PC World Komputer 1995 November
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(May 20, 1995)
BKUP.BTM transports files between computers. It can also be used
for quick 'maintenance of disk' (like deleting unnecessary files).
Since version 10, BKUP no longer supports 4DOS prior to 5.x. Use
BKUP version 8 instead.
BKUP.BTM is written in 4DOS batch language. 4DOS is a registered
trademark and copyrighted property of JP Software, Inc. For other
copyrighted programs see below, "Copyrighted programs".
BKUP.BTM creates a list of files saved on specified disk (default is
default [boot] drive) either [a] today, or [b] since a specified number of
days back, or [c] since a specified date.
The list of files can be edited in various ways, leaving on it only those
files you wish to transport to your other computer(s).
When the list editing is done, BKUP.BTM runs a compressor to create an
archive on specified drive (default is B:), with the specified date as a
name (for example, 3-26-93.ZIP). If such an archive already exists, it is
updated with new versions, or new files, if detected in the list. BKUP
can run 3 compressors: PKZIP, ZIP, and UC2. However, there are a few
limitations on using ZIP and UC2 for some options (see below, "Usage
Notes and Limitations").
The files are archived with pathnames. This means that they will be
extracted on the target computer to the same subdirectories where they
were created on the source computer. By default, files are extracted to
the default (boot) drive, unless otherwise specified. If a subdirectory
does not exist on the target computer, it is created by the extraction
program during extracting.
The archive is marked with the description "Updated from: name", where
"name" stands for an actual "name" given to your computer (see below,
"'Names' for computers and diskettes".
To extract the archived file(s), use the -x (or /x, or x) switch.
BKUP.BTM can run 3 extractors: PKUNZIP, UNZIP, and UC2. However,
there are a few limitations on using ZIP and UC2 for some options (see
below, "Usage Notes and Limitations").
If there is more than one archive on your diskette, BKUP lets you select
the one(s) you wish to extract. Extracted files (archives) are marked with
the description "Extracted to: name; name; ...", where "name" stands for
the actual "name" of your computer (see below, "'Names' for computers and
diskettes"). If you try to extract the archive again to the same computer,
you will be told that it was already extracted, and will be asked to
decide to either "force extract" it, delete the archive file from disk, or
quit. If you do not respond, BKUP will leave the archive intact and go on
after 3 seconds to treat the next one. If in doubt, don't hesitate to use
the "force extract" option, because all extractors will not overwrite
files on your disk unless the matching files stored in the archive are
If the archive was extracted, but then was updated again with new versions
or files (this is normal if both updating and extraction are done the same
day, or for the same date), it will be marked with the description "Updated
from: name", to allow subsequent extractions as well as indicate the source
of the new files (i.e., the computer on which they have been created).
The extraction utility pops up a menu of archive files, even if only
one such archive exists. If more than one archive exists, you can mark
those you wish to extract (by pressing the spacebar at the relevant
(before compression)
When the list of all the relevant files is created, BKUP.BTM lets you
select one of the following options:
(*) View (and handle) filenames on screen, one by one
(*) Use an editor to edit results (results file)
(*) View results before making any decision
(*) Go immediately to archiving (no selection)
(*) Quit (results file will remain intact)
If you choose viewing (and handling) files on screen, the following
options are then available while working:
(*) Accept or omit a file (from the list)
(*) View a file before making a decision about it
(*) Delete a file from disk (after or before viewing)
(*) Stop selecting and begin archiving immediately
(*) View the list of selections at each step
(*) Quit (results file will remain intact)
BKUP can be configured by BKUP.INI. This file can easily be edited
with any editor. However, the primary parameters and options defined in
BKUP.INI can be overridden from the command line. Alternatively, aliases
can be used to avoid editing BKUP.INI. If BKUP.INI is missing or the user
prefers not to have it, and the user does not provide any commands on the
command line, BKUP will use its internal defaults.
The PRIMARY defaults (for both compressing and extracting) are:
(replaceable from the command line)
(1) Disk from which files will be compressed - default (boot) drive
(2) Drive where archive will be created - B:
(3) Disk to which files will be extracted - default (boot) drive
(4) Drive where archive(s) will be looked for - B:
(5) Compression and extraction programs: - PKZIP and PKUNZIP
(6) Date for files to be updated: - today
(7) Exclude files: - *.zip *.bak *.tmp *.log *.uc2
The SECONDARY defaults (for both compressing and extracting) are:
(NOT replaceable from the command line, but BKUP will request you
to make decisions for options (8)-(11) if BKUP.INI is missing, or
if they are not defined in BKUP.INI.
