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- /*
- This file includes miscellaneous plot functions and logic
- for 3D, used by lorenz.c and line3d.c
- By Tim Wegner and Marc Reinig.
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "fractint.h"
- #include "fractype.h"
- #include "prototyp.h"
- /* Use these palette indices for red/blue - same on ega/vga */
- #define PAL_BLUE 1
- #define PAL_RED 2
- #define PAL_MAGENTA 3
- int whichimage;
- int xxadjust1;
- int yyadjust1;
- int eyeseparation = 0;
- int glassestype = 0;
- int xshift1;
- int yshift1;
- int xtrans = 0;
- int ytrans = 0;
- int red_local_left;
- int red_local_right;
- int blue_local_left;
- int blue_local_right;
- int red_crop_left = 4;
- int red_crop_right = 0;
- int blue_crop_left = 0;
- int blue_crop_right = 4;
- int red_bright = 80;
- int blue_bright = 100;
- /* Bresenham's algorithm for drawing line */
- void cdecl draw_line (int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2, int color)
- { /* uses Bresenham algorithm to draw a line */
- int dX, dY; /* vector components */
- int row, col,
- final, /* final row or column number */
- G, /* used to test for new row or column */
- inc1, /* G increment when row or column doesn't change */
- inc2; /* G increment when row or column changes */
- char pos_slope;
- dX = X2 - X1; /* find vector components */
- dY = Y2 - Y1;
- pos_slope = (char)(dX > 0); /* is slope positive? */
- if (dY < 0)
- pos_slope = (char)!pos_slope;
- if (abs (dX) > abs (dY)) /* shallow line case */
- {
- if (dX > 0) /* determine start point and last column */
- {
- col = X1;
- row = Y1;
- final = X2;
- }
- else
- {
- col = X2;
- row = Y2;
- final = X1;
- }
- inc1 = 2 * abs (dY); /* determine increments and initial G */
- G = inc1 - abs (dX);
- inc2 = 2 * (abs (dY) - abs (dX));
- if (pos_slope)
- while (col <= final) /* step through columns checking for new row */
- {
- (*plot) (col, row, color);
- col++;
- if (G >= 0) /* it's time to change rows */
- {
- row++; /* positive slope so increment through the rows */
- G += inc2;
- }
- else /* stay at the same row */
- G += inc1;
- }
- else
- while (col <= final) /* step through columns checking for new row */
- {
- (*plot) (col, row, color);
- col++;
- if (G > 0) /* it's time to change rows */
- {
- row--; /* negative slope so decrement through the rows */
- G += inc2;
- }
- else /* stay at the same row */
- G += inc1;
- }
- } /* if |dX| > |dY| */
- else /* steep line case */
- {
- if (dY > 0) /* determine start point and last row */
- {
- col = X1;
- row = Y1;
- final = Y2;
- }
- else
- {
- col = X2;
- row = Y2;
- final = Y1;
- }
- inc1 = 2 * abs (dX); /* determine increments and initial G */
- G = inc1 - abs (dY);
- inc2 = 2 * (abs (dX) - abs (dY));
- if (pos_slope)
- while (row <= final) /* step through rows checking for new column */
- {
- (*plot) (col, row, color);
- row++;
- if (G >= 0) /* it's time to change columns */
- {
- col++; /* positive slope so increment through the columns */
- G += inc2;
- }
- else /* stay at the same column */
- G += inc1;
- }
- else
- while (row <= final) /* step through rows checking for new column */
- {
- (*plot) (col, row, color);
- row++;
- if (G > 0) /* it's time to change columns */
- {
- col--; /* negative slope so decrement through the columns */
- G += inc2;
- }
- else /* stay at the same column */
