home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- Various routines that prompt for things.
- */
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #ifndef XFRACT
- #include <io.h>
- #include <dos.h>
- #elif !defined(__386BSD__)
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include <sys/dir.h>
- #endif
- #ifdef __TURBOC__
- #include <alloc.h>
- #elif !defined(__386BSD__)
- #include <malloc.h>
- #endif
- #ifdef __hpux
- #include <sys/param.h>
- #define getwd(a) getcwd(a,MAXPATHLEN)
- #endif
- #include "fractint.h"
- #include "fractype.h"
- #include "helpdefs.h"
- #include "prototyp.h"
- /* Routines in this module */
- static int check_f6_key(int curkey,int choice);
- static int expand_dirname(char *dirname,char *drive);
- static int filename_speedstr(int, int, int, char *, int);
- /* speed key state values */
- #define MATCHING 0 /* string matches list - speed key mode */
- #define TEMPLATE -2 /* wild cards present - buiding template */
- #define SEARCHPATH -3 /* no match - building path search name */
- #define FILEATTR 0x37 /* File attributes; select all but volume labels */
- #define HIDDEN 2
- #define SYSTEM 4
- #define SUBDIR 16
- #define MAXNUMFILES 2977L
- struct DIR_SEARCH DTA; /* Allocate DTA and define structure */
- #define GETFORMULA 0
- #define GETLSYS 1
- #define GETIFS 2
- #define GETPARM 3
- char commandmask[13] = {"*.par"};
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /*
- get_toggles() is called from FRACTINT.C whenever the 'x' key
- is pressed. This routine prompts for several options,
- sets the appropriate variables, and returns the following code
- to the calling routine:
- -1 routine was ESCAPEd - no need to re-generate the image.
- 0 nothing changed, or minor variable such as "overwrite=".
- No need to re-generate the image.
- 1 major variable changed (such as "inside="). Re-generate
- the image.
- Finally, remember to insert variables in the list *and* check
- for them in the same order!!!
- */
- #define LOADCHOICES(X) {\
- static FCODE tmp[] = { X };\
- far_strcpy(ptr,(char far *)tmp);\
- choices[++k]= ptr;\
- ptr += sizeof(tmp);\
- }
- int get_toggles()
- {
- static FCODE o_hdg[]={" Basic Options\n\
- (not all combinations make sense)"};
- char hdg[sizeof(o_hdg)];
- char far *choices[20];
- char far *ptr;
- int oldhelpmode;
- char prevsavename[81];
- char *savenameptr;
- struct fullscreenvalues uvalues[25];
- int i, j, k;
- char old_usr_stdcalcmode;
- long old_maxit;
- int old_inside,old_outside,old_soundflag;
- int old_logflag,old_biomorph,old_decomp;
- int old_fillcolor;
- static char *calcmodes[] ={"1","2","3","g","b","t"};
- static char *soundmodes[5]={s_yes,s_no,s_x,s_y,s_z};
- far_strcpy(hdg,o_hdg);
- ptr = (char far *)MK_FP(extraseg,0);
- k = -1;
- LOADCHOICES("Passes (1, 2, 3, g[uessing], b[oundary trace], t[esseral])");
- uvalues[k].type = 'l';
- uvalues[k].uval.ch.vlen = 3;
- uvalues[k].uval.ch.llen = sizeof(calcmodes)/sizeof(*calcmodes);
- uvalues[k].uval.ch.list = calcmodes;
- uvalues[k].uval.ch.val = (usr_stdcalcmode == '1') ? 0
- : (usr_stdcalcmode == '2') ? 1
- : (usr_stdcalcmode == '3') ? 2
- : (usr_stdcalcmode == 'g') ? 3
- : (usr_stdcalcmode == 'b') ? 4 :5 ;
- old_usr_stdcalcmode = usr_stdcalcmode;
- LOADCHOICES("Floating Point Algorithm");
- uvalues[k].type = 'y';
- uvalues[k].uval.ch.val = usr_floatflag;
- LOADCHOICES("Maximum Iterations (2 to 2,147,483,647)");
- uvalues[k].type = 'L';
- uvalues[k].uval.Lval = old_maxit = maxit;
- LOADCHOICES("Inside Color (<nnn>,maxiter,zmag,bof60,bof61,epscr,star,per)");
- uvalues[k].type = 's';
- if(inside == -59)
- strcpy(uvalues[k].uval.sval,s_zmag);
- else if(inside == -60)
- strcpy(uvalues[k].uval.sval,s_bof60);
- else if(inside == -61)
- strcpy(uvalues[k].uval.sval,s_bof61);
- else if(inside == -100)
- strcpy(uvalues[k].uval.sval,s_epscross);
- else if(inside == -101)
- strcpy(uvalues[k].uval.sval,s_startrail);
- else if(inside == -102)
- strcpy(uvalues[k].uval.sval,s_period);
- else if(inside == -1)
- strcpy(uvalues[k].uval.sval,s_maxiter);
- else
- sprintf(uvalues[k].uval.sval,"%d",inside);
- old_inside = inside;
- LOADCHOICES("Outside Color (<nnn>,iter,real,imag,mult,summ,atan)");
- uvalues[k].type = 's';
- if(outside == -1)
- strcpy(uvalues[k].uval.sval,s_iter);
- else if(outside == -2)
- strcpy(uvalues[k].uval.sval,s_real);
- else if(outside == -3)
- strcpy(uvalues[k].uval.sval,s_imag);
- else if(outside == -4)
- strcpy(uvalues[k].uval.sval,s_mult);
- else if(outside == -5)
- strcpy(uvalues[k].uval.sval,s_sum);
- else if(outside == -6)
- strcpy(uvalues[k].uval.sval,s_atan);
- else
- sprintf(uvalues[k].uval.sval,"%d",outside);
- old_outside = outside;
- LOADCHOICES("Savename (.GIF implied)");
- uvalues[k].type = 's';
- strcpy(prevsavename,savename);
- savenameptr = strrchr(savename, SLASHC);
- if(savenameptr == NULL)
- savenameptr = savename;
- else
- savenameptr++; /* point past slash */
- strcpy(uvalues[k].uval.sval,savenameptr);
- LOADCHOICES("File Overwrite ('overwrite=')");
- uvalues[k].type = 'y';
- uvalues[k].uval.ch.val = overwrite;
- LOADCHOICES("Sound (no, yes, x, y, z)");
- uvalues[k].type = 'l';
- uvalues[k].uval.ch.vlen = 3;
- uvalues[k].uval.ch.llen = 5;
- uvalues[k].uval.ch.list = soundmodes;
- uvalues[k].uval.ch.val = 1 + (old_soundflag = soundflag);
- if (rangeslen == 0) {
- LOADCHOICES("Log Palette (0=no,1=yes,-1=old,+n=cmprsd,-n=sqrt, 2=auto)");
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- }
- else {
- LOADCHOICES("Log Palette (n/a, ranges= parameter is in effect)");
- uvalues[k].type = '*';
- }
- uvalues[k].uval.ival = old_logflag = LogFlag;
- LOADCHOICES("Biomorph Color (-1 means OFF)");
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k].uval.ival = old_biomorph = usr_biomorph;
- LOADCHOICES("Decomp Option (2,4,8,..,256, 0=OFF)");
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k].uval.ival = old_decomp = decomp[0];
- LOADCHOICES("Fill Color (normal,<nnn>) (works with passes=t and =b)");
- uvalues[k].type = 's';
- if(fillcolor < 0)
- strcpy(uvalues[k].uval.sval,s_normal);
- else
- sprintf(uvalues[k].uval.sval,"%d",fillcolor);
- old_fillcolor = fillcolor;
- LOADCHOICES("Orbit delay (0 = none)");
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k].uval.ival = orbit_delay;
- oldhelpmode = helpmode;
- helpmode = HELPXOPTS;
- i = fullscreen_prompt(hdg,k+1,choices,uvalues,0,NULL);
- helpmode = oldhelpmode;
- if (i < 0) {
- return(-1);
- }
- /* now check out the results (*hopefully* in the same order <grin>) */
- k = -1;
- j = 0; /* return code */
- usr_stdcalcmode = calcmodes[uvalues[++k].uval.ch.val][0];
- if (old_usr_stdcalcmode != usr_stdcalcmode) j = 1;
- if (uvalues[++k].uval.ch.val != usr_floatflag) {
