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- ; CALCMAND.ASM - Mandelbrot/Julia Set calculation Routines
- ; This module runs as part of an overlay with calcfrac.c.
- ; It must not be called from anywhere other than calcfrac.
- ; The routines in this code perform Mandelbrot and Julia set
- ; calculations using 32-bit integer math as opposed to the
- ; "traditional" floating-point approach.
- ; This code relies on several tricks to run as quickly as it does.
- ; One can fake floating point arithmetic by using integer
- ; arithmetic and keeping track of the implied decimal point
- ; if things are reasonable -- and in this case, they are.
- ; I replaced code that looked like: z = x*y with code that
- ; looks like:
- ; ix = x * ifudge (outside the loops)
- ; iy = y * ifudge
- ; ....
- ; iz = (ix * iy) / ifudge (inside the loops)
- ; (and keep remembering that all the integers are "ifudged" bigger)
- ; The 386 has native 32-bit integer arithmetic, and (briefly) keeps
- ; 64-bit values around after 32-bit multiplies. If the result is
- ; divided down right away, you've got 64-bit arithmetic. You just
- ; have to ensure that the result after the divide is <= 32 bits long.
- ; CPUs predating the 386 have to emulate 32-bit arithmetic using
- ; 16-bit arithmetic, which is significantly slower.
- ; Dividing is slow -- but shifting is fast, and we can select our
- ; "fudge factor" to be a power of two, permitting us to use that
- ; method instead. In addition, the 386 can perform 32-bit wide
- ; shifting -- and even 64-bit shifts with the following logic:
- ; shdr eax,edx,cl
- ; shr edx,cl
- ; so we make sure that our "fudge factor" is a power of 2 and shift
- ; it down that way.
- ; Calcmand is hardcoded for a fudge factor of 2**29.
- ; Bert Tyler
- ; History since Fractint 16.0
- ; (See comments with CJLT in them)
- ; CJLT=Chris Lusby Taylor who has...
- ;
- ; 1. Speeded up 16 bit on 16 bit CPU
- ; Minor changes, notably prescaling to fg14 before multiplying
- ; instead of scaling the answer.
- ; Also, I added overflow detection after adding linit, since it
- ; seems this could overflow.
- ; Overall effect is about 10% faster on 386 with debugflag=8088
- ; 2. Speeded up 32 bit on 16 bit CPU
- ; The macro `square' is totally rewritten, as is the logic for 2xy,
- ; by prescaling x and y to fg31, not fg29. This allows us to do a
- ; 32 bit multiply in 3, not 4, 16 bit chunks while retaining full
- ; fg29 accuracy.
- ; Also, I removed lots of well-meaning but ineffective code handling
- ; special cases of zeros and tidied up the handling of negative numbers,
- ; so the routine is quite a bit shorter now and overall throughput of
- ; Mandel is now over 40% faster on a 386 with debugflag=8088.
- ; By the way, I was tempted to go the whole hog and replace x*x-y*y
- ; by (x+y)*(x-y) to reduce 4 16-bit multiplys to 3, but it makes
- ; escape detection a bit trickier. Another time, maybe.
- ;
- ; 3. Made maxit a dword variable. 1/18/94
- ; required for compatibility if Turbo ASM
- IFDEF ??version
- MASM51
- .MODEL medium,c
- .8086
- ; these must NOT be in any segment!!
- ; this get's rid of TURBO-C fixup errors
- extrn keypressed:far ; this routine is in 'general.asm'
- extrn getakey:far ; this routine is in 'general.asm'
- extrn iplot_orbit:far ; this routine is in 'calcfrac.c'
- extrn scrub_orbit:far ; this routine is in 'calcfrac.c'
- FUDGEFACTOR equ 29 ; default (non-potential) fudgefactor
- KEYPRESSDELAY equ 32767 ; 7FFFh
- ; ************************ External variables *****************************
- extrn fractype:word ; == 0 if Mandelbrot set, else Julia
- extrn inside:word ; "inside" color, normally 1 (blue)
- extrn outside:word ; "outside" color, normally -1 (iter)
- extrn creal:dword, cimag:dword ; Julia Set Constant
- extrn delmin:dword ; min increment - precision required
- extrn maxit:dword ; maximum iterations
- extrn lm:dword ; magnitude bailout limit
- extrn coloriter:dword ; iterations calculated for the pixel
- extrn realcoloriter:dword
- extrn row:word, col:word ; current pixel to calc
- extrn reset_periodicity:word ; nonzero if to be reset
- extrn kbdcount:word ; keyboard counter
- extrn cpu:word ; cpu type: 86, 186, 286, or 386
- extrn dotmode:word
- extrn show_orbit:word ; "show-orbit" flag
- extrn orbit_ptr:word ; "orbit pointer" flag
- extrn periodicitycheck:word ; no periodicity if zero
- extrn lclosenuff:dword
- public linitx,linity ; caller sets these
- extrn nextsavedincr:word ; for incrementing AND value
- extrn firstsavedand:dword ; AND value
- ; ************************ Internal variables *****************************
- align 4
- x dd 0 ; temp value: x
- y dd 0 ; temp value: y
- ;absx dd 0 ; temp value: abs(x)
- linitx dd 0 ; initial value, set by calcfrac
- linity dd 0 ; initial value, set by calcfrac
- savedx dd 0 ; saved values of X and Y iterations
- savedy dd 0 ; (for periodicity checks)
- k dd 0 ; iteration countdown counter
- oldcoloriter dd 0 ; prior pixel's escape time k value
- savedand dd 0 ; AND value for periodicity checks
- savedincr dw 0 ; flag for incrementing AND value
- period db 0 ; periodicity, if in the lake
- _DATA2 ends
- ; ***************** Function calcmandasm() **********************************
- public calcmandasm
- push bp
- mov bp, sp
- IRP reg, <regs>
- push reg
- IRP reg, <regs>
- pop reg
- pop bp
- calcmandasm proc
- FRAME <di,si> ; std frame, for TC++ overlays
- sub ax,ax ; clear ax
- mov dx,ax ; clear dx
- cmp periodicitycheck,ax ; periodicity checking disabled?
