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- TITLE mpmath_a.asm (C) 1989, Mark C. Peterson, CompuServe [70441,3353]
- SUBTTL All rights reserved.
- ;
- ; Code may be used in any program provided the author is credited
- ; either during program execution or in the documentation. Source
- ; code may be distributed only in combination with public domain or
- ; shareware source code. Source code may be modified provided the
- ; copyright notice and this message is left unchanged and all
- ; modifications are clearly documented.
- ;
- ; I would appreciate a copy of any work which incorporates this code,
- ; however this is optional.
- ;
- ; Mark C. Peterson
- ; 405-C Queen St., Suite #181
- ; Southington, CT 06489
- ; (203) 276-9721
- ;
- ; Note: Remark statements following floating point commands generally indicate
- ; the FPU stack contents after the command is completed.
- ;
- ; References:
- ; 80386/80286 Assembly Language Programming
- ; by William H. Murray, III and Chris H. Pappas
- ; Published by Osborne McGraw-Hill, 1986
- ;
- ;
- ;
- IFDEF ??version
- MASM51
- .model medium, c
- .data
- extrn cpu:WORD
- Exp DW 0
- Mant DD 0
- PUBLIC MPOverflow
- MPOverflow DW 0
- Ans MP <?>
- Double DQ ?
- .code
- .8086
- fg2MP086 PROC x:DWORD, fg:WORD
- mov ax, WORD PTR [x]
- mov dx, WORD PTR [x+2]
- mov cx, ax
- or cx, dx
- jz ExitFg2MP
- mov cx, 1 SHL 14 + 30
- sub cx, fg
- or dx, dx
- jns BitScanRight
- or ch, 80h
- not ax
- not dx
- add ax, 1
- adc dx, 0
- BitScanRight:
- shl ax, 1
- rcl dx, 1
- dec cx
- or dx, dx
- jns BitScanRight
- ExitFg2MP:
- mov Ans.Exp, cx
- mov WORD PTR Ans.Mant+2, dx
- mov WORD PTR Ans.Mant, ax
- lea ax, Ans
- mov dx, ds
- ret
- fg2MP086 ENDP
- MPcmp086 PROC uses si di, xExp:WORD, xMant:DWORD, yExp:WORD, yMant:DWORD
- mov Rev, 0
- mov Flag, 0
- mov ax, xExp
- mov dx, WORD PTR [xMant]
- mov si, WORD PTR [xMant+2]
- mov bx, yExp
- mov cx, WORD PTR [yMant]
- mov di, WORD PTR [yMant+2]
- or ax, ax
- jns AtLeastOnePos
- or bx, bx
- jns AtLeastOnePos
- mov Rev, 1
- and ah, 7fh
- and bh, 7fh
- AtLeastOnePos:
- cmp ax, bx
- jle Cmp1
- mov Flag, 1
- jmp ChkRev
- Cmp1:
- je Cmp2
- mov Flag, -1
- jmp ChkRev
- Cmp2:
- cmp si, di
- jbe Cmp3
- mov Flag, 1
- jmp ChkRev
- Cmp3:
- je Cmp4
- mov Flag, -1
- jmp ChkRev
- Cmp4:
- cmp dx, cx
- jbe Cmp5
- mov Flag, 1
- jmp ChkRev
- Cmp5:
- je ChkRev
- mov Flag, -1
- ChkRev:
- or Rev, 0
- jz ExitCmp
- neg Flag
- ExitCmp:
- mov ax, Flag
- ret
- MPcmp086 ENDP
- MPmul086 PROC uses si di, xExp:WORD, xMant:DWORD, yExp:WORD, yMant:DWORD
- mov ax, xExp
- mov bx, yExp
- xor ch, ch
- shl bh, 1
- rcr ch, 1
- shr bh, 1
- xor ah, ch
- sub bx, (1 SHL 14) - 2
- add ax, bx
- jno NoOverflow