- usr_floatflag = (char)uvalues[k].uval.ch.val;
- j = 1;
- }
- ++k;
- maxit = uvalues[k].uval.Lval;
- if (maxit < 0) maxit = old_maxit;
- if (maxit < 2) maxit = 2;
- /* 'maxit' is an int so it is always <= 32767, MCP 12-3-91
- if (maxit > 32767) maxit = 32767;
- */
- if (maxit != old_maxit) j = 1;
- if(strncmp(strlwr(uvalues[++k].uval.sval),s_zmag,4)==0)
- inside = -59;
- else if(strncmp(strlwr(uvalues[k].uval.sval),s_bof60,5)==0)
- inside = -60;
- else if(strncmp(strlwr(uvalues[k].uval.sval),s_bof61,5)==0)
- inside = -61;
- else if(strncmp(strlwr(uvalues[k].uval.sval),s_epscross,3)==0)
- inside = -100;
- else if(strncmp(strlwr(uvalues[k].uval.sval),s_startrail,4)==0)
- inside = -101;
- else if(strncmp(strlwr(uvalues[k].uval.sval),s_period,3)==0)
- inside = -102;
- else if(strncmp(strlwr(uvalues[k].uval.sval),s_maxiter,5)==0)
- inside = -1;
- else
- inside = atoi(uvalues[k].uval.sval);
- if (inside != old_inside) j = 1;
- if(strncmp(strlwr(uvalues[++k].uval.sval),s_real,4)==0)
- outside = -2;
- else if(strncmp(strlwr(uvalues[k].uval.sval),s_imag,4)==0)
- outside = -3;
- else if(strncmp(strlwr(uvalues[k].uval.sval),s_mult,4)==0)
- outside = -4;
- else if(strncmp(strlwr(uvalues[k].uval.sval),s_sum,4)==0)
- outside = -5;
- else if(strncmp(strlwr(uvalues[k].uval.sval),s_atan,4)==0)
- outside = -6;
- else if(strncmp(strlwr(uvalues[k].uval.sval),s_iter,4)==0)
- outside = -1;
- else
- outside = atoi(uvalues[k].uval.sval);
- if (outside != old_outside) j = 1;
- strcpy(savenameptr,uvalues[++k].uval.sval);
- if (strcmp(savename,prevsavename))
- resave_flag = started_resaves = 0; /* forget pending increment */
- overwrite = (char)uvalues[++k].uval.ch.val;
- soundflag = uvalues[++k].uval.ch.val - 1;
- if (soundflag != old_soundflag && (soundflag > 1 || old_soundflag > 1))
- j = 1;
- LogFlag = uvalues[++k].uval.ival;
- if (LogFlag != old_logflag) j = 1;
- usr_biomorph = uvalues[++k].uval.ival;
- if (usr_biomorph != old_biomorph) j = 1;
- decomp[0] = uvalues[++k].uval.ival;
- if (decomp[0] != old_decomp) j = 1;
- if(strncmp(strlwr(uvalues[++k].uval.sval),s_normal,4)==0)
- fillcolor = -1;
- else
- fillcolor = atoi(uvalues[k].uval.sval);
- if (fillcolor != old_fillcolor) j = 1;
- orbit_delay = uvalues[++k].uval.ival;
- return(j);
- }
- /*
- get_toggles2() is similar to get_toggles, invoked by 'y' key
- */
- int get_toggles2()
- {
- static FCODE o_hdg[]={" Extended Options\n\
- (not all combinations make sense)"};
- char hdg[sizeof(o_hdg)];
- char far *ptr;
- char far *choices[20];
- int oldhelpmode;
- struct fullscreenvalues uvalues[25];
- int i, j, k;
- int old_rotate_lo,old_rotate_hi;
- int old_usr_distest,old_distestwidth;
- double old_potparam[3],old_inversion[3];
- far_strcpy(hdg,o_hdg);
- ptr = (char far *)MK_FP(extraseg,0);
- /* fill up the choices (and previous values) arrays */
- k = -1;
- LOADCHOICES("Look for finite attractor (0=no,>0=yes,<0=phase)");
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k].uval.ch.val = finattract;
- LOADCHOICES("Potential Max Color (0 means off)");
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k].uval.ival = (int)(old_potparam[0] = potparam[0]);
- LOADCHOICES(" Slope");
- uvalues[k].type = 'd';
- uvalues[k].uval.dval = old_potparam[1] = potparam[1];
- LOADCHOICES(" Bailout");
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k].uval.ival = (int)(old_potparam[2] = potparam[2]);
- LOADCHOICES(" 16 bit values");
- uvalues[k].type = 'y';
- uvalues[k].uval.ch.val = pot16bit;
- LOADCHOICES("Distance Estimator (0=off, <0=edge, >0=on):");
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k].uval.ival = old_usr_distest = usr_distest;
- LOADCHOICES(" width factor:");
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k].uval.ival = old_distestwidth = distestwidth;
- LOADCHOICES("Inversion radius or \"auto\" (0 means off)");
- LOADCHOICES(" center X coordinate or \"auto\"");
- LOADCHOICES(" center Y coordinate or \"auto\"");
- k = k - 3;
- for (i= 0; i < 3; i++) {
- uvalues[++k].type = 's';
- if ((old_inversion[i] = inversion[i]) == AUTOINVERT)
- sprintf(uvalues[k].uval.sval,"auto");
- else
- sprintf(uvalues[k].uval.sval,"%g",inversion[i]);
- }
- LOADCHOICES(" (use fixed radius & center when zooming)");
- uvalues[k].type = '*';
- LOADCHOICES("Color cycling from color (0 ... 254)");
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k].uval.ival = old_rotate_lo = rotate_lo;
- LOADCHOICES(" to color (1 ... 255)");
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k].uval.ival = old_rotate_hi = rotate_hi;
- oldhelpmode = helpmode;
- helpmode = HELPYOPTS;
- i = fullscreen_prompt(hdg,k+1,choices,uvalues,0,NULL);
- helpmode = oldhelpmode;
- if (i < 0) {
- return(-1);
- }
- /* now check out the results (*hopefully* in the same order <grin>) */
- k = -1;
- j = 0; /* return code */
- if (uvalues[++k].uval.ch.val != finattract) {
- finattract = uvalues[k].uval.ch.val;
- j = 1;
- }
- potparam[0] = uvalues[++k].uval.ival;
- if (potparam[0] != old_potparam[0]) j = 1;
- potparam[1] = uvalues[++k].uval.dval;
- if (potparam[0] != 0.0 && potparam[1] != old_potparam[1]) j = 1;
- potparam[2] = uvalues[++k].uval.ival;
- if (potparam[0] != 0.0 && potparam[2] != old_potparam[2]) j = 1;
- if (uvalues[++k].uval.ch.val != pot16bit) {
- pot16bit = uvalues[k].uval.ch.val;
- if (pot16bit) { /* turned it on */
- if (potparam[0] != 0.0) j = 1;
- }
- else /* turned it off */
- if (dotmode != 11) /* ditch the disk video */
- enddisk();
- else /* keep disk video, but ditch the fraction part at end */
- disk16bit = 0;
- }
- ++k;
- usr_distest = (uvalues[k].uval.ival > 32000) ? 32000 : uvalues[k].uval.ival;
- if (usr_distest != old_usr_distest) j = 1;
- ++k;
- distestwidth = uvalues[k].uval.ival;
- if (usr_distest && distestwidth != old_distestwidth) j = 1;
- for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- if (uvalues[++k].uval.sval[0] == 'a' || uvalues[k].uval.sval[0] == 'A')
- inversion[i] = AUTOINVERT;
- else
- inversion[i] = atof(uvalues[k].uval.sval);
- if (old_inversion[i] != inversion[i]
- && (i == 0 || inversion[0] != 0.0))
- j = 1;
- }
- invert = (inversion[0] == 0.0) ? 0 : 3;
- ++k;
- rotate_lo = uvalues[++k].uval.ival;
- rotate_hi = uvalues[++k].uval.ival;
- if (rotate_lo < 0 || rotate_hi > 255 || rotate_lo > rotate_hi) {
- rotate_lo = old_rotate_lo;
- rotate_hi = old_rotate_hi;
- }
- return(j);
- }
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /*
- get_view_params() is called from FRACTINT.C whenever the 'v' key
- is pressed. Return codes are:
- -1 routine was ESCAPEd - no need to re-generate the image.
- 0 minor variable changed. No need to re-generate the image.
- 1 View changed. Re-generate the image.
