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- TITLE fpu087.asm (C) 1989, Mark C. Peterson, CompuServe [70441,3353]
- SUBTTL All rights reserved.
- ;
- ; Code may be used in any program provided the author is credited
- ; either during program execution or in the documentation. Source
- ; code may be distributed only in combination with public domain or
- ; shareware source code. Source code may be modified provided the
- ; copyright notice and this message is left unchanged and all
- ; modifications are clearly documented.
- ;
- ; I would appreciate a copy of any work which incorporates this code.
- ;
- ; Mark C. Peterson
- ; 405-C Queen St., Suite #181
- ; Southington, CT 06489
- ; (203) 276-9721
- ;
- ; References:
- ; The VNR Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics
- ; by W. Gellert, H. Hustner, M. Hellwich, and H. Kastner
- ; Published by Van Nostrand Reinhold Comp, 1975
- ;
- ; 80386/80286 Assembly Language Programming
- ; by William H. Murray, III and Chris H. Pappas
- ; Published by Osborne McGraw-Hill, 1986
- ;
- ; History since Fractint 16.3:
- ; CJLT changed e2x and Log086 algorithms for more speed
- ; CJLT corrected SinCos086 for -ve angles in 2nd and 4th quadrants
- ; CJLT speeded up SinCos086 for angles >45 degrees in any quadrant
- ; (See comments containing the string `CJLT')
- ; 14 Aug 91 CJLT removed r16Mul - not called from anywhere
- ; 21 Aug 91 CJLT corrected Table[1] from 6 to b
- ; improved bx factors in Log086 for more accuracy
- ; corrected Exp086 overflow detection to 15 from 16 bits.
- ; 07 Sep 92 MP corrected problem in FPUcplxlog
- ; 07 Sep 92 MP added argument test for FPUcplxdiv
- ; 06 Nov 92 CAE made some varibles public for PARSERA.ASM
- ; 07 Dec 92 CAE sped up FPUsinhcosh function
- ;
- ; CJLT= Chris J Lusby Taylor
- ; 32 Turnpike Road
- ; Newbury, England (where's that?)
- ; Contactable via Compuserve user Stan Chelchowski [100016,351]
- ; or Tel 011 44 635 33270 (home)
- ;
- ; CAE= Chuck Ebbert CompuServe [76306,1226]
- ;
- ;
- ;PROCs in this module:
- ;FPUcplxmul PROC x:word, y:word, z:word
- ;FPUcplxdiv PROC x:word, y:word, z:word
- ;FPUcplxlog PROC x:word, z:word
- ;FPUsinhcosh PROC x:word, sinh:word, cosh:word
- ;FPUsincos PROC x:word, sinx:word, cosx:word
- ;r16Mul PROC uses si di, x1:word, x2:word, y1:word, y2:word
- ;RegFloat2Fg PROC x1:word, x2:word, Fudge:word
- ;RegFg2Float PROC x1:word, x2:word, FudgeFact:byte
- ;ExpFudged PROC uses si, x_low:word, x_high:word, Fudge:word
- ;LogFudged PROC uses si di, x_low:word, x_high:word, Fudge:word
- ;LogFloat14 PROC x1:word, x2:word
- ;RegSftFloat PROC x1:word, x2:word, Shift:byte
- ;RegDivFloat PROC uses si di, x1:word, x2:word, y1:word, y2:word
- ;SinCos086 PROC uses si di, LoNum:WORD, HiNum:WORD, SinAddr:WORD, \
- ;_e2xLT PROC ;argument in dx.ax (bitshift=16 is hard coded here)
- ;Exp086 PROC uses si di, LoNum:WORD, HiNum:WORD
- ;SinhCosh086 PROC uses si di, LoNum:WORD, HiNum:WORD, SinhAddr:WORD, \
- ;Log086 PROC uses si di, LoNum:WORD, HiNum:WORD, Fudge:WORD
- IFDEF ??version
- MASM51
- .model medium, c
- extrn cos:far
- extrn _Loaded387sincos:far
- extrn compiled_by_turboc:word
- .data
- extrn cpu:WORD
- PUBLIC TrigLimit, TrigOverflow
- ; CAE 6Nov92 made these public for PARSERA.ASM */
- PUBLIC _1_, _2_, PointFive, infinity
- PiFg13 dw 6487h
- InvPiFg33 dd 0a2f9836eh
- InvPiFg16 dw 517ch
- Ln2Fg16 dw 0b172h ;ln(2) * 2^16 . True value is b172.18
- Ln2Fg15 dw 058b9h ;used by e2xLT. True value is 58b9.0C
- TrigOverflow dw 0
- TrigLimit dd 0
- ;
- ;Table of 2^(n/16) for n=0 to 15. All entries fg15.
- ;Used by e2xLT
- ;
- Table dw 08000h,085abh,08b96h,091c4h
- dw 09838h,09ef5h,0a5ffh,0ad58h
- dw 0b505h,0bd09h,0c567h,0ce25h
- dw 0d745h,0e0cdh,0eac1h,0f525h
- one dw ?
- expSign dw ?
- a dw ?
- SinNeg dw ? ;CJLT - not now needed by SinCos086, but by
- CosNeg dw ? ; ArcTan086
- Ans dq ?
- fake_es dw ? ; <BDT> Windows can't use ES for storage
- TaylorTerm MACRO
- LOCAL Ratio
- add Factorial, one
- jnc SHORT Ratio
- rcr Factorial, 1
- shr Num, 1
- shr one, 1
- Ratio:
- mul Num
- div Factorial
- _4_ dq 4.0
- _2_ dq 2.0
- _1_ dq 1.0
- PointFive dq 0.5
- temp dq ?
- Sign dw ?
