific
- options are as follows:
- Copy 1 *
- Move 2
- Rename 4
- Delete 8
- Change Attributes 16
- Create Directory 32
- Remove Directory 64
- Print 128
- Print File List 256
- Print Directory List 512
- Print QuickList 1024
- Show Hidden/System Files 2048
- Rename Directory 4096
- * Tables in this README file are formatted for display in the
- setup program. Columns may be misaligned if you retrieve the
- file into a text editor.
- If you wish to disable all options, type -1. If you wish to
- disable multiple options, add the values of the options you
- wish to disable, then type that number. For example, if you
- wish to disable the Delete and Remove Directory options, type
- 72.
- 5 Select Override Private .BIF Value.
- 6 Choose Close, then choose Yes to save your changes.
- =================================================================
- Using the BIF Editor, you can remove buttons from directory
- dialog boxes that you do not require users to have access to.
- To disable specific buttons for all network users,
- 1 Double-click the Public BIF Admin icon to start the BIF
- Editor, open the WPCNET.BIF file, double-click the WP
- Shared Code group, then double-click the Open File
- section.
- 2 Choose Insert, then type Remove Open/Save As Buttons in
- the Item text box.
- 3 Choose Signed Word from the Item Type pop-up list.
- 4 Type the value that corresponds to the button you wish to
- disable in the Value text box. The values for specific
- buttons are as follows:
- View 1 *
- QuickFinder 2
- QuickList 4
- File Options 8
- Setup 16
- Network 32
- * Tables in this README file are formatted for display in the
- setup program. Columns may be misaligned if you retrieve the
- file into a text editor.
- If you wish to remove all buttons, type -1. If you wish to
- disable multiple buttons, add the values of the buttons you
- wish to disable, then type that number. For example, if you
- wish to disable the View and QuickFinder buttons, type 3.
- 5 Select Override Private .BIF Value.
- 6 Choose Close, then choose Yes to save your changes.
- =================================================================
- Using the BIF Editor, you can specify that the Open As Copy
- check box on the Open File dialog box always be checked.
- To make Open As Copy always be checked for all network users,
- 1 Double-click the Public BIF Admin icon to start the BIF
- Editor, open the WPCNET.BIF file, double-click the WP
- Shared Code group, then double-click the Open File
- section.
- 2 Choose Insert, then type Open As Copy in the Item text
- box.
- 3 Choose Boolean from the Item Type pop-up list.
- 4 Select True.
- 5 Select Override Private .BIF Value.
- 6 Choose OK, choose Close, then choose Yes to save your
- changes.
- If you later decide to make the Open As Copy check box be
- unchecked by default, change the value to False in step 4
- above, or delete the Open As Copy item from the .BIF file.
- =================================================================
- The WTAPI.INI file contains settings for each writing tool
- (for example, Spell Checker, Thesaurus, and Grammatik). When
- you use a writing tool, WordPerfect first looks in the Windows
- directory for WTAPI.INI. If the file isn't found there,
- WordPerfect looks in the WIN.INI file in the section called
- [Writing Tools] in an entry called WTAPIPATH for its location.
- During workstation installations, the WTAPIPATH entry is
- placed in the [Writing Tools] section of each user's WIN.INI
- file and points to the location of the writing tools.
- NOTE: You cannot change the names of writing tools using the
- Edit Menu dialog box.
- =================================================================
- To store users' .BIF files in an area other than the Windows
- or Shared network area, specify a "relative" drive letter (for
- example, H:) for the Shared Directory on Network option (under
- Net Options). The setup program will place the /PI startup
- option along with the directory you have specified in the
- SH_SH_.ENV file. When you start WordPerfect, it will read the
- .ENV file, and save users'.BIF files to their mapping of H:.
- If you store users' .BIF files in this way, we recommend that
- you remove the /NT switch from the WP_WP_.ENV file because
- name hashing won't be necessary.
- The WPCNET.BIF file is found in the directory specified by the
- /NI startup option or in the Windows system directory.
