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- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- --
- ┌────────────────┐
- │╒═══════════════╧╕
- ││ Help File ├─────────────────────────────────────
- ││ └──────────────────────────────────────
- ││
- ││ AstroDataFitter 3 Least-Squares Equation/Data Fitter
- ││
- ││ Help File Version 3.12 03-01-1994 <ASP>
- ││ L 10
- │
- (c) Copyright 1981, 1994 PC SuperComputer Capital, Inc.
- All rights reserved.
- Read and understand WARRANTY INFORMATION . Type J twice to read.
- Instructions on using help file are at end of file. Type K to read.
- L 20
- ╒══════════╕
- │ CONTENTS └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- 0.00 Table of Contents
- * To quickly jump to Sections, position the Section line number
- * on the │JUMP│ line (line 12) and type J or type Lxxx (enter)
- * where xxx is line number. For example, to jump to line 139,
- * type L139 (ent). Type S or R to skip back/forth to Sections. L 30
- 0.00 ... Table of Contents ................................... 1 25
- 1.01 ... Equations Display, What is it? ...................... 3 101
- 1.02 ... How to Use the Calculator. .......................... 5 188
- 1.03 ... How to find Things With Auto-search Function ........ 6 236
- 1.04 ... Summary of Letter Commands Used in Equations ........ 6 254
- Display
- 1.05 ... F1-F10 Keys, Commands assigned. .................... 18 817 L 40
- 1.06 ... Command Sequences Used to Perform Special .......... 19 845
- Operations
- 1.07 ... Editing Keys: Functions During Text Entry .......... 19 866
- 2.01 ... Entering Equations Into the Program ................ 21 965
- 2.03 ... Writing Equations: Definition of Terms ............. 23 1015
- 2.10 ... Rules for Writing Algebraic Expressions, ........... 25 1114
- ------------------------------------------ 0.00 -- Table of Contents ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 2 --
- Formulas and Equations
- 2.15 ... Rules for Evaluation of Parentheses ................ 27 1214
- 2.20 ... Rules for Evaluation of Intrinsic Functions ........ 27 1236
- 2.25 ... Rules for Evaluation of Mathematical Operations .... 28 1259 L 50
- 2.30 ... Glossary of Intrinsic MATH FUNCTIONS and ........... 29 1298
- Function Operators
- 2.40 ... Numbers: Format-free, Examples of Formats .......... 34 1524
- 2.42 ... Controlling the Number of Decimal Digits ........... 34 1560
- 2.45 ... Maximum Number of Equations, Variables and ......... 35 1598
- Constants
- 2.46 ... Maximum Number of Data Points and Data ............. 36 1630
- Coordinates
- 2.50 ... Errors During Equation Evaluation and Elsewhere .... 36 1649
- 3.01 ... Directory Screen: Commands During Display .......... 37 1669 L 60
- 3.05 ... Commands Used While Plot Screen is Displayed ....... 39 1767
- 4.01 ... Commands Unique to this Program AFIT3.EXE. ......... 41 1862
- 4.02 ... Commands Used to Manipulated Data Points and ....... 43 1955
- Their Values.
- 4.04 ... Introduction to Fitting Equations to Data by ....... 45 2049
- Nonlinear Least-Squares Regression.
- 4.06 ... Finding Best Values of Transistor Parameters ....... 48 2192
- from Experimental Data by Nonlinear Least
- Squares.
- 4.08 ... Automatic Least-squares Polynomial Regression ...... 54 2461 L 70
- (Linear Least Squares)
- 4.10 ... Advanced Functions using Data and Active ........... 57 2610
- Equation
- 4.12 ... Reading External Files of Data Only ................ 60 2716
- 5.01 ... Summary of Common WARNINGS During Calculations. .... 61 2774
- 5.05 ... Summary of ERRORS during evaluation of equations ... 63 2874
- 6.01 ... Setting Foreground/background Colors of Main ....... 65 2960
- Equations Screen and Program
- 6.05 ... Clock Screen: Commands During Display .............. 66 2992
- 6.10 ... Apostrophe Commands: What They Do and How to Use ... 67 3055 L 80
- Them
- 6.12 ... Apostrophe Commands Unique to AstroDataFitter. ..... 70 3196
- 7.01 ... Information After Program Name on DOS Command ...... 70 3217
- Line. How the Program Uses It and What It Does.
- 8.01 ... Product License and Warranty. ...................... 72 3278
- 8.03 ... User Support. ...................................... 73 3344
- 8.04 ... Ombudsman/Arbitration Policy. ...................... 74 3365
- 8.05 ... Product Information and How to Order Complete ...... 74 3387
- Package.
- 8.06 ... Software Included in Astro 3 Registration .......... 76 3477 L 90
- 8.07 ... Order/Registration Form ............................ 78 3562
- 8.08 ... Instructions for Manually Installing Package. ...... 79 3627
- ------------------------------------------ 0.00 -- Table of Contents ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 3 --
- 8.09 ... Interested in Becoming the Author of Your Own ...... 80 3669
- Interactive Application File?
- 9.01 ... Help File: Summary of File Viewing Commands ........ 81 3691
- ╒═══════════════╕
- │ EQUATIONS ??? └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- L 100
- 1.01 Equations Display, What is it?
- ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- The equations display is the spreadsheet portion of
- AstroDataFitter 3. It contains the equations, variable
- names, variable values and a comment. Most operations are
- performed while in the equations display through the use of
- characters, letters, combinations of characters with letters
- and the "F" keys. The blinking cursor prompt ">" is always
- positioned between a variable name like TIME and its current L 110
- value which might be 2.3. For example: TIME => 2.3. Numbers
- and math operations are passed to the variable on which the
- blinking cursor resides. Other characters and combinations
- serve as commands to activate certain functions such as
- integration or derivitization. Certain commands require that
- two characters be typed consecutively. Commands such as "!C"
- or "@C" mean that the "!" or "@" is typed first and the "C"
- next. Representations such as "(esc)", "(enter)" and "(space)"
- represent single keystrokes.
- L 120
- To change the display colors to high-intensity white on blue
- type Q when the highlight bar is lighted on the EQU below.
- 'EQU
- An illustration of the equations display for the equation
- of a straight line: Y=M*X+B with the blinking cursor on
- variable X is shown below. A comment which describes the L 130
- equation is listed first. The equation and the value of its
- dependent variable Y (=4) is listed next. The current time and
- date are listed in the middle of the screen. The three
- independent variables B, M and X are listed in alphabetical
- order. Finally, a summary of keys and functions is displayed
- at the bottom of the screen. The last line scrolls through
- additional commands and is not shown.
- ----------------------------- 1.01 -- Equations Display, What is it? ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 4 --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- --- Comment --> Equation of a straight line. L 140
- Y=M*X+B Y = 4
- 12:23:04 03-07-1981
- B = 4 M = -2 X => 0
- L 150
- F1 hlp, F2 appl hlp, F3 exit, F4 shl, F5 com, F6 equ, F7 dir, F8 get, F9
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Definitions of terms used to define an equation.
- ■ EQUATION. A formula, expression or recipe directing the
- program on how to execute mathematical operations such as
- Y=M*X+B which is the mathematical representation of a straight
- line (Y. vs. X) with slope M and y-intercept B. Equations
- are written in a symbolic language which is identical to how L 160
- they would be expressed if written in the popular computer
- language BASIC. In this equation Y is assigned the value of M
- multiplied by X and then added to the value of B.
- ■ DEPENDENT VARIABLE. Unique name associated with every
- equation and its value is usually the object of a calculation
- such as Y in Y=M*X+B.
- ■ INDEPENDENT VARIABLE(S). Name(s) always to the right of the
- equal sign such as M, X and B in Y=M*X+B. Independent L 170
- variables are always used to calculate the values of the
- dependent variables.
- ■ STORAGE VARIABLE(S). Names that are generated by simple
- assignment statements entered in the equations display such
- as (space) PI=3.1415926 (enter). They are similar to
- independent variables and can be used in all equations,
- expressions and calculations. The storage variables and their
- values are saved and recalled separately from the equations
- using the "!]" and "![" commands. Their values are usually L 180
- hidden unless requested with the "Z" or "Y" commands which
- toggle through their names or by typing the variable name
- followed by equal sign: (space) VARNAME= (enter).
