home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- Resident odds and ends that don't fit anywhere else.
- */
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include <malloc.h>
- #ifndef XFRACT
- #include <stdarg.h>
- #include <io.h>
- #include <dos.h>
- #else
- #include <varargs.h>
- #endif
- #include <math.h>
- /*#ifdef __TURBOC__
- #include <dir.h>
- #endif */
- #include "fractint.h"
- #include "fractype.h"
- #include "helpdefs.h"
- #include "prototyp.h"
- /* routines in this module */
- static void trigdetails(char *);
- static void area(void);
- static int find_one_file_item(char *, char *, FILE **);
- /* TW's static string consolidation campaign to help brain-dead compilers */
- char s_cantwrite[] = {"Can't write %s"};
- char s_cantcreate[] = {"Can't create %s"};
- char s_cantunderstand[] = {"Can't understand %s"};
- char s_cantfind[] = {"Can't find %s"};
- #ifndef XFRACT
- void findpath(char far *filename, char *fullpathname) /* return full pathnames */
- {
- char fname[FILE_MAX_FNAME];
- char ext[FILE_MAX_EXT];
- char temp_path[FILE_MAX_PATH];
- splitpath(filename ,NULL,NULL,fname,ext);
- makepath(temp_path,"" ,"" ,fname,ext);
- if(checkcurdir != 0 && access(temp_path,0)==0) { /* file exists */
- strcpy(fullpathname,temp_path);
- return;
- }
- far_strcpy(temp_path,filename); /* avoid side effect changes to filename */
- if (temp_path[0] == SLASHC || (temp_path[0] && temp_path[1] == ':')) {
- if(access(temp_path,0)==0) { /* file exists */
- strcpy(fullpathname,temp_path);
- return;
- }
- else {
- splitpath(temp_path ,NULL,NULL,fname,ext);
- makepath(temp_path,"" ,"" ,fname,ext);
- }
- }
- fullpathname[0] = 0; /* indicate none found */
- /* #ifdef __TURBOC__ */ /* look for the file */
- /* strcpy(fullpathname,searchpath(temp_path)); */
- /* #else */
- _searchenv(temp_path,"PATH",fullpathname);
- /* #endif */
- if (fullpathname[0] != 0) /* found it! */
- if (strncmp(&fullpathname[2],SLASHSLASH,2) == 0) /* stupid klooge! */
- strcpy(&fullpathname[3],temp_path);
- }
- #endif
- void notdiskmsg()
- {
- static FCODE sorrymsg[]={
- "This type may be slow using a real-disk based 'video' mode, but may not \n\
- be too bad if you have enough expanded or extended memory. Press <Esc> to \n\
- abort if it appears that your disk drive is working too hard."};
- stopmsg(0,sorrymsg);
- }
- /* Wrapping version of putstring for long numbers */
- /* row -- pointer to row variable, internally incremented if needed */
- /* col1 -- starting column */
- /* col2 -- last column */
- /* color -- attribute (same as for putstring) */
- /* maxrow -- max number of rows to write */
- /* returns 0 if success, 1 if hit maxrow before done */
- int putstringwrap(int *row,int col1,int col2,int color,char far *str,int maxrow)
- {
- char save1, save2;
- int length, decpt, padding, startrow, done;
- done = 0;
- startrow = *row;
- length = far_strlen(str);
- padding = 3; /* space between col1 and decimal. */
- /* find decimal point */
- for(decpt=0;decpt < length; decpt++)
- if(str[decpt] == '.')
- break;
- if(decpt >= length)
- decpt = 0;
- if(decpt < padding)
- padding -= decpt;
- else
- padding = 0;
- col1 += padding;
- decpt += col1+1; /* column just past where decimal is */
- while(length > 0)
- {
- if(col2-col1 < length)
- {
- if((*row - startrow + 1) >= maxrow)
- done = 1;
- else
- done = 0;
- save1 = str[col2-col1+1];
- save2 = str[col2-col1+2];
- if(done)
- str[col2-col1+1] = '+';
- else
- str[col2-col1+1] = '\\';
- str[col2-col1+2] = 0;
- putstring(*row,col1,color,str);
- if(done == 1)
- break;
- str[col2-col1+1] = save1;
- str[col2-col1+2] = save2;
- str += col2-col1;
- (*row)++;
- } else
- putstring(*row,col1,color,str);
- length -= col2-col1;
- col1 = decpt; /* align with decimal */
- }
- return(done);
- }
- #define rad_to_deg(x) ((x)*(180/PI)) /* most people "think" in degrees */
- #define deg_to_rad(x) ((x)*(PI/180))
- /*
- convert corners to center/mag
- Rotation angles indicate how much the IMAGE has been rotated, not the
- zoom box. Same goes for the Skew angles
- */
- #ifdef _MSC_VER
- #pragma optimize( "", off )
- #endif
- void cvtcentermag(double *Xctr, double *Yctr, LDBL *Magnification, double *Xmagfactor, double *Rotation, double *Skew)
- {
- double Width, Height;
- double a, b; /* bottom, left, diagonal */
- double a2, b2, c2; /* squares of above */
- double tmpx, tmpy, tmpa; /* temporary x, y, angle */
- /* simple normal case first */
- if (xx3rd == xxmin && yy3rd == yymin)
- { /* no rotation or skewing, but stretching is allowed */
- Width = xxmax - xxmin;
- Height = yymax - yymin;
- *Xctr = (xxmin + xxmax)/2;
- *Yctr = (yymin + yymax)/2;
- *Magnification = 2/Height;
- *Xmagfactor = Height / (DEFAULTASPECT * Width);
- *Rotation = 0.0;
- *Skew = 0.0;
- if (*Magnification < 0)
- {
- *Magnification = -*Magnification;
- *Rotation += 180;
- }
- return;
- }
- /* set up triangle ABC, having sides abc */
- /* side a = bottom, b = left, c = diagonal not containing (x3rd,y3rd) */
- tmpx = xxmax - xx3rd;
- tmpy = yymin - yy3rd;
- a2 = tmpx*tmpx + tmpy*tmpy;
- a = sqrt(a2);
- *Rotation = -rad_to_deg(atan2( tmpy, tmpx )); /* negative for image rotation */
- tmpx = xxmin - xx3rd;
- tmpy = yymax - yy3rd;
- b2 = tmpx*tmpx + tmpy*tmpy;
- b = sqrt(b2);
- tmpx = xxmax - xxmin;
- tmpy = yymax - yymin;
- c2 = tmpx*tmpx + tmpy*tmpy;