- je initoldcolor ; yup, set oldcolor 0 to disable it
- cmp reset_periodicity,ax ; periodicity reset?
- je short initparms ; inherit oldcolor from prior invocation
- mov ax,word ptr maxit ; yup. reset oldcolor to maxit-250
- mov dx,word ptr maxit+2
- sub ax,250 ; (avoids slowness at high maxits)
- sbb dx,0
- initoldcolor:
- mov word ptr oldcoloriter,ax ; reset oldcoloriter
- mov word ptr oldcoloriter+2,dx ; reset oldcoloriter
- initparms:
- mov ax,word ptr creal ; initialize x == creal
- mov dx,word ptr creal+2 ; ...
- mov word ptr x,ax ; ...
- mov word ptr x+2,dx ; ...
- mov ax,word ptr cimag ; initialize y == cimag
- mov dx,word ptr cimag+2 ; ...
- mov word ptr y,ax ; ...
- mov word ptr y+2,dx ; ...
- mov ax,word ptr maxit ; setup k = maxit
- mov dx,word ptr maxit+2
- add ax,1 ; (+ 1)
- adc dx,0
- mov word ptr k,ax ; (decrementing to 0 is faster)
- mov word ptr k+2,dx
- cmp fractype,1 ; julia or mandelbrot set?
- je short dojulia ; julia set - go there
- ; (Tim wants this code changed so that, for the Mandelbrot,
- ; Z(1) = (x + iy) + (a + ib). Affects only "fudged" Mandelbrots.
- ; (for the "normal" case, a = b = 0, and this works, too)
- ; cmp word ptr x,0 ; Mandelbrot shortcut:
- ; jne short doeither ; if creal = cimag = 0,
- ; cmp word ptr x+2,0 ; the first iteration can be emulated.
- ; jne short doeither ; ...
- ; cmp word ptr y,0 ; ...
- ; jne short doeither ; ...
- ; cmp word ptr y+2,0 ; ...
- ; jne short doeither ; ...
- ; dec k ; we know the first iteration passed
- ; mov dx,word ptr linitx+2 ; copy x = linitx
- ; mov ax,word ptr linitx ; ...
- ; mov word ptr x+2,dx ; ...
- ; mov word ptr x,ax ; ...
- ; mov dx,word ptr linity+2 ; copy y = linity
- ; mov ax,word ptr linity ; ...
- ; mov word ptr y+2,dx ; ...
- ; mov word ptr y,ax ; ...
- sub word ptr k,1 ; we know the first iteration passed
- sbb word ptr k+2,0 ; we know the first iteration passed
- mov dx,word ptr linitx+2 ; add x += linitx
- mov ax,word ptr linitx ; ...
- add word ptr x,ax ; ...
- adc word ptr x+2,dx ; ...
- mov dx,word ptr linity+2 ; add y += linity
- mov ax,word ptr linity ; ...
- add word ptr y,ax ; ...
- adc word ptr y+2,dx ; ...
- jmp short doeither ; branch around the julia switch
- dojulia: ; Julia Set initialization
- ; "fudge" Mandelbrot start-up values
- mov ax,word ptr x ; switch x with linitx
- mov dx,word ptr x+2 ; ...
- mov bx,word ptr linitx ; ...
- mov cx,word ptr linitx+2 ; ...
- mov word ptr x,bx ; ...
- mov word ptr x+2,cx ; ...
- mov word ptr linitx,ax ; ...
- mov word ptr linitx+2,dx ; ...
- mov ax,word ptr y ; switch y with linity
- mov dx,word ptr y+2 ; ...
- mov bx,word ptr linity ; ...
- mov cx,word ptr linity+2 ; ...
- mov word ptr y,bx ; ...
