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- Welcome to
- R O C K S ' N ' D I A M O N D S ' 9 8
- -------------------------------------------
- A game for Unix/X11 by Holger Schemel, (c) 1995-98 by Holger Schemel.
- Introduction
- ============
- This is a nice little game with color graphics and sound for your
- Unix system with color X11. You need an 8-Bit color display or better.
- It will not work on black&white systems, and maybe not on gray scale systems.
- If you know the game "Boulderdash" (Commodore C64) or "Emerald Mine"
- (Amiga), you know what "ROCKS'N'DIAMONDS" is about.
- Getting started
- ===============
- Just 'cd' to the directory 'rocksndiamonds-*' (Unix) or 'rocks-*' (DOS)
- and type 'rocksndiamonds' (Linux) or 'rocks' (DOS/Windows)!
- This works only on Linux and DOS systems, because the included binary was
- compiled for Linux (i386/libc5) (if you have the Unix package) and DOS
- (if you have the DOS/Windows package).
- If you have another Unix system like HPUX, NetBSD or SUN, you first have to
- type 'make' to compile it.
- This may be needed on Linux systems, too, depending on your kernel version,
- your libc version, your binary format, your processor, ...
- (The included binary was compiled on the following system:
- AMD K6, kernel 2.0.35, libc5, gcc, ELF format)
- The Menues
- ==========
- You can see eight blue circles on the left side of the eight green menu
- texts; these are buttons to activate the menu commands by simply clicking
- on them with a mouse. The button will then change to red.
- (You can control the menues over the keyboard or joystick, too. Just use
- the arrow keys and the 'Return' or 'Enter' key or, if you use a joystick,
- the appropriate direction and the fire button.)
- The menu 'name' / 'team'
- ------------------------
- When you start the game the first time, your login name will appear in
- the 'NAME:' field. If you want to use a different name for playing, for
- example a funny player name or a name for cheating, you can click on the
- button and enter a new name.
- This menu will show the text 'team' instead of 'name' if you activated
- the team (local multiplayer) mode in the setup menu. See below.
- The menue 'level'
- -----------------
- Choose any level from the current level series you want. The former
- 'handicap' limitation in choosing levels has been removed because of
- beeing annoying.
- If the level number is red, you have choosen a 'ready' level series (which
- is read-only and cannot be modified by the level editor); if it is yellow
- you have choosen a 'user' level series (which is writable and can be changed
- by the builf-in level editor). See below for using the level editor.
- To choose new level series, click on the button on the left and choose
- the new level series. Scroll the page up and down with the blue arrow
- buttons if there are more level series than would fit on the screen.
- Hall of fame
- ------------
- Click on this button to see a list of the best players of this level.
- Click again to go back to the main menu.
- Level creator
- -------------
- This brings you to the level editor, if you have switched to a 'yellow'
- (writable) level series.
- Info screen
- -----------
- This screen shows you all elements which appear in the game and presents
- you the background music loops which you can listen to while playing the
- levels (not available on all systems).
- Start game
- ----------
- This will start the game. The game will be automatically recorded 'on tape'
- if you have choosen this from the setup menu (see below). If you haven't
- choosen auto-recording level, but want to record this certain game, press
- the 'record' button on the level tape recorder to start game and recording.
- Setup
- -----
- To change some things in the game, use the setup menu.
- You can enable/disable "Sound" (enables/disables _all_ sounds in
- the game), "Sound loops" (only useful on Linux systems), "Game music"
- (can always be enabled on very fast systems [exception: you don't
- like it], on slower systems it will take some percent of CPU time
- which will slow things down a bit) and "Toons", which will forbid/
- permit the little animated toons.
- Forget about the setup options "Buffered Gfx" and "Fading" -- they
- have no effect at the moment and will probably disappear in future
- versions of the game. (Double-buffering is now always activated, because
- systems are fast enough now compared to 1995, when the last version of the
- game was released. Especially soft-scrolling needs the double-buffering.
- About fading from one screen to another with silly effects: Most players
- will probably deactivate it after a few minutes (see also "quick doors").)
- Enable "scroll delay" to avoid scrolling at each step, giving you an area
- where you can walk without scrolling until you get near enough to the screen
- border.
- Enable "soft scroll" for soft-scrolling. Looks nice, but may need a
- relatively fast graphics card. Systems from 1998 and later should be fast
- enough for enabling soft-scrolling.
- Enable "quick doors" if you are unpatient when switching between the
- several game screens where the doors have to be opened or closed. You will
- almost surely enable this if you design your own levels and therefore
- often switch between game and editor screens.
- Set "auto-record" to "on" if you want to automatically record each game
- by the built-in level tape recorder.
- For configuration of input devices like keyboard and joysticks, choose
- the sub-menu "input devices".
- "Exit" quits the setup menu without saving the changes, "Save and exit"
- will save and then return to the main menu.
- Input Devices (sub-menu of the setup menu)
- ------------------------------------------
- "Player" lets you choose one of the four players.
- "Device" lets you choose the input device you want for this player;
- you can choose between the keyboard and one of the maximal four supported
- joysticks. (Normally you won't have more than two joysticks, but the Linux
- joystick driver supports more than two joysticks.)