(8) Checking the name of updates diskette - yes
(9) Name of updates diskette - "transmit"
(10) Name of search and extract drives - computer's label
(11) Text editor to be used - t.com
OTHER defaults (definable only in BKUP.INI):
(12) Colors of final message - bright white & black on white;
INTEGRITY CHECKING can be defined either in BKUP.INI or from the command
line. If defined as 'yes' in BKUP.INI, it can still be overridden from
the command line with the /noint switch. If not defined in BKUP.INI or
on the command line, it will be ignored.
(1) if you just type "BKUP", this is equal to typing:
BKUP c: b: 0 /pkzip /x *.zip *.bak *.tmp *.log *.uc2
(+ secondary defaults)
(2) if you just type "BKUP -X", this is equal to typing:
BKUP -x c: b: 0 /pkzip /x *.zip *.bak *.tmp *.log *.uc2
(+ secondary defaults)
BKUP is set to use the labels of your "search disk" and "extract disk"
(both of which would normally be your default [boot] drive) as "names" for
your computer. This makes it possible to know which of your computers
has/have been updated, and to which computers the archive has been
extracted (if there are more than one archive, BKUP will add all of
their names when the archive was extracted).
You can change this default by entering a different name for your
computer at the 'compuname=' line in BKUP.INI.
If your default (boot) drive has been given no label, BKUP will prompt you
to give your computer a temporary name for the current session. You
can make this "name" permanent by labeling your hard disk or typing
a name at the 'compuname=' line in BKUP.INI.
BKUP can also be set to check the "name" (i.e., label) of the diskette
inserted into the "archive drive". If you prefer to always use the same
diskette for transporting files between your various computers, this
is the best solution for keeping all of the update archives on one
device. By default, the name of the update diskette is "TRANSMIT". You
can change the name at the 'updatedr=' line in BKUP.INI. Also, you may
cancel this option altogether by typing 'no' at the 'updatename=' line.
If this line is not defined, or BKUP.INI is missing, BKUP will prompt
you at the relevant moment to enter a name for the updates diskette.
If the diskette inserted into the drive is not the dedicated one,
BKUP will ask you if you wish to continue (i.e., put the archive on
the current diskette). You can of course switch diskettes while BKUP is
waiting for your answer.
BKUP h (or ?) will display a set of HELP screens.
BKUP i will take you immediately to the first USAGE screen.
Usage for ARCHIVING:
BKUP [<search_drive:> <archive_drive:>] [parameters] [options]
<search_drive:> is the drive which should be searched for files
<archive_drive:> is the drive where the archive should be created
Parameters are: [ n|-sMM-DD-YY ]
'n' stands for 'number of days back from today'. For example, 'BKUP 3'
will create a list since three days back from today's date.
's' (or /s or -s) stands for 'since', followed by date, in the
MM-DD-YY (month-day-year) format. For example: BKUP s01-29-90 will
create a list for files created since 29 January 1990.
Options are: [ /pkzip|/zip|/uc ] [ /x file(s) file(s) ...]
'/pkz' select Katz's PKZIP and PKUNZIP (Default)
'/zip' select free ZIP and UNZIP
'/uc' select UC2 (UltraCompressor II)
'/int' or 'noint' check / do not check integrity of archive
'/x file(s) ...' list of file(s) for exclusion
If you specify only one drive, you will be asked by the program to specify
interactively both. This is necessary because the program cannot tell, when
you specify only one drive, whether it is 'target' or 'source'.
BKUP -x|/x|x [<toupdate_drive:> <archive_drive:>] [options]
<toupdate_drive:> is the drive to extract TO.
<archive_drive:> is the drive to extract FROM.
If no drives specified, defaults are default (boot) drive ("to")
and B: ("from")
Options are: [ /pkz|/zip|/uc ] [ /x file(s) file(s) ...]
'/pkz' select Katz's PKZIP and PKUNZIP (Default)
'/zip' select free ZIP and UNZIP
'/uc' select UC2 (UltraCompressor II)
'/x file(s) ...' list of file(s) not to be extracted
If you specify only one drive, you will be asked by the program to specify
interactively both. This is necessary because the program cannot tell, when
you specify only one drive, whether it is 'target' or 'source'.
Excluding files
The list of files created by BKUP can include filenames which you actually
exclude from either compression or extraction. This makes sense if you
re-edit the list (this can be done by EDLIST.BTM) and use it as a take
file for other tasks (such as copying or moving). COMFILE.BTM can be
used for such tasks. (Both EDLIST and COMFILE are included in my
collection EZ-BTMxx.ZIP on Simtel20 /msdos/4dos.) Also, if you do not
wish a certain file to be extracted, although compressed in the archive,
exclude it via the /x switch (it makes no sense of course to put the
filename into a permanent list in BKUP.INI). You may wish to avoid
extraction if you are not sure about the version. Excluding the file via
the /x switch on the command line then makes it possible to extract it
manually to a different subdirectory and check it before replacing the
older version.