- mov word ptr y+2,cx ; ...
- mov word ptr linity,ax ; ...
- mov word ptr linity+2,dx ; ...
- doeither: ; common Mandelbrot, Julia set code
- mov period,0 ; claim periodicity of 1
- mov ax,word ptr firstsavedand ; initial periodicity check
- mov word ptr savedand,ax ; initial periodicity check
- mov ax,word ptr firstsavedand+2 ; initial periodicity check
- mov word ptr savedand+2,ax ; initial periodicity check
- mov savedincr,1 ; flag for incrementing periodicity
- mov word ptr savedx+2,0ffffh; impossible value of "old" x
- mov word ptr savedy+2,0ffffh; impossible value of "old" y
- mov orbit_ptr,0 ; clear orbits
- dec kbdcount ; decrement the keyboard counter
- jns short nokey ; skip keyboard test if still positive
- mov kbdcount,10 ; stuff in a low kbd count
- cmp show_orbit,0 ; are we showing orbits?
- jne quickkbd ; yup. leave it that way.
- mov kbdcount,5000 ; else, stuff an appropriate count val
- cmp cpu,386 ; ("appropriate" to the CPU)
- je short kbddiskadj ; ...
- ;; cmp word ptr delmin+2,1 ; is 16-bit math good enough?
- cmp word ptr delmin+2,8 ; is 16-bit math good enough?
- ja kbddiskadj ; yes. test less often
- mov kbdcount,500 ; no. test more often
- kbddiskadj:
- cmp dotmode,11 ; disk video?
- jne quickkbd ; no, leave as is
- shr kbdcount,1 ; yes, reduce count
- shr kbdcount,1 ; yes, reduce count
- quickkbd:
- call far ptr keypressed ; has a key been pressed?
- cmp ax,0 ; ...
- je nokey ; nope. proceed
- mov kbdcount,0 ; make sure it goes negative again
- cmp ax,'o' ; orbit toggle hit?
- je orbitkey ; yup. show orbits
- cmp ax,'O' ; orbit toggle hit?
- jne keyhit ; nope. normal key.
- orbitkey:
- call far ptr getakey ; read the key for real
- mov ax,1 ; reset orbittoggle = 1 - orbittoggle
- sub ax,show_orbit ; ...
- mov show_orbit,ax ; ...
- jmp short nokey ; pretend no key was hit
- keyhit: mov ax,-1 ; return with -1
- mov dx,ax
- mov word ptr coloriter,ax ; set coloriter to -1
- mov word ptr coloriter+2,dx
- UNFRAME <si,di> ; pop stack frame
- ret ; bail out!
- nokey:
- cmp show_orbit,0 ; is orbiting on?
- jne no16bitcode ; yup. slow down.
- cmp cpu,386 ; are we on a 386?
- je short code386bit ; YAY!! 386-class speed!
- ;; cmp word ptr delmin+2,1 ; OK, we're desperate. 16 bits OK?
- cmp word ptr delmin+2,8 ; OK, we're desperate. 16 bits OK?
- ja yes16bitcode ; YAY! 16-bit speed!
- no16bitcode:
- call near ptr code32bit ; BOO!! nap time. Full 32 bit math
- cmp cx,-1
- je keyhit ; key stroke, get us out of here
- jmp kloopend ; bypass the 386-specific code.
- yes16bitcode:
- call near ptr code16bit ; invoke the 16-bit version
- cmp cx,-1
- je keyhit ; key stroke, get us out of here
- jmp kloopend ; bypass the 386-specific code.
- .386 ; 386-specific code starts here
- code386bit:
- ;; cmp word ptr delmin+2,3 ; is 16-bit math good enough?
- cmp word ptr delmin+2,8 ; is 16-bit math good enough?
- jbe code386_32 ; nope, go do 32 bit stuff
- IFDEF ??version
- jmp code386_32 ; TASM screws up IMUL EBX,EBX!!
- ; 16 bit on 386, now we are really gonna move
- movsx esi,word ptr x+2 ; use SI for X
- movsx edi,word ptr y+2 ; use DI for Y
- push ebp
- mov ebp,-1
- shl ebp,FUDGEFACTOR-1
- mov cx,FUDGEFACTOR-16
- kloop386_16: ; cx=bitshift-16, ebp=overflow.mask
- mov ebx,esi ; compute (x * x)
- imul ebx,ebx ; ...
- test ebx,ebp ;
- jnz short end386_16 ; (oops. We done.)
- shr ebx,cl ; get result down to 16 bits
- mov edx,edi ; compute (y * y)
- imul edx,edx ; ...
- test edx,ebp ; say, did we overflow? <V20-compat>
- jnz short end386_16 ; (oops. We done.)
- shr edx,cl ; get result down to 16 bits
- mov ax,bx ; compute (x*x - y*y) / fudge
- sub bx,dx ; for the next iteration
- add ax,dx ; compute (x*x + y*y) / fudge
- cmp ax,word ptr lm+2 ; while (xx+yy < lm)
- jae short end386_16 ; ...