- "Customize" / "Calibrate" lets you calibrate a joystick or customize the
- keyboard keys used for moving left, right, up and down, "snapping" fields
- without moving towards them and placing bombs. Just press the key you want
- to use for the specified action or press Return or Enter to stay with the
- already configured values.
- "Exit" brings you back to the setup screen.
- Quit
- ----
- Exit the game.
- How To Play The Game
- ====================
- When the game has started, you can see the playfield on the left side
- and a control field on the right side. The control field contains the
- following elements:
- Level indicator Tells you which level you are playing.
- Emeralds Shows you how many emeralds you still need
- to win the current level.
- Dynamite Shows you how many dynamite bombs you have.
- Keys Shows you which keys you have in your inventory.
- Score Shows the current score. In some levels there
- are some extra items giving extra score points.
- Time The seconds you have still left to play the level.
- Stop/Pause/Play Game controls to stop the game, pause it and go on
- playing. If the tape recorder is recording your
- game, it is stopping/pausing/playing as well.
- Music buttons The three music buttons can be used to control the
- background music loop, the 'looping' sounds and
- all other sounds. The little red light shows you
- if it is enabled or disabled.
- About the game itself: Of course you know Boulderdash, so you will know
- how to play the game. :)
- If not: You can move your playing figure with the configured keys (which
- will normally and by default be the arrow keys) or with a joystick.
- To 'snap' a field near you without moving to it, you
- can use the left fire button on your joystick (hold it down, move the
- stick to 'snap' the field, release the button) or the key you have
- configured for this action (by default one of the left modifier keys like
- 'Shift' or 'Control').
- To place a piece of dynamite, use the right fire button on your joystick or
- use the key you have configured for this (by default one of the right modifier
- keys, but you can change all this to what you like).
- After placing the dynamite, better see to move away from this field...).
- Just try the levels from the 'tutorial' level serie to see what most
- of the elements do or have a look at the info screen!
- The Level Editor
- ================
- To create your own levels, it's a good idea to start with your personal
- level series, which has been created automatically the first time you
- started the game (together with some configuration files). These personal
- files are stored in '~/.rocksndiamonds' on Unix systems and in 'userdata'
- in the current playing directory (which normally is the game directory)
- on DOS/Windows systems.
- The levels that come with the game are normally read-only, to avoid
- problems on multi user systems, but you can set them to 'writable' in
- the file 'levelinfo.conf' ('lvlinfo.cnf' on DOS systems) in each level
- directory.
- To edit a level, you can use all three mouse buttons to draw in the
- level window. Click into the elements field with one of the three buttons
- to remap it to the new element. Use the arrow widgets to scroll around in
- the level. Use the 'flood fill' field to init exactly ony flood fill
- operation in the level field (you will be prompted). Click on 'control
- window' to switch to the control window.
- In the control window you can modify different parameters like the size
- of the level playfield, the name of the level, the scores for different
- elements and something like that. The four 3x3 field on the upper left
- can be edited like the level field and indicate the 'contents' of smashed
- crunchers (just try it out with some crunchers in one of your own levels).
- 'Undo & Exit' leaves the level editor, throwing away all the changes you
- have done to the level.
- 'Save & Exit' leveas the level editor and saves the new level (the old one
- will be deleted).
- The Tape Recorder
- =================
- You can use the tape recorder to record games and play tapes of previously
- played games. Just use them like a normal video recorder.
- Recording a game on tape:
- -------------------------
- If you have enabled "auto-record", every game will automatically be recorded,
- so you just have to press "start game". Pressing the 'record' button on the
- tape recorder will start game and record it in any case.
- Saving a game tape:
- -------------------
- To save a tape to the tape file corresponding to the level (that means
- that you can only save one tape file for each level), just press the
- 'eject' button (the very left button). Then you will be prompted if
- you really want to replace the old tape (if an old tape exists).
- Playing a tape:
- ---------------
- Just press 'play' and then either 'play' or 'pause'.
- While recording or playing, you can press 'pause' to stop the recording
- or the playing of the tape and continue by pressing 'pause' again.
- You can use either the tape recorder buttons or the game control buttons
- for this purpose.
- If you want to continue a previously recorded game, press 'pause' while
- playing, then 'record' to switch from 'paused playing' to 'paused recording'
- and then continue the game by pressing 'record' or 'pause'. If you want
- to fast-forward the tape to get faster to the point where you want to
- continue playing, press 'play' again while already playing, therefore
- activating 'fast forward' playing mode. Press again the 'play' button
- to enter a special playing mode: 'pause before end' will stop a few seconds
- before the end of the tape (which will in most cases stop a few seconds
- before you get killed in the previous playing recorded on that tape) --
- after the automatic stop (which enters the 'pause' mode) you can continue
- the game as described above.
- And Now Have Fun!
- =================
- Have fun playing the game, building new levels and breaking all high
- scores! :-)
- If you have designed new levels, mail them to me to include them in the
- next version (which will be released much earlier than again after three
- years like this version... ;-)
- If you have any comments, problems, suggestions, donations, flames,
- send them to
- aeglos@valinor.owl.de
- or Snail Mail to
- Holger Schemel
- Oststrasse 11a
- 33604 Bielefeld
- Have fun,
- Holger