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// $Id: DefCallN.C,v 1.11 1998/11/23 17:43:22 zeller Exp $
// Calling user-defined VSL functions
// Copyright (C) 1995 Technische Universitaet Braunschweig, Germany.
// Written by Andreas Zeller <zeller@ips.cs.tu-bs.de>.
// This file is part of DDD.
// DDD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// DDD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
// License along with DDD -- see the file COPYING.
// If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
// 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// DDD is the data display debugger.
// For details, see the DDD World-Wide-Web page,
// `http://www.cs.tu-bs.de/softech/ddd/',
// or send a mail to the DDD developers <ddd@ips.cs.tu-bs.de>.
char DefCallNode_rcsid[] =
"$Id: DefCallN.C,v 1.11 1998/11/23 17:43:22 zeller Exp $";
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma implementation
#include "assert.h"
#include <iostream.h>
#include <strstream.h>
#include "VSLLib.h"
#include "VSLDef.h"
#include "VSLDefList.h"
#include "VSEFlags.h"
#include "Box.h"
#include "VSLNode.h"
#include "CallNode.h"
#include "DefCallN.h"
#include "BuiltinCN.h"
#include "ArgNode.h"
DEFINE_TYPE_INFO_1(DefCallNode, CallNode)
// DefCallNode
// Constructor
DefCallNode::DefCallNode(VSLDef *def, VSLNode *a, char *type):
CallNode(a, type), _def(def), _deflist(def->deflist)
// Constructor
DefCallNode::DefCallNode(VSLDefList *deflist, VSLNode *a, char *type):
CallNode(a, type), _def(0), _deflist(deflist)
// Copy
DefCallNode::DefCallNode(const DefCallNode& node):
CallNode(node), _def(node._def), _deflist(node._deflist)
// Destructor
assert(_deflist->references >= 0);
// Call user-defined function
const Box *DefCallNode::call(Box *a) const
const Box *box;
// Find function and call it
if (_def)
box = _def->eval(a);
box = _deflist->eval(a);
return box;
// Return function name
char *DefCallNode::func_name() const
return (char *)_deflist->f_name();
// Optimization
// resolveDefs: shorten DefCalls
// Replace all calls f(arg1, arg2, ...), where there can be only *one*
// possible def of f(), by a direct call of f()
int DefCallNode::resolveDefs(VSLDef *cdef, bool complain_recursive)
// Apply to arg
int changes = CallNode::resolveDefs(cdef, complain_recursive);
if (_def) // Are we unambiguous already?
return changes;
// Match in both directions
bool old_bothSidesCanMatch = VSLNode::bothSidesCanMatch;
VSLNode::bothSidesCanMatch = true;
// All arguments...
bool old_ArgNodeMatchesAll = ArgNode::matchesAll;
ArgNode::matchesAll = true;
// ... and all function calls can match
bool old_CallNodeMatchesAll = CallNode::matchesAll;
CallNode::matchesAll = true;
VSLDef *found = 0;
VSLDef *def;
for (def = _deflist->first(); def != 0; def = def->listnext())
if (def->matches(arg()))
if (found == 0)
found = def; // First matching def
found = 0; // Second matching def: abort
VSLNode::bothSidesCanMatch = old_bothSidesCanMatch;
CallNode::matchesAll = old_CallNodeMatchesAll;
ArgNode::matchesAll = old_ArgNodeMatchesAll;
if (found == 0 && def == 0)
const int bufsize = 1000;
char buffer[bufsize];
ostrstream s(buffer, sizeof buffer);
s << *this << '\0';
VSLLib::eval_warning("no suitable definition for " + string(buffer),
if (found == cdef && complain_recursive)
VSLLib::eval_error("infinite recursion", cdef);
if (found == 0)
return changes;
// Set new definition
_def = found;
if (VSEFlags::show_optimize)
cout << "\n" << cdef->longname() << ": resolveDefs: resolving\n"
<< *this << "\nto " << _def->longname() << "\n";
return ++changes;
// resolveSynonyms: Resolve synonyms
// Replace all calls f() with f(...) = g(...), g(...) = h(...) by h()
int DefCallNode::resolveSynonyms(VSLDef *cdef, VSLNode **node)
assert (this == *node);
// Apply to all args
int changes = CallNode::resolveSynonyms(cdef, node);
// If ambiguous, we're done
if (_def == 0)
return changes;
// Let f() be the called function;
// If f() is not defined as f() = g(), abort
VSLNode *syn = _def->expr();
if (syn == 0 || !syn->isCallNode())
return changes;
CallNode *call_syn = (CallNode *)syn; // dirty trick
// If f() is not defined as f(<pattern>) = g(<pattern>), abort
VSLNode *my_pattern = _def->node_pattern();
VSLNode *his_pattern = call_syn->arg();
if (*my_pattern != *his_pattern)
return changes;
if (VSEFlags::show_optimize)
cout << "\n" << cdef->longname() << ": resolveSynonyms: replacing\n"
<< *this << "\n";
if (call_syn->isDefCallNode())
DefCallNode *defcall_syn = (DefCallNode *)call_syn; // dirty trick
// f(a1, ..., an) is defined as g(a1, ..., an)
// Replace call to f() call to g()
// Replace DefCallNode by other DefCallNode;
// (simply change the deflist pointers)
_def = defcall_syn->_def;
_deflist = defcall_syn->_deflist;
else if (call_syn->isBuiltinCallNode())
BuiltinCallNode *builtin_syn =
(BuiltinCallNode *)call_syn; // dirty trick
// f(a1, ..., an) is defined as g(a1, ..., an)
// Replace call to f() by call to g().