- tmpa = acos((a2+b2-c2)/(2*a*b)); /* save tmpa for later use */
- *Skew = 90 - rad_to_deg(tmpa);
- *Xctr = (xxmin + xxmax)/2;
- *Yctr = (yymin + yymax)/2;
- Height = b * sin(tmpa);
- *Magnification = 2/Height; /* 1/(h/2) */
- *Xmagfactor = Height / (DEFAULTASPECT * a);
- if (*Magnification < 0)
- {
- *Magnification = -*Magnification;
- *Rotation += 180;
- }
- return;
- }
- /* convert center/mag to corners */
- void cvtcorners(double Xctr, double Yctr, LDBL Magnification, double Xmagfactor, double Rotation, double Skew)
- {
- double x, y;
- double h, w; /* half height, width */
- double tanskew, sinrot, cosrot;
- if (Xmagfactor == 0.0)
- Xmagfactor = 1.0;
- h = (double)(1/Magnification);
- w = h / (DEFAULTASPECT * Xmagfactor);
- if (Rotation == 0.0 && Skew == 0.0)
- { /* simple, faster case */
- xx3rd = xxmin = Xctr - w;
- xxmax = Xctr + w;
- yy3rd = yymin = Yctr - h;
- yymax = Yctr + h;
- return;
- }
- /* in unrotated, untranslated coordinate system */
- tanskew = tan(deg_to_rad(Skew));
- xxmin = -w + h*tanskew;
- xxmax = w - h*tanskew;
- xx3rd = -w - h*tanskew;
- yymax = h;
- yy3rd = yymin = -h;
- /* rotate coord system and then translate it */
- Rotation = deg_to_rad(Rotation);
- sinrot = sin(Rotation);
- cosrot = cos(Rotation);
- /* top left */
- x = xxmin * cosrot + yymax * sinrot;
- y = -xxmin * sinrot + yymax * cosrot;
- xxmin = x + Xctr;
- yymax = y + Yctr;
- /* bottom right */
- x = xxmax * cosrot + yymin * sinrot;
- y = -xxmax * sinrot + yymin * cosrot;
- xxmax = x + Xctr;
- yymin = y + Yctr;
- /* bottom left */
- x = xx3rd * cosrot + yy3rd * sinrot;
- y = -xx3rd * sinrot + yy3rd * cosrot;
- xx3rd = x + Xctr;
- yy3rd = y + Yctr;
- return;
- }
- /* convert corners to center/mag using bf */
- void cvtcentermagbf(bf_t Xctr, bf_t Yctr, LDBL *Magnification, double *Xmagfactor, double *Rotation, double *Skew)
- {
- /* needs to be LDBL or won't work past 307 (-DBL_MIN_10_EXP) or so digits */
- LDBL Width, Height;
- LDBL a, b; /* bottom, left, diagonal */
- LDBL a2, b2, c2; /* squares of above */
- LDBL tmpx, tmpy;
- double tmpa; /* temporary x, y, angle */
- bf_t bfWidth, bfHeight;
- bf_t bftmpx, bftmpy;
- int saved;
- int signx;
- saved = save_stack();
- /* simple normal case first */
- /* if (xx3rd == xxmin && yy3rd == yymin) */
- if(!cmp_bf(bfx3rd, bfxmin) && !cmp_bf(bfy3rd, bfymin))
- { /* no rotation or skewing, but stretching is allowed */
- bfWidth = alloc_stack(bflength+2);
- bfHeight = alloc_stack(bflength+2);
- /* Width = xxmax - xxmin; */
- sub_bf(bfWidth, bfxmax, bfxmin);
- Width = bftofloat(bfWidth);
- /* Height = yymax - yymin; */
- sub_bf(bfHeight, bfymax, bfymin);
- Height = bftofloat(bfHeight);
- /* *Xctr = (xxmin + xxmax)/2; */
- add_bf(Xctr, bfxmin, bfxmax);
- half_a_bf(Xctr);
- /* *Yctr = (yymin + yymax)/2; */
- add_bf(Yctr, bfymin, bfymax);
- half_a_bf(Yctr);
- *Magnification = 2/Height;
- *Xmagfactor = (double)(Height / (DEFAULTASPECT * Width));
- *Rotation = 0.0;
- *Skew = 0.0;
- if (*Magnification < 0)
- {
- *Magnification = -*Magnification;
- *Rotation += 180;
- }
- restore_stack(saved);
- return;
- }
- bftmpx = alloc_stack(bflength+2);
- bftmpy = alloc_stack(bflength+2);
- /* set up triangle ABC, having sides abc */
- /* side a = bottom, b = left, c = diagonal not containing (x3rd,y3rd) */
- /* IMPORTANT: convert from bf AFTER subtracting */
- /* tmpx = xxmax - xx3rd; */
- sub_bf(bftmpx, bfxmax, bfx3rd);
- tmpx = bftofloat(bftmpx);
- /* tmpy = yymin - yy3rd; */
- sub_bf(bftmpy, bfymin, bfy3rd);
- tmpy = bftofloat(bftmpy);
- a2 = tmpx*tmpx + tmpy*tmpy;
- a = sqrtl(a2);
- /* divide tmpx and tmpy by |tmpx| so that double version of atan2() can be used */
- /* atan2() only depends on the ratio, this puts it in double's range */
- signx = sign(tmpx);
- if(signx)
- tmpy /= tmpx * signx; /* tmpy = tmpy / |tmpx| */
- *Rotation = (double)(-rad_to_deg(atan2( (double)tmpy, signx ))); /* negative for image rotation */
- /* tmpx = xxmin - xx3rd; */
- sub_bf(bftmpx, bfxmin, bfx3rd);
- tmpx = bftofloat(bftmpx);
- /* tmpy = yymax - yy3rd; */
- sub_bf(bftmpy, bfymax, bfy3rd);
- tmpy = bftofloat(bftmpy);
- b2 = tmpx*tmpx + tmpy*tmpy;
- b = sqrtl(b2);
- /* tmpx = xxmax - xxmin; */
- sub_bf(bftmpx, bfxmax, bfxmin);
- tmpx = bftofloat(bftmpx);
- /* tmpy = yymax - yymin; */
- sub_bf(bftmpy, bfymax, bfymin);
- tmpy = bftofloat(bftmpy);
- c2 = tmpx*tmpx + tmpy*tmpy;
- tmpa = acos((double)((a2+b2-c2)/(2*a*b))); /* save tmpa for later use */
- *Skew = 90 - rad_to_deg(tmpa);
- /* these are the only two variables that must be to big precision */
- /* *Xctr = (xxmin + xxmax)/2; */
- add_bf(Xctr, bfxmin, bfxmax);
- half_a_bf(Xctr);
- /* *Yctr = (yymin + yymax)/2; */
- add_bf(Yctr, bfymin, bfymax);
- half_a_bf(Yctr);
- Height = b * sin(tmpa);
- *Magnification = 2/Height; /* 1/(h/2) */
- *Xmagfactor = (double)(Height / (DEFAULTASPECT * a));
- if (*Magnification < 0)
- {
- *Magnification = -*Magnification;
- *Rotation += 180;
- }
- restore_stack(saved);
- return;
- }
- /* convert center/mag to corners using bf */
- void cvtcornersbf(bf_t Xctr, bf_t Yctr, LDBL Magnification, double Xmagfactor, double Rotation, double Skew)
- {
- LDBL x, y;
- LDBL h, w; /* half height, width */
- LDBL xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, x3rd, y3rd;
- double tanskew, sinrot, cosrot;
- bf_t bfh, bfw;