- */
- int get_view_params()
- {
- static FCODE o_hdg[]={"View Window Options"};
- char hdg[sizeof(o_hdg)];
- char far *choices[8];
- char far *ptr;
- int oldhelpmode;
- struct fullscreenvalues uvalues[25];
- int i, k;
- float old_viewreduction,old_aspectratio;
- int old_viewwindow,old_viewxdots,old_viewydots;
- far_strcpy(hdg,o_hdg);
- ptr = (char far *)MK_FP(extraseg,0);
- old_viewwindow = viewwindow;
- old_viewreduction = viewreduction;
- old_aspectratio = finalaspectratio;
- old_viewxdots = viewxdots;
- old_viewydots = viewydots;
- get_view_restart:
- /* fill up the previous values arrays */
- k = -1;
- LOADCHOICES("Preview display? (no for full screen)");
- uvalues[k].type = 'y';
- uvalues[k].uval.ch.val = viewwindow;
- LOADCHOICES("Auto window size reduction factor");
- uvalues[k].type = 'f';
- uvalues[k].uval.dval = viewreduction;
- LOADCHOICES("Final media overall aspect ratio, y/x");
- uvalues[k].type = 'f';
- uvalues[k].uval.dval = finalaspectratio;
- LOADCHOICES("Crop starting coordinates to new aspect ratio?");
- uvalues[k].type = 'y';
- uvalues[k].uval.ch.val = viewcrop;
- LOADCHOICES("Explicit size x pixels (0 for auto size)");
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k].uval.ival = viewxdots;
- LOADCHOICES(" y pixels (0 to base on aspect ratio)");
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k].uval.ival = viewydots;
- uvalues[k].type = '*';
- LOADCHOICES("Press F4 to reset view parameters to defaults.");
- uvalues[k].type = '*';
- oldhelpmode = helpmode; /* this prevents HELP from activating */
- helpmode = HELPVIEW;
- i = fullscreen_prompt(hdg,k+1,choices,uvalues,16,NULL);
- helpmode = oldhelpmode; /* re-enable HELP */
- if (i < 0) {
- return(-1);
- }
- if (i == F4) {
- viewwindow = viewxdots = viewydots = 0;
- viewreduction = (float)4.2;
- viewcrop = 1;
- finalaspectratio = screenaspect;
- goto get_view_restart;
- }
- /* now check out the results (*hopefully* in the same order <grin>) */
- k = -1;
- viewwindow = uvalues[++k].uval.ch.val;
- viewreduction = (float)uvalues[++k].uval.dval;
- if ((finalaspectratio = (float)uvalues[++k].uval.dval) == 0)
- finalaspectratio = screenaspect;
- viewcrop = uvalues[++k].uval.ch.val;
- viewxdots = uvalues[++k].uval.ival;
- viewydots = uvalues[++k].uval.ival;
- if (finalaspectratio != old_aspectratio && viewcrop)
- aspectratio_crop(old_aspectratio,finalaspectratio);
- i = 0;
- if (viewwindow != old_viewwindow
- || (viewwindow
- && ( viewreduction != old_viewreduction
- || finalaspectratio != old_aspectratio
- || viewxdots != old_viewxdots
- || (viewydots != old_viewydots && viewxdots) ) ) )
- i = 1;
- return(i);
- }
- /*
- get_cmd_string() is called from FRACTINT.C whenever the 'g' key
- is pressed. Return codes are:
- -1 routine was ESCAPEd - no need to re-generate the image.
- 0 parameter changed, no need to regenerate
- >0 parameter changed, regenerate
- */
- int get_cmd_string()
- {
- static FCODE o_msg[] = {"Enter command string to use."};
- char msg[sizeof(o_msg)];
- int oldhelpmode;
- int i;
- char cmdbuf[61];
- far_strcpy(msg,o_msg);
- oldhelpmode = helpmode;
- helpmode = HELPCOMMANDS;
- cmdbuf[0] = 0;
- i = field_prompt(0,msg,NULL,cmdbuf,60,NULL);
- helpmode = oldhelpmode;
- if (i >= 0 && cmdbuf[0] != 0)
- i = cmdarg(cmdbuf, 2);
- return(i);
- }
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- int Distribution = 30, Offset = 0, Slope = 25;
- long con;
- double starfield_values[4] = {
- 30.0,100.0,5.0,0.0
- };
- char GreyFile[] = "altern.map";
- int starfield(void)
- {
- int c;
- busy = 1;
- if (starfield_values[0] < 1.0) starfield_values[0] = 1.0;
- if (starfield_values[0] > 100.0) starfield_values[0] = 100.0;
- if (starfield_values[1] < 1.0) starfield_values[1] = 1.0;
- if (starfield_values[1] > 100.0) starfield_values[1] = 100.0;
- if (starfield_values[2] < 1.0) starfield_values[2] = 1.0;
- if (starfield_values[2] > 100.0) starfield_values[2] = 100.0;
- Distribution = (int)(starfield_values[0]);
- con = (long)(((starfield_values[1]) / 100.0) * (1L << 16));
- Slope = (int)(starfield_values[2]);
- if (ValidateLuts(GreyFile) != 0) {
- static FCODE msg[]={"Unable to load ALTERN.MAP"};
- stopmsg(0,msg);
- busy = 0;
- return(-1);
- }
- spindac(0,1); /* load it, but don't spin */
- for(row = 0; row < ydots; row++) {
- for(col = 0; col < xdots; col++) {
- if(keypressed()) {
- buzzer(1);
- busy = 0;
- return(1);
- }
- c = getcolor(col, row);
- if(c == inside)
- c = colors-1;
- putcolor(col, row, GausianNumber(c, colors));
- }
- }
- buzzer(0);
- busy = 0;
- return(0);
- }
- int get_starfield_params(void) {
- static FCODE o_hdg[]={"Starfield Parameters"};
- static FCODE o_sf1[] = {"Star Density in Pixels per Star"};
- static FCODE o_sf2[] = {"Percent Clumpiness"};
- static FCODE o_sf3[] = {"Ratio of Dim stars to Bright"};
- char hdg[sizeof(o_hdg)];
- char sf1[sizeof(o_sf1)];
- char sf2[sizeof(o_sf2)];
- char sf3[sizeof(o_sf3)];
- struct fullscreenvalues uvalues[3];
- int oldhelpmode;
- int i;
- char far *starfield_prompts[3];
- far_strcpy(hdg,o_hdg);
- far_strcpy(sf1,o_sf1);
- far_strcpy(sf2,o_sf2);
- far_strcpy(sf3,o_sf3);
- starfield_prompts[0] = sf1;
- starfield_prompts[1] = sf2;
- starfield_prompts[2] = sf3;
- if(colors < 255) {
- static FCODE msg[]={"starfield requires 256 color mode"};
- stopmsg(0,msg);
- return(-1);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- uvalues[i].uval.dval = starfield_values[i];
- uvalues[i].type = 'f';
- }
- stackscreen();
- oldhelpmode = helpmode;
- helpmode = HELPSTARFLD;
- i = fullscreen_prompt(hdg,3,starfield_prompts,uvalues,0,NULL);
- helpmode = oldhelpmode;
- unstackscreen();
- if (i < 0) {
- return(-1);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
- starfield_values[i] = uvalues[i].uval.dval;
- return(0);
- }
- static char *masks[] = {"*.pot","*.gif"};
- int get_rds_params(void) {
- static FCODE o_hdg[] = {"Random Dot Stereogram Parameters"};
- static FCODE o_rds0[] = {"Depth Effect (negative reverses front and back)"};
- static FCODE o_rds1[] = {"Image width in inches"};
- static FCODE o_rds2[] = {"Use grayscale value for depth? (if \"no\" uses color number)"};
- static FCODE o_rds3[] = {"Calibration bars"};
- static FCODE o_rds4[] = {"Use image map? (if \"no\" uses random dots)"};
- static FCODE o_rds5[] = {" If yes, use current image map name? (see below)"};
- char hdg[sizeof(o_hdg)];
- char rds0[sizeof(o_rds0)];
- char rds1[sizeof(o_rds1)];
- char rds2[sizeof(o_rds2)];
- char rds3[sizeof(o_rds3)];
- char rds4[sizeof(o_rds4)];
- char rds5[sizeof(o_rds5)];
- char rds6[60];
- static char *stereobars[] = {"none", "middle", "top"};
- struct fullscreenvalues uvalues[7];
- char far *rds_prompts[7];
- int oldhelpmode;
- int i,k;
- int ret;
- static char reuse = 0;
- stackscreen();
- for(;;)
- {
- ret = 0;
- /* copy to make safe from overlay change */
- far_strcpy(hdg,o_hdg);
- far_strcpy(rds0,o_rds0);
- far_strcpy(rds1,o_rds1);
- far_strcpy(rds2,o_rds2);
- far_strcpy(rds3,o_rds3);
- far_strcpy(rds4,o_rds4);
- far_strcpy(rds5,o_rds5);
- rds_prompts[0] = rds0;
- rds_prompts[1] = rds1;
- rds_prompts[2] = rds2;
- rds_prompts[3] = rds3;
- rds_prompts[4] = rds4;
- rds_prompts[5] = rds5;
- rds_prompts[6] = rds6;
- k=0;