- Overflow:
- or WORD PTR [xMant+2], 0
- jz ZeroAns
- or WORD PTR [yMant+2], 0
- jz ZeroAns
- mov MPOverflow, 1
- ZeroAns:
- xor ax, ax
- xor dx, dx
- mov Ans.Exp, ax
- jmp StoreMant
- NoOverflow:
- mov Ans.Exp, ax
- mov si, WORD PTR [xMant+2]
- mov bx, WORD PTR [xMant]
- mov di, WORD PTR [yMant+2]
- mov cx, WORD PTR [yMant]
- mov ax, si
- or ax, bx
- jz ZeroAns
- mov ax, di
- or ax, cx
- jz ZeroAns
- mov ax, cx
- mul bx
- push dx
- mov ax, cx
- mul si
- push ax
- push dx
- mov ax, bx
- mul di
- push ax
- push dx
- mov ax, si
- mul di
- pop bx
- pop cx
- pop si
- pop di
- add ax, bx
- adc dx, 0
- pop bx
- add di, bx
- adc ax, 0
- adc dx, 0
- add di, cx
- adc ax, si
- adc dx, 0
- or dx, dx
- js StoreMant
- shl di, 1
- rcl ax, 1
- rcl dx, 1
- sub Ans.Exp, 1
- jo Overflow
- StoreMant:
- mov WORD PTR Ans.Mant+2, dx
- mov WORD PTR Ans.Mant, ax
- lea ax, Ans
- mov dx, ds
- ret
- MPmul086 ENDP
- d2MP086 PROC uses si di, x:QWORD
- mov dx, WORD PTR [x+6]
- mov ax, WORD PTR [x+4]
- mov bx, WORD PTR [x+2]
- mov cx, WORD PTR [x]
- mov si, dx
- shl si, 1
- or si, bx
- or si, ax
- or si, dx
- or si, cx
- jnz NonZero
- xor ax, ax
- xor dx, dx
- jmp StoreAns
- NonZero:
- mov si, dx
- shl si, 1
- pushf
- mov cl, 4
- shr si, cl
- popf
- rcr si, 1
- add si, (1 SHL 14) - (1 SHL 10)
- mov di, ax ; shl dx:ax:bx 12 bits
- mov cl, 12
- shl dx, cl
- shl ax, cl
- mov cl, 4
- shr di, cl
- shr bx, cl
- or dx, di
- or ax, bx
- stc
- rcr dx, 1
- rcr ax, 1
- StoreAns:
- mov Ans.Exp, si
- mov WORD PTR Ans.Mant+2, dx
- mov WORD PTR Ans.Mant, ax
- lea ax, Ans
- mov dx, ds
- ret
- d2MP086 ENDP
- MP2d086 PROC uses si di, xExp:WORD, xMant:DWORD
- sub xExp, (1 SHL 14) - (1 SHL 10)
- jo Overflow
- mov bx, xExp
- and bx, 0111100000000000b
- jz InRangeOfDouble
- Overflow:
- mov MPOverflow, 1
- xor ax, ax
- xor dx, dx
- xor bx, bx
- jmp StoreAns
- InRangeOfDouble:
- mov si, xExp
- mov ax, si
- mov cl, 5
- shl si, cl
- shl ax, 1
- rcr si, 1
- mov dx, WORD PTR [xMant+2]
- mov ax, WORD PTR [xMant]
- shl ax, 1
- rcl dx, 1
- mov bx, ax
- mov di, dx
- mov cl, 12
- shr dx, cl
- shr ax, cl
- mov cl, 4
- shl bx, cl
- shl di, cl
- or ax, di
- or dx, si
- StoreAns:
- mov WORD PTR Double+6, dx
- mov WORD PTR Double+4, ax
- mov WORD PTR Double+2, bx
- xor bx, bx
- mov WORD PTR Double, bx
- lea ax, Double
- mov dx, ds
- ret
- MP2d086 ENDP
- MPadd086 PROC uses si di, xExp:WORD, xMant:DWORD, yExp:WORD, yMant:DWORD
- mov si, xExp
- mov dx, WORD PTR [xMant+2]
- mov ax, WORD PTR [xMant]
- mov di, yExp
- mov cx, si
- xor cx, di
- js Subtract
- jz SameMag
- cmp si, di
- jg XisGreater
- xchg si, di
- xchg dx, WORD PTR [yMant+2]
- xchg ax, WORD PTR [yMant]
- XisGreater:
- mov cx, si
- sub cx, di