- =================================================================
- If you use name hashing, a User Name Resolution (.UNR) file is
- created to avoid duplicate hashed .BIF names. This file is
- placed in the location specified by the /UNR startup option or
- in the Windows directory.
- The .UNR file will be created with a pattern of XXXX.UNR where
- X represents characters from a 32-bit CRC based on the user
- ID.
- =================================================================
- The default location for user supplementary dictionary files,
- including the WTSPELxx.QCS file (where xx is the language
- code), is the Windows directory. You can change this location
- by adding a group called "WPSpeller," with a section called
- "Settings," and an item called "Default Path for Supplementary
- Dictionaries" in the WPCNET.BIF file. The item type is ANSI
- string. You can use a full path or a relative drive letter.
- If users are sharing a common directory for these files, you
- should use the /NT startup option so that WordPerfect can
- create a unique file for each user. The file naming
- convention is WxxxxxUK.SUP and WxxxxxUK.QCS, where the five
- x's represent the hashed name based on the user name (in this
- example, UK is the language code).
- =================================================================
- To save network disk space, you can index the files on a
- network and create one set of network QuickFinder indexes that
- all users may access. As the supervisor, you need to generate
- the network indexes and then place information about these
- indexes in the public .BIF file (WPCNET.BIF) so that users may
- access the indexes.
- NOTE: Because you cannot edit the WPCNET.BIF file while it is
- in use, you will need to make these changes when no users are
- running WPWin.
- To make QuickFinder indexes available to network users,
- 1 Start WPWin using the WordPerfect Admin icon.
- 2 Choose QuickFinder from the File menu, then choose
- Indexer.
- 3 Select Preferences from the Options pop-up list.
- 4 In the Location for Index Files text box, specify a
- network directory where users can access the indexes you
- will create.
- 5 Choose OK.
- 6 Generate indexes of network directories.
- You can create network or "search only" indexes with unique
- names that will sort all of those types of indexes together.
- For example, starting each network index with "(NET)" would
- keep all indexes that began with "(NET)" together.
- 7 Choose Import from the Options pop-up list.
- 8 Select the directory that contains the indexes you
- generated in step 6.
- 9 Select the indexes you wish to make available to users on
- the network.
- 10 Choose Import.
- NOTE: If any indexes require a name, you will be prompted for
- a new name.
- 11 Choose Close.
- 12 Exit WPWin.
- 13 Double-click the Public BIF Admin icon and open the
- WPQuickFinderFileIndexer group.
- 14 Delete the "Indexes" section and each index name that
- appears on the item list.
- 15 Choose Close, then choose Yes to save your changes.
- Although network users can search or display information from the
- network indexes you make available to them using these steps,
- they cannot update, edit, delete, move, or rename them.
- =================================================================
- If you have installed GroupWise 4.1 or you plan to continue
- using WordPerfect 6.0a for Windows on the network, do not use
- Universal Naming Convention (UNC) when specifying the location
- for shared code. If you do, GroupWise 4.1 and WordPerfect
- 6.0a will not run unless WordPerfect 6.1 is already running.
- =================================================================
- WordPerfect 6.1 for Windows' login alias switch allows for
- lowercase characters. Most networks, however, return the
- user's ID in uppercase characters. This could cause a problem
- when generating a hash on the values. The hash based on the
- user ID should be performed on the uppercase version of the login
- alias only. WordPerfect 6.1 for Windows has set the login
- alias to uppercase by default. If you wish the login alias to
- be case sensitive, the Case Sensitive Login Alias (/CSLA)
- startup option suppresses uppercasing.
- =================================================================
- The /U startup option has different functionality in WPWin 6.1
- than it did in previous versions of WordPerfect. The value
- set for /U is now used for BIF file naming and user
- information in comment and document summary fields. Any
- number of characters can be specified, but only the first four
- are used.
- If both the /NT and /U startup options are used, then the
- value of /U is inserted as characters 4-8 of the filename.
- For example, if /U=grey is set, and the user's network name is
- "blue", then the personal BIF file name would be BLUEGReY.BIF.
- Without /U=grey, the personal BIF filename would be
- BLUEFU0S.BIF, where "fu0s" is the hashed portion of the name.