- uvalues[k].uval.ival = AutoStereo_depth;
- uvalues[k++].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k].uval.dval = AutoStereo_width;
- uvalues[k++].type = 'f';
- uvalues[k].uval.ch.val = grayflag;
- uvalues[k++].type = 'y';
- uvalues[k].type = 'l';
- uvalues[k].uval.ch.list = stereobars;
- uvalues[k].uval.ch.vlen = 6;
- uvalues[k].uval.ch.llen = 3;
- uvalues[k++].uval.ch.val = calibrate;
- uvalues[k].uval.ch.val = image_map;
- uvalues[k++].type = 'y';
- if(*stereomapname != 0)
- {
- char *p;
- uvalues[k].uval.ch.val = reuse;
- uvalues[k++].type = 'y';
- uvalues[k++].type = '*';
- for(i=0;i<sizeof(rds6);i++)
- rds6[i] = ' ';
- if((p = strrchr(stereomapname,'\\'))==NULL ||
- strlen(stereomapname) < sizeof(rds6)-2)
- p = strlwr(stereomapname);
- else
- p++;
- /* center file name */
- rds6[(sizeof(rds6)-strlen(p)+2)/2] = 0;
- strcat(rds6,"[");
- strcat(rds6,p);
- strcat(rds6,"]");
- }
- else
- *stereomapname = 0;
- oldhelpmode = helpmode;
- helpmode = HELPRDS;
- i = fullscreen_prompt(hdg,k,rds_prompts,uvalues,0,NULL);
- helpmode = oldhelpmode;
- if (i < 0) {
- ret = -1;
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- k=0;
- AutoStereo_depth = uvalues[k++].uval.ival;
- AutoStereo_width = uvalues[k++].uval.dval;
- grayflag = (char)uvalues[k++].uval.ch.val;
- calibrate = (char)uvalues[k++].uval.ch.val;
- image_map = (char)uvalues[k++].uval.ch.val;
- if(*stereomapname)
- reuse = (char)uvalues[k++].uval.ch.val;
- else
- reuse = 0;
- if(image_map && !reuse)
- {
- static FCODE tmp[] = {"Select an Imagemap File"};
- /* rds3 only a convenient buffer */
- far_strcpy(rds3,tmp);
- if(getafilename(rds3,masks[1],stereomapname))
- continue;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- unstackscreen();
- return(ret);
- }
- int get_a_number(double *x, double *y)
- {
- static FCODE o_hdg[]={"Set Cursor Coordinates"};
- char hdg[sizeof(o_hdg)];
- char far *ptr;
- char far *choices[2];
- struct fullscreenvalues uvalues[2];
- int i, k;
- stackscreen();
- far_strcpy(hdg,o_hdg);
- ptr = (char far *)MK_FP(extraseg,0);
- /* fill up the previous values arrays */
- k = -1;
- LOADCHOICES("X coordinate at cursor");
- uvalues[k].type = 'd';
- uvalues[k].uval.dval = *x;
- LOADCHOICES("Y coordinate at cursor");
- uvalues[k].type = 'd';
- uvalues[k].uval.dval = *y;
- i = fullscreen_prompt(hdg,k+1,choices,uvalues,25,NULL);
- if (i < 0) {
- unstackscreen();
- return(-1);
- }
- /* now check out the results (*hopefully* in the same order <grin>) */
- k = -1;
- *x = uvalues[++k].uval.dval;
- *y = uvalues[++k].uval.dval;
- unstackscreen();
- return(i);
- }
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- int get_commands() /* execute commands from file */
- {
- int ret;
- FILE *parmfile;
- long point;
- int oldhelpmode;
- ret = 0;
- oldhelpmode = helpmode;
- helpmode = HELPPARMFILE;
- if ((point = get_file_entry(GETPARM,"Parameter Set",
- commandmask,CommandFile,CommandName)) >= 0
- && (parmfile = fopen(CommandFile,"rb")) != NULL) {
- fseek(parmfile,point,SEEK_SET);
- ret = load_commands(parmfile);
- }
- helpmode = oldhelpmode;
- return(ret);
- }
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- void goodbye() /* we done. Bail out */
- {
- char goodbyemessage[40];
- int ret;
- static FCODE gbm[]={" Thank You for using FRACTINT"};
- #ifndef XFRACT
- union REGS r;
- #endif
- far_strcpy(goodbyemessage, gbm);
- #ifdef WINFRACT
- return;
- #endif
- setvideotext();
- #ifdef XFRACT
- UnixDone();
- printf("\n\n\n%s\n",goodbyemessage); /* printf takes far pointer */
- #else
- r.h.al = (char)((mode7text == 0) ? exitmode : 7);
- r.h.ah = 0;
- int86(0x10, &r, &r);
- printf("\n\n\n%s\n",goodbyemessage); /* printf takes far pointer */
- #endif
- movecursor(6,0);
- discardgraphics(); /* if any emm/xmm tied up there, release it */
- stopslideshow();
- #ifndef XFRACT
- if (made_dsktemp)
- dir_remove(tempdir,diskfilename);
- #endif
- end_help();
- ret = 0;
- if (initbatch == 3) /* exit with error code for batch file */
- ret = 2;
- else if (initbatch == 4)
- ret = 1;
- exit(ret);
- }
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- #ifdef XFRACT
- static char searchdir[FILE_MAX_DIR];
- static char searchname[FILE_MAX_PATH];
- static char searchext[FILE_MAX_EXT];
- static DIR *currdir = NULL;
- #endif
- int fr_findfirst(char *path) /* Find 1st file (or subdir) meeting path/filespec */
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- union REGS regs;
- regs.h.ah = 0x1A; /* Set DTA to filedata */
- regs.x.dx = (unsigned)&DTA;
- intdos(®s, ®s);
- regs.h.ah = 0x4E; /* Find 1st file meeting path */
- regs.x.dx = (unsigned)path;
- regs.x.cx = FILEATTR;
- intdos(®s, ®s);
- return(regs.x.ax); /* Return error code */
- #else
- if (currdir != NULL) {
- closedir(currdir);
- currdir = NULL;
- }
- splitpath(path,NULL,searchdir,searchname,searchext);
- if (searchdir[0]=='\0') {
- currdir = opendir(".");
- } else {
- currdir = opendir(searchdir);
- }
- if (currdir==NULL) {
- return -1;
- } else {
- return fr_findnext();
- }
- #endif
- }
- int fr_findnext() /* Find next file (or subdir) meeting above path/filespec */
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- union REGS regs;
- regs.h.ah = 0x4F; /* Find next file meeting path */
- regs.x.dx = (unsigned)&DTA;
- intdos(®s, ®s);
- return(regs.x.ax);
- #else
- #ifdef DIRENT
- struct dirent *dirEntry;
- #else
- struct direct *dirEntry;
- #endif
- struct stat sbuf;
- char thisname[FILE_MAX_PATH];
- char tmpname[FILE_MAX_PATH];
- char thisext[FILE_MAX_EXT];
- for(;;) {
- dirEntry = readdir(currdir);
- if (dirEntry == NULL) {
- closedir(currdir);
- currdir = NULL;
- return -1;
- } else if (dirEntry->d_ino != 0) {
- splitpath(dirEntry->d_name,NULL,NULL,thisname,thisext);
- if ((searchname[0]=='*' || strcmp(searchname,thisname)==0) &&
- (searchext[0]=='*' || strcmp(searchext,thisext)==0)) {
- strncpy(DTA.filename,dirEntry->d_name,20);
- DTA.filename[20]=='\0';
- strcpy(tmpname,searchdir);
- strcat(tmpname,"/");
- strcat(tmpname,dirEntry->d_name);
- stat(tmpname,&sbuf);
- if ((sbuf.st_mode&S_IFMT)==S_IFREG) {
- DTA.attribute = 0;
- } else if ((sbuf.st_mode&S_IFMT)==S_IFDIR) {
- DTA.attribute = SUBDIR;
- } else {
- continue;
- }
- DTA.size = sbuf.st_size;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }
- #endif
- }
- #if 0
- void heap_sort(void far *ra1, int n, unsigned sz, int (__cdecl *fct)(VOIDFARPTR arg1,VOIDFARPTR arg2))
- {
- int ll,j,ir,i;
- void far *rra;
- char far *ra;
- ra = (char far *)ra1;
- ra -= sz;
- ll=(n>>1)+1;
- ir=n;
- for(;;)
- {
- if(ll>1)
- rra = *((char far *far *)(ra+(--ll)*sz));
- else
- {
- rra = *((char far * far *)(ra+ir*sz));
- *((char far * far *)(ra+ir*sz))=*((char far * far *)(ra+sz));
- if(--ir == 1)
- {
- *((char far * far *)(ra+sz))=rra;
- return;
- }
- }
- i = ll;
- j = ll <<1;
- while (j <= ir)
- {
- if(j<ir && (fct(ra+j*sz,ra+(j+1)*sz) < 0))
- ++j;
- if(fct(&rra,ra+j*sz) < 0)
- {
- *((char far * far *)(ra+i*sz)) = *((char far * far *)(ra+j*sz));
- j += (i=j);
- }
- else
- j=ir+1;
- }
- *((char far * far *)(ra+i*sz))=rra;
- }
- }
- #endif
- int lccompare(VOIDFARPTR arg1, VOIDFARPTR arg2) /* for sort */
- {
- return(strncasecmp(*((char far * far *)arg1),*((char far *far *)arg2),40));
- }
