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- /*
- CALCFRAC.C contains the high level ("engine") code for calculating the
- fractal images (well, SOMEBODY had to do it!).
- Original author Tim Wegner, but just about ALL the authors have contributed
- SOME code to this routine at one time or another, or contributed to one of
- the many massive restructurings.
- The following modules work very closely with CALCFRAC.C:
- FRACTALS.C the fractal-specific code for escape-time fractals.
- FRACSUBR.C assorted subroutines belonging mainly to calcfrac.
- CALCMAND.ASM fast Mandelbrot/Julia integer implementation
- Additional fractal-specific modules are also invoked from CALCFRAC:
- LORENZ.C engine level and fractal specific code for attractors.
- JB.C julibrot logic
- PARSER.C formula fractals
- and more
- -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <float.h>
- #include <limits.h>
- #ifndef XFRACT
- #include <dos.h>
- #endif
- #include "fractint.h"
- #include "fractype.h"
- #include "mpmath.h"
- #include "targa_lc.h"
- #include "prototyp.h"
- #include "biginit.h"
- /* routines in this module */
- static void perform_worklist(void);
- static int OneOrTwoPass(void);
- static int _fastcall StandardCalc(int);
- static int _fastcall potential(double,long);
- static void decomposition(void);
- static int bound_trace_main(void);
- static void step_col_row(void);
- static int solidguess(void);
- static int _fastcall guessrow(int,int,int);
- static void _fastcall plotblock(int,int,int,int);
- static void _fastcall setsymmetry(int,int);
- static int _fastcall xsym_split(int,int);
- static int _fastcall ysym_split(int,int);
- /**CJLT new function prototypes: */
- static int tesseral(void);
- static int _fastcall tesschkcol(int,int,int);
- static int _fastcall tesschkrow(int,int,int);
- static int _fastcall tesscol(int,int,int);
- static int _fastcall tessrow(int,int,int);
- /* added for testing autologmap() */
- static int autologmap(void);
- _LCMPLX linitorbit;
- long lmagnitud, llimit, llimit2, lclosenuff, l16triglim;
- _CMPLX init,tmp,old,new,saved;
- int color;
- long coloriter, oldcoloriter, realcoloriter;
- int row, col, passes;
- int iterations, invert;
- double f_radius,f_xcenter, f_ycenter; /* for inversion */
- void (_fastcall *plot)(int,int,int) = putcolor;
- typedef void (_fastcall *PLOT)(int,int,int);
- double min_orbit; /* orbit value closest to origin */
- long min_index; /* iteration of min_orbit */
- double /*deltaX,*/ deltaY;
- double magnitude, rqlim, rqlim2, rqlim_save;
- int no_mag_calc;
- int use_old_period;
- int use_old_distest;
- int old_demm_colors;
- int (*calctype)(void);
- int (*calctypetmp)(void);
- double closenuff;
- int pixelpi; /* value of pi in pixels */
- unsigned long lm; /* magnitude limit (CALCMAND) */
- /* ORBIT variables */
- int show_orbit; /* flag to turn on and off */
- int orbit_ptr; /* pointer into save_orbit array */
- int far *save_orbit; /* array to save orbit values */
- int orbit_color=15; /* XOR color */
- int ixstart, ixstop, iystart, iystop; /* start, stop here */
- int symmetry; /* symmetry flag */
- int reset_periodicity; /* nonzero if escape time pixel rtn to reset */
- int kbdcount, max_kbdcount; /* avoids checking keyboard too often */
- char far *resume_info = NULL; /* pointer to resume info if allocated */
- int resuming; /* nonzero if resuming after interrupt */
- int num_worklist; /* resume worklist for standard engine */
- int xxstart,xxstop; /* these are same as worklist, */
- int yystart,yystop,yybegin; /* declared as separate items */
- int workpass,worksym; /* for the sake of calcmand */
- VOIDFARPTR typespecific_workarea = NULL;
- static double dem_delta, dem_width; /* distance estimator variables */
- static double dem_toobig;
- static int dem_mandel;
- #define DEM_BAILOUT 535.5 /* (pb: not sure if this is special or arbitrary) */
- /* variables which must be visible for tab_display */
- int got_status; /* -1 if not, 0 for 1or2pass, 1 for ssg, 2 for btm, 3 for 3d */
- int curpass,totpasses;
- int currow,curcol;
- /* static vars for solidguess & its subroutines */
- char three_pass;
- static int maxblock,halfblock;
- static int guessplot; /* paint 1st pass row at a time? */
- static int right_guess,bottom_guess;
- #define maxyblk 7 /* maxxblk*maxyblk*2 <= 4096, the size of "prefix" */
- #define maxxblk 202 /* each maxnblk is oversize by 2 for a "border" */
- /* maxxblk defn must match fracsubr.c */
- /* next has a skip bit for each maxblock unit;
- 1st pass sets bit [1]... off only if block's contents guessed;
- at end of 1st pass [0]... bits are set if any surrounding block not guessed;
- bits are numbered [..][y/16+1][x+1]&(1<<(y&15)) */
- /* Original array */
- /* extern unsigned int prefix[2][maxyblk][maxxblk]; */
- typedef int (*TPREFIX)[2][maxyblk][maxxblk];
- #define tprefix (*((TPREFIX)prefix))
- /* size of next puts a limit of MAXPIXELS pixels across on solid guessing logic */
- #ifdef XFRACT
- BYTE dstack[4096]; /* common temp, two put_line calls */
- unsigned int prefix[2][maxyblk][maxxblk]; /* common temp */
- #endif
- int nxtscreenflag; /* for cellular next screen generation */
- int attractors; /* number of finite attractors */
- _CMPLX attr[N_ATTR]; /* finite attractor vals (f.p) */
- _LCMPLX lattr[N_ATTR]; /* finite attractor vals (int) */
- int attrperiod[N_ATTR]; /* period of the finite attractor */
- /***** vars for new btm *****/
- enum direction {North,East,South,West};
- enum direction going_to;
- int trail_row, trail_col;
- #ifndef sqr
- #define sqr(x) ((x)*(x))
- #endif
- #ifndef lsqr
- #define lsqr(x) (multiply((x),(x),bitshift))
- #endif
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* These variables are external for speed's sake only */
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- int periodicitycheck;
- /* For periodicity testing, only in StandardFractal() */
- int nextsavedincr;
- long firstsavedand;
- int calctypeshowdot(void)
- {
- (*plot) (col, row, showdot%colors);
- return((*calctypetmp)());
- }
- /* use top of extraseg for LogTable if room */
- int logtable_in_extra_ok(void)
- {
- if(((2L*(long)(xdots+ydots)*sizeof(double)+MaxLTSize+1) < (1L<<16)) && (bf_math==0))
- return(1);
- else
- return(0);
- }
- /******* calcfract - the top level routine for generating an image *******/
- #if (_MSC_VER >= 700)
- #pragma code_seg ("calcfra1_text") /* place following in an overlay */
- #endif
- int calcfract(void)
- {
- first_err = 1;
- attractors = 0; /* default to no known finite attractors */
- display3d = 0;
- basin = 0;
- init_misc(); /* set up some variables in parser.c */
- /* following delta values useful only for types with rotation disabled */
- /* currently used only by bifurcation */
- if (integerfractal)
- {
- distest = 0;
- /* deltaX = (double)lx0[ 1] / fudge - xxmin;*/
- deltaY = yymax - (double)ly0[ 1] / fudge;
- }
- else
- {
- /* deltaX = dx0[ 1] - xxmin;*/
- deltaY = yymax - dy0[ 1];
- }
- parm.x = param[0];
- parm.y = param[1];
- parm2.x = param[2];
- parm2.y = param[3];
- if (LogFlag && colors < 16) {
- static FCODE msg[]={"Need at least 16 colors to use logmap"};
- stopmsg(0,msg);
- LogFlag = 0;
- }
- if (use_old_period == 1) {
- nextsavedincr = 1;
- firstsavedand = 1;
- }
- else {
- nextsavedincr = (int)log10(maxit); /* works better than log() */
- if(nextsavedincr < 4) nextsavedincr = 4; /* maintains image with low iterations */
- firstsavedand = (long)((nextsavedincr*2) + 1);
- }
- if(maxit > 32767)
- MaxLTSize = 32767;
- else
- MaxLTSize = (int)maxit;
- if (LogFlag || rangeslen)
- {
- LogTable = NULL;
- if(logtable_in_extra_ok())
- LogTable = (BYTE far *)(dx0 + 2*(xdots+ydots));
- else
- LogTable = farmemalloc((long)MaxLTSize + 1);
- if(LogTable == NULL)
- {
- static FCODE msg[]={"Insufficient memory for logmap/ranges with this maxiter"};
- stopmsg(0,msg);
- LogFlag = 0;
- }
- else if (rangeslen) {
- int i,k,l,m,numval,flip,altern;
- i = k = l = 0;
- while (i < rangeslen) {
- m = flip = 0;
- altern = 32767;
- if ((numval = ranges[i++]) < 0) {
- altern = ranges[i++]; /* sub-range iterations */
- numval = ranges[i++];
- }
- if (numval > MaxLTSize || i >= rangeslen)
- numval = MaxLTSize;
- while (l <= numval) {
- LogTable[l++] = (BYTE)(k + flip);
- if (++m >= altern) {
- flip ^= 1; /* Alternate colors */
- m = 0;
- }
- }
- ++k;
- if (altern != 32767) ++k;
- }
- }
- else
- SetupLogTable();
- }
- lm = 4L << bitshift; /* CALCMAND magnitude limit */
- /* ORBIT stuff */
- save_orbit = (int far *)((double huge *)dx0 + 4*MAXPIXELS);
- show_orbit = start_showorbit;
- orbit_ptr = 0;
- orbit_color = 15;
- if(colors < 16)
- orbit_color = 1;
- if(inversion[0] != 0.0)
- {
- f_radius = inversion[0];
- f_xcenter = inversion[1];
- f_ycenter = inversion[2];
- if (inversion[0] == AUTOINVERT) /* auto calc radius 1/6 screen */
- inversion[0] = f_radius = min(fabs(xxmax - xxmin),
- fabs(yymax - yymin)) / 6.0;
- if (invert < 2 || inversion[1] == AUTOINVERT) /* xcenter not already set */
- {
- inversion[1] = f_xcenter = (xxmin + xxmax) / 2.0;
- if (fabs(f_xcenter) < fabs(xxmax-xxmin) / 100)
- inversion[1] = f_xcenter = 0.0;
- }
- if (invert < 3 || inversion[2] == AUTOINVERT) /* ycenter not already set */
- {
- inversion[2] = f_ycenter = (yymin + yymax) / 2.0;
- if (fabs(f_ycenter) < fabs(yymax-yymin) / 100)
- inversion[2] = f_ycenter = 0.0;
- }
- invert = 3; /* so values will not be changed if we come back */
- }
- closenuff = ddelmin*pow(2.0,-(double)(abs(periodicitycheck)));
- rqlim_save = rqlim;
- rqlim2 = sqrt(rqlim);
- if (integerfractal) /* for integer routines (lambda) */
- {
- lparm.x = (long)(parm.x * fudge); /* real portion of Lambda */
- lparm.y = (long)(parm.y * fudge); /* imaginary portion of Lambda */
- lparm2.x = (long)(parm2.x * fudge); /* real portion of Lambda2 */
- lparm2.y = (long)(parm2.y * fudge); /* imaginary portion of Lambda2 */
- llimit = (long)(rqlim * fudge); /* stop if magnitude exceeds this */
- if (llimit <= 0) llimit = 0x7fffffffL; /* klooge for integer math */
- llimit2 = (long)(rqlim2 * fudge); /* stop if magnitude exceeds this */
- lclosenuff = (long)(closenuff * fudge); /* "close enough" value */
- l16triglim = 8L<<16; /* domain limit of fast trig functions */
- linitorbit.x = (long)(initorbit.x * fudge);
- linitorbit.y = (long)(initorbit.y * fudge);
- }
- resuming = (calc_status == 2);
- if (!resuming) /* free resume_info memory if any is hanging around */
- {
- end_resume();
- if (resave_flag) {
- updatesavename(savename); /* do the pending increment */
- resave_flag = started_resaves = 0;
- }
- calctime = 0;
- }
- if (curfractalspecific->calctype != StandardFractal
- && curfractalspecific->calctype != calcmand
- && curfractalspecific->calctype != calcmandfp
- && curfractalspecific->calctype != lyapunov
- && curfractalspecific->calctype != calcfroth)
- {
- calctype = curfractalspecific->calctype; /* per_image can override */
- symmetry = curfractalspecific->symmetry; /* calctype & symmetry */
- plot = putcolor; /* defaults when setsymmetry not called or does nothing */