- The /U value replaces the hashed portion of the filename.
- =================================================================
- If you have upgraded your network server installation to WPWin
- 6.1 from the 10/01/93 release of WPWin 6.0, and users of 6.0
- have not yet finish a 6.1 workstation installation, they may
- receive the error message "No resource language information -
- Reinstall QuickFinder" when they try to use QuickFinder from
- their workstations.
- To correct this, have the users do a new workstation
- installation, or add the line "qfwin20=US" to their WIN.INI
- file.
- =================================================================
- If you are upgrading from WPWin 5.1/5.2, please note that for
- compliance with CD ROM, environment filenames now use
- underscores (_) instead of brackets ({ }). For example, the
- WordPerfect environment file, WP{WP}.ENV in versions earlier
- than 6.0, is now named WP_WP_.ENV.
- =================================================================
- IMPORTANT! Once the network server installation of PRWin 3.0
- is complete, you MUST open Presentations (double-click the
- Network Settings icon) from the newly installed server BEFORE
- allowing users to perform workstation installations.
- =================================================================
- For compliance with CD ROM, environment filenames now use
- underscores (_) instead of brackets ({ }). For example, the
- Presentations environment file, PR{PR}.ENV in previous
- versions, is now named WP_WP_.ENV.
- =================================================================
- Using the BIF Editor, you can disable the options on the File
- Options pop-up list (for example, Remove Directory or Move) in
- the directory dialog boxes that you do not require your users to
- access.
- To disable specific File Options for all network users, in the
- BIF editor:
- 1 Open the WPCNET.BIF file, double-click the WP Shared Code
- group, then double-click the Open File section.
- 2 Choose Insert, then type Remove File Options in the Item
- text box.
- 3 Choose Signed Word from the Item Type pop-up list.
- 4 Type the value which corresponds to the option you wish
- to disable in the Value text box. The values for
- specific options are as follows:
- Copy 1
- Move 2
- Rename 4
- Delete 8
- Create Directory 32
- Remove Directory 64
- Print 128
- Print List 256
- If you wish to disable all options, type -1. If you wish to
- disable multiple options, add the values of the options you
- wish to disable, then type that number. For example, if you
- wish to disable the Delete and Remove Directory options, type
- 72.
- =================================================================
- The WTAPI.INI file contains settings for each writing tool
- (for example, Speller, Thesaurus, and Grammatik). When you
- use a writing tool, Presentations first looks in the Windows
- directory for WTAPI.INI. If the file isn't found there,
- Presentations looks in the [Writing Tools] section of the
- WIN.INI in an entry called WTAPIPATH. If you performed a
- Corporate installation, an entry is placed in the .BIF file
- pointing to the WTAPI.INI. During workstation installations,
- the WTAPIPATH entry is placed in the [Writing Tools] section
- of each user's WIN.INI file and points to the location of the
- writing tools. NOTE: You cannot change the names of writing
- tools using the Edit Menu dialog box.
- =================================================================
- To store users' .BIF files in an area other than the Windows
- or Shared network area, specify a "relative" drive letter (for
- example, H:) for the Shared Directory on Network option (under
- Net Options). The Installation program will place the /PI
- startup option along with the directory you have specified in
- the SH_SH_.ENV file. When you start Presentations, it will
- read the .ENV file, and save users'.BIF files to the users'
- mapping of H:. If you store users' .BIF files in this way, we
- recommend that you remove the /NT switch from the WP_WP_.ENV
- file, since name hashing won't be necessary.
- The WPCNET.BIF file is found in the directory specified by the
- /NI startup option or in the Windows system directory.
- =================================================================
- If you use name hashing, a User Name Resolution (.UNR) file is
- created to avoid duplicate hashed .BIF names. This file is
- placed in the location specified by the /UNR startup option or
- in the Windows directory.
- The .UNR file will be created with a pattern of XXXX.UNR where
- X represents characters from a 32-bit CRC based on the user
- ID.