- void far_strncpy(char far *t, char far *s, int len)
- {
- while((len-- && (*t++ = *s++) != 0));
- }
- char far *far_strchr(char far *str, char c)
- {
- int len,i;
- len = far_strlen(str);
- i= -1;
- while (++i < len && c != str[i]);
- if(i == len)
- return(NULL);
- else
- return(&str[i]);
- }
- char far *far_strrchr(char far *str, char c)
- {
- int len;
- len = far_strlen(str);
- while (--len > -1 && c != str[len]);
- if(len == -1)
- return(NULL);
- else
- return(&str[len]);
- }
- static int speedstate;
- int getafilename(char *hdg,char *template,char *flname)
- {
- int rds; /* if getting an RDS image map */
- static FCODE o_instr[]={"Press F6 for default directory, F4 to toggle sort "};
- char far *instr;
- int masklen;
- char filename[13];
- char speedstr[81];
- char tmpmask[FILE_MAX_PATH]; /* used to locate next file in list */
- static int numtemplates = 1;
- int i,j;
- int out;
- int retried;
- static struct CHOICE
- {
- char name[13];
- char type;
- }
- far *far*choices;
- int far *attributes;
- int filecount; /* how many files */
- int dircount; /* how many directories */
- int notroot; /* not the root directory */
- char drive[FILE_MAX_DRIVE];
- char dir[FILE_MAX_DIR];
- char fname[FILE_MAX_FNAME];
- char ext[FILE_MAX_EXT];
- static int dosort = 1;
- int options = 8;
- rds = (stereomapname == flname)?1:0;
- #if 0
- if(rds)
- {
- setclear();
- sprintf(speedstr,"Scanning for %dx%d file names...",xdots,ydots);
- putstringcenter(0,0,80,C_GENERAL_INPUT,speedstr);
- }
- #endif
- /* steal existing array for "choices" */
- choices = (struct CHOICE far *far*)MK_FP(extraseg,0);
- choices[0] = (struct CHOICE far *)(choices + MAXNUMFILES+1);
- attributes = (int far *)(choices[0] + MAXNUMFILES+1);
- instr = (char far *)(attributes + MAXNUMFILES +1);
- #if 0 /* not needed if no farmemalloc */
- if(choices[0] == NULL)
- stopmsg(0, "farmemalloc failed in getafilename");
- #endif
- attributes[0] = 1;
- for(i=1;i<MAXNUMFILES+1;i++)
- {
- choices[i] = choices[i-1] + 1;
- attributes[i] = 1;
- }
- restart: /* return here if template or directory changes */
- tmpmask[0] = 0;
- if(flname[0] == 0)
- strcpy(flname,DOTSLASH);
- splitpath(flname ,drive,dir,fname,ext);
- makepath(filename,"" ,"" ,fname,ext);
- retried = 0;
- retry_dir:
- if (dir[0] == 0)
- strcpy(dir,".");
- expand_dirname(dir,drive);
- makepath(tmpmask,drive,dir,"","");
- fix_dirname(tmpmask);
- if (retried == 0 && strcmp(dir,SLASH) && strcmp(dir,DOTSLASH))
- {
- tmpmask[(j = strlen(tmpmask) - 1)] = 0; /* strip trailing \ */
- if (strchr(tmpmask,'*') || strchr(tmpmask,'?')
- || fr_findfirst(tmpmask) != 0
- || (DTA.attribute & SUBDIR) == 0)
- {
- strcpy(dir,DOTSLASH);
- ++retried;
- goto retry_dir;
- }
- tmpmask[j] = SLASHC;
- }
- if(template[0])
- {
- numtemplates = 1;
- splitpath(template,NULL,NULL,fname,ext);
- }
- else
- numtemplates = sizeof(masks)/sizeof(masks[0]);
- filecount = -1;
- dircount = 0;
- notroot = 0;
- j = 0;
- masklen = strlen(tmpmask);
- strcat(tmpmask,"*.*");
- out = fr_findfirst(tmpmask);
- while(out == 0 && filecount < MAXNUMFILES)
- {
- if((DTA.attribute & SUBDIR) && strcmp(DTA.filename,"."))
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- strlwr(DTA.filename);
- #endif
- if(strcmp(DTA.filename,".."))
- strcat(DTA.filename,SLASH);
- far_strncpy(choices[++filecount]->name,DTA.filename,13);
- choices[filecount]->name[12] = '\0';
- choices[filecount]->type = 1;
- dircount++;
- if(strcmp(DTA.filename,"..")==0)
- notroot = 1;
- }
- out = fr_findnext();
- }
- tmpmask[masklen] = 0;
- if(template[0])
- makepath(tmpmask,drive,dir,fname,ext);
- do
- {
- if(numtemplates > 1)
- strcpy(&(tmpmask[masklen]),masks[j]);
- out = fr_findfirst(tmpmask);
- while(out == 0 && filecount < MAXNUMFILES)
- {
- if(!(DTA.attribute & SUBDIR))
- {
- if(rds)
- {
- sprintf(speedstr,"%s",DTA.filename);
- putstringcenter(2,0,80,C_GENERAL_INPUT,speedstr);
- splitpath(DTA.filename,NULL,NULL,fname,ext);
- /* just using speedstr as a handy buffer */
- makepath(speedstr,drive,dir,fname,ext);
- strlwr(DTA.filename);
- far_strncpy(choices[++filecount]->name,DTA.filename,13);
- choices[filecount]->type = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- strlwr(DTA.filename);
- far_strncpy(choices[++filecount]->name,DTA.filename,13);
- choices[filecount]->type = 0;
- }
- }
- out = fr_findnext();
- }
- }
- while (++j < numtemplates);
- if (++filecount == 0)
- {
- far_strcpy(choices[filecount]->name,"*nofiles*");
- choices[filecount]->type = 0;
- ++filecount;
- }
- far_strcpy(instr,o_instr);
- if(dosort)
- {
- far_strcat(instr,"off");
- shell_sort((void far *far*)choices,filecount,sizeof(char far *),lccompare); /* sort file list */
- }
- else
- far_strcat(instr,"on");
- if(notroot == 0 && dir[0] && dir[0] != SLASHC) /* must be in root directory */
- {
- splitpath(tmpmask,drive,dir,fname,ext);
- strcpy(dir,SLASH);
- makepath(tmpmask,drive,dir,fname,ext);
- }
- if(numtemplates > 1)
- {
- strcat(tmpmask," ");
- strcat(tmpmask,masks[0]);
- }
- strcpy(temp1,hdg);
- strcat(temp1,"\nTemplate: ");
- strcat(temp1,tmpmask);
- strcpy(speedstr,filename);
- if (speedstr[0] == 0)
- {
- for (i=0; i<filecount; i++) /* find first file */
- if (choices[i]->type == 0)
- break;
- if (i >= filecount)
- i = 0;
- }
- if(dosort)
- options = 8;
- else
- options = 8+32;
- i = fullscreen_choice(options,temp1,NULL,instr,filecount,(char far *far*)choices,
- attributes,5,99,12,i,NULL,speedstr,filename_speedstr,check_f6_key);
- if (i==-F4)
- {
- dosort = 1 - dosort;
- goto restart;
- }
- if (i==-F6)
- {
- static int lastdir=0;
- if (lastdir==0)
- {
- strcpy(dir,fract_dir1);
- }
- else
- {
- strcpy(dir,fract_dir2);
- }
- fix_dirname(dir);
- makepath(flname,drive,dir,"","");
- lastdir = 1-lastdir;
- goto restart;
- }
- if (i < 0)
- {
- return(-1);
- }
- if(speedstr[0] == 0 || speedstate == MATCHING)
- {
- if(choices[i]->type)
- {
- if(far_strcmp(choices[i]->name,"..") == 0) /* go up a directory */
- {
- if(strcmp(dir,DOTSLASH) == 0)
- strcpy(dir,DOTDOTSLASH);
- else
- {
- char *s;
- if((s = strrchr(dir,SLASHC)) != NULL) /* trailing slash */
- {
- *s = 0;
- if((s = strrchr(dir,SLASHC)) != NULL)
- *(s+1) = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- else /* go down a directory */
- far_strcat(dir,choices[i]->name);
- fix_dirname(dir);
- makepath(flname,drive,dir,"","");
- goto restart;
- }
- splitpath(choices[i]->name,NULL,NULL,fname,ext);
- makepath(flname,drive,dir,fname,ext);
- }
- else
- {
- if (speedstate == SEARCHPATH
- && strchr(speedstr,'*') == 0 && strchr(speedstr,'?') == 0
- && ((fr_findfirst(speedstr) == 0
- && (DTA.attribute & SUBDIR))|| strcmp(speedstr,SLASH)==0)) /* it is a directory */
- speedstate = TEMPLATE;
- if(speedstate == TEMPLATE)
- {
- /* extract from tempstr the pathname and template information,
- being careful not to overwrite drive and directory if not
- newly specified */
- char drive1[FILE_MAX_DRIVE];
- char dir1[FILE_MAX_DIR];
- char fname1[FILE_MAX_FNAME];
- char ext1[FILE_MAX_EXT];
- splitpath(speedstr,drive1,dir1,fname1,ext1);
- if(drive1[0])
- strcpy(drive,drive1);
- if(dir1[0])
- strcpy(dir,dir1);
- makepath(flname,drive,dir,fname1,ext1);
- if(strchr(fname1,'*') || strchr(fname1,'?') ||
- strchr(ext1 ,'*') || strchr(ext1 ,'?'))
