PC World Komputer 1995 November
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JP Software
4DOS 5.5 rev B ==> 5.5 rev C Patch Documentation
December 20, 1994
Copyright 1994, JP Software Inc., All Rights Reserved. Published by JP
Software Inc., P.O. Box 1470, E. Arlington, MA 02174 USA, (617)
646-3975. 4DOS is a registered trademark of JP Software Inc.
This file explains how to install the 4DOS 5.5 rev C patch.
To use the patch, you must have:
* JP Software's PATCH.EXE program. This program is in a separate
file, PATCH.ZIP on CompuServe, or 4DPATCH.ZIP on bulletin boards
and the Internet. [* See note below.]
* A copy of 4DOS 5.5 rev B. The simplest way to check your
revision level is to use the 4DOS VER /R command.
If you find you have rev A of 4DOS 5.5, you must download an
additional patch file to update your current copy of 4DOS to rev B
before you can apply this latest rev C patch. To update from rev A
to rev B you need the patch file 4D25B.ZIP; This file should be
available from the same place where you got this rev C file.
To use this patch, copy the 4DOS55C.RTP file to the directory where your
4DOS version 5.5 files are stored. Make sure JP Software's PATCH.EXE is
in the same directory, or in a directory on your PATH, then enter the
patch 4dos55c
This patch converts 4DOS 5.5 rev B to version 5.5 rev C. It modifies
only 4DOS.COM, all other files are unchanged from rev B. Branding (name
and serial number) information in your 4DOS.COM file will be preserved
in the modified file.
If you want to test 4DOS.COM to make sure the patch worked, restart
4DOS, then use the VER /R command. This command will report "4DOS
Revision B" (if the patch did not work) or "4DOS Revision C" (if it did
If you are short on disk space and receive a message that there is not
enough space to perform the patch, you can use a command like this to
reduce the disk space required:
patch /noundo 4dos55c
This will make recovery slightly more difficult in the unlikely event of
a power failure or similar problem during the patch process, but will
reduce the disk space required to perform the patch.
[* JP Software's PATCH.EXE is the version 1.10 patch program from the
.RTPatch patch software sold by PocketSoft Inc. If you have a copy of
PATCH.EXE version 1.10 or later from another company which also uses
.RTPatch to update its software, you can use it with JP Software
patches. However, we recommend that you do NOT use version 2.0 of
PATCH.EXE under OS/2. When PATCH.EXE 2.0 is used under OS/2 it patches
the files properly, but does not correctly update the dates and times of
the patched files.]
4DOS version 5.5 rev C includes the following changes to version 5.5
rev B:
General Feature Changes:
* Changed the version string to use the country-defined decimal
character, so IF tests on the version level will work properly.
* Comparisons like "if %_date == 12-20-94 ..." now work as they
did in 5.0. Note that even though these tests now work, this
approach is not recommended. To test two strings quotes should
be used around the strings. Otherwise the fact that the strings
begin with digits may cause them to be interpreted as numbers.
* Fixed a problem with an @@ key alias turning off echoing for
subsequent @ key aliases.
* Fixed a problem with numeric color names with values greater than
7 when BRI or BLI was not used). Also, the "ON" is now optional.
* Fixed a problem with numeric comparisons where one had a decimal
component and the other didn't (e.g., "if 2 == 2.0").
* Truncated the description length returned by @DESCRIPT and
DESCRIBE to a maximum of 255 characters, to avoid line length
problems. DIR and SELECT can still display longer descriptions,
you just can't go over 255 characters on the command line (as
* Worked around a bug in NCACHE and SMARTDRV 4.0, which were
destroying the internal command list (usually affecting PUSHD and
POPD) if SDFlush=Yes was used.
Variable and Function Changes:
* @ALIAS: Now truncates aliases greater than the maximum line size
(255 in DOS, 1023 in OS/2 & NT) to avoid line length errors.
* @ATTRIB: Fixed a problem with not matching against all the
specified attributes.
* @EVAL: Fixed a problem which was truncating the returned value.
* @FILEREAD in binary mode will now properly terminate the input
* @INT and @NUMERIC now do more exhaustive testing.
Batch File Changes:
* Fixed a problem with ESC not working with SETDOS /Y1 (the ESC
should have been equivalent to an 'R').
* Fixed a problem with the batch file line (used in error messages)
not getting updated inside command groups or line continuations
(where the previous line ended in an escape character).
Command Changes:
* ?: Fixed a problem with a "?..." command being executed even if
it was inside an IFF block where the condition was false. Also
fixed a problem when the command following a "?" was an alias.
* ?: The "?" command can now be redirected or piped; using
redirection or piping will no longer cause "?" to be interpreted
as a batch prompt command.
* ALIAS: Added a check for UNKNOWN_CMD alias loops.
* DIR: Fixed case problems with SETDOS /U1 and the /F and /L
* DO: Fixed an obscure problem if you do a LEAVE in a DO UNTIL, in
the same loop pass where DO would have terminated anyway.
* DRAWBOX: Slowed down the ZOOM option on fast systems so you can
actually see it.
* EXCEPT: Fixed a problem with ranges.
* FFIND: Fixed a bug where FFIND would loop endlessly if there was
a match on the last line of a file, with no terminating CR/LF,
and a bug in the /E option. Also, FFIND will no longer return
the "." and ".." directories.
* LIST: Now supports files with CR's only (no LF's). LIST should
now display files properly whether lines are terminated by CR,
LF, or CR/LF.
* SELECT: Fixed a problem with calling up LIST within SELECT, then
hitting ^C in LIST and again when you return to SELECT. Also
fixed an occasional problem with garbage on the SELECT header
line after doing a LIST from within SELECT.