- =================================================================
- The default location for user supplementary dictionary files
- is the Windows directory. You can change this location by
- adding a group called "WPSpeller," with a section called
- "Settings," and an item called "Default Path for Supplementary
- Dictionaries" in the WPCNET.BIF file. The item type is ANSI
- string. You can use a full path or a relative drive letter.
- The Supplementary Dictionary File naming convention is
- WxxxxxUK.SUP, where the five x's represent the hashed name
- based on the user name.
- =================================================================
- Presentations 3.0 for Windows' login alias switch allows for
- lowercase characters. Most networks, however, return the
- user's ID in uppercase characters. This could cause a problem
- when generating a hash on the values. The hash based on the
- user ID should be performed on the uppercase version of the login
- alias only.
- Presentations 3.0 for Windows has set the login alias to
- uppercase by default. If you wish the login alias be case
- sensitive, the Case Sensitive Login Alias (/CSLA) startup
- option suppresses uppercasing.
- =================================================================
- The /U startup option is used for BIF file naming. A maximum
- of four characters can be used; any characters after the first
- four are ignored.
- If both the /NT and /U startup options are used, then the
- value of /U is inserted as characters 4-8 of the filename.
- For example, if /U=grey is set, and the user's network name is
- "blue," then the personal BIF file name would be BLUEGREY.BIF.
- Without /U=grey, the personal BIF filename would be
- BLUEFU0S.BIF, where "fu0s" is the hashed portion of the name.
- The /U value replaces the hashed portion of the filename.
- =================================================================
- The information presented in this file provides specific
- step-by-step instructions for installing Quattro Pro on a
- non-Novell network. If you are installing Quattro Pro for use
- on a Novell network, follow the instructions in the Quattro
- Pro User's Guide. These guidelines apply when Microsoft
- Windows is run locally on each user's workstation as well as
- when Windows is run from a shared directory on the network.
- This file details installing Quattro Pro on the server,
- setting up additional users, and assigning user's rights.
- The following is an example of a directory structure with a
- root drive letter P. This structure will be referenced
- throughout this file. It is merely used as an example; your
- network layout may vary.
- P:\
- |
- |-- QPW
- | |
- | |- SAMPLES
- | |- QPWPRIV
- | |- DBDPRIV
- |
- |-- IDAPI
- |
- |-- OBEX
- | |
- | |- BIN
- | |- BOOK\BOOK
- |
- |--POST
- | |
- |- USER1
- |- USER2
- C:\OBJSTORE (Can be on a private drive.)
- The OBJSTORE directories and POST directories can be created
- after installation. Quattro Pro will create the remaining
- directories needed during installation. Also, after
- installation, the QPWPRIV and DBDPRIV directories can be
- removed and re-created for each user in an area where they
- have exclusive rights.
- =================================================================
- 1 Choose File | Run from the Windows Program Manager, type
- :INSTALL.EXE (or B:INSTALL.EXE if installing from the B:
- drive) and choose OK. Select Default, Minimum, or Custom
- and choose Next.
- 2 Specify your name and the company name (this information
- is required) and choose Next.
- 3 Specify a directory on the network for the Quattro Pro
- files and choose Next.
- 4 If you select the Custom installation option, choose
- which parts of the product you would like to install.
- 5 If you are installing Quattro Pro for multiple users,
- choose Next. Otherwise, select "No, I wish to install
- a single-user setup" and then choose Next.
- 6 Specify a directory for the Object Exchange files and
- choose Next. Object Exchange (OBEX) allows you to share
- information between different applications and different
- users of the same application. In Quattro Pro, you can
- share notebooks, notebook pages, or sets of notebook
- pages.
- 7 If you selected the Custom installation option, specify
- the full path for the following directories:
- QPW Samples Sample files included with
- Quattro Pro.
- QPW Templates Template files included with
- Quattro Pro.
- Object Exchange Executables By default, this points to the
- OBEX\BIN directory. It is
- recommended that this not be
- changed.
- Object Store Each user should have their own
- Object Store directory so you
- may specify the Object Store
- directory for this installation
- machine.
- Shared Code If you already have a shared
- code directory, specify this
- directory.