- makepath(template,"","",fname1,ext1);
- else if(isadirectory(flname))
- fix_dirname(flname);
- goto restart;
- }
- else /* speedstate == SEARCHPATH */
- {
- char fullpath[80];
- /* if (strchr(speedstr,'.') == NULL)
- strcat(speedstr,masks[1]); */
- findpath(speedstr,fullpath);
- if(fullpath[0])
- strcpy(flname,fullpath);
- else
- { /* failed, make diagnostic useful: */
- strcpy(flname,speedstr);
- if (strchr(speedstr,SLASHC) == NULL)
- {
- splitpath(speedstr,NULL,NULL,fname,ext);
- makepath(flname,drive,dir,fname,ext);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- makepath(browsename,"","",fname,ext);
- return(0);
- }
- #ifdef __CLINT__
- #pragma argsused
- #endif
- static int check_f6_key(int curkey,int choice)
- { /* choice is dummy used by other routines called by fullscreen_choice() */
- choice = 0; /* to suppress warning only */
- if (curkey == F6)
- return 0-F6;
- else if (curkey == F4)
- return 0-F4;
- return 0;
- }
- static int filename_speedstr(int row, int col, int vid,
- char *speedstring, int speed_match)
- {
- char *prompt;
- if ( strchr(speedstring,':')
- || strchr(speedstring,'*') || strchr(speedstring,'*')
- || strchr(speedstring,'?')) {
- speedstate = TEMPLATE; /* template */
- prompt = "File Template";
- }
- else if (speed_match) {
- speedstate = SEARCHPATH; /* does not match list */
- prompt = "Search Path for";
- }
- else {
- speedstate = MATCHING;
- prompt = speed_prompt;
- }
- putstring(row,col,vid,prompt);
- return(strlen(prompt));
- }
- int isadirectory(char *s)
- {
- int len;
- char sv;
- #ifdef _MSC_VER
- unsigned attrib = 0;
- #endif
- despace(s); /* scrunch out white space */
- if(strchr(s,'*') || strchr(s,'?'))
- return(0); /* for my purposes, not a directory */
- len = strlen(s);
- if(len > 0)
- sv = s[len-1]; /* last char */
- else
- sv = 0;
- #ifdef _MSC_VER
- if(_dos_getfileattr(s, &attrib) == 0 && ((attrib&_A_SUBDIR) != 0))
- {
- return(1); /* not a directory or doesn't exist */
- }
- else if(sv == SLASHC)
- {
- /* strip trailing slash and try again */
- s[len-1] = 0;
- if(_dos_getfileattr(s, &attrib) == 0 && ((attrib&_A_SUBDIR) != 0))
- {
- s[len-1] = sv;
- return(1);
- }
- s[len-1] = sv;
- }
- return(0);
- #else
- if(fr_findfirst(s) != 0) /* couldn't find it */
- {
- /* any better ideas?? */
- if(strchr(s,SLASHC)) /* we'll guess it is a directory */
- return(1);
- else
- return(0); /* no slashes - we'll guess it's a file */
- }
- else if(DTA.attribute & SUBDIR)
- return(1); /* we're SURE it's a directory */
- else
- return(0);
- #endif
- }
- #ifndef XFRACT /* This routine moved to unix.c so we can use it in hc.c */
- int splitpath(char far *template,char *drive,char *dir,char *fname,char *ext)
- {
- int length;
- int len;
- int offset;
- char far *tmp;
- if(drive)
- drive[0] = 0;
- if(dir)
- dir[0] = 0;
- if(fname)
- fname[0] = 0;
- if(ext)
- ext[0] = 0;
- if((length = far_strlen(template)) == 0)
- return(0);
- offset = 0;
- /* get drive */
- if(length >= 2)
- if(template[1] == ':')
- {
- if(drive)
- {
- drive[0] = template[offset++];
- drive[1] = template[offset++];
- drive[2] = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- offset++;
- offset++;
- }
- }
- /* get dir */
- if(offset < length)
- {
- tmp = far_strrchr(template,SLASHC);
- if(tmp)
- {
- tmp++; /* first character after slash */
- len = tmp - (char far *)&template[offset];
- if(len >= 0 && len < FILE_MAX_DIR && dir)
- far_strncpy(dir,&template[offset],min(len,FILE_MAX_DIR));
- if(len < FILE_MAX_DIR && dir)
- dir[len] = 0;
- offset += len;
- }
- }
- else
- return(0);
- /* get fname */
- if(offset < length)
- {
- tmp = far_strrchr(template,'.');
- if(tmp < far_strrchr(template,SLASHC) || tmp < far_strrchr(template,':'))
- tmp = 0; /* in this case the '.' must be a directory */
- if(tmp)
- {
- /* tmp++; */ /* first character past "." */
- len = tmp - (char far *)&template[offset];
- if((len > 0) && (offset+len < length) && fname)
- {
- far_strncpy(fname,&template[offset],min(len,FILE_MAX_FNAME));
- if(len < FILE_MAX_FNAME)
- fname[len] = 0;
- else
- fname[FILE_MAX_FNAME-1] = 0;
- }
- offset += len;
- if((offset < length) && ext)
- {
- far_strncpy(ext,&template[offset],FILE_MAX_EXT);
- ext[FILE_MAX_EXT-1] = 0;
- }
- }
- else if((offset < length) && fname)
- {
- far_strncpy(fname,&template[offset],FILE_MAX_FNAME);
- fname[FILE_MAX_FNAME-1] = 0;
- }
- }
- return(0);
- }
- #endif
- makepath(char *template,char *drive,char *dir,char *fname,char *ext)
- {
- if(template)
- *template = 0;
- else
- return(-1);
- #ifndef XFRACT
- if(drive)
- strcpy(template,drive);
- #endif
- if(dir)
- strcat(template,dir);
- if(fname)
- strcat(template,fname);
- if(ext)
- strcat(template,ext);
- return(0);
- }
- /* fix up directory names */
- void fix_dirname(char *dirname)
- {
- int length;
- despace(dirname);
- length = strlen(dirname); /* index of last character */
- /* make sure dirname ends with a slash */
- if(length > 0)
- if(dirname[length-1] == SLASHC)
- return;
- strcat(dirname,SLASH);
- }
- static void dir_name(char *target, char *dir, char *name)
- {
- *target = 0;
- if(*dir != 0)
- strcpy(target,dir);
- strcat(target,name);
- }
- /* opens file in dir directory */
- int dir_open(char *dir, char *filename, int oflag, int pmode)
- {
- char tmp[FILE_MAX_PATH];
- dir_name(tmp,dir,filename);
- return(open(tmp,oflag,pmode));
- }
- /* removes file in dir directory */
- int dir_remove(char *dir,char *filename)
- {
- char tmp[FILE_MAX_PATH];
- dir_name(tmp,dir,filename);
- return(remove(tmp));
- }
- /* fopens file in dir directory */
- FILE *dir_fopen(char *dir, char *filename, char *mode )
- {
- char tmp[FILE_MAX_PATH];
- dir_name(tmp,dir,filename);
- return(fopen(tmp,mode));
- }
- /* converts relative path to absolute path */
- static int expand_dirname(char *dirname,char *drive)
- {
- fix_dirname(dirname);
- if (dirname[0] != SLASHC) {
- char buf[81],curdir[81];
- #ifndef XFRACT
- union REGS regs;
- struct SREGS sregs;
- curdir[0] = 0;
- regs.h.ah = 0x47; /* get current directory */
- regs.h.dl = 0;
- if (drive[0] && drive[0] != ' ')
- regs.h.dl = (char)(tolower(drive[0])-'a'+1);
- regs.x.si = (unsigned int) &curdir[0];
- segread(&sregs);
- intdosx(®s, ®s, &sregs);
- #else
- getwd(curdir);
- #endif
- strcat(curdir,SLASH);
- while (strncmp(dirname,DOTSLASH,2) == 0) {
- strcpy(buf,&dirname[2]);
- strcpy(dirname,buf);
- }
- while (strncmp(dirname,DOTDOTSLASH,3) == 0) {
- char *s;
- curdir[strlen(curdir)-1] = 0; /* strip trailing slash */
