Lotus Organizer Web Calendar 1.1 Release Notes - 1997 -------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to Lotus Organizer Web Calendar 1.1, the web server-based product that allows users to view and edit Organizer 97 GS (.OR4) files from a web browser. With Organizer Web Calendar, end users can: *** Work with their calendars in daily, weekly, and monthly views. *** Create, edit, or delete appointments and tasks. *** View shown-through calls, Planner events, and anniversaries. *** Copy appointment and task information to other applications that support the vCalendar standard. *** Share files with other users through simultaneous, multi-user file access. Administrators can: *** Configure Organizer Web Calendar on a web server. *** Control and monitor activity using the Organizer Web Calendar Administration program. These release notes are designed for administrators who will be installing Organizer Web Calendar on a web server. They contain information for getting started and information that became available after the online documentation was completed. Organizer Web Calendar release notes include the following sections: 1. Getting started 2. Installation process 3. Configuring a Domino server for Organizer Web Calendar 4. Special note for servers that run CGI executables from the root directory 5. Special note about Windows 95 Web Servers ______________________________________ 1. Getting started ______________________________________ You should review the Administrator's Guide (ADMIN.WRI) prior to installing Organizer Web Calendar on your web server. The Administrator's Guide describes the requirements and the procedures for installing, configuring, and manipulating Organizer Web Calendar. To install and use Organizer Web Calendar, you need a web server, Organizer 97 GS and .OR4 files accessible from the web server, and a web browser. During Setup, you can get Help with any prompt by pressing F1. The Organizer Web Calendar Administration program also has Help. Users will be able to see Organizer Web Calendar HTML Help while working with their .OR4 files from a browser. ______________________________________ 2. Installation process ______________________________________ This section provides an overview of the process for installing the software on a web server (an HTTP server). For detailed instructions, refer to the Administrator's Guide. 1. Install Organizer 97 GS on the web server. Organizer Web Calendar uses the Organizer 97 GS 32-bit API (ORGAPI32.DLL), which relies on various Organizer DLLs. 2. Run the Organizer Web Calendar install program (SETUP.EXE) to install the software components on the web server. 3. Set up a way for users to access Organizer Web Calendar on the server. By default, Setup installs a default.htm and index.html file within the specified subdirectory (OrgWeb). Users may start Organizer Web Calendar by typing "/OrgWeb/" from their browsers. Alternatively, you may add a link to get to the Organizer Web Calendar login screen within the server's home page, or some other web page on the server. The link should be something similar to: /scripts/OrgWeb/owccgi.exe?Welcome Incorporated within an HTML Anchor tag, the link would be something similar to: Lotus Organizer Web Calendar 1.1 4. (Optional, but recommended) Set the proxy configuration on users' web browsers so they don't use the proxy server for local addresses or at least for your intranet server where Organizer Web Calendar is installed. This will significantly speed up Organizer Web Calendar access. 5. Start the Organizer Web Calendar Administration program on the web server. 6. From the Organizer Web Calendar Administration program, start the Control program. The Administration program may be opened and closed without affecting the status of the Control program. 7. To test your installation, run Organizer Web Calendar from a user's web browser. _________________________________________________________ 3. Configuring a Domino server for Organizer Web Calendar _________________________________________________________ The procedure outlined here assumes that you've already created a Domino configuration file (DOMCFG.NSF) using the DOMCFG.NTF template file provided with Domino. For information on creating this file, please see Domino Help. 1. Shut down the Domino server. 2. If it isn't already installed, load the Notes 4.5 client on the server. 3. Open the Domino configuration file (DOMCFG.NSF). 4. Choose Create - Mapping URL -> Directory. 5. Set the URL Path to /cgi-bin/orgweb. where CGI-BIN is the root scripts directory for the Domino server and ORGWEB is the Unique Subdirectory name for Organizer Web Calendar. 6. Set the Directory to c:\data\domino\cgi-bin\orgweb. where C:\DATA\DOMINO is the root directory for the Domino server, under which the CGI-BIN and HTML directories are located. 7. Change Access to Execute. 8. Save the new document 9. Close the Domino configuration database. 10. Close the Notes 4.5 client. 11. Restart the Domino server. 12. Start the Organizer Web Calendar Control program. ____________________________________________________________________________ 4. Special note for servers that run CGI executables from the root directory ____________________________________________________________________________ Some HTTP servers don't support the execution of CGI executables from subdirectories. For these types of servers, follow the steps below: 1. Follow the instructions in the Administrator's Guide for installing Organizer Web Calendar. 2. Copy owccgi.exe and owc10en.dll from the OrgWeb subdirectory within the scripts directory into the root script directory (typically cgi-bin). 3. Create an orgweb.ini file within the root script directory which contains the following lines: [Settings] UniquePrefix=OrgWeb 4. Start the Organizer Web Calendar Administration program, choose View - Settings, and modify the ScriptName setting within the Worker tab to work with your http server (for example, remove the OrgWeb subdirectory from this value). 5. Repeat step 3 of the installation process described in section 2 above, removing the OrgWeb subdirectory from any created links. You'll also need to edit the default.htm and index.html files within the root OrgWeb publishing directory which were created by Organizer Web Calendar Setup. ____________________________________________ 5. Special note about Windows 95 Web Servers ____________________________________________ Organizer Web Calendar is not supported for Windows 95 Web servers. __________ Trademarks __________ Lotus Organizer is a registered trademark, and Organizer and Lotus Notes Domino are trademarks of Lotus Development Corporation. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.