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- #ident "@(#)nwservices 1.2"
- #ident "$Id: nwservices,v 1.6 1994/07/13 17:44:29 vtag Exp $"
- if [ ! -f /etc/inet/services ]
- then
- echo >/etc/inet/services
- fi
- #
- # Remove all NetWare entries from the services file
- #
- sed -e '/\/ipx[ ]/d' \
- -e '/\/spx[ ]/d' \
- -e '/\/spx$/d' \
- -e '/\/ipx$/d' /etc/inet/services \
- || exit 2
- #
- # For installation append NetWare services to file
- #
- if [ "$1" = install ]
- then
- cat <<!
- # NetWare services for spx/ipx
- inetinst 1006/spx # network install
- apfs 36938/spx #any private file service
- apts 38939/spx #any private terminal service
- auth 36940/spx authentication
- bftp 36941/spx
- biff 36914/ipx comsat
- bootpc 36915/ipx
- bootps 36916/ipx bootp
- chargen 36942/spx ttytst source
- chargen 36917/ipx ttytst source
- cmip-agent 36943/spx
- cmip-manage 36944/spx
- courier 36945/spx rpc # experimental
- csnet-ns 36946/spx #CSNET Name Service
- daytime 36947/spx
- daytime 36918/ipx
- discard 36919/ipx sink null
- discard 36948/spx sink null
- echo 36820/ipx
- echo 36949/spx
- eprc 36821/ipx
- exec 36950/spx
- finger 36951/spx
- ftp 36952/spx
- ftp-data 36953/spx
- hostnames 36954/spx hostname # usually to sri-nic
- ingreslock 36955/spx
- iso-ip 36956/spx
- iso-tp0 36957/spx
- iso-tsap 36958/spx
- link 36959/spx ttylink
- listen 36960/spx # sysv listener service
- login 32867/spx
- monitor 36822/ipx # experimental
- name 36923/ipx nameserver
- name 36962/spx nameserver
- nameserver 36924/ipx domain
- nameserver 36963/spx domain
- netstat 36925/ipx
- netstat 36964/spx
- new-rwho 36926/ipx new-who # experimental
- nfsd 36927/ipx # NFS server daemon
- nntp 36965/spx usenet readnews untp # Network News Transfer
- ntp 36928/ipx # Network Time Protocol
- ntp 36966/spx # Network Time Protocol
- pcserver 36967/spx # ECD Integrated PC board srvr
- pop-2 36968/spx # Post Office
- print-srv 36969/spx
- printer 36970/spx spooler # line printer spooler
- qotd 36929/ipx quote
- qotd 36971/spx quote
- rje 36972/spx netrjs #any private rje
- rmonitor 36930/ipx rmonitord # experimental
- route 36931/ipx router routed
- sftp 36973/spx
- shell 36974/spx cmd # no passwords used
- smtp 36975/spx mail
- snmp 36879/ipx
- snmp-trap 36880/ipx
- sunrpc 36810/spx rpcbind
- sunrpc 36889/ipx rpcbind
- supdup 36976/spx
- syslog 36932/ipx
- systat 36933/ipx users
- systat 36977/spx users
- talk 36934/ipx
- telnet 36978/spx
- tftp 33683/ipx
- time 36935/ipx timserver
- time 36979/spx timserver
- ttymon 36980/spx # sysv tty service
- uucp 36981/spx uucpd # uucp daemon
- uucp-path 36982/spx
- who 36936/ipx whod
- whois 36937/ipx nicname # usually to sri-nic
- whois 36983/spx nicname # usually to sri-nic
- x400 36984/spx # ISO Mail
- x400-snd 36985/spx
- xserver0 32998/spx # X-Window Server Display 0
- unixtsa 37002/spx # TSA
- !
- fi
- exit 0