- if ((s = strrchr(curdir,SLASHC)) != NULL)
- *s = 0;
- strcat(curdir,SLASH);
- strcpy(buf,&dirname[3]);
- strcpy(dirname,buf);
- }
- strcpy(buf,dirname);
- dirname[0] = 0;
- if (curdir[0] != SLASHC)
- strcpy(dirname,SLASH);
- strcat(dirname,curdir);
- strcat(dirname,buf);
- }
- return(0);
- }
- /*
- See if double value was changed by input screen. Problem is that the
- conversion from double to string and back can make small changes
- in the value, so will it twill test as "different" even though it
- is not
- */
- int cmpdbl(double old, double new)
- {
- char buf[81];
- struct fullscreenvalues val;
- /* change the old value with the same torture the new value had */
- val.type = 'd'; /* most values on this screen are type d */
- val.uval.dval = old;
- prompt_valuestring(buf,&val); /* convert "old" to string */
- old = atof(buf); /* convert back */
- return(fabs(old-new)<DBL_EPSILON?0:1); /* zero if same */
- }
- #define LOADPROMPTS(X) {\
- static FCODE tmp[] = { X };\
- far_strcpy(ptr,(char far *)tmp);\
- prompts[++nump]= ptr;\
- ptr += sizeof(tmp);\
- }
- int get_corners()
- {
- char far *ptr;
- struct fullscreenvalues values[15];
- char far *prompts[15];
- static FCODE o_xprompt[]={" X"};
- static FCODE o_yprompt[]={" Y"};
- static FCODE o_zprompt[]={" Z"};
- char xprompt[sizeof(o_xprompt)];
- char yprompt[sizeof(o_yprompt)];
- char zprompt[sizeof(o_zprompt)];
- int i,nump,prompt_ret;
- int cmag;
- double Xctr,Yctr;
- LDBL Magnification; /* LDBL not really needed here, but used to match function parameters */
- double Xmagfactor,Rotation,Skew;
- BYTE ousemag;
- double oxxmin,oxxmax,oyymin,oyymax,oxx3rd,oyy3rd;
- static FCODE hdg[]={"Image Coordinates"};
- int oldhelpmode;
- far_strcpy(xprompt,o_xprompt);
- far_strcpy(yprompt,o_yprompt);
- far_strcpy(zprompt,o_zprompt);
- ptr = (char far *)MK_FP(extraseg,0);
- oldhelpmode = helpmode;
- ousemag = usemag;
- oxxmin = xxmin; oxxmax = xxmax;
- oyymin = yymin; oyymax = yymax;
- oxx3rd = xx3rd; oyy3rd = yy3rd;
- gc_loop:
- for (i = 0; i < 15; ++i)
- values[i].type = 'd'; /* most values on this screen are type d */
- cmag = usemag;
- cvtcentermag(&Xctr, &Yctr, &Magnification, &Xmagfactor, &Rotation, &Skew);
- nump = -1;
- if (cmag) {
- LOADPROMPTS("Center X");
- values[nump].uval.dval = Xctr;
- LOADPROMPTS("Center Y");
- values[nump].uval.dval = Yctr;
- LOADPROMPTS("Magnification");
- values[nump].uval.dval = (double)Magnification;
- LOADPROMPTS("X Magnification Factor");
- values[nump].uval.dval = Xmagfactor;
- LOADPROMPTS("Rotation Angle (degrees)");
- values[nump].uval.dval = Rotation;
- LOADPROMPTS("Skew Angle (degrees)");
- values[nump].uval.dval = Skew;
- values[nump].type = '*';
- LOADPROMPTS("Press F7 to switch to \"corners\" mode");
- values[nump].type = '*';
- }
- else {
- LOADPROMPTS("Top-Left Corner");
- values[nump].type = '*';
- prompts[++nump] = xprompt;
- values[nump].uval.dval = xxmin;
- prompts[++nump] = yprompt;
- values[nump].uval.dval = yymax;
- LOADPROMPTS("Bottom-Right Corner");
- values[nump].type = '*';
- prompts[++nump] = xprompt;
- values[nump].uval.dval = xxmax;
- prompts[++nump] = yprompt;
- values[nump].uval.dval = yymin;
- if (xxmin == xx3rd && yymin == yy3rd)
- xx3rd = yy3rd = 0;
- LOADPROMPTS("Bottom-left (zeros for top-left X, bottom-right Y)");
- values[nump].type = '*';
- prompts[++nump] = xprompt;
- values[nump].uval.dval = xx3rd;
- prompts[++nump] = yprompt;
- values[nump].uval.dval = yy3rd;
- LOADPROMPTS("Press F7 to switch to \"center-mag\" mode");
- values[nump].type = '*';
- }
- LOADPROMPTS("Press F4 to reset to type default values");
- values[nump].type = '*';
- oldhelpmode = helpmode;
- helpmode = HELPCOORDS;
- prompt_ret = fullscreen_prompt(hdg,nump+1, prompts, values, 0x90, NULL);
- helpmode = oldhelpmode;
- if (prompt_ret < 0) {
- usemag = ousemag;
- xxmin = oxxmin; xxmax = oxxmax;
- yymin = oyymin; yymax = oyymax;
- xx3rd = oxx3rd; yy3rd = oyy3rd;
- return(-1);
- }
- if (prompt_ret == F4) { /* reset to type defaults */
- xx3rd = xxmin = curfractalspecific->xmin;
- xxmax = curfractalspecific->xmax;
- yy3rd = yymin = curfractalspecific->ymin;
- yymax = curfractalspecific->ymax;
- if (viewcrop && finalaspectratio != screenaspect)
- aspectratio_crop(screenaspect,finalaspectratio);
- if(bf_math != 0)
- fractal_floattobf();
- goto gc_loop;
- }
- if (cmag) {
- if ( cmpdbl(Xctr , values[0].uval.dval)
- || cmpdbl(Yctr , values[1].uval.dval)
- || cmpdbl((double)Magnification, values[2].uval.dval)
- || cmpdbl(Xmagfactor , values[3].uval.dval)
- || cmpdbl(Rotation , values[4].uval.dval)
- || cmpdbl(Skew , values[5].uval.dval))
- {
- Xctr = values[0].uval.dval;
- Yctr = values[1].uval.dval;
- Magnification = values[2].uval.dval;
- Xmagfactor = values[3].uval.dval;
- Rotation = values[4].uval.dval;
- Skew = values[5].uval.dval;
- if (Xmagfactor == 0)
- Xmagfactor = 1;
- cvtcorners(Xctr, Yctr, Magnification, Xmagfactor, Rotation, Skew);
- }
- }
- else {
- nump = 1;
- xxmin = values[nump++].uval.dval;
- yymax = values[nump++].uval.dval;
- nump++;
- xxmax = values[nump++].uval.dval;
- yymin = values[nump++].uval.dval;
- nump++;
- xx3rd = values[nump++].uval.dval;
- yy3rd = values[nump++].uval.dval;
- if (xx3rd == 0 && yy3rd == 0) {
- xx3rd = xxmin;
- yy3rd = yymin;
- }
- }
- if (prompt_ret == F7) { /* toggle corners/center-mag mode */
- if (usemag == 0)
- {
- cvtcentermag(&Xctr, &Yctr, &Magnification, &Xmagfactor, &Rotation, &Skew);
- usemag = 1;
- }
- else
- usemag = 0;
- goto gc_loop;
- }
- if(!cmpdbl(oxxmin,xxmin) && !cmpdbl(oxxmax,xxmax) && !cmpdbl(oyymin,yymin) &&
- !cmpdbl(oyymax,yymax) && !cmpdbl(oxx3rd,xx3rd) && !cmpdbl(oyy3rd,yy3rd))
- {
- /* no change, restore values to avoid drift */
- xxmin = oxxmin; xxmax = oxxmax;
- yymin = oyymin; yymax = oyymax;
- xx3rd = oxx3rd; yy3rd = oyy3rd;
- return 0;
- }
- else
- return(1);
- }
- /* get browse parameters , called from fractint.c and loadfile.c
- returns 3 if anything changes. code pinched from get_view_params */
- int get_browse_params()
- {
- static FCODE o_hdg[]={"Browse ('L'ook) Mode Options"};
- char hdg[sizeof(o_hdg)];
- char far *ptr;
- char far *choices[10];
- int oldhelpmode;
- struct fullscreenvalues uvalues[25];
- int i, k;
- int old_autobrowse,old_brwschecktype,old_brwscheckparms,old_doublecaution;
- int old_minbox;
- double old_toosmall;
- char old_browsemask[13];
- far_strcpy(hdg,o_hdg);
- ptr = (char far *)MK_FP(extraseg,0);
- old_autobrowse = autobrowse;
- old_brwschecktype = brwschecktype;
