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- /**************************************
- **
- ** PORT.H : Miscellaneous definitions for portability. Please add
- ** to this file for any new machines/compilers you may have.
- **
- ** XFRACT file "SHARED.H" merged into PORT.H on 3/14/92 by --CWM--
- */
- #ifndef PORT_H /* If this is defined, this file has been */
- #define PORT_H /* included already in this module. */
- #define MSDOS 1
- #ifdef XFRACT /* XFRACT forces unix configuration! --CWM-- */
- /* CAE added ltoa, overwrite fix for HP-UX v9 26Jan95 */
- #ifdef _HPUX_SOURCE
- #define ltoa fr_ltoa
- #define overwrite fr_overwrite
- #endif
- #ifdef MSDOS
- #undef MSDOS
- #endif
- #ifdef __MSDOS__
- #undef __MSDOS__
- #endif
- #ifndef unix
- #define unix
- #endif
- #endif /* XFRACT */
- #ifdef __TURBOC__
- #define __cdecl cdecl
- #ifndef __DOS_H
- /* dos.h is needed for MK_FP */
- #include <dos.h>
- #endif
- #endif
- #ifdef MSDOS /* Microsoft C 5.1 for OS/2 and MSDOS */
- /* NOTE: this is always true on DOS! */
- /* (MSDOS is defined above) */
- #ifdef _MSC_VER /* MSC assert does nothing under MSDOS */
- #ifdef assert
- #undef assert
- #define assert(X)
- #endif
- #endif
- typedef unsigned char U8;
- typedef signed char S8;
- typedef unsigned short U16;
- typedef signed short S16;
- typedef unsigned long U32;
- typedef signed long S32;
- typedef unsigned char BYTE;
- typedef unsigned char CHAR;
- typedef void *VOIDPTR;
- typedef void far *VOIDFARPTR;
- typedef void const *VOIDCONSTPTR;
- #define CONST const
- #define PRINTER "/dev/prn"
- #define LOBYTEFIRST 1
- #define SLASHC '\\'
- #define SLASH "\\"
- #define SLASHSLASH "\\\\"
- #define SLASHDOT "\\."
- #define DOTSLASH ".\\"
- #define DOTDOTSLASH "..\\"
- #define READMODE "rb" /* Correct DOS text-mode */
- #define WRITEMODE "wb" /* file open "feature". */
- #define write1(ptr,len,n,stream) fwrite(ptr,len,n,stream)
- #define write2(ptr,len,n,stream) fwrite(ptr,len,n,stream)
- #define rand15() rand()
- #else /* Have to nest because #elif is not portable */
- #ifdef AMIGA /* Lattice C 3.02 for Amiga */
- typedef UBYTE U8;
- typedef BYTE S8;
- typedef UWORD U16;
- typedef WORD S16;
- typedef unsigned int U32;
- typedef int S32;
- typedef UBYTE BYTE;
- typedef UBYTE CHAR;
- typedef void *VOIDPTR;
- typedef void *VOIDFARPTR;
- typedef void *VOIDCONSTPTR;
- #define CONST
- #define PRINTER "PRT:"
- #define LOBYTEFIRST 0
- #define SLASHC '/'
- #define SLASH "/"
- #define SLASHSLASH "//"
- #define SLASHDOT "/."