Unfortunately, full exclusion options are possible only with PKZIP/PKUNZIP
and (since version #3) UC2.
See next section for the limitations of using ZIP/UNZIP and UC2.
You can enter exclusion files / filespecs at the 'excludes=' line in
BKUP.INI. The exclusion line will work for both compression and extraction.
You can also override this line from the command line via the /x switch
(see "Usage" above). If you exclude many files, BKUP will create an
exclusion file instead of entering the exclusions on the command line.
Since ZIP cannot take an exclusion file, make sure to use this feature
only if you use PKZIP/PKUNZIP or UC2 (for ZIP you will simply have to
exclude files from the results list). If you have a slow computer, you may
gain some speed by leaving the 'exclude=' line in BKUP.INI empty and refrain
from using this option altogether.
Limitations of free ZIP and UNZIP
(a) ZIP/UNZIP unfortunately needs more memory than PKZIP/PKUNZIP. You may
have to quit your application to run BKUP with these programs.
(b) Due to the lack of certain exit codes, BKUP could not be configured to
put the right messages after completion or non-completion of certain
operations (like 'freshen', in case there are 'no new files for
(c) ZIP/UNZIP cannot have a take file (script file) for handling a list
of exclusion files (i.e., files not to be compressed or extracted).
This makes it impossible to have more than 53 characters in the
"exclusion line" (after the /x switch or in BKUP.INI). This can
partly be solved by rejecting undesired files from the updates
Limitations of UC2
(a) UC2 unfortunately needs more memory than PKZIP/PKUNZIP. You may
have to quit your application to run BKUP with UC2. Theoretically,
UltraStealth can make it possible for UC to work with only 32K,
but then you must load your application beforehand with US, which
cannot be secured by BKUP. Currently BKUP exits if less then 400K
are available for UC2.
(b) Due to the lack of proper exit codes, BKUP could not be configured to
put the right messages after completion or non-completion of certain
operations (like 'freshen', in case there are 'no new files for
updating', and various errors).
BKUP.BTM was initiated by Ron Zweig (ron@post.tau.ac.il), then edited
and augmented by Itamar Even-Zohar (itamarez@plato.tau.ac.il).
Version 7, November 1993: Fuller filename display and computer "name"
added for better information about which computer has been updated.
Version 8, January 1994: (1) A safer procedure for defining a temporary
drive added; (2) A better file selection menu replace the one-at-a-time
selection menu (thanks due to Sam Wilson; see label ":operate" for
details [in BKUP.BTM]). Version 9-10, March-May 1994: (1) The new date range
option for DIR replaces Winer's PCTODAY for those who work with 4DOS
5.x; (2) BKUP was split into primary and auxiliary files; BKUP.INI
added to facilitate configuring; (3) Both Free ZIP/UNZIP and UC2 have been
added as alternatives to PKZIP/PKUNZIP; (4) Files can now be excluded
also from the command line (an /x switch added) for both compression and
extraction. Version 11-12, May 1994 & May 1995: (1) UC2 recent full ability
for file exclusion implemented; (2) More than one hard disk can be
registered as 'updated from' or 'extracted to'; (3) An _optional_ BKUP.BTM
file was added to allow the use of the same aliases commands for different
configurations on different computers; (4) Integrity check of archive added:
it can be requested / overridden via BKUP.INI or on the command line (with
the new /int and /noint switches respectively).
Copyrighted programs
PKZIP/PKUNZIP (c) may be purchased from PKWARE, Inc., 9025 N. Deerwood Dr.,
Brown Deer, WI 53223-2437, USA. Phone: 414-354-8699; FAX: 414-354-8559;
BBS: 414-354-8670. It may also be downloaded from Simtel20 mirror sites in
PKZIP/PKUNZIP, can be replaced by (1) the free ZIP and UNZIP, downloadable
from Simtel20 mirror sites (in /msdos/zip), or by (2) UC2 (UltraCompressor
II), downloadable from Simtel20's /msdos/archiver.
To run ZIP/UNZIP or UC2, you must either modify BKUP.INI, or always put
the /zip or /uc switch on the command line, or put this option into your
BKUP alias. However, ZIP/UNZIP and UC2 unfortunately have several
shortcomings. For details see "Usage Notes and Limitations").
UC is produced by Ad Infinitum Programs, the Netherlands (AIP-NL).
Address: AIP-NL, P.O. Box 1432, 3430 BK Nieuwegein, The Netherlands.
Internet: desk@aip.nl; CompuServe: 100115,2303; Fido: 2:281/713.1.
Phone: +31-30-662107; FAX: +31-30-616571; BBS: +31-3402-55707.
Itamar Even-Zohar
Porter Chair of Semiotics
Tel Aviv University
Tel Aviv 69978 Israel
Phone: +972-3-642-7233 (office)
Fax: +972-3-642-2141 (office)
e-mail addresses: