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- # $Id: pydbsupt.py,v 1.2 1998/08/26 09:26:33 zeller Exp $
- """Support functions for pydb, the Python debugger that works with ddd"""
- import string
- """Breakpoint class for interface with ddd.
- Implements temporary breakpoints, ignore counts, disabling and
- (re)-enabling, and conditionals.
- Breakpoints are indexed by number through bpbynumber and by the
- file,line tuple using bplist. The former points to a single
- instance of class Breakpoint. The latter points to a list of
- such instances since there may be more than one breakpoint per line.
- """
- class Breakpoint:
- next = 1 # Next bp to be assigned
- bplist = {} # indexed by (file, lineno) tuple
- bpbynumber = [None] # Each entry is None or an instance of Bpt
- # index 0 is unused, except for marking an
- # effective break .... see effective()
- def __init__(self, file, line, temporary=0):
- self.file = file
- self.line = line
- self.cond = None
- self.temporary = temporary
- self.enabled = 1
- self.ignore = 0
- self.hits = 0
- self.number = Breakpoint.next
- Breakpoint.next = Breakpoint.next + 1
- # Build the two lists
- self.bpbynumber.append(self)
- if self.bplist.has_key((file, line)):
- self.bplist[file, line].append(self)
- else:
- self.bplist[file, line] = [self]
- def deleteMe(self):
- index = (self.file, self.line)
- self.bpbynumber[self.number] = None # No longer in list
- self.bplist[index].remove(self)
- if not self.bplist[index]:
- # No more bp for this f:l combo
- del self.bplist[index]
- def enable(self):
- self.enabled = 1
- def disable(self):
- self.enabled = 0
- def bpprint(self):
- if self.temporary:
- disp = 'del '
- else:
- disp = 'keep '
- if self.enabled:
- disp = disp + 'yes'
- else:
- disp = disp + 'no '
- print '%-4dbreakpoint %s at %s:%d' % (self.number, disp, self.file, self.line)
- if self.cond:
- print '\tstop only if %s' % (self.cond,)
- if self.ignore:
- print '\tignore next %d hits' % (self.ignore)
- if (self.hits):
- if (self.hits > 1): ss = 's'
- else: ss = ''
- print '\tbreakpoint already hit %d time%s' % (self.hits,ss)
- # Determines if there is an effective (active) breakpoint at this
- # line of code. Returns breakpoint number or 0 if none
- def effective(file, line, frame):
- """Determine which breakpoint for this file:line is to be
- acted upon. Called only if we know there is a bpt at this
- location. Returns breakpoint that was triggered and a flag
- that indicates if it is ok to delete a temporary bp."""
- possibles = Breakpoint.bplist[file,line]
- for i in range(0, len(possibles)):
- b = possibles[i]
- if b.enabled == 0:
- continue
- # Count every hit when bp is enabled
- b.hits = b.hits + 1
- if not b.cond:
- # If unconditional, and ignoring, go on to next, else break
- if b.ignore > 0:
- b.ignore = b.ignore -1
- continue
- else:
- # breakpoint and marker that's ok to delete if temporary
- return (b,1)
- else:
- # Conditional bp.
- # Ignore count applies only to those bpt hits where the
- # condition evaluates to true.
- try:
- val = eval(b.cond, frame.f_globals, frame.f_locals)
- if val:
- if b.ignore > 0:
- b.ignore = b.ignore -1
- # continue
- else:
- return (b,1)
- # else:
- # continue
- except:
- # if eval fails, most conservative thing is to stop
- # on breakpoint regardless of ignore count.
- # Don't delete temporary, as another hint to user.
- return (b,0)
- return (None, None)
- class Display:
- displayNext = 1
- displayList = []
- def __init__(self):
- pass
- def displayIndex(self, frame):
- if not frame:
- return None
- # return suitable index for displayList
- code = frame.f_code
- return (code.co_name, code.co_filename, code.co_firstlineno)
- def displayAny(self, frame):
- # display any items that are active
- if not frame:
- return
- index = self.displayIndex(frame)
- for dp in Display.displayList:
- if dp.code == index and dp.enabled:
- print dp.displayMe(frame)
- def displayAll(self):
- # List all display items; return 0 if none
- any = 0
- for dp in Display.displayList:
- if not any:
- print """Auto-display expressions now in effect:
- Num Enb Expression"""
- any = 1
- dp.params()
- return any
- def deleteOne(self, i):
- for dp in Display.displayList:
- if i == dp.number:
- dp.deleteMe()
- return
- def enable(self, i, flag):
- for dp in Display.displayList:
- if i == dp.number:
- if flag:
- dp.enable()
- else:
- dp.disable()
- return
- class DisplayNode(Display):
- def __init__(self, frame, arg, format):
- self.code = self.displayIndex(frame)
- self.format = format
- self.arg = arg
- self.enabled = 1
- self.number = Display.displayNext
- Display.displayNext = Display.displayNext + 1
- Display.displayList.append(self)
- def displayMe(self, frame):
- if not frame:
- return 'No symbol "' + self.arg + '" in current context.'
- try:
- val = eval(self.arg, frame.f_globals, frame.f_locals)
- except:
- return 'No symbol "' + self.arg + '" in current context.'
- #format and print
- what = self.arg
- if self.format:
- what = self.format + ' ' + self.arg
- val = self.printf(val, self.format)
- return '%d: %s = %s' % (self.number, what, val)
- pconvert = {'c':chr, 'x': hex, 'o': oct, 'f': float, 's': str}
- twos = ('0000', '0001', '0010', '0011', '0100', '0101', '0110', '0111',
- '1000', '1001', '1010', '1011', '1100', '1101', '1110', '1111')
- def printf(self, val, fmt):
- if not fmt:
- fmt = ' ' # not 't' nor in pconvert
- # Strip leading '/'
- if fmt[0] == '/':
- fmt = fmt[1:]
- f = fmt[0]
- if f in self.pconvert.keys():
- try:
- return apply(self.pconvert[f], (val,))
- except:
- return str(val)
- # binary (t is from 'twos')
- if f == 't':
- try:
- res = ''
- while val:
- res = self.twos[val & 0xf] + res
- val = val >> 4
- return res
- except:
- return str(val)
- return str(val)
- def checkValid(self, frame):
- # Check if valid for this frame, and if not, delete display
- # To be used by code that creates a displayNode and only then.
- res = self.displayMe(frame)
- if string.split(res)[0] == 'No':
- self.deleteMe()
- # reset counter
- Display.displayNext = Display.displayNext - 1
- return res
- def params(self):
- #print format and item to display
- pad = ' ' * (3 - len(`self.number`))
- if self.enabled:
- what = ' y '
- else:
- what = ' n '
- if self.format:
- what = what + self.format + ' '
- what = pad + what + self.arg
- print '%d:%s' % (self.number, what)
- def deleteMe(self):
- Display.displayList.remove(self)
- def disable(self):
- self.enabled = 0
- def enable(self):
- self.enabled = 1