- ----------------------------- 1.01 -- Equations Display, What is it? ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 5 --
- ╒════════════════╕
- │ CALCULATOR ??? └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- 1.02 How to Use the Calculator.
- ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- L 190
- The "blinking cursor" or "=>" is located between a variable name and
- its value. It begins the AFIT3 command line just like a DOS prompt.
- Information is passed to the program by typing appropriate characters.
- Just about any calculation can be performed and stored by assigning its
- value to a variable name, one that already exists or a new one.
- Variables that do not appear on the equations display screen are called
- "storage variables". For example, if the cursor is on variable B, then
- one can perform a calculation and save it as a storage variable named
- Q1:
- L 200
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- --- Comment --> Equation of a straight line.
- Y=M*X+B Y = 4
- 12:25:04 03-07-1981
- B => q1=23.45+56.78+12.98-34.56-12.78 (enter) X = 0 L 210
- F1 hlp, F2 appl hlp, F3 exit, F4 shl, F5 com, F6 equ, F7 dir, F8 get, F9
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- When "(enter) is typed, the program will evaluate the
- expression, assign its value to Q1 and display the result on
- the time/date line. Note, because most letters represent
- commands, it is wise to start such calculations with a space.
- Expressions can reference any previously defined variable: L 220
- dependent, independent or storage. For example (space)
- x=2*B-y+3*m (enter) or q1=q1+67 (enter). The current values of
- storage variables can be displayed with the storage toggle
- commands "Y" and "Z" or by typing their name followed by the
- equal sign and enter. For example, (space) Q1=(enter).
- Storage variables can be used in the equations, if previously
- defined. Multiple assignment can be made with the 'VAR
- apostrophe command. For example: 'var y=3 b=4 x=-5 (enter)
- The storage variables are saved independent of the equations
- with the command "!]". See below for more discussion on L 230
- --------------------------------- 1.02 -- How to Use the Calculator. ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 6 --
- storage variables.
- ╒═════════════╕
- │ AUTO-SEARCH └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- 1.03 How to find Things With Auto-search Function
- ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- This entire file can be automatically searched for words,
- phrases and other characters using the auto-search command "A". L 240
- Type "A" and then enter the characters. Search is in uppercase
- and is case-insensitive. To continue the search, type "A"
- repeatedly as required until wrap around occurs. To perform
- another search, it may be necessary to first type "(space)"
- then "A". For example, to find "Help File:", type "A", then
- (end esc) help file: (enter). However, this will only get you
- back to this line because the search starts at the top of the
- screen! Type "A" again to continue and find another "hit".
- Type "A" a few times to get back to here.
- L 250
- ╒══════════╕
- │ COMMANDS └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- 1.04 Summary of Letter Commands Used in Equations Display
- ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- The following discussion may assume that the "default"
- equations or amortization equations are currently being
- displayed. To load these equations from the main equation
- display, type (F6) or "!/" and type (end esc) "" (enter) in L 260
- response to the "-- ? Equations ->" prompt.
- **** Commands, keystrokes, functions and explanations follow ****
- -> Activate variable: A !A @A
- Use "A" to activate an equation and its dependent variable.
- Used to mark equations which participate in other commands like
- the "G" and "D" commands used for integration and
- differentiation, respectively. Only active equations are L 270
- integrated and differentiated. Also used to specify equations
- set equal to each other in the intersection command "U" or
- plotted with the plot command "P". Initially, all equations
- are active. Inactive equations do not have an "=" following
- variable name. Use !A to activate all dependent or independent
- variables at once. The location of the cursor determines which
- ------- 1.04 -- Summary of Letter Commands Used in Equations Display ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 7 --
- set. Use @A to activate all variables at once. One can also
- use the apostrophe command 'ACT VARNAME (enter) to perform
- activation. See below. Use the commands I, !I or @I to
- inactivate variables and equation(s). L 280
- -> Background/foreground colors: !N @N
- "!N" toggles next foreground color. Use "@N" to toggle next
- background color. Colors are normal-intensity black, blue,
- green, cyan, red, magenta, brown and white and the
- high-intensity shades. For monochrome monitor, default values
- are recommended. Color settings are saved with equations. If
- fore/back colors are equal then displayed info becomes
- invisible. Use "!(esc)" to reset monochrome colors: Fore, L 290
- white (green); Back, black. "!(esc)" sets monochr colors:
- Fore, white (green) #7; Back, black #0. "@ (esc)" sets monochr
- colors: Fore, black #0; Back, white (green) #7. One can also
- use the apostrophe command 'COL color1, color2 (enter) to
- perform this function. 'COL (enter) resets monochrome colors.
- See below for more details.
- -> Bottom line command scrolling: J !J @J K !K @K
- "J" toggles to previous command menu display at bottom of L 300
- screen. "!J" turns on auto-scrolling about every 10 seconds.
- "@J" turns off auto-scrolling. "K" toggles to next command
- menu display at bottom of screen. "!K" turns on auto-scrolling
- about every 10 seconds. "@K" turns off auto-scrolling.
- -> Calculate dependent variables: C (enter) (esc)
- "C" calculates the values of all dependent variables using the
- current values of the independent and storage variables.
- "(enter)" calculates dependent variables if used after a valid L 310
- number or allowed expression is entered. "(esc)" recalculates
- equations and redraws the display. Also, use the apostrophe
- command 'CALC (enter) to recalculate without entering a
- variable.
- -> Chaining calculated values to other equations (overlaying equations)
- Use "@[" to get a file of equation(s), comment and variable
- status only. Common variables are assigned existing values and
- new variables are initialized to 0.0. Allows overlay or chain L 320
- operations to other equation(s) with identical variable names.
- ------- 1.04 -- Summary of Letter Commands Used in Equations Display ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 8 --
- -> Chaining to other ASTRO3 programs: 'CHAIN
- The 'CHAIN apostrophe command is used to switch to another
- ASTRO3 program and pass it the current equations, dependent and
- independent variables (as file A.EQU) and storage variables (as
- file A.EQU). CALC or C is used to designate
- AstroFormulaCalculator 3. SOLVE or S is used to designate
- AstroEquationSolver 3. FIT or F is used to designate L 330
- AstroDataFitter 3. At the blinking cursor, type 'CHAIN C
- (enter) to chain to AstroFormCalc, type 'CHAIN S (enter) to
- chain to AstroEquationSolver and 'CHAIN F (enter) to chain to
- AstroDataFitter. In AUTOEXEC.BAT, be sure to set a PATH to
- where the ASTRO 3 programs can be found and set the environment
- variable ASTRO3 to that same path.
- -> Changing displayed precision of dependent variables: !\ @\
- Use "!\" for the single-precision display (default) of L 340
- dependent variables of equations with var name displayed before
- current value: ABC = 1.234567. Use "@\" for the
- double-precision display of dependent variables of equations
- without variable name displayed before current value: =
- 1.234567890123456. To see the full precision of an independent
- variable, type "\". and then type (enter) to return to the
- blinking cursor ">". Also, use the apostrophe commands 'PRE
- SINGLE (enter) or 'PRE DOUBLE (enter).
- -> Changing number of displayed decimal digits in main equation display L 350
- The number of decimal digits displayed in the main equation
- display can be globally changed with the 'DEC apostrophe
- command. For example, to set 2 decimal digits, type
- 'DEC 2 (enter). To set none, type 'DEC 0 (enter).
- To reset, type 'DEC (enter). The decimal operator attached to
- a variable name will override the global default. For example,
- a variable named MONEY.2 will always display 2 decimal digits
- no matter what the global default. Global defaults also apply
- to the displayed values of the storage variables and numbers L 360
- displayed on the plot.
- -> Clock display: !C
- Use "!C" to display full-screen clock/calendar in which the
- alarm is set. Type $ to exit back to the equation display.
- See below for a summary of the clock commands. Also, use the
- apostrophe command 'CLO (enter) to jump to the clock.
- ------- 1.04 -- Summary of Letter Commands Used in Equations Display ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 9 --
- -> Copy an equation L 370
- Move the cursor to the desired equation, type "@/" and type
- "(esc) or "(ctrl Q)" to exit to the equation display without
- any changes. Remember that the immediate calculation buffer
- (command "|") now contains this equation. Type (F6) or "!/" to
- edit the displayed equations. Move the cursor to the location
- where the equation is to be inserted and type "(alt 9)" to
- insert. Remember to add spaces where needed to separate
- equations and remove or change the other equations/dependent
- variables. Also, the name of the dependent variable of each L 380
- equation must be unique. Also, see command "!F", "@F", "!M",
- "@M", "!L" and "@L" for other ways to copy equations.