- bf_t bftmp;
- int saved;
- saved = save_stack();
- bfh = alloc_stack(bflength+2);
- bfw = alloc_stack(bflength+2);
- if (Xmagfactor == 0.0)
- Xmagfactor = 1.0;
- h = 1/Magnification;
- floattobf(bfh, h);
- w = h / (DEFAULTASPECT * Xmagfactor);
- floattobf(bfw, w);
- if (Rotation == 0.0 && Skew == 0.0)
- { /* simple, faster case */
- /* xx3rd = xxmin = Xctr - w; */
- sub_bf(bfxmin, Xctr, bfw);
- copy_bf(bfx3rd, bfxmin);
- /* xxmax = Xctr + w; */
- add_bf(bfxmax, Xctr, bfw);
- /* yy3rd = yymin = Yctr - h; */
- sub_bf(bfymin, Yctr, bfh);
- copy_bf(bfy3rd, bfymin);
- /* yymax = Yctr + h; */
- add_bf(bfymax, Yctr, bfh);
- restore_stack(saved);
- return;
- }
- bftmp = alloc_stack(bflength+2);
- /* in unrotated, untranslated coordinate system */
- tanskew = tan(deg_to_rad(Skew));
- xmin = -w + h*tanskew;
- xmax = w - h*tanskew;
- x3rd = -w - h*tanskew;
- ymax = h;
- y3rd = ymin = -h;
- /* rotate coord system and then translate it */
- Rotation = deg_to_rad(Rotation);
- sinrot = sin(Rotation);
- cosrot = cos(Rotation);
- /* top left */
- x = xmin * cosrot + ymax * sinrot;
- y = -xmin * sinrot + ymax * cosrot;
- /* xxmin = x + Xctr; */
- floattobf(bftmp, x);
- add_bf(bfxmin, bftmp, Xctr);
- /* yymax = y + Yctr; */
- floattobf(bftmp, y);
- add_bf(bfymax, bftmp, Yctr);
- /* bottom right */
- x = xmax * cosrot + ymin * sinrot;
- y = -xmax * sinrot + ymin * cosrot;
- /* xxmax = x + Xctr; */
- floattobf(bftmp, x);
- add_bf(bfxmax, bftmp, Xctr);
- /* yymin = y + Yctr; */
- floattobf(bftmp, y);
- add_bf(bfymin, bftmp, Yctr);
- /* bottom left */
- x = x3rd * cosrot + y3rd * sinrot;
- y = -x3rd * sinrot + y3rd * cosrot;
- /* xx3rd = x + Xctr; */
- floattobf(bftmp, x);
- add_bf(bfx3rd, bftmp, Xctr);
- /* yy3rd = y + Yctr; */
- floattobf(bftmp, y);
- add_bf(bfy3rd, bftmp, Yctr);
- restore_stack(saved);
- return;
- }
- #ifdef _MSC_VER
- #pragma optimize( "", on )
- #endif
- void updatesavename(char *filename) /* go to the next file name */
- {
- char *save, *hold;
- char drive[FILE_MAX_DRIVE];
- char dir[FILE_MAX_DIR];
- char fname[FILE_MAX_FNAME];
- char ext[FILE_MAX_EXT];
- splitpath(filename ,drive,dir,fname,ext);
- suffix[0] = 0;
- hold = fname + strlen(fname) - 1; /* start at the end */
- while(hold >= fname && (*hold == ' ' || isdigit(*hold))) /* skip backwards */
- hold--;
- hold++; /* recover first digit */
- while (*hold == '0') /* skip leading zeros */
- hold++;
- save = hold;
- while (*save) { /* check for all nines */
- if (*save != '9')
- break;
- save++;
- }
- if (!*save) /* if the whole thing is nines then back */
- save = hold - 1; /* up one place. Note that this will eat */
- /* your last letter if you go to far. */
- else
- save = hold;
- sprintf(save,"%d",atoi(hold)+1); /* increment the number */
- makepath(filename,drive,dir,fname,ext);
- }
- int check_writefile(char *name,char *ext)
- {
- /* after v16 release, change encoder.c to also use this routine */
- char openfile[80];
- char opentype[20];
- /* int i; */
- char *period;
- nextname:
- strcpy(openfile,name);
- strcpy(opentype,ext);
- #if 0
- for (i = 0; i < (int)strlen(openfile); i++)
- if (openfile[i] == '.') {
- strcpy(opentype,&openfile[i]);
- openfile[i] = 0;
- }
- #endif
- if((period = has_ext(openfile)) != NULL)
- {
- strcpy(opentype,period);
- *period = 0;
- }
- strcat(openfile,opentype);
- if (access(openfile,0) != 0) /* file doesn't exist */
- {
- strcpy(name,openfile);
- return 0;
- }
- /* file already exists */
- if (overwrite == 0) {
- updatesavename(name);
- goto nextname;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- /* ('check_key()' was moved to FRACTINT.C for MSC7-overlay speed purposes) */
- /* ('timer()' was moved to FRACTINT.C for MSC7-overlay speed purposes) */
- BYTE trigndx[] = {SIN,SQR,SINH,COSH};
- #ifndef XFRACT
- void (*ltrig0)(void) = lStkSin;
- void (*ltrig1)(void) = lStkSqr;
- void (*ltrig2)(void) = lStkSinh;
- void (*ltrig3)(void) = lStkCosh;
- void (*mtrig0)(void) = mStkSin;
- void (*mtrig1)(void) = mStkSqr;
- void (*mtrig2)(void) = mStkSinh;
- void (*mtrig3)(void) = mStkCosh;
- #endif
- void (*dtrig0)(void) = dStkSin;
- void (*dtrig1)(void) = dStkSqr;
- void (*dtrig2)(void) = dStkSinh;
- void (*dtrig3)(void) = dStkCosh;
- struct trig_funct_lst trigfn[] =
- /* changing the order of these alters meaning of *.fra file */
- /* maximum 6 characters in function names or recheck all related code */
- {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- {s_sin, lStkSin, dStkSin, mStkSin },
- {s_cosxx, lStkCosXX, dStkCosXX, mStkCosXX },
- {s_sinh, lStkSinh, dStkSinh, mStkSinh },
- {s_cosh, lStkCosh, dStkCosh, mStkCosh },
- {s_exp, lStkExp, dStkExp, mStkExp },
- {s_log, lStkLog, dStkLog, mStkLog },
- {s_sqr, lStkSqr, dStkSqr, mStkSqr },
- {s_recip, lStkRecip, dStkRecip, mStkRecip }, /* from recip on new in v16 */
- {s_ident, StkIdent, StkIdent, StkIdent },
- {s_cos, lStkCos, dStkCos, mStkCos },
- {s_tan, lStkTan, dStkTan, mStkTan },
- {s_tanh, lStkTanh, dStkTanh, mStkTanh },
- {s_cotan, lStkCoTan, dStkCoTan, mStkCoTan },
- {s_cotanh,lStkCoTanh,dStkCoTanh,mStkCoTanh},
- {s_flip, lStkFlip, dStkFlip, mStkFlip },
- {s_conj, lStkConj, dStkConj, mStkConj },
- {s_zero, lStkZero, dStkZero, mStkZero },
- {s_asin, lStkASin, dStkASin, mStkASin },
- {s_asinh, lStkASinh, dStkASinh, mStkASinh },
- {s_acos, lStkACos, dStkACos, mStkACos },
- {s_acosh, lStkACosh, dStkACosh, mStkACosh },
- {s_atan, lStkATan, dStkATan, mStkATan },
- {s_atanh, lStkATanh, dStkATanh, mStkATanh },
- {s_cabs, lStkCAbs, dStkCAbs, mStkCAbs },
- {s_abs, lStkAbs, dStkAbs, mStkAbs },
- {s_sqrt, lStkSqrt, dStkSqrt, mStkSqrt },
- #else
- {s_sin, dStkSin, dStkSin, dStkSin },
- {s_cosxx, dStkCosXX, dStkCosXX, dStkCosXX },
- {s_sinh, dStkSinh, dStkSinh, dStkSinh },
- {s_cosh, dStkCosh, dStkCosh, dStkCosh },
- {s_exp, dStkExp, dStkExp, dStkExp },
- {s_log, dStkLog, dStkLog, dStkLog },
- {s_sqr, dStkSqr, dStkSqr, dStkSqr },
- {s_recip, dStkRecip, dStkRecip, dStkRecip }, /* from recip on new in v16 */
- {s_ident, StkIdent, StkIdent, StkIdent },
- {s_cos, dStkCos, dStkCos, dStkCos },
- {s_tan, dStkTan, dStkTan, dStkTan },
- {s_tanh, dStkTanh, dStkTanh, dStkTanh },
- {s_cotan, dStkCoTan, dStkCoTan, dStkCoTan },
- {s_cotanh,dStkCoTanh,dStkCoTanh,dStkCoTanh},
- {s_flip, dStkFlip, dStkFlip, dStkFlip },
- {s_conj, dStkConj, dStkConj, dStkConj },
- {s_zero, dStkZero, dStkZero, dStkZero },
- {s_asin, dStkASin, dStkASin, dStkASin },
- {s_asinh, dStkASinh, dStkASinh, dStkASinh },
- {s_acos, dStkACos, dStkACos, dStkACos },
- {s_acosh, dStkACosh, dStkACosh, dStkACosh },
- {s_atan, dStkATan, dStkATan, dStkATan },
- {s_atanh, dStkATanh, dStkATanh, dStkATanh },
- {s_cabs, dStkCAbs, dStkCAbs, dStkCAbs },
- {s_abs, dStkAbs, dStkAbs, dStkAbs },
- {s_sqrt, dStkSqrt, dStkSqrt, dStkSqrt },
- #endif
- };
- int numtrigfn = sizeof(trigfn)/sizeof(struct trig_funct_lst);
- void showtrig(char *buf) /* return display form of active trig functions */
- {
- char tmpbuf[30];
- *buf = 0; /* null string if none */
- trigdetails(tmpbuf);
- if (tmpbuf[0])
- sprintf(buf," function=%s",tmpbuf);
- }
- static void trigdetails(char *buf)
- {
- int i, numfn;
- char tmpbuf[20];
- if(fractype==JULIBROT || fractype==JULIBROTFP)
- numfn = (fractalspecific[neworbittype].flags >> 6) & 7;
- else
- numfn = (curfractalspecific->flags >> 6) & 7;
- if(curfractalspecific == &fractalspecific[FORMULA] ||
- curfractalspecific == &fractalspecific[FFORMULA] )
- numfn = maxfn;
- *buf = 0; /* null string if none */
- if (numfn>0) {
- strcpy(buf,trigfn[trigndx[0]].name);
- i = 0;
- while(++i < numfn) {
- sprintf(tmpbuf,"/%s",trigfn[trigndx[i]].name);
- strcat(buf,tmpbuf);
- }
- }
- }
- /* set array of trig function indices according to "function=" command */
- int set_trig_array(int k, char *name)
- {
- char trigname[10];
- int i;
- char *slash;
- strncpy(trigname,name,6);
- trigname[6] = 0; /* safety first */
- if ((slash = strchr(trigname,'/')) != NULL)
- *slash = 0;
- strlwr(trigname);
- for(i=0;i<numtrigfn;i++)
- {
- if(strcmp(trigname,trigfn[i].name)==0)
- {
- trigndx[k] = (BYTE)i;
- set_trig_pointers(k);
- break;
- }
- }
- return(0);
- }
- void set_trig_pointers(int which)
- {
- /* set trig variable functions to avoid array lookup time */
- int i;
- switch(which)
- {
- case 0:
- #ifndef XFRACT
- ltrig0 = trigfn[trigndx[0]].lfunct;
- mtrig0 = trigfn[trigndx[0]].mfunct;
- #endif
- dtrig0 = trigfn[trigndx[0]].dfunct;
- break;
- case 1:
- #ifndef XFRACT
- ltrig1 = trigfn[trigndx[1]].lfunct;
- mtrig1 = trigfn[trigndx[1]].mfunct;
- #endif
- dtrig1 = trigfn[trigndx[1]].dfunct;
- break;
- case 2:
- #ifndef XFRACT
- ltrig2 = trigfn[trigndx[2]].lfunct;
- mtrig2 = trigfn[trigndx[2]].mfunct;
- #endif
- dtrig2 = trigfn[trigndx[2]].dfunct;
- break;
- case 3:
- #ifndef XFRACT
- ltrig3 = trigfn[trigndx[3]].lfunct;
- mtrig3 = trigfn[trigndx[3]].mfunct;
- #endif
- dtrig3 = trigfn[trigndx[3]].dfunct;
- break;
- default: /* do 'em all */
- for(i=0;i<4;i++)
- set_trig_pointers(i);
- break;
- }
- }
- static FCODE sfractal_type[] = {"Fractal type:"};
- static FCODE sitem_name[] = {"Item name:"};
- static FCODE sitem_file[] = {"Item file:"};
- static FCODE s3D_transform[] = {"3D Transform"};
- static FCODE syou_are_cycling[] = {"You are in color-cycling mode"};
- static FCODE sfloating_point[] = {"Floating-point"};
- static FCODE ssolid_guessing[] = {"Solid Guessing"};
- static FCODE sboundary_tracing[] = {"Boundary Tracing"};
- static FCODE stesseral[] = {"Tesseral"};
- static FCODE scalculation_time[] = {"Calculation time:"};
- static FCODE siterations[] = {" 1000's of points:"};
- static FCODE scornersxy[] = {"Corners: X Y"};
- static FCODE stop_left[] = {"Top-l"};
- static FCODE sbottom_right[] = {"Bot-r"};
- static FCODE sbottom_left[] = {"Bot-l"};
- static FCODE scenter[] = {"Ctr"};
- static FCODE struncate[] = {"(Center values shown truncated to 320 decimals)"};
- static FCODE smag[] = {"Mag"};
- static FCODE sxmag[] = {"X-Mag-Factor"};
- static FCODE srot[] = {"Rotation"};
- static FCODE sskew[] = {"Skew"};
- static FCODE sparams[] = {"Params "};
- static FCODE siteration_maximum[] ={"Iteration maximum: "};
- static FCODE seffective_bailout[] ={" Effective bailout: "};
- static FCODE scurrent_rseed[] = {"Current 'rseed': "};
- static FCODE sinversion_radius[] = {"Inversion radius: "};
- static FCODE sxcenter[] = {" xcenter: "};
- static FCODE sycenter[] = {" ycenter: "};
- static FCODE sparms_chgd[] = {"Parms chgd since generated"};
- static FCODE sstill_being[] = {"Still being generated"};
- static FCODE sinterrupted_resumable[] = {"Interrupted, resumable"};
- static FCODE sinterrupted_non_resumable[] = {"Interrupted, non-resumable"};