- iystart = ixstart = yystart = xxstart = yybegin = 0;
- iystop = yystop = ydots -1;
- ixstop = xxstop = xdots -1;
- calc_status = 1; /* mark as in-progress */
- distest = 0; /* only standard escape time engine supports distest */
- /* per_image routine is run here */
- if (curfractalspecific->per_image())
- { /* not a stand-alone */
- /* next two lines in case periodicity changed */
- closenuff = ddelmin*pow(2.0,-(double)(abs(periodicitycheck)));
- lclosenuff = (long)(closenuff * fudge); /* "close enough" value */
- setsymmetry(symmetry,0);
- timer(0,calctype); /* non-standard fractal engine */
- }
- if (check_key())
- {
- if (calc_status == 1) /* calctype didn't set this itself, */
- calc_status = 3; /* so mark it interrupted, non-resumable */
- }
- else
- calc_status = 4; /* no key, so assume it completed */
- }
- else /* standard escape-time engine */
- {
- if(stdcalcmode == '3') /* convoluted 'g' + '2' hybrid */
- {
- int oldcalcmode;
- oldcalcmode = stdcalcmode;
- if(!resuming || three_pass)
- {
- stdcalcmode = 'g';
- three_pass = 1;
- timer(0,(int(*)())perform_worklist);
- if(calc_status == 4)
- {
- if(xdots >= 640) /* '2' is silly after 'g' for low rez */
- stdcalcmode = '2';
- else
- stdcalcmode = '1';
- timer(0,(int(*)())perform_worklist);
- three_pass = 0;
- }
- }
- else /* resuming '2' pass */
- {
- if(xdots >= 640)
- stdcalcmode = '2';
- else
- stdcalcmode = '1';
- timer(0,(int(*)())perform_worklist);
- }
- stdcalcmode = (char)oldcalcmode;
- }
- else /* main case, much nicer! */
- {
- three_pass = 0;
- timer(0,(int(*)())perform_worklist);
- }
- }
- calctime += timer_interval;
- if(LogTable)
- {
- if(!logtable_in_extra_ok())
- farmemfree(LogTable); /* free if not using extraseg */
- LogTable = NULL;
- }
- if(typespecific_workarea)
- {
- free_workarea();
- }
- if (curfractalspecific->calctype == calcfroth)
- froth_cleanup();
- return((calc_status == 4) ? 0 : -1);
- }
- /* locate alternate math record */
- int find_alternate_math(int type, int math)
- {
- int i,ret,curtype /* ,curmath=0 */;
- /* unsigned umath; */
- ret = -1;
- if(math==0)
- return(ret);
- i= -1;
- #if 0 /* for now at least, the only alternatemath is bignum and bigflt math */
- umath = math;
- umath <<= 14; /* BF_MATH or DL_MATH */
- /* this depends on last two bits of flags */
- if(fractalspecific[type].flags & umath)
- {
- while(((curtype=alternatemath[++i].type ) != type
- || (curmath=alternatemath[i].math) != math) && curtype != -1);
- if(curtype == type && curmath == math)
- ret = i;
- }
- #else
- while ((curtype=alternatemath[++i].type) != type && curtype != -1)
- ;
- if(curtype == type && alternatemath[i].math)
- ret = i;
- #endif
- return(ret);
- }
- /**************** general escape-time engine routines *********************/
- static void perform_worklist()
- {
- int (*sv_orbitcalc)(void) = NULL; /* function that calculates one orbit */
- int (*sv_per_pixel)(void) = NULL; /* once-per-pixel init */
- int (*sv_per_image)(void) = NULL; /* once-per-image setup */
- int i, alt;
- if((alt=find_alternate_math(fractype,bf_math)) > -1)
- {
- sv_orbitcalc = curfractalspecific->orbitcalc;
- sv_per_pixel = curfractalspecific->per_pixel;
- sv_per_image = curfractalspecific->per_image;
- curfractalspecific->orbitcalc = alternatemath[alt].orbitcalc;
- curfractalspecific->per_pixel = alternatemath[alt].per_pixel;
- curfractalspecific->per_image = alternatemath[alt].per_image;
- }
- else
- bf_math = 0;
- if (potflag && pot16bit)
- {
- int tmpcalcmode = stdcalcmode;
- stdcalcmode = '1'; /* force 1 pass */
- if (resuming == 0)
- if (pot_startdisk() < 0)
- {
- pot16bit = 0; /* startdisk failed or cancelled */
- stdcalcmode = (char)tmpcalcmode; /* maybe we can carry on??? */
- }
- }
- if (stdcalcmode == 'b' && (curfractalspecific->flags & NOTRACE))
- stdcalcmode = '1';
- if (stdcalcmode == 'g' && (curfractalspecific->flags & NOGUESS))
- stdcalcmode = '1';
- /* default setup a new worklist */
- num_worklist = 1;
- worklist[0].xxstart = 0;
- worklist[0].yystart = worklist[0].yybegin = 0;
- worklist[0].xxstop = xdots - 1;
- worklist[0].yystop = ydots - 1;
- worklist[0].pass = worklist[0].sym = 0;
- if (resuming) /* restore worklist, if we can't the above will stay in place */
- {
- start_resume();
- get_resume(sizeof(int),&num_worklist,sizeof(worklist),worklist,0);
- end_resume();
- }
- if (distest) /* setup stuff for distance estimator */
- {
- double ftemp,ftemp2,delxx,delyy2,delyy,delxx2,dxsize,dysize;
- double aspect;
- if(pseudox && pseudoy)
- {
- aspect = (double)pseudoy/(double)pseudox;
- dxsize = pseudox-1;
- dysize = pseudoy-1;
- }
- else
- {
- aspect = (double)ydots/(double)xdots;
- dxsize = xdots-1;
- dysize = ydots-1;
- }
- delxx = (xxmax - xx3rd) / dxsize; /* calculate stepsizes */
- delyy = (yymax - yy3rd) / dysize;
- delxx2 = (xx3rd - xxmin) / dysize;
- delyy2 = (yy3rd - yymin) / dxsize;
- if (save_release < 1827) /* in case it's changed with <G> */
- use_old_distest = 1;
- else
- use_old_distest = 0;
- rqlim = rqlim_save; /* just in case changed to DEM_BAILOUT earlier */
- if (distest != 1 || colors == 2) /* not doing regular outside colors */
- if (rqlim < DEM_BAILOUT) /* so go straight for dem bailout */
- rqlim = DEM_BAILOUT;
- if (curfractalspecific->tojulia != NOFRACTAL || use_old_distest
- || fractype == FORMULA || fractype == FFORMULA)
- dem_mandel = 1; /* must be mandel type, formula, or old PAR/GIF */
- else
- dem_mandel = 0;
- dem_delta = sqr(delxx) + sqr(delyy2);
- if ((ftemp = sqr(delyy) + sqr(delxx2)) > dem_delta)
- dem_delta = ftemp;
- if (distestwidth == 0)
- distestwidth = 1;
- ftemp = distestwidth;
- if (distestwidth > 0)
- dem_delta *= sqr(ftemp)/10000; /* multiply by thickness desired */
- else
- dem_delta *= 1/(sqr(ftemp)*10000); /* multiply by thickness desired */
- dem_width = ( sqrt( sqr(xxmax-xxmin) + sqr(xx3rd-xxmin) ) * aspect
- + sqrt( sqr(yymax-yymin) + sqr(yy3rd-yymin) ) ) / distest;
- ftemp = (rqlim < DEM_BAILOUT) ? DEM_BAILOUT : rqlim;
- ftemp += 3; /* bailout plus just a bit */
- ftemp2 = log(ftemp);
- if(use_old_distest)
- dem_toobig = sqr(ftemp) * sqr(ftemp2) * 4 / dem_delta;
- else
- dem_toobig = fabs(ftemp) * fabs(ftemp2) * 2 / sqrt(dem_delta);
- }
- while (num_worklist > 0)
- {
- /* per_image can override */
- calctype = curfractalspecific->calctype;
- symmetry = curfractalspecific->symmetry; /* calctype & symmetry */
- plot = putcolor; /* defaults when setsymmetry not called or does nothing */
- /* pull top entry off worklist */
- ixstart = xxstart = worklist[0].xxstart;
- ixstop = xxstop = worklist[0].xxstop;
- iystart = yystart = worklist[0].yystart;
- iystop = yystop = worklist[0].yystop;
- yybegin = worklist[0].yybegin;
- workpass = worklist[0].pass;
- worksym = worklist[0].sym;
- --num_worklist;
- for (i=0; i<num_worklist; ++i)
- worklist[i] = worklist[i+1];
- calc_status = 1; /* mark as in-progress */
- curfractalspecific->per_image();
- if(showdot > 0)
- {
- calctypetmp = calctype;
- calctype = calctypeshowdot;
- }
- /* some common initialization for escape-time pixel level routines */
- closenuff = ddelmin*pow(2.0,-(double)(abs(periodicitycheck)));
- lclosenuff = (long)(closenuff * fudge); /* "close enough" value */
- kbdcount=max_kbdcount;
- setsymmetry(symmetry,1);
- /* added for testing autologmap() */
- if (!(resuming)&&(abs(LogFlag) ==2))
- { /* calculate round screen edges to work out best start for logmap */
- LogFlag = ( autologmap() * (LogFlag / abs(LogFlag)));
- SetupLogTable();
- }
- /* call the appropriate escape-time engine */
- switch (stdcalcmode)
- {
- case 't':
- tesseral();
- break;
- case 'b':
- bound_trace_main();
- break;
- case 'g':
- solidguess();
- break;
- default:
- OneOrTwoPass();
- }
- if (check_key()) /* interrupted? */
- break;
- }
- if (num_worklist > 0)
- { /* interrupted, resumable */
- alloc_resume(sizeof(worklist)+10,1);
- put_resume(sizeof(int),&num_worklist,sizeof(worklist),worklist,0);
- }
- else
- calc_status = 4; /* completed */
- if(sv_orbitcalc != NULL)
- {
- curfractalspecific->orbitcalc = sv_orbitcalc;
- curfractalspecific->per_pixel = sv_per_pixel;
- curfractalspecific->per_image = sv_per_image;
- }
- }
- #if (_MSC_VER >= 700)
- #pragma code_seg () /* back to normal segment */
- #endif
- static int OneOrTwoPass(void)
- {
- int i;
- totpasses = 1;
- if (stdcalcmode == '2') totpasses = 2;
- if (stdcalcmode == '2' && workpass == 0) /* do 1st pass of two */
- {
- if (StandardCalc(1) == -1)
- {
- add_worklist(xxstart,xxstop,yystart,yystop,row,0,worksym);
- return(-1);
- }
- if (num_worklist > 0) /* worklist not empty, defer 2nd pass */
- {
- add_worklist(xxstart,xxstop,yystart,yystop,yystart,1,worksym);
- return(0);
- }
- workpass = 1;
- yybegin = yystart;
- }
- /* second or only pass */
- if (StandardCalc(2) == -1)
- {
- i = yystop;
- if (iystop != yystop) /* must be due to symmetry */
- i -= row - iystart;
- add_worklist(xxstart,xxstop,row,i,row,workpass,worksym);
- return(-1);
- }
- return(0);
- }
- static int _fastcall StandardCalc(int passnum)
- {
- got_status = 0;
- curpass = passnum;
- row = yybegin;
- while (row <= iystop)
- {
- currow = row;
- reset_periodicity = 1;
- col = ixstart;
- while (col <= ixstop)
- {
- /* on 2nd pass of two, skip even pts */
- if (passnum == 1 || stdcalcmode == '1' || (row&1) != 0 || (col&1) != 0)
- {
- if ((*calctype)() == -1) /* StandardFractal(), calcmand() or calcmandfp() */
- return(-1); /* interrupted */
- reset_periodicity = 0;
- if (passnum == 1) /* first pass, copy pixel and bump col */
- {
- if ((row&1) == 0 && row < iystop)
- {
- (*plot)(col,row+1,color);
- if ((col&1) == 0 && col < ixstop)
- (*plot)(col+1,row+1,color);
- }
- if ((col&1) == 0 && col < ixstop)
- (*plot)(++col,row,color);
- }
- }
- ++col;
- }
- if (passnum == 1 && (row&1) == 0)
- ++row;
- ++row;
- }
- return(0);
- }
- int calcmand(void) /* fast per pixel 1/2/b/g, called with row & col set */
- {
- /* setup values from far array to avoid using es reg in calcmand.asm */
- linitx = lx0[col] + lx1[row];
- linity = ly0[row] + ly1[col];
- if (calcmandasm() >= 0)
- {
- if (LogTable /* map color, but not if maxit & adjusted for inside,etc */
- && (realcoloriter < maxit || (inside < 0 && coloriter == maxit)))
- coloriter = LogTable[(int)min(coloriter, MaxLTSize)];
- color = abs((int)coloriter);
- if (coloriter >= colors) /* don't use color 0 unless from inside/outside */
- if (colors < 16)
- color &= andcolor;
- else
- color = ((color - 1) % andcolor) + 1; /* skip color zero */
- if(debugflag != 470)
- if(color <= 0 && stdcalcmode == 'b' ) /* fix BTM bug */
- color = 1;
- (*plot) (col, row, color);
- }
- else
- color = (int)coloriter;
- return (color);
- }
- /************************************************************************/
- /* added by Wes Loewer - sort of a floating point version of calcmand() */
- /* can also handle invert, any rqlim, potflag, zmag, epsilon cross, */
- /* and all the current outside options -Wes Loewer 11/03/91 */
- /************************************************************************/
- int calcmandfp(void)
