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- ; NEWTON.ASM : Procedure NewtonFractal() from FRACTINT.
- ; Lee Daniel Crocker, 4/23/89.
- ;
- ; Tabs: 8
- ;
- ; Modifications:
- ; BT = Bert Tyler
- ; TW = Timothy Wegner
- ; RD = Robert Day
- ; MP = Mark Peterson
- ;
- ; Note: newton.asm was totally rewritten by Lee Crocker for FRACTINT 10.0
- ; for integration with the newly structured fractal engine in calcmand.c
- ; and fractals.c. The current routine consists of the inner orbit
- ; calculation, with the supporting code removed. Early versions of
- ; newton.asm contained a complete newton fractal function.
- ;
- ; Assembled by Microsoft Macro Assembler 5.1, for use with Microsoft C 5.1.
- ;
- ; Required for compatibility if Turbo ASM (BT 5/20/89)
- IFDEF ??version
- MASM51
- .model medium, c
- public NewtonFractal2
- public invertz2
- .data
- extrn coloriter:dword, maxcolor:word, degree:word, basin:word
- extrn row:word, col:word
- extrn dx0:dword, dy0:dword
- extrn dx1:dword, dy1:dword
- extrn old:qword, new:qword, d1overd:qword, roverd:qword
- extrn threshold:qword, floatmin:qword, floatmax:qword
- extrn f_radius:qword, f_xcenter:qword, f_ycenter:qword
- extrn roots:word, tempsqrx:qword
- statw dw ?
- .code
- public NewtonFractal2
- NewtonFractal2 proc
- ;
- ; cpower(&old, degree-1, &tmp)
- ;
- mov ax, degree
- dec ax
- fld old + 8
- fld old
- ;
- ; cpower() is expanded inline here.
- ;
- shr ax, 1
- jnc load1 ; if (exp & 1)
- fld st(1)
- fld st(1)
- jmp short looptop ; tmp = old
- load1:
- fldz
- fld1 ; else tmp = [1,0]
- looptop:
- cmp ax, 0
- je loopexit ; while (exp)
- fld st(2) ; RD 5/7/89: Calculate xt^2 - yt^2
- fadd st, st(4) ; by using (xt+yt)*(xt-yt), which
- fld st(3) ; trades one multiplication for an
- fsub st, st(5) ; addition. This trick saves a
- fmul ; whopping 1.2% of time.
- fld st(4)
- fmul st, st(4)
- fadd st, st ; yt = 2 * xt * yt
- fstp st(5) ; tmp.y = yt
- fstp st(3) ; tmp.x = xt
- shr ax, 1
- jnc looptop ; if (exp & 1)
- fld st(2)
- fmul st, st(1)
- fld st(4)
- fmul st, st(3)
- fsub ; tmp.x = xt * tmp.x - yt * tmp.y
- fld st(3)
- fmul st, st(3)
- fld st(5)
- fmul st, st(3)
- fadd ; tmp.y = xt * tmp.y + yt * tmp.x
- fstp st(3)
- fstp st(1)
- jmp short looptop
- loopexit:
- fstp st(2)
- fstp st(2)
- ;
- ; End of complex_power() routine. Result is in ST, ST(1)
- ;
- ;
- ; complex_mult(tmp, old, &new);
- ;
- fld old + 8
- fld old
- fld st(3) ; tmp.y
- fmul st, st(1) ; old.x
- fld st(3) ; tmp.x
- fmul st, st(3) ; old.y
- fadd
- fld st(3) ; tmp.x
- fmul st, st(2) ; old.x
- fld st(5) ; tmp.y
- fmul st, st(4) ; old.y
- fsub
- ;
- ; if (DIST1(new) < THRESHOLD) {
- ;
- fld1
- fsubr st, st(1)
- fmul st, st
- fld st(2) ; new.y
- fmul st, st
- fadd
- fcomp threshold
- fstsw statw
- mov ax, statw
- sahf
- jnc notless
- ;
- ; if (fractype == NEWTBASIN) {
- ;
- mov ax, basin
- cmp ax, 0
- je notbasin
- mov bx, roots
- mov dx, -1 ; tempcolor = -1
- sub cx, cx
- dloop:
- fld qword ptr [bx] ; roots[i].x
- fsub st, st(3) ; old.x
- fmul st, st
- fld qword ptr [bx+8]; roots[i].y
- fsub st, st(5) ; old.y
- fmul st, st
- fadd
- fcomp threshold
- fstsw statw
- mov ax, statw
- sahf ; if (distance(roots[i],old) < threshold)...