- static FCODE simage_completed[] = {"Image completed"};
- static FCODE sflag_is_activated[] = {" flag is activated"};
- static FCODE sinteger_math[] = {"Integer math is in use"};
- static FCODE sin_use_required[] = {" in use (required)"};
- static FCODE sarbitrary_precision[] = {"Arbitrary precision "};
- static FCODE spressanykey[] = {"Press any key to continue, F6 for area, CTRL-TAB for next page"};
- static FCODE spressanykey1[] = {"Press any key to continue, Backspace for first screen"};
- static FCODE sbatch[] = {" (Batch mode)"};
- static FCODE ssavename[] = {"Savename: "};
- static FCODE sstopsecret[] = {"Top Secret Developer's Screen"};
- static FCODE sthreepass[] = {" (threepass)"};
- static void show_str_var(char *name, char *var, int *row, char *msg)
- {
- if(var == NULL)
- return;
- if(*var != 0)
- {
- sprintf(msg,"%s=%s",name,var);
- putstring((*row)++,2,C_GENERAL_HI,msg);
- }
- }
- int tab_display_2(char *msg)
- {
- extern long maxptr, maxstack, startstack;
- int row,key,ret=0;
- helptitle();
- setattr(1,0,C_GENERAL_MED,24*80); /* init rest to background */
- row = 1;
- putstringcenter(row++,0,80,C_PROMPT_HI, sstopsecret);
- sprintf(msg,"%u bytes conventional stack free",stackavail());
- putstring(++row,2,C_GENERAL_HI,msg);
- sprintf(msg,"%ld of %ld bignum memory used",maxptr,maxstack);
- putstring(++row,2,C_GENERAL_HI,msg);
- sprintf(msg," %ld used for bignum globals", startstack);
- putstring(++row,2,C_GENERAL_HI,msg);
- sprintf(msg," %ld stack used == %ld variables of length %d",
- maxptr-startstack,(long)((maxptr-startstack)/(rbflength+2)),rbflength+2);
- putstring(++row,2,C_GENERAL_HI,msg);
- if(bf_math)
- {
- sprintf(msg,"intlength %-d bflength %-d ",intlength, bflength);
- putstring(++row,2,C_GENERAL_HI,msg);
- }
- row++;
- show_str_var(s_tempdir, tempdir, &row, msg);
- show_str_var(s_workdir, workdir, &row, msg);
- show_str_var(s_printfile, PrintName, &row, msg);
- show_str_var(s_filename, readname, &row, msg);
- show_str_var(s_formulafile,FormFileName, &row, msg);
- show_str_var(s_savename, savename, &row, msg);
- show_str_var(s_parmfile, CommandFile, &row, msg);
- show_str_var(s_ifsfile, IFSFileName, &row, msg);
- show_str_var(s_autokeyname,autoname, &row, msg);
- show_str_var(s_lightname, light_name, &row, msg);
- show_str_var(s_map, MAP_name, &row, msg);
- sprintf(msg,"Sizeof fractalspecific array %d",
- num_fractal_types*(int)sizeof(struct fractalspecificstuff));
- putstring(row++,2,C_GENERAL_HI,msg);
- sprintf(msg,"checkcurdir %d",checkcurdir);
- putstring(row++,2,C_GENERAL_HI,msg);
- sprintf(msg,"calc_status %d",calc_status);
- putstring(row++,2,C_GENERAL_HI,msg);
- putstringcenter(24,0,80,C_GENERAL_LO,spressanykey1);
- key=getakeynohelp();
- if(key == BACKSPACE)
- ret = 1;
- return(ret);
- }
- int tab_display() /* display the status of the current image */
- {
- int row, i, j, addrow=0;
- double Xctr, Yctr;
- LDBL Magnification;
- double Xmagfactor, Rotation, Skew;
- bf_t bfXctr=NULL, bfYctr=NULL;
- char msg[350];
- char far *msgptr;
- int key;
- int saved=0;
- int dec;
- if (calc_status < 0) { /* no active fractal image */
- return(0); /* (no TAB on the credits screen) */
- }
- if (calc_status == 1) /* next assumes CLK_TCK is 10^n, n>=2 */
- calctime += (clock_ticks() - timer_start) / (CLK_TCK/100);
- stackscreen();
- if(bf_math)
- {
- saved = save_stack();
- bfXctr = alloc_stack(bflength+2);
- bfYctr = alloc_stack(bflength+2);
- }
- top:
- helptitle();
- setattr(1,0,C_GENERAL_MED,24*80); /* init rest to background */
- row = 2;
- putstring(row,2,C_GENERAL_MED,sfractal_type);
- if (display3d > 0)
- putstring(row,16,C_GENERAL_HI,s3D_transform);
- else {
- putstring(row,16,C_GENERAL_HI,
- curfractalspecific->name[0] == '*' ?
- &curfractalspecific->name[1] :
- curfractalspecific->name);
- i = 0;
- if (fractype == FORMULA || fractype == FFORMULA)
- {
- putstring(row+1,3,C_GENERAL_MED,sitem_name);
- putstring(row+1,16,C_GENERAL_HI,FormName);
- i = strlen(FormName)+1;
- putstring(row+2,3,C_GENERAL_MED,sitem_file);
- if(strlen(FormFileName) >= 29)
- addrow = 1;
- putstring(row+2+addrow,16,C_GENERAL_HI,FormFileName);
- }
- trigdetails(msg);
- putstring(row+1,16+i,C_GENERAL_HI,msg);
- if (fractype == LSYSTEM)
- {
- putstring(row+1,3,C_GENERAL_MED,sitem_name);
- putstring(row+1,16,C_GENERAL_HI,LName);
- putstring(row+2,3,C_GENERAL_MED,sitem_file);
- if(strlen(LFileName) >= 28)
- addrow = 1;
- putstring(row+2+addrow,16,C_GENERAL_HI,LFileName);
- }
- if (fractype == IFS || fractype == IFS3D)
- {
- putstring(row+1,3,C_GENERAL_MED,sitem_name);
- putstring(row+1,16,C_GENERAL_HI,IFSName);
- putstring(row+2,3,C_GENERAL_MED,sitem_file);
- if(strlen(IFSFileName) >= 28)
- addrow = 1;
- putstring(row+2+addrow,16,C_GENERAL_HI,IFSFileName);
- }
- }
- switch (calc_status) {
- case 0: msgptr = sparms_chgd;
- break;
- case 1: msgptr = sstill_being;
- break;
- case 2: msgptr = sinterrupted_resumable;
- break;
- case 3: msgptr = sinterrupted_non_resumable;
- break;
- case 4: msgptr = simage_completed;
- break;
- default: msgptr = "";
- }
- putstring(row,45,C_GENERAL_HI,msgptr);
- if(initbatch && calc_status != 0)
- putstring(-1,-1,C_GENERAL_HI,sbatch);
- if (helpmode == HELPCYCLING)
- putstring(row+1,45,C_GENERAL_HI,syou_are_cycling);
- ++row;
- /* if(bf_math == 0) */
- ++row;
- i = j = 0;
- if (display3d > 0) {