- {
- if(invert)
- invertz2(&init);
- else
- {
- init.y = dy0[row]+dy1[col];
- init.x = dx0[col]+dx1[row];
- }
- if (calcmandfpasm() >= 0)
- {
- if (potflag)
- coloriter = potential(magnitude, realcoloriter);
- if (LogTable /* map color, but not if maxit & adjusted for inside,etc */
- && (realcoloriter < maxit || (inside < 0 && coloriter == maxit)))
- coloriter = LogTable[(int)min(coloriter, MaxLTSize)];
- color = abs((int)coloriter);
- if (coloriter >= colors) /* don't use color 0 unless from inside/outside */
- if (colors < 16)
- color &= andcolor;
- else
- color = ((color - 1) % andcolor) + 1; /* skip color zero */
- if(debugflag != 470)
- if(color == 0 && stdcalcmode == 'b' ) /* fix BTM bug */
- color = 1;
- (*plot) (col, row, color);
- }
- else
- color = (int)coloriter;
- return (color);
- }
- #define STARTRAILMAX FLT_MAX /* just a convenient large number */
- #define green 2
- #define yellow 6
- #if 0
- #define NUMSAVED 40 /* define this to save periodicity analysis to file */
- #endif
- #if 0
- #define MINSAVEDAND 3 /* if not defined, old method used */
- #endif
- int StandardFractal(void) /* per pixel 1/2/b/g, called with row & col set */
- {
- #ifdef NUMSAVED
- _CMPLX savedz[NUMSAVED];
- long caught[NUMSAVED];
- long changed[NUMSAVED];
- int zctr = 0;
- #endif
- long savemaxit;
- double tantable[16];
- int hooper = 0;
- double close;
- long lclose;
- long cyclelen = -1;
- long savedcoloriter = 0;
- int caught_a_cycle;
- long savedand;
- int savedincr; /* for periodicity checking */
- _LCMPLX lsaved;
- int i, attracted;
- _LCMPLX lat;
- _CMPLX at;
- _CMPLX deriv;
- long dem_color = -1;
- _CMPLX dem_new;
- int dem_overflow_flag = 0;
- close = .01;
- lclose = (long)(close*fudge);
- savemaxit = maxit;
- #ifdef NUMSAVED
- for(i=0;i<NUMSAVED;i++)
- {
- caught[i] = 0L;
- changed[i] = 0L;
- }
- #endif
- if(inside == STARTRAIL)
- {
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<16;i++)
- tantable[i] = 0.0;
- maxit = 16;
- }
- if (periodicitycheck == 0 || inside == ZMAG || inside == STARTRAIL)
- oldcoloriter = 2147483647L; /* don't check periodicity at all */
- else if (inside == PERIOD) /* for display-periodicity */
- oldcoloriter = (maxit/5)*4; /* don't check until nearly done */
- else if (reset_periodicity)
- oldcoloriter = 255; /* don't check periodicity 1st 250 iterations */
- /* Jonathan - how about this idea ? skips first saved value which never works */
- if(oldcoloriter < MINSAVEDAND)
- oldcoloriter = MINSAVEDAND;
- #else
- if (oldcoloriter < firstsavedand) /* I like it! */
- oldcoloriter = firstsavedand;
- #endif
- /* really fractal specific, but we'll leave it here */
- if (!integerfractal)
- {
- if (useinitorbit == 1)
- saved = initorbit;
- else {
- saved.x = 0;
- saved.y = 0;
- }
- #ifdef NUMSAVED
- savedz[zctr++] = saved;
- #endif
- if(bf_math)
- {
- if(decimals > 200)
- kbdcount = -1;
- if (bf_math == BIGNUM)
- {
- clear_bn(bnsaved.x);
- clear_bn(bnsaved.y);
- }
- else if (bf_math == BIGFLT)
- {
- clear_bf(bfsaved.x);
- clear_bf(bfsaved.y);
- }
- }
- init.y = dy0[row] + dy1[col];
- if (distest)
- {
- if (use_old_distest) {
- rqlim = rqlim_save;
- if (distest != 1 || colors == 2) /* not doing regular outside colors */
- if (rqlim < DEM_BAILOUT) /* so go straight for dem bailout */
- rqlim = DEM_BAILOUT;
- dem_color = -1;
- }
- dem_overflow_flag = 0;
- deriv.x = 1;
- deriv.y = 0;
- magnitude = 0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (useinitorbit == 1)
- lsaved = linitorbit;
- else {
- lsaved.x = 0;
- lsaved.y = 0;
- }
- linit.y = ly0[row] + ly1[col];
- }
- orbit_ptr = 0;
- coloriter = 0;
- if(fractype==JULIAFP || fractype==JULIA)
- coloriter = -1;
- caught_a_cycle = 0;
- if (inside == PERIOD) {
- savedand = 16; /* begin checking every 16th cycle */
- } else {
- /* Jonathan - don't understand such a low savedand -- how about this? */
- savedand = MINSAVEDAND;
- #else
- savedand = firstsavedand; /* begin checking every other cycle */
- #endif
- }
- savedincr = 1; /* start checking the very first time */
- if (inside <= BOF60 && inside >= BOF61)
- {
- magnitude = lmagnitud = 0;
- min_orbit = 100000.0;
- }
- overflow = 0; /* reset integer math overflow flag */
- curfractalspecific->per_pixel(); /* initialize the calculations */
- attracted = FALSE;
- while (++coloriter < maxit)
- {
- /* calculation of one orbit goes here */
- /* input in "old" -- output in "new" */
- if (coloriter % 2048 == 0)
- if (check_key())
- return (-1);
- if (distest)
- {
- double ftemp;
- /* Distance estimator for points near Mandelbrot set */
- /* Original code by Phil Wilson, hacked around by PB */
- /* Algorithms from Peitgen & Saupe, Science of Fractal Images, p.198 */
- if (dem_mandel)
- ftemp = 2 * (old.x * deriv.x - old.y * deriv.y) + 1;
- else
- ftemp = 2 * (old.x * deriv.x - old.y * deriv.y);
- deriv.y = 2 * (old.y * deriv.x + old.x * deriv.y);
- deriv.x = ftemp;
- if (use_old_distest)
- if (sqr(deriv.x)+sqr(deriv.y) > dem_toobig) {
- dem_overflow_flag = 1;
- break;
- }
- else
- if (max(fabs(deriv.x),fabs(deriv.y)) > dem_toobig) {
- dem_overflow_flag = 1;
- break;
- }
- /* if above exit taken, the later test vs dem_delta will place this
- point on the boundary, because mag(old)<bailout just now */
- if (curfractalspecific->orbitcalc() || overflow)
- {
- if (use_old_distest) {
- if (dem_color < 0) {
- dem_color = coloriter;
- dem_new = new;
- }
- if (rqlim >= DEM_BAILOUT
- || magnitude >= (rqlim = DEM_BAILOUT)
- || magnitude == 0)
- break;
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- old = new;
- }
- /* the usual case */
- else if ((curfractalspecific->orbitcalc() && inside != STARTRAIL)
- || overflow)
- break;
- if (show_orbit)
- if (!integerfractal)
- {
- if (bf_math == BIGNUM)
- new = cmplxbntofloat(&bnnew);
- else if (bf_math==BIGFLT)
- new = cmplxbftofloat(&bfnew);
- plot_orbit(new.x, new.y, -1);
- }
- else
- iplot_orbit(lnew.x, lnew.y, -1);
- if( inside < -1)
- {
- if (bf_math == BIGNUM)
- new = cmplxbntofloat(&bnnew);
- else if (bf_math == BIGFLT)
- new = cmplxbftofloat(&bfnew);
- if(inside == STARTRAIL)
- {
- if(0 < coloriter && coloriter < 16)
- {
- if (integerfractal)
- {
- new.x = lnew.x;
- new.x /= fudge;
- new.y = lnew.y;
- new.y /= fudge;
- }
- if(new.x > STARTRAILMAX)
- if(new.x < -STARTRAILMAX)
- new.x = -STARTRAILMAX;
- if(new.y > STARTRAILMAX)
- if(new.y < -STARTRAILMAX)
- new.y = -STARTRAILMAX;
- tempsqrx = new.x * new.x;
- tempsqry = new.y * new.y;
- magnitude = tempsqrx + tempsqry;
- old = new;
- {
- int tmpcolor;
- tmpcolor = abs((int)coloriter);
- tantable[tmpcolor-1] = new.y/(new.x+.000001);
- }
- }
- }
- else if(inside == EPSCROSS)
- {
- hooper = 0;
- if(integerfractal)
- {
- if(labs(lnew.x) < lclose)
- {
- hooper = 1; /* close to y axis */
- goto plot_inside;
- }
- else if(labs(lnew.y) < lclose)
- {
- hooper = 2; /* close to x axis */
- goto plot_inside;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(fabs(new.x) < close)
- {
- hooper = 1; /* close to y axis */
- goto plot_inside;
- }
- else if(fabs(new.y) < close)
- {
- hooper = 2; /* close to x axis */
- goto plot_inside;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (inside <= BOF60 && inside >= BOF61)
- {
- if (integerfractal)
- {
- if (lmagnitud == 0 || no_mag_calc == 0)
- lmagnitud = lsqr(lnew.x) + lsqr(lnew.y);
- magnitude = lmagnitud;
- magnitude = magnitude / fudge;
- }
- else
- if (magnitude == 0.0 || no_mag_calc == 0)
- magnitude = sqr(new.x) + sqr(new.y);
- if (magnitude < min_orbit)
- {
- min_orbit = magnitude;
- min_index = coloriter + 1;
- }
- }
- }
- if (attractors > 0) /* finite attractor in the list */
- { /* NOTE: Integer code is UNTESTED */
- if (integerfractal)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < attractors; i++)
- {
- lat.x = lnew.x - lattr[i].x;
- lat.x = lsqr(lat.x);
- if (lat.x < l_at_rad)
- {
- lat.y = lnew.y - lattr[i].y;
- lat.y = lsqr(lat.y);
- if (lat.y < l_at_rad)
- {
- if ((lat.x + lat.y) < l_at_rad)
- {
- attracted = TRUE;
- if (finattract<0) coloriter = (coloriter%attrperiod[i])+1;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (i = 0; i < attractors; i++)
- {
- at.x = new.x - attr[i].x;
- at.x = sqr(at.x);
- if (at.x < f_at_rad)
- {
- at.y = new.y - attr[i].y;
- at.y = sqr(at.y);
- if ( at.y < f_at_rad)
- {
- if ((at.x + at.y) < f_at_rad)
- {
- attracted = TRUE;
- if (finattract<0) coloriter = (coloriter%attrperiod[i])+1;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (attracted)
- break; /* AHA! Eaten by an attractor */
- }
- if (coloriter > oldcoloriter) /* check periodicity */
- {
- if ((coloriter & savedand) == 0) /* time to save a new value */
- {
- savedcoloriter = coloriter;
- if (integerfractal)
- lsaved = lnew;/* integer fractals */
- else if (bf_math == BIGNUM)
- {
- copy_bn(bnsaved.x,bnnew.x);
- copy_bn(bnsaved.y,bnnew.y);
- }
- else if (bf_math == BIGFLT)
- {
- copy_bf(bfsaved.x,bfnew.x);
- copy_bf(bfsaved.y,bfnew.y);
- }
- else
- {
- saved = new; /* floating pt fractals */
- #ifdef NUMSAVED
- if(zctr < NUMSAVED)
- {
- changed[zctr] = coloriter;
- savedz[zctr++] = saved;
- }
- #endif
- }
- if (--savedincr == 0) /* time to lengthen the periodicity? */
- {
- savedand = (savedand << 1) + 1; /* longer periodicity */
- savedincr = nextsavedincr;/* restart counter */
- }
- }
- else /* check against an old save */
- {
- if (integerfractal) /* floating-pt periodicity chk */
- {
- if (labs(lsaved.x - lnew.x) < lclosenuff)
- if (labs(lsaved.y - lnew.y) < lclosenuff)
- caught_a_cycle = 1;
- }
- else if (bf_math == BIGNUM)
- {
- if (cmp_bn(abs_a_bn(sub_bn(bntmp,bnsaved.x,bnnew.x)), bnclosenuff) < 0)
- if (cmp_bn(abs_a_bn(sub_bn(bntmp,bnsaved.y,bnnew.y)), bnclosenuff) < 0)
- caught_a_cycle = 1;
- }
- else if (bf_math == BIGFLT)
- {
- if (cmp_bf(abs_a_bf(sub_bf(bftmp,bfsaved.x,bfnew.x)), bfclosenuff) < 0)
- if (cmp_bn(abs_a_bf(sub_bf(bftmp,bfsaved.y,bfnew.y)), bfclosenuff) < 0)
- caught_a_cycle = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- if (fabs(saved.x - new.x) < closenuff)
- if (fabs(saved.y - new.y) < closenuff)
- caught_a_cycle = 1;
- #ifdef NUMSAVED
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<=zctr;i++)
- {
- if(caught[i] == 0)
- {
- if (fabs(savedz[i].x - new.x) < closenuff)
- if (fabs(savedz[i].y - new.y) < closenuff)
- caught[i] = coloriter;
- }
- }
- #endif
- }
- if(caught_a_cycle)
- {
- #ifdef NUMSAVED
- char msg[80];
- static FILE *fp = NULL;
- static char c;
- if(fp==NULL)
- fp = dir_fopen(workdir,"cycles.txt","w");
- #endif
- cyclelen = coloriter-savedcoloriter;
- #ifdef NUMSAVED
- fprintf(fp,"row %3d col %3d len %6ld iter %6ld savedand %6ld\n",
- row,col,cyclelen,coloriter,savedand);
- if(zctr > 1 && zctr < NUMSAVED)
- {
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<zctr;i++)
- fprintf(fp," caught %2d saved %6ld iter %6ld\n",i,changed[i],caught[i]);
- }
- fflush(fp);
- #endif
- coloriter = maxit - 1;
- }
- }
- }
- } /* end while (coloriter++ < maxit) */
- if (show_orbit)
- scrub_orbit();
- realcoloriter = coloriter; /* save this before we start adjusting it */
- if (coloriter >= maxit)
