home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- Various routines that prompt for things.
- */
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #ifndef XFRACT
- #include <dos.h>
- #elif !defined(__386BSD__)
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include <sys/dir.h>
- #endif
- #ifdef __TURBOC__
- #include <alloc.h>
- #elif !defined(__386BSD__)
- #include <malloc.h>
- #endif
- #ifdef __hpux
- #include <sys/param.h>
- #define getwd(a) getcwd(a,MAXPATHLEN)
- #endif
- #include "fractint.h"
- #include "fractype.h"
- #include "helpdefs.h"
- #include "prototyp.h"
- /* Routines used in prompts2.c */
- int prompt_checkkey(int curkey);
- long get_file_entry(int,char *,char *,char *,char *);
- /* Routines in this module */
- int prompt_valuestring(char *buf,struct fullscreenvalues *val);
- static int input_field_list(int attr,char *fld,int vlen,char **list,int llen,
- int row,int col,int (*checkkey)(int));
- static int select_fracttype(int t);
- static int sel_fractype_help(int curkey, int choice);
- int select_type_params(int newfractype,int oldfractype);
- void set_default_parms(void);
- static long gfe_choose_entry(int,char *,char *,char *);
- static int check_gfe_key(int curkey,int choice);
- static void load_entry_text(FILE *entfile,char far *buf,int maxlines);
- static void format_parmfile_line(int,char *);
- static int get_light_params(void );
- static int check_mapfile(void );
- static int get_funny_glasses_params(void );
- /* fullscreen_choice options */
- #define CHOICEHELP 4
- #define GETFORMULA 0
- #define GETLSYS 1
- #define GETIFS 2
- #define GETPARM 3
- static char funnyglasses_map_name[16];
- char ifsmask[13] = {"*.ifs"};
- char formmask[13] = {"*.frm"};
- char lsysmask[13] = {"*.l"};
- char Glasses1Map[] = "glasses1.map";
- char MAP_name[80] = "";
- int mapset = 0;
- int julibrot; /* flag for julibrot */
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- int promptfkeys;
- int fullscreen_prompt( /* full-screen prompting routine */
- char far *hdg, /* heading, lines separated by \n */
- int numprompts, /* there are this many prompts (max) */
- char far **prompts, /* array of prompting pointers */
- struct fullscreenvalues *values, /* array of values */
- int fkeymask, /* bit n on if Fn to cause return */
- char far *extrainfo /* extra info box to display, \n separated */
- )
- {
- char far *hdgscan;
- int titlelines,titlewidth,titlerow;
- int maxpromptwidth,maxfldwidth,maxcomment;
- int boxrow,boxlines;
- int boxcol,boxwidth;
- int extralines,extrawidth,extrarow;
- int instrrow;
- int promptrow,promptcol,valuecol;
- int curchoice;
- int done, i, j;
- int anyinput;
- int savelookatmouse;
- int curtype, curlen;
- char buf[81];
- #ifndef XFRACT
- static FCODE instr1[] = {"Use " UPARR " and " DNARR " to select values to change"};
- static FCODE instr2a[] = {"Type in replacement value for selected field"};
- static FCODE instr2b[] = {"Use " LTARR " or " RTARR " to change value of selected field"};
- #else
- /* Some compilers don't accept "a" "b", so we have to fill in UPARR ourself. */
- static char far instr1[] = {"Use up(K) and down(J) to select values to change"};
- static char far instr2a[] = {"Type in replacement value for selected field"};
- static char far instr2b[] = {"Use left(H) or right(L) to change value of selected field"};
- #endif
- static FCODE instr3a[] = {"Press ENTER when finished (or ESCAPE to back out)"};
- static FCODE instr3b[] = {"Press ENTER when finished, ESCAPE to back out, or F1 for help"};
- static FCODE instr0a[] = {"No changeable parameters; press ENTER to exit"};
- static FCODE instr0b[] = {"No changeable parameters; press ENTER to exit, ESCAPE to back out, F1 for help"};
- /* if (numprompts <= 0) { */ /* ?? nothing to do! */
- /* return(0); */
- /* } */
- savelookatmouse = lookatmouse;
- lookatmouse = 0;
- promptfkeys = fkeymask;
- helptitle(); /* clear screen, display title line */
- setattr(1,0,C_PROMPT_BKGRD,24*80); /* init rest of screen to background */
- hdgscan = hdg; /* count title lines, find widest */
- i = titlewidth = 0;
- titlelines = 1;
- while (*hdgscan) {
- if (*(hdgscan++) == '\n') {
- ++titlelines;
- i = -1;
- }
- if (++i > titlewidth)
- titlewidth = i;
- }
- extralines = extrawidth = i = 0;
- if ((hdgscan = extrainfo) != 0)
- if (*hdgscan == 0)
- extrainfo = NULL;
- else { /* count extra lines, find widest */
- extralines = 3;
- while (*hdgscan) {
- if (*(hdgscan++) == '\n') {
- if (extralines + numprompts + titlelines >= 20) {
- *hdgscan = 0; /* full screen, cut off here */
- break;
- }
- ++extralines;
- i = -1;
- }
- if (++i > extrawidth)
- extrawidth = i;
- }
- }
- /* work out vertical positioning */
- i = numprompts + titlelines + extralines + 3; /* total rows required */
- j = (25 - i) / 2; /* top row of it all when centered */
- j -= j / 4; /* higher is better if lots extra */
- boxlines = numprompts;
- titlerow = 1 + j;
- promptrow = boxrow = titlerow + titlelines;
- if (titlerow > 2) { /* room for blank between title & box? */
- --titlerow;
- --boxrow;
- ++boxlines;
- }
- instrrow = boxrow+boxlines;
- if (instrrow + 3 + extralines < 25) {
- ++boxlines; /* blank at bottom of box */
- ++instrrow;
- if (instrrow + 3 + extralines < 25)
- ++instrrow; /* blank before instructions */
- }
- extrarow = instrrow + 2;
- if (numprompts > 1) /* 3 instructions lines */
- ++extrarow;
- if (extrarow + extralines < 25)
- ++extrarow;
- /* work out horizontal positioning */
- maxfldwidth = maxpromptwidth = maxcomment = anyinput = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < numprompts; i++) {
- if (values[i].type == 'y') {
- static char *noyes[2] = {s_no,s_yes};
- values[i].type = 'l';
- values[i].uval.ch.vlen = 3;
- values[i].uval.ch.list = noyes;
- values[i].uval.ch.llen = 2;
- }
- j = far_strlen(prompts[i]);
- if (values[i].type == '*') {
- if (j > maxcomment) maxcomment = j;
- }
- else {
- anyinput = 1;
- if (j > maxpromptwidth) maxpromptwidth = j;
- j = prompt_valuestring(buf,&values[i]);
- if (j > maxfldwidth) maxfldwidth = j;
- }
- }
- boxwidth = maxpromptwidth + maxfldwidth + 2;
- if (maxcomment > boxwidth) boxwidth = maxcomment;
- if ((boxwidth += 4) > 80) boxwidth = 80;
- boxcol = (80 - boxwidth) / 2; /* center the box */
- promptcol = boxcol + 2;
- valuecol = boxcol + boxwidth - maxfldwidth - 2;
- if (boxwidth <= 76) { /* make margin a bit wider if we can */
- boxwidth += 2;
- --boxcol;
- }
- if ((j = titlewidth) < extrawidth)
- j = extrawidth;
- if ((i = j + 4 - boxwidth) > 0) { /* expand box for title/extra */
- if (boxwidth + i > 80)
- i = 80 - boxwidth;
- boxwidth += i;
- boxcol -= i / 2;
- }
- i = (90 - boxwidth) / 20;
- boxcol -= i;
- promptcol -= i;
- valuecol -= i;
- /* display box heading */
- for (i = titlerow; i < boxrow; ++i)
- setattr(i,boxcol,C_PROMPT_HI,boxwidth);
- textcbase = boxcol + (boxwidth - titlewidth) / 2;
- putstring(titlerow,0,C_PROMPT_HI,hdg);
- /* display extra info */
- if (extrainfo) {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- #define S1 '\xC4'
- #define S2 "\xC0"
- #define S3 "\xD9"
- #define S4 "\xB3"
- #define S5 "\xDA"
- #define S6 "\xBF"
- #else
- #define S1 '-'
- #define S2 "+" /* ll corner */
- #define S3 "+" /* lr corner */
- #define S4 "|"
- #define S5 "+" /* ul corner */
- #define S6 "+" /* ur corner */
- #endif
- memset(buf,S1,80); buf[boxwidth-2] = 0;
- textcbase = boxcol + 1;
- putstring(extrarow,0,C_PROMPT_BKGRD,buf);
- putstring(extrarow+extralines-1,0,C_PROMPT_BKGRD,buf);
- --textcbase;
- putstring(extrarow,0,C_PROMPT_BKGRD,S5);
- putstring(extrarow+extralines-1,0,C_PROMPT_BKGRD,S2);
- textcbase += boxwidth - 1;
- putstring(extrarow,0,C_PROMPT_BKGRD,S6);
- putstring(extrarow+extralines-1,0,C_PROMPT_BKGRD,S3);
- textcbase = boxcol;
- for (i = 1; i < extralines-1; ++i) {
- putstring(extrarow+i,0,C_PROMPT_BKGRD,S4);
- putstring(extrarow+i,boxwidth-1,C_PROMPT_BKGRD,S4);