- G += inc1;
- }
- }
- } /* draw_line */
- #if 0
- /* use this for continuous colors later */
- void _fastcall plot3dsuperimpose16b(int x,int y,int color)
- {
- int tmp;
- if (color != 0) /* Keeps index 0 still 0 */
- {
- color = colors - color; /* Reverses color order */
- color = color / 4;
- if(color == 0)
- color = 1;
- }
- color = 3;
- tmp = getcolor(x,y);
- /* map to 4 colors */
- if(whichimage == 1) /* RED */
- {
- if(red_local_left < x && x < red_local_right)
- {
- putcolor(x,y,color|tmp);
- if (Targa_Out)
- targa_color(x, y, color|tmp);
- }
- }
- else if(whichimage == 2) /* BLUE */
- if(blue_local_left < x && x < blue_local_right)
- {
- color = color <<2;
- putcolor(x,y,color|tmp);
- if (Targa_Out)
- targa_color(x, y, color|tmp);
- }
- }
- #endif
- void _fastcall plot3dsuperimpose16(int x,int y,int color)
- {
- int tmp;
- tmp = getcolor(x,y);
- if(whichimage == 1) /* RED */
- {
- color = PAL_RED;
- if(tmp > 0 && tmp != color)
- color = PAL_MAGENTA;
- if(red_local_left < x && x < red_local_right)
- {
- putcolor(x,y,color);
- if (Targa_Out)
- targa_color(x, y, color);
- }
- }
- else if(whichimage == 2) /* BLUE */
- if(blue_local_left < x && x < blue_local_right)
- {
- color = PAL_BLUE;
- if(tmp > 0 && tmp != color)
- color = PAL_MAGENTA;
- putcolor(x,y,color);
- if (Targa_Out)
- targa_color(x, y, color);
- }
- }
- void _fastcall plot3dsuperimpose256(int x,int y,int color)
- {
- int tmp;
- BYTE t_c;
- t_c = (BYTE)(255-color);
- if (color != 0) /* Keeps index 0 still 0 */
- {
- color = colors - color; /* Reverses color order */
- if (max_colors == 236)
- color = 1 + color / 21; /* Maps colors 1-255 to 13 even ranges */
- else
- color = 1 + color / 18; /* Maps colors 1-255 to 15 even ranges */
- }
- tmp = getcolor(x,y);
- /* map to 16 colors */
- if(whichimage == 1) /* RED */
- {
- if(red_local_left < x && x < red_local_right)
- {
- /* Overwrite prev Red don't mess w/blue */
- putcolor(x,y,color|(tmp&240));
- if (Targa_Out)
- if (!ILLUMINE)
- targa_color(x, y, color|(tmp&240));
- else
- targa_writedisk (x+sxoffs, y+syoffs, t_c, 0, 0);
- }
- }
- else if(whichimage == 2) /* BLUE */
- if(blue_local_left < x && x < blue_local_right)
- {
- /* Overwrite previous blue, don't mess with existing red */
- color = color <<4;
- putcolor(x,y,color|(tmp&15));
- if (Targa_Out)
- if (!ILLUMINE)
- targa_color(x, y, color|(tmp&15));
- else
- {
- targa_readdisk (x+sxoffs, y+syoffs, &T_RED, (BYTE *)&tmp, (BYTE *)&tmp);
- targa_writedisk (x+sxoffs, y+syoffs, T_RED, 0, t_c);
- }
- }
- }
- void _fastcall plotIFS3dsuperimpose256(int x,int y,int color)
- {
- int tmp;
- BYTE t_c;
- t_c = (BYTE)(255-color);
- if (color != 0) /* Keeps index 0 still 0 */
- {
- /* my mind is fried - lower indices = darker colors is EASIER! */
- color = colors - color; /* Reverses color order */
- if (max_colors == 236)
- color = 1 + color / 21; /* Maps colors 1-255 to 13 even ranges */
- else
- color = 1 + color / 18; /* Looks weird but maps colors 1-255 to 15
- relatively even ranges */
- }
- tmp = getcolor(x,y);
- /* map to 16 colors */
- if(whichimage == 1) /* RED */
- {
- if(red_local_left < x && x < red_local_right)
- {
- putcolor(x,y,color|tmp);
- if (Targa_Out)
- if (!ILLUMINE)
- targa_color(x, y, color|tmp);
- else
- targa_writedisk (x+sxoffs, y+syoffs, t_c, 0, 0);
- }
- }
- else if(whichimage == 2) /* BLUE */