- old_brwscheckparms = brwscheckparms;
- old_doublecaution = doublecaution;
- old_minbox = minbox;
- old_toosmall = toosmall;
- strcpy(old_browsemask,browsemask);
- get_brws_restart:
- /* fill up the previous values arrays */
- k = -1;
- LOADCHOICES("Autobrowsing? (y/n)");
- uvalues[k].type = 'y';
- uvalues[k].uval.ch.val = autobrowse;
- LOADCHOICES("Ask about GIF video mode? (y/n)");
- uvalues[k].type = 'y';
- uvalues[k].uval.ch.val = askvideo;
- LOADCHOICES("Check fractal type? (y/n)");
- uvalues[k].type = 'y';
- uvalues[k].uval.ch.val = brwschecktype;
- LOADCHOICES("Check fractal parameters (y/n)");
- uvalues[k].type = 'y';
- uvalues[k].uval.ch.val = brwscheckparms;
- LOADCHOICES("Confirm file deletes (y/n)" );
- uvalues[k].type='y';
- uvalues[k].uval.ch.val = doublecaution;
- LOADCHOICES("Smallest window to display (size in pixels)");
- uvalues[k].type = 'f';
- uvalues[k].uval.dval = toosmall;
- LOADCHOICES("Smallest box size shown before crosshairs used (pix)");
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k].uval.ival = minbox;
- LOADCHOICES("Browse search filename mask ");
- uvalues[k].type = 's';
- strcpy(uvalues[k].uval.sval,browsemask);
- uvalues[k].type = '*';
- LOADCHOICES("Press F4 to reset browse parameters to defaults.");
- uvalues[k].type = '*';
- oldhelpmode = helpmode; /* this prevents HELP from activating */
- helpmode = HELPBRWSPARMS;
- i = fullscreen_prompt(hdg,k+1,choices,uvalues,16,NULL);
- helpmode = oldhelpmode; /* re-enable HELP */
- if (i < 0) {
- return(0);
- }
- if (i == F4) {
- toosmall = 6;
- autobrowse = FALSE;
- askvideo = TRUE;
- brwscheckparms = TRUE;
- brwschecktype = TRUE;
- doublecaution = TRUE;
- minbox = 3;
- strcpy(browsemask,"*.gif");
- goto get_brws_restart;
- }
- /* now check out the results (*hopefully* in the same order <grin>) */
- k = -1;
- autobrowse = uvalues[++k].uval.ch.val;
- askvideo = uvalues[++k].uval.ch.val;
- brwschecktype = (char)uvalues[++k].uval.ch.val;
- brwscheckparms = (char)uvalues[++k].uval.ch.val;
- doublecaution = uvalues[++k].uval.ch.val;
- toosmall = uvalues[++k].uval.dval;
- if (toosmall < 0 ) toosmall = 0 ;
- minbox = uvalues[++k].uval.ival;
- if (minbox < 1 ) minbox = 1;
- if (minbox > 10) minbox = 10;
- strcpy(browsemask,uvalues[++k].uval.sval);
- i = 0;
- if (autobrowse != old_autobrowse ||
- brwschecktype != old_brwschecktype ||
- brwscheckparms != old_brwscheckparms ||
- doublecaution != old_doublecaution ||
- toosmall != old_toosmall ||
- minbox != old_minbox ||
- !stricmp(browsemask,old_browsemask) )
- i = -3;
- return(i);
- }
- /* merge existing full path with new one */
- /* attempt to detect if file or directory */
- #define ATFILENAME 0
- #define SSTOOLSINI 1
- #define GETPATH (mode < 2)
- #ifndef XFRACT
- #include <direct.h>
- #endif
- /* copies the proposed new filename to the fullpath variable */
- /* does not copy directories for PAR files (modes 2 and 3) */
- /* attempts to extract directory and test for existence (modes 0 and 1) */
- int merge_pathnames(char *oldfullpath, char *newfilename, int mode)
- {
- int isadir = 0;
- int isafile = 0;
- int len;
- char drive[FILE_MAX_DRIVE];
- char dir[FILE_MAX_DIR];
- char fname[FILE_MAX_FNAME];
- char ext[FILE_MAX_EXT];
- char temp_path[FILE_MAX_PATH];
- char drive1[FILE_MAX_DRIVE];
- char dir1[FILE_MAX_DIR];
- char fname1[FILE_MAX_FNAME];
- char ext1[FILE_MAX_EXT];
- /* no dot or slash so assume a file */
- if(strchr(newfilename,'.')==NULL && strchr(newfilename,SLASHC) == NULL)
- isafile=1;
- if((isadir = isadirectory(newfilename)) != 0)
- fix_dirname(newfilename);
- #if 0
- /* if slash by itself, it's a directory */
- if(strcmp(newfilename,SLASH)==0)
- isadir = 1;
- #endif
- #ifndef XFRACT
- /* if drive, colon, slash, is a directory */
- if(strlen(newfilename) == 3 &&
- newfilename[1] == ':' &&
- newfilename[2] == SLASHC)
- isadir = 1;
- /* if drive, colon, with no slash, is a directory */
- if(strlen(newfilename) == 2 &&
- newfilename[1] == ':') {
- newfilename[2] = SLASHC;
- newfilename[3] = 0;
- isadir = 1;
- }
- /* if dot, slash, its the current directory, set up full path */
- if(newfilename[0] == '.' &&
- newfilename[1] == SLASHC) {
- temp_path[0] = (char)('a' + _getdrive() - 1);
- temp_path[1] = ':';
- temp_path[2] = 0;
- expand_dirname(newfilename,temp_path);
- strcat(temp_path,newfilename);
- strcpy(newfilename,temp_path);
- isadir = 1;
- }
- #endif
- /* check existence */
- if(isadir==0 || isafile==1)
- {
- if(fr_findfirst(newfilename) == 0)
- if(DTA.attribute & SUBDIR) /* exists and is dir */
- {
- fix_dirname(newfilename); /* add trailing slash */
- isadir = 1;
- isafile = 0;
- }
- else
- isafile = 1;
- }
- splitpath(newfilename,drive,dir,fname,ext);
- splitpath(oldfullpath,drive1,dir1,fname1,ext1);
- if(strlen(drive) != 0 && GETPATH)
- strcpy(drive1,drive);
- if(strlen(dir) != 0 && GETPATH)
- strcpy(dir1,dir);
- if(strlen(fname) != 0)
- strcpy(fname1,fname);
- if(strlen(ext) != 0)
- strcpy(ext1,ext);
- if(isadir == 0 && isafile == 0 && GETPATH)
- {
- makepath(oldfullpath,drive1,dir1,NULL,NULL);
- len = strlen(oldfullpath);
- if(len > 0)
- {
- char save;
- /* strip trailing slash */
- save = oldfullpath[len-1];
- if(save == SLASHC)
- oldfullpath[len-1] = 0;
- if(access(oldfullpath,0))
- isadir = -1;
- oldfullpath[len-1] = save;
- }
- }
- makepath(oldfullpath,drive1,dir1,fname1,ext1);
- return(isadir);
- }
- /* extract just the filename/extension portion of a path */
- void extract_filename(char *target, char *source)
- {
- char fname[FILE_MAX_FNAME];
- char ext[FILE_MAX_EXT];
- splitpath(source,NULL,NULL,fname,ext);
- makepath(target,"","",fname,ext);
- }
- /* tells if filename has extension */
- /* returns pointer to period or NULL */
- char *has_ext(char *source)
- {
- char fname[FILE_MAX_FNAME];
- char ext[FILE_MAX_EXT];
- char *ret = NULL;
- splitpath(source,NULL,NULL,fname,ext);
- if(ext != NULL)
- if(*ext != 0)
- ret = strrchr(source,'.');
- return(ret);
- }
- /* I tried heap sort also - this is faster! */
- void shell_sort(void far *v1, int n, unsigned sz, int (__cdecl *fct)(VOIDFARPTR arg1,VOIDFARPTR arg2))
- {
- int gap,i,j;
- void far *temp;
- char far *v;
- v = (char far *)v1;
- for(gap = n/2; gap > 0; gap /= 2)
- for(i = gap; i<n; i++)
- for(j=i-gap;j>=0; j -= gap)
- {
- if(fct((char far *far*)(v+j*sz),(char far *far*)(v+(j+gap)*sz)) <= 0)
- break;
- temp = *(char far *far*)(v+j*sz);
- *(char far *far*)(v+j*sz) = *(char far *far*)(v+(j+gap)*sz);
- *(char far *far*)(v+(j+gap)*sz) = temp;
- }
- }