- }
- textcbase += (boxwidth - extrawidth) / 2;
- putstring(extrarow+1,0,C_PROMPT_TEXT,extrainfo);
- }
- textcbase = 0;
- /* display empty box */
- for (i = 0; i < boxlines; ++i)
- setattr(boxrow+i,boxcol,C_PROMPT_LO,boxwidth);
- /* display initial values */
- for (i = 0; i < numprompts; i++) {
- putstring(promptrow+i, promptcol, C_PROMPT_LO, prompts[i]);
- prompt_valuestring(buf,&values[i]);
- putstring(promptrow+i, valuecol, C_PROMPT_LO, buf);
- }
- if (!anyinput) {
- putstringcenter(instrrow,0,80,C_PROMPT_BKGRD,
- (helpmode > 0) ? instr0b : instr0a);
- movecursor(25,80);
- for(;;) {
- while (!keypressed()) { }
- done = getakey();
- switch(done) {
- case ESC:
- done = -1;
- case ENTER:
- case ENTER_2:
- goto fullscreen_exit;
- case F2:
- case F3:
- case F4:
- case F5:
- case F6:
- case F7:
- case F8:
- case F9:
- case F10:
- if (promptfkeys & (1<<(done+1-F1)) )
- goto fullscreen_exit;
- }
- }
- }
- /* display footing */
- if (numprompts > 1)
- putstringcenter(instrrow++,0,80,C_PROMPT_BKGRD,instr1);
- putstringcenter(instrrow+1,0,80,C_PROMPT_BKGRD,
- (helpmode > 0) ? instr3b : instr3a);
- curchoice = done = 0;
- while (values[curchoice].type == '*') ++curchoice;
- while (!done) {
- curtype = values[curchoice].type;
- curlen = prompt_valuestring(buf,&values[curchoice]);
- putstringcenter(instrrow,0,80,C_PROMPT_BKGRD,
- (curtype == 'l') ? instr2b : instr2a);
- putstring(promptrow+curchoice,promptcol,C_PROMPT_HI,prompts[curchoice]);
- if (curtype == 'l') {
- i = input_field_list(
- C_PROMPT_CHOOSE, buf, curlen,
- values[curchoice].uval.ch.list, values[curchoice].uval.ch.llen,
- promptrow+curchoice,valuecol, prompt_checkkey);
- for (j = 0; j < values[curchoice].uval.ch.llen; ++j)
- if (strcmp(buf,values[curchoice].uval.ch.list[j]) == 0) break;
- values[curchoice].uval.ch.val = j;
- }
- else {
- j = 0;
- if (curtype == 'i') j = 3;
- if (curtype == 'L') j = 3;
- if (curtype == 'd') j = 5;
- if (curtype == 'D') j = 7;
- if (curtype == 'f') j = 1;
- i = input_field(j, C_PROMPT_INPUT, buf, curlen,
- promptrow+curchoice,valuecol,prompt_checkkey);
- switch (values[curchoice].type) {
- case 'd':
- case 'D':
- values[curchoice].uval.dval = atof(buf);
- break;
- case 'f':
- values[curchoice].uval.dval = atof(buf);
- roundfloatd(&values[curchoice].uval.dval);
- break;
- case 'i':
- values[curchoice].uval.ival = atoi(buf);
- break;
- case 'L':
- values[curchoice].uval.Lval = atol(buf);
- break;
- case 's':
- strncpy(values[curchoice].uval.sval,buf,16);
- break;
- default: /* assume 0x100+n */
- far_strcpy(values[curchoice].uval.sbuf,buf);
- }
- }
- putstring(promptrow+curchoice,promptcol,C_PROMPT_LO,prompts[curchoice]);
- j = strlen(buf);
- memset(&buf[j],' ',80-j); buf[curlen] = 0;
- putstring(promptrow+curchoice, valuecol, C_PROMPT_LO, buf);
- switch(i) {
- case 0: /* enter */
- done = 13;
- break;
- case -1: /* escape */
- case F2:
- case F3:
- case F4:
- case F5:
- case F6:
- case F7:
- case F8:
- case F9:
- case F10:
- done = i;
- break;
- case PAGE_UP:
- curchoice = -1;
- case DOWN_ARROW:
- case DOWN_ARROW_2:
- do {
- if (++curchoice >= numprompts) curchoice = 0;
- } while (values[curchoice].type == '*');
- break;
- case PAGE_DOWN:
- curchoice = numprompts;
- case UP_ARROW:
- case UP_ARROW_2:
- do {
- if (--curchoice < 0) curchoice = numprompts - 1;
- } while (values[curchoice].type == '*');
- break;
- }
- }
- fullscreen_exit:
- movecursor(25,80);
- lookatmouse = savelookatmouse;
- return(done);
- }
- int prompt_valuestring(char *buf,struct fullscreenvalues *val)
- { /* format value into buf, return field width */
- int i,ret;
- switch (val->type) {
- case 'd':
- ret = 20;
- i = 16; /* cellular needs 16 (was 15)*/
- for(;;) {
- sprintf(buf,"%.*g",i,val->uval.dval);
- if ((int)strlen(buf) <= ret) break;
- --i;
- }
- break;
- case 'D':
- if (val->uval.dval<0) { /* We have to round the right way */
- sprintf(buf,"%ld",(long)(val->uval.dval-.5));
- }
- else {
- sprintf(buf,"%ld",(long)(val->uval.dval+.5));
- }
- ret = 20;
- break;
- case 'f':
- sprintf(buf,"%.7g",val->uval.dval);
- ret = 14;
- break;
- case 'i':
- sprintf(buf,"%d",val->uval.ival);
- ret = 6;
- break;
- case 'L':
- sprintf(buf,"%ld",val->uval.Lval);
- ret = 10;
- break;
- case '*':
- *buf = (char)(ret = 0);
- break;
- case 's':
- strncpy(buf,val->uval.sval,16);
- buf[15] = 0;
- ret = 15;
- break;
- case 'l':
- strcpy(buf,val->uval.ch.list[val->uval.ch.val]);
- ret = val->uval.ch.vlen;
- break;
- default: /* assume 0x100+n */
- far_strcpy(buf,val->uval.sbuf);
- ret = val->type & 0xff;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- int prompt_checkkey(int curkey)
- {
- switch(curkey) {
- case PAGE_UP:
- case DOWN_ARROW:
- case DOWN_ARROW_2:
- case PAGE_DOWN:
- case UP_ARROW:
- case UP_ARROW_2:
- return(curkey);
- case F2:
- case F3:
- case F4:
- case F5:
- case F6:
- case F7:
- case F8:
- case F9:
- case F10:
- if (promptfkeys & (1<<(curkey+1-F1)) )
- return(curkey);
- }
- return(0);
- }
- static int input_field_list(
- int attr, /* display attribute */
- char *fld, /* display form field value */
- int vlen, /* field length */
- char **list, /* list of values */
- int llen, /* number of entries in list */
- int row, /* display row */
- int col, /* display column */
- int (*checkkey)(int) /* routine to check non data keys, or NULL */
- )
- {
- int initval,curval;
- char buf[81];
- int curkey;
- int i, j;
- int ret,savelookatmouse;
- savelookatmouse = lookatmouse;
- lookatmouse = 0;
- for (initval = 0; initval < llen; ++initval)
- if (strcmp(fld,list[initval]) == 0) break;
- if (initval >= llen) initval = 0;
- curval = initval;
- ret = -1;
- for(;;) {
- strcpy(buf,list[curval]);
- i = strlen(buf);
- while (i < vlen)
- buf[i++] = ' ';
- buf[vlen] = 0;
- putstring(row,col,attr,buf);
- curkey = keycursor(row,col); /* get a keystroke */
- switch (curkey) {
- case ENTER:
- case ENTER_2:
- ret = 0;
- goto inpfldl_end;
- case ESC:
- goto inpfldl_end;
- case RIGHT_ARROW_2:
- if (++curval >= llen)
- curval = 0;
- break;
- case LEFT_ARROW:
- case LEFT_ARROW_2:
- if (--curval < 0)
- curval = llen - 1;
- break;
- case F5:
- curval = initval;
- break;
- default:
- if (nonalpha(curkey)) {
- if (checkkey && (ret = (*checkkey)(curkey)) != 0)
- goto inpfldl_end;
- break; /* non alphanum char */
- }
- j = curval;
- for (i = 0; i < llen; ++i) {
- if (++j >= llen)
- j = 0;
- if ((*list[j] & 0xdf) == (curkey & 0xdf)) {
- curval = j;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- inpfldl_end:
- strcpy(fld,list[curval]);
- lookatmouse = savelookatmouse;
- return(ret);
- }
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* MCP 7-7-91, This is static code, but not called anywhere */
- /* compare for sort of type table */
- static int compare(const VOIDPTR i, const VOIDPTR j)
- {
- return(strcmp(fractalspecific[(int)*((BYTE*)i)].name,
- fractalspecific[(int)*((BYTE*)j)].name));
- }
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- static void clear_line(int row, int start, int stop, int color) /* clear part of a line */
- {
- int col;
- for(col=start;col<= stop;col++)
- putstring(row,col,color," ");
- }
- #endif
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- int get_fracttype() /* prompt for and select fractal type */
- {
- int done,i,oldfractype,t;
- done = -1;
- oldfractype = fractype;
- for(;;) {
- if ((t = select_fracttype(fractype)) < 0)
- break;
- if ((i = select_type_params(t, fractype)) == 0) { /* ok, all done */
- done = 0;
- break;
- }
- if (i > 0) /* can't return to prior image anymore */
- done = 1;
- }
- if (done < 0)
- fractype = oldfractype;
- curfractalspecific = &fractalspecific[fractype];
- return(done);
- }
- struct FT_CHOICE {
- char name[15];
- int num;
- };
- static struct FT_CHOICE far **ft_choices; /* for sel_fractype_help subrtn */
- static int select_fracttype(int t) /* subrtn of get_fracttype, separated */
- /* so that storage gets freed up */
