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- # $Id: pydbcmd.py,v 1.2 1998/08/26 09:26:32 zeller Exp $
- # Support functions for ddd
- #
- # A generic class to build line-oriented command interpreters
- # Slightly modified version of Python library module cmd.py
- import string
- import sys
- import linecache
- PROMPT = '(Cmd) '
- IDENTCHARS = string.letters + string.digits + '_'
- class Cmd:
- def __init__(self):
- self.prompt = PROMPT
- self.identchars = IDENTCHARS
- self.lastcmd = ''
- def cmdloop(self):
- stop = None
- while not stop:
- if self.cmdqueue:
- line = self.cmdqueue[0]
- del self.cmdqueue[0]
- else:
- try:
- line = raw_input(self.prompt)
- except EOFError:
- # ignore EOF errors ... use quit to end loop
- continue
- stop = self.onecmd(line)
- stop = stop or self.alldie
- def onecmd(self, line):
- line = string.strip(line)
- if not line:
- line = self.lastcmd
- else:
- self.lastcmd = line
- if not line:
- return 0
- # Ignore comments
- if line[0] == '#':
- return 0
- i, n = 0, len(line)
- while i < n and line[i] in self.identchars: i = i+1
- cmd, arg = line[:i], string.strip(line[i:])
- if cmd == '':
- return self.default(line)
- else:
- try:
- func = getattr(self, 'do_' + cmd)
- except AttributeError:
- return self.default(line)
- return func(arg)
- def default(self, line):
- print '*** Unknown syntax:', line
- def do_help(self, arg):
- if arg:
- try:
- func = getattr(self, 'help_' + arg)
- except:
- print 'Undefined command: "%s". Try "help".' % (arg,)
- return
- func()
- else:
- import newdir
- names = newdir.dir(self.__class__)
- cmds_doc = []
- cmds_undoc = []
- help = {}
- for name in names:
- if name[:5] == 'help_':
- help[name[5:]]=1
- for name in names:
- if name[:3] == 'do_':
- cmd=name[3:]
- if help.has_key(cmd):
- cmds_doc.append(cmd)
- del help[cmd]
- else:
- cmds_undoc.append(cmd)
- print
- print "Type 'quit' to exit debugger"
- self.print_topics("Documented commands (type help " \
- "<topic>):",cmds_doc, 15, 80)
- self.print_topics("Miscellaneous help topics:",
- help.keys(), 15, 80)
- self.print_topics("Undocumented commands:",
- cmds_undoc, 15, 80)
- def print_topics(self, header, cmds, cmdlen, maxcol):
- if cmds:
- print header;
- print "="*len(header)
- (cmds_per_line,junk)=divmod(maxcol,cmdlen)
- col=cmds_per_line
- for cmd in cmds:
- if col==0: print
- print (("%-"+`cmdlen`+"s") % cmd),
- col = (col+1) % cmds_per_line
- print "\n"