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- /* MPMath_c.c (C) 1989, Mark C. Peterson, CompuServe [70441,3353]
- All rights reserved.
- Code may be used in any program provided the author is credited
- either during program execution or in the documentation. Source
- code may be distributed only in combination with public domain or
- shareware source code. Source code may be modified provided the
- copyright notice and this message is left unchanged and all
- modifications are clearly documented.
- I would appreciate a copy of any work which incorporates this code,
- however this is optional.
- Mark C. Peterson
- 405-C Queen St. Suite #181
- Southington, CT 06489
- (203) 276-9721
- */
- #include <stdlib.h>
- /* This now in prototyp.h */
- /*
- #include "mpmath.h"
- */
- #include "prototyp.h"
- #ifndef XFRACT
- struct MP *MPsub(struct MP x, struct MP y) {
- y.Exp ^= 0x8000;
- return(MPadd(x, y));
- }
- /* added by TW */
- struct MP *MPsub086(struct MP x, struct MP y) {
- y.Exp ^= 0x8000;
- return(MPadd086(x, y));
- }
- /* added by TW */
- struct MP *MPsub386(struct MP x, struct MP y) {
- y.Exp ^= 0x8000;
- return(MPadd386(x, y));
- }
- struct MP *MPabs(struct MP x) {
- Ans = x;
- Ans.Exp &= 0x7fff;
- return(&Ans);
- }
- struct MPC MPCsqr(struct MPC x) {
- struct MPC z;
- z.x = *pMPsub(*pMPmul(x.x, x.x), *pMPmul(x.y, x.y));
- z.y = *pMPmul(x.x, x.y);
- z.y.Exp++;
- return(z);
- }
- struct MP MPCmod(struct MPC x) {
- return(*pMPadd(*pMPmul(x.x, x.x), *pMPmul(x.y, x.y)));
- }
- struct MPC MPCmul(struct MPC x, struct MPC y) {
- struct MPC z;
- z.x = *pMPsub(*pMPmul(x.x, y.x), *pMPmul(x.y, y.y));
- z.y = *pMPadd(*pMPmul(x.x, y.y), *pMPmul(x.y, y.x));
- return(z);
- }
- struct MPC MPCdiv(struct MPC x, struct MPC y) {
- struct MP mod;
- mod = MPCmod(y);
- y.y.Exp ^= 0x8000;
- y.x = *pMPdiv(y.x, mod);
- y.y = *pMPdiv(y.y, mod);
- return(MPCmul(x, y));
- }
- struct MPC MPCadd(struct MPC x, struct MPC y) {
- struct MPC z;
- z.x = *pMPadd(x.x, y.x);
- z.y = *pMPadd(x.y, y.y);
- return(z);
- }
- struct MPC MPCsub(struct MPC x, struct MPC y) {
- struct MPC z;
- z.x = *pMPsub(x.x, y.x);
- z.y = *pMPsub(x.y, y.y);
- return(z);
- }
- struct MPC MPCone = { 0x3fff, 0x80000000l, 0, 0l };
- struct MPC MPCpow(struct MPC x, int exp) {
- struct MPC z;
- struct MPC zz;
- if(exp & 1)
- z = x;
- else
- z = MPCone;
- exp >>= 1;
- while(exp) {
- zz.x = *pMPsub(*pMPmul(x.x, x.x), *pMPmul(x.y, x.y));
- zz.y = *pMPmul(x.x, x.y);
- zz.y.Exp++;
- x = zz;
- if(exp & 1) {
- zz.x = *pMPsub(*pMPmul(z.x, x.x), *pMPmul(z.y, x.y));
- zz.y = *pMPadd(*pMPmul(z.x, x.y), *pMPmul(z.y, x.x));
- z = zz;
- }
- exp >>= 1;
- }
- return(z);
- }
- int MPCcmp(struct MPC x, struct MPC y) {
- struct MPC z;
- if(pMPcmp(x.x, y.x) || pMPcmp(x.y, y.y)) {
- z.x = MPCmod(x);
- z.y = MPCmod(y);
- return(pMPcmp(z.x, z.y));
- }
- else
- return(0);
- }
- _CMPLX MPC2cmplx(struct MPC x) {
- _CMPLX z;
- z.x = *pMP2d(x.x);