- if(blue_local_left < x && x < blue_local_right)
- {
- color = color <<4;
- putcolor(x,y,color|tmp);
- if (Targa_Out)
- if (!ILLUMINE)
- targa_color(x, y, color|tmp);
- else
- {
- targa_readdisk (x+sxoffs, y+syoffs, &T_RED, (BYTE *)&tmp, (BYTE *)&tmp);
- targa_writedisk (x+sxoffs, y+syoffs, T_RED, 0, t_c);
- }
- }
- }
- void _fastcall plot3dalternate(int x,int y,int color)
- {
- BYTE t_c;
- t_c = (BYTE)(255-color);
- /* lorez high color red/blue 3D plot function */
- /* if which image = 1, compresses color to lower 128 colors */
- /* my mind is STILL fried - lower indices = darker colors is EASIER! */
- color = colors - color;
- if((whichimage == 1) && !((x+y)&1)) /* - lower half palette */
- {
- if(red_local_left < x && x < red_local_right)
- {
- putcolor(x,y,color>>1);
- if (Targa_Out)
- if (!ILLUMINE)
- targa_color(x, y, color>>1);
- else
- targa_writedisk (x+sxoffs, y+syoffs, t_c, 0, 0);
- }
- }
- else if((whichimage == 2) && ((x+y)&1) ) /* - upper half palette */
- {
- if(blue_local_left < x && x < blue_local_right)
- {
- putcolor(x,y,(color>>1)+(colors>>1));
- if (Targa_Out)
- if (!ILLUMINE)
- targa_color(x, y, (color>>1)+(colors>>1));
- else
- targa_writedisk (x+sxoffs, y+syoffs, T_RED, 0, t_c);
- }
- }
- }
- void plot_setup()
- {
- double d_red_bright = 0;
- double d_blue_bright = 0;
- int i;
- /* set funny glasses plot function */
- switch(glassestype)
- {
- case 1:
- standardplot = plot3dalternate;
- break;
- case 2:
- if(colors == 256)
- if (fractype != IFS3D)
- standardplot = plot3dsuperimpose256;
- else
- standardplot = plotIFS3dsuperimpose256;
- else
- standardplot = plot3dsuperimpose16;
- break;
- default:
- standardplot = putcolor;
- break;
- }
- xshift1 = xshift = (int)((XSHIFT * (double)xdots)/100);
- yshift1 = yshift = (int)((YSHIFT * (double)ydots)/100);
- if(glassestype)
- {
- red_local_left = (int)((red_crop_left * (double)xdots)/100.0);
- red_local_right = (int)(((100 - red_crop_right) * (double)xdots)/100.0);
- blue_local_left = (int)((blue_crop_left * (double)xdots)/100.0);
- blue_local_right = (int)(((100 - blue_crop_right) * (double)xdots)/100.0);
- d_red_bright = (double)red_bright/100.0;
- d_blue_bright = (double)blue_bright/100.0;
- switch(whichimage)
- {
- case 1:
- xshift += (int)((eyeseparation* (double)xdots)/200);
- xxadjust = (int)(((xtrans+xadjust)* (double)xdots)/100);
- xshift1 -= (int)((eyeseparation* (double)xdots)/200);
- xxadjust1 = (int)(((xtrans-xadjust)* (double)xdots)/100);
- break;
- case 2:
- xshift -= (int)((eyeseparation* (double)xdots)/200);
- xxadjust = (int)(((xtrans-xadjust)* (double)xdots)/100);
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- xxadjust = (int)((xtrans* (double)xdots)/100);
- yyadjust = (int)(-(ytrans* (double)ydots)/100);
- if (mapset)
- {
- ValidateLuts(MAP_name); /* read the palette file */
- if(glassestype==1 || glassestype==2)
- {
- if(glassestype == 2 && colors < 256)
- {
- dacbox[PAL_RED ][0] = 63;
- dacbox[PAL_RED ][1] = 0;
- dacbox[PAL_RED ][2] = 0;
- dacbox[PAL_BLUE ][0] = 0;
- dacbox[PAL_BLUE ][1] = 0;
- dacbox[PAL_BLUE ][2] = 63;
- dacbox[PAL_MAGENTA][0] = 63;
- dacbox[PAL_MAGENTA][1] = 0;
- dacbox[PAL_MAGENTA][2] = 63;
- }
- for (i=0;i<256;i++)
- {
- dacbox[i][0] = (BYTE)(dacbox[i][0] * d_red_bright);
- dacbox[i][2] = (BYTE)(dacbox[i][2] * d_blue_bright);
- }
- }
- spindac(0,1); /* load it, but don't spin */
- }
- }