- -> Cursor movement: B F L M N arrow keys (tab) (shift tab) (backspace)
- "B" and (shift tab) move the cursor ">" backwards to preceding
- variable. Also use (backspace) for the same purpose. "F"
- moves the cursor ">" to the first dependent variable "L" moves
- the cursor ">" to the last independent variable. "M" moves the
- cursor ">" to the middle or first independent variable. "N" L 390
- and (tab) move the cursor ">" to the next variable. Also use
- (enter) and (ctrl enter) for the same purpose.
- Arrow keys - Use edit keys: (Home) (up arrow) (PgUp) (left
- arrow) (right arrow) (End) (down arrow) (PgDn) to move blinking
- cursor. Note: Keys (up arrow) and (down arrow) move cursor
- vertically through variables Keys: (left arrow) and (right
- arrow) move cursor through independent variables only. The
- (tab)/(shift tab) and backspace keys moves the cursor to the
- next/previous variable. L 400
- -> Cut and Paste (copying equations): !F @F !M @M !L @L
- These commands save equations in the immediate calc text
- buffer. This buffer is accessed by the | command and its
- contents are further saved in the immediate calc text stack.
- The contents of this buffer can be "pasted" into equations and
- other text fields while in the edit mode using the (alt 9)
- function.
- L 410
- "!F" adds the immediate calc text buffer to the text stack,
- clears the immediate calc buffer and inserts all INACTIVE
- equations into it. Inactive equations have variable names that
- are not followed by an "=" sign. The immediate calc buffer can
- ------- 1.04 -- Summary of Letter Commands Used in Equations Display ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 10 --
- be inserted while in the edit mode using the (alt 9) function.
- Use A and I commands to activate/inactivate equations before
- using these commands.
- "@F" adds the immediate calc text buffer to the text stack,
- clears the immediate calc buffer and inserts all ACTIVE L 420
- equations into it. Active equations have variable names that
- are followed by an "=" sign.
- "!M" appends all INACTIVE equations to the immediate calc text
- buffer without appending to the text stack.
- "@M" appends all ACTIVE equations to the immediate calc text
- buffer without appending to the text stack.
- "!L" clears the immediate calc buffer of all text. The buffer L 430
- is displayed with the | command.
- "@L" clears the immediate calc text stack. This stack is used
- to save the immediate calc buffer.
- -> Directories of *.EQU, *.STO and *.HLP: (F7) or * !* @*
- "(F7)" or "*" gives directory of *.equ in directory of
- specified path. "!*" gives directory of *.sto in directory of
- specified path. "@*"gives directory of *.hlp in directory of L 440
- specified path. Enter path for desired directory in response
- to prompt. For example: (end esc) \project1\analysis (enter).
- A filename can be included in path but it must have a period.
- For example (end esc) \calc\*.dat (enter) or \calc\beta???. If
- no extension, then the default extension is used. Use cursor
- keys to locate file and (enter) to select. Program will always
- load file as EQU, STO or HLP even if extension differs from
- default. Use (esc) or (ctrl Q) to exit. Use "(space)" to get
- information about the current highlighted file.
- L 450
- -> Designate coordinate variable
- O - Designate an independent variable as the coordinate for the
- X-axis of a plot. One or more equations can be plotted vs. a
- single coordinate. A ":" designates a coordinate and will
- appear in place of the "=". Use A or I to change status to
- active or inactive as required.
- -> Display all 16 digits of variables value
- L 460
- ------- 1.04 -- Summary of Letter Commands Used in Equations Display ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 11 --
- \ - Display the full 16 digit precision and position the cursor
- for editing the number. Type (enter) to return to the blinking
- cursor. For example, to subtract 1000 from the current number,
- type "\", and type (end) -1000 (enter). After typing "\", the
- cursor is always positioned at beginning of number. Type (end)
- to move the cursor to the end of the number and (esc) to clear
- the number. Always type (enter) to perform a calculation or
- exit.
- -> Display entire comment: (comma key) L 470
- Type the comma from the equations display in order to see
- the entire text of the comment. If the comment ends in "...",
- then it was terminated because of a lack available screen
- space. If the "||" pairs are used within a lengthy comment
- then only the part enclosed by the || is displayed. If a
- double single quote '' is used, then only the part before the
- '' is displayed. In these cases, use the comma command to
- display the full text. Type any key to return to the main
- equation display. L 480
- -> Display/remove storage variables: Y !Y @Y Z !Z @Z
- "Y" displays the name and value of storage variable, if any.
- Repeat "Y" to toggle to previous storage variables and so on.
- "!Y" displays the current storage variable without toggling.
- "!Z" has the same functions as "!Z". "@Y" removes all storage
- variables. Program will prompt "? equations" to check for any
- references to the erased storage vars. If present, they now
- become independent vars. "Z" displays the name and value of L 490
- storage variable, if any. Repeat "Z" to toggle to next storage
- variable and so on. Up to 256 storage variables can be entered
- with user-defined names. For example: =PI=3.1415926 (enter)
- (spc) DATA1=: (ent) Always start first with "(space)" or "="
- because most commands begin with letters. "!Z" like "!Y"
- displays the current storage variable. Use "@Z" to remove the
- current storage variable. If a storage variable is removed,
- the immediate calc buffer (command "|" ) is assigned: VARNAME
- = value. To restore storage var or assign value to storage var
- which has become independent var, type "|" (enter). Storage L 500
- variables are not displayed like other variables. To display
- the value of any storage variable, type (space) VARNAME=
- (enter). The storage-index counters are positioned on this
- variable. Type "!Z" to check and type "@Z" to remove, if
- necessary. Type "|" to recall this calc, if it needs to be
- recovered.
- ------- 1.04 -- Summary of Letter Commands Used in Equations Display ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 12 --
- -> DOS shell: !E @E
- "!E" executes DOS command and then returns control to program. L 510
- Type the DOS command in response to the prompt. "@E" shells by
- exiting to DOS. The program is still memory resident. Enter
- DOS commands and other operations. Must type EXIT (enter) to
- return to program.
- -> Edit an individual equation: @/
- "@/" edits a single equation and updates the immediate calc
- buffer with that equation. Move cursor to dependent var of
- desired equation and type "@/". To inspect and return to L 520
- equation display without changes, type "(esc)" or "(ctrl Q)".
- To update, type changes followed by "(enter)". To remove
- equation, type the null string "" (enter). Can also be used to
- copy and/or move equation. See "Entering Equations", below.
- "@/" always causes immediate calc ( | ) to be updated.
- -> Entering comment: (F5) /
- Use "(F5) or "/" to enter or modify a comment only. Comment
- can contain up to 1840 characters (23 lines). Use "||" pairs L 530
- to designate segment of comment to be displayed. If the text
- is "first part || second part || third part" then the displayed
- comment will be "second part". Use the double single-quote
- "''" to indicate the end for the displayed comment. If the
- text is "first part''second part" then only "first part" is
- displayed. A double single-quote "''" or four "|" at beginning
- of text: "'' rest of text" or "|||| rest of text", suppresses
- comment. To view entire comment, type (comma key). Type any
- key to exit. The amount of the displayed comment depends on
- number of equations/variables. Quotes are not required for L 540
- strings but may be needed to prevent string compression or loss
- of desired spaces. Complete equations and comment are save
- with screen dump. See command "V" for more details.
- -> Entering equations: (F6) !/
- Type "(F6) or "!/" to enter 1 or more equations. Equations are
- entered in BASIC symbolism. Leave at least one space between
- each equation. Read rules discussed below. Total equations
- can contain up to 1840 characters (23 lines). Current maximum L 550
- of 63 equations with up to 66 independent and dependent
- variables.
- ------- 1.04 -- Summary of Letter Commands Used in Equations Display ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 13 --
- -> Entering number without calculating main equations: (ctrl enter)
- To enter a number into a variable of the main equations without
- calculating the dependent variables type the number and
- terminate it with (ctrl enter) instead of (enter).