- extrn fpu:word
- .code
- FPUcplxmul PROC x:word, y:word, z:word
- mov bx, x
- fld QWORD PTR [bx] ; x.x
- fld QWORD PTR [bx+8] ; x.y, x.x
- mov bx, y
- fld QWORD PTR [bx] ; y.x, x.y, x.x
- fld QWORD PTR [bx+8] ; y.y, y.x, x.y, x.x
- mov bx, z
- fld st ; y.y, y.y, y.x, x.y, x.x
- fmul st, st(3) ; y.y*x.y, y.y. y.x, x.y, x.x
- fld st(2) ; y.x, y.y*x.y, y.y, y.x, x.y, x.x
- fmul st, st(5) ; y.x*x.x, y.y*x.y, y.y, y.x, x.y, x.x
- fsubr ; y.x*x.x - y.y*x.y, y.y, y.x, x.y, x.x
- fstp QWORD PTR [bx] ; y.y, y.x, x.y, x.x
- fmulp st(3), st ; y.x, x.y, x.x*y.y
- fmul ; y.x*x.y, x.x*y.y
- fadd ; y.x*x.y + x.x*y.y
- fstp QWORD PTR [bx+8]
- ret
- FPUcplxmul ENDP
- infinity dq 1.0E+300
- PUBLIC DivideOverflow
- DivideOverflow dw 0
- FPUcplxdiv PROC x:word, y:word, z:word
- mov bx, x
- fld QWORD PTR [bx] ; x.x
- fld QWORD PTR [bx+8] ; x.y, x.x
- mov bx, y
- fld QWORD PTR [bx] ; y.x, x.y, x.x
- fld QWORD PTR [bx+8] ; y.y, y.x, x.y, x.x
- fld st ; y.y, y.y, y.x, x.y, x.x
- fmul st, st ; y.y*y.y, y.y, y.x, x.y, x.x
- fld st(2) ; y.x, y.y*y.y, y.y, y.x, x.y, x.x
- fmul st, st ; y.x*y.x, y.y*y.y, y.y, y.x, x.y, x.x
- fadd ; mod, y.y, y.x, x.y, x.x
- ftst ; test whether mod is (0,0)
- fstsw Status
- mov ax, Status
- and ah, 01000101b
- cmp ah, 01000000b
- jne NotZero
- fstp st
- fstp st
- fstp st
- fstp st
- fstp st
- fld infinity
- fld st
- mov bx, z
- fstp QWORD PTR [bx]
- fstp QWORD PTR [bx+8]
- inc DivideOverflow
- jmp ExitDiv
- NotZero:
- fdiv st(1), st ; mod, y.y=y.y/mod, y.x, x.y, x.x
- fdivp st(2), st ; y.y, y.x=y.x/mod, x.y, x.x
- mov bx, z
- fld st ; y.y, y.y, y.x, x.y, x.x
- fmul st, st(3) ; y.y*x.y, y.y. y.x, x.y, x.x
- fld st(2) ; y.x, y.y*x.y, y.y, y.x, x.y, x.x
- fmul st, st(5) ; y.x*x.x, y.y*x.y, y.y, y.x, x.y, x.x
- fadd ; y.x*x.x - y.y*x.y, y.y, y.x, x.y, x.x
- fstp QWORD PTR [bx] ; y.y, y.x, x.y, x.x
- fmulp st(3), st ; y.x, x.y, x.x*y.y
- fmul ; y.x*x.y, x.x*y.y
- fsubr ; y.x*x.y + x.x*y.y
- fstp QWORD PTR [bx+8]
- ExitDiv:
- ret
- FPUcplxdiv ENDP
- FPUcplxlog PROC x:word, z:word
- LOCAL Status:word, ImagZero:WORD
- mov bx, x
- mov ax, WORD PTR [bx+8+6]
- mov ImagZero, ax
- or ax, WORD PTR [bx+6]
- jnz NotBothZero
- fldz
- fldz
- jmp StoreZX
- NotBothZero:
- fld QWORD PTR [bx+8] ; x.y
- fld QWORD PTR [bx] ; x.x, x.y
- mov bx, z
- fldln2 ; ln2, x.x, x.y
- fdiv _2_ ; ln2/2, x.x, x.y
- fld st(2) ; x.y, ln2/2, x.x, x.y
- fmul st, st ; sqr(x.y), ln2/2, x.x, x.y
- fld st(2) ; x.x, sqr(x.y), ln2/2, x.x, x.y
- fmul st, st ; sqr(x.x), sqr(x.y), ln2/2, x.x, x.y
- fadd ; mod, ln2/2, x.x, x.y
- fyl2x ; z.x, x.x, x.y
- fxch st(2) ; x.y, x.x, z.x
- fxch ; x.x, x.y, z.x
- cmp fpu, 387
- jne Restricted
- fpatan ; z.y, z.x
- jmp StoreZX
- Restricted:
- mov bx, x
- mov dh, BYTE PTR [bx+7]
- or dh, dh
- jns ChkYSign
- fchs ; |x.x|, x.y, z.x
- ChkYSign:
- mov dl, BYTE PTR [bx+8+7]
- or dl, dl
- jns ChkMagnitudes
- fxch ; x.y, |x.x|, z.x
- fchs ; |x.y|, |x.x|, z.x
- fxch ; |x.x|, |x.y|, z.x
- ChkMagnitudes:
- fcom st(1) ; x.x, x.y, z.x
- fstsw Status ; x.x, x.y, z.x
- test Status, 4500h
- jz XisGTY
- test Status, 4000h
- jz XneY
- fstp st ; x.y, z.x
- fstp st ; z.x
- fldpi ; Pi, z.x
- fdiv _4_ ; Pi/4, z.x
- jmp ChkSignZ
- XneY:
- fxch ; x.y, x.x, z.x
- fpatan ; Pi/2 - Angle, z.x
- fldpi ; Pi, Pi/2 - Angle, z.x
- fdiv _2_ ; Pi/2, Pi/2 - Angle, z.x
- fsubr ; Angle, z.x
- jmp ChkSignZ
- XisGTY:
- fpatan ; Pi-Angle or Angle+Pi, z.x
- ChkSignZ:
- or dh, dh
- js NegX
- or dl, dl
