PC World Komputer 1999 mARCH
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1. The author does not accept any liability for loss of data, time,
business or private information or other damages of any kind,
whether direct or consequential arising out of the use or inability
to use the ACE package or any part thereof.
2. All copyrights holded by Marcel Lemke, the author of ACE.
3. Personal use does require registration as well as commercial use
does. You are not allowed to distribute archives created with an
unregistered ACE in any way.
4. If you want to continue to use ACE after the test period of 30 days
you must register.
5. By registering you get the right to use the registered version
only. The key you get by registration will work until the key
system is changed. A small update fee might be charged for
an update then. The number of copies of a registered ACE package
is limited by the license you got by registration.
6. No registered ACE is to be transfered to a third party.
7. Only unchanged original unregistered ACE packages are to be
distributed. No fee is to be charged for distribution or it has
to be indicated that it is unregistered shareware. The indication
means that this shareware has to be registered after 30 days.
8. You are not allowed to sell ACE packages or to modify files of them,
to reverse engineer or to disassamble executables of ACE.
9. If you do not accept these terms you are not permitted to use ACE.
Marcel Lemke, author of ACE
Copyright by Marcel Lemke, May 1998
Registration document of the archiver ACE 1.2
1. International
2. Deutsch (German)
3. British
4. Nederlands (Dutch) (special offer with Hamarsoft HMP)
1. International
Registration formular: REGISTER.FRM
1.1. Registration by mail, Fax or telephone
Fill out and print the form legibly. Then send it to the address on the
form. Please allow a few weeks for delivery.
To order by telephone call e-merge GmbH, please:
Phn 49-251-43000
You can order your registration key at the author directly, too:
(cash only, please!)
│ │
│ Marcel Lemke │
│ Ziegelstr. 2 │
│ 15752 Prieros │
│ │
│ │
│ │
1.2. Registration by e-mail
After filling out the correct registration form,
send it to this email-address:
1.3. Online registration
Do you want to register ACE online? Call the Snow Cave BBS!
Snow Cave BBS +44-(0)1662-247887; ACE ONLINE registration;
SysOp: Steve Stacher
On-line registration using Visa/MasterCard is also available over
the Internet (at http://www.dnet.co.uk/users/snowcave)!
See Section 3 (British) below for more details.
1.4. Registration process
After the receipt of your registration-key start ACE by "ACE reg".
There will come up a request for your regstration key. If you input
it correctly, further requests will follow - for your user name and
your AV-string. You have to input exactly the same texts as you
specified to your registration-site.
If there are no discrepancies because of a faulty input,
"Registration process was successful." will be displayed, otherwhise
there will occur an error message and ACE will keep unregistered.
By registration the red "UNREGISTERED"-string within the shell will be
replaced by "REGISTERED". Furhtermore you are able to use your own AV-
string instead of the AV-string which is used at unregistered versions:
Beeing a registered user you have the possibility to contact the
e-merge GmbH to solve technical problems.
2. Deutsch (German)
Registrierungsformular: REGISTER.DE
(Wechselkurs: ca. 1US$=1.75DM)
Die Registrierung setzt voraus, daß Sie die Datei LICENSE.DOC gelesen
haben und sich mit den Bedingungen einer Benutzungs-Lizenz für ACE
einverstanden erklären.
NUR für REGISTRIERTE Benutzer des DOS Command Center/DCC für Windows:
Sie erhalten zur Ergänzung Ihres DCC-Pakets ACE zu einem Sonderpreis
von DM 39,00.
2.1. Registrierung per Post, Fax oder Telefon
Möchten Sie ACE per Post oder Fax bestellen, so füllen Sie bitte das
ausgedruckte Formular gut lesbar aus. Senden Sie dieses Formular dann
an den dort aufgedruckten Empfänger. Bitte gewähren Sie ein paar Wochen
für die Bearbeitung.
Für telefonische Bestellungen wenden Sie sich bitte an die e-merge GmbH
Tel (0251) 43000
Sie können Ihren Registrierungsschlüssel auch direkt beim Autoren
bestellen (bitte nur bei Barbezahlung!):
│ │
│ Marcel Lemke │
│ Ziegelstr. 2 │
│ 15752 Prieros │
│ │
│ │
│ │
2.2. Registrierung per e-mail
Nachdem Sie das Registrierungsformular ausgefüllt haben, senden Sie es
bitte an:
2.3. Online Registrierung
Wollen Sie ACE gerne online registrieren? Besuchen Sie dafür die
Tysk BBS!