- {
- static FCODE head1[] = {"Select a Fractal Type"};
- static FCODE head2[] = {"Select Orbit Algorithm for Julibrot"};
- static FCODE o_instr[] = {"Press F2 for a description of the highlighted type"};
- char instr[sizeof(o_instr)];
- char head[40];
- int oldhelpmode;
- int numtypes, done;
- int i, j;
- #define MAXFTYPES 200
- char tname[40];
- struct FT_CHOICE far *choices[MAXFTYPES];
- int attributes[MAXFTYPES];
- /* steal existing array for "choices" */
- choices[0] = (struct FT_CHOICE far *)boxy;
- attributes[0] = 1;
- for (i = 1; i < MAXFTYPES; ++i) {
- choices[i] = choices[i-1] + 1;
- attributes[i] = 1;
- }
- ft_choices = &choices[0];
- /* setup context sensitive help */
- oldhelpmode = helpmode;
- helpmode = HELPFRACTALS;
- far_strcpy(instr,o_instr);
- if(julibrot)
- far_strcpy(head,head2);
- else
- far_strcpy(head,head1);
- if (t == IFS3D) t = IFS;
- i = j = -1;
- while(fractalspecific[++i].name) {
- if(julibrot)
- if (!((fractalspecific[i].flags & OKJB) && *fractalspecific[i].name != '*'))
- continue;
- if (fractalspecific[i].name[0] == '*')
- continue;
- far_strcpy(choices[++j]->name,fractalspecific[i].name);
- choices[j]->name[14] = 0; /* safety */
- choices[j]->num = i; /* remember where the real item is */
- }
- numtypes = j + 1;
- shell_sort(choices,numtypes,sizeof(char far *),lccompare); /* sort list */
- j = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < numtypes; ++i) /* find starting choice in sorted list */
- if (choices[i]->num == t || choices[i]->num == fractalspecific[t].tofloat)
- j = i;
- tname[0] = 0;
- done = fullscreen_choice(CHOICEHELP+8,head,NULL,instr,numtypes,
- (char far *far*)choices,attributes,0,0,0,j,NULL,tname,NULL,sel_fractype_help);
- if (done >= 0)
- done = choices[done]->num;
- helpmode = oldhelpmode;
- return(done);
- }
- static int sel_fractype_help(int curkey,int choice)
- {
- int oldhelpmode;
- if (curkey == F2) {
- oldhelpmode = helpmode;
- helpmode = fractalspecific[(*(ft_choices+choice))->num].helptext;
- help(0);
- helpmode = oldhelpmode;
- }
- return(0);
- }
- int select_type_params( /* prompt for new fractal type parameters */
- int newfractype, /* new fractal type */
- int oldfractype /* previous fractal type */
- )
- {
- int ret,oldhelpmode;
- oldhelpmode = helpmode;
- sel_type_restart:
- ret = 0;
- fractype = newfractype;
- curfractalspecific = &fractalspecific[fractype];
- if (fractype == LSYSTEM) {
- helpmode = HT_LSYS;
- if (get_file_entry(GETLSYS,"L-System",lsysmask,LFileName,LName) < 0) {
- ret = 1;
- goto sel_type_exit;
- }
- }
- if (fractype == FORMULA || fractype == FFORMULA) {
- helpmode = HT_FORMULA;
- if (get_file_entry(GETFORMULA,"Formula",formmask,FormFileName,FormName) < 0) {
- ret = 1;
- goto sel_type_exit;
- }
- }
- if (fractype == IFS || fractype == IFS3D) {
- helpmode = HT_IFS;
- if (get_file_entry(GETIFS,"IFS",ifsmask,IFSFileName,IFSName) < 0) {
- ret = 1;
- goto sel_type_exit;
- }
- }
- /* Added the following to accommodate fn bifurcations. JCO 7/2/92 */
- if(((fractype == BIFURCATION) || (fractype == LBIFURCATION)) &&
- !((oldfractype == BIFURCATION) || (oldfractype == LBIFURCATION)))
- set_trig_array(0,s_ident);
- if(((fractype == BIFSTEWART) || (fractype == LBIFSTEWART)) &&
- !((oldfractype == BIFSTEWART) || (oldfractype == LBIFSTEWART)))
- set_trig_array(0,s_ident);
- if(((fractype == BIFLAMBDA) || (fractype == LBIFLAMBDA)) &&
- !((oldfractype == BIFLAMBDA) || (oldfractype == LBIFLAMBDA)))
- set_trig_array(0,s_ident);
- if(((fractype == BIFEQSINPI) || (fractype == LBIFEQSINPI)) &&
- !((oldfractype == BIFEQSINPI) || (oldfractype == LBIFEQSINPI)))
- set_trig_array(0,s_sin);
- if(((fractype == BIFADSINPI) || (fractype == LBIFADSINPI)) &&
- !((oldfractype == BIFADSINPI) || (oldfractype == LBIFADSINPI)))
- set_trig_array(0,s_sin);
- set_default_parms();
- if (get_fract_params(0) < 0)
- if (fractype == FORMULA || fractype == FFORMULA ||
- fractype == IFS || fractype == IFS3D ||
- fractype == LSYSTEM)
- goto sel_type_restart;
- else
- ret = 1;
- else {
- if (newfractype != oldfractype) {
- invert = 0;
- inversion[0] = inversion[1] = inversion[2] = 0;
- }
- }
- sel_type_exit:
- helpmode = oldhelpmode;
- return(ret);
- }
- void set_default_parms()
- {
- int i,extra;
- xxmin = curfractalspecific->xmin;
- xxmax = curfractalspecific->xmax;
- yymin = curfractalspecific->ymin;
- yymax = curfractalspecific->ymax;
- xx3rd = xxmin;
- yy3rd = yymin;
- if (viewcrop && finalaspectratio != screenaspect)
- aspectratio_crop(screenaspect,finalaspectratio);
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- param[i] = curfractalspecific->paramvalue[i];
- if (fractype != CELLULAR && fractype != FROTH && fractype != FROTHFP)
- roundfloatd(¶m[i]); /* don't round cellular or frothybasin */
- }
- if((extra=find_extra_param(fractype)) > -1)
- for(i=0;i<MAXPARAMS-4;i++)
- param[i+4] = moreparams[extra].paramvalue[i];
- if(debugflag != 3200)
- bf_math = 0;
- else if(bf_math)
- fractal_floattobf();
- }
- #define MAXFRACTALS 25
- int build_fractal_list(int fractals[], int *last_val, char *nameptr[])
- {
- int numfractals,i;
- numfractals = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < num_fractal_types; i++)
- {
- if ((fractalspecific[i].flags & OKJB) && *fractalspecific[i].name != '*')
- {
- fractals[numfractals] = i;
- if (i == neworbittype || i == fractalspecific[neworbittype].tofloat)
- *last_val = numfractals;
- nameptr[numfractals] = fractalspecific[i].name;
- numfractals++;
- if (numfractals >= MAXFRACTALS)
- break;
- }
- }
- return (numfractals);
- }
- static FCODE v0a[] = {"From cx (real part)"};
- static FCODE v1a[] = {"From cy (imaginary part)"};
- static FCODE v2a[] = {"To cx (real part)"};
- static FCODE v3a[] = {"To cy (imaginary part)"};
- /* 4D Mandelbrot */
- static FCODE v0b[] = {"From cj (3rd dim)"};
- static FCODE v1b[] = {"From ck (4th dim)"};
- static FCODE v2b[] = {"To cj (3rd dim)"};
- static FCODE v3b[] = {"To ck (4th dim)"};
- /* 4D Julia */
- static FCODE v0c[] = {"From zj (3rd dim)"};
- static FCODE v1c[] = {"From zk (4th dim)"};
- static FCODE v2c[] = {"To zj (3rd dim)"};
- static FCODE v3c[] = {"To zk (4th dim)"};
- static FCODE v4[] = {"Number of z pixels"};
- static FCODE v5[] = {"Location of z origin"};
- static FCODE v6[] = {"Depth of z"};
- static FCODE v7[] = {"Screen height"};
- static FCODE v8[] = {"Screen width"};
- static FCODE v9[] = {"Distance to Screen"};
- static FCODE v10[] = {"Distance between eyes"};
- static FCODE v11[] = {"3D Mode"};
- char *juli3Doptions[] = {"monocular","lefteye","righteye","red-blue"};
- /* JIIM */
- #ifdef RANDOM_RUN
- static FCODE JIIMstr1[] = "Breadth first, Depth first, Random Walk, Random Run?";
- char *JIIMmethod[] = {"breadth", "depth", "walk", "run"};
- #else
- static FCODE JIIMstr1[] = "Breadth first, Depth first, Random Walk";
- char *JIIMmethod[] = {"breadth", "depth", "walk"};
- #endif
- static FCODE JIIMstr2[] = "Left first or Right first?";
- char *JIIMleftright[] = {"left", "right"};
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- int get_fract_params(int caller) /* prompt for type-specific parms */
- {
- char far *v0 = v0a;
- char far *v1 = v1a;
- char far *v2 = v2a;
- char far *v3 = v3a;
- char *juliorbitname = NULL;
- int i,j,k;
- int curtype,numparams,numtrig;
- struct fullscreenvalues paramvalues[30];
- char far *choices[30];
- long oldbailout = 0L;
- int promptnum;
- char msg[120];
- char *typename, *tmpptr;
- char bailoutmsg[50];
- int ret = 0;
- int oldhelpmode;
- static FCODE t1[] = {"First Function"};
- static FCODE t2[] = {"Second Function"};
- static FCODE t3[] = {"Third Function"};
- static FCODE t4[] = {"Fourth Function"};
- static FCODE *trg[] = {t1, t2, t3, t4};
- char *filename,*entryname;
- FILE *entryfile;
- char *trignameptr[25];
- #ifdef XFRACT
- static /* Can't initialize aggregates on the stack */
- #endif