- jns StoreZX
- fchs
- jmp StoreZX
- NegX:
- or dl, dl
- js QuadIII
- fldpi ; Pi, Pi-Angle, z.x
- fsubr ; Angle, z.x
- jmp StoreZX
- QuadIII:
- fldpi ; Pi, Angle+Pi, z.x
- fsub ; Angle, z.x
- StoreZX:
- mov bx, z
- fstp QWORD PTR [bx+8] ; z.x
- fstp QWORD PTR [bx] ; <empty>
- ret
- FPUcplxlog ENDP
- FPUsinhcosh PROC x:word, sinh:word, cosh:word
- LOCAL Control:word
- fstcw Control
- push Control ; Save control word on the stack
- or Control, 0000110000000000b
- fldcw Control ; Set control to round towards zero
- mov Sign, 0 ; Assume the sign is positive
- mov bx, x
- fldln2 ; ln(2)
- fdivr QWORD PTR [bx] ; x/ln(2)
- cmp BYTE PTR [bx+7], 0
- jns DuplicateX
- fchs ; x = |x|
- DuplicateX:
- fld st ; x/ln(2), x/ln(2)
- frndint ; int = integer(|x|/ln(2)), x/ln(2)
- fxch ; x/ln(2), int
- fsub st, st(1) ; rem < 1.0, int
- fmul PointFive ; rem/2 < 0.5, int
- ; CAE 7Dec92 changed above from divide by 2 to multiply by .5
- f2xm1 ; (2**rem/2)-1, int
- fadd _1_ ; 2**rem/2, int
- fmul st, st ; 2**rem, int
- fscale ; e**|x|, int
- fstp st(1) ; e**|x|
- cmp BYTE PTR [bx+7], 0
- jns ExitFexp
- fdivr _1_ ; e**x
- ExitFexp:
- fld st ; e**x, e**x
- fdivr PointFive ; e**-x/2, e**x
- fld st ; e**-x/2, e**-x/2, e**x
- fxch st(2) ; e**x, e**-x/2, e**-x/2
- fmul PointFive ; e**x/2, e**-x/2, e**-x/2
- ; CAE 7Dec92 changed above from divide by 2 to multiply by .5
- fadd st(2), st ; e**x/2, e**-x/2, cosh(x)
- fsubr ; sinh(x), cosh(x)
- mov bx, sinh ; sinh, cosh
- fstp QWORD PTR [bx] ; cosh
- mov bx, cosh
- fstp QWORD PTR [bx] ; <empty>
- pop Control
- fldcw Control ; Restore control word
- ret
- FPUsinhcosh ENDP
- FPUsincos PROC x:word, sinx:word, cosx:word
- LOCAL Status:word
- mov bx, x
- fld QWORD PTR [bx] ; x
- cmp fpu, 387
- jne Use387FPUsincos
- call _Loaded387sincos ; cos(x), sin(x)
- mov bx, cosx
- fstp QWORD PTR [bx] ; sin(x)
- mov bx, sinx
- fstp QWORD PTR [bx] ; <empty>
- ret
- Use387FPUsincos:
- sub sp, 8 ; save 'x' on the CPU stack
- mov bx, sp
- fstp QWORD PTR [bx] ; FPU stack: <empty>
- call cos
- add sp, 8 ; take 'cos(x)' off the CPU stack
- mov bx, ax
- cmp compiled_by_turboc,0
- jne turbo_c1
- fld QWORD PTR [bx] ; FPU stack: cos(x)
- turbo_c1:
- fld st ; FPU stack: cos(x), cos(x)
- fmul st, st ; cos(x)**2, cos(x)
- fsubr _1_ ; sin(x)**2, cos(x)
- fsqrt ; +/-sin(x), cos(x)
- mov bx, x
- fld QWORD PTR [bx] ; x, +/-sin(x), cos(x)
- fldpi ; Pi, x, +/-sin(x), cos(x)
- fadd st, st ; 2Pi, x, +/-sin(x), cos(x)
- fxch ; |x|, 2Pi, +/-sin(x), cos(x)
- fprem ; Angle, 2Pi, +/-sin(x), cos(x)
- fstp st(1) ; Angle, +/-sin(x), cos(x)
- fldpi ; Pi, Angle, +/-sin(x), cos(x)
- cmp BYTE PTR [bx+7], 0
- jns SignAlignedPi
- fchs ; -Pi, Angle, +/-sin(x), cos(x)
- SignAlignedPi:
- fcompp ; +/-sin(x), cos(x)
- fstsw Status ; +/-sin(x), cos(x)
- mov ax, Status
- and ah, 1
- jz StoreSinCos ; Angle <= Pi
- fchs ; sin(x), cos(x)
- StoreSinCos:
- mov bx, sinx
- fstp QWORD PTR [bx] ; cos(x)
- mov bx, cosx
- fstp QWORD PTR [bx] ; <empty>
- ret
- FPUsincos ENDP
- PUBLIC r16Mul
- r16Mul PROC uses si di, x1:word, x2:word, y1:word, y2:word
- mov si, x1
- mov bx, x2
- mov di, y1
- mov cx, y2
- xor ax, ax
- shl bx, 1
- jz Exitr16Mult ; Destination is zero
- rcl ah, 1
- shl cx, 1
- jnz Chkr16Exp
- xor bx, bx ; Source is zero
- xor si, si
- jmp Exitr16Mult
- Chkr16Exp:
- rcl al, 1
- xor ah, al ; Resulting sign in ah
- stc ; Put 'one' bit back into number
- rcr bl, 1
- stc
- rcr cl, 1