- -> Escaping from the "? Enter Equation(s)" prompt. L 560
- If the equations contain only constants, then typing (esc)
- will result in program termination. For example,
- starting with AFIT3 45.19+56.78+89.34 (enter) and then
- typing (esc) will get to the "? Enter Equation(s)" prompt.
- Typing (esc) now will terminate the program.
- In some situations, the (ctrl Q) or (esc) sequences may not
- return to the equations display. This event will usually
- occur when a previously-entered valid equation does not exist. L 570
- For example, if the program is started with an improper
- equation entered on the DOS command line, then one must either
- correct the equation or type (end esc) then "" (enter) to load
- the default equations. To exit from the program while in the
- edit mode, one must use the apostrophe command: 'exit (enter).
- -> Exit program: E
- Use "E" to exit from the program. If equations or storage need
- to be saved, the program will inform you. Save them L 580
- immediately because the use of "E" clears the reminders. If
- necessary type "E" a second time to exit. Type Y (enter) to
- exit/terminate. or N (enter), "(enter)", "(ctrl Q)" to return
- to equation display.
- -> Generate "Definition of variables" template as comment: ! (comma)
- "! (comma)" will generate a comment which is a template of
- variable names each followed by the define character "≡". The
- comment must be empty for this to happen. If the comment L 590
- contains text, set it to a null comment by typing (F5) then
- (end esc) "" (enter) or type the apostrophe command
- 'com "" (enter). If the equation is y=m*x+b then the comment
- will look something like: Definition of variables.
- Y ≡
- B ≡
- M ≡
- X ≡
- ------- 1.04 -- Summary of Letter Commands Used in Equations Display ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 14 --
- Type (F5) to edit the comment and type in the meanings of the
- variables. L 600
- -> Get/save file of equations: (F8) [ (F9) ]
- "(F8)" or "[" gets a file of equations and the values of
- variables. Enter the path/filename followed by "(enter)" in
- response to prompt. "(F9)" or "]" saves a file of the
- equations and the values of variables. These two commands save
- equations, dep and ind vars but not storage vars. Filenames
- can be specified with paths. For example: \data\results.001,
- \project\z21\analysis.equ, d:\appl\line.equ. Default extension L 610
- for equation files is ".EQU". Use "." at end of filename if
- does not have extension. For get operation, if .HLP is the
- extension, then program will re-initialize and attempt to read
- file as application file. The extension .HLP cannot be used
- with a filename for the save (F9) operation.
- -> Get/save file of storage variables: ![ !]
- Use "![" to get a file of storage variables and values only.
- Note: Use "!*" to generate a directory on the screen from L 620
- which the name of an existing file can be located and selected.
- Use "!]" to save a file of storage variables and values only.
- Default extension for storage files is ".STO". Use "." at end
- of filename if does not have extension. If .HLP is the
- extension, then program will re-initialize and attempt to read
- file as application file.
- -> Help files: Using on-line help file, user-manual help file and
- application help file.
- L 630
- To use the on-line help file, type (F1) or the letter "H". To
- use the on-line user-manual, type "!H" or type (F2) and enter
- its name. To use the application help file type "(F2)" or
- "@H". Type the name followed by "(enter)". After reading the
- application help file, to get the program to prompt for a new
- name, first type "@C" to display version number or type "(F1)"
- to access the on-line help file. Type "(esc)" or "E" to exit
- and then type "(F2)". Set DOS environment variable ASTRO3 to
- the path where AFIT3HLP.HLP can be found prior to running this
- program. L 640
- Summary:
- (F1) or H Read on-line condensed help file AFIT3HLP.HLP.
- ------- 1.04 -- Summary of Letter Commands Used in Equations Display ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 15 --
- !H Read on-line user-manual help file AFIT3MAN.HLP.
- (F2) or @H Read application help file *.HLP. Enter filename
- in response to prompt. If found, program will not
- prompt unless (F1), H, !H or @C is typed. L 650
- -> Inactivate variable: I !I @I
- "I" inactivates an equation or variable. The "=" will
- disappear. Used to indicate dummy eqns for D, G and U.
- Inactive equations are not plotted. "!I" inactivates all
- dependent or independent variables at once. The location of
- the cursor determines which set. "@I" inactivates all
- variables at once. Also use the apostrophe command 'INA
- varname (enter) for the same purpose. See below for more L 660
- details. Use the commands "A", "!A" or "@A" to activate an
- equation or variable.
- -> Inspect a too-long-to-display equation
- Move the cursor to the desired equation, type "@/" and type
- "(esc) (enter)" or "(ctrl Q)" to exit to the equation display
- without any changes. Remember that the immediate calc buffer
- (command "|") now contains this equation and it can be dumped
- with the "(alt 9)" command in the edit mode. L 670
- -> Modify an equation: @/
- Move the cursor to the desired equation, type "@/" and make
- changes. Type "(enter)". Remember that the immediate calc
- buffer (command "|") now contains the original equation.
- -> Multiple calculations: apostrophe command 'IMM
- The apostrophe command 'IMM allows multiple calculations to be L 680
- performed from the main equation display. These calculations
- can reference any defined variable and if a calculation results
- in the creation of a new variable it is assigned as a storage
- variable. The main display equations are not evaluated
- during/after these calculations. For example the immediate
- calc: 'IMM y=sqr(2*x)+b z=2*y (enter) would assign variables Y
- and Z the results of these calculations. The immediate calc
- buffer is updated following this calculation. The ":" implies
- the value of the variable the cursor resides on. For example
- the immediate calc: 'imm sqr(2*:+45) (enter) would use the L 690
- ------- 1.04 -- Summary of Letter Commands Used in Equations Display ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 16 --
- value of the variable the cursor is on and would assign the
- result to this variable.
- -> Plot equation: P
- "P" plots the active equation(s) vs. coordinate. See below
- for a complete discussion of the additional commands that can
- be used while the plot screen is displayed. The cursor should
- reside on the independent variable to be the coordinate of the
- x-axis, if some var is not already designated. A coordinate L 700
- variable has a ":" following its name.
- -> Printer initialization: !P @P
- Use "!P" to initialize printer for NLQ (double strike)
- printing. Use "@P" to reset printer and cancel NLQ printer.
- -> Program name and version number: @C
- Use "@C" to recalculate with the program name and version #. L 710
- -> Recalling last immediate calculation: |
- "|" displays the last immediate calculation and position the
- cursor after an imbedded apostrophe ('). Use edit keys to
- change a calculation and use (enter) to execute. Use (alt 9)
- to insert the current immediate calc before the cursor when in
- the edit mode. Use (alt 4) and (alt 5) to toggle to previous
- calculations saved on the immediate calc text stack. The "|"
- command allows a single calculation to be entered and the main L 720
- display equations are evaluated after this calculation. On the
- other hand, the immediate calc apostrophe command 'IMM allows
- multiple calculations to be entered and the main display
- equations are not evaluated during/after these calculations.
- -> Reference to current value of variable in calculations
- Use ":" to designate the current value of variable on which the
- cursor resides while entering an immediate calculation. For
- example, if the cursor is on variable A which currently equals L 730
- 10, then typing 2*:+6 (enter) will result in A being set to 26.
- -> Remove an equation: @/
- Move the cursor to the desired equation, type "@/" and type
- (end esc) "" (enter). Remember that the immediate calc buffer
- ------- 1.04 -- Summary of Letter Commands Used in Equations Display ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 17 --
- (command "|") now contains the original equation. Should you
- wish to add it back, type "(F6) or "!/" to edit equations,
- locate cursor and type "(alt 9)" to insert it before the
- cursor. L 740
- -> Repetitive calculations without variables
- To perform repetitive calculations without variables such as
- adding and subtracting numbers, get to the "-- ? Equations(s)"
- prompt by typing (F6) or "!/". Type (end esc) to clear the
- field. Enter the calculations such as 23.45+46.78-32.00
- (enter). The text of the calculations is now stored on the
- immediate calc text stack. Use the (alt 4) and (alt 5) keys to
- toggle back and forth to previous calculations. The (alt 6) L 750
- key is used to insert the entire immediate calc text stack into
- the present calculation and the (alt 7) key is used to replace
- the current calculation with the entire contents of the
- immediate calc text stack. To exit the Program, type (end esc)
- "" (enter) to return to equation display and then type "E".
- -> Saving equation in immediate calc text buffer: !|
- "!|" replaces immediate calc buffer with the equation on which
- cursor resides and updates the immediate calc text stack with L 760
- the previous contents.