- 8 Specify a directory for the IDAPI program files and one
- for the configuration files. IDAPI is the tool Quattro
- Pro, Database Desktop, and Paradox for Windows use to
- access external database tables. The default IDAPI
- directory will be a directory named IDAPI. It is
- recommended that the IDAPI program files be placed in a
- separate directory (e.g., P:\IDAPI) so that all
- applications that use IDAPI will have access to them. It
- is also recommended that the IDAPI configuration file be
- placed in a separate directory. If a previous version
- of Quattro Pro or Paradox for Windows has been installed
- on the network, which used the ODAPI technology, the
- install process may automatically detect the path to the
- ODAPI directory and default to that directory. It is
- recommended that the IDAPI files be installed into a
- directory different from the ODAPI files. Choose Next
- when you have typed the full path to the IDAPI
- directories.
- 9 Choose Install. The installation process will begin.
- Insert Quattro Pro disks as requested by the install
- program.
- 10 After Quattro Pro has been installed, the README file can
- be displayed. The README file is placed in the \QPW
- directory. It is strongly recommended that you read this
- file and make it available to all users of Quattro Pro.
- It contains important information not found in the
- manuals.
- Quattro Pro is now installed, configured, and ready to run
- only on your system. Setting up additional users will be
- discussed in a later section.
- =================================================================
- Quattro Pro and Database Desktop can read and write dBASE,
- Paradox, and SQL tables. In order to interact with these file
- formats, IDAPICFG.EXE must be run.
- 1 Run the IDAPI configuration utility and choose Driver
- Name: Paradox.
- 2 If any version of Paradox is installed on the network,
- there is already a directory for network control files
- (i.e., PDOXUSRS.NET for Paradox for DOS 4.0 or Paradox
- for Windows 4.5 users and PARADOX.NET for Paradox for
- DOS 3.5 users). Enter the complete path for this
- directory in the Network Control File Directory field.
- If you have not yet set up a directory for network
- control files for other applications, specify any
- directory to which all users have rights to search,
- read, delete, and modify files (e.g., P:\QPW\NETFILES).
- From the menu, choose Pages | System. Local share tells
- IDAPI how to treat the computer's hard drive (referred to
- as the local drive). If Local Share is "TRUE", IDAPI
- will treat the local drive like a network drive. This
- will allow you to safely share locally stored tables with
- non-IDAPI applications that access the tables. When
- Local Share is "FALSE", IDAPI turns off the data locks
- on local files. If you are sharing data with non-IDAPI
- applications, this leaves you unprotected from data
- corruption. Having Local Share disabled may provide a
- slight performance increase in accessing local data.
- 3 Choose File | Save. Choose File | Exit.
- For more information on the IDAPI configuration utility, refer
- to the utility's online help.
- =================================================================
- Each user's system will now need to be modified in order for
- the user to access Quattro Pro, Database Desktop, Data
- Modeling Desktop, and Object Exchange or OBEX. A detailed
- description of how to do this is listed below. The WIN.INI
- file needs a section to define IDAPI, Database Desktop, and
- Object Exchange. Each user also will need a Quattro Pro
- Program Group and icons for Quattro Pro, Database Desktop,
- Data Modeling Desktop, Object Exchange, IDAPI Configuration
- Utility, and the README file. Certain files must be copied
- into each users Windows directory (e.g., C:\WINDOWS) and, if
- Windows is run locally, Windows System directory (e.g.,
- C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM). Users can register Quattro Pro as an OLE
- client if desired.
- 1 All changes that were added to your WIN.INI file during
- installation need to be copied to each user's WIN.INI
- file. The following is a list of sections that should
- be added:
- DLLPATH=path
- [DDE Servers]
- DBD=path
- OBEX=path
- [DBD]
- WORKDIR=path
- PRIVDIR=path
- [OBEX]
- OBEXDIR=path
- WORKDIR=path
- Description of the [IDAPI] section:
- -----------------------------------
- CONFIGFILE01 The full path (including drive and directory)
- should point to the IDAPI configuration file
- DLLPATH The full path (including drive and directory)
- should point to the IDAPI files (e.g.,
- Description of the [DDE Servers] section:
- -----------------------------------------
- DBD The full path (including drive and directory)
- to Database Desktop (e.g., P:\QPW\DBD).