- imul edi,esi ; compute (y * x)
- shl edi,1 ; ( * 2 / fudge)
- sar edi,cl
- add di,word ptr linity+2 ; (2*y*x) / fudge + linity
- movsx edi,di ; save as y
- add bx,word ptr linitx+2 ; (from above) (x*x - y*y)/fudge + linitx
- movsx esi,bx ; save as x
- ; mov eax,oldcoloriter ; recall the old color
- ; cmp eax,k ; check it against this iter
- ; jge short chkpd386_16 ; yup. do periodicity check.
- mov eax,k ; rearranged for speed
- cmp eax,oldcoloriter
- jb short chkpd386_16
- nonmax386_16:
- ; miraculously, k is always loaded into eax at this point
- ; mov eax,k ; set up to test for key stroke
- jne notakey1 ; don't test yet
- push cx
- call far ptr keypressed ; has a key been pressed?
- pop cx
- cmp ax,0 ; ...
- je notakey1 ; nope. proceed
- pop ebp
- jmp keyhit
- notakey1:
- dec k ; while (k < maxit)
- jnz short kloop386_16 ; try, try again
- end386_16:
- pop ebp
- jmp kloopend32 ; we done
- chkpd386_16:
- ; mov eax,k ; set up to test for save-time ;; already loaded
- test eax,savedand ; save on 0, check on anything else
- jz short chksv386_16 ; time to save a new "old" value
- mov bx,si ; load up x
- xor bx,word ptr savedx+2 ; does X match?
- cmp bx,word ptr lclosenuff+2 ; truncate to appropriate precision
- ja short nonmax386_16 ; nope. forget it.
- mov bx,di ; now test y
- xor bx,word ptr savedy+2 ; does Y match?
- cmp bx,word ptr lclosenuff+2 ; truncate to appropriate precision
- ja short nonmax386_16 ; nope. forget it.
- mov period,1 ; note that we have found periodicity
- mov k,0 ; pretend maxit reached
- jmp short end386_16
- chksv386_16:
- mov word ptr savedx+2,si ; save x
- mov word ptr savedy+2,di ; save y
- dec savedincr ; time to change the periodicity?
- jnz short nonmax386_16 ; nope.
- shl savedand,1 ; well then, let's try this one!
- inc savedand ; (2**n +1)
- mov ax,nextsavedincr ; and reset the increment flag
- mov savedincr,ax ; and reset the increment flag
- jmp short nonmax386_16
- ; 32bit on 386:
- code386_32:
- mov esi,x ; use ESI for X
- mov edi,y ; use EDI for Y
- ; This is the main processing loop. Here, every T-state counts...
- kloop: ; for (k = 0; k <= maxit; k++)
- mov eax,esi ; compute (x * x)
- imul esi ; ...
- shrd eax,edx,FUDGEFACTOR ; ( / fudge)
- shr edx,FUDGEFACTOR-1 ; (complete 64-bit shift and check
- jne short kloopend1 ; bail out if too high
- mov ebx,eax ; save this for below
- mov eax,edi ; compute (y * y)
- imul edi ; ...
- shrd eax,edx,FUDGEFACTOR ; ( / fudge)
- shr edx,FUDGEFACTOR-1 ; (complete 64-bit shift and check
- jne short kloopend1 ; bail out if too high
- mov ecx,ebx ; compute (x*x - y*y) / fudge
- sub ebx,eax ; for the next iteration
- add ecx,eax ; compute (x*x + y*y) / fudge
- cmp ecx,lm ; while (lr < lm)
- jae short kloopend1 ; ...
- mov eax,edi ; compute (y * x)
- imul esi ; ...
- shrd eax,edx,FUDGEFACTOR-1 ; ( * 2 / fudge)
- add eax,linity ; (above) + linity
- mov edi,eax ; save this as y
- ; (from the earlier code) ; compute (x*x - y*y) / fudge
- add ebx,linitx ; + linitx
- mov esi,ebx ; save this as x
- ; mov eax,oldcoloriter ; recall the old coloriter
- ; cmp eax,k ; check it against this iter
- ; jge short chkperiod1
- mov eax,k ; rearranged for speed
- cmp eax,oldcoloriter
- jb short chkperiod1
- nonmax1:
- mov eax,k
- jne notakey2 ; don't test yet
- call far ptr keypressed ; has a key been pressed?
- cmp ax,0 ; ...
- je notakey2 ; nope. proceed
- jmp keyhit
- notakey2:
- dec k ; while (k < maxit) (dec to 0 is faster)
- jnz kloop ; while (k < maxit) ...
- kloopend1:
- jmp short kloopend32 ; we done.
