echo "/etc/conf/bin/idinstall -k -P ${PKGINST} -a ${i}" >> ${ERR} 2>&1
/etc/conf/bin/idinstall -k -P ${PKGINST} -a ${i} >> ${ERR} 2>&1
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
message -d `pfmt -s nostd -g ${PKGMSG}:5 "The installation cannot be completed due to an error \nin the driver installation. The file %s contains the errors." ${ERR} 2>&1`
message -d `pfmt -s nostd -g ${PKGMSG}:6 "The installation cannot be completed due to an error \nin the driver installation (idbuild). The file %s contains the errors. " ${ERR} 2>&1`
# execute scripts to modify /etc/inet/services and /etc/netconfig.
# /etc/netconfig is modified by netcfg.
sh /var/sadm/pkg/nwnet/install/nwservices install >/tmp/nwservices
cp /tmp/nwservices /etc/inet/services
# Add /dev/NVT to /etc/ttysrch to speed up ttyname
echo "/dev/NVT MF" >>/etc/ttysrch
# Now clean up
# Remove tmp files from package installation database.