Tysk BBS +49-(0)3573-662620; ACE ONLINE registration;
SysOp: Erik Nebelung
Um Ihnen die Anmeldeprozedur, die ansonstem jedem neuen User auferlegt
wird, zu ersparen, können Sie sich als User "ACE" mit dem zugehörigen
Passwort "ACE" anmelden. Dabei wird jedoch der Zugang auf die Bereiche
beschränkt, die sich ausschliesslich mit ACE befassen.
2.4. Registrierungsvorgang
Nach dem Erhalt Ihres Registrierungs-Schlüssels starten sie ACE mit
"ACE reg". Es folgt die Aufforderung, Ihren Schlüssel einzugeben.
Haben Sie ihn korrekt eingegeben, folgen Anfragen nach Ihrem Benutzer-
namen und Ihrer AV-Signatur. Sie müssen hier exakt die gleichen Texte
eingeben, wie Sie sie Ihrer Registrierungs-Stelle angegeben haben.
Treten keine Unstimmigkeiten aufgrund einer oder mehrerer Fehleingaben
auf, wird "Registrierungs-Vorgang war erfolgreich." gemeldet, ansonsten
tritt eine Fehlermeldung auf und ACE bleibt weiterhin unregistriert.
Mit der Registrierung wird der rote "UNREGISTRIERT"-Schriftzug innerhalb
der Shell durch "REGISTRIERT" ersetzt. Statt der für unregistrierte
Versionen gültigen AV-Signatur ("*UNREGISTERED VERSION*") können Sie
nun Ihre eigene Signatur benutzen.
Als registrierter Benutzer haben Sie die Möglichkeit, sich durch die
e-merge GmbH bei technischen Problemen helfen zu lassen.
2.5. Händleranfragen
Haben Sie als Händler ACE betreffend Anfragen, so wenden Sie sich
bitte telefonisch an die e-merge GmbH:
Tel (0251) 43000
Fax (0251) 43052
3. British
SnowMan Enterprises
1 Tattysallagh Road
Omagh, Co. Tyrone BT78 5BW
Voice: +44 (0)1662 247887
BBS/FAX +44 (0)1662 252228
FIDOnet 2:443/888
Internet the.snowman@usa.net
* * *
3.1. To register via the BBS
Simply upload or NetMail (Crash) or FAX the completed form to The Snow
Cave BBS on the following number. (please rename this form to your
birthdate ie. 07/12/70 --> 071270.FRM/071270.ACE,..)
+44 (0)1662-252228 Fido 2:443/888
If you Upload to the BBS, then after you have logged on (and replied to
the log-on questionaire) then go to the FILES menu (F) from the main
menu, and select File[B]ox Menu (B), [U]pload To User and enter ACE as
the user.
If you Crash the form by NetMail, please indicate on the form, your
Fido node or point address.
Your registered key file will be made available for download on the
Snow Cave BBS in the shortest possible time....
If you upload via the BBS, they will be waiting in your FileBox and
you will be advised on log-on. If you crash it, the files will be put
on hold for you, using the Fido address you provided.
3.2. To Register via the Internet
Email the form to Snowman enterprises at one of the below addresses:
the.snowman@usa.net or snowman@bigfoot.com
(after January 15 you can also Email snowman@snowcave.co.uk)
If you wish, you can use my Public Key with PGP to ensure privacy:
Version: 2.6.2
Comment: Key for user ID: Snowman Enterprises <snowman@snowcave.co.uk>
If the cardholders name/address is different to the USER address,
The Snow Cave BBS reserves the right to call the CARDHOLDER to verify
the authenticity of the transaction...
All transactions are in UK Pounds Sterling.
3.3. Online Registration
We have set up our WEB site with secure credit card transaction
You can register online at:
3.4. Alternatively, you MAY send the completed form by regular mail
Send the the form to:
Snowman Enterprises
1 Tattysallagh Road
Omagh, Co. Tyrone
BT78 5BW
Northern Ireland
3.5. V.A.T.
Snowman Enterprises is a small sole trader company and is *NOT*
registered for VAT, therefore all transactions made through Snowman
Enterprises are not liable to VAT, and no VAT can be reclaimed on the
total transaction cost.
3.6. Registration process
After the receipt of your registration-key start ACE by "ACE reg".
There will come up a request for your regstration key. If you input
it correctly, further requests will follow - for your user name and
your AV-string. You have to input exactly the same texts as you
specified to your registration-site.
If there are no discrepancies because of a faulty input,
"Registration process was successful." will be displayed, otherwhise
there will occur an error message and ACE will keep unregistered.