- z.y = *pMP2d(x.y);
- return(z);
- }
- struct MPC cmplx2MPC(_CMPLX z) {
- struct MPC x;
- x.x = *pd2MP(z.x);
- x.y = *pd2MP(z.y);
- return(x);
- }
- /* function pointer versions added by Tim Wegner 12/07/89 */
- /* int (*ppMPcmp)() = MPcmp086; */
- int (*pMPcmp)(struct MP x, struct MP y) = MPcmp086;
- struct MP *(*pMPmul)(struct MP x, struct MP y)= MPmul086;
- struct MP *(*pMPdiv)(struct MP x, struct MP y)= MPdiv086;
- struct MP *(*pMPadd)(struct MP x, struct MP y)= MPadd086;
- struct MP *(*pMPsub)(struct MP x, struct MP y)= MPsub086;
- struct MP *(*pd2MP)(double x) = d2MP086 ;
- double *(*pMP2d)(struct MP m) = MP2d086 ;
- /* struct MP *(*pfg2MP)(long x, int fg) = fg2MP086; */
- void setMPfunctions(void) {
- if(cpu == 386)
- {
- pMPmul = MPmul386;
- pMPdiv = MPdiv386;
- pMPadd = MPadd386;
- pMPsub = MPsub386;
- pMPcmp = MPcmp386;
- pd2MP = d2MP386 ;
- pMP2d = MP2d386 ;
- /* pfg2MP = fg2MP386; */
- }
- else
- {
- pMPmul = MPmul086;
- pMPdiv = MPdiv086;
- pMPadd = MPadd086;
- pMPsub = MPsub086;
- pMPcmp = MPcmp086;
- pd2MP = d2MP086 ;
- pMP2d = MP2d086 ;
- /* pfg2MP = fg2MP086; */
- }
- }
- #endif /* XFRACT */
- #ifndef sqr
- #define sqr(x) ((x)*(x))
- #endif
- _CMPLX ComplexPower(_CMPLX xx, _CMPLX yy) {
- _CMPLX z, cLog, t;
- double e2x, siny, cosy;
- /* fixes power bug - if any complaints, backwards compatibility hook
- goes here TIW 3/95 */
- if(debugflag != 94)
- if(xx.x == 0 && xx.y == 0) {
- z.x = z.y = 0.0;
- return(z);
- }
- FPUcplxlog(&xx, &cLog);
- FPUcplxmul(&cLog, &yy, &t);
- if(fpu == 387)
- FPUcplxexp387(&t, &z);
- else {
- if(t.x < -690)
- e2x = 0;
- else
- e2x = exp(t.x);
- FPUsincos(&t.y, &siny, &cosy);
- z.x = e2x * cosy;
- z.y = e2x * siny;
- }
- return(z);
- }
- /*
- The following Complex function routines added by Tim Wegner November 1994.
- */
- #define Sqrtz(z,rz) (*(rz) = ComplexSqrtFloat((z).x, (z).y))
- /* rz=Arcsin(z)=-i*Log{i*z+sqrt(1-z*z)} */
- void Arcsinz(_CMPLX z,_CMPLX *rz)
- {
- _CMPLX tempz1,tempz2;
- if(z.y == 0 && z.x > 1)
- {
- rz->x = HUGE_VAL;
- rz->y = 0;
- return;
- }
- FPUcplxmul( &z, &z, &tempz1);
- tempz1.x = 1 - tempz1.x; tempz1.y = -tempz1.y; /* tempz1 = 1 - tempz1 */
- Sqrtz( tempz1, &tempz1);
- tempz2.x = -z.y; tempz2.y = z.x; /* tempz2 = i*z */
- tempz1.x += tempz2.x; tempz1.y += tempz2.y; /* tempz1 += tempz2 */
- FPUcplxlog( &tempz1, &tempz1);
- rz->x = tempz1.y; rz->y = -tempz1.x; /* rz = (-i)*tempz1 */
- } /* end. Arcsinz */
- /* rz=Arccos(z)=-i*Log{z+sqrt(z*z-1)} */
- void Arccosz(_CMPLX z,_CMPLX *rz)
- {
- _CMPLX temp;
- FPUcplxmul( &z, &z, &temp);
- temp.x -= 1; /* temp = temp - 1 */
- Sqrtz( temp, &temp);
- temp.x += z.x; temp.y += z.y; /* temp = z + temp */
- FPUcplxlog( &temp, &temp);
- rz->x = temp.y; rz->y = -temp.x; /* rz = (-i)*tempz1 */
- } /* end. Arccosz */
- void Arcsinhz(_CMPLX z,_CMPLX *rz)
- {
- _CMPLX temp;
- FPUcplxmul( &z, &z, &temp);
- temp.x += 1; /* temp = temp + 1 */
- Sqrtz( temp, &temp);