- oldcoloriter = 0; /* check periodicity immediately next time */
- else
- {
- oldcoloriter = coloriter + 10; /* check when past this + 10 next time */
- if (coloriter == 0)
- coloriter = 1; /* needed to make same as calcmand */
- }
- if (potflag)
- {
- if (integerfractal) /* adjust integer fractals */
- {
- new.x = ((double)lnew.x) / fudge;
- new.y = ((double)lnew.y) / fudge;
- }
- else if (bf_math==BIGNUM)
- {
- new.x = (double)bntofloat(bnnew.x);
- new.y = (double)bntofloat(bnnew.y);
- }
- else if (bf_math==BIGFLT)
- {
- new.x = (double)bftofloat(bfnew.x);
- new.y = (double)bftofloat(bfnew.y);
- }
- magnitude = sqr(new.x) + sqr(new.y);
- coloriter = potential(magnitude, coloriter);
- if (LogTable)
- coloriter = LogTable[(int)min(coloriter, MaxLTSize)];
- goto plot_pixel; /* skip any other adjustments */
- }
- if (coloriter >= maxit) /* an "inside" point */
- goto plot_inside; /* distest, decomp, biomorph don't apply */
- if (outside < -1) /* these options by Richard Hughes modified by TW */
- {
- if (integerfractal)
- {
- new.x = ((double)lnew.x) / fudge;
- new.y = ((double)lnew.y) / fudge;
- }
- else if(bf_math==1)
- {
- new.x = (double)bntofloat(bnnew.x);
- new.y = (double)bntofloat(bnnew.y);
- }
- /* Add 7 to overcome negative values on the MANDEL */
- if (outside == REAL) /* "real" */
- coloriter += (long)new.x + 7;
- else if (outside == IMAG) /* "imag" */
- coloriter += (long)new.y + 7;
- else if (outside == MULT && new.y) /* "mult" */
- coloriter = (long)((double)coloriter * (new.x/new.y));
- else if (outside == SUM) /* "sum" */
- coloriter += (long)(new.x + new.y);
- else if (outside == ATAN) /* "atan" */
- coloriter = (long)fabs(atan2(new.y,new.x)*180.0/PI);
- /* eliminate negative colors & wrap arounds */
- if (coloriter < 0 || coloriter > maxit)
- coloriter = 0;
- }
- if (distest)
- {
- double dist,temp;
- if (magnitude == 0)
- magnitude = sqr(new.x) + sqr(new.y);
- if (dem_overflow_flag || magnitude == 0)
- dist = 0;
- else {
- temp = log(magnitude);
- dist = magnitude * sqr(temp) / ( sqr(deriv.x) + sqr(deriv.y) );
- }
- if (dist < dem_delta) /* point is on the edge */
- {
- if (distest > 0)
- goto plot_inside; /* show it as an inside point */
- coloriter = 0 - distest; /* show boundary as specified color */
- goto plot_pixel; /* no further adjustments apply */
- }
- if (colors == 2)
- {
- coloriter = !inside; /* the only useful distest 2 color use */
- goto plot_pixel; /* no further adjustments apply */
- }
- if (distest > 1) /* pick color based on distance */
- {
- if (old_demm_colors) /* this one is needed for old color scheme */
- coloriter = (long)sqrt(sqrt(dist) / dem_width + 1);
- else if (use_old_distest)
- coloriter = (long)sqrt(dist / dem_width + 1);
- else
- coloriter = (long)(dist / dem_width + 1);
- coloriter &= LONG_MAX; /* oops - color can be negative */
- goto plot_pixel; /* no further adjustments apply */
- }
- if (use_old_distest) {
- coloriter = dem_color;
- new = dem_new;
- }
- /* use pixel's "regular" color */
- }
- if (decomp[0] > 0)
- decomposition();
- else if (biomorph != -1)
- {
- if (integerfractal)
- {
- if (labs(lnew.x) < llimit2 || labs(lnew.y) < llimit2)
- coloriter = biomorph;
- }
- else
- if (fabs(new.x) < rqlim2 || fabs(new.y) < rqlim2)
- coloriter = biomorph;
- }
- if (outside >= 0 && attracted == FALSE) /* merge escape-time stripes */
- coloriter = outside;
- else if (LogTable)
- coloriter = LogTable[(int)min(coloriter, MaxLTSize)];
- goto plot_pixel;
- plot_inside: /* we're "inside" */
- if (periodicitycheck < 0 && caught_a_cycle)
- coloriter = 7; /* show periodicity */
- else if (inside >= 0)
- coloriter = inside; /* set to specified color, ignore logpal */
- else
- {
- if(inside == STARTRAIL)
- {
- int i;
- double diff;
- coloriter = 0;
- for(i=1;i<16;i++)
- {
- diff = tantable[0] - tantable[i];
- if(fabs(diff) < .05)
- {
- coloriter = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else if(inside== PERIOD) {
- if (cyclelen>0) {
- coloriter = cyclelen;
- } else {
- coloriter = maxit;
- }
- }
- else if(inside == EPSCROSS)
- {
- if(hooper==1)
- coloriter = green;
- else if(hooper==2)
- coloriter = yellow;
- else
- coloriter = maxit;
- if (show_orbit)
- scrub_orbit();
- }
- else if (inside == BOF60)
- coloriter = (long)(sqrt(min_orbit) * 75);
- else if (inside == BOF61)
- coloriter = min_index;
- else if (inside == ZMAG)
- {
- if (integerfractal)
- {
- /*
- new.x = ((double)lnew.x) / fudge;
- new.y = ((double)lnew.y) / fudge;
- */
- coloriter = (long)((((double)lsqr(lnew.x))/fudge + ((double)lsqr(lnew.y))/fudge) * (maxit>>1) + 1);
- }
- else
- coloriter = (long)((sqr(new.x) + sqr(new.y)) * (maxit>>1) + 1);
- }
- else /* inside == -1 */
- coloriter = maxit;
- if (LogTable)
- coloriter = LogTable[(int)min(coloriter, MaxLTSize)];
- }
- plot_pixel:
- color = abs((int)coloriter);
- if (coloriter >= colors) /* don't use color 0 unless from inside/outside */
- if (colors < 16)
- color &= andcolor;
- else
- color = ((color - 1) % andcolor) + 1; /* skip color zero */
- if(debugflag != 470)
- if(color <= 0 && stdcalcmode == 'b' ) /* fix BTM bug */
- color = 1;
- (*plot) (col, row, color);
- maxit = savemaxit;
- if ((kbdcount -= abs((int)realcoloriter)) <= 0)
- {
- if (check_key())
- return (-1);
- kbdcount = max_kbdcount;
- }
- return (color);
- }
- #undef green
- #undef yellow
- #define cos45 sin45
- #define lcos45 lsin45
- /**************** standardfractal doodad subroutines *********************/
- static void decomposition(void)
- {
- /* static double cos45 = 0.70710678118654750; */ /* cos 45 degrees */
- static double sin45 = 0.70710678118654750; /* sin 45 degrees */
- static double cos22_5 = 0.92387953251128670; /* cos 22.5 degrees */
- static double sin22_5 = 0.38268343236508980; /* sin 22.5 degrees */
- static double cos11_25 = 0.98078528040323040; /* cos 11.25 degrees */
- static double sin11_25 = 0.19509032201612820; /* sin 11.25 degrees */
- static double cos5_625 = 0.99518472667219690; /* cos 5.625 degrees */
- static double sin5_625 = 0.09801714032956060; /* sin 5.625 degrees */
- static double tan22_5 = 0.41421356237309500; /* tan 22.5 degrees */
- static double tan11_25 = 0.19891236737965800; /* tan 11.25 degrees */
- static double tan5_625 = 0.09849140335716425; /* tan 5.625 degrees */
- static double tan2_8125 = 0.04912684976946725; /* tan 2.8125 degrees */
- static double tan1_4063 = 0.02454862210892544; /* tan 1.4063 degrees */
- /* static long lcos45 ;*/ /* cos 45 degrees */
- static long lsin45 ; /* sin 45 degrees */
- static long lcos22_5 ; /* cos 22.5 degrees */
- static long lsin22_5 ; /* sin 22.5 degrees */
- static long lcos11_25 ; /* cos 11.25 degrees */
- static long lsin11_25 ; /* sin 11.25 degrees */
- static long lcos5_625 ; /* cos 5.625 degrees */
- static long lsin5_625 ; /* sin 5.625 degrees */
- static long ltan22_5 ; /* tan 22.5 degrees */
- static long ltan11_25 ; /* tan 11.25 degrees */
- static long ltan5_625 ; /* tan 5.625 degrees */
- static long ltan2_8125 ; /* tan 2.8125 degrees */
- static long ltan1_4063 ; /* tan 1.4063 degrees */
- static long reset_fudge = -1;
- int temp = 0;
- int save_temp = 0;
- int i;
- _LCMPLX lalt;
- _CMPLX alt;
- coloriter = 0;
- if (integerfractal) /* the only case */
- {
- if (reset_fudge != fudge)
- {
- reset_fudge = fudge;
- /* lcos45 = (long)(cos45 * fudge); */
- lsin45 = (long)(sin45 * fudge);
- lcos22_5 = (long)(cos22_5 * fudge);
- lsin22_5 = (long)(sin22_5 * fudge);
- lcos11_25 = (long)(cos11_25 * fudge);
- lsin11_25 = (long)(sin11_25 * fudge);
- lcos5_625 = (long)(cos5_625 * fudge);
- lsin5_625 = (long)(sin5_625 * fudge);
- ltan22_5 = (long)(tan22_5 * fudge);
- ltan11_25 = (long)(tan11_25 * fudge);
- ltan5_625 = (long)(tan5_625 * fudge);
- ltan2_8125 = (long)(tan2_8125 * fudge);
- ltan1_4063 = (long)(tan1_4063 * fudge);
- }
- if (lnew.y < 0)
- {
- temp = 2;
- lnew.y = -lnew.y;
- }
- if (lnew.x < 0)
- {
- ++temp;
- lnew.x = -lnew.x;
- }
- if (decomp[0] == 2 && save_release >= 1827)
- {
- save_temp = temp;
- if(temp==2) save_temp = 3;
- if(temp==3) save_temp = 2;
- }
- if (decomp[0] >= 8)
- {
- temp <<= 1;
- if (lnew.x < lnew.y)
- {
- ++temp;
- lalt.x = lnew.x; /* just */
- lnew.x = lnew.y; /* swap */
- lnew.y = lalt.x; /* them */
- }
- if (decomp[0] >= 16)
- {
- temp <<= 1;
- if (multiply(lnew.x,ltan22_5,bitshift) < lnew.y)
- {
- ++temp;
- lalt = lnew;
- lnew.x = multiply(lalt.x,lcos45,bitshift) +
- multiply(lalt.y,lsin45,bitshift);
- lnew.y = multiply(lalt.x,lsin45,bitshift) -
- multiply(lalt.y,lcos45,bitshift);
- }
- if (decomp[0] >= 32)
- {
- temp <<= 1;
- if (multiply(lnew.x,ltan11_25,bitshift) < lnew.y)
- {
- ++temp;
- lalt = lnew;
- lnew.x = multiply(lalt.x,lcos22_5,bitshift) +
- multiply(lalt.y,lsin22_5,bitshift);
- lnew.y = multiply(lalt.x,lsin22_5,bitshift) -
- multiply(lalt.y,lcos22_5,bitshift);
- }
- if (decomp[0] >= 64)
- {
- temp <<= 1;
- if (multiply(lnew.x,ltan5_625,bitshift) < lnew.y)
- {
- ++temp;
- lalt = lnew;
- lnew.x = multiply(lalt.x,lcos11_25,bitshift) +
- multiply(lalt.y,lsin11_25,bitshift);
- lnew.y = multiply(lalt.x,lsin11_25,bitshift) -
- multiply(lalt.y,lcos11_25,bitshift);
- }
- if (decomp[0] >= 128)
- {
- temp <<= 1;
- if (multiply(lnew.x,ltan2_8125,bitshift) < lnew.y)
- {
- ++temp;
- lalt = lnew;
- lnew.x = multiply(lalt.x,lcos5_625,bitshift) +
- multiply(lalt.y,lsin5_625,bitshift);
- lnew.y = multiply(lalt.x,lsin5_625,bitshift) -
- multiply(lalt.y,lcos5_625,bitshift);
- }
- if (decomp[0] == 256)
- {
- temp <<= 1;
- if (multiply(lnew.x,ltan1_4063,bitshift) < lnew.y)
- if ((lnew.x*ltan1_4063 < lnew.y))
- ++temp;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else /* double case */
- {
- if (new.y < 0)
- {
- temp = 2;
- new.y = -new.y;
- }
- if (new.x < 0)
- {
- ++temp;
- new.x = -new.x;
- }
- if (decomp[0] == 2 && save_release >= 1827)
- {
- save_temp = temp;
- if(temp==2) save_temp = 3;
- if(temp==3) save_temp = 2;
- }
- if (decomp[0] >= 8)
- {
- temp <<= 1;
- if (new.x < new.y)
- {
- ++temp;
- alt.x = new.x; /* just */
- new.x = new.y; /* swap */
- new.y = alt.x; /* them */
- }
- if (decomp[0] >= 16)
- {
- temp <<= 1;
- if (new.x*tan22_5 < new.y)
- {
- ++temp;
- alt = new;
- new.x = alt.x*cos45 + alt.y*sin45;
- new.y = alt.x*sin45 - alt.y*cos45;
- }
- if (decomp[0] >= 32)
- {
- temp <<= 1;
- if (new.x*tan11_25 < new.y)
- {
- ++temp;
- alt = new;
- new.x = alt.x*cos22_5 + alt.y*sin22_5;
- new.y = alt.x*sin22_5 - alt.y*cos22_5;
- }
- if (decomp[0] >= 64)
- {
- temp <<= 1;
- if (new.x*tan5_625 < new.y)
- {
- ++temp;
- alt = new;
- new.x = alt.x*cos11_25 + alt.y*sin11_25;
- new.y = alt.x*sin11_25 - alt.y*cos11_25;
- }
- if (decomp[0] >= 128)
- {
- temp <<= 1;
- if (new.x*tan2_8125 < new.y)
- {
- ++temp;
- alt = new;
- new.x = alt.x*cos5_625 + alt.y*sin5_625;
- new.y = alt.x*sin5_625 - alt.y*cos5_625;
- }
- if (decomp[0] == 256)
- {
- temp <<= 1;
- if ((new.x*tan1_4063 < new.y))
- ++temp;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- for (i = 1; temp > 0; ++i)
- {
- if (temp & 1)
- coloriter = (1 << i) - 1 - coloriter;
- temp >>= 1;
- }
