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- #ifndef FMATH_H
- #define FMATH_H
- /* FMath.h (C) 1989, Mark C. Peterson, CompuServe [70441,3353]
- All rights reserved.
- Code may be used in any program provided the author is credited
- either during program execution or in the documentation. Source
- code may be distributed only in combination with public domain or
- shareware source code. Source code may be modified provided the
- copyright notice and this message is left unchanged and all
- modifications are clearly documented.
- I would appreciate a copy of any work which incorporates this code,
- however this is optional.
- Mark C. Peterson
- 128 Hamden Ave., F
- Waterbury, CT 06704
- (203) 754-1162
- Notes below document changes to Mark's original file:
- Date Change Changer
- ============================================================
- 07-16-89 - Added sqrt define per Mark's suggestion TIW
- 07-26-89 - Added documentation and complex support MCP
- */
- /*****************
- * Documentation *
- *****************
- #include "fmath.h"
- float x, y, z;
- int Pot, Fudge;
- 23-bit accuracy (limit of type float)
- Regular Implementation Fast Math Implementation
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- z = x + y; fAdd(x, y, z);
- z = x * y; fMul(x, y, z);
- z = x * x; fSqr(x, z);
- z = x / y; fDiv(x, y, z);
- z = x * 2; fShift(x, 1, z);
- z = x * 16; fShift(x, 4, z);
- z = x / 32; fShift(x, -5, z);
- z = x / (pow(2.0, (double)Pot)); fShift(x, -Pot, z);
- z = (float)Pot * (1L << Fudge); Fg2Float(Pot, Fudge, z);
- Pot = (int)(z / (1L << Fudge)); Pot = Float2Fg(z, Fudge);
- Complex numbers using fComplex structures
- z = x**2 fSqrZ(&x, &z); mod updated
- z.mod = (z.x*z.x)+(z.y*z.y) fModZ(&z); mod updated
- z = 1 / x fInvZ(&x, &z); mod updated
- z = x * y fMulZ(&x, &y, &z); mod updated
- z = x / y fDivZ(&x, &y, &z); mod updated
- 16-bit accuracy
- Regular Implementation Fast Math Implementation
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- z = x * y; fMul16(x, y, z);
- z = x * x; fSqr16(x, z);
- 14-bit accuracy
- Regular Implementation Fast Math Implementation
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- z = log(x); fLog14(x, z);
- z = exp(x); fExp14(x, z);
- z = pow(x, y); fPow14(x, y, z);
- 12-bit accuracy
- Regular Implementation Fast Math Implementation
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- z = sin(x); fSin12(x, z);
- z = cos(x); fCos12(x, z);
- z = sinh(x); fSinh12(x, z);
- z = cosh(x); fCosh12(x, z);
- Complex numbers using fComplex structures
- z = sin(x) fSinZ(&x, &z);
- z = cos(x) fCosZ(&x, &z);
- z = tan(x) fTagZ(&x, &z);
- z = sinh(x) fSinhZ(&x, &z);
- z = cosh(x) fCoshZ(&x, &z);
- z = tanh(x) fCoshZ(&x, &z);
- Just be sure to declare x, y, and z as type floats instead of type double.
- */
- long
- #ifndef XFRACT
- far RegFg2Float(long x, char FudgeFact),
- far RegSftFloat(long x, char Shift),
- #else
- far RegFg2Float(long x, int FudgeFact),
- far RegSftFloat(long x, int Shift),
- #endif
- far RegFloat2Fg(long x, int Fudge),
- far RegAddFloat(long x, long y),
- far RegDivFloat(long x, long y),
- far RegMulFloat(long x, long y),
- far RegSqrFloat(long x),
- far RegSubFloat(long x, long y);
- long
- far r16Mul(long x, long y),
- far r16Sqr(long x);
- int
- far sin13(long x),
- far cos13(long x),
- far FastCosine(int x),
- far FastSine(int x);
- long
- far FastHypCosine(int x),
- far FastHypSine(int x),
- far sinh13(long x),
- far cosh13(long x);
- long far LogFudged(unsigned long x, int Fudge);
- long far LogFloat14(unsigned long x);
- unsigned long far ExpFudged(long x, int Fudge);
- long far ExpFloat14(long x);
- #define fAdd(x, y, z) (void)((*(long*)&z) = RegAddFloat(*(long*)&x, *(long*)&y))
- #define fMul(x, y, z) (void)((*(long*)&z) = RegMulFloat(*(long*)&x, *(long*)&y))
- #define fDiv(x, y, z) (void)((*(long*)&z) = RegDivFloat(*(long*)&x, *(long*)&y))
- #define fSub(x, y, z) (void)((*(long*)&z) = RegSubFloat(*(long*)&x, *(long*)&y))
- #define fMul16(x, y, z) (void)((*(long*)&z) = r16Mul(*(long*)&x, *(long*)&y))
- #define fSqr16(x, z) (void)((*(long*)&z) = r16Sqr(*(long*)&x))
- #define fSqr(x, z) (void)((*(long*)&z) = RegSqrFloat(*(long*)&x))
- #define fShift(x, Shift, z) (void)((*(long*)&z) = \
- RegSftFloat(*(long*)&x, Shift))
- #define Fg2Float(x, f, z) (void)((*(long*)&z) = RegFg2Float(x, f))
- #define Float2Fg(x, f) RegFloat2Fg(*(long*)&x, f)
- #define fSin12(x, z) (void)((*(long*)&z) = \
- RegFg2Float((long)sin13(Float2Fg(x, 13)), 13))
- #define fCos12(x, z) (void)((*(long*)&z) = \
- RegFg2Float((long)cos13(Float2Fg(x, 13)), 13))
- #define fSinh12(x, z) (void)((*(long*)&z) = \
- RegFg2Float(sinh13(Float2Fg(x, 13)), 13))
- #define fCosh12(x, z) (void)((*(long*)&z) = \
- RegFg2Float(cosh13(Float2Fg(x, 13)), 13))
- #define fLog14(x, z) (void)((*(long*)&z) = \
- RegFg2Float(LogFloat14(*(long*)&x), 16))
- #define fExp14(x, z) (void)((*(long*)&z) = ExpFloat14(*(long*)&x));
- #define fPow14(x, y, z) fLog14(x, z); fMul16(z, y, z); fExp14(z, z)
- #define fSqrt14(x, z) fLog14(x, z); fShift(z, -1, z); fExp14(z, z)
- struct fComplex {
- float x, y, mod;
- };
- void
- fSqrZ(struct fComplex *x, struct fComplex *z),
- fMod(struct fComplex *x),
- fInvZ(struct fComplex *x, struct fComplex *z),
- fMulZ(struct fComplex *x, struct fComplex *y, struct fComplex *z),
- fDivZ(struct fComplex *x, struct fComplex *y, struct fComplex *z),
- fSinZ(struct fComplex *x, struct fComplex *z),
- fCosZ(struct fComplex *x, struct fComplex *z),
- fTanZ(struct fComplex *x, struct fComplex *z),
- fSinhZ(struct fComplex *x, struct fComplex *z),
- fCoshZ(struct fComplex *x, struct fComplex *z),
- fTanhZ(struct fComplex *x, struct fComplex *z);
- #endif