- temp.x += z.x; temp.y += z.y; /* temp = z + temp */
- FPUcplxlog( &temp, rz);
- } /* end. Arcsinhz */
- /* rz=Arccosh(z)=Log(z+sqrt(z*z-1)} */
- void Arccoshz(_CMPLX z,_CMPLX *rz)
- {
- _CMPLX tempz;
- FPUcplxmul( &z, &z, &tempz);
- tempz.x -= 1; /* tempz = tempz - 1 */
- Sqrtz( tempz, &tempz);
- tempz.x = z.x + tempz.x; tempz.y = z.y + tempz.y; /* tempz = z + tempz */
- FPUcplxlog( &tempz, rz);
- } /* end. Arccoshz */
- /* rz=Arctanh(z)=1/2*Log{(1+z)/(1-z)} */
- void Arctanhz(_CMPLX z,_CMPLX *rz)
- {
- _CMPLX temp0,temp1,temp2;
- if( z.x == 0.0){
- rz->x = 0;
- rz->y = atan( z.y);
- return;
- }
- else{
- if( fabs(z.x) == 1.0 && z.y == 0.0){
- return;
- }
- else if( fabs( z.x) < 1.0 && z.y == 0.0){
- rz->x = log((1+z.x)/(1-z.x))/2;
- rz->y = 0;
- return;
- }
- else{
- temp0.x = 1 + z.x; temp0.y = z.y; /* temp0 = 1 + z */
- temp1.x = 1 - z.x; temp1.y = -z.y; /* temp1 = 1 - z */
- FPUcplxdiv( &temp0, &temp1, &temp2);
- FPUcplxlog( &temp2, &temp2);
- rz->x = .5*temp2.x; rz->y = .5*temp2.y; /* rz = .5*temp2 */
- return;
- }
- }
- } /* end. Arctanhz */
- /* rz=Arctan(z)=i/2*Log{(1-i*z)/(1+i*z)} */
- void Arctanz(_CMPLX z,_CMPLX *rz)
- {
- _CMPLX temp0,temp1,temp2,temp3;
- if( z.x == 0.0 && z.y == 0.0)
- rz->x = rz->y = 0;
- else if( z.x != 0.0 && z.y == 0.0){
- rz->x = atan( z.x);
- rz->y = 0;
- }
- else if( z.x == 0.0 && z.y != 0.0){
- temp0.x = z.y; temp0.y = 0.0;
- Arctanhz( temp0, &temp0);
- rz->x = -temp0.y; rz->y = temp0.x; /* i*temp0 */
- }
- else if( z.x != 0.0 && z.y != 0.0){
- temp0.x = -z.y; temp0.y = z.x; /* i*z */
- temp1.x = 1 - temp0.x; temp1.y = -temp0.y; /* temp1 = 1 - temp0 */
- temp2.x = 1 + temp0.x; temp2.y = temp0.y; /* temp2 = 1 + temp0 */
- FPUcplxdiv( &temp1, &temp2, &temp3);
- FPUcplxlog( &temp3, &temp3);
- rz->x = -temp3.y*.5; rz->y = .5*temp3.x; /* .5*i*temp0 */
- }
- } /* end. Arctanz */
- #define SinCosFudge 0x10000L
- #ifdef LONGSQRT
- long lsqrt(long f)
- {
- int N;
- unsigned long y0, z;
- static long a=0, b=0, c=0; /* constant factors */
- if (f == 0)
- return f;
- if (f < 0)
- return 0;
- if (a==0) /* one-time compute consts */
- {
- a = (long)(fudge * .41731);
- b = (long)(fudge * .59016);
- c = (long)(fudge * .7071067811);
- }
- N = 0;
- while (f & 0xff000000L) /* shift arg f into the */
- { /* range: 0.5 <= f < 1 */
- N++;
- f /= 2;
- }
- while (!(f & 0xff800000L))
- {
- N--;
- f *= 2;
- }
- y0 = a + multiply(b, f, bitshift); /* Newton's approximation */
- z = y0 + divide (f, y0, bitshift);
- y0 = (z>>2) + divide(f, z, bitshift);
- if (N % 2)
- {
- N++;
- y0 = multiply(c,y0, bitshift);
- }
- N /= 2;
- if (N >= 0)
- return y0 << N; /* correct for shift above */
- else
- return y0 >> -N;
- }
- #endif
- LCMPLX ComplexSqrtLong(long x, long y)
- {
- double mag, theta;
- long maglong, thetalong;
- LCMPLX result;
- #ifndef LONGSQRT
- mag = sqrt(sqrt(((double) multiply(x,x,bitshift))/fudge +
- ((double) multiply(y,y,bitshift))/ fudge));