- char *bailnameptr[] = {s_mod,s_real,s_imag,s_or,s_and};
- struct fractalspecificstuff far *jborbit = NULL;
- struct fractalspecificstuff far *savespecific;
- int firstparm =0;
- int lastparm = MAXPARAMS;
- double oldparam[MAXPARAMS];
- int fkeymask = 0x40;
- oldbailout = bailout;
- if(fractype==JULIBROT || fractype==JULIBROTFP)
- julibrot = 1;
- else
- julibrot = 0;
- curtype = fractype;
- if (curfractalspecific->name[0] == '*'
- && (i = curfractalspecific->tofloat) != NOFRACTAL /* FIXED BUG HERE!! */
- && fractalspecific[i].name[0] != '*')
- curtype = i;
- curfractalspecific = &fractalspecific[curtype];
- tstack[0] = 0;
- if ((i = curfractalspecific->helpformula) < -1) {
- if (i == -2) { /* special for formula */
- filename = FormFileName;
- entryname = FormName;
- }
- else if (i == -3) { /* special for lsystem */
- filename = LFileName;
- entryname = LName;
- }
- else if (i == -4) { /* special for ifs */
- filename = IFSFileName;
- entryname = IFSName;
- }
- else { /* this shouldn't happen */
- filename = NULL;
- entryname = NULL;
- }
- if (find_file_item(filename,entryname,&entryfile) == 0) {
- load_entry_text(entryfile,tstack,16);
- fclose(entryfile);
- if(fractype == FORMULA || fractype == FFORMULA)
- RunForm(entryname); /* no error check, should be okay, from above */
- }
- }
- else if (i >= 0) {
- int c,lines;
- read_help_topic(i,0,2000,tstack); /* need error handling here ?? */
- tstack[2000-i] = 0;
- i = j = lines = 0; k = 1;
- while ((c = tstack[i++]) != 0) {
- /* stop at ctl, blank, or line with col 1 nonblank, max 16 lines */
- if (k && c == ' ' && ++k <= 5) { } /* skip 4 blanks at start of line */
- else {
- if (c == '\n') {
- if (k) break; /* blank line */
- if (++lines >= 16) break;
- k = 1;
- }
- else if (c < 16) /* a special help format control char */
- break;
- else {
- if (k == 1) /* line starts in column 1 */
- break;
- k = 0;
- }
- tstack[j++] = (char)c;
- }
- }
- while (--j >= 0 && tstack[j] == '\n') { }
- tstack[j+1] = 0;
- }
- gfp_top:
- promptnum = 0;
- if (julibrot)
- {
- i = select_fracttype(neworbittype);
- if (i < 0)
- {
- if (ret == 0)
- ret = -1;
- julibrot = 0;
- goto gfp_exit;
- }
- else
- neworbittype = i;
- jborbit = &fractalspecific[neworbittype];
- juliorbitname = jborbit->name;
- }
- if(fractype == FORMULA || fractype == FFORMULA) {
- if(uses_p1) /* set first parameter */
- firstparm = 0;
- else if(uses_p2)
- firstparm = 2;
- else
- firstparm = 4; /* uses_p3 or no parameter */
- if(uses_p3) /* set last parameter */
- lastparm = 6;
- else if(uses_p2)
- lastparm = 4;
- else
- lastparm = 2; /* uses_p1 or no parameter */
- }
- promptnum = 0;
- savespecific = curfractalspecific;
- if(julibrot)
- {
- curfractalspecific = jborbit;
- firstparm = 2; /* in most case Julibrot does not need first two parms */
- if(neworbittype == QUATJULFP || /* all parameters needed */
- neworbittype == HYPERCMPLXJFP)
- {
- firstparm = 0;
- lastparm = 4;
- }
- if(neworbittype == QUATFP || /* no parameters needed */
- neworbittype == HYPERCMPLXFP)
- firstparm = 4;
- }
- numparams = 0;
- for (i = firstparm; i < lastparm; i++)
- {
- char tmpbuf[30];
- char *parm;
- if ((parm=typehasparm(julibrot?neworbittype:fractype,i))==NULL)
- break;
- numparams++;
- choices[promptnum] = parm;
- paramvalues[promptnum].type = 'd';
- if (choices[promptnum][0] == '+')
- {
- choices[promptnum]++;
- paramvalues[promptnum].type = 'D';
- }
- else if (choices[promptnum][0] == '#')
- choices[promptnum]++;
- sprintf(tmpbuf,"%.17g",param[i]);
- paramvalues[promptnum].uval.dval = atof(tmpbuf);
- oldparam[i] = paramvalues[promptnum++].uval.dval;
- }
- numtrig = (curfractalspecific->flags >> 6) & 7;
- if(curtype==FORMULA || curtype==FFORMULA ) {
- numtrig = maxfn;
- }
- if ((i = numtrigfn) > 27) i = 27;
- while (--i >= 0)
- trignameptr[i] = trigfn[i].name;
- for (i = 0; i < numtrig; i++) {
- paramvalues[promptnum].type = 'l';
- paramvalues[promptnum].uval.ch.val = trigndx[i];
- paramvalues[promptnum].uval.ch.llen = numtrigfn;
- paramvalues[promptnum].uval.ch.vlen = 6;
- paramvalues[promptnum].uval.ch.list = trignameptr;
- choices[promptnum++] = (char far *)trg[i];
- }
- if (*(typename = curfractalspecific->name) == '*')
- ++typename;
- i = curfractalspecific->orbit_bailout;
- if( i != 0 && curfractalspecific->calctype == StandardFractal &&
- (curfractalspecific->flags & BAILTEST) &&
- potparam[0] == 0.0 && potparam[2] == 0.0 ) {
- static FCODE bailteststr[] = {"Bailout Test (mod, real, imag, or, and)"};
- paramvalues[promptnum].type = 'l';
- paramvalues[promptnum].uval.ch.val = (int)bailoutest;
- paramvalues[promptnum].uval.ch.llen = 5;
- paramvalues[promptnum].uval.ch.vlen = 6;
- paramvalues[promptnum].uval.ch.list = bailnameptr;
- choices[promptnum++] = bailteststr;
- }
- if (i)
- if (potparam[0] != 0.0 && potparam[2] != 0.0)
- {
- static FCODE bailpotstr[] = {"Bailout: continuous potential (Y screen) value in use"};
- paramvalues[promptnum].type = '*';
- choices[promptnum++] = bailpotstr;
- }
- else
- {
- static FCODE bailoutstr[] = {"Bailout value (0 means use default)"};
- choices[promptnum] = bailoutstr;
- paramvalues[promptnum].type = 'L';
- paramvalues[promptnum++].uval.Lval = (oldbailout = bailout);
- paramvalues[promptnum].type = '*';
- tmpptr = typename;
- if (usr_biomorph != -1)
- {
- i = 100;
- tmpptr = "biomorph";
- }
- sprintf(bailoutmsg," (%s default is %d)",tmpptr,i);
- choices[promptnum++] = bailoutmsg;
- }
- if (julibrot)
- {
- switch(neworbittype)
- {
- case QUATFP:
- v0 = v0b; v1 = v1b; v2 = v2b; v3 = v3b;
- break;
- v0 = v0c; v1 = v1c; v2 = v2c; v3 = v3c;
- break;
- default:
- v0 = v0a; v1 = v1a; v2 = v2a; v3 = v3a;
- break;
- }
- curfractalspecific = savespecific;
- paramvalues[promptnum].uval.dval = mxmaxfp;
- paramvalues[promptnum].type = 'f';
- choices[promptnum++] = v0;
- paramvalues[promptnum].uval.dval = mymaxfp;
- paramvalues[promptnum].type = 'f';
- choices[promptnum++] = v1;
- paramvalues[promptnum].uval.dval = mxminfp;
- paramvalues[promptnum].type = 'f';
- choices[promptnum++] = v2;
- paramvalues[promptnum].uval.dval = myminfp;
- paramvalues[promptnum].type = 'f';
- choices[promptnum++] = v3;
- paramvalues[promptnum].uval.ival = zdots;
- paramvalues[promptnum].type = 'i';
- choices[promptnum++] = v4;
- paramvalues[promptnum].type = 'l';
- paramvalues[promptnum].uval.ch.val = juli3Dmode;
- paramvalues[promptnum].uval.ch.llen = 4;
- paramvalues[promptnum].uval.ch.vlen = 9;
- paramvalues[promptnum].uval.ch.list = juli3Doptions;
- choices[promptnum++] = v11;
- paramvalues[promptnum].uval.dval = eyesfp;
- paramvalues[promptnum].type = 'f';
- choices[promptnum++] = v10;
- paramvalues[promptnum].uval.dval = originfp;
- paramvalues[promptnum].type = 'f';
- choices[promptnum++] = v5;
- paramvalues[promptnum].uval.dval = depthfp;
- paramvalues[promptnum].type = 'f';
- choices[promptnum++] = v6;
- paramvalues[promptnum].uval.dval = heightfp;
- paramvalues[promptnum].type = 'f';
- choices[promptnum++] = v7;
- paramvalues[promptnum].uval.dval = widthfp;
- paramvalues[promptnum].type = 'f';
- choices[promptnum++] = v8;
- paramvalues[promptnum].uval.dval = distfp;
- paramvalues[promptnum].type = 'f';
- choices[promptnum++] = v9;
- }
- if (curtype == INVERSEJULIA || curtype == INVERSEJULIAFP)
- {
- choices[promptnum] = JIIMstr1;
- paramvalues[promptnum].type = 'l';
- paramvalues[promptnum].uval.ch.list = JIIMmethod;
- paramvalues[promptnum].uval.ch.vlen = 7;
- #ifdef RANDOM_RUN
- paramvalues[promptnum].uval.ch.llen = 4;
- #else
- paramvalues[promptnum].uval.ch.llen = 3; /* disable random run */
- #endif
- paramvalues[promptnum++].uval.ch.val = major_method;
- choices[promptnum] = JIIMstr2;
- paramvalues[promptnum].type = 'l';
- paramvalues[promptnum].uval.ch.list = JIIMleftright;
- paramvalues[promptnum].uval.ch.vlen = 5;
- paramvalues[promptnum].uval.ch.llen = 2;
- paramvalues[promptnum++].uval.ch.val = minor_method;
- }
- if (caller /* <z> command ? */