- -> Saving comment in immediate calc text stack: @|
- "@|" replaces immediate calc buffer with comment and updates
- immediate calc text stack with the previous contents of the
- buffer. One can use "@|" to transfer equations/values from the
- comment to the equations and or variables. Once the
- comment is on the immediate calc text buffer it can be recalled
- in the edit mode by using (alt 4) and (alt 5) keystrokes. The L 770
- text can be edited to select what is desired.
- -> Screen dump to text file: V
- "V" dumps the equations display (or the plot) to a text file.
- Used to save calculations or plots for inclusion in reports,
- etc. Program name and date/time are appended. The complete
- equations, comment and values/status of the variables are
- appended at the end in the 'EQU format. These files can be
- used to build a user-generated application file. Enter L 780
- filename in response to prompt. Note: Filenames ending in
- numeric extensions from "000" to "999" are automatically
- ------- 1.04 -- Summary of Letter Commands Used in Equations Display ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 18 --
- incremented each time the command is used. Thus, SCRN.001 -->
- SCRN.002 --> SCRN.003 and so on. Filenames can be specified
- with paths. For example: \data\calc.001,
- \project\p23\screen.056, d:\appl\calc10.new If a file already
- exists, the program will prompt to "APPEND" or to "REPLACE".
- -> Set all variables to same value: ? !? @?
- L 790
- "?" sets values of all variables to a constant.
- Active/inactive status of variables not affected. Use "!?" to
- set all dependent or independent variables only. The location
- of the cursor determines which set. Use "@?" to set all
- variables to a constant and to change status of all variables
- to active. Constant may be explicitly specified or be the
- current value of any variable or the result of a simple
- calculation such as 2*A.
- -> Turn sound on/off: !B @B L 800
- "!B" turns beeping sound "on" at various locations in program.
- "@B" Turns beeping "off" at most places including warnings.
- The default is sound "off".
- -> Universal quit: (ctrl Q)
- "(ctrl Q)" will cause control to return to the equation display
- but only if valid equations exist in the program. "The
- universal quit". Use the (ctrl Q) anywhere to get back to a L 810
- familiar part of the program which is usually the main equation
- display.
- ╒═══════════════╕
- │ F1 - F10 KEYS └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- 1.05 F1-F10 Keys, Commands assigned.
- ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- Key Command Purpose L 820
- F1 help Access on-line help file AFIT3HLP.HLP
- F2 appl help Access application on-line help file.
- F3 exit Exit from program
- F4 shell Shell to DOS, type exit (enter) to return.
- ---------------------------- 1.05 -- F1-F10 Keys, Commands assigned. ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 19 --
- F5 comment "? comment" prompt L 830
- F6 equation "? equation" prompt.
- F7 directory "Directory of *.EQU" prompt.
- F8 get file Get a file of equations (*.equ)
- F9 save file Save the current equations (*.equ)
- F10 prod info List product information. L 840
- ╒════════════════════╕
- │ SPECIAL OPERATIONS └──────────────────────────────────────────────────
- 1.06 Command Sequences Used to Perform Special Operations
- ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- -> Saving and inserting one or more equations into existing equations.
- 1) Type @L to clear immediate text stack. L 850
- 2) Move cursor to each equation. Type !|
- 3) Type !/ to edit equations.
- 4) Mover cursor to place for insert, type (alt 6). Remember:
- all dependent vars must have different and unique names to
- first 8 characters. Edit as necessary.
- 5) Type (enter) to load equations and return to main equation L 860
- display.
- ╒══════════════╕
- │ EDITING KEYS └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- 1.07 Editing Keys: Functions During Text Entry
- ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- Editing keys can be used whenever the underscore cursor "_" is
- flashing on the screen. At these instances, any character L 870
- above the cursor will also blink. A summary of the editing
- keys follows.
- (esc) - Clear the entire text, line or number. If cursor on
- ------------------ 1.07 -- Editing Keys: Functions During Text Entry ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 20 --
- first position of field, specifies the escape sequence (ctrl Q)
- discussed below. Note, if the program is started with an
- improper equation, either correct the equation or type (end
- esc) then "" (enter) to load the default equations.
- (backspace) - Delete character directly in front of cursor. L 880
- (tab) - Move cursor 5 characters to right.
- (shift tab) - Move cursor 5 characters to left.
- (home) - Move cursor to beginning of text.
- (ctrl) (home) - Delete all before cursor to beginning of text.
- (ctrl) (PrtSc) - Redraw all lines of the current text. L 890
- (arrow up) - Move cursor one line up, if possible.
- (arrow left) - Move cursor one character to left.
- (ctrl) (arrow left) - Move cursor 5 characters to left.
- (arrow right) - Move cursor one character to right.
- (ctrl) (arrow right) - Move cursor 5 characters to right. L 900
- (end) - Move cursor to end of text.
- (ctrl) (end) - Delete all from cursor to end of text.
- (arrow down) - Move cursor one line down, if possible
- (ins) - Insert text before cursor. Toggle on and off.
- (del) - Delete character at cursor. L 910
- In insert mode (large cursor), the cursor character is
- deleted and the entire remaining text is shifted left. In the
- replace mode (small cursor), the cursor character is deleted
- but only text on the current line is shifted left.
- (enter) - Used to terminate a string of information which is to
- be entered into the program.
- (ctrl enter) - Same function as enter but prevents the program
- from calculating the main equations when appropriate. L 920
- ------------------ 1.07 -- Editing Keys: Functions During Text Entry ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 21 --
- (ctrl Q) - Quit entry, erase information and return back into
- the program. Used to return to program if the wrong command
- was typed. "The universal quit".
- (alt 1) - Fill current line to end with spaces (if necessary)
- and move cursor to the next line. Used to provide the
- "carriage return" function in the text edit mode.
- (alt 2) - Split line at cursor. L 930
- To insert a blank line, position cursor on start of line and
- type (alt 2). Line is inserted before cursor.
- (alt -) Join function. Cursor must be on space (blank).
- The opposite of the split function (alt 2). Removes the cursor
- blank and all following blanks up to first non-blank character
- across the entire text.
- (alt 3) - Add all remaining lines and fill with spaces. This
- is essentially full-screen edit because information can be L 940
- enter anywhere in the allowed field.
- (alt 4) - Toggle to previous calculation or text stored in the
- immediate calculation text stack and replace current text.
- Note: If a mistake occurs, type (ctrl Q) to exit. The imm
- calc text stack is updated with information from the immediate
- calculation, command |.
- (alt 5) - Toggle in opposite direction to that of (alt 4).
- L 950
- (alt 6) - Insert the entire text of the immediate calculation
- text stack before the cursor.
- (alt 7) - Replace current text with entire contents of
- immediate calculation text stack.
- (alt 8) - Clear all text from immediate calculation text stack.
- (alt 9) - Insert the text of the last immediate calculation
- before the cursor. The immediate calculation is command |. L 960
- ╒════════════════╕
- │ EQUATION ENTRY └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- 2.01 Entering Equations Into the Program
- ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- ------------------------ 2.01 -- Entering Equations Into the Program ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 22 --
- An equation or a series of equations is entered into the
- program in response to the prompt "-- ? Equation(s) -->".
- While the screen is displaying the equations, type (F6) or L 970
- "!/". Use the edit keys, as discussed above, to enter the
- equations. In particular note that the "(end esc)" key clears
- the screen. Following a successful evaluation of the
- equations, the program will prompt "-- ? Comment -->". At
- this time a comment can be added to describes the equations,
- their use, meaning of of variables, etc. Double quote marks
- are required to preserve string spacing. To clear away an old
- comment type (end esc) "" (enter). The "" signifies an empty
- or null character string. To enter three equations, one might
- type (F6) then: L 980
- (end esc) y1=a+b+c y2=a-b-c y3=a-b+c (enter)
- Next, to enter a comment, one might type:
- (end esc) "Three equations with three unknowns." (enter)
- Note: The string does not have to be enclosed in quotes,
- however if quotes are used, make sure that there are 2 -- one
- at each end! L 990
- If one enters equations without any independent variables, then
- the program will perform the calculations and prompt "?
