Some HTTP servers don't support the execution of CGI executables from subdirectories.
For these types of servers, follow the steps below:
1. Follow the instructions in the Administrator's Guide for installing
Organizer Web Calendar.
2. Copy owccgi.exe and owc10en.dll from the OrgWeb subdirectory within the
scripts directory into the root script directory (typically cgi-bin).
3. Create an orgweb.ini file within the root script directory which contains
the following lines:
4. Start the Organizer Web Calendar Administration program, choose View -
Settings, and modify the ScriptName setting within the Worker tab to work with
your http server (for example, remove the OrgWeb subdirectory from this
5. Repeat step 3 of the installation process described in section 2 above,
removing the OrgWeb subdirectory from any created links. You'll also need to
edit the default.htm and index.html files within the root OrgWeb publishing
directory which were created by Organizer Web Calendar Setup.
5. Special note about Windows 95 Web Servers
Organizer Web Calendar is not supported for Windows 95 Web servers.
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