- chkperiod1:
- ; mov eax,k ; already done
- test eax,savedand
- jz short chksave1
- mov eax,esi
- xor eax,savedx
- cmp eax,lclosenuff
- ja short nonmax1
- mov eax,edi
- xor eax,savedy
- cmp eax,lclosenuff
- ja short nonmax1
- mov period,1 ; note that we have found periodicity
- mov k,0 ; pretend maxit reached
- jmp short kloopend32 ; we done.
- chksave1:
- mov eax,k
- mov savedx,esi
- mov savedy,edi
- dec savedincr ; time to change the periodicity?
- jnz short nonmax1 ; nope.
- shl savedand,1 ; well then, let's try this one!
- inc savedand ; (2**n +1)
- mov ax,nextsavedincr ; and reset the increment flag
- mov savedincr,ax ; and reset the increment flag
- jmp short nonmax1
- kloopend32:
- cmp orbit_ptr,0 ; any orbits to clear?
- je noorbit32 ; nope.
- call far ptr scrub_orbit ; clear out any old orbits
- noorbit32:
- mov eax, k ; set old color
- sub eax,10 ; minus 10, for safety
- mov oldcoloriter,eax ; and save it as the "old" color
- mov eax,maxit ; compute color
- sub eax,k ; (first, re-compute "k")
- sub kbdcount,ax ; adjust the keyboard count (use ax only)
- cmp eax,0 ; convert any "outlier" region
- jg short coloradjust1_32 ; (where abs(x) > 2 or abs(y) > 2)
- mov eax,1 ; to look like we ran through
- coloradjust1_32: ; at least one loop.
- mov realcoloriter,eax ; result before adjustments
- cmp eax,maxit ; did we max out on iterations?
- jne short notmax32 ; nope.
- mov oldcoloriter,eax ; set "oldcolor" to maximum
- cmp inside,0 ; is "inside" >= 0?
- jl wedone32 ; nope. leave it at "maxit"
- sub eax,eax
- mov ax,inside ; reset max-out color to default
- cmp periodicitycheck,0 ; show periodicity matches?
- jge wedone32 ; nope.
- ; mov al,period ; reset color to periodicity flag
- cmp period,0
- je wedone32
- mov ax,7 ; use color 7 (default white)
- jmp short wedone32
- notmax32:
- cmp outside,0 ; is "outside" >= 0?
- jl wedone32 ; nope. leave as realcolor
- sub eax,eax
- mov ax, outside ; reset to "outside" color
- wedone32: ;
- mov coloriter,eax ; save the color result
- shld edx,eax,16 ; put result in ax,dx
- shr eax,16
- UNFRAME <si,di> ; pop stack frame
- ret ; and return with color
- .8086 ; 386-specific code ends here
- kloopend:
- cmp orbit_ptr,0 ; any orbits to clear?
- je noorbit2 ; nope.
- call far ptr scrub_orbit ; clear out any old orbits
- noorbit2:
- mov ax,word ptr k ; set old color
- mov dx,word ptr k+2 ; set old color
- sub ax,10 ; minus 10, for safety
- sbb dx,0
- mov word ptr oldcoloriter,ax ; and save it as the "old" color
- mov word ptr oldcoloriter+2,dx ; and save it as the "old" color
- mov ax,word ptr maxit ; compute color
- mov dx,word ptr maxit+2 ; compute color
- sub ax,word ptr k ; (first, re-compute "k")
- sbb dx,word ptr k+2 ; (first, re-compute "k")
- sub kbdcount,ax ; adjust the keyboard count
- cmp dx,0 ; convert any "outlier" region
- js short kludge_for_julia ; k can be > maxit!!!
- ja short coloradjust1 ; (where abs(x) > 2 or abs(y) > 2)
- cmp ax,0
- ja short coloradjust1 ; (where abs(x) > 2 or abs(y) > 2)
- kludge_for_julia:
- mov ax,1 ; to look like we ran through
- sub dx,dx
- coloradjust1: ; at least one loop.
- mov word ptr realcoloriter,ax ; result before adjustments
- mov word ptr realcoloriter+2,dx ; result before adjustments
- cmp dx,word ptr maxit+2 ; did we max out on iterations?
- jne short notmax ; nope.
- cmp ax,word ptr maxit ; did we max out on iterations?
- jne short notmax ; nope.
- mov word ptr oldcoloriter,ax ; set "oldcolor" to maximum
- mov word ptr oldcoloriter+2,dx ; set "oldcolor" to maximum
- cmp inside,0 ; is "inside" >= 0?
- jl wedone ; nope. leave it at "maxit"
- mov ax,inside ; reset max-out color to default
- sub dx,dx
- cmp periodicitycheck,0 ; show periodicity matches?
- jge wedone ; nope.
- ; sub ax,ax ; clear top half for next
- ; mov al,period ; reset color to periodicity flag
- cmp period,0
- jz wedone
- mov ax,7 ; use color 7 (default white)
- jmp short wedone
- notmax:
- cmp outside,0 ; is "outside" >= 0?