- sub ch, 127 ; Determine resulting exponent
- add bh, ch
- mov al, bh
- mov fake_es, ax ; es has the resulting exponent and sign
- mov ax, di
- mov al, ah
- mov ah, cl
- mov dx, si
- mov dl, dh
- mov dh, bl
- mul dx
- mov cx, fake_es
- shl ax, 1
- rcl dx, 1
- jnc Remr16MulOneBit ; 'One' bit is the next bit over
- inc cl ; 'One' bit removed with previous shift
- jmp Afterr16MulNorm
- Remr16MulOneBit:
- shl ax, 1
- rcl dx, 1
- Afterr16MulNorm:
- mov bl, dh ; Perform remaining 8 bit shift
- mov dh, dl
- mov dl, ah
- mov si, dx
- mov bh, cl ; Put in the exponent
- rcr ch, 1 ; Get the sign
- rcr bx, 1 ; Normalize the result
- rcr si, 1
- Exitr16Mult:
- mov ax, si
- mov dx, bx
- ret
- r16Mul ENDP
- PUBLIC RegFloat2Fg
- RegFloat2Fg PROC x1:word, x2:word, Fudge:word
- mov ax, WORD PTR x1
- mov dx, WORD PTR x2
- mov bx, ax
- or bx, dx
- jz ExitRegFloat2Fg
- xor bx, bx
- mov cx, bx
- shl ax, 1
- rcl dx, 1
- rcl bx, 1 ; bx contains the sign
- xchg cl, dh ; cx contains the exponent
- stc ; Put in the One bit
- rcr dl, 1
- rcr ax, 1
- sub cx, 127 + 23
- add cx, Fudge
- jz ChkFgSign
- jns ShiftFgLeft
- neg cx
- ShiftFgRight:
- shr dx, 1
- rcr ax, 1
- loop ShiftFgRight
- jmp ChkFgSign
- ShiftFgLeft:
- shl ax, 1
- rcl dx, 1
- loop ShiftFgLeft
- ChkFgSign:
- or bx, bx
- jz ExitRegFloat2Fg
- not ax
- not dx
- add ax, 1
- adc dx, 0
- ExitRegFloat2Fg:
- ret
- RegFloat2Fg ENDP
- PUBLIC RegFg2Float
- RegFg2Float PROC x1:word, x2:word, FudgeFact:byte
- mov ax, x1
- mov dx, x2
- mov cx, ax
- or cx, dx
- jz ExitFudgedToRegFloat
- mov ch, 127 + 32
- sub ch, FudgeFact
- xor cl, cl
- shl ax, 1 ; Get the sign bit
- rcl dx, 1
- jnc FindOneBit
- inc cl ; Fudged < 0, convert to postive
- not ax
- not dx
- add ax, 1
- adc dx, 0
- FindOneBit:
- shl ax, 1
- rcl dx, 1
- dec ch
- jnc FindOneBit
- dec ch
- mov al, ah
- mov ah, dl
- mov dl, dh
- mov dh, ch
- shr cl, 1 ; Put sign bit in
- rcr dx, 1
- rcr ax, 1
- ExitFudgedToRegFloat:
- ret
- RegFg2Float ENDP
- PUBLIC ExpFudged
- ExpFudged PROC uses si, x_low:word, x_high:word, Fudge:word
- xor ax, ax
- mov WORD PTR Ans, ax
- mov WORD PTR Ans + 2, ax
- mov ax, WORD PTR x_low
- mov dx, WORD PTR x_high
- or dx, dx
- js NegativeExp
- div Ln2Fg16
- mov exp, ax
- or dx, dx
- jz Raiseexp
- mov ax, dx
- mov si, dx
- mov bx, 1
- PosExpLoop:
- add WORD PTR Ans, ax
- adc WORD PTR Ans + 2, 0
- inc bx
- mul si
- mov ax, dx
- xor dx, dx
- div bx
- or ax, ax
- jnz PosExpLoop
- Raiseexp:
- inc WORD PTR Ans + 2
- mov ax, WORD PTR Ans
- mov dx, WORD PTR Ans + 2
- mov cx, -16
- add cx, Fudge
- add cx, exp
- or cx, cx
- jz ExitExpFudged
- jns LeftShift
- neg cx
- RightShift:
- shr dx, 1
- rcr ax, 1
- loop RightShift
- jmp ExitExpFudged
- NegativeExp:
- not ax
- not dx
- add ax, 1
- adc dx, 0
- div Ln2Fg16
- neg ax
- mov exp, ax
- or dx, dx
- jz Raiseexp
- mov ax, dx
- mov si, dx
- mov bx, 1
- NegExpLoop:
- sub WORD PTR Ans, ax
- sbb WORD PTR Ans + 2, 0
- inc bx
- mul si
- mov ax, dx
- xor dx, dx
- div bx
- or ax, ax
- jz Raiseexp
- add WORD PTR Ans, ax
- adc WORD PTR Ans + 2, 0
- inc bx
- mul si
- mov ax, dx
- xor dx, dx
- div bx
- or ax, ax
- jnz NegExpLoop
- jmp Raiseexp
- LeftShift:
- shl ax, 1
- rcl dx, 1
- loop LeftShift
- ExitExpFudged:
- ret
- ExpFudged ENDP
- PUBLIC LogFudged
- LogFudged PROC uses si di, x_low:word, x_high:word, Fudge:word
- xor bx, bx
- mov cx, 16
- sub cx, Fudge
- mov ax, x_low
- mov dx, x_high
- or dx, dx
- jz ChkLowWord
- Incexp:
- shr dx, 1
- jz DetermineOper
- rcr ax, 1
- inc cx
- jmp Incexp
- ChkLowWord:
- or ax, ax
- jnz Decexp
- jmp ExitLogFudged
- Decexp:
- dec cx ; Determine power of two
- shl ax, 1
- jnc Decexp
- DetermineOper:
- mov exp, cx
- mov si, ax ; si =: x + 1
- shr si, 1
- stc
- rcr si, 1
- mov dx, ax
- xor ax, ax
- shr dx, 1
- rcr ax, 1
- shr dx, 1
- rcr ax, 1 ; dx:ax = x - 1
- div si
- mov bx, ax ; ax, Fudged 16, max of 0.3333333
- shl ax, 1 ; x = (x - 1) / (x + 1), Fudged 16
- mul ax
- shl ax, 1
- rcl dx, 1
- mov ax, dx ; dx:ax, Fudged 35, max = 0.1111111
- mov si, ax ; si = (ax * ax), Fudged 19
- mov ax, bx
- ; bx is the accumulator, First term is x
- mul si ; dx:ax, Fudged 35, max of 0.037037
- mov fake_es, dx ; Save high word, Fudged (35 - 16) = 19
- mov di, 0c000h ; di, 3 Fudged 14
- div di ; ax, Fudged (36 - 14) = 21
- or ax, ax
- jz Addexp
- mov cl, 5
- shr ax, cl
- add bx, ax ; bx, max of 0.345679
- ; x = x + x**3/3
- mov ax, fake_es ; ax, Fudged 19
- mul si ; dx:ax, Fudged 38, max of 0.004115
- mov fake_es, dx ; Save high word, Fudged (38 - 16) = 22
- mov di, 0a000h ; di, 5 Fudged 13
- div di ; ax, Fudged (38 - 13) = 25
- or ax, ax
- jz Addexp
- mov cl, 9
- shr ax, cl
- add bx, ax
- ; x = x + x**3/3 + x**5/5
- mov ax, fake_es ; ax, Fudged 22
- mul si ; dx:ax, Fudged 41, max of 0.0004572
- mov di, 0e000h ; di, 7 Fudged 13
- div di ; ax, Fudged (41 - 13) = 28
- mov cl, 12
- shr ax, cl
- add bx, ax
- Addexp:
- shl bx, 1 ; bx *= 2, Fudged 16, max of 0.693147
- ; x = 2 * (x + x**3/3 + x**5/5 + x**7/7)
- mov cx, exp
- mov ax, Ln2Fg16 ; Answer += exp * Ln2Fg16
- or cx, cx
- js SubFromAns
- mul cx
- add ax, bx
- adc dx, 0
- jmp ExitLogFudged
- SubFromAns:
- neg cx
- mul cx
- xor cx, cx
- xchg cx, dx
- xchg bx, ax
- sub ax, bx
- sbb dx, cx
- ExitLogFudged:
- ; x = 2 * (x + x**3/3 + x**5/5 + x**7/7) + (exp * Ln2Fg16)
- ret
- LogFudged ENDP
- PUBLIC LogFloat14
- LogFloat14 PROC x1:word, x2:word
- mov ax, WORD PTR x1
- mov dx, WORD PTR x2
- shl ax, 1
- rcl dx, 1
- xor cx, cx
- xchg cl, dh
- stc
- rcr dl, 1
- rcr ax, 1
- sub cx, 127 + 23
- neg cx
- push cx
- push dx
- push ax
- call LogFudged
- add sp, 6
- ret
- LogFloat14 ENDP
- PUBLIC RegSftFloat
- RegSftFloat PROC x1:word, x2:word, Shift:byte
- mov ax, x1
- mov dx, x2
- shl dx, 1
- rcl cl, 1
- add dh, Shift
- shr cl, 1
- rcr dx, 1
- ret
- RegSftFloat ENDP
- PUBLIC RegDivFloat
- RegDivFloat PROC uses si di, x1:word, x2:word, y1:word, y2:word
- mov si, x1
- mov bx, x2
- mov di, y1
- mov cx, y2
- xor ax, ax
- shl bx, 1
- jnz ChkOtherOp
- jmp ExitRegDiv ; Destination is zero
- ChkOtherOp:
- rcl ah, 1
- shl cx, 1
- jnz ChkDivExp
- xor bx, bx ; Source is zero
- xor si, si
- jmp ExitRegDiv
- ChkDivExp:
- rcl al, 1
- xor ah, al ; Resulting sign in ah
- stc ; Put 'one' bit back into number
- rcr bl, 1
- stc
- rcr cl, 1
- sub ch, 127 ; Determine resulting exponent
- sub bh, ch
- mov al, bh
- mov fake_es, ax ; es has the resulting exponent and sign
- mov ax, si ; 8 bit shift, bx:si moved to dx:ax
- mov dh, bl
- mov dl, ah
- mov ah, al
- xor al, al
- mov bh, cl ; 8 bit shift, cx:di moved to bx:cx
- mov cx, di
- mov bl, ch
- mov ch, cl
- xor cl, cl
- shr dx, 1
- rcr ax, 1
- div bx
- mov si, dx ; Save (and shift) remainder
- mov dx, cx ; Save the quess
- mov cx, ax
- mul dx ; Mult quess times low word
- xor di, di
- sub di, ax ; Determine remainder
- sbb si, dx
- mov ax, di
- mov dx, si
- jc RemainderNeg
- xor di, di