- Equation(s)". For example, one can enter a series of
- equations:
- (end esc) y1=1+2+3 y2=1-2-3 y3=1-2+3 (enter)
- The values of y1, y2 and y3 are remember and can be referenced
- in the next calculation. For example: L 1000
- (end esc) y1=y1-10 y2=y2-20 y3=y3-30 (enter)
- Also, more than one calculation can be performed if expressions
- are enclosed in parentheses. For example:
- (end esc) (1-45) (23+45+67) (sqr(4/98)) (enter)
- Use the (ctrl Q) keys to abruptly and immediately terminate
- anything! L 1010
- ------------------------ 2.01 -- Entering Equations Into the Program ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 23 --
- ╒═══════════════════╕
- │ WRITING EQUATIONS └───────────────────────────────────────────────────
- 2.03 Writing Equations: Definition of Terms
- ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- Before any further discussion of equations and their
- evaluation, the user should become familiar with the following
- terms: L 1020
- ■ EQUATION: A symbolic recipe for calculating a number
- associated with a dependent variable. An equation consists of
- a dependent variable followed by an equal sign and ending with
- a series of mathematical operations involving constants,
- independent variables, functions and dependent variables. An
- INCONSISTENT EQUATION is one in which the final value of the
- dependent variable depends on its initial value in some way.
- Counters, such as COUNT=COUNT+1, and summers, such as
- TOTAL=TOTAL+X, are good examples. L 1030
- ■ DEPENDENT VARIABLE: A name, beginning with a letter, which
- identifies a variable whose value is calculated. The dependent
- variable usually appears to the left of the equal sign but it
- may also appear to the right in certain cases. Each equation
- must have a unique name for its dependent variable.
- ■ INDEPENDENT VARIABLE: A name, beginning with a letter, which
- identifies a variable whose value is assigned. The value of an
- independent variable usually does not change as the result of a L 1040
- calculation. An independent variable always appears to the
- right of the equal sign.
- ■ STORAGE VARIABLE: A variable which is used similarly to an
- independent variable and is created as the result of an
- assignment statement. For example, an assignment statement
- might be PI=3.1415926 and an equation using PI might be
- AREA=PI*RADIUS^2. The values of the storage variables are
- saved independently of the dependent and independent variables.
- L 1050
- ■ CONSTANT: A number whose value is explicitly defined and
- does not ever change. Numbers may be in the integer format (no
- decimal point), decimal format or floating (exponential)
- format. Some examples are:
- INTEGER: -50, 100, 0
- DECIMAL: -49.95, 99.67, 0.0
- --------------------- 2.03 -- Writing Equations: Definition of Terms ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 24 --
- FLOATING or EXPONENTIAL: -1E-3, 1.674E+6, 0.0E0, 3.2D-3 Note: L 1060
- E-3 or D-3 means 10^-3
- ■ FUNCTION: A special mathematical recipe that has an argument
- enclosed in parentheses. A special number is calculated from
- the value of the argument. See help file for more details.
- For example:
- Dependent variables: E, AVERAGE, Y L 1070
- Constants: 2, 3, 1
- Independent variables: M, C, ITEM1, ITEM2, N, X
- Functions: ABS(...), COS(...)
- Math operations: * (multiplication), ^ (power),
- + (addition), / (division)
- - (subtraction)
- Note: Parentheses specify the order of the calculation.
- All equations begin with a dependent variable, whose value is L 1080
- calculated by the equation. The dependent variable is followed
- by an equal sign "=". Following the "=" sign are a collection
- of constants, independent variables, dependent variables and
- functions. Pairs of parentheses are used to group terms and to
- specify the the order of a given calculation, especially when
- the desired order opposes the default priorities discussed
- below. More than one equation can be entered in response to
- the "? Equation(s)" prompt. If you enter more than one
- equation, you should be careful with the use of spaces! The
- equations, including spaces, cannot exceed 1840 characters (23 L 1090
- lines).
- An example of a group of equations is:
- H=1+C*R1*R2/(R1+R2)
- A=20*LOG(X^(2*Y))
- E=P*(A-D)/2
- EMAX[Q]=-LOG10(SQR(1-Q^2))
- L 1100
- Dependent variables: H, A, E, REL_MIN, EMAX[Q]
- Constants: 1, 20, 2
- Independent variables: C, R1, R2, X, Y, A, D,
- --------------------- 2.03 -- Writing Equations: Definition of Terms ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 25 --
- Functions: LOG(...), SQR(...), LOG10(...)
- Math operations: + (addition),
- * (multiplication),
- / (division), ^ (power)
- - (subtraction), - (negation)
- L 1110
- ╒════════════════╕
- │ EQUATION RULES └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- 2.10 Rules for Writing Algebraic Expressions, Formulas
- and Equations
- ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- Algebraic expressions, formulas and equations are virtually
- identical mathematically and will all be collectively called
- "equations" in this Manual. The rules for writing equations L 1120
- are fairly universal. Equations are entered using the
- conventions found in the BASIC computer language. In
- particular, the user should note that an implied multiplication
- is not allowed. Thus AB would be interpreted as a variable
- name and A*B, as multiplication. Also, operations of equal
- priority always execute from left to right. The rules are:
- ■ All variable names must begin with either an English capital
- letter. (Lower case letters will be converted to upper case)
- or a Greek letter such as α, ß, Γ, π, Σ, σ, µ, τ, Φ, Θ, Ω, or L 1130
- δ. To enter these Greek letters use the keypad numbers. Hold
- down the (alt) key and type the following ASCII codes on the
- keypad and then release the (alt) key. α 224, ß 225, Γ 226, π
- 227, Σ 228, σ 229, µ 230, τ 231, Φ 232, Θ 233, Ω 234, δ 235.
- Variable names such as AMAX, EMIN, TIME_OF_DAY, F[T] are ok but
- 123ABC is invalid. The remaining characters can be any ASCII
- characters with values greater than ASCII 32 which is the
- "(space)". For example, "R║" and "R┴" may be used to define
- variables where the ║ (ASCII 186) conveys "parallel" and the ┴
- (ASCII 193) conveys "perpendicular". If an embedded space is L 1140
- desired, use ASCII 255 which is the "alternate" blank. Note,
- the "normal" space (ASCII 32) is a separator.
- ■ Variable names can be any length of characters but only the
- first 8 are significant. Thus variable names such as MINIMUM_,
- equivalent.
- ■ Variable names must be different from the names of the
- intrinsic functions described above. Thus Y=SINZ+LOGQ would be L 1150
- ---------- 2.10 -- Rules for Writing Algebraic Expressions, Formulas ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 26 --
- ok but Y=SINH*LOG is invalid because SINH and LOG are the names
- of intrinsic functions. The names of the intrinsic functions
- are reserved words. Don't use them for the names of variables!
- ■ Equations must begin with the name of a single dependent
- variable. If a group of equations is entered, each equation
- must have a dependent variable with a unique, different and
- allowed name. For example, Y1=A+B Y2=A-B not Y=A+B Y=A-B.
- ■ The dependent variable must be followed by an equal sign and L 1160
- the remainder of the equation. Intervening spaces are ok. For
- example: Y=M*X+B not Y-B=M*X. Operations are not allowed to
- the left of the equal sign. See other rules below.
- ■ Spaces and commas are allowed within the equation(s). Most
- are ignored and removed by the program. Use them in numbers
- for ease of entry: 1,000,000 or 1 000 000 or 1000000. Y =
- 2,000 * ( X + 3 0 * Z ) is equivalent to Y=2000*(X+30*Z). If
- exponential notation is used in a number then the "E" or "D"
- must immediately follow the last digit of the number. Thus, L 1170
- 1.45E-2, 1 . 4 5E - 2 and 1.45E -2 are equivalent but 1.45 E-2
- signifies two equations: The first contains the number 1.45
- and the second, the variable E minus 2. Separate all equations
- by at least one space.
- ■ There must be at least one constant, independent variable or
- dependent variable to the right of the equal sign. For
- Example: Y=3, Z=X, W=SIN(0.7), A=A+1. A single equation with
- only constants to the right of the equal sign, such as
- Y=SQR(4)+ABS(-3), is calculated and then the program prompts L 1180
- for a new equation.
- ■ Parentheses must always be matched. They must always occur
- in pairs. For example: Y=(3*X)-2 and Y=3*(X-2) not
- Y=LOG(SQR(1-X^2).
- ■ An empty pair of parentheses is not allowed. Y=SIN() and
- Y=3+()-4 are not allowed.