- if (decomp[0] == 2 && save_release >= 1827) {
- if(save_temp & 2) coloriter = 1;
- else coloriter = 0;
- if (colors == 2)
- coloriter++;
- }
- else if (decomp[0] == 2 && save_release < 1827)
- coloriter &= 1;
- if (colors > decomp[0])
- coloriter++;
- }
- /******************************************************************/
- /* Continuous potential calculation for Mandelbrot and Julia */
- /* Reference: Science of Fractal Images p. 190. */
- /* Special thanks to Mark Peterson for his "MtMand" program that */
- /* beautifully approximates plate 25 (same reference) and spurred */
- /* on the inclusion of similar capabilities in FRACTINT. */
- /* */
- /* The purpose of this function is to calculate a color value */
- /* for a fractal that varies continuously with the screen pixels */
- /* locations for better rendering in 3D. */
- /* */
- /* Here "magnitude" is the modulus of the orbit value at */
- /* "iterations". The potparms[] are user-entered paramters */
- /* controlling the level and slope of the continuous potential */
- /* surface. Returns color. - Tim Wegner 6/25/89 */
- /* */
- /* -- Change history -- */
- /* */
- /* 09/12/89 - added floatflag support and fixed float underflow */
- /* */
- /******************************************************************/
- static int _fastcall potential(double mag, long iterations)
- {
- float f_mag,f_tmp,pot;
- double d_tmp;
- int i_pot;
- long l_pot;
- if(iterations < maxit)
- {
- pot = (float)(l_pot = iterations+2);
- if(l_pot <= 0 || mag <= 1.0)
- pot = (float)0.0;
- else /* pot = log(mag) / pow(2.0, (double)pot); */
- {
- if(l_pot < 120 && !floatflag) /* empirically determined limit of fShift */
- {
- f_mag = (float)mag;
- fLog14(f_mag,f_tmp); /* this SHOULD be non-negative */
- fShift(f_tmp,(char)-l_pot,pot);
- }
- else
- {
- d_tmp = log(mag)/(double)pow(2.0,(double)pot);
- if(d_tmp > FLT_MIN) /* prevent float type underflow */
- pot = (float)d_tmp;
- else
- pot = (float)0.0;
- }
- }
- /* following transformation strictly for aesthetic reasons */
- /* meaning of parameters:
- potparam[0] -- zero potential level - highest color -
- potparam[1] -- slope multiplier -- higher is steeper
- potparam[2] -- rqlim value if changeable (bailout for modulus) */
- if(pot > 0.0)
- {
- if(floatflag)
- pot = (float)sqrt((double)pot);
- else
- {
- fSqrt14(pot,f_tmp);
- pot = f_tmp;
- }
- pot = (float)(potparam[0] - pot*potparam[1] - 1.0);
- }
- else
- pot = (float)(potparam[0] - 1.0);
- if(pot < 1.0)
- pot = (float)1.0; /* avoid color 0 */
- }
- else if(inside >= 0)
- pot = inside;
- else /* inside < 0 implies inside=maxit, so use 1st pot param instead */
- pot = (float)potparam[0];
- i_pot = (int)((l_pot = (long)(pot * 256)) >> 8);
- if(i_pot >= colors)
- {
- i_pot = colors - 1;
- l_pot = 255;
- }
- if(pot16bit)
- {
- if (dotmode != 11) /* if putcolor won't be doing it for us */
- writedisk(col+sxoffs,row+syoffs,i_pot);
- writedisk(col+sxoffs,row+sydots+syoffs,(int)l_pot);
- }
- return(i_pot);
- }
- /******************* boundary trace method ***************************
- Fractint's original btm was written by David Guenther. There were a few
- rare circumstances in which the original btm would not trace or fill
- correctly, even on Mandelbrot Sets. The code below was adapted from
- "Mandelbrot Sets by Wesley Loewer" (see calmanfp.asm) which was written
- before I was introduced to Fractint. It should be noted that without
- David Guenther's implimentation of a btm, I doubt that I would have been
- able to impliment my own code into Fractint. There are several things in
- the following code that are not original with me but came from David
- Guenther's code. I've noted these places with the initials DG.
- Wesley Loewer 3/8/92
- *********************************************************************/
- #define bkcolor 0 /* I have some ideas for the future with this. -Wes */
- #define advance_match() coming_from = ((going_to = (going_to - 1) & 0x03) - 1) & 0x03
- #define advance_no_match() going_to = (going_to + 1) & 0x03
- static
- int bound_trace_main(void)
- {
- enum direction coming_from;
- unsigned int match_found, continue_loop;
- int trail_color, fillcolor_used, last_fillcolor_used = -1;
- int max_putline_length;
- int right, left, length;
- static FCODE btm_cantbeused[]={"Boundary tracing cannot be used with "};
- if (inside == 0 || outside == 0)
- {
- static FCODE inside_outside[] = {"inside=0 or outside=0"};
- char msg[80];
- far_strcpy(msg,btm_cantbeused);
- far_strcat(msg,inside_outside);
- stopmsg(0,msg);
- return(-1);
- }
- if (colors < 16)
- {
- char msg[80];
- static FCODE lessthansixteen[] = {"< 16 colors"};
- far_strcpy(msg,btm_cantbeused);
- far_strcat(msg,lessthansixteen);
- stopmsg(0,msg);
- return(-1);
- }
- got_status = 2;
- max_putline_length = 0; /* reset max_putline_length */
- for (currow = iystart; currow <= iystop; currow++)
- {
- reset_periodicity = 1; /* reset for a new row */
- color = bkcolor;
- for (curcol = ixstart; curcol <= ixstop; curcol++)
- {
- if (getcolor(curcol, currow) != bkcolor)
- continue;
- trail_color = color;
- row = currow;
- col = curcol;
- if ((*calctype)()== -1) /* color, row, col are global */
- {
- if (iystop != yystop) /* DG */
- iystop = yystop - (currow - yystart); /* allow for sym */
- add_worklist(xxstart,xxstop,currow,iystop,currow,0,worksym);
- return -1;
- }
- reset_periodicity = 0; /* normal periodicity checking */
- /*
- This next line may cause a few more pixels to be calculated,
- but at the savings of quite a bit of overhead
- */
- if (color != trail_color) /* DG */
- continue;
- /* sweep clockwise to trace outline */
- trail_row = currow;
- trail_col = curcol;
- trail_color = color;
- fillcolor_used = fillcolor > 0 ? fillcolor : trail_color;
- coming_from = West;
- going_to = East;
- match_found = 0;
- continue_loop = TRUE;
- do
- {
- step_col_row();
- if (row >= currow
- && col >= ixstart
- && col <= ixstop
- && row <= iystop)
- {
- /* the order of operations in this next line is critical */
- if ((color = getcolor(col, row)) == bkcolor && (*calctype)()== -1)
- /* color, row, col are global for (*calctype)() */
- {
- if (iystop != yystop) /* DG */
- iystop = yystop - (currow - yystart); /* allow for sym */
- add_worklist(xxstart,xxstop,currow,iystop,currow,0,worksym);
- return -1;
- }
- else if (color == trail_color)
- {
- if (match_found < 4) /* to keep it from overflowing */
- match_found++;
- trail_row = row;
- trail_col = col;
- advance_match();
- }
- else
- {
- advance_no_match();
- continue_loop = going_to != coming_from || match_found;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- advance_no_match();
- continue_loop = going_to != coming_from || match_found;
- }
- } while (continue_loop && (col != curcol || row != currow));
- if (match_found <= 3) /* DG */
- { /* no hole */
- color = bkcolor;
- reset_periodicity = 1;
- continue;
- }
- /*
- Fill in region by looping around again, filling lines to the left
- whenever going_to is South or West
- */
- trail_row = currow;
- trail_col = curcol;
- coming_from = West;
- going_to = East;
- do
- {
- match_found = FALSE;
- do
- {
- step_col_row();
- if (row >= currow
- && col >= ixstart
- && col <= ixstop
- && row <= iystop
- && getcolor(col,row) == trail_color)
- /* getcolor() must be last */
- {
- if (going_to == South
- || (going_to == West && coming_from != East))
- { /* fill a row, but only once */
- right = col;
- while (--right >= ixstart && (color = getcolor(right,row)) == trail_color)
- ; /* do nothing */
- if (color == bkcolor) /* check last color */
- {
- left = right;
- while (getcolor(--left,row) == bkcolor)
- /* Should NOT be possible for left < ixstart */
- ; /* do nothing */
- left++; /* one pixel too far */
- if (right == left) /* only one hole */
- (*plot)(left,row,fillcolor_used);
- else
- { /* fill the line to the left */
- length=right-left+1;
- if (fillcolor_used != last_fillcolor_used || length > max_putline_length)
- { /* only reset dstack if necessary */
- memset(dstack,fillcolor_used,length);
- last_fillcolor_used = fillcolor_used;
- max_putline_length = length;
- }
- put_line(row,left,right,dstack);
- /* here's where all the symmetry goes */
- if (plot == putcolor)
- kbdcount -= length >> 4; /* seems like a reasonable value */
- else if (plot == symplot2) /* X-axis symmetry */
- {
- put_line(yystop-(row-yystart),left,right,dstack);
- kbdcount -= length >> 3;
- }
- else if (plot == symplot2Y) /* Y-axis symmetry */
- {
- put_line(row,xxstop-(right-xxstart),xxstop-(left-xxstart),dstack);
- kbdcount -= length >> 3;
- }
- else if (plot == symplot2J) /* Origin symmetry */
- {
- put_line(yystop-(row-yystart),xxstop-(right-xxstart),xxstop-(left-xxstart),dstack);
- kbdcount -= length >> 3;
- }
- else if (plot == symplot4) /* X-axis and Y-axis symmetry */
- {
- put_line(yystop-(row-yystart),left,right,dstack);
- put_line(row,xxstop-(right-xxstart),xxstop-(left-xxstart),dstack);
- put_line(yystop-(row-yystart),xxstop-(right-xxstart),xxstop-(left-xxstart),dstack);
- kbdcount -= length >> 2;
- }
- else /* cheap and easy way out */
- {
- int c;
- for (c = left; c <= right; c++) /* DG */
- (*plot)(c,row,fillcolor_used);
- kbdcount -= length >> 1;
- }
- }
- } /* end of fill line */
- #if 0 /* don't interupt with a check_key() during fill */
- if(--kbdcount<=0)
- {
- if(check_key())
- {
- if (iystop != yystop)
- iystop = yystop - (currow - yystart); /* allow for sym */
- add_worklist(xxstart,xxstop,currow,iystop,currow,0,worksym);
- return(-1);
- }
- kbdcount=max_kbdcount;
- }
- #endif
- }
- trail_row = row;
- trail_col = col;
- advance_match();
- match_found = TRUE;
- }
- else
- advance_no_match();
- } while (!match_found && going_to != coming_from);
- if (!match_found)
- { /* next one has to be a match */
- step_col_row();
- trail_row = row;
- trail_col = col;
- advance_match();
- }
- } while (trail_col != curcol || trail_row != currow);
- reset_periodicity = 1; /* reset after a trace/fill */
- color = bkcolor;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /*******************************************************************/
- /* take one step in the direction of going_to */
- static void step_col_row()
- {
- switch (going_to)
- {
- case North:
- col = trail_col;
- row = trail_row - 1;
- break;
- case East:
- col = trail_col + 1;
- row = trail_row;
- break;
- case South:
- col = trail_col;
- row = trail_row + 1;
- break;
- case West:
- col = trail_col - 1;
- row = trail_row;
- break;
- }
- }
- /******************* end of boundary trace method *******************/
- /************************ super solid guessing *****************************/
- /*
- I, Timothy Wegner, invented this solidguessing idea and implemented it in
- more or less the overall framework you see here. I am adding this note
- now in a possibly vain attempt to secure my place in history, because
- Pieter Branderhorst has totally rewritten this routine, incorporating
- a *MUCH* more sophisticated algorithm. His revised code is not only
- faster, but is also more accurate. Harrumph!