- OBEX The full path (including directory) to the
- OBEX executable file (e.g., P:\OBEX\BIN\OBEX).
- DMODELER The full path (including directory) to Data
- Modeling Desktop (e.g., P:\QPW\DMODELER).
- Description of the [DBD] section:
- ---------------------------------
- WORKDIR The directory that each user will use as a
- default working directory for Database
- Desktop. Normally, this is where most of the
- common files are located (this is easily
- changed from within Database Desktop to
- accommodate individual users). This directory
- cannot be the same as any other user's private
- directory.
- PRIVDIR This should point to a directory that is
- exclusive to the user (e.g., F:\USER or
- C:\TEMP). Database Desktop uses the private
- directory to store temporary files that are
- needed during normal operation (e.g.,
- ANSWER.DB). Under no circumstances can more
- than 1 user access the same private directory.
- The private and working directories can either
- be modified here or from Database Desktop.
- The WORKDIR and PRIVDIR directories can also
- be located on each user's local hard drive.
- Description of the [OBEX] section:
- ----------------------------------
- OBEXDIR This should point to the OBEX\BIN directory
- (e.g., P:\OBEX\BIN). Each user must have a
- separate OBJSTORE directory (e.g.,
- C:\OBJSTORE). If the OBJSTORE directory is on
- a local hard drive, the user has access to
- received objects even when the network is not
- connected.
- WORKDIR This should be the same as the OBEX\BIN
- directory (aka OBEXDIR) unless a previous
- installation of OBEX placed it somewhere else
- (e.g., C:\WINDOWS).
- In many cases, the process of modifying the WIN.INI file can
- be made less time consuming by creating a text file (e.g.,
- QPW.TXT) that has all the settings described above. This text
- file can be appended to each user's WIN.INI file with the DOS
- TYPE command:
- Execute this command from the directory where the WIN.INI and
- QPW.TXT files are located or specify the appropriate path
- along with each file name. In order for this to work, all the
- directories specified in the WIN.INI must be the same for each
- user. This can be accomplished by using local hard drive
- directories as the private directory for Database Desktop and
- the OBJSTORE directory or by mapping these individual
- directories to the same drive letter for each user.
- For example, if each user has a private directory on a network
- drive under the USERS subdirectory on a Novell network, the
- command MAP ROOT U:=\USERS\%Login_Name will create a map to
- each user's private directory under the \USERS directory.
- This allows everyone to have their PRIVDIR setting point to
- U:\.
- NOTE: This procedure may fail if there is an existing
- [IDAPI], [DDE Servers], [DBD], or [OBEX] section in the
- WIN.INI. Verify that these sections are not already in the
- .INI file before appending new sections.
- 2 Add a Quattro Pro program group and program items (icons)
- for Quattro Pro, Database Desktop, Data Modeling
- Desktop, Object Exchange, IDAPI Configuration Utility,
- and README.TXT. To create the program group and items,
- choose File | New from the Program Manager. Choose
- Program Group and choose OK. Enter the Description and
- Group File and choose OK. To create icons, make this
- group the active group and choose File | New again.
- Choose Program Item and then choose OK. Browse for
- QPW.EXE located in the Quattro Pro directory (e.g.,
- P:\QPW) and choose OK. Repeat this process for Database
- Desktop (P:\QPW\DBD.EXE), Data Modeling Desktop
- (P:\QPW\DMODELER.EXE), Object Exchange
- (P:\OBEX\OBEX.EXE), and IDAPI Configuration Utility
- line should specify NOTEPAD followed by the full path to
- README.TXT. For example:
- One way to automate this process is to use Windows' Macro
- Recorder to record the process of creating a program group for
- Quattro Pro and adding the program icons (see your Windows
- manual for more information about the Macro Recorder). If you
- save the macro file in the Windows directory as QPWGRP.REC and
- name the macro QPW for example, each user can automatically
- set up a group by starting Windows with the command WIN
- QPWGRP.REC, then double clicking on the Quattro Pro icon.