- ■ Independent variables with the same names, that are used in L 1190
- different equations, always share the same memory locations.
- Their values are always in common to all equations. To make an
- independent variable unique, it should be given a unique name.
- ■ If a group of equations is entered, the first equation is the
- "nearest to start" of the string and the last equation is the
- ---------- 2.10 -- Rules for Writing Algebraic Expressions, Formulas ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 27 --
- "nearest to end". Calculations proceed from the first equation
- to the last. For example, a group of equations might be:
- N=N+1 L 1200
- Each time that a calculation is made, the following happens.
- The current value of N, a counter, will be increased by 1. To
- the current value of YTOTAL is added the value of X. The
- average value, YAVE, is calculated as YTOTAL divided by N. "N"
- and "YTOTAL" are termed inconsistent equations because they do
- not represent math equalities.
- L 1210
- ╒═════════════╕
- │ PARENTHESES └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- 2.15 Rules for Evaluation of Parentheses
- ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- ■ Nested parentheses, that is, parentheses within parentheses,
- are evaluated from innermost to outermost matched pairs. For
- example, if Y=ABS(5+LOG10(3*X+2)-6) then 3*X+2 would be
- performed first, then 5+LOG10(..)+6, then ABS(...). If L 1220
- Y=(((X+1)/2)*3)+4, then X+1 would be performed first, then /2,
- then *3, then +4.
- ■ Matched parentheses are always evaluated from left to right.
- For example: if Y=(3+X)+(4-X)/(X^2-1) then 3+X would be
- performed first followed by 4-X and X^2-1. Finally, the
- results of the last two parentheses would be divided and that
- result added to the first parentheses.
- ■ The maximum number of pairs of parentheses in any equation is L 1230
- 128 and parentheses may be nested in any depth up to 128.
- ╒════════════════════╕
- │ BUILT-IN FUNCTIONS └──────────────────────────────────────────────────
- 2.20 Rules for Evaluation of Intrinsic Functions
- ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- ■ The names of the intrinsic functions are reserved words and
- these names cannot be used as the names of variables. For L 1240
- example, Y=SIN(X) is ok but Y=SIN+X is not allowed.
- ---------------- 2.20 -- Rules for Evaluation of Intrinsic Functions ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 28 --
- ■ Operations within a function are always performed prior to
- the evaluation of that function. For example if Y=SIN(2*PI*X)
- then the order of evaluation would be 2*PI*X and then SIN(...).
- ■ Nested functions are always evaluated from innermost to
- outermost function. For example if Y=LOG(ABS(SIN(X))) then the
- order of evaluation would be SIN(...) then ABS(...) then
- LOG(...). L 1250
- ■ Functions are evaluated from left to right. For example, if
- Y=SIN(X)+COS(X)+LOG(X) then the order of evaluation would be
- SIN(...) then COS(...) then LOG(...).
- ╒═════════════════╕
- │ MATH OPERATIONS └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- 2.25 Rules for Evaluation of Mathematical Operations
- ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── L 1260
- ■ Highest priority: power (exponentiation) Y=X^2
- leading negation Y=-X
- multiplication, division Y=3*X, Y=X/4
- lowest priority: addition, subtraction Y=X+10, Y=X-7
- ■ Operations of the same priority are evaluated from left to
- right. For example:
- Y=2^2^3 (=64, not 256!) L 1270
- Y=8+4/4-2*5 (=-1, not 5!)
- Y=-4^2 (=-16, not 16!)
- Y=2+4*2^2/4 (=6, not 36!)
- ■ Parentheses can be used to change the order of mathematical
- operations. For example:
- Y=2^(2^3) (=256, not 64!)
- Y=((8+4)/4-2)*5 (=5, not -1!)
- Y=(-4)^2 (=16, not -16!) L 1280
- Y=((2+4)*2)^2/4 (=36, not 6!)
- ■ Redundant or superfluous operations will be simplified and/or
- eliminated from the equations. These operations usually
- include multiple combinations of the "+" and "-" with
- themselves or other operators. For example:
- Y=-+A or Y=+-A --> Y=-A
- ------------ 2.25 -- Rules for Evaluation of Mathematical Operations ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 29 --
- Y=--A or Y=++A --> Y=A
- Y=A^-+2 or Y=A^+-2 --> Y=A^-2 L 1290
- Y=10/+A --> Y=10/A
- Y=A*+50 --> Y=A*50
- Y=-+-+-+A --> Y=-A
- ╒════════════════╕
- │ MATH FUNCTIONS └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- 2.30 Glossary of Intrinsic MATH FUNCTIONS and Function
- Operators
- ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── L 1300
- The program contains intrinsic mathematical functions which
- perform well-know calculations based on the value of their
- arguments. All functions have names which start with a letter
- and contain from 3 to 5 characters. The name is followed by an
- argument which may be a simple constant, a variable or an
- expression. The argument is always enclosed in a matched set
- of parentheses. For example: Y=SIND(45) has a constant, 45,
- as the argument. Y=ALOG(X) has a variable, X, as the argument.
- Y=ABS(4*X-6) has an expression, 4*X-6, as the argument. L 1310
- Y=SQR(ABS(X)) has another function, ABS(...), as the argument.
- Functions are "built in" recipes for performing well-known
- mathematical operations which are described below. The
- argument of a function may be a number or an expression which
- is always enclosed in parentheses. Function operators are 2
- letter suffixes attached to numbers. Thus SIND(45) and 45SD
- are equivalent. Function operators can be attached to any
- number except the constants in equations entered in response to
- the prompt "-- ? Equation(s) -->". There are one-to-one L 1320
- correspondences between functions and operators. The allowed
- functions and function operators and their uses are:
- Op Function Purpose
- AB ABS(X) The absolute value of X. If X > or = 0 then ABS(X)=X,
- but if X<0 then ABS(X)=-X.
- op: -5AB 10AB -20AB
- func: Y=ABS(-5), Y=5. Y=ABS(10), Y=10
- L 1330
- OC ACOS(X) The inverse cosine of X. The result is in radians.
- ABS(X) must always be < or = to 1.0.
- op: 1OS 0OC .5OC
- func: Y=ACOS(1), Y=0. Y=ACOS(0), Y=1.570796
- ---------- 2.30 -- Glossary of Intrinsic MATH FUNCTIONS and Function ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 30 --
- DC ACOSD(X) The inverse cosine of X. The result is in degrees.
- ABS(X) must always be < or = to 1.0.
- op: 1DC 0DC -.61DC
- func: Y=ACOSD(1), Y=0. Y=ACOSD(0), Y=90
- L 1340
- HC ACOSH(X) The inverse hyperbolic cosine of X.
- X must always be > or = to 1.0.
- op: 1.54308HC 1HC 2HC
- func: Y=ACOSH(1.54308), Y=1. Y=ACOSH(1), Y=0
- IS ASIN(X) The inverse sine of X. The result is in radians.
- ABS(X) must always be < or = to 1.0.
- op: 1IS 0IS .707IS
- func: Y=ASIN(1), Y=1.570796. Y=ACOS(0), Y=0
- L 1350
- DS ASIND(X) The inverse sine of X. The result is in degrees.
- ABS(X) must always be < or = to 1.0.
- op: 1DS 0DS .707DS
- func: Y=ASIND(1), Y=90. Y=ASIND(0), Y=0
- HS ASINH(X) The inverse hyperbolic sine of X.
- op: 1.17520HS 0HS 1.5HS
- func: Y=ASINH(1.17520), Y=1. Y=ASINH(0), Y=0
- AT ATAN(X) The inverse tangent of X. The result is in radians. L 1360
- op: 1AT 0AT 2AT
- func: Y=ATAN(1), Y=.7853982. Y=ATAN(0), Y=0.
- DT ATAND(X) The inverse tangent of X. The result is in degrees.
- op: 1DT 0DT 2DT
- func: Y=ATAND(1), Y=45. Y=ATAND(0), Y=0
- HT ATANH(X) The inverse hyperbolic tangent of X.
- X must always be > -1.0 and < 1.0
- op: 0.76159HT 0HT -.435HT L 1370
- func: Y=ATANH(0.76159), Y=1. Y=ATANH(0), Y=0
- CI CINT(X) Convert X to an integer by rounding. The absolute
- value of X must always be less than 1E16 for this
- to be a meaningful calculation.