- /* && (display3d > 0 || promptnum == 0)) */
- && (display3d > 0))
- {
- static FCODE msg[]={"Current type has no type-specific parameters"};
- stopmsg(20,msg);
- goto gfp_exit;
- }
- if(julibrot)
- sprintf(msg,"Julibrot Parameters (orbit= %s)",juliorbitname);
- else
- sprintf(msg,"Parameters for fractal type %s",typename);
- if(bf_math == 0)
- {
- static FCODE msg1[] = {"\n(Press F6 for corner parameters)"};
- far_strcat(msg,msg1);
- }
- else
- fkeymask = 0;
- for(;;)
- {
- oldhelpmode = helpmode;
- helpmode = curfractalspecific->helptext;
- i = fullscreen_prompt(msg,promptnum,choices,paramvalues,fkeymask,tstack);
- helpmode = oldhelpmode;
- if (i < 0)
- {
- if(julibrot)
- goto gfp_top;
- if (ret == 0)
- ret = -1;
- goto gfp_exit;
- }
- if (i != F6)
- break;
- if(bf_math == 0)
- if (get_corners() > 0)
- ret = 1;
- }
- promptnum = 0;
- for ( i = firstparm; i < numparams+firstparm; i++)
- {
- if (oldparam[i] != paramvalues[promptnum].uval.dval)
- {
- param[i] = paramvalues[promptnum].uval.dval;
- ret = 1;
- }
- ++promptnum;
- }
- for ( i = 0; i < numtrig; i++)
- {
- if (paramvalues[promptnum].uval.ch.val != (int)trigndx[i])
- {
- set_trig_array(i,trigfn[paramvalues[promptnum].uval.ch.val].name);
- ret = 1;
- }
- ++promptnum;
- }
- if(julibrot)
- {
- savespecific = curfractalspecific;
- curfractalspecific = jborbit;
- }
- i = curfractalspecific->orbit_bailout;
- if( i != 0 && curfractalspecific->calctype == StandardFractal &&
- (curfractalspecific->flags & BAILTEST) &&
- potparam[0] == 0.0 && potparam[2] == 0.0 ) {
- if (paramvalues[promptnum].uval.ch.val != (int)bailoutest) {
- bailoutest = (enum bailouts)paramvalues[promptnum].uval.ch.val;
- ret = 1;
- }
- promptnum++;
- }
- else
- bailoutest = Mod;
- setbailoutformula(bailoutest);
- if (i)
- if (potparam[0] != 0.0 && potparam[2] != 0.0)
- promptnum++;
- else
- {
- bailout = paramvalues[promptnum++].uval.Lval;
- if (bailout != 0 && (bailout < 1 || bailout > 2100000000L))
- bailout = oldbailout;
- if (bailout != oldbailout)
- ret = 1;
- promptnum++;
- }
- if (julibrot)
- {
- mxmaxfp = paramvalues[promptnum++].uval.dval;
- mymaxfp = paramvalues[promptnum++].uval.dval;
- mxminfp = paramvalues[promptnum++].uval.dval;
- myminfp = paramvalues[promptnum++].uval.dval;
- zdots = paramvalues[promptnum++].uval.ival;
- juli3Dmode = paramvalues[promptnum++].uval.ch.val;
- eyesfp = (float)paramvalues[promptnum++].uval.dval;
- originfp = (float)paramvalues[promptnum++].uval.dval;
- depthfp = (float)paramvalues[promptnum++].uval.dval;
- heightfp = (float)paramvalues[promptnum++].uval.dval;
- widthfp = (float)paramvalues[promptnum++].uval.dval;
- distfp = (float)paramvalues[promptnum++].uval.dval;
- ret = 1; /* force new calc since not resumable anyway */
- }
- if (curtype == INVERSEJULIA || curtype == INVERSEJULIAFP)
- {
- if (paramvalues[promptnum].uval.ch.val != major_method ||
- paramvalues[promptnum+1].uval.ch.val != minor_method)
- ret = 1;
- major_method = (enum Major)paramvalues[promptnum ].uval.ch.val;
- minor_method = (enum Minor)paramvalues[promptnum+1].uval.ch.val;
- }
- gfp_exit:
- curfractalspecific = &fractalspecific[fractype];
- return(ret);
- }
- int find_extra_param(int type)
- {
- int i,ret,curtyp;
- ret = -1;
- i= -1;
- if(fractalspecific[type].flags&MORE)
- {
- while((curtyp=moreparams[++i].type) != type && curtyp != -1);
- if(curtyp == type)
- ret = i;
- }
- return(ret);
- }
- void load_params(int fractype)
- {
- int i, extra;
- for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
- {
- param[i] = fractalspecific[fractype].paramvalue[i];
- if(fractype != CELLULAR) /* don't round cellular */
- roundfloatd(¶m[i]);
- }
- if((extra=find_extra_param(fractype)) > -1)
- for(i=0;i<MAXPARAMS-4;i++)
- param[i+4] = moreparams[extra].paramvalue[i];
- }
- int check_orbit_name(char *orbitname)
- {
- int i, numtypes, bad;
- char *nameptr[MAXFRACTALS];
- int fractals[MAXFRACTALS];
- int last_val;
- numtypes = build_fractal_list(fractals, &last_val, nameptr);
- bad = 1;
- for(i=0;i<numtypes;i++)
- {
- if(strcmp(orbitname,nameptr[i]) == 0)
- {
- neworbittype = fractals[i];
- bad = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- return(bad);
- }
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- static FILE *gfe_file;
- long get_file_entry(int type,char *title,char *fmask,
- char *filename,char *entryname)
- {
- /* Formula, LSystem, etc type structure, select from file */
- /* containing definitions in the form name { ... } */
- int newfile,firsttry;
- long entry_pointer;
- newfile = 0;
- for(;;) {
- firsttry = 0;
- /* pb: binary mode used here - it is more work, but much faster, */
- /* especially when ftell or fgetpos is used */
- while (newfile || (gfe_file = fopen(filename, "rb")) == NULL) {
- char buf[60];
- newfile = 0;
- if (firsttry) {
- sprintf(temp1,s_cantfind, filename);
- stopmsg(0,temp1);
- }
- sprintf(buf,"Select %s File",title);
- if (getafilename(buf,fmask,filename) < 0)
- return -1;
- firsttry = 1; /* if around open loop again it is an error */
- }
- setvbuf(gfe_file,tstack,_IOFBF,4096); /* improves speed when file is big */
- newfile = 0;
- if ((entry_pointer = gfe_choose_entry(type,title,filename,entryname)) == -2) {
- newfile = 1; /* go to file list, */
- continue; /* back to getafilename */
- }
- if (entry_pointer == -1)
- return -1;
- switch (type) {
- if (RunForm(entryname) == 0) return 0;
- break;
- case GETLSYS:
- if (LLoad() == 0) return 0;
- break;
- case GETIFS:
- if (ifsload() == 0) {
- fractype = (ifs_type == 0) ? IFS : IFS3D;
- curfractalspecific = &fractalspecific[fractype];
- set_default_parms(); /* to correct them if 3d */
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- case GETPARM:
- return entry_pointer;
- }
- }
- }
- struct entryinfo {
- char name[ITEMNAMELEN+2];
- long point; /* points to the ( or the { following the name */
- };
- static struct entryinfo far *far*gfe_choices; /* for format_getparm_line */
- static char *gfe_title;
- /* skip to next non-white space character and return it */
- int skip_white_space(FILE *infile, long *file_offset)
- {
- int c;
- do
- {
- c = getc(infile);
- (*file_offset)++;
- }
- while (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r');
- return(c);
- }
- /* skip to end of line */
- int skip_comment(FILE *infile, long *file_offset)
- {
- int c;
- do
- {
- c = getc(infile);
- (*file_offset)++;
- }
- while (c != '\n' && c != '\r' && c != EOF && c != '\032');
- return(c);
- }
- #define MAXENTRIES 2000L
- int scan_entries(FILE * infile, void far * ch, char *itemname)
- {
- struct entryinfo far *far * choices;
- char buf[101];
- long name_offset, file_offset = -1;
- int numentries = 0;
- choices = (struct entryinfo far * far *) ch;
- for (;;)
- { /* scan the file for entry names */
- int c, len;
- top:
- if ((c = skip_white_space(infile, &file_offset)) == ';')
- {
- c = skip_comment(infile, &file_offset);
- if (c == EOF || c == '\032')
- break;
- continue;
- }
- name_offset = file_offset;
- /* next equiv roughly to fscanf(..,"%40[^* \n\r\t({\032]",buf) */
- len = 0;
- while (c != ' ' && c != '\t' && c != '(' && c != ';'
- && c != '{' && c != '\n' && c != '\r' && c != EOF && c != '\032')
- {
- if (len < 40)
- buf[len++] = (char) c;
- c = getc(infile);
- ++file_offset;
- if(c == '\n' || c == '\r')
- goto top;
- }
- buf[len] = 0;
- while (c != '{' && /* c != '\n' && c != '\r' && */ c != EOF && c != '\032')
- {
- if(c == ';')
- c = skip_comment(infile, &file_offset);
- else
- {
- c = getc(infile);
- ++file_offset;
- if(c == '\n' || c == '\r')
- goto top;
- }
- }
- if (c == '{')
- {
- while (c != '}' && c != EOF && c != '\032')
- {
- if(c == ';')
- c = skip_comment(infile, &file_offset);
- else
- {
- c = getc(infile);
- ++file_offset;
- }
- }
- if (c != '}')
- break;
- buf[ITEMNAMELEN] = 0;
- if (itemname != NULL) /* looking for one entry */
- {
- if (stricmp(buf, itemname) == 0)