- jl wedone ; nope. leave as realcolor
- mov ax, outside ; reset to "outside" color
- sub dx,dx
- wedone: ;
- mov word ptr coloriter,ax ; save the color result
- mov word ptr coloriter+2,dx ; save the color result
- UNFRAME <si,di> ; pop stack frame
- ret ; and return with color
- calcmandasm endp
- ; ******************** Function code16bit() *****************************
- ;
- ; Performs "short-cut" 16-bit math where we can get away with it.
- ; CJLT has modified it, mostly by preshifting x and y to fg30 from fg29
- ; or, since we ignore the lower 16 bits, fg14 from fg13.
- ; If this shift overflows we are outside x*x+y*y=2, so have escaped.
- ; Also, he commented out several conditional jumps which he calculated could
- ; never be taken (e.g. mov ax,si / imul si ;cannot overflow).
- code16bit proc near
- mov si,word ptr x+2 ; use SI for X fg13
- mov di,word ptr y+2 ; use DI for Y fg13
- start16bit:
- add si,si ;CJLT-Convert to fg14
- jo end16bit ;overflows if <-2 or >2
- mov ax,si ; compute (x * x)
- imul si ; Answer is fg14+14-16=fg12
- ; cmp dx,0 ;CJLT commented out-
- ; jl end16bit ;CJLT- imul CANNOT overflow
- ; mov cx,32-FUDGEFACTOR ;CJLT. FUDGEFACTOR=29 is hard coded
- loop16bit1:
- shl ax,1 ; ...
- rcl dx,1 ; ...
- jo end16bit ; (oops. overflow)
- ; loop loop16bit1 ;CJLT...do it once only. dx now fg13.
- mov bx,dx ; save this for a tad
- ;ditto for y*y...
- add di,di ;CJLT-Convert to fg14
- jo end16bit ;overflows if <-2 or >2
- mov ax,di ; compute (y * y)
- imul di ; ...
- ; cmp dx,0 ; say, did we overflow? <V20-compat>
- ; jl end16bit ; (oops. We done.)
- ; mov cx,32-FUDGEFACTOR ; ( / fudge)
- ;loop16bit2:
- shl ax,1 ; ...
- rcl dx,1 ; ...
- jo end16bit ; (oops. overflow)
- ; loop loop16bit2 ; ...
- mov cx,bx ; compute (x*x - y*y) / fudge
- sub bx,dx ; for the next iteration
- add cx,dx ; compute (x*x + y*y) / fudge
- jo end16bit ; bail out if too high
- ; js end16bit ; ...
- cmp cx,word ptr lm+2 ; while (xx+yy < lm)
- jae end16bit ; ...
- sub word ptr k,1 ; while (k < maxit)
- sbb word ptr k+2,0
- jnz notdoneyet
- cmp word ptr k,0
- jz end16bit ; we done.
- notdoneyet:
- mov ax,di ; compute (y * x) fg14+14=fg28
- imul si ; ...
- ; mov cx,33-FUDGEFACTOR-2 ; ( * 2 / fudge)
- ;loop16bit3:
- shl ax,1 ; ...
- rcl dx,1 ; ...
- shl ax,1 ; shift two bits
- rcl dx,1 ; cannot overflow as |x|<=2, |y|<=2
- ; loop loop16bit3 ; ...
- add dx,word ptr linity+2 ; (2*y*x) / fudge + linity
- jo end16bit ; bail out if too high
- mov di,dx ; save as y
- add bx,word ptr linitx+2 ; (from above) (x*x - y*y)/fudge + linitx
- jo end16bit ; bail out if too high
- mov si,bx ; save as x
- mov dx,word ptr oldcoloriter+2 ; recall the old color
- cmp dx,word ptr k+2 ; check it against this iter
- jb short nonmax3 ; nope. bypass periodicity check.
- mov ax,word ptr oldcoloriter ; recall the old color
- cmp ax,word ptr k ; check it against this iter
- jb short nonmax3 ; nope. bypass periodicity check.
- mov word ptr x+2,si ; save x for periodicity check
- mov word ptr y+2,di ; save y for periodicity check
- call checkperiod ; check for periodicity
- nonmax3:
- mov ax,word ptr k ; set up to test for key stroke
- jne notakey3 ; don't test yet
- push cx
- push bx
- call far ptr keypressed ; has a key been pressed?
- pop bx
- pop cx
- cmp ax,0 ; ...
- je notakey3 ; nope. proceed
- mov cx,-1
- jmp short end16bitgotkey ; cx set, jump to end
- notakey3:
- jmp start16bit ; try, try again.
- end16bit: ; we done.
- xor cx,cx ; no key so zero cx
- end16bitgotkey: ; jump here if key
- ret
- code16bit endp
- ; The following routine checks for periodic loops (a known
- ; method of decay inside "Mandelbrot Lake", and an easy way to
- ; bail out of "lake" points quickly). For speed, only the
- ; high-order sixteen bits of X and Y are checked for periodicity.