By registration the red "UNREGISTERED"-string within the shell will be
replaced by "REGISTERED". Furhtermore you are able to use your own AV-
string instead of the AV-string which is used at unregistered versions:
3.7. UK-registration form for the archiver ACE v1.2
The form expires on January 1, 1999.
By registering ACE you confirm that you have read, understand and accept
the terms as listed in LICENSE.DOC.
Fill out and print the form (REGISTER.UK) legibly. Then send it to the
address on the form. Please allow a few weeks for delivery.
4. Nederlands (Dutch)
Registration form: REGISTER.NL
By registering with Hamarsoft you receive the Hamarsoft HMP Memory Pirate
UMB driver free of charge (offer valid till january 1st 1999,
see www.xs4all.nl/~feldmann for details).
Door ACE te registreren verklaart U dat U de licentievoorwaarden in het
bestand LICENSE.DOC heeft gelezen, begrepen en ermee akkoord gaat.
Vult U alstublieft het geprinte formulier duidelijk in en stuurt U het
vervolgens naar het officiele registratiepunt voor ACE in Nederland:
tav ACE registratie
Postbus 451
6400 AL Heerlen
Levering van de geregistreerde versie van ACE zal binnen 21 dagen
plaatsvinden, indien aangegeven, op 3 1/2" diskette in MS-DOS formaat.
4.2. Registratie procedure
Na ontvangst van uw registratie-code start u ACE met als optie 'reg',
type in: 'ACE reg' zonder de '' en druk op enter.
ACE zal u om uw registratie-code vragen. Als u deze correct invoert
zal ACE u om uw gebruikersnaam en AV-tekst vragen. U moet hier exact
dezelfde teksten invoeren als toen u het registratie-formulier
invulde. Als er geen fouten zijn gemaakt zal ACE reageren met de
tekst: "Registratie proces was succesvol". Anders reageert ACE met een
foutmelding en wordt de registratie-procedure afgebroken.
Door registratie zal de rode tekst "ONGEREGISTR." worden vervangen
door "GEREGISTREERD". Voorts kunt u dan ook uw eigen AV tekst in de
door u gemakte archieven opnemen, in plaats van de standaard aanwezige
Door registratie krijgt u ook de mogelijkheid om Hamarsoft om raad
te vragen bij eventuele ernstige problemen. (via e-mail)
+---------------------------------+ Read REGISTER.DOC for more information!
ª e-merge GmbH ª This form expires on January 1, 1999.
ª Bohlweg 36 ª
ª ª
ª D-48147 Muenster ª Date:___________
ª ª
ª Phn 49-251-43000 ª
ª Fax 49-251-43052 ª
+---------------------------------+ Signature:____________________________
Name: Phone:
________________________________________ _____________________________
(Company/Institution): (Email/FIDO):
________________________________________ _____________________________
Zip/Country: (FAX):
________________________________________ _____________________________
I have read, understand and accept the terms as outlined in the file
LICENSE.DOC which was part of this unmodified ACE package.
I wish to get a license for simultaneous use of ACE
[ ] on one computer (1 CPU) ...................... $29 _______
[ ] on 2 to 4 CPUs ... number of CPUs: ___ x $24 _______
[ ] on 5 to 9 CPUs number of CPUs: ___ x $19 _______
[ ] on 11 to 49 CPUs number of CPUs: ___ x $17 _______
[ ] on 60 to 99 CPUs number of CPUs: ___ x $14 _______
For larger amounts please contact a registration site directly. Their
Addresses are listed on this formular as well as in the file ACE.DOC.
Shipping of files:
[ ] by regular mail................................ $5 _______
[ ] by email....................................... $0
(Address must be given in the fields above!) -----------
You have to specify a Authenticity Verification string:
(please read the file ACE.DOC for information about this)
(min: 10 chars; max: 50 chars; pay attention to upper and lower case)
Method of payment:
[ ] Bank transfer to the following account:
e-merge GmbH, Sparkasse Mⁿnster, BLZ 400 501 50
account nr. 17 006 834, purpose "ACE Registrierung"
[ ] Cheque
[ ] Cash (add money to this order, maximum is $63)
[ ] Credit card [ ] Eurocard [ ] VISA
_______________________________ _______________________________
Cardholder Signature
_______________________________ _______________________________
Credit card number Expiry date
Please tell me about the type of data your are using ACE on.
(this helps me to improve the program)
[ ] Text [ ] Sound [ ] Executables (com,exe,dll,..)
[ ] Graphics [ ] Database [ ] Other: _____________________________