- {
- fseek(infile, name_offset, SEEK_SET);
- return (-1);
- }
- }
- else /* make a whole list of entries */
- {
- if (buf[0] != 0 && stricmp(buf, "comment") != 0)
- {
- far_strcpy(choices[numentries]->name, buf);
- choices[numentries]->point = name_offset;
- if (++numentries >= MAXENTRIES)
- {
- sprintf(buf, "Too many entries in file, first %ld used", MAXENTRIES);
- stopmsg(0, buf);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if (c == EOF || c == '\032')
- break;
- }
- return (numentries);
- }
- static long gfe_choose_entry(int type,char *title,char *filename,char *entryname)
- /* subrtn of get_file_entry, separated so that storage gets freed up */
- {
- static FCODE o_instr[]={"Press F6 to select different file, F2 for details, F4 to toggle sort "};
- int numentries, i;
- char buf[101];
- struct entryinfo far * far *choices;
- int far *attributes;
- void (*formatitem)(int, char *);
- int boxwidth,boxdepth,colwidth;
- static int dosort = 1;
- int options = 8;
- char far *instr;
- /* steal existing array for "choices" */
- choices = (struct entryinfo far *far*)MK_FP(extraseg,0);
- /* leave room for details F2 */
- choices = choices + (2048/sizeof(struct entryinfo far *far*));
- choices[0] = (struct entryinfo far *)(choices + MAXENTRIES+1);
- attributes = (int far *)(choices[0] + MAXENTRIES+1);
- instr = (char far *)(attributes + MAXENTRIES +1);
- gfe_choices = &choices[0];
- gfe_title = title;
- retry:
- attributes[0] = 1;
- for(i=1;i<MAXENTRIES+1;i++)
- {
- choices[i] = choices[i-1] + 1;
- attributes[i] = 1;
- }
- numentries = 0;
- helptitle(); /* to display a clue when file big and next is slow */
- numentries=scan_entries(gfe_file,choices,NULL);
- if (numentries == 0) {
- static FCODE msg[]={"File doesn't contain any valid entries"};
- stopmsg(0,msg);
- fclose(gfe_file);
- return -2; /* back to file list */
- }
- far_strcpy(instr,o_instr);
- if(dosort)
- {
- far_strcat(instr,"off");
- shell_sort((char far *)choices,numentries,sizeof(char far *),lccompare);
- }
- else
- far_strcat(instr,"on");
- strcpy(buf,entryname); /* preset to last choice made */
- sprintf(temp1,"%s Selection\nFile: %s",title,filename);
- formatitem = NULL;
- boxwidth = colwidth = boxdepth = 0;
- if (type == GETPARM) {
- formatitem = format_parmfile_line;
- boxwidth = 1;
- boxdepth = 16;
- colwidth = 76;
- }
- if(dosort)
- options = 8;
- else
- options = 8+32;
- i = fullscreen_choice(options,temp1,NULL,instr,numentries,(char far*far*)choices,
- attributes,boxwidth,boxdepth,colwidth,0,
- formatitem,buf,NULL,check_gfe_key);
- if (i == 0-F4)
- {
- rewind(gfe_file);
- dosort = 1-dosort;
- goto retry;
- }
- fclose(gfe_file);
- if (i < 0) {
- if (i == 0-F6)
- return -2; /* go back to file list */
- return -1; /* cancel */
- }
- far_strcpy(entryname, choices[i]->name);
- return(choices[i]->point);
- }
- static int check_gfe_key(int curkey,int choice)
- {
- char infhdg[60];
- char far *infbuf;
- if (curkey == F6)
- return 0-F6;
- if (curkey == F4)
- return 0-F4;
- if (curkey == F2) {
- infbuf = MK_FP(extraseg,0);
- fseek(gfe_file,gfe_choices[choice]->point,SEEK_SET);
- load_entry_text(gfe_file,infbuf,16);
- strcpy(infhdg,gfe_title);
- strcat(infhdg," file entry:\n\n");
- /* ... instead, call help with buffer? heading added */
- stackscreen();
- helptitle();
- setattr(1,0,C_GENERAL_MED,24*80);
- putstring(2,1,C_GENERAL_HI,infhdg);
- textcbase = 2; /* left margin is 2 */
- putstring(-1,0,C_GENERAL_MED,infbuf);
- {
- static FCODE msg[] = {"\n\n\nPress any key to return to selection list"};
- putstring(-1,0,C_GENERAL_LO,msg);
- }
- textcbase = 0;
- movecursor(25,80);
- getakeynohelp();
- unstackscreen();
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static void load_entry_text(FILE *entfile,char far *buf,int maxlines)
- {
- int linect,linelen,c,comment=0;
- linect = linelen = 0;
- while ((c = fgetc(entfile)) != EOF && c != '\032') {
- if (c == ';')
- comment = 1;
- else if (c == '\n' || c == '\r')
- comment = 0;
- if (c != '\r') {
- if (c == '\t') {
- while ((linelen % 8) != 7 && linelen < 75) { /* 76 wide max */
- *(buf++) = ' ';
- ++linelen;
- }
- c = ' ';
- }
- if (c == '\n') {
- if (++linect > maxlines) break;
- linelen = -1;
- }
- if (++linelen > 75) {
- if (linelen == 76) *(buf++) = '\021';
- }
- else
- *(buf++) = (char)c;
- if (comment == 0 && c == '}') break;
- }
- }
- *buf = 0;
- }
- static void format_parmfile_line(int choice,char *buf)
- {
- int c,i;
- char line[80];
- fseek(gfe_file,gfe_choices[choice]->point,SEEK_SET);
- while (getc(gfe_file) != '{') { }
- while ((c = getc(gfe_file)) == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == ';') { }
- i = 0;
- while (i < 56 && c != '\n' && c != '\r' && c != EOF && c != '\032') {
- line[i++] = (char)((c == '\t') ? ' ' : c);
- c = getc(gfe_file);
- }
- line[i] = 0;
- #ifndef XFRACT
- sprintf(buf,"%-20Fs%-56s",gfe_choices[choice]->name,line);
- #else
- sprintf(buf,"%-20s%-56s",gfe_choices[choice]->name,line);
- #endif
- }
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- int get_fract3d_params() /* prompt for 3D fractal parameters */
- {
- int i,k,ret,oldhelpmode;
- static FCODE hdg[] = {"3D Parameters"};
- static FCODE p1[] = {"X-axis rotation in degrees"};
- static FCODE p2[] = {"Y-axis rotation in degrees"};
- static FCODE p3[] = {"Z-axis rotation in degrees"};
- static FCODE p4[] = {"Perspective distance [1 - 999, 0 for no persp]"};
- static FCODE p5[] = {"X shift with perspective (positive = right)"};
- static FCODE p6[] = {"Y shift with perspective (positive = up )"};
- static FCODE p7[] = {"Stereo (R/B 3D)? (0=no,1=alternate,2=superimpose,3=photo)"};
- struct fullscreenvalues uvalues[20];
- char far *ifs3d_prompts[8];
- stackscreen();
- ifs3d_prompts[0] = p1;
- ifs3d_prompts[1] = p2;
- ifs3d_prompts[2] = p3;
- ifs3d_prompts[3] = p4;
- ifs3d_prompts[4] = p5;
- ifs3d_prompts[5] = p6;
- ifs3d_prompts[6] = p7;
- k = 0;
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k++].uval.ival = XROT;
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k++].uval.ival = YROT;
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k++].uval.ival = ZROT;
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k++].uval.ival = ZVIEWER;
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k++].uval.ival = XSHIFT;
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k++].uval.ival = YSHIFT;
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k++].uval.ival = glassestype;
- oldhelpmode = helpmode;
- helpmode = HELP3DFRACT;
- i = fullscreen_prompt(hdg,k,ifs3d_prompts,uvalues,0,NULL);
- helpmode = oldhelpmode;
- if (i < 0) {
- ret = -1;
- goto get_f3d_exit;
- }
- ret = k = 0;
- XROT = uvalues[k++].uval.ival;
- YROT = uvalues[k++].uval.ival;
- ZROT = uvalues[k++].uval.ival;
- ZVIEWER = uvalues[k++].uval.ival;
- XSHIFT = uvalues[k++].uval.ival;
- YSHIFT = uvalues[k++].uval.ival;
- glassestype = uvalues[k++].uval.ival;
- if (glassestype < 0 || glassestype > 3) glassestype = 0;
- if (glassestype)
- if (get_funny_glasses_params() || check_mapfile())
- ret = -1;
- get_f3d_exit:
- unstackscreen();
- return(ret);
- }
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* These macros streamline the "save near space" campaign */
- #define LOADPROMPTS3D(X) {\
- static FCODE tmp[] = { X };\
- prompts3d[++k]= tmp;\
- }
- static FCODE tmp[] = { X };\
- choices[k++]= tmp;\
- }
- int get_3d_params() /* prompt for 3D parameters */
- {
- static FCODE hdg[]={"3D Mode Selection"};
- static FCODE hdg1[]={"Select 3D Fill Type"};
- char far *choices[11];
- int attributes[21];
- int sphere;
- char far *s;
- static FCODE s1[] = {" Sphere 3D Parameters\n\
- Sphere is on its side; North pole to right\n\
- Long. 180 is top, 0 is bottom; Lat. -90 is left, 90 is right"};
- static char s2[]={" Planar 3D Parameters\n\
- Pre-rotation X axis is screen top; Y axis is left side\n\
- Pre-rotation Z axis is coming at you out of the screen!"};