- if (usr_floatflag)
- j = 1;
- }
- else
- if (floatflag)
- j = (usr_floatflag) ? 1 : 2;
- if(bf_math==0)
- {
- if (j) {
- putstring(row,45,C_GENERAL_HI,sfloating_point);
- putstring(-1,-1,C_GENERAL_HI,(j == 1) ? sflag_is_activated
- : sin_use_required );
- i = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- putstring(row,45,C_GENERAL_HI,sinteger_math);
- i = 1;
- }
- } else
- {
- sprintf(msg,"(%-d decimals)",decimals /*getprecbf(CURRENTREZ)*/);
- putstring(row,45,C_GENERAL_HI,sarbitrary_precision);
- putstring(-1,-1,C_GENERAL_HI,msg);
- i = 1;
- }
- row += i;
- if (calc_status == 1 || calc_status == 2)
- if (curfractalspecific->flags&NORESUME)
- {
- static FCODE msg[] = {"Note: can't resume this type after interrupts other than <tab> and <F1>"};
- putstring(row++,2,C_GENERAL_HI,msg);
- }
- row += addrow;
- putstring(row,2,C_GENERAL_MED,ssavename);
- putstring(row,-1,C_GENERAL_HI,savename);
- /* if(bf_math == 0) */
- ++row;
- if (got_status >= 0 && (calc_status == 1 || calc_status == 2)) {
- switch (got_status) {
- case 0:
- sprintf(msg,"%d Pass Mode",totpasses);
- putstring(row,2,C_GENERAL_HI,msg);
- if(usr_stdcalcmode=='3')
- putstring(row,-1,C_GENERAL_HI,sthreepass);
- break;
- case 1:
- putstring(row,2,C_GENERAL_HI,ssolid_guessing);
- if(usr_stdcalcmode=='3')
- putstring(row,-1,C_GENERAL_HI,sthreepass);
- break;
- case 2:
- putstring(row,2,C_GENERAL_HI,sboundary_tracing);
- break;
- case 3:
- sprintf(msg,"Processing row %d (of %d) of input image",currow,fileydots);
- putstring(row,2,C_GENERAL_HI,msg);
- break;
- case 4:
- putstring(row,2,C_GENERAL_HI,stesseral);
- break;
- }
- ++row;
- if (got_status != 3) {
- sprintf(msg,"Working on block (y,x) [%d,%d]...[%d,%d], ",
- yystart,xxstart,yystop,xxstop);
- putstring(row,2,C_GENERAL_MED,msg);
- if (got_status == 2 || got_status == 4) { /* btm or tesseral */
- putstring(-1,-1,C_GENERAL_MED,"at ");
- sprintf(msg,"[%d,%d]",currow,curcol);
- putstring(-1,-1,C_GENERAL_HI,msg);
- }
- else {
- if (totpasses > 1) {
- putstring(-1,-1,C_GENERAL_MED,"pass ");
- sprintf(msg,"%d",curpass);
- putstring(-1,-1,C_GENERAL_HI,msg);
- putstring(-1,-1,C_GENERAL_MED," of ");
- sprintf(msg,"%d",totpasses);
- putstring(-1,-1,C_GENERAL_HI,msg);
- putstring(-1,-1,C_GENERAL_MED,", ");
- }
- putstring(-1,-1,C_GENERAL_MED,"at row ");
- sprintf(msg,"%d",currow);
- putstring(-1,-1,C_GENERAL_HI,msg);
- }
- ++row;
- }
- }
- putstring(row,2,C_GENERAL_MED,scalculation_time);
- if (calctime >= 0)
- sprintf(msg,"%3ld:%02ld:%02ld.%02ld", calctime/360000L,
- (calctime%360000L)/6000, (calctime%6000)/100, calctime%100);
- else
- sprintf(msg," A Really Long Time!!! (> 24.855 days)");
- putstring(-1,-1,C_GENERAL_HI,msg);
- /* XXX */
- if ((curfractalspecific->flags&INFCALC) && (coloriter != 0)) {
- putstring(row,-1,C_GENERAL_MED,siterations);
- sprintf(msg," %ld of %ld",coloriter-2,maxct);
- putstring(row,-1,C_GENERAL_HI,msg);
- }
- ++row;
- if(bf_math == 0)
- ++row;
- if (videoentry.xdots && bf_math==0) {
- sprintf(msg,"Video: %dx%dx%d %s %s",
- videoentry.xdots, videoentry.ydots, videoentry.colors,
- videoentry.name, videoentry.comment);
- putstring(row++,2,C_GENERAL_MED,msg);
- }
- if(!(curfractalspecific->flags&NOZOOM))
- {
- adjust_corner(); /* make bottom left exact if very near exact */
- if(bf_math)
- {
- int truncate, truncaterow;
- dec = min(320,decimals);
- adjust_cornerbf(); /* make bottom left exact if very near exact */
- cvtcentermagbf(bfXctr, bfYctr, &Magnification, &Xmagfactor, &Rotation, &Skew);
- /* find alignment information */
- msg[0] = 0;
- truncate = 0;
- if(dec < decimals)
- truncate = 1;
- truncaterow = row;
- putstring(++row,2,C_GENERAL_MED,scenter);
- putstring(row,8,C_GENERAL_MED,s_x);
- bftostr(msg,dec,bfXctr);
- if(putstringwrap(&row,10,78,C_GENERAL_HI,msg,5)==1)
- truncate = 1;
- putstring(++row,8,C_GENERAL_MED,s_y);
- bftostr(msg,dec,bfYctr);
- if(putstringwrap(&row,10,78,C_GENERAL_HI,msg,5)==1 || truncate)
- putstring(truncaterow,2,C_GENERAL_MED,struncate);
- putstring(++row,2,C_GENERAL_MED,smag);
- sprintf(msg,"%10.8Le",Magnification);
- #else
- sprintf(msg,"%10.8le",Magnification);
- #endif
- putstring(-1,11,C_GENERAL_HI,msg);
- putstring(++row,2,C_GENERAL_MED,sxmag);
- sprintf(msg,"%11.4f ",Xmagfactor);
- putstring(-1,-1,C_GENERAL_HI,msg);
- putstring(-1,-1,C_GENERAL_MED,srot);
- sprintf(msg,"%9.3f ",Rotation);
- putstring(-1,-1,C_GENERAL_HI,msg);
- putstring(-1,-1,C_GENERAL_MED,sskew);
- sprintf(msg,"%9.3f",Skew);
- putstring(-1,-1,C_GENERAL_HI,msg);
- }
- else /* bf != 1 */
- {
- putstring(row,2,C_GENERAL_MED,scornersxy);
- putstring(++row,3,C_GENERAL_MED,stop_left);
- sprintf(msg,"%20.16f %20.16f",xxmin,yymax);
- putstring(-1,17,C_GENERAL_HI,msg);
- putstring(++row,3,C_GENERAL_MED,sbottom_right);
- sprintf(msg,"%20.16f %20.16f",xxmax,yymin);
- putstring(-1,17,C_GENERAL_HI,msg);
- if (xxmin != xx3rd || yymin != yy3rd)
- {
- putstring(++row,3,C_GENERAL_MED,sbottom_left);
- sprintf(msg,"%20.16f %20.16f",xx3rd,yy3rd);
- putstring(-1,17,C_GENERAL_HI,msg);
- }
- cvtcentermag(&Xctr, &Yctr, &Magnification, &Xmagfactor, &Rotation, &Skew);
- putstring(row+=2,2,C_GENERAL_MED,scenter);
- sprintf(msg,"%20.16f %20.16f ",Xctr,Yctr);
- putstring(-1,-1,C_GENERAL_HI,msg);
- putstring(-1,-1,C_GENERAL_MED,smag);
- sprintf(msg," %10.8Le",Magnification);
- #else