- */
- static int solidguess(void)
- {
- int i,x,y,xlim,ylim,blocksize;
- unsigned int *pfxp0,*pfxp1;
- unsigned int u;
- guessplot=(plot!=putcolor && plot!=symplot2 && plot!=symplot2J);
- /* check if guessing at bottom & right edges is ok */
- bottom_guess = (plot == symplot2 || (plot == putcolor && iystop+1 == ydots));
- right_guess = (plot == symplot2J
- || ((plot == putcolor || plot == symplot2) && ixstop+1 == xdots));
- /* there seems to be a bug in solid guessing at bottom and side */
- if(debugflag != 472)
- bottom_guess = right_guess = 0; /* TIW march 1995 */
- i = maxblock = blocksize = ssg_blocksize();
- totpasses = 1;
- while ((i >>= 1) > 1) ++totpasses;
- /* ensure window top and left are on required boundary, treat window
- as larger than it really is if necessary (this is the reason symplot
- routines must check for > xdots/ydots before plotting sym points) */
- ixstart &= -1 - (maxblock-1);
- iystart = yybegin;
- iystart &= -1 - (maxblock-1);
- got_status = 1;
- if (workpass == 0) /* otherwise first pass already done */
- {
- /* first pass, calc every blocksize**2 pixel, quarter result & paint it */
- curpass = 1;
- if (iystart <= yystart) /* first time for this window, init it */
- {
- currow = 0;
- memset(&tprefix[1][0][0],0,maxxblk*maxyblk*2); /* noskip flags off */
- reset_periodicity = 1;
- row=iystart;
- for(col=ixstart; col<=ixstop; col+=maxblock)
- { /* calc top row */
- if((*calctype)()== -1)
- {
- add_worklist(xxstart,xxstop,yystart,yystop,yybegin,0,worksym);
- goto exit_solidguess;
- }
- reset_periodicity = 0;
- }
- }
- else
- memset(&tprefix[1][0][0],-1,maxxblk*maxyblk*2); /* noskip flags on */
- for(y=iystart; y<=iystop; y+=blocksize)
- {
- currow = y;
- i = 0;
- if(y+blocksize<=iystop)
- { /* calc the row below */
- row=y+blocksize;
- reset_periodicity = 1;
- for(col=ixstart; col<=ixstop; col+=maxblock)
- {
- if((i=(*calctype)()) == -1)
- break;
- reset_periodicity = 0;
- }
- }
- reset_periodicity = 0;
- if (i == -1 || guessrow(1,y,blocksize) != 0) /* interrupted? */
- {
- if (y < yystart)
- y = yystart;
- add_worklist(xxstart,xxstop,yystart,yystop,y,0,worksym);
- goto exit_solidguess;
- }
- }
- if (num_worklist) /* work list not empty, just do 1st pass */
- {
- add_worklist(xxstart,xxstop,yystart,yystop,yystart,1,worksym);
- goto exit_solidguess;
- }
- ++workpass;
- iystart = yystart & (-1 - (maxblock-1));
- /* calculate skip flags for skippable blocks */
- xlim=(ixstop+maxblock)/maxblock+1;
- ylim=((iystop+maxblock)/maxblock+15)/16+1;
- if(right_guess==0) /* no right edge guessing, zap border */
- for(y=0;y<=ylim;++y)
- tprefix[1][y][xlim]= 0xffff;
- if(bottom_guess==0) /* no bottom edge guessing, zap border */
- {
- i=(iystop+maxblock)/maxblock+1;
- y=i/16+1;
- i=1<<(i&15);
- for(x=0;x<=xlim;++x)
- tprefix[1][y][x]|=i;
- }
- /* set each bit in tprefix[0] to OR of it & surrounding 8 in tprefix[1] */
- for(y=0;++y<ylim;)
- {
- pfxp0= (unsigned int *)&tprefix[0][y][0];
- pfxp1= (unsigned int *)&tprefix[1][y][0];
- for(x=0;++x<xlim;)
- {
- ++pfxp1;
- u= *(pfxp1-1)|*pfxp1|*(pfxp1+1);
- *(++pfxp0)=u|(u>>1)|(u<<1)
- |((*(pfxp1-(maxxblk+1))|*(pfxp1-maxxblk)|*(pfxp1-(maxxblk-1)))>>15)
- |((*(pfxp1+(maxxblk-1))|*(pfxp1+maxxblk)|*(pfxp1+(maxxblk+1)))<<15);
- }
- }
- }
- else /* first pass already done */
- memset(&tprefix[0][0][0],-1,maxxblk*maxyblk*2); /* noskip flags on */
- if(three_pass)
- goto exit_solidguess;
- /* remaining pass(es), halve blocksize & quarter each blocksize**2 */
- i = workpass;
- while (--i > 0) /* allow for already done passes */
- blocksize = blocksize>>1;
- reset_periodicity = 0;
- while((blocksize=blocksize>>1)>=2)
- {
- curpass = workpass + 1;
- for(y=iystart; y<=iystop; y+=blocksize)
- {
- currow = y;
- if(guessrow(0,y,blocksize) != 0)
- {
- if (y < yystart)
- y = yystart;
- add_worklist(xxstart,xxstop,yystart,yystop,y,workpass,worksym);
- goto exit_solidguess;
- }
- }
- ++workpass;
- if (num_worklist /* work list not empty, do one pass at a time */
- && blocksize>2) /* if 2, we just did last pass */
- {
- add_worklist(xxstart,xxstop,yystart,yystop,yystart,workpass,worksym);
- goto exit_solidguess;
- }
- iystart = yystart & (-1 - (maxblock-1));
- }
- exit_solidguess:
- return(0);
- }
- #define calcadot(c,x,y) { col=x; row=y; if((c=(*calctype)())== -1) return -1; }
- static int _fastcall guessrow(int firstpass,int y,int blocksize)
- {
- int x,i,j,color;
- int xplushalf,xplusblock;
- int ylessblock,ylesshalf,yplushalf,yplusblock;
- int c21,c31,c41; /* cxy is the color of pixel at (x,y) */
- int c12,c22,c32,c42; /* where c22 is the topleft corner of */
- int c13,c23,c33; /* the block being handled in current */
- int c24, c44; /* iteration */
- int guessed23,guessed32,guessed33,guessed12,guessed13;
- int prev11,fix21,fix31;
- unsigned int *pfxptr,pfxmask;
- c44 = c41 = c42 = 0; /* just for warning */
- halfblock=blocksize>>1;
- i=y/maxblock;
- pfxptr= (unsigned int *)&tprefix[firstpass][(i>>4)+1][ixstart/maxblock];
- pfxmask=1<<(i&15);
- ylesshalf=y-halfblock;
- ylessblock=y-blocksize; /* constants, for speed */
- yplushalf=y+halfblock;
- yplusblock=y+blocksize;
- prev11= -1;
- c24=c12=c13=c22=getcolor(ixstart,y);
- c31=c21=getcolor(ixstart,(y>0)?ylesshalf:0);
- if(yplusblock<=iystop)
- c24=getcolor(ixstart,yplusblock);
- else if(bottom_guess==0)
- c24= -1;
- guessed12=guessed13=0;
- for(x=ixstart; x<=ixstop;) /* increment at end, or when doing continue */
- {
- if((x&(maxblock-1))==0) /* time for skip flag stuff */
- {
- ++pfxptr;
- if(firstpass==0 && (*pfxptr&pfxmask)==0) /* check for fast skip */
- {
- /* next useful in testing to make skips visible */
- /*
- if(halfblock==1)
- {
- (*plot)(x+1,y,0); (*plot)(x,y+1,0); (*plot)(x+1,y+1,0);
- }
- */
- x+=maxblock;
- prev11=c31=c21=c24=c12=c13=c22;
- guessed12=guessed13=0;
- continue;
- }
- }
- if(firstpass) /* 1st pass, paint topleft corner */
- plotblock(0,x,y,c22);
- /* setup variables */
- xplusblock=(xplushalf=x+halfblock)+halfblock;
- if(xplushalf>ixstop)
- {
- if(right_guess==0)
- c31= -1;
- }
- else if(y>0)
- c31=getcolor(xplushalf,ylesshalf);
- if(xplusblock<=ixstop)
- {
- if(yplusblock<=iystop)
- c44=getcolor(xplusblock,yplusblock);
- c41=getcolor(xplusblock,(y>0)?ylesshalf:0);
- c42=getcolor(xplusblock,y);
- }
- else if(right_guess==0)
- c41=c42=c44= -1;
- if(yplusblock>iystop)
- c44=(bottom_guess)?c42:-1;
- /* guess or calc the remaining 3 quarters of current block */
- guessed23=guessed32=guessed33=1;
- c23=c32=c33=c22;
- if(yplushalf>iystop)
- {
- if(bottom_guess==0)
- c23=c33= -1;
- guessed23=guessed33= -1;
- }
- if(xplushalf>ixstop)
- {
- if(right_guess==0)
- c32=c33= -1;
- guessed32=guessed33= -1;
- }
- for(;;) /* go around till none of 23,32,33 change anymore */
- {
- if(guessed33>0
- && (c33!=c44 || c33!=c42 || c33!=c24 || c33!=c32 || c33!=c23))
- {
- calcadot(c33,xplushalf,yplushalf);
- guessed33=0;
- }
- if(guessed32>0
- && (c32!=c33 || c32!=c42 || c32!=c31 || c32!=c21
- || c32!=c41 || c32!=c23))
- {
- calcadot(c32,xplushalf,y);
- guessed32=0;
- continue;
- }
- if(guessed23>0
- && (c23!=c33 || c23!=c24 || c23!=c13 || c23!=c12 || c23!=c32))
- {
- calcadot(c23,x,yplushalf);
- guessed23=0;
- continue;
- }
- break;
- }
- if(firstpass) /* note whether any of block's contents were calculated */
- if(guessed23==0 || guessed32==0 || guessed33==0)
- *pfxptr|=pfxmask;
- if(halfblock>1) /* not last pass, check if something to display */
- if(firstpass) /* display guessed corners, fill in block */
- {
- if(guessplot)
- {
- if(guessed23>0)
- (*plot)(x,yplushalf,c23);
- if(guessed32>0)
- (*plot)(xplushalf,y,c32);
- if(guessed33>0)
- (*plot)(xplushalf,yplushalf,c33);
- }
- plotblock(1,x,yplushalf,c23);
- plotblock(0,xplushalf,y,c32);
- plotblock(1,xplushalf,yplushalf,c33);
- }
- else /* repaint changed blocks */
- {
- if(c23!=c22)
- plotblock(-1,x,yplushalf,c23);
- if(c32!=c22)
- plotblock(-1,xplushalf,y,c32);
- if(c33!=c22)
- plotblock(-1,xplushalf,yplushalf,c33);
- }
- /* check if some calcs in this block mean earlier guesses need fixing */
- fix21=((c22!=c12 || c22!=c32)
- && c21==c22 && c21==c31 && c21==prev11
- && y>0
- && (x==ixstart || c21==getcolor(x-halfblock,ylessblock))
- && (xplushalf>ixstop || c21==getcolor(xplushalf,ylessblock))
- && c21==getcolor(x,ylessblock));
- fix31=(c22!=c32
- && c31==c22 && c31==c42 && c31==c21 && c31==c41
- && y>0 && xplushalf<=ixstop
- && c31==getcolor(xplushalf,ylessblock)
- && (xplusblock>ixstop || c31==getcolor(xplusblock,ylessblock))
- && c31==getcolor(x,ylessblock));
- prev11=c31; /* for next time around */
- if(fix21)
- {
- calcadot(c21,x,ylesshalf);
- if(halfblock>1 && c21!=c22)
- plotblock(-1,x,ylesshalf,c21);
- }
- if(fix31)
- {
- calcadot(c31,xplushalf,ylesshalf);
- if(halfblock>1 && c31!=c22)
- plotblock(-1,xplushalf,ylesshalf,c31);
- }
- if(c23!=c22)
- {
- if(guessed12)
- {
- calcadot(c12,x-halfblock,y);
- if(halfblock>1 && c12!=c22)
- plotblock(-1,x-halfblock,y,c12);
- }
- if(guessed13)
- {
- calcadot(c13,x-halfblock,yplushalf);
- if(halfblock>1 && c13!=c22)
- plotblock(-1,x-halfblock,yplushalf,c13);
- }
- }
- c22=c42;
- c24=c44;
- c13=c33;
- c31=c21=c41;
- c12=c32;
- guessed12=guessed32;
- guessed13=guessed33;
- x+=blocksize;
- } /* end x loop */
- if(firstpass==0 || guessplot) return 0;
- /* paint rows the fast way */
- for(i=0;i<halfblock;++i)
- {
- if((j=y+i)<=iystop)
- put_line(j,xxstart,ixstop,&dstack[xxstart]);
- if((j=y+i+halfblock)<=iystop)
- put_line(j,xxstart,ixstop,&dstack[xxstart+MAXPIXELS]);
- if(keypressed()) return -1;
- }
- if(plot!=putcolor) /* symmetry, just vertical & origin the fast way */
- {
- if(plot==symplot2J) /* origin sym, reverse lines */
- for(i=(ixstop+xxstart+1)/2;--i>=xxstart;)
- {
- color=dstack[i];
- dstack[i]=dstack[j=ixstop-(i-xxstart)];
- dstack[j]=(BYTE)color;
- color=dstack[i+MAXPIXELS];
- dstack[i+MAXPIXELS]=dstack[j];
- dstack[j]=(BYTE)color;
- }
- for(i=0;i<halfblock;++i)
- {
- if((j=yystop-(y+i-yystart))>iystop && j<ydots)
- put_line(j,xxstart,ixstop,&dstack[xxstart]);
- if((j=yystop-(y+i+halfblock-yystart))>iystop && j<ydots)
- put_line(j,xxstart,ixstop,&dstack[xxstart+MAXPIXELS]);
- if(keypressed()) return -1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static void _fastcall plotblock(int buildrow,int x,int y,int color)
- {
- int i,xlim,ylim;
- if((xlim=x+halfblock)>ixstop)
- xlim=ixstop+1;
- if(buildrow>=0 && guessplot==0) /* save it for later put_line */
- {
- if(buildrow==0)
- for(i=x;i<xlim;++i)
- dstack[i]=(BYTE)color;
- else
- for(i=x;i<xlim;++i)
- dstack[i+MAXPIXELS]=(BYTE)color;