- jnc nl2
- ; TW commented out next few lines and add dx,ax to eliminate newtbasin
- ; color shades per Phil Wilson's request 12/03/89
- ; TW put it back in in response to another use as an option! 7/7/90
- mov dx, cx
- cmp basin,2 ; basin==2 is flag for stripes
- jne nostripes
- mov ax, word ptr coloriter
- and ax, 1
- shl ax, 1
- shl ax, 1
- shl ax, 1
- and dx, 7
- add dx, ax
- nostripes:
- inc dx ; tempcolor = 1+(i&7)+((color&1)<<3)
- jmp short nfb ; break
- nl2:
- add bx, 16
- inc cx
- cmp cx, degree
- jl dloop
- nfb:
- mov ax, dx
- cmp dx, -1
- jne notm1
- mov ax, maxcolor ; if (tmpcolor == -1)...
- notm1:
- mov word ptr coloriter, ax
- mov word ptr coloriter+2, 0
- notbasin:
- mov ax, 1
- jmp nlexit
- notless:
- fld d1overd
- fmul st(2), st ; new.y *= d1overd
- fmul
- fld roverd
- fadd ; new.x = d1overd * new.x + roverd
- fld st(5) ; tmp.y
- fmul st, st
- fld st(5) ; tmp.x
- fmul st, st
- fadd
- fcom floatmin
- fstsw statw
- mov ax, statw
- sahf ; if (mod(tmp) < FLT_MIN) {
- jnc cont
- mov ax, 1
- fstp st
- jmp nlexit
- cont:
- fld1
- fdivr
- fst st(4) ; old.y
- fstp st(3) ; old.x
- fld st(4) ; tmp.x
- fmul st, st(1) ; new.x
- fld st(6) ; tmp.y
- fmul st, st(3) ; new.y
- fadd
- fmulp st(3), st ; old.x
- fld st(4) ; tmp.x
- fmul st, st(2) ; new.y
- fld st(6) ; tmp.y
- fmul st, st(2) ; new.x
- fsub
- fmulp st(4), st ; old.y ; old = new / tmp
- ; MP Orbit Bug Fix 11/1/90
- ; fstp new
- ; fstp new + 8
- ; fstp old
- ; fstp old + 8
- fstp st
- fstp st
- fst new
- fstp old
- fst new + 8
- fstp old + 8
- mov ax, 0
- jmp nlx2
- nlexit:
- ;MP Orbit Bug Fix 11/1/90
- ; fstp new
- ; fstp new + 8
- fstp st
- fstp st
- fstp new
- fstp new + 8
- nlx2:
- fstp st
- fstp st
- ret
- NewtonFractal2 endp
- ;
- ;
- ;
- public invertz2
- invertz2 proc uses si, zval:word ; TW 11/03/89 changed zval to near
- fld f_xcenter
- fld f_ycenter
- mov bx, col
- shl bx, 1
- shl bx, 1
- shl bx, 1
- mov cx, row
- shl cx, 1
- shl cx, 1
- shl cx, 1
- mov ax, ds
- lds si, dx0
- add si, bx
- fld qword ptr [si]
- mov ds, ax
- lds si, dx1
- add si, cx
- fld qword ptr [si]
- fadd
- fsub st, st(2)
- mov ds, ax
- lds si, dy0
- add si, cx
- fld qword ptr [si]
- mov ds, ax
- lds si, dy1
- add si, bx
- fld qword ptr [si]
- fadd
- fsub st, st(2)
- mov ds, ax
- fld st(1)
- fmul st, st
- fld st(1)
- fmul st, st
- fadd
- fcom floatmin
- fstsw statw
- mov ax, statw
- sahf
- jnc inl1
- fstp st
- fld floatmax
- jmp icom
- inl1:
- fld f_radius
- fdivr
- icom:
- fst tempsqrx
- fmul st(2), st
- fmul
- faddp st(2), st
- faddp st(2), st
- ; lds si, zval ; TW 11/03/89 zval is now a near pointer
- mov si, zval ; TW
- fstp qword ptr [si+8]
- fstp qword ptr [si]
- ret
- invertz2 endp