- #define DOTSLASH "./"
- #define DOTDOTSLASH "../"
- #define READMODE "rb"
- #define WRITEMODE "wb"
- #define write1(ptr,len,n,stream) (fputc(*(ptr),stream),1)
- #define write2(ptr,len,n,stream) (fputc((*(ptr))&255,stream),fputc((*(ptr))>>8,stream),1)
- #define rand15() (rand()&0x7FFF)
- #define BIG_ENDIAN
- #else
- #ifdef unix /* Unix machine */
- typedef unsigned char U8;
- typedef char S8;
- typedef unsigned short U16;
- typedef short S16;
- typedef unsigned long U32;
- typedef long S32;
- typedef unsigned char BYTE;
- typedef char CHAR;
- #define __cdecl
- #ifdef BADVOID
- typedef char *VOIDPTR;
- typedef char *VOIDFARPTR;
- typedef char *VOIDCONSTPTR;
- #else
- typedef void *VOIDPTR;
- typedef void *VOIDFARPTR;
- typedef void *VOIDCONSTPTR;
- #endif
- /* Keep this defined for Unix, even on a little-endian machine */
- #define BIG_ENDIAN
- # define CONST
- # define PRINTER "/dev/lp"
- # define SLASHC '/'
- # define SLASH "/"
- # define SLASHSLASH "//"
- # define SLASHDOT "/."
- # define DOTSLASH "./"
- # define DOTDOTSLASH "../"
- # define READMODE "r"
- # define WRITEMODE "w"
- # define write1(ptr,len,n,stream) (fputc(*(ptr),stream),1)
- # define write2(ptr,len,n,stream) (fputc((*(ptr))&255,stream),fputc((*(ptr))>>8,stream),1)
- # define rand15() (rand()&0x7FFF)
- # include "unix.h"
- #endif
- #endif
- #endif
- #define GET16(c,i) (i) = *((U16*)(&(c)))
- #else
- #define GET16(c,i) (i) = (*(unsigned char *)&(c))+\
- ((*((unsigned char*)&(c)+1))<<8)
- #endif
- /* The following should work regardless of machine type */
- #include <float.h>
- /* If you want to force the use of doubles, or */
- /* if the compiler supports long doubles, but does not allow */
- /* scanf("%Lf", &longdoublevar); */
- /* to read in a long double, then uncomment this next line */
- /* #undef LDBL_DIG */
- /* #define USE_BIGNUM_C_CODE */ /* ASM code requires using long double */
- /* HP-UX support long doubles and allows them to be read in with */
- /* scanf(), but does not support the functions sinl, cosl, fabsl, etc. */
- /* CAE added this 26Jan95 so it would compile (not sure how else to fix it) */
- #ifdef _HPUX_SOURCE
- #undef LDBL_DIG
- #endif
- #ifdef LDBL_DIG
- /* this is what we're hoping for */
- typedef long double LDBL;
- #else
- /* long double isn't supported */
- /* impliment LDBL as double */
- typedef double LDBL;
- /* just in case */
- #undef LDBL_DIG
- #undef LDBL_MANT_DIG
- #undef LDBL_MAX
- #undef LDBL_MAX_10_EXP
- #undef LDBL_MAX_EXP
- #undef LDBL_MIN
- #undef LDBL_MIN_10_EXP
- #undef LDBL_MIN_EXP
- #undef LDBL_RADIX
- #undef LDBL_ROUNDS
- #define LDBL_DIG DBL_DIG /* # of decimal digits of precision */
- #define LDBL_EPSILON DBL_EPSILON /* smallest such that 1.0+LDBL_EPSILON != 1.0 */
- #define LDBL_MANT_DIG DBL_MANT_DIG /* # of bits in mantissa */
- #define LDBL_MAX DBL_MAX /* max value */
- #define LDBL_MAX_10_EXP DBL_MAX_10_EXP /* max decimal exponent */
- #define LDBL_MAX_EXP DBL_MAX_EXP /* max binary exponent */
- #define LDBL_MIN DBL_MIN /* min positive value */
- #define LDBL_MIN_10_EXP DBL_MIN_10_EXP /* min decimal exponent */
- #define LDBL_MIN_EXP DBL_MIN_EXP /* min binary exponent */
- #define LDBL_RADIX DBL_RADIX /* exponent radix */
- #define LDBL_ROUNDS DBL_ROUNDS /* addition rounding: near */
- #define sqrtl sqrt
- #define logl log
- #define log10l log10
- #define atanl atan
- #define fabsl fabs
- #define sinl sin
- #define cosl cos
- #endif
- #endif /* PORT_H */