- if (x>=xxstart) /* when x reduced for alignment, paint those dots too */
- return; /* the usual case */
- }
- /* paint it */
- if((ylim=y+halfblock)>iystop)
- {
- if(y>iystop)
- return;
- ylim=iystop+1;
- }
- for(i=x;++i<xlim;)
- (*plot)(i,y,color); /* skip 1st dot on 1st row */
- while(++y<ylim)
- for(i=x;i<xlim;++i)
- (*plot)(i,y,color);
- }
- /************************* symmetry plot setup ************************/
- static int _fastcall xsym_split(int xaxis_row,int xaxis_between)
- {
- int i;
- if ((worksym&0x11) == 0x10) /* already decided not sym */
- return(1);
- if ((worksym&1) != 0) /* already decided on sym */
- iystop = (yystart+yystop)/2;
- else /* new window, decide */
- {
- worksym |= 0x10;
- if (xaxis_row <= yystart || xaxis_row >= yystop)
- return(1); /* axis not in window */
- i = xaxis_row + (xaxis_row - yystart);
- if (xaxis_between)
- ++i;
- if (i > yystop) /* split into 2 pieces, bottom has the symmetry */
- {
- if (num_worklist >= MAXCALCWORK-1) /* no room to split */
- return(1);
- iystop = xaxis_row - (yystop - xaxis_row);
- if (!xaxis_between)
- --iystop;
- add_worklist(xxstart,xxstop,iystop+1,yystop,iystop+1,workpass,0);
- yystop = iystop;
- return(1); /* tell set_symmetry no sym for current window */
- }
- if (i < yystop) /* split into 2 pieces, top has the symmetry */
- {
- if (num_worklist >= MAXCALCWORK-1) /* no room to split */
- return(1);
- add_worklist(xxstart,xxstop,i+1,yystop,i+1,workpass,0);
- yystop = i;
- }
- iystop = xaxis_row;
- worksym |= 1;
- }
- symmetry = 0;
- return(0); /* tell set_symmetry its a go */
- }
- static int _fastcall ysym_split(int yaxis_col,int yaxis_between)
- {
- int i;
- if ((worksym&0x22) == 0x20) /* already decided not sym */
- return(1);
- if ((worksym&2) != 0) /* already decided on sym */
- ixstop = (xxstart+xxstop)/2;
- else /* new window, decide */
- {
- worksym |= 0x20;
- if (yaxis_col <= xxstart || yaxis_col >= xxstop)
- return(1); /* axis not in window */
- i = yaxis_col + (yaxis_col - xxstart);
- if (yaxis_between)
- ++i;
- if (i > xxstop) /* split into 2 pieces, right has the symmetry */
- {
- if (num_worklist >= MAXCALCWORK-1) /* no room to split */
- return(1);
- ixstop = yaxis_col - (xxstop - yaxis_col);
- if (!yaxis_between)
- --ixstop;
- add_worklist(ixstop+1,xxstop,yystart,yystop,yystart,workpass,0);
- xxstop = ixstop;
- return(1); /* tell set_symmetry no sym for current window */
- }
- if (i < xxstop) /* split into 2 pieces, left has the symmetry */
- {
- if (num_worklist >= MAXCALCWORK-1) /* no room to split */
- return(1);
- add_worklist(i+1,xxstop,yystart,yystop,yystart,workpass,0);
- xxstop = i;
- }
- ixstop = yaxis_col;
- worksym |= 2;
- }
- symmetry = 0;
- return(0); /* tell set_symmetry its a go */
- }
- #ifdef _MSC_VER
- #pragma optimize ("ea", off)
- #endif
- #if (_MSC_VER >= 700)
- #pragma code_seg ("calcfra1_text") /* place following in an overlay */
- #endif
- static void _fastcall setsymmetry(int sym, int uselist) /* set up proper symmetrical plot functions */
- {
- int i;
- int parmszero;
- int xaxis_row, yaxis_col; /* pixel number for origin */
- int xaxis_between, yaxis_between; /* if axis between 2 pixels, not on one */
- int xaxis_on_screen=0, yaxis_on_screen=0;
- double ftemp;
- bf_t bft1;
- int saved;
- symmetry = 1;
- if(sym == NOPLOT && forcesymmetry == 999)
- {
- plot = noplot;
- return;
- }
- /* NOTE: 16-bit potential disables symmetry */
- /* also any decomp= option and any inversion not about the origin */
- /* also any rotation other than 180deg and any off-axis stretch */
- if(bf_math)
- if(cmp_bf(bfxmin,bfx3rd) || cmp_bf(bfymin,bfy3rd))
- return;
- if ((potflag && pot16bit) || (invert && inversion[2] != 0.0)
- || decomp[0] != 0
- || xxmin!=xx3rd || yymin!=yy3rd)
- return;
- if(sym != XAXIS && sym != XAXIS_NOPARM && inversion[1] != 0.0 && forcesymmetry == 999)
- return;
- if(forcesymmetry < 999)
- sym = forcesymmetry;
- else if(forcesymmetry == 1000)
- forcesymmetry = sym; /* for backwards compatibility */
- else if(outside==REAL || outside==IMAG || outside==MULT || outside==SUM
- || outside==ATAN)
- return;
- parmszero = (parm.x == 0.0 && parm.y == 0.0 && useinitorbit != 1);
- switch (fractype)
- { case LMANLAMFNFN: /* These need only P1 checked. */
- case FPMANLAMFNFN: /* P2 is used for a switch value */
- case LMANFNFN: /* These have NOPARM set in fractalp.c, */
- case FPMANFNFN: /* but it only applies to P1. */
- case FPMANDELZPOWER: /* or P2 is an exponent */
- break;
- default: /* Check P2 for the rest */
- parmszero = (parmszero && parm2.x == 0.0 && parm2.y == 0.0);
- }
- xaxis_row = yaxis_col = -1;
- if(bf_math)
- {
- saved = save_stack();
- bft1 = alloc_stack(rbflength+2);
- xaxis_on_screen = (sign_bf(bfymin) != sign_bf(bfymax));
- yaxis_on_screen = (sign_bf(bfxmin) != sign_bf(bfxmax));
- }
- else
- {
- xaxis_on_screen = (sign(yymin) != sign(yymax));
- yaxis_on_screen = (sign(xxmin) != sign(xxmax));
- }
- if (xaxis_on_screen) /* axis is on screen */
- {
- if(bf_math)
- {
- /* ftemp = (0.0-yymax) / (yymin-yymax); */
- sub_bf(bft1,bfymin,bfymax);
- div_bf(bft1,bfymax,bft1);
- neg_a_bf(bft1);
- ftemp = (double)bftofloat(bft1);
- }
- else
- ftemp = (0.0-yymax) / (yymin-yymax);
- ftemp *= (ydots-1);
- ftemp += 0.25;
- xaxis_row = (int)ftemp;
- xaxis_between = (ftemp - xaxis_row >= 0.5);
- if (uselist == 0 && (!xaxis_between || (xaxis_row+1)*2 != ydots))
- xaxis_row = -1; /* can't split screen, so dead center or not at all */
- }
- if (yaxis_on_screen) /* axis is on screen */
- {
- if(bf_math)
- {
- /* ftemp = (0.0-xxmin) / (xxmax-xxmin); */
- sub_bf(bft1,bfxmax,bfxmin);
- div_bf(bft1,bfxmin,bft1);
- neg_a_bf(bft1);
- ftemp = (double)bftofloat(bft1);
- }
- else
- ftemp = (0.0-xxmin) / (xxmax-xxmin);
- ftemp *= (xdots-1);
- ftemp += 0.25;
- yaxis_col = (int)ftemp;
- yaxis_between = (ftemp - yaxis_col >= 0.5);
- if (uselist == 0 && (!yaxis_between || (yaxis_col+1)*2 != xdots))
- yaxis_col = -1; /* can't split screen, so dead center or not at all */
- }
- switch(sym) /* symmetry switch */
- {
- case XAXIS_NOREAL: /* X-axis Symmetry (no real param) */
- if (parm.x != 0.0) break;
- goto xsym;
- case XAXIS_NOIMAG: /* X-axis Symmetry (no imag param) */
- if (parm.y != 0.0) break;
- goto xsym;
- case XAXIS_NOPARM: /* X-axis Symmetry (no params)*/
- if (!parmszero)
- break;
- xsym:
- case XAXIS: /* X-axis Symmetry */
- if (xsym_split(xaxis_row,xaxis_between) == 0)
- if(basin)
- plot = symplot2basin;
- else
- plot = symplot2;
- break;
- case YAXIS_NOPARM: /* Y-axis Symmetry (No Parms)*/
- if (!parmszero)
- break;
- case YAXIS: /* Y-axis Symmetry */
- if (ysym_split(yaxis_col,yaxis_between) == 0)
- plot = symplot2Y;
- break;
- case XYAXIS_NOPARM: /* X-axis AND Y-axis Symmetry (no parms)*/
- if(!parmszero)
- break;
- case XYAXIS: /* X-axis AND Y-axis Symmetry */
- xsym_split(xaxis_row,xaxis_between);
- ysym_split(yaxis_col,yaxis_between);
- switch (worksym & 3)
- {
- case 1: /* just xaxis symmetry */
- if(basin)
- plot = symplot2basin;
- else
- plot = symplot2 ;
- break;
- case 2: /* just yaxis symmetry */
- if (basin) /* got no routine for this case */
- {
- ixstop = xxstop; /* fix what split should not have done */
- symmetry = 1;
- }
- else
- plot = symplot2Y;
- break;
- case 3: /* both axes */
- if(basin)
- plot = symplot4basin;
- else
- plot = symplot4 ;
- }
- break;
- case ORIGIN_NOPARM: /* Origin Symmetry (no parms)*/
- if (!parmszero)
- break;
- case ORIGIN: /* Origin Symmetry */
- originsym:
- if ( xsym_split(xaxis_row,xaxis_between) == 0
- && ysym_split(yaxis_col,yaxis_between) == 0)
- {
- plot = symplot2J;
- ixstop = xxstop; /* didn't want this changed */
- }
- else
- {
- iystop = yystop; /* in case first split worked */
- symmetry = 1;
- worksym = 0x30; /* let it recombine with others like it */
- }
- break;
- if (!parmszero)
- break;
- case PI_SYM: /* PI symmetry */
- if(bf_math)
- {
- if((double)bftofloat(abs_a_bf(sub_bf(bft1,bfxmax,bfxmin))) < PI/4)
- break; /* no point in pi symmetry if values too close */
- }
- else
- {
- if(fabs(xxmax - xxmin) < PI/4)
- break; /* no point in pi symmetry if values too close */
- }
- if(invert && forcesymmetry == 999)
- goto originsym;
- plot = symPIplot ;
- symmetry = 0;
- if ( xsym_split(xaxis_row,xaxis_between) == 0
- && ysym_split(yaxis_col,yaxis_between) == 0)
- if(parm.y == 0.0)
- plot = symPIplot4J; /* both axes */
- else
- plot = symPIplot2J; /* origin */
- else
- {
- iystop = yystop; /* in case first split worked */
- worksym = 0x30; /* don't mark pisym as ysym, just do it unmarked */
- }
- if(bf_math)
- {
- sub_bf(bft1,bfxmax,bfxmin);
- abs_a_bf(bft1);
- pixelpi = (int)((PI/(double)bftofloat(bft1)*xdots)); /* PI in pixels */
- }
- else
- pixelpi = (int)((PI/fabs(xxmax-xxmin))*xdots); /* PI in pixels */
- if ( (ixstop = xxstart+pixelpi-1 ) > xxstop)
- ixstop = xxstop;
- if (plot == symPIplot4J && ixstop > (i = (xxstart+xxstop)/2))
- ixstop = i;
- break;
- default: /* no symmetry */
- break;
- }
- if(bf_math)
- restore_stack(saved);
- }
- #ifdef _MSC_VER
- #pragma optimize ("ea", on)
- #endif
- #if (_MSC_VER >= 700)
- #pragma code_seg () /* back to normal segment */
- #endif
- /**************** tesseral method by CJLT begins here*********************/
- /* reworked by PB for speed and resumeability */
- struct tess { /* one of these per box to be done gets stacked */
- int x1,x2,y1,y2; /* left/right top/bottom x/y coords */
- int top,bot,lft,rgt; /* edge colors, -1 mixed, -2 unknown */
- };
- static int tesseral(void)
- {
- struct tess *tp;
- guessplot = (plot != putcolor && plot != symplot2);
- tp = (struct tess *)&dstack[0];
- tp->x1 = ixstart; /* set up initial box */
- tp->x2 = ixstop;
- tp->y1 = iystart;
- tp->y2 = iystop;
- if (workpass == 0) { /* not resuming */
- tp->top = tessrow(ixstart,ixstop,iystart); /* Do top row */
- tp->bot = tessrow(ixstart,ixstop,iystop); /* Do bottom row */
- tp->lft = tesscol(ixstart,iystart+1,iystop-1); /* Do left column */
- tp->rgt = tesscol(ixstop,iystart+1,iystop-1); /* Do right column */
- if (check_key()) { /* interrupt before we got properly rolling */
- add_worklist(xxstart,xxstop,yystart,yystop,yystart,0,worksym);
- return(-1);
- }
- }
- else { /* resuming, rebuild work stack */
- int i,mid,curx,cury,xsize,ysize;
- struct tess *tp2;
- tp->top = tp->bot = tp->lft = tp->rgt = -2;
- cury = yybegin & 0xfff;
- ysize = 1;
- i = (unsigned)yybegin >> 12;
- while (--i >= 0) ysize <<= 1;
- curx = workpass & 0xfff;
- xsize = 1;
- i = (unsigned)workpass >> 12;
- while (--i >= 0) xsize <<= 1;
- for(;;) {
- tp2 = tp;