// Replace DefCallNode by BuiltinCallNode
// (actual node change)
BuiltinCallNode *newNode = new BuiltinCallNode(*builtin_syn, arg());
*node = newNode;
arg() = 0; delete this;
if (VSEFlags::show_optimize)
cout << "by " << **node << "\n";
return changes;
// inlineFuncs: Replace function calls by function bodies
// For example: Replace
// f(a, b, c, d) = max(a, b) + max(c, d)
// with
// max(a, b) = if a > b then a else b fi
// by
// f(a, b, c, d) = (if a > b then a else b fi) + (if c > d then c else d fi)
int DefCallNode::inlineFuncs(VSLDef *cdef, VSLNode **node)
assert (this == *node);
int changes = 0;
// Apply to all arguments
changes += CallNode::inlineFuncs(cdef, node);
// If we're ambiguous, we're done
if (_def == 0 || _def->expr() == 0)
return changes;
// Create list of instances; if ambiguous, we're done
VSLNode **values = _def->nodelist(arg());
if (values == 0)
return changes;
// Create instance counter
int *instances = new int [_def->nargs()];
unsigned i;
for (i = 0; i < _def->nargs(); i++)
instances[i] = 0;
// Count how often each arg is used
_def->expr()->countArgNodes(cdef, instances, 0, _def->nargs());
// Each instance must be defined
bool fail = false;
for (i = 0; i < _def->nargs(); i++)
if (instances[i] > 0 && values[i] == 0)
ostrstream os;
os << "cannot isolate arg " << i;
VSLLib::eval_warning(os, _def);
fail = true;
// Each instance must be used only once (efficiency)
for (i = 0; i < _def->nargs(); i++)
if (values[i] && instances[i] > 1)
// However, if we replace an arg by a constant or another
// arg, the arg may be instantiated multiple times.
if (!values[i]->isConstNode() && !values[i]->isArgNode())
fail = true;
delete[] instances;
if (fail)
return changes;
// Now perform inlining.
// Copy function body
VSLNode *body = _def->expr()->dup();
// The arg nodes in BODY refer to EXPR; not to the function of
// this DefCallNode. We must replace them by the arguments of
// this DefCallNode.
body->instantiateArgs(cdef, &body, values, 0, _def->nargs());
// Remaining arg nides in BODY refer to LET constructs. If the
// current funtion and the new body have a different number of
// args, we'll get into trouble. So, renumber the arg nodes.
body->reBase(cdef, _base);
// Here's the actual replacement
*node = body;
if (VSEFlags::show_optimize)
cout << "\n" << cdef->longname() << ": inlineFuncs: replacing\n"
<< *this << "\nby " << **node << '\n';
delete this;
return ++changes;
// countSelfReferences: Call references to outside functions
int DefCallNode::countSelfReferences(VSLDef *cdef, VSLDefList *deflist)
int changes = CallNode::countSelfReferences(cdef, deflist);
if (_deflist == deflist)
if (VSEFlags::show_optimize)
cout << "\n" << cdef->longname()
<< ": countSelfReferences: found self-reference to "
<< deflist->f_name();
return changes;
// Debugging
// Representation invariant
bool DefCallNode::OK() const
assert (_deflist != 0);
assert (_def == 0 || _def->deflist == _deflist);
// assert (_def->OK()); // may result in endless loop
assert (CallNode::OK());
return true;