- maglong = (long)(mag * fudge);
- #else
- maglong = lsqrt(lsqrt(multiply(x,x,bitshift)+multiply(y,y,bitshift)));
- #endif
- theta = atan2((double) y/fudge, (double) x/fudge)/2;
- thetalong = (long)(theta * SinCosFudge);
- SinCos086(thetalong, &result.y, &result.x);
- result.x = multiply(result.x << (bitshift - 16), maglong, bitshift);
- result.y = multiply(result.y << (bitshift - 16), maglong, bitshift);
- return result;
- }
- _CMPLX ComplexSqrtFloat(double x, double y)
- {
- double mag;
- double theta;
- _CMPLX result;
- if(x == 0.0 && y == 0.0)
- result.x = result.y = 0.0;
- else
- {
- mag = sqrt(sqrt(x*x + y*y));
- theta = atan2(y, x) / 2;
- FPUsincos(&theta, &result.y, &result.x);
- result.x *= mag;
- result.y *= mag;
- }
- return result;
- }
- /***** FRACTINT specific routines and variables *****/
- #ifndef TESTING_MATH
- BYTE far *LogTable = (BYTE far *)0;
- int MaxLTSize;
- /* int LogFlag;
- LogFlag == 1 -- standard log palettes
- LogFlag == -1 -- 'old' log palettes
- LogFlag > 1 -- compress counts < LogFlag into color #1
- LogFlag < -1 -- use quadratic palettes based on square roots && compress
- */
- void SetupLogTable(void) {
- float l, f, c, m;
- unsigned n, prev, limit, lf;
- if (LogFlag > -2) {
- lf = (LogFlag > 1) ? LogFlag : 0;
- if (lf >= (unsigned int)MaxLTSize)
- lf = MaxLTSize - 1;
- Fg2Float((long)(MaxLTSize-lf), 0, m);
- fLog14(m, m);
- Fg2Float((long)(colors-(lf?2:1)), 0, c);
- fDiv(m, c, m);
- for (prev = 1; prev <= lf; prev++)
- LogTable[prev] = 1;
- for (n = (lf?2:1); n < (unsigned int)colors; n++) {
- Fg2Float((long)n, 0, f);
- fMul16(f, m, f);
- fExp14(f, l);
- limit = (unsigned int)Float2Fg(l, 0) + lf;
- if (limit > (unsigned int)MaxLTSize || n == (unsigned int)(colors-1))
- limit = MaxLTSize;
- while (prev <= limit)
- LogTable[prev++] = (BYTE)n;
- }
- } else {
- if ((lf = 0 - LogFlag) >= (unsigned int)MaxLTSize)
- lf = MaxLTSize - 1;
- Fg2Float((long)(MaxLTSize-lf), 0, m);
- fSqrt14(m, m);
- Fg2Float((long)(colors-2), 0, c);
- fDiv(m, c, m);
- for (prev = 1; prev <= lf; prev++)
- LogTable[prev] = 1;
- for (n = 2; n < (unsigned int)colors; n++) {
- Fg2Float((long)n, 0, f);
- fMul16(f, m, f);
- fMul16(f, f, l);
- limit = (unsigned int)(Float2Fg(l, 0) + lf);
- if (limit > (unsigned int)MaxLTSize || n == (unsigned int)(colors-1))
- limit = MaxLTSize;
- while (prev <= limit)
- LogTable[prev++] = (BYTE)n;
- }
- }
- LogTable[0] = 0;
- if (LogFlag != -1)
- for (n = 1; n < (unsigned int)MaxLTSize; n++) /* spread top to incl unused colors */
- if (LogTable[n] > LogTable[n-1])
- LogTable[n] = (BYTE)(LogTable[n-1]+1);
- }
- long far ExpFloat14(long xx) {
- static float fLogTwo = (float)0.6931472;
- int f;
- long Ans;
- f = 23 - (int)RegFloat2Fg(RegDivFloat(xx, *(long*)&fLogTwo), 0);
- Ans = ExpFudged(RegFloat2Fg(xx, 16), f);
- return(RegFg2Float(Ans, (char)f));
- }
- double TwoPi;
- _CMPLX temp, BaseLog;
- _CMPLX cdegree = { 3.0, 0.0 }, croot = { 1.0, 0.0 };