- cmp cx, 32
- jl ChkSixteen
- jmp StoreAns
- ChkSixteen:
- cmp cx, 16
- jl SixteenBitShift
- sub cx, 16
- mov bx, WORD PTR [yMant+2]
- shr bx, cl
- mov WORD PTR [yMant], bx
- mov WORD PTR [yMant+2], 0
- jmp SameMag
- SixteenBitShift:
- mov bx, WORD PTR [yMant+2]
- shr WORD PTR [yMant+2], cl
- shr WORD PTR [yMant], cl
- neg cl
- add cl, 16
- shl bx, cl
- or WORD PTR [yMant], bx
- SameMag:
- add ax, WORD PTR [yMant]
- adc dx, WORD PTR [yMant+2]
- jc ShiftCarry
- jmp StoreAns
- ShiftCarry:
- rcr dx, 1
- rcr ax, 1
- add si, 1
- jo Overflow
- jmp StoreAns
- Overflow:
- mov MPOverflow, 1
- ZeroAns:
- xor si, si
- xor ax, ax
- xor dx, dx
- jmp StoreAns
- Subtract:
- xor di, 8000h
- mov cx, si
- sub cx, di
- jnz DifferentMag
- cmp dx, WORD PTR [yMant+2]
- jg SubtractNumbers
- jne SwapNumbers
- cmp ax, WORD PTR [yMant]
- jg SubtractNumbers
- je ZeroAns
- SwapNumbers:
- xor si, 8000h
- xchg ax, WORD PTR [yMant]
- xchg dx, WORD PTR [yMant+2]
- jmp SubtractNumbers
- DifferentMag:
- or cx, cx
- jns NoSwap
- xchg si, di
- xchg ax, WORD PTR [yMant]
- xchg dx, WORD PTR [yMant+2]
- xor si, 8000h
- neg cx
- NoSwap:
- cmp cx, 32
- jge StoreAns
- cmp cx, 16
- jl SixteenBitShift2
- sub cx, 16
- mov bx, WORD PTR [yMant+2]
- shr bx, cl
- mov WORD PTR [yMant], bx
- mov WORD PTR [yMant+2], 0
- jmp SubtractNumbers
- SixteenBitShift2:
- mov bx, WORD PTR [yMant+2]
- shr WORD PTR [yMant+2], cl
- shr WORD PTR [yMant], cl
- neg cl
- add cl, 16
- shl bx, cl
- or WORD PTR [yMant], bx
- SubtractNumbers:
- sub ax, WORD PTR [yMant]
- sbb dx, WORD PTR [yMant+2]
- BitScanRight:
- or dx, dx
- js StoreAns
- shl ax, 1
- rcl dx, 1
- sub si, 1
- jno BitScanRight
- jmp Overflow
- StoreAns:
- mov Ans.Exp, si
- mov WORD PTR Ans.Mant+2, dx
- mov WORD PTR Ans.Mant, ax
- lea ax, Ans
- mov dx, ds
- ret
- MPadd086 ENDP
- MPdiv086 PROC uses si di, xExp:WORD, xMant:DWORD, yExp:WORD, \
- yMant:DWORD
- mov ax, xExp
- mov bx, yExp
- xor ch, ch
- shl bh, 1
- rcr ch, 1
- shr bh, 1
- xor ah, ch
- sub bx, (1 SHL 14) - 2
- sub ax, bx
- jno NoOverflow
- Overflow:
- mov MPOverflow, 1
- ZeroAns:
- xor ax, ax
- xor dx, dx
- mov Ans.Exp, dx
- jmp StoreMant
- NoOverflow:
- mov Ans.Exp, ax
- mov dx, WORD PTR [xMant+2]
- mov ax, WORD PTR [xMant]
- or dx, dx
- jz ZeroAns
- mov cx, WORD PTR [yMant+2]
- mov bx, WORD PTR [yMant]
- or cx, cx
- jz Overflow
- cmp dx, cx
- jl Divide
- shr dx, 1
- rcr ax, 1
- add Ans.Exp, 1
- jo Overflow
- Divide:
- div cx
- mov si, dx
- mov dx, bx
- mov bx, ax
- mul dx
- xor di, di
- cmp dx, si
- jnc RemReallyNeg
- xchg ax, di
- xchg dx, si
- sub ax, di
- sbb dx, si
- shr dx, 1
- rcr ax, 1
- div cx
- mov dx, bx
- shl ax, 1
- adc dx, 0
- jmp StoreMant
- RemReallyNeg:
