The fancy bit here is working properly whether or not an ANSI driver is
loaded. I was beta testing ANSI clones for a while and it came in handy.
SOLI=toggle n >& nul^if %_ansi ne 0 type k:\solimap.key^ks "NNS1Ray" 13 "YYY" 0 0 "X"^in games solitare^if %_ansi ne 0 esc [p^toggle N >& nul
This is more dangerous than convenient! It takes out files and containing
directories and subdirectories in one swell foop.
WIPEDIR=erase /q /s /x /y /z %1
Just a synonym for another alias. I couldn't decide which name I liked
better -- still can't. I use both interchangably.
CEDIT=turboc %&
BROWSE=rsav 94^list %& /7^rset
This one pumps a keyboard emulator into my trackball before running
Lotus 1-2-3. Makes life easier.
123R3=rsav 25^trakball 123^in lotus3 *123^rset^trakball dos
This one turns off UltraVision's color settings so the game looks OK,
then puts them back on.
THIEVES=rsav 25^uvcolors x3^in games *thieves^uvcolors x1^rset
Old habits die hard!
Move entire directories faster than a speeding keyboard finger!
MMOVE=move /D /U %&
The following set was inspired by Michael Krause's SSET alias.
XSET is a common subroutine for SSET and ASET. If you specify
an alias (ASET) or an environment variable (SSET) on the command
line, the effect is identical to ESET. If you omit any arguments
a sorted list of your environment variables (or aliases) and their
values pops up in a window for you to select.
XSET=%1 | sort > %ramd%\tmp^set f=%@select[%ramd%\tmp,0,0,%_rows,%_columns,%2]^del %ramd%\tmp >&nul^if "%f" ne "" eset %@substr[%f,0,%@index[%f,=]]^unset f >&nul
SSET=iff "%1" eq "" then ^ xset set Environment ^ else eset %& ^ endiff
ASET=iff "%1" eq "" then ^ xset alias Aliases ^ else eset /a %&^endiff