- int ComplexNewtonSetup(void) {
- threshold = .001;
- periodicitycheck = 0;
- if(param[0] != 0.0 || param[1] != 0.0 || param[2] != 0.0 ||
- param[3] != 0.0) {
- croot.x = param[2];
- croot.y = param[3];
- cdegree.x = param[0];
- cdegree.y = param[1];
- FPUcplxlog(&croot, &BaseLog);
- TwoPi = asin(1.0) * 4;
- }
- return(1);
- }
- int ComplexNewton(void) {
- _CMPLX cd1;
- /* new = ((cdegree-1) * old**cdegree) + croot
- ----------------------------------
- cdegree * old**(cdegree-1) */
- cd1.x = cdegree.x - 1.0;
- cd1.y = cdegree.y;
- temp = ComplexPower(old, cd1);
- FPUcplxmul(&temp, &old, &new);
- tmp.x = new.x - croot.x;
- tmp.y = new.y - croot.y;
- if((sqr(tmp.x) + sqr(tmp.y)) < threshold)
- return(1);
- FPUcplxmul(&new, &cd1, &tmp);
- tmp.x += croot.x;
- tmp.y += croot.y;
- FPUcplxmul(&temp, &cdegree, &cd1);
- FPUcplxdiv(&tmp, &cd1, &old);
- if(DivideOverflow)
- {
- DivideOverflow = 0;
- return(1);
- }
- new = old;
- return(0);
- }
- int ComplexBasin(void) {
- _CMPLX cd1;
- double mod;
- /* new = ((cdegree-1) * old**cdegree) + croot
- ----------------------------------
- cdegree * old**(cdegree-1) */
- cd1.x = cdegree.x - 1.0;
- cd1.y = cdegree.y;
- temp = ComplexPower(old, cd1);
- FPUcplxmul(&temp, &old, &new);
- tmp.x = new.x - croot.x;
- tmp.y = new.y - croot.y;
- if((sqr(tmp.x) + sqr(tmp.y)) < threshold) {
- if(fabs(old.y) < .01)
- old.y = 0.0;
- FPUcplxlog(&old, &temp);
- FPUcplxmul(&temp, &cdegree, &tmp);
- mod = tmp.y/TwoPi;
- coloriter = (long)mod;
- if(fabs(mod - coloriter) > 0.5) {
- if(mod < 0.0)
- coloriter--;
- else
- coloriter++;
- }
- coloriter += 2;
- if(coloriter < 0)
- coloriter += 128;
- return(1);
- }
- FPUcplxmul(&new, &cd1, &tmp);
- tmp.x += croot.x;
- tmp.y += croot.y;
- FPUcplxmul(&temp, &cdegree, &cd1);
- FPUcplxdiv(&tmp, &cd1, &old);
- if(DivideOverflow)
- {
- DivideOverflow = 0;
- return(1);
- }
- new = old;
- return(0);
- }
- /*
- * Generate a gaussian distributed number.
- * The right half of the distribution is folded onto the lower half.
- * That is, the curve slopes up to the peak and then drops to 0.
- * The larger slope is, the smaller the standard deviation.
- * The values vary from 0+offset to range+offset, with the peak
- * at range+offset.
- * To make this more complicated, you only have a
- * 1 in Distribution*(1-Probability/Range*con)+1 chance of getting a
- * Gaussian; otherwise you just get offset.
- */
- int GausianNumber(int Probability, int Range) {
- int n, r;
- long Accum = 0, p;
- p = divide((long)Probability << 16, (long)Range << 16, 16);
- p = multiply(p, con, 16);
- p = multiply((long)Distribution << 16, p, 16);
- if(!(rand15() % (Distribution - (int)(p >> 16) + 1))) {
- for(n = 0; n < Slope; n++)
- Accum += rand15();
- Accum /= Slope;
- r = (int)(multiply((long)Range << 15, Accum, 15) >> 14);
- r = r - Range;
- if(r < 0)
- r = -r;
- return(Range - r + Offset);
- }
- return(Offset);
- }
- #endif