- jmp GetNextDigit
- RemainderNeg:
- mov di, 1 ; Flag digit as negative
- not ax ; Convert remainder to positive
- not dx
- add ax, 1
- adc dx, 0
- GetNextDigit:
- shr dx, 1
- rcr ax, 1
- div bx
- xor bx, bx
- shl dx, 1
- rcl ax, 1
- rcl bl, 1 ; Save high bit
- mov dx, cx ; Retrieve first digit
- or di, di
- jz RemoveDivOneBit
- neg ax ; Digit was negative
- neg bx
- dec dx
- RemoveDivOneBit:
- add dx, bx
- mov cx, fake_es
- shl ax, 1
- rcl dx, 1
- jc AfterDivNorm
- dec cl
- shl ax, 1
- rcl dx, 1
- AfterDivNorm:
- mov bl, dh ; Perform remaining 8 bit shift
- mov dh, dl
- mov dl, ah
- mov si, dx
- mov bh, cl ; Put in the exponent
- shr ch, 1 ; Get the sign
- rcr bx, 1 ; Normalize the result
- rcr si, 1
- ExitRegDiv:
- mov ax, si
- mov dx, bx
- ret
- RegDivFloat ENDP
- Term equ <ax>
- Num equ <bx>
- Factorial equ <cx>
- Sin equ <si>
- Cos equ <di>
- e equ <si>
- Inve equ <di>
- SinCos086 PROC uses si di, LoNum:WORD, HiNum:WORD, SinAddr:WORD, \
- CosAddr:WORD
- mov ax, LoNum
- mov dx, HiNum
- xor cx, cx
- ; mov SinNeg, cx ;CJLT - not needed now
- ; mov CosNeg, cx ;CJLT - not needed now
- mov a, cx ;CJLT - Not needed by the original code, but it
- ; is now!
- or dx, dx
- jns AnglePositive
- not ax
- not dx
- add ax, 1
- adc dx, cx ;conveniently zero
- mov a,8 ;a now has 4 bits: Sign+quadrant+octant
- AnglePositive:
- mov si, ax
- mov di, dx
- mul WORD PTR InvPiFg33
- mov bx, dx
- mov ax, di
- mul WORD PTR InvPiFg33
- add bx, ax
- adc cx, dx
- mov ax, si
- mul WORD PTR InvPiFg33 + 2
- add bx, ax
- adc cx, dx
- mov ax, di
- mul WORD PTR InvPiFg33 + 2
- add ax, cx
- adc dx, 0
- and dx, 3 ;Remove multiples of 2 pi
- shl dx, 1 ;move over to make space for octant number
- ;
- ;CJLT - new code to reduce angle to: 0 <= angle <= 45
- ;
- or ax, ax
- jns Lessthan45
- inc dx ;octant number
- not ax ;angle=90-angle if it was >45 degrees
- Lessthan45:
- add a, dx ;remember octant and Sign in a
- mov Num, ax ;ax=Term, now
- ;
- ; We do the Taylor series with all numbers scaled by pi/2
- ; so InvPiFg33 represents one. Truly.
- ;
- mov Factorial, WORD PTR InvPiFg33 + 2
- mov one, Factorial
- mov Cos, Factorial ; Cos = 1
- mov Sin, Num ; Sin = Num
- LoopIntSinCos:
- TaylorTerm ; ax=Term = Num * (Num/2) * (Num/3) * . . .
- sub Cos, Term ; Cos = 1 - Num*(Num/2) + (Num**4)/4! - . . .
- cmp Term, WORD PTR TrigLimit
- jbe SHORT ExitIntSinCos
- TaylorTerm
- sub Sin, Term ; Sin = Num - Num*(Num/2)*(Num/3) + (Num**5)/5! - . . .
- cmp Term, WORD PTR TrigLimit
- jbe SHORT ExitIntSinCos
- TaylorTerm
- add Cos, Term
- cmp Term, WORD PTR TrigLimit
- jbe SHORT ExitIntSinCos
- TaylorTerm ; Term = Num * (x/2) * (x/3) * . . .
- add Sin, Term
- cmp Term, WORD PTR TrigLimit
- jnbe LoopIntSinCos
- ExitIntSinCos:
- xor ax, ax
- mov cx, ax
- cmp Cos, WORD PTR InvPiFg33 + 2
- jb CosDivide ; Cos < 1.0
- inc cx ; Cos == 1.0
- jmp StoreCos
- CosDivide:
- mov dx, Cos
- div WORD PTR InvPiFg33 + 2
- StoreCos:
- mov Cos, ax ; cx:Cos
- xor ax, ax
- mov bx, ax
- cmp Sin, WORD PTR InvPiFg33 + 2
- jb SinDivide ; Sin < 1.0
- inc bx ; Sin == 1.0
- jmp StoreSin
- SinDivide:
- mov dx, Sin
- div WORD PTR InvPiFg33 + 2
- StoreSin:
- mov Sin, ax ; bx:Sin
- ; CJLT again. New tests are needed to correct signs and exchange sin/cos values
- mov ax, a
- inc al ;forces bit 1 to xor of previous bits 0 and 1
- test al, 2
- jz ChkNegCos
- xchg cx, bx
- xchg Sin, Cos
- ; mov ax, SinNeg commented out by CJLT. This was a bug.