- ; For accuracy, this routine is only fired up if the previous pixel
- ; was in the lake (which means that the FIRST "wet" pixel was
- ; detected by the dull-normal maximum iteration process).
- checkperiod proc near ; periodicity check
- mov ax,word ptr k ; set up to test for save-time
- test ax,word ptr savedand ; save on 0, check on anything else
- jnz notimeyet ; NOT time to save a new "old" value
- mov dx,word ptr k+2 ; set up to test for save-time
- test dx,word ptr savedand+2 ; save on 0, check on anything else
- jz checksave ; time to save a new "old" value
- notimeyet:
- mov dx,word ptr x+2 ; load up x
- xor dx,word ptr savedx+2
- cmp dx,word ptr lclosenuff+2
- ja checkdone
- mov ax,word ptr x ; load up x
- xor ax,word ptr savedx
- cmp ax,word ptr lclosenuff
- ja checkdone
- mov dx,word ptr y+2 ; load up y
- xor dx,word ptr savedy+2
- cmp dx,word ptr lclosenuff+2
- ja checkdone
- mov ax,word ptr y ; load up y
- xor ax,word ptr savedy
- cmp ax,word ptr lclosenuff
- ja checkdone
- mov period,1 ; note that we have found periodicity
- mov word ptr k,1 ; pretend maxit reached
- mov word ptr k+2,0 ; pretend maxit reached
- checksave:
- mov dx,word ptr x+2 ; load up x
- mov word ptr savedx+2,dx ; and save it
- mov ax,word ptr x ; load up x
- mov word ptr savedx,ax ; and save it
- mov dx,word ptr y+2 ; load up y
- mov word ptr savedy+2,dx ; and save it
- mov ax,word ptr y ; load up y
- mov word ptr savedy,ax ; and save it
- dec savedincr ; time to change the periodicity?
- jnz checkdone ; nope.
- shl word ptr savedand,1 ; well then, let's try this one!
- rcl word ptr savedand+2,1 ; well then, let's try this one!
- add word ptr savedand,1 ; (2**n +1)
- adc word ptr savedand+2,0 ; (2**n +1)
- mov ax,nextsavedincr ; and reset the increment flag
- mov savedincr,ax ; and reset the increment flag
- checkdone:
- ret ; we done.
- checkperiod endp
- ; ******************** Function code32bit() *****************************
- ;
- ; Perform the 32-bit logic required using 16-bit logic
- ;
- ; New twice as fast logic,
- ; Courtesy of Bill Townsend and Mike Gelvin (CIS:73337,520)
- ; Even newer, faster still by Chris Lusby Taylor
- ; who noted that we needn't square the low word if we first multiply
- ; by 4, since we only need 29 places after the point and this will
- ; give 30. (We divide answer by two to give 29 bit shift in answer)
- ; Also, he removed all testing for special cases where a word of operand
- ; happens to be 0, since testing 65536 times costs more than the saving
- ; 1 time out of 65536! (I benchmarked it. Just removing the tests speeds
- ; us up by 3%.)
- ;
- ;Note that square returns DI,AX squared in DX,AX now.
- ; DI,AX is first converted to unsigned fg31 form.
- ; (For its square to be representable in fg29 (range -4..+3.999)
- ; DI:AX must be in the range 0..+1.999 which fits neatly into unsigned fg31.)
- ; This allows us to ignore the part of the answer corresponding to AX*AX as it
- ; is less than half a least significant bit of the final answer.
- ; I thought you'd like that.
- ;
- ; As we prescaled DI:AX, we need to shift the answer 1 bit to the right to
- ; end up in fg29 form since 29=(29+2)+(29+2)-32-1
- ; However, the mid term AX*DI is needed twice, so the shifts cancel.
- ;
- ; Since abs(x) and abs(y) in fg31 form will be needed in calculating 2*X*Y
- ; we push them onto the stack for later use.
- ; Note that square does nor affect bl,si,bp
- ; and leaves highword of argument in di
- ; but destroys bh,cx
- square MACRO donepops
- LOCAL notneg
- shl ax,1 ;Multiply by 2 to convert to fg30
- rcl di,1 ;If this overflows DI:AX was negative
- jnc notneg
- not ax ; so negate it
- not di ; ...
- add ax,1 ; ...
- adc di,0 ; ...
- not bl ; change negswt
- notneg: shl ax,1 ;Multiply by 2 again to give fg31
- rcl di,1 ;If this gives a carry then DI:AX was >=2.0
- ;If its high bit is set then DI:AX was >=1.0
- ;This is OK, but note that this means that
- ;DI:AX must now be treated as unsigned.
- jc donepops
- push di ; save y or x (in fg31 form) on stack
- push ax ; ...
- mul di ;GET MIDDLE PART - 2*A*B
- mov bh,ah ;Miraculously, it needs no shifting!