- 3 If Windows is run locally (i.e., on each user's
- workstation), copy the following files from your Windows
- System directory to each user's Windows System
- directory: TTYTWIN.DRV, BWCC.DLL. Then copy the
- following files from your Windows directory to each
- user's Windows directory:
- 4 If Windows is run from the network, the above files are
- copied into the shared Windows directories during the
- installation process. However, you must still copy
- BWCC.DLL, QPW.INI, and OBEX.INI to each users Windows
- directory. If you wish to set defaults in Quattro Pro
- for all users, start Quattro Pro and set the defaults
- before you copy the QPW.INI.
- Add a search drive for the IDAPI directory (e.g., P:\IDAPI),
- or include it in each user's path. On a Novell network, a
- convenient way to do this is to add the search drive
- definition to the network system login script using the MAP
- command. For example:
- The above MAP command inserts the IDAPI directory as search
- drive 1. SERVER1 is the name of the server on which the IDAPI
- files are installed and VOL is the volume name.
- A personal login script can also be used to add the IDAPI
- directory to the path.
- Decide if the users will be allowed to create aliases in
- Database Desktop and Paradox. An alias is a name given to a
- directory on the hard disk or the network.
- If you wish to give the users the ability to create aliases,
- each user must have an IDAPI.CFG file located in a directory
- to which they have full rights (i.e., hard disk or private
- directory). You must run the IDAPI configuration utility on
- the individual workstation to specify the path to the user's
- hard disk or private directory.
- If you do not wish to give the users the ability to create
- aliases, you can create default aliases and leave the
- IDAPI.CFG file in the IDAPI configuration directory on the
- network which you specified during installation. The users
- will not have the necessary rights to make changes in the
- IDAPI configuration utility or to create aliases. You will
- still need to run the IDAPI configuration utility on each
- workstation to update the [IDAPI] section of the individual
- WIN.INI files.
- 5 If you wish to use the LAN transport, set up a LAN post
- office directory. Refer to the Users Guide and the text
- file LANINFO.TXT in the Quattro Pro directory for more
- information.
- =================================================================
- In order for Quattro Pro to run properly, users must have the
- proper rights to the various directories involved with
- Quattro Pro. The names of rights on various networks differ.
- The following is a list that describes the minimum each user
- must be able to do in each directory. See your network
- documentation for information on how to set these rights. For
- reference, the rights for NetWare 386 are given in
- parenthesis:
- QPW Read files, open files, search in the
- directory. (READ, FILESCAN)
- IDAPI Read files, open files, search in the
- directory. (READ, FILESCAN)
- OBEX Read files, open files, search in the
- directory. (READ, FILESCAN)
- BOOK\BOOK All rights except the right to control other
- user's access to the directory. (READ, WRITE,
- OBJSTORE All rights except the right to control other
- user's access to the directory. (READ, WRITE,
- QPW\SAMPLES Read files, open files, search in the
- directory. (READ, FILESCAN)
- QPW\TEMPLATE Read files, open files, search in the
- directory. (READ, FILESCAN)
- QPW\NETFILES All rights except the right to control other
- user's access to the directory and the rights
- to delete a file. The user must be able to
- read, open, and modify files as well as search
- in the directory. (READ, WRITE, FILESCAN,
- OBJSTORE All rights except the right to control other
- user's access to the directory. (READ, WRITE,
- PRIVDIR All rights except the right to control other
- user's access to the directory. (READ, WRITE,
- WORKDIR All rights except the right to control other
- user's access to the directory. (READ, WRITE,
- NOTE: Users can modify their working and private directories
- from within Database Desktop. Make certain one or both of these
- directories are not changed to a directory where sufficient
- rights are not available. If this happens, Database Desktop
- will not start once exited. To regain access to Database
- Desktop, edit the WIN.INI file and change the WORKDIR and/or
- PRIVDIR settings (in the [DBD] section) to a directory with
- sufficient rights.