- ; xchg ax, CosNeg
- ; mov CosNeg, ax and this was meant to be mov SinNeg,ax
- ChkNegCos:
- inc al ;forces bit 2 to xor of original bits 1 and 2
- test al, 4
- jz ChkNegSin
- not Cos ;negate cos if quadrant 2 or 3
- not cx
- add Cos, 1
- adc cx, 0
- ChkNegSin:
- inc al
- inc al ;forces bit 3 to xor of original bits 2 and 3
- test al, 8
- jz CorrectQuad
- not Sin
- not bx
- add Sin, 1
- adc bx, 0
- CorrectQuad:
- CosPolarized:
- mov dx, bx
- mov bx, CosAddr
- mov WORD PTR [bx], Cos
- mov WORD PTR [bx+2], cx
- SinPolarized:
- mov bx, SinAddr
- mov WORD PTR [bx], Sin
- mov WORD PTR [bx+2], dx
- ret
- SinCos086 ENDP
- PUBLIC ArcTan086
- ;
- ;Used to calculate logs of complex numbers, since log(R,theta)=log(R)+i.theta
- ; in polar coordinates.
- ;
- ;In C we need the prototype:
- ;long ArcTan086(long, long)
- ;The parameters are x and y, the returned value arctan(y/x) in the range 0..2pi.
- ArcTan086 PROC uses si di, x1:word, x2:word, y1:word, y2:word
- xor ax, ax ;ax=0
- mov si, x1 ;Lo
- mov bx, x2 ;Hi
- or bx, bx ;Sign set ?
- jns xplus
- inc ax
- not si
- not bx
- add bx, 1
- adc si, 0 ;We have abs(x) now
- xplus:
- mov di, y1 ;Lo
- mov cx, y2 ;Hi
- or cx, cx ;Sign set?
- jns yplus
- inc ax
- inc ax ;Set bit 1 of ax
- shl ax, 1 ; and shift it all left
- not di
- not cx
- add di, 1
- adc cx, 0 ;We have abs(y) now
- yplus:
- cmp bx, cx ;y>x?
- jl no_xchg
- jg xchg_xy
- cmp si, di ;Hi words zero. What about lo words?
- jle no_xchg
- xchg_xy: ;Exchange them
- inc ax ;Flag the exchange
- xchg si, di
- xchg bx, cx
- no_xchg:
- mov SinNeg, ax ;Remember signs of x and y, and whether exchanged
- or cx, cx ;y<x now, but is y>=1.0 ?
- jz ynorm ;no, so continue
- normy: ;yes, normalise by reducing y to 16 bits max.
- rcr cx, 1 ; (We don't really lose any precision)
- rcr di, 1
- clc
- rcr bx, 1
- rcr si, 1
- or cx, cx
- jnz normy
- ynorm:
- ret
- ArcTan086 ENDP
- ;
- ;There now follows Chris Lusby Taylor's novel (such modesty!) method
- ;of calculating exp(x). Originally, I was going to do it by decomposing x
- ;into a sum of terms of the form:
- ;
- ; th -i
- ; i term=ln(1+2 )
- ; -i
- ;If x>term[i] we subtract term[i] from x and multiply the answer by 1 + 2
- ;
- ;We can multiply by that factor by shifting and adding. Neat eh!
- ;
- ;Unfortunately, however, for 16 bit accuracy, that method turns out to be
- ;slower than what follows, which is also novel. Here, I first divide x not
- ;by ln(2) but ln(2)/16 so that we can look up an initial answer in a table of
- ;2^(n/16). This leaves the remainder so small that the polynomial Taylor series
- ;converges in just 1+x+x^2/2 which is calculated as 1+x(1+x/2).
- ;
- _e2xLT PROC ;argument in dx.ax (bitshift=16 is hard coded here)
- or dx, dx
- jns CalcExpLT
- not ax ; if negative, calc exp(abs(x))
- not dx
- add ax, 1
- adc dx, 0
- CalcExpLT:
- shl ax, 1
- rcl dx, 1
- shl ax, 1
- rcl dx, 1
- shl ax, 1
- rcl dx, 1 ;x is now in fg19 form for accuracy
- ; so, relative to fg16, we have:
- div Ln2Fg15 ; 8x==(a * Ln(2)/2) + Rem
- ; x=(a * Ln(2)/16) + Rem/8
- ;so exp(x)=exp((a * Ln(2)/16) + Rem/8)
- ; =exp(a/16 * Ln(2)) * exp(Rem/8)
- ; =2^(a/16) * exp(Rem)
- ;a mod 16 will give us an initial estimate
- mov cl, 4
- mov di, ax ;Remember original
- shr ax, cl
- mov a, ax ;a/16 will give us a bit shift
- mov ax, di
- and ax, 0000fh ;a mod 16
- shl ax, 1 ;used as an index into 2 byte per element Table
- mov di, ax
- dec cx ;3, please
- add dx, 4 ;to control rounding up/down
- shr dx, cl ;Num=Rem/8 (convert back to fg16)
- ;
- mov ax, dx
- shr ax, 1 ;Num/2 fg 16
- inc ax ;rounding control
- stc
- rcr ax, 1 ;1+Num/2 fg15
- mul dx ;dx:ax=Num(1+Num/2) fg31, so dx alone is fg15
- shl ax, 1 ;more rounding control
- adc dx, 8000H ;dx=1+Num(1+Num/2) fg15
- mov ax, Table[di] ;Get table entry fg15
- mul dx ;Only two multiplys used! fg14, now (15+15-16)
- shl ax, 1
- rcl dx, 1 ;fg15
- mov e, dx
- ret ; return e=e**x * (2**15), 1 < e**x < 2
- _e2xLT ENDP ; a= bitshift needed
- Exp086 PROC uses si di, LoNum:WORD, HiNum:WORD
- mov ax, LoNum
- mov dx, HiNum
- mov TrigOverflow, 0
- call _e2xLT ;Use Chris Lusby Taylor's e2x
- cmp a, 15 ;CJLT - was 16
- jae Overflow
- ; cmp expSign, 0
- ; jnz NegNumber
- cmp HiNum, 0 ;CJLT - we don't really need expSign
- jl NegNumber
- mov ax, e
- mov dx, ax
- inc a
- mov cx, 16
- sub cx, a
- shr dx, cl
- mov cx, a
- shl ax, cl
- jmp ExitExp086
- Overflow:
- xor ax, ax
- xor dx, dx
- mov TrigOverflow, 1
- jmp ExitExp086
- NegNumber:
- cmp e, 8000h
- jne DivideE
- mov ax, e
- dec a
- jmp ShiftE
- DivideE:
- xor ax, ax
- mov dx, ax
- stc
- rcr dx, 1
- div e
- ShiftE:
- xor dx, dx
- mov cx, a
- shr ax, cl
- ExitExp086:
- ret
- Exp086 ENDP
- SinhCosh086 PROC uses si di, LoNum:WORD, HiNum:WORD, SinhAddr:WORD, \
- CoshAddr:WORD
- mov ax, LoNum
- mov dx, HiNum
- call _e2xLT ;calculate exp(|x|) fg 15
- ;answer is e*2^a
- cmp e, 8000h ;e==1 ?