- mov cx,dx
- mov ax,di
- shl bh,1 ;See if we round up
- adc ax,1 ;Anyway, add 1 to round up/down accurately
- adc dx,0
- shr dx,1 ;This needs shifting one bit
- rcr ax,1
- add ax,cx ;Add in the 2*A*B term
- adc dx,0
- code32bit proc near
- ;
- ;
- push bp
- ; iteration loop
- nextit: mov ax,word ptr y ; ax=low(y)
- mov di,word ptr y+2 ; di=high(y)
- square done1 ;square y and quit via done1 if it overflows
- mov si,ax ; square returns results in dx,ax
- mov bp,dx ; save y*y in bp,si
- mov ax,word ptr x
- mov di,word ptr x+2
- square done2 ; square x and quit via done2 if it overflows
- mov cx,ax ; Save low answer in cx.
- ADD ax,si ; calc y*y + x*x
- mov ax,bp
- ADC ax,dx ; ...
- jno nextxy ; overflow?
- ;NOTE: The original code tests against lm
- ;here, but as lm=4<<29 this is the same
- ;as testing for signed overflow
- done4: add sp,4 ; discard saved value of |x| fg 31
- done2: add sp,4 ; discard saved value of |y| fg 31
- done1: xor cx,cx ; no key exit, zero cx
- done0: ; exit here if key hit
- pop bp ; restore saved bp
- ret
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- nextxy: sub word ptr k,1 ; while (k < maxit)
- sbb word ptr k+2,0
- jnz tryagain
- cmp word ptr k,0
- jz done4 ; we done.
- tryagain:
- sub cx,si ; subtract y*y from x*x
- sbb dx,bp ; ...
- add cx,word ptr linitx ; add "A"
- adc dx,word ptr linitx+2 ; ...
- jo done4 ;CJLT-Must detect overflow here
- ; but increment loop count first
- mov word ptr x,cx ; store new x = x*x-y*y+a
- mov word ptr x+2,dx ; ...
- ; now calculate x*y
- ;
- ;More CJLT tricks here. We use the pushed abs(x) and abs(y) in fg31 form
- ;which, when multiplied, give x*y in fg30, which, luckily, is the same as...
- ;2*x*y fg29.
- ;As with squaring, we can ignore the product of the low order words, and still
- ;be more accurate than the original algorithm.
- ;
- pop bp ;Xlow
- pop di ;Xhigh (already there, actually)
- pop ax ;Ylow
- mul di ;Xhigh * Ylow
- mov bh,ah ;Discard lowest 8 bits of answer
- mov cx,dx
- pop ax ;Yhigh
- mov si,ax ; copy it
- mul bp ;Xlow * Yhigh
- xor bp,bp ;Clear answer
- add bh,ah
- adc cx,dx
- adc bp,0
- mov ax,si ;Yhigh
- mul di ;Xhigh * Yhigh
- shl bh,1 ;round up/down
- adc ax,cx ;Answer-low
- adc dx,bp ;Answer-high
- ;NOTE: The answer is 0..3.9999 in fg29
- js done1 ;Overflow if high bit set
- or bl,bl ; ZERO IF NONE OR BOTH X , Y NEG
- jz signok ; ONE IF ONLY ONE OF X OR Y IS NEG
- not ax ; negate result
- not dx ; ...
- add ax,1 ; ...
- adc dx,0 ; ...
- xor bl,bl ;Clear negswt
- signok:
- add ax,word ptr linity
- adc dx,word ptr linity+2 ; dx,ax = 2(X*Y)+B
- jo done1
- mov word ptr y,ax ; save the new value of y
- mov word ptr y+2,dx ; ...
- mov dx,word ptr oldcoloriter+2 ; recall the old color
- cmp dx,word ptr k+2 ; check it against this iter
- jb short chkkey4 ; nope. bypass periodicity check.
- mov ax,word ptr oldcoloriter ; recall the old color
- cmp ax,word ptr k ; check it against this iter
- jb short chkkey4 ; nope. bypass periodicity check.
- call checkperiod ; check for periodicity
- chkkey4:
- mov ax,word ptr k ; set up to test for key stroke
- jne notakey4 ; don't test yet
- push cx
- push bx
- call far ptr keypressed ; has a key been pressed?
- pop bx
- pop cx
- cmp ax,0 ; ...
- je notakey4 ; nope. proceed
- mov cx,-1
- jmp done0 ; cx set, jump to very end
- notakey4:
- chkmaxit:
- cmp show_orbit,0 ; orbiting on?
- jne horbit ; yep.
- jmp nextit ;go around again
- horbit: push bx ; save my flags
- mov ax,-1 ; color for plot orbit
- push ax ; ...
- push word ptr y+2 ; co-ordinates for plot orbit
- push word ptr y ; ...
- push word ptr x+2 ; ...
- push word ptr x ; ...
- call far ptr iplot_orbit ; display the orbit
- add sp,5*2 ; clear out the parameters
- pop bx ; restore flags
- jmp nextit ; go around again
- code32bit endp
- end