- if (tp->x2 - tp->x1 > tp->y2 - tp->y1) { /* next divide down middle */
- if (tp->x1 == curx && (tp->x2 - tp->x1 - 2) < xsize)
- break;
- mid = (tp->x1 + tp->x2) >> 1; /* Find mid point */
- if (mid > curx) { /* stack right part */
- memcpy(++tp,tp2,sizeof(*tp));
- tp->x2 = mid;
- }
- tp2->x1 = mid;
- }
- else { /* next divide across */
- if (tp->y1 == cury && (tp->y2 - tp->y1 - 2) < ysize) break;
- mid = (tp->y1 + tp->y2) >> 1; /* Find mid point */
- if (mid > cury) { /* stack bottom part */
- memcpy(++tp,tp2,sizeof(*tp));
- tp->y2 = mid;
- }
- tp2->y1 = mid;
- }
- }
- }
- got_status = 4; /* for tab_display */
- while (tp >= (struct tess *)&dstack[0]) { /* do next box */
- curcol = tp->x1; /* for tab_display */
- currow = tp->y1;
- if (tp->top == -1 || tp->bot == -1 || tp->lft == -1 || tp->rgt == -1)
- goto tess_split;
- /* for any edge whose color is unknown, set it */
- if (tp->top == -2)
- tp->top = tesschkrow(tp->x1,tp->x2,tp->y1);
- if (tp->top == -1)
- goto tess_split;
- if (tp->bot == -2)
- tp->bot = tesschkrow(tp->x1,tp->x2,tp->y2);
- if (tp->bot != tp->top)
- goto tess_split;
- if (tp->lft == -2)
- tp->lft = tesschkcol(tp->x1,tp->y1,tp->y2);
- if (tp->lft != tp->top)
- goto tess_split;
- if (tp->rgt == -2)
- tp->rgt = tesschkcol(tp->x2,tp->y1,tp->y2);
- if (tp->rgt != tp->top)
- goto tess_split;
- {
- int mid,midcolor;
- if (tp->x2 - tp->x1 > tp->y2 - tp->y1) { /* divide down the middle */
- mid = (tp->x1 + tp->x2) >> 1; /* Find mid point */
- midcolor = tesscol(mid, tp->y1+1, tp->y2-1); /* Do mid column */
- if (midcolor != tp->top) goto tess_split;
- }
- else { /* divide across the middle */
- mid = (tp->y1 + tp->y2) >> 1; /* Find mid point */
- midcolor = tessrow(tp->x1+1, tp->x2-1, mid); /* Do mid row */
- if (midcolor != tp->top) goto tess_split;
- }
- }
- { /* all 4 edges are the same color, fill in */
- int i,j;
- i = 0;
- if(fillcolor != 0)
- {
- if(fillcolor > 0)
- tp->top = fillcolor %colors;
- if (guessplot || (j = tp->x2 - tp->x1 - 1) < 2) { /* paint dots */
- for (col = tp->x1 + 1; col < tp->x2; col++)
- for (row = tp->y1 + 1; row < tp->y2; row++) {
- (*plot)(col,row,tp->top);
- if (++i > 500) {
- if (check_key()) goto tess_end;
- i = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- else { /* use put_line for speed */
- memset(&dstack[MAXPIXELS],tp->top,j);
- for (row = tp->y1 + 1; row < tp->y2; row++) {
- put_line(row,tp->x1+1,tp->x2-1,&dstack[MAXPIXELS]);
- if (plot != putcolor) /* symmetry */
- if ((j = yystop-(row-yystart)) > iystop && j < ydots)
- put_line(j,tp->x1+1,tp->x2-1,&dstack[MAXPIXELS]);
- if (++i > 25) {
- if (check_key()) goto tess_end;
- i = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- --tp;
- }
- continue;
- tess_split:
- { /* box not surrounded by same color, sub-divide */
- int mid,midcolor;
- struct tess *tp2;
- if (tp->x2 - tp->x1 > tp->y2 - tp->y1) { /* divide down the middle */
- mid = (tp->x1 + tp->x2) >> 1; /* Find mid point */
- midcolor = tesscol(mid, tp->y1+1, tp->y2-1); /* Do mid column */
- if (midcolor == -3) goto tess_end;
- if (tp->x2 - mid > 1) { /* right part >= 1 column */
- if (tp->top == -1) tp->top = -2;
- if (tp->bot == -1) tp->bot = -2;
- tp2 = tp;
- if (mid - tp->x1 > 1) { /* left part >= 1 col, stack right */
- memcpy(++tp,tp2,sizeof(*tp));
- tp->x2 = mid;
- tp->rgt = midcolor;
- }
- tp2->x1 = mid;
- tp2->lft = midcolor;
- }
- else
- --tp;
- }
- else { /* divide across the middle */
- mid = (tp->y1 + tp->y2) >> 1; /* Find mid point */
- midcolor = tessrow(tp->x1+1, tp->x2-1, mid); /* Do mid row */
- if (midcolor == -3) goto tess_end;
- if (tp->y2 - mid > 1) { /* bottom part >= 1 column */
- if (tp->lft == -1) tp->lft = -2;
- if (tp->rgt == -1) tp->rgt = -2;
- tp2 = tp;
- if (mid - tp->y1 > 1) { /* top also >= 1 col, stack bottom */
- memcpy(++tp,tp2,sizeof(*tp));
- tp->y2 = mid;
- tp->bot = midcolor;
- }
- tp2->y1 = mid;
- tp2->top = midcolor;
- }
- else
- --tp;
- }
- }
- }
- tess_end:
- if (tp >= (struct tess *)&dstack[0]) { /* didn't complete */
- int i,xsize,ysize;
- xsize = ysize = 1;
- i = 2;
- while (tp->x2 - tp->x1 - 2 >= i) {
- i <<= 1;
- ++xsize;
- }
- i = 2;
- while (tp->y2 - tp->y1 - 2 >= i) {
- i <<= 1;
- ++ysize;
- }
- add_worklist(xxstart,xxstop,yystart,yystop,
- (ysize<<12)+tp->y1,(xsize<<12)+tp->x1,worksym);
- return(-1);
- }
- return(0);
- } /* tesseral */
- static int _fastcall tesschkcol(int x,int y1,int y2)
- {
- int i;
- i = getcolor(x,++y1);
- while (--y2 > y1)
- if (getcolor(x,y2) != i) return -1;
- return i;
- }
- static int _fastcall tesschkrow(int x1,int x2,int y)
- {
- int i;
- i = getcolor(x1,y);
- while (x2 > x1) {
- if (getcolor(x2,y) != i) return -1;
- --x2;
- }
- return i;
- }
- static int _fastcall tesscol(int x,int y1,int y2)
- {
- int colcolor,i;
- col = x;
- row = y1;
- reset_periodicity = 1;
- colcolor = (*calctype)();
- reset_periodicity = 0;
- while (++row <= y2) { /* generate the column */
- if ((i = (*calctype)()) < 0) return -3;
- if (i != colcolor) colcolor = -1;
- }
- return colcolor;
- }
- static int _fastcall tessrow(int x1,int x2,int y)
- {
- int rowcolor,i;
- row = y;
- col = x1;
- reset_periodicity = 1;
- rowcolor = (*calctype)();
- reset_periodicity = 0;
- while (++col <= x2) { /* generate the row */
- if ((i = (*calctype)()) < 0) return -3;
- if (i != rowcolor) rowcolor = -1;
- }
- return rowcolor;
- }
- /* added for testing autologmap() */ /* CAE 9211 fixed missing comment */
- /* insert at end of CALCFRAC.C */
- static int autologmap(void) /*RB*/
- { /* calculate round screen edges to avoid wasted colours in logmap */
- long mincolour;
- int lag;
- long old_maxit;
- mincolour=INT_MAX; /* 32767 */
- row=iystart;
- reset_periodicity = 0;
- old_maxit = maxit;
- for (col=ixstart;col<ixstop;col++) /* top row */
- {
- color=(*calctype)();
- if (realcoloriter < mincolour) {
- mincolour=realcoloriter ;
- maxit = mincolour; /*speedup for when edges overlap lakes */
- }
- if ( col >=32 ) (*plot)(col-32,row,0);
- } /* these lines tidy up for BTM etc */
- for (lag=32;lag>0;lag--) (*plot)(col-lag,row,0);
- col=ixstop;
- for (row=iystart;row<iystop;row++) /* right side */
- {
- color=(*calctype)();
- if (realcoloriter < mincolour) {
- mincolour=realcoloriter ;
- maxit = mincolour; /*speedup for when edges overlap lakes */
- }
- if ( row >=32 ) (*plot)(col,row-32,0);
- }
- for (lag=32;lag>0;lag--) (*plot)(col,row-lag,0);
- col=ixstart;
- for (row=iystart;row<iystop;row++) /* left side */
- {
- color=(*calctype)();
- if (realcoloriter < mincolour) {
- mincolour=realcoloriter ;
- maxit = mincolour; /*speedup for when edges overlap lakes */
- }
- if ( row >=32 ) (*plot)(col,row-32,0);
- }
- for (lag=32;lag>0;lag--) (*plot)(col,row-lag,0);
- row=iystop ;
- for (col=ixstart;col<ixstop;col++) /* bottom row */
- {
- color=(*calctype)();
- if (realcoloriter < mincolour) {
- mincolour=realcoloriter ;
- maxit = mincolour; /*speedup for when edges overlap lakes */
- }
- if ( col >=32 ) (*plot)(col-32,row,0);
- }
- for (lag=32;lag>0;lag--) (*plot)(col-lag,row,0);
- if (mincolour==2) resuming=1; /* insure autologmap not called again */
- maxit = old_maxit;
- return ( (int)mincolour );
- }
- /* Symmetry plot for period PI */
- void _fastcall symPIplot(int x, int y, int color)
- {
- while(x <= xxstop)
- {
- putcolor(x, y, color) ;
- x += pixelpi;
- }
- }
- /* Symmetry plot for period PI plus Origin Symmetry */
- void _fastcall symPIplot2J(int x, int y, int color)
- {
- int i,j;
- while(x <= xxstop)
- {
- putcolor(x, y, color) ;
- if ((i=yystop-(y-yystart)) > iystop && i < ydots
- && (j=xxstop-(x-xxstart)) < xdots)
- putcolor(j, i, color) ;
- x += pixelpi;
- }
- }
- /* Symmetry plot for period PI plus Both Axis Symmetry */
- void _fastcall symPIplot4J(int x, int y, int color)
- {
- int i,j;
- while(x <= (xxstart+xxstop)/2)
- {
- j = xxstop-(x-xxstart);
- putcolor( x , y , color) ;
- if (j < xdots)
- putcolor(j , y , color) ;
- if ((i=yystop-(y-yystart)) > iystop && i < ydots)
- {
- putcolor(x , i , color) ;
- if (j < xdots)
- putcolor(j , i , color) ;
- }
- x += pixelpi;
- }
- }
- /* Symmetry plot for X Axis Symmetry */
- void _fastcall symplot2(int x, int y, int color)
- {
- int i;
- putcolor(x, y, color) ;
- if ((i=yystop-(y-yystart)) > iystop && i < ydots)
- putcolor(x, i, color) ;
- }
- /* Symmetry plot for Y Axis Symmetry */
- void _fastcall symplot2Y(int x, int y, int color)
- {
- int i;
- putcolor(x, y, color) ;
- if ((i=xxstop-(x-xxstart)) < xdots)
- putcolor(i, y, color) ;
- }
- /* Symmetry plot for Origin Symmetry */
- void _fastcall symplot2J(int x, int y, int color)
- {
- int i,j;
- putcolor(x, y, color) ;
- if ((i=yystop-(y-yystart)) > iystop && i < ydots
- && (j=xxstop-(x-xxstart)) < xdots)
- putcolor(j, i, color) ;
- }
- /* Symmetry plot for Both Axis Symmetry */
- void _fastcall symplot4(int x, int y, int color)
- {
- int i,j;
- j = xxstop-(x-xxstart);
- putcolor( x , y, color) ;
- if (j < xdots)
- putcolor( j , y, color) ;
- if ((i=yystop-(y-yystart)) > iystop && i < ydots)
- {
- putcolor( x , i, color) ;
- if (j < xdots)
- putcolor(j , i, color) ;
- }
- }
- /* Symmetry plot for X Axis Symmetry - Striped Newtbasin version */
- void _fastcall symplot2basin(int x, int y, int color)
- {
- int i,stripe;
- putcolor(x, y, color) ;
- if(basin==2 && color > 8)
- stripe=8;
- else
- stripe = 0;
- if ((i=yystop-(y-yystart)) > iystop && i < ydots)
- {
- color -= stripe; /* reconstruct unstriped color */
- color = (degree+1-color)%degree+1; /* symmetrical color */
- color += stripe; /* add stripe */
- putcolor(x, i,color) ;
- }
- }
- /* Symmetry plot for Both Axis Symmetry - Newtbasin version */
- void _fastcall symplot4basin(int x, int y, int color)
- {
- int i,j,color1,stripe;
- if(color == 0) /* assumed to be "inside" color */
- {
- symplot4(x, y, color);
- return;
- }
- if(basin==2 && color > 8)
- stripe = 8;
- else
- stripe = 0;
- color -= stripe; /* reconstruct unstriped color */
- color1 = degree/2+degree+2 - color;
- if(color < degree/2+2)
- color1 = degree/2+2 - color;
- else
- color1 = degree/2+degree+2 - color;
- j = xxstop-(x-xxstart);
- putcolor( x, y, color+stripe) ;
- if (j < xdots)
- putcolor( j, y, color1+stripe) ;
- if ((i=yystop-(y-yystart)) > iystop && i < ydots)
- {
- putcolor( x, i, stripe + (degree+1 - color)%degree+1) ;
- if (j < xdots)
- putcolor(j, i, stripe + (degree+1 - color1)%degree+1) ;
- }
- }
- /* Do nothing plot!!! */
- #ifdef __CLINT__
- #pragma argsused
- #endif
- void _fastcall noplot(int x,int y,int color)
- {
- x = y = color = 0; /* just for warning */
- }