- sub ax, di
- sbb dx, si
- shr dx, 1
- rcr ax, 1
- div cx
- mov dx, bx
- mov bx, ax
- xor ax, ax
- xor cx, cx
- shl bx, 1
- rcl cx, 1
- sub ax, bx
- sbb dx, cx
- jno StoreMant
- shl ax, 1
- rcl dx, 1
- dec Ans.Exp
- StoreMant:
- mov WORD PTR Ans.Mant, ax
- mov WORD PTR Ans.Mant+2, dx
- lea ax, Ans
- mov dx, ds
- ret
- MPdiv086 ENDP
- MPcmp386 PROC uses si di, xExp:WORD, xMant:DWORD, yExp:WORD, yMant:DWORD
- mov si, 0
- mov di, si
- .386
- mov ax, xExp
- mov edx, xMant
- mov bx, yExp
- mov ecx, yMant
- or ax, ax
- jns AtLeastOnePos
- or bx, bx
- jns AtLeastOnePos
- mov si, 1
- and ah, 7fh
- and bh, 7fh
- AtLeastOnePos:
- cmp ax, bx
- jle Cmp1
- mov di, 1
- jmp ChkRev
- Cmp1:
- je Cmp2
- mov di, -1
- jmp ChkRev
- Cmp2:
- cmp edx, ecx
- jbe Cmp3
- mov di, 1
- jmp ChkRev
- Cmp3:
- je ChkRev
- mov di, -1
- ChkRev:
- or si, si
- jz ExitCmp
- neg di
- ExitCmp:
- mov ax, di
- .8086
- ret
- MPcmp386 ENDP
- d2MP386 PROC uses si di, x:QWORD
- mov si, WORD PTR [x+6]
- .386
- mov edx, DWORD PTR [x+4]
- mov eax, DWORD PTR [x]
- mov ebx, edx
- shl ebx, 1
- or ebx, eax
- jnz NonZero
- xor si, si
- xor edx, edx
- jmp StoreAns
- NonZero:
- shl si, 1
- pushf
- shr si, 4
- popf
- rcr si, 1
- add si, (1 SHL 14) - (1 SHL 10)
- shld edx, eax, 12
- stc
- rcr edx, 1
- StoreAns:
- mov Ans.Exp, si
- mov Ans.Mant, edx
- lea ax, Ans
- mov dx, ds
- .8086
- ret
- d2MP386 ENDP
- MP2d386 PROC uses si di, xExp:WORD, xMant:DWORD
- sub xExp, (1 SHL 14) - (1 SHL 10)
- .386
- jo Overflow
- mov bx, xExp
- and bx, 0111100000000000b
- jz InRangeOfDouble
- Overflow:
- mov MPOverflow, 1
- xor eax, eax
- xor edx, edx
- jmp StoreAns
- InRangeOfDouble:
- mov bx, xExp
- mov ax, bx
- shl bx, 5
- shl ax, 1
- rcr bx, 1
- shr bx, 4
- mov edx, xMant
- shl edx, 1
- xor eax, eax
- shrd eax, edx, 12
- shrd edx, ebx, 12
- StoreAns:
- mov DWORD PTR Double+4, edx
- mov DWORD PTR Double, eax
- lea ax, Double
- mov dx, ds
- .8086
- ret
- MP2d386 ENDP
- MPmul386 PROC uses si di, xExp:WORD, xMant:DWORD, yExp:WORD, \
- yMant:DWORD
- mov ax, xExp
- mov bx, yExp
- .386
- xor ch, ch
- shl bh, 1
- rcr ch, 1
- shr bh, 1
- xor ah, ch
- sub bx, (1 SHL 14) - 2
- add ax, bx
- jno NoOverflow
- Overflow:
- or WORD PTR [xMant+2], 0
- jz ZeroAns
- or WORD PTR [yMant+2], 0
- jz ZeroAns
- mov MPOverflow, 1
- ZeroAns:
- xor edx, edx
- mov Ans.Exp, dx
- jmp StoreMant
- NoOverflow:
- mov Ans.Exp, ax
- mov eax, xMant
- mov edx, yMant
- or eax, eax
- jz ZeroAns
- or edx, edx
- jz ZeroAns
- mul edx
- or edx, edx
- js StoreMant
- shld edx, eax, 1
- sub Ans.Exp, 1
- jo Overflow
- StoreMant:
- mov Ans.Mant, edx
- lea ax, Ans
- mov dx, ds
- .8086
- ret
- MPmul386 ENDP
- MPadd386 PROC uses si di, xExp:WORD, xMant:DWORD, yExp:WORD, \