- char far *prompts3d[21];
- struct fullscreenvalues uvalues[21];
- int i, k;
- int oldhelpmode;
- #ifdef WINFRACT
- {
- extern int far wintext_textmode;
- if (wintext_textmode != 2) /* are we in textmode? */
- return(0); /* no - prompts are already handled */
- }
- #endif
- restart_1:
- if (Targa_Out && overlay3d)
- Targa_Overlay = 1;
- k= -1;
- LOADPROMPTS3D("Preview Mode?");
- uvalues[k].type = 'y';
- uvalues[k].uval.ch.val = preview;
- LOADPROMPTS3D(" Show Box?");
- uvalues[k].type = 'y';
- uvalues[k].uval.ch.val = showbox;
- LOADPROMPTS3D("Coarseness, preview/grid/ray (in y dir)");
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k].uval.ival = previewfactor;
- LOADPROMPTS3D("Spherical Projection?");
- uvalues[k].type = 'y';
- uvalues[k].uval.ch.val = sphere = SPHERE;
- LOADPROMPTS3D("Stereo (R/B 3D)? (0=no,1=alternate,2=superimpose,3=photo)");
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k].uval.ival = glassestype;
- LOADPROMPTS3D("Ray trace out? (0=No, 1=DKB/POVRay, 2=VIVID, 3=RAW,");
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k].uval.ival = RAY;
- uvalues[k].type = '*';
- LOADPROMPTS3D(" Brief output?");
- uvalues[k].type = 'y';
- uvalues[k].uval.ch.val = BRIEF;
- check_writefile(ray_name,".ray");
- LOADPROMPTS3D(" Output File Name");
- uvalues[k].type = 's';
- strcpy(uvalues[k].uval.sval,ray_name);
- LOADPROMPTS3D("Targa output?");
- uvalues[k].type = 'y';
- uvalues[k].uval.ch.val = Targa_Out;
- LOADPROMPTS3D("Use grayscale value for depth? (if \"no\" uses color number)");
- uvalues[k].type = 'y';
- uvalues[k].uval.ch.val = grayflag;
- oldhelpmode = helpmode;
- helpmode = HELP3DMODE;
- k = fullscreen_prompt(hdg,k+1,prompts3d,uvalues,0,NULL);
- helpmode = oldhelpmode;
- if (k < 0) {
- return(-1);
- }
- k=0;
- preview = (char)uvalues[k++].uval.ch.val;
- showbox = (char)uvalues[k++].uval.ch.val;
- previewfactor = uvalues[k++].uval.ival;
- sphere = uvalues[k++].uval.ch.val;
- glassestype = uvalues[k++].uval.ival;
- RAY = uvalues[k++].uval.ival;
- k++;
- {
- static FCODE msg[] = {
- "DKB/POV-Ray output is obsolete but still works. See \"Ray Tracing Output\" in\n\
- the online documentation."};
- if(RAY == 1)
- stopmsg(0,msg);
- }
- BRIEF = uvalues[k++].uval.ch.val;
- strcpy(ray_name,uvalues[k++].uval.sval);
- Targa_Out = uvalues[k++].uval.ch.val;
- grayflag = (char)uvalues[k++].uval.ch.val;
- /* check ranges */
- if(previewfactor < 2)
- previewfactor = 2;
- if(previewfactor > 2000)
- previewfactor = 2000;
- if(sphere && !SPHERE)
- {
- set_3d_defaults();
- }
- else if(!sphere && SPHERE)
- {
- set_3d_defaults();
- }
- if(glassestype < 0)
- glassestype = 0;
- if(glassestype > 3)
- glassestype = 3;
- if(glassestype)
- whichimage = 1;
- if (RAY < 0)
- RAY = 0;
- if (RAY > 7)
- RAY = 7;
- if (!RAY)
- {
- k = 0;
- LOADPROMPTSCHOICES("make a surface grid");
- LOADPROMPTSCHOICES("just draw the points");
- LOADPROMPTSCHOICES("connect the dots (wire frame)");
- LOADPROMPTSCHOICES("surface fill (colors interpolated)");
- LOADPROMPTSCHOICES("surface fill (colors not interpolated)");
- LOADPROMPTSCHOICES("solid fill (bars up from \"ground\")");
- if(SPHERE)
- {
- LOADPROMPTSCHOICES("light source");
- }
- else
- {
- LOADPROMPTSCHOICES("light source before transformation");
- LOADPROMPTSCHOICES("light source after transformation");
- }
- for (i = 0; i < k; ++i)
- attributes[i] = 1;
- helpmode = HELP3DFILL;
- i = fullscreen_choice(CHOICEHELP,hdg1,NULL,NULL,k,(char far * far *)choices,attributes,
- helpmode = oldhelpmode;
- if (i < 0)
- goto restart_1;
- FILLTYPE = i-1;
- if(glassestype)
- {
- if(get_funny_glasses_params())
- goto restart_1;
- }
- if (check_mapfile())
- goto restart_1;
- }
- restart_3:
- if(SPHERE)
- {
- k = -1;
- LOADPROMPTS3D("Longitude start (degrees)");
- LOADPROMPTS3D("Longitude stop (degrees)");
- LOADPROMPTS3D("Latitude start (degrees)");
- LOADPROMPTS3D("Latitude stop (degrees)");
- LOADPROMPTS3D("Radius scaling factor in pct");
- }
- else
- {
- k = -1;
- if (!RAY)
- {
- LOADPROMPTS3D("X-axis rotation in degrees");
- LOADPROMPTS3D("Y-axis rotation in degrees");
- LOADPROMPTS3D("Z-axis rotation in degrees");
- }
- LOADPROMPTS3D("X-axis scaling factor in pct");
- LOADPROMPTS3D("Y-axis scaling factor in pct");
- }
- k = -1;
- if (!(RAY && !SPHERE))
- {
- uvalues[++k].uval.ival = XROT ;
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[++k].uval.ival = YROT ;
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[++k].uval.ival = ZROT ;
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- }
- uvalues[++k].uval.ival = XSCALE ;
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[++k].uval.ival = YSCALE ;
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- LOADPROMPTS3D("Surface Roughness scaling factor in pct");
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k].uval.ival = ROUGH ;
- LOADPROMPTS3D("'Water Level' (minimum color value)");
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k].uval.ival = WATERLINE ;
- if(!RAY)
- {
- LOADPROMPTS3D("Perspective distance [1 - 999, 0 for no persp])");
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k].uval.ival = ZVIEWER ;
- LOADPROMPTS3D("X shift with perspective (positive = right)");
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k].uval.ival = XSHIFT ;
- LOADPROMPTS3D("Y shift with perspective (positive = up )");
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k].uval.ival = YSHIFT ;
- LOADPROMPTS3D("Image non-perspective X adjust (positive = right)");
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k].uval.ival = xtrans ;
- LOADPROMPTS3D("Image non-perspective Y adjust (positive = up)");
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k].uval.ival = ytrans ;
- LOADPROMPTS3D("First transparent color");
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k].uval.ival = transparent[0];
- LOADPROMPTS3D("Last transparent color");
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k].uval.ival = transparent[1];
- }
- LOADPROMPTS3D("Randomize Colors (0 - 7, '0' disables)");
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k++].uval.ival = RANDOMIZE;
- if (SPHERE)
- s = s1;
- else
- s = s2;
- helpmode = HELP3DPARMS;
- k = fullscreen_prompt(s,k,prompts3d,uvalues,0,NULL);
- helpmode = oldhelpmode;
- if (k < 0)
- goto restart_1;
- k = 0;
- if (!(RAY && !SPHERE))
- {
- XROT = uvalues[k++].uval.ival;
- YROT = uvalues[k++].uval.ival;
- ZROT = uvalues[k++].uval.ival;
- }
- XSCALE = uvalues[k++].uval.ival;
- YSCALE = uvalues[k++].uval.ival;
- ROUGH = uvalues[k++].uval.ival;
- WATERLINE = uvalues[k++].uval.ival;
- if (!RAY)
- {
- ZVIEWER = uvalues[k++].uval.ival;
- XSHIFT = uvalues[k++].uval.ival;
- YSHIFT = uvalues[k++].uval.ival;
- xtrans = uvalues[k++].uval.ival;
- ytrans = uvalues[k++].uval.ival;
- transparent[0] = uvalues[k++].uval.ival;
- transparent[1] = uvalues[k++].uval.ival;
- }
- RANDOMIZE = uvalues[k++].uval.ival;
- if (RANDOMIZE >= 7) RANDOMIZE = 7;
- if (RANDOMIZE <= 0) RANDOMIZE = 0;
- if ((Targa_Out || ILLUMINE || RAY))
- if(get_light_params())
- goto restart_3;
- return(0);
- }
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- static int get_light_params()
- {
- static FCODE hdg[]={"Light Source Parameters"};
- char far *prompts3d[13];
- struct fullscreenvalues uvalues[13];
- int k;
- int oldhelpmode;
- /* defaults go here */
- k = -1;
- if (ILLUMINE || RAY)
- {
- LOADPROMPTS3D("X value light vector");
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k].uval.ival = XLIGHT ;
- LOADPROMPTS3D("Y value light vector");
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k].uval.ival = YLIGHT ;
- LOADPROMPTS3D("Z value light vector");
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k].uval.ival = ZLIGHT ;
- if (!RAY)
- {
- LOADPROMPTS3D("Light Source Smoothing Factor");
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k].uval.ival = LIGHTAVG ;
- LOADPROMPTS3D("Ambient");