- jne InvertE ; e > 1, so we can invert it.
- mov dx, 1
- xor ax, ax
- cmp a, 0
- jne Shiftone
- mov e, ax
- mov cx, ax
- jmp ChkSinhSign
- Shiftone:
- mov cx, a
- shl dx, cl
- dec cx
- shr e, cl
- shr dx, 1
- shr e, 1
- mov cx, dx
- sub ax, e
- sbb dx, 0
- xchg ax, e
- xchg dx, cx
- jmp ChkSinhSign
- InvertE:
- xor ax, ax ; calc 1/e
- mov dx, 8000h
- div e
- mov Inve, ax
- ShiftE:
- mov cx, a
- shr Inve, cl
- inc cl
- mov dx, e
- shl e, cl
- neg cl
- add cl, 16
- shr dx, cl
- mov cx, dx ; cx:e == e**Exp
- mov ax, e ; dx:e == e**Exp
- add ax, Inve
- adc dx, 0
- shr dx, 1
- rcr ax, 1 ; cosh(Num) = (e**Exp + 1/e**Exp) / 2
- sub e, Inve
- sbb cx, 0
- sar cx, 1
- rcr e, 1
- ChkSinhSign:
- or HiNum, 0
- jns StoreHyperbolics
- not e
- not cx
- add e, 1
- adc cx, 0
- StoreHyperbolics:
- mov bx, CoshAddr
- mov WORD PTR [bx], ax
- mov WORD PTR [bx+2], dx
- mov bx, SinhAddr
- mov WORD PTR [bx], e
- mov WORD PTR [bx+2], cx
- ret
- SinhCosh086 ENDP
- Log086 PROC uses si di, LoNum:WORD, HiNum:WORD, Fudge:WORD
- ;NOTE: CJLT's method does not need LoAns, HiAns, but he hasn't yet
- ;taken them out
- xor bx, bx
- mov cx, Fudge
- mov ax, LoNum
- mov dx, HiNum
- mov TrigOverflow, 0
- or dx, dx
- js Overflow
- jnz ShiftUp
- or ax, ax
- jnz ShiftUp
- Overflow:
- mov TrigOverflow, 1
- jmp ExitLog086
- ShiftUp:
- inc cx ; cx = Exp
- shl ax, 1
- rcl dx, 1
- or dx, dx
- jns ShiftUp ;shift until dx in fg15 form
- neg cx
- add cx, 31
- mov Exp, cx
- ;CJLT method starts here. We try to reduce x to make it very close to 1
- ;store LoAns in bx for now (fg 16; initially 0)
- mov cl,2 ;shift count
- redoterm2:
- cmp dx, 0AAABH ;x > 4/3 ?
- jb doterm3
- mov ax, dx
- shr ax, cl
- sub dx, ax ;x:=x(1-1/4)
- add bx, 49a5H ;ln(4/3) fg 15
- jmp redoterm2
- doterm3:
- inc cl ;count=3
- redoterm3:
- cmp dx, 9249H ;x > 8/7 ?
- jb doterm4
- mov ax, dx
- shr ax, cl
- sub dx, ax ;x:=x(1-1/8)
- add bx, 222eH ;ln(8/7)
- jmp redoterm3
- doterm4:
- inc cl ;count=4
- cmp dx, 8889H ;x > 16/15 ?
- jb skipterm4
- mov ax, dx
- shr ax, cl
- sub dx, ax ;x:=x(1-1/16)
- add bx, 1085h ;ln(16/15)
- ;No need to retry term4 as error is acceptably low if we ignore it
- skipterm4:
- ;Now we have reduced x to the range 1 <=x <1.072
- ;
- ;Now we continue with the conventional series, but x is so small we
- ;can ignore all terms except the first!
- ;i.e.:
- ;ln(x)=2(x-1)/(x+1)
- sub dx, 8000h ; dx= x-1, fg 15
- mov cx, dx
- stc
- rcr cx, 1 ; cx = 1 + (x-1)/2 fg 15
- ; = 1+x fg 14
- mov ax,4000H ;rounding control (Trust me)
- div cx ;ax=ln(x)
- add bx, ax ;so add it to the rest of the Ans. No carry
- MultExp:
- mov cx, Exp
- mov ax, Ln2Fg16
- or cx, cx
- js SubFromAns
- mul cx ; cx = Exp * Lg2Fg16, fg 16
- add ax, bx ;add bx part of answer
- adc dx, 0
- jmp ExitLog086
- SubFromAns:
- inc bx ;Somewhat artificial, but we need to add 1 somewhere
- neg cx
- mul cx
- not ax
- not dx
- add ax, bx
- adc dx, 0
- ExitLog086:
- ret
- Log086 ENDP