- yMant:DWORD
- mov si, xExp
- .386
- mov eax, xMant
- mov di, yExp
- mov edx, yMant
- mov cx, si
- xor cx, di
- js Subtract
- jz SameMag
- cmp si, di
- jg XisGreater
- xchg si, di
- xchg eax, edx
- XisGreater:
- mov cx, si
- sub cx, di
- cmp cx, 32
- jge StoreAns
- shr edx, cl
- SameMag:
- add eax, edx
- jnc StoreAns
- rcr eax, 1
- add si, 1
- jno StoreAns
- Overflow:
- mov MPOverflow, 1
- ZeroAns:
- xor si, si
- xor edx, edx
- jmp StoreAns
- Subtract:
- xor di, 8000h
- mov cx, si
- sub cx, di
- jnz DifferentMag
- cmp eax, edx
- jg SubtractNumbers
- je ZeroAns
- xor si, 8000h
- xchg eax, edx
- jmp SubtractNumbers
- DifferentMag:
- or cx, cx
- jns NoSwap
- xchg si, di
- xchg eax, edx
- xor si, 8000h
- neg cx
- NoSwap:
- cmp cx, 32
- jge StoreAns
- shr edx, cl
- SubtractNumbers:
- sub eax, edx
- bsr ecx, eax
- neg cx
- add cx, 31
- shl eax, cl
- sub si, cx
- jo Overflow
- StoreAns:
- mov Ans.Exp, si
- mov Ans.Mant, eax
- lea ax, Ans
- mov dx, ds
- .8086
- ret
- MPadd386 ENDP
- MPdiv386 PROC uses si di, xExp:WORD, xMant:DWORD, yExp:WORD, \
- yMant:DWORD
- mov ax, xExp
- mov bx, yExp
- .386
- xor ch, ch
- shl bh, 1
- rcr ch, 1
- shr bh, 1
- xor ah, ch
- sub bx, (1 SHL 14) - 2
- sub ax, bx
- jno NoOverflow
- Overflow:
- mov MPOverflow, 1
- ZeroAns:
- xor eax, eax
- mov Ans.Exp, ax
- jmp StoreMant
- NoOverflow:
- mov Ans.Exp, ax
- xor eax, eax
- mov edx, xMant
- mov ecx, yMant
- or edx, edx
- jz ZeroAns
- or ecx, ecx
- jz Overflow
- cmp edx, ecx
- jl Divide
- shr edx, 1
- rcr eax, 1
- add Ans.Exp, 1
- jo Overflow
- Divide:
- div ecx
- StoreMant:
- mov Ans.Mant, eax
- lea ax, Ans
- mov dx, ds
- .8086
- ret
- MPdiv386 ENDP
- fg2MP386 PROC x:DWORD, fg:WORD
- mov bx, 1 SHL 14 + 30
- sub bx, fg
- .386
- mov edx, x
- or edx, edx
- jnz ChkNegMP
- mov bx, dx
- jmp StoreAns
- ChkNegMP:
- jns BitScanRight
- or bh, 80h
- neg edx
- BitScanRight:
- bsr ecx, edx
- neg cx
- add cx, 31
- sub bx, cx
- shl edx, cl
- StoreAns:
- mov Ans.Exp, bx
- mov Ans.Mant, edx
- .8086
- lea ax, Ans
- mov dx, ds
- ret
- fg2MP386 ENDP
- PUBLIC MPcmp, MPmul, MPadd, MPdiv, MP2d, d2MP, fg2MP
- fg2MP:
- cmp cpu, 386
- je Use386fg2MP
- jmp fg2MP086
- Use386fg2MP:
- jmp fg2MP386
- MPcmp:
- cmp cpu, 386
- je Use386cmp
- jmp MPcmp086
- Use386cmp:
- jmp MPcmp386
- MPmul:
- cmp cpu, 386
- je Use386mul
- jmp MPmul086
- Use386mul:
- jmp MPmul386
- d2MP:
- cmp cpu, 386
- je Use386d2MP
- jmp d2MP086
- Use386d2MP:
- jmp d2MP386
- MPadd:
- cmp cpu, 386
- je Use386add
- jmp MPadd086
- Use386add:
- jmp MPadd386
- MPdiv:
- cmp cpu, 386
- je Use386div
- jmp MPdiv086
- Use386div:
- jmp MPdiv386
- MP2d:
- cmp cpu, 386
- je Use386MP2d
- jmp MP2d086
- Use386MP2d:
- jmp MP2d386