- sprintf(msg," %10.8le",Magnification);
- #endif
- putstring(-1,-1,C_GENERAL_HI,msg);
- putstring(++row,2,C_GENERAL_MED,sxmag);
- sprintf(msg,"%11.4f ",Xmagfactor);
- putstring(-1,-1,C_GENERAL_HI,msg);
- putstring(-1,-1,C_GENERAL_MED,srot);
- sprintf(msg,"%9.3f ",Rotation);
- putstring(-1,-1,C_GENERAL_HI,msg);
- putstring(-1,-1,C_GENERAL_MED,sskew);
- sprintf(msg,"%9.3f",Skew);
- putstring(-1,-1,C_GENERAL_HI,msg);
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < MAXPARAMS; i++)
- {
- char *p;
- int col;
- p = typehasparm(fractype,i);
- if(i%4 == 0)
- {
- row++;
- col = 9;
- }
- else
- col = -1;
- if(p)
- {
- if(i==0)
- putstring(++row,2,C_GENERAL_MED,sparams);
- sprintf(msg,"%3d: ",i+1);
- putstring(row,col,C_GENERAL_MED,msg);
- if(*p == '+')
- sprintf(msg,"%-12d",(int)param[i]);
- else if(*p == '#')
- sprintf(msg,"%-12lu",(U32)param[i]);
- else
- sprintf(msg,"%-12.9f",param[i]);
- putstring(-1,-1,C_GENERAL_HI,msg);
- }
- }
- putstring(row+=2,2,C_GENERAL_MED,siteration_maximum);
- sprintf(msg,"%ld",maxit);
- putstring(-1,-1,C_GENERAL_HI,msg);
- putstring(-1,-1,C_GENERAL_MED,seffective_bailout);
- sprintf(msg,"%f",rqlim);
- putstring(-1,-1,C_GENERAL_HI,msg);
- if (fractype == PLASMA || fractype == ANT || fractype == CELLULAR) {
- putstring(++row,2,C_GENERAL_MED,scurrent_rseed);
- sprintf(msg,"%d",rseed);
- putstring(-1,-1,C_GENERAL_HI,msg);
- }
- if(invert) {
- putstring(++row,2,C_GENERAL_MED,sinversion_radius);
- sprintf(msg,"%12.9f",f_radius);
- putstring(-1,-1,C_GENERAL_HI,msg);
- putstring(-1,-1,C_GENERAL_MED,sxcenter);
- sprintf(msg,"%12.9f",f_xcenter);
- putstring(-1,-1,C_GENERAL_HI,msg);
- putstring(-1,-1,C_GENERAL_MED,sycenter);
- sprintf(msg,"%12.9f",f_ycenter);
- putstring(-1,-1,C_GENERAL_HI,msg);
- }
- if ((row += 2) < 23) ++row;
- /*waitforkey:*/
- putstringcenter(/*row*/24,0,80,C_GENERAL_LO,spressanykey);
- movecursor(25,80);
- #ifdef XFRACT
- while (keypressed()) {
- getakey();
- }
- #endif
- key = getakeynohelp();
- if (key==F6) {
- unstackscreen();
- area();
- stackscreen();
- /* goto waitforkey;*/
- goto top;
- }
- else if(key==CTL_TAB) {
- if(tab_display_2(msg))
- goto top;
- }
- unstackscreen();
- timer_start = clock_ticks(); /* tab display was "time out" */
- if(bf_math)
- restore_stack(saved);
- return(0);
- }
- static void area(void)
- {
- /* apologies to UNIX folks, we PC guys have to save near space */
- static FCODE warning[] = {"Warning: inside may not be unique\n"};
- static FCODE total_area[] = {". Total area "};
- char far *msg;
- int x,y;
- char buf[160];
- long cnt=0;
- if (inside<0) {
- static FCODE msg[] = {"Need solid inside to compute area"};
- stopmsg(0,msg);
- return;
- }
- for (y=0;y<ydots;y++) {
- for (x=0;x<xdots;x++) {
- if (getcolor(x,y)==inside) {
- cnt++;
- }
- }
- }
- if (inside>0 && outside<0 && maxit>inside) {
- msg = warning;
- } else {
- msg = (char far *)"";
- }
- #ifndef XFRACT
- sprintf(buf,"%Fs%ld inside pixels of %ld%Fs%f",
- msg,cnt,(long)xdots*(long)ydots,(char far *)total_area,
- cnt/((float)xdots*(float)ydots)*(xxmax-xxmin)*(yymax-yymin));
- #else
- sprintf(buf,"%s%ld inside pixels of %ld%s%f",
- msg,cnt,(long)xdots*(long)ydots,total_area,
- cnt/((float)xdots*(float)ydots)*(xxmax-xxmin)*(yymax-yymin));
- #endif
- stopmsg(4,buf);
- }
- int endswithslash(char *fl)
- {
- int len;
- len = strlen(fl);
- if(len)
- if(fl[--len] == SLASHC)
- return(1);
- return(0);
- }
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- static char seps[] = {"' ','\t',\n',\r'"};
- char *get_ifs_token(char *buf,FILE *ifsfile)
- {
- char *bufptr;
- for(;;)
- {
- if(file_gets(buf,200,ifsfile) < 0)
- return(NULL);
- else
- {
- if((bufptr = strchr(buf,';')) != NULL) /* use ';' as comment to eol */
- *bufptr = 0;
- if((bufptr = strtok(buf, seps)) != NULL)
- return(bufptr);
- }
- }
- }
- FCODE insufficient_ifs_mem[]={"Insufficient memory for IFS"};
- int numaffine;
- int ifsload() /* read in IFS parameters */
- {
- int i;
- FILE *ifsfile;
- char buf[201];
- char *bufptr;
- int ret,rowsize;
- if (ifs_defn) { /* release prior parms */
- farmemfree((char far *)ifs_defn);
- ifs_defn = NULL;
- }
- ifs_type = 0;
- rowsize = IFSPARM;
- if (find_file_item(IFSFileName,IFSName,&ifsfile) < 0)
- return(-1);
- file_gets(buf,200,ifsfile);
- if((bufptr = strchr(buf,';')) != NULL) /* use ';' as comment to eol */
- *bufptr = 0;
- strlwr(buf);
- bufptr = &buf[0];
- while (*bufptr) {
- if (strncmp(bufptr,"(3d)",4) == 0) {
- ifs_type = 1;
- rowsize = IFS3DPARM;
- }
- ++bufptr;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < (NUMIFS+1)*IFS3DPARM; ++i)
- ((float *)tstack)[i] = 0;
- i = ret = 0;
- bufptr = get_ifs_token(buf,ifsfile);
- while(bufptr != NULL)
- {
- if(sscanf(bufptr," %f ",&((float *)tstack)[i]) != 1)
- break ;
- if (++i >= NUMIFS*rowsize)
- {
- static FCODE msg[]={"IFS definition has too many lines"};
- stopmsg(0,msg);
- ret = -1;
- break;
- }
- if((bufptr = strtok( NULL, seps ))==NULL)
- {
- if((bufptr = get_ifs_token(buf,ifsfile)) == NULL)
- {
- ret = -1;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(ret == -1)
- break;
- if(*bufptr == '}')
- break;
- }
- if ((i % rowsize) != 0 || *bufptr != '}') {
- static FCODE msg[]={"invalid IFS definition"};
- stopmsg(0,msg);
- ret = -1;
- }
- if (i == 0 && ret == 0) {
- static FCODE msg[]={"Empty IFS definition"};
- stopmsg(0,msg);