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k].uval.ival = Ambient;
- }
- }
- if (Targa_Out && !RAY)
- {
- LOADPROMPTS3D("Haze Factor (0 - 100, '0' disables)");
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k].uval.ival= haze;
- if (!Targa_Overlay)
- check_writefile(light_name,".tga");
- LOADPROMPTS3D("Targa File Name (Assume .tga)");
- uvalues[k].type = 's';
- strcpy(uvalues[k].uval.sval,light_name);
- LOADPROMPTS3D("Back Ground Color (0 - 255)");
- uvalues[k].type = '*';
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k].uval.ival = (int)back_color[0];
- LOADPROMPTS3D(" Green");
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k].uval.ival = (int)back_color[1];
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k].uval.ival = (int)back_color[2];
- LOADPROMPTS3D("Overlay Targa File? (Y/N)");
- uvalues[k].type = 'y';
- uvalues[k].uval.ch.val = Targa_Overlay;
- }
- oldhelpmode = helpmode;
- helpmode = HELP3DLIGHT;
- k = fullscreen_prompt(hdg,k,prompts3d,uvalues,0,NULL);
- helpmode = oldhelpmode;
- if (k < 0)
- return(-1);
- k = 0;
- {
- XLIGHT = uvalues[k++].uval.ival;
- YLIGHT = uvalues[k++].uval.ival;
- ZLIGHT = uvalues[k++].uval.ival;
- if (!RAY)
- {
- LIGHTAVG = uvalues[k++].uval.ival;
- Ambient = uvalues[k++].uval.ival;
- if (Ambient >= 100) Ambient = 100;
- if (Ambient <= 0) Ambient = 0;
- }
- }
- if (Targa_Out && !RAY)
- {
- haze = uvalues[k++].uval.ival;
- if (haze >= 100) haze = 100;
- if (haze <= 0) haze = 0;
- strcpy(light_name,uvalues[k++].uval.sval);
- /* In case light_name conflicts with an existing name it is checked
- again in line3d */
- k++;
- back_color[0] = (char)(uvalues[k++].uval.ival % 255);
- back_color[1] = (char)(uvalues[k++].uval.ival % 255);
- back_color[2] = (char)(uvalues[k++].uval.ival % 255);
- Targa_Overlay = uvalues[k].uval.ch.val;
- }
- return(0);
- }
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- static int check_mapfile()
- {
- int askflag = 0;
- int i,oldhelpmode;
- if(dontreadcolor)
- return(0);
- strcpy(temp1,"*");
- if (mapset)
- strcpy(temp1,MAP_name);
- if (!(glassestype == 1 || glassestype == 2))
- askflag = 1;
- else
- merge_pathnames(temp1,funnyglasses_map_name,0);
- for(;;) {
- if (askflag) {
- static FCODE msg[] = {"\
- Enter name of .MAP file to use,\n\
- or '*' to use palette from the image to be loaded."};
- oldhelpmode = helpmode;
- helpmode = -1;
- i = field_prompt(0,msg,NULL,temp1,60,NULL);
- helpmode = oldhelpmode;
- if (i < 0)
- return(-1);
- if (temp1[0] == '*') {
- mapset = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- memcpy(olddacbox,dacbox,256*3); /* save the DAC */
- i = ValidateLuts(temp1);
- memcpy(dacbox,olddacbox,256*3); /* restore the DAC */
- if (i != 0) { /* Oops, somethings wrong */
- askflag = 1;
- continue;
- }
- mapset = 1;
- merge_pathnames(MAP_name,temp1,0);
- break;
- }
- return(0);
- }
- static int get_funny_glasses_params()
- {
- static FCODE hdg[]={"Funny Glasses Parameters"};
- char far *prompts3d[10];
- struct fullscreenvalues uvalues[10];
- int k;
- int oldhelpmode;
- /* defaults */
- if(ZVIEWER == 0)
- ZVIEWER = 150;
- if(eyeseparation == 0)
- {
- if(fractype==IFS3D || fractype==LLORENZ3D || fractype==FPLORENZ3D)
- {
- eyeseparation = 2;
- xadjust = -2;
- }
- else
- {
- eyeseparation = 3;
- xadjust = 0;
- }
- }
- if(glassestype == 1)
- strcpy(funnyglasses_map_name,Glasses1Map);
- else if(glassestype == 2)
- {
- if(FILLTYPE == -1)
- strcpy(funnyglasses_map_name,"grid.map");
- else
- {
- strcpy(funnyglasses_map_name,Glasses1Map);
- funnyglasses_map_name[7] = '2';
- }
- }
- k = -1;
- LOADPROMPTS3D("Interocular distance (as % of screen)");
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k].uval.ival= eyeseparation;
- LOADPROMPTS3D("Convergence adjust (positive = spread greater)");
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k].uval.ival = xadjust;
- LOADPROMPTS3D("Left red image crop (% of screen)");
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k].uval.ival = red_crop_left;
- LOADPROMPTS3D("Right red image crop (% of screen)");
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k].uval.ival = red_crop_right;
- LOADPROMPTS3D("Left blue image crop (% of screen)");
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k].uval.ival = blue_crop_left;
- LOADPROMPTS3D("Right blue image crop (% of screen)");
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k].uval.ival = blue_crop_right;
- LOADPROMPTS3D("Red brightness factor (%)");
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k].uval.ival = red_bright;
- LOADPROMPTS3D("Blue brightness factor (%)");
- uvalues[k].type = 'i';
- uvalues[k].uval.ival = blue_bright;
- if(glassestype == 1 || glassestype == 2)
- {
- LOADPROMPTS3D("Map File name");
- uvalues[k].type = 's';
- strcpy(uvalues[k].uval.sval,funnyglasses_map_name);
- }
- oldhelpmode = helpmode;
- helpmode = HELP3DGLASSES;
- k = fullscreen_prompt(hdg,k+1,prompts3d,uvalues,0,NULL);
- helpmode = oldhelpmode;
- if (k < 0)
- return(-1);
- k = 0;
- eyeseparation = uvalues[k++].uval.ival;
- xadjust = uvalues[k++].uval.ival;
- red_crop_left = uvalues[k++].uval.ival;
- red_crop_right = uvalues[k++].uval.ival;
- blue_crop_left = uvalues[k++].uval.ival;
- blue_crop_right = uvalues[k++].uval.ival;
- red_bright = uvalues[k++].uval.ival;
- blue_bright = uvalues[k++].uval.ival;
- if(glassestype == 1 || glassestype == 2)
- strcpy(funnyglasses_map_name,uvalues[k].uval.sval);
- return(0);
- }
- void setbailoutformula(enum bailouts test) {
- switch(test) {
- case Mod:
- default:{
- if (fpu >= 287 && debugflag != 72) /* Fast 287 math */
- floatbailout = (int (near *)(void))asmfpMODbailout;
- else
- floatbailout = (int (near *)(void))fpMODbailout;
- if (cpu >=386 && debugflag != 8088) /* Fast 386 math */
- longbailout = (int (near *)(void))asm386lMODbailout;
- else
- longbailout = (int (near *)(void))asmlMODbailout;
- bignumbailout = (int (near *)(void))bnMODbailout;
- bigfltbailout = (int (near *)(void))bfMODbailout;
- break;}
- case Real: {
- if (fpu >= 287 && debugflag != 72) /* Fast 287 math */
- floatbailout = (int (near *)(void))asmfpREALbailout;
- else
- floatbailout = (int (near *)(void))fpREALbailout;
- if (cpu >=386 && debugflag != 8088) /* Fast 386 math */
- longbailout = (int (near *)(void))asm386lREALbailout;
- else
- longbailout = (int (near *)(void))asmlREALbailout;
- bignumbailout = (int (near *)(void))bnREALbailout;
- bigfltbailout = (int (near *)(void))bfREALbailout;
- break;}
- case Imag:{
- if (fpu >= 287 && debugflag != 72) /* Fast 287 math */
- floatbailout = (int (near *)(void))asmfpIMAGbailout;
- else
- floatbailout = (int (near *)(void))fpIMAGbailout;
- if (cpu >=386 && debugflag != 8088) /* Fast 386 math */
- longbailout = (int (near *)(void))asm386lIMAGbailout;
- else
- longbailout = (int (near *)(void))asmlIMAGbailout;
- bignumbailout = (int (near *)(void))bnIMAGbailout;
- bigfltbailout = (int (near *)(void))bfIMAGbailout;
- break;}
- case Or:{
- if (fpu >= 287 && debugflag != 72) /* Fast 287 math */
- floatbailout = (int (near *)(void))asmfpORbailout;
- else
- floatbailout = (int (near *)(void))fpORbailout;
- if (cpu >=386 && debugflag != 8088) /* Fast 386 math */
- longbailout = (int (near *)(void))asm386lORbailout;
- else
- longbailout = (int (near *)(void))asmlORbailout;
- bignumbailout = (int (near *)(void))bnORbailout;
- bigfltbailout = (int (near *)(void))bfORbailout;
- break;}
- case And:{
- if (fpu >= 287 && debugflag != 72) /* Fast 287 math */
- floatbailout = (int (near *)(void))asmfpANDbailout;
- else
- floatbailout = (int (near *)(void))fpANDbailout;
- if (cpu >=386 && debugflag != 8088) /* Fast 386 math */
- longbailout = (int (near *)(void))asm386lANDbailout;
- else
- longbailout = (int (near *)(void))asmlANDbailout;
- bignumbailout = (int (near *)(void))bnANDbailout;
- bigfltbailout = (int (near *)(void))bfANDbailout;
- break;}
- }
- }