- ret = -1;
- }
- fclose(ifsfile);
- if (ret == 0) {
- numaffine = i/rowsize;
- if ((ifs_defn = (float far *)farmemalloc(
- (long)((NUMIFS+1)*IFS3DPARM*sizeof(float)))) == NULL) {
- stopmsg(0,insufficient_ifs_mem);
- ret = -1;
- }
- else
- for (i = 0; i < (NUMIFS+1)*IFS3DPARM; ++i)
- ifs_defn[i] = ((float *)tstack)[i];
- }
- return(ret);
- }
- /* TW 5-31-94 - added search of current directory for entry files if
- entry item not found */
- int find_file_item(char *filename,char *itemname,FILE **fileptr)
- {
- FILE *infile=NULL;
- int found = 0;
- if((found=find_one_file_item(filename,itemname,&infile)) != 0)
- { /* search for file */
- int out;
- char drive[FILE_MAX_DRIVE];
- char dir[FILE_MAX_DIR];
- char fname[FILE_MAX_FNAME];
- char ext[FILE_MAX_EXT];
- char fullpath[FILE_MAX_PATH];
- splitpath(filename,drive,dir,fname,ext);
- makepath(fullpath,drive,dir,"*",ext);
- out = fr_findfirst(fullpath);
- found = 0;
- while(out == 0)
- {
- char msg[200];
- sprintf(msg,"Searching %13s for %s ",DTA.filename,itemname);
- showtempmsg(msg);
- if(!(DTA.attribute & SUBDIR) &&
- strcmp(DTA.filename,".")&&
- strcmp(DTA.filename,"..")) {
- #ifndef XFRACT
- strlwr(DTA.filename);
- #endif
- splitpath(DTA.filename,NULL,NULL,fname,ext);
- makepath(fullpath,drive,dir,fname,ext);
- if((found=find_one_file_item(fullpath,itemname,&infile)) == 0)
- {
- strcpy(filename,fullpath);
- break;
- }
- }
- out = fr_findnext();
- }
- cleartempmsg();
- if(found != 0)
- {
- sprintf(fullpath,"'%s' file entry item not found",itemname);
- stopmsg(0,fullpath);
- return(-1);
- }
- }
- /* found file */
- if(fileptr != NULL)
- *fileptr = infile;
- else if(infile != NULL)
- fclose(infile);
- return(0);
- }
- static int find_one_file_item(char *filename,char *itemname,FILE **infile)
- {
- char fullpathname[FILE_MAX_PATH];
- char fname[FILE_MAX_FNAME];
- char ext[FILE_MAX_EXT];
- splitpath(filename ,NULL,NULL,fname,ext);
- makepath(fullpathname,"" ,"" ,fname,ext);
- /* first try current directory */
- if(checkcurdir == 0 || access(fullpathname,0) != 0)
- strcpy(fullpathname,filename);
- /* now binary node as of 2/95 TW */
- if ((*infile = fopen(fullpathname,"rb")) == NULL) {
- return(-1);
- }
- /*
- Scan_entries() resuses code from gfe_choose_entry() in PROMPTS1.C. The
- original code used text mode, which made ftell() and fseek() unreliable
- in cases where files have garbage after the EOF.
- */
- if(scan_entries(*infile, NULL, itemname)<0)
- return(0);
- fclose(*infile);
- infile = NULL;
- return(-1);
- }
- int file_gets(char *buf,int maxlen,FILE *infile)
- {
- int len,c;
- /* similar to 'fgets', but file may be in either text or binary mode */
- /* returns -1 at eof, length of string otherwise */
- if (feof(infile)) return -1;
- len = 0;
- while (len < maxlen) {
- if ((c = getc(infile)) == EOF || c == '\032') {
- if (len) break;
- return -1;
- }
- if (c == '\n') break; /* linefeed is end of line */
- if (c != '\r') buf[len++] = (char)c; /* ignore c/r */
- }
- buf[len] = 0;
- return len;
- }
- int first_err = 1;
- #ifndef XFRACT
- #ifdef WINFRACT
- /* call this something else to dodge the QC4WIN bullet... */
- int win_matherr( struct exception *except )
- #else
- int _cdecl matherr( struct exception *except )
- #endif
- {
- static FCODE msg[]={"Math error, but we'll try to keep going"};
- if(first_err)
- {
- if(debugflag == 4000 || debugflag == 3200)stopmsg(0,msg);
- first_err = 0;
- }
- if(debugflag)
- {
- static int ct = 0;
- static FILE *fp=NULL;
- if(fp==NULL)
- fp = fopen("matherr","w");
- if(ct++ < 100)
- {
- fprintf(fp,"err: %d\nname: %s\narg: %e\n",
- except->type, except->name, except->arg1);
- fflush(fp);
- }
- }
- if( except->type == DOMAIN )
- {
- char buf[40];
- sprintf(buf,"%e",except->arg1);
- /* This test may be unnecessary - from my experiments if the
- argument is too large or small the error is TLOSS not DOMAIN */
- if(strstr(buf,"IN")||strstr(buf,"NAN")) /* trashed arg? */
- /* "IND" with MSC, "INF" with BC++ */
- {
- if( strcmp( except->name, s_sin ) == 0 )
- {
- except->retval = 0.0;
- return(1);
- }
- else if( strcmp( except->name, s_cos ) == 0 )
- {
- except->retval = 1.0;
- return(1);
- }
- else if( strcmp( except->name, s_log ) == 0 )
- {
- except->retval = 1.0;
- return(1);
- }
- }
- }
- if( except->type == TLOSS )
- {
- /* try valiantly to keep going */
- if( strcmp( except->name, s_sin ) == 0 )
- {
- except->retval = 0.5;
- return(1);
- }
- else if( strcmp( except->name, s_cos ) == 0 )
- {
- except->retval = 0.5;
- return(1);
- }
- }
- /* shucks, no idea what went wrong, but our motto is "keep going!" */
- except->retval = 1.0;
- return(1);
- }
- #endif
- void roundfloatd(double *x) /* make double converted from float look ok */
- {
- char buf[30];
- sprintf(buf,"%-10.7g",*x);
- *x = atof(buf);
- }
- /* fake a keystroke, returns old pending key */
- int ungetakey(int key)
- {
- int old;
- old = keybuffer;
- keybuffer = key;
- return(old);
- }
- #if _MSC_VER == 800
- #undef tan
- /* !!!!! stupid MSVC tan(x) bug fix !!!!!!!! */
- /* tan(x) can return -tan(x) if -pi/2 < x < pi/2 */
- /* if tan(x) has been called before outside this range. */
- double fixtan( double x )
- {
- double y;
- y = tan(x);
- if ((x > -PI/2 && x < 0 && y > 0) || (x > 0 && x < PI/2 && y < 0))
- y = -y;
- return y;
- }
- #define tan fixtan
- #endif
- #endif