- op: -5.75CI 12.65CI 4.567CI
- func: Y=CINT(-5.75), Y=-6. Y=CINT(12.65), Y=13.
- CO COS(X) The cosine of X. X is in radians.
- op: 0CO 1.7CO -.567CO L 1380
- ---------- 2.30 -- Glossary of Intrinsic MATH FUNCTIONS and Function ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 31 --
- func: Y=COS(0), Y=1. Y=COS(1.570796), Y=0.
- CD COSD(X) The cosine of X. X is in degrees.
- op: 0CD 90CD 45CD
- func: Y=COSD(0), Y=1. Y=COSD(90), Y=0
- CH COSH(X) The hyperbolic cosine of X.
- op: 1CH 0CH 0.567CH
- func: Y=COSH(1), Y=1.54308. Y=COSH(0), Y=1
- L 1390
- DE DECM(X) The signed decimal fraction of the number X
- with no rounding.
- op: -123.456DE 456.789DE 789.123DE
- func: Y=DECM(-123.456), Y=-.456
- Y=DECM(456.789), Y=.789
- Can be used to calculate the MOD(X) to base Z which
- may be decimal. Use Y=Z*DECM(X/Z).
- Y=16*DECM(19/16), Y=3 Y=.5*DECM(1.3/.5), Y=.3
- EX EXP(X) The natural or Naperian antilog, base "e". L 1400
- op: 1EX 0EX .51534EX
- func: Y=EXP(1), Y=2.71828. Y=EXP(0), Y=1.
- FA FACT(X) Factorial of X. X may be a signed integer or
- decimal. FACT(6) = 6 * 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 *1
- X=0, FACT(0)=1
- X>0, FACT(X)= X*(X-1)*(X-2)....*1
- X<0, FACT(X)= X*(X+1)*(X+2)....*-1
- op: 4FA=24, -4FA=24, 3FA=6, -3FA=-6, 0FA=1, 1FA=1
- -3.3FA=-9.867, -4.3FA=+42.4281 L 1410
- func: Y=FACT(4), Y=24. Y=FACT(-3), Y=-6.
- FI FIX(X) Truncate X to an integer. No rounding. The
- value of X must always be less than 1E16
- for this to be a meaningful calculation.
- op: -5.75FI 12.65FI 4.567FI
- func: Y=FIX(2.3), Y=2. Y=FIX(-56.70), Y=-56.
- LN LOG(X) The natural or Naperian log of X.
- X must be greater than 0.0 L 1420
- op: 2.71828LN 1LN 6.784LN
- func: Y=LOG(2.71828), Y=1. Y=LOG(1), Y=0.
- LG LOG10(X) The log, base 10, of X. X must be > 0.0.
- op: 10LG 1LG 1002LG
- func: Y=LOG10(10), Y=1. Y=LOG10(1), Y=0.
- ---------- 2.30 -- Glossary of Intrinsic MATH FUNCTIONS and Function ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 32 --
- NZ NZE(X) The "not zero" function. If X=0 then X=10^-30,
- a very small number. Useful in division to prevent
- divide by zero errors. L 1430
- op: 0NZ 1NZ .000001NZ
- func: Y=NZE(0), Y=1D-30 Y=NZE(1D-15), Y=1D-15
- RA RAND(X) Generates a random number from 0 to 1.
- The argument X controls the seeding:
- X<0 reseeds the random number generator.
- X=0 repeats the last number generate.
- X>0 generates the next number in the sequence.
- op: -1RA, new sequence.
- 1RA, generates the next random number. L 1440
- func: Y=RAND(-1), new sequence.
- Y=RAND(1), generates the next random number.
- RN RND(X) Round the number X to two decimal places. Useful
- in financial calculations in order to round decimal
- fractions to cents.
- op: 123.456RN -123.543RN 735.196RN
- func: Y=RND(123.456), Y=123.46
- Y=RND(-123.543), Y=-123.54
- To round to other numbers of decimal digits, use the L 1450
- function CINT. For example, to round X to 3 decimal
- places use CINT(1000*X)/1000.
- SF SFACT(X) "Skip" factorial of X. X may be a signed integer or
- decimal. Similar to FACT(X) except decrement is by
- 2.0. If X is an even integer than SFACT(X) is the
- product of the even integers and if X is an odd
- integer than SFACT(X) is the product of the odd
- integers.
- SFACT(6) = 6 * 4 * 2, SFACT(7) = 7 * 5 * 3 * 1 L 1460
- X=0, SFACT(0)=1
- X>0, SFACT(X)= X*(X-2)*(X-4)....*(1 or 2)
- X<0, FACT(X)= X*(X+2)*(X+4)....*(-1 or -2)
- op: 6SF=48, -5SF=-15, 3SF=3, -3SF=3, 0SF=1, 1SF=1
- -3.3SF=+4.29, -5.3SF=-22.737
- func: Y=SFACT(8), Y=384. Y=SFACT(-7), Y=105.
- SG SIGN(X) Returns the sign of the argument X.
- op: -123SG 0SG 256SG
- func: Y=SIGN(-123), Y=-1. Y=SIGN(0), Y=0. L 1470
- Y=SIGN(256), Y=1.
- ---------- 2.30 -- Glossary of Intrinsic MATH FUNCTIONS and Function ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 33 --
- SI SIN(X) The sine of X. X is in radians.
- op: 0SI 1.085SI .657SI
- func: Y=SIN(0), Y=0. Y=SIN(1.570796), Y=1.
- SC SINC(X) The sinc function ( SIN(X)/X ) of X.
- op: 0SI 3.0SC -9.9SC
- func: Y=SINC(0), Y=1. Y=SINC(4.9), Y=-0.200501
- L 1480
- SD SIND(X) The sine of X. X is in degrees.
- op: 0SD 90SD 45SD
- func: Y=SIND(0), Y=0. Y=SIND(90), Y=1
- SH SINH(X) The hyperbolic sine of X.
- op: 1SH 0SH .56123SH
- func: Y=SINH(1), Y=1.17520. Y=SINH(0), Y=0
- SQ SQR(X) The square root of the argument X.
- X must be > or = to 0.0 L 1490
- op: 144SQ 100SQ 256SQ
- func: Y=SQR(144), Y=12. Y=SQR(100), Y=10.
- TA TAN(X) The tangent of X. X is in radians.
- op: .815TA 0TA .312TA
- func: Y=TAN(3.15193/4), Y=1. Y=TAN(0), Y=0.
- TD TAND(X) The tangent of X. X is in degrees.
- op: 45TD 0TD 60TD
- func: Y=TAND(45), Y=1. Y=TAND(0), Y=0 L 1500
- TH TANH(X) The hyperbolic tangent of X.
- op: 1TH 0TH .3765TH
- func: Y=TANH(1), Y=0.76159. Y=TANH(0), Y=0
- UI UIF(X) The unit impulse (delta) function of X. If X = 0 then
- UIF(X)=1 or if X < 0 or X > 0 then UIF(X)=0.
- op: 0UI 6UI -56UI
- func: Y=UIF(3), Y=0. Y=USF(X-6), X=6, Y=1, X=5, Y=0.
- L 1510
- UR URF(X) The unit ramp function of X. If X > 0 then
- URF(X)=X or if X < 0 or X = 0 then URF(X)=0.
- op: 0UR 6UR -56UR
- func: Y=URF(3), Y=3. Y=URF(X-6), X=6, Y=0, X=5, Y=0.
- US USF(X) The unit step function of X. If X > 0 or X = 0 then
- USF(X)=1 or if X < 0 then USF(X)=0.
- op: 3US -6US -56US
- ---------- 2.30 -- Glossary of Intrinsic MATH FUNCTIONS and Function ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 34 --
- func: Y=USF(3), Y=1. Y=USF(X-6), X=7, Y=1, X=5, Y=0.
- L 1520
- ╒════════════════╕
- │ NUMBER FORMATS └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- 2.40 Numbers: Format-free, Examples of Formats
- ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- Numbers can be entered in many convenient forms which usually
- depend on their magnitudes.
- ■ DECIMALS: 0.567, -.903 L 1530
- ■ FRACTIONS: 1/4, -45/64, 16/4
- ■ INTEGERS: -1, 2, -123
- ■ FLOATING POINT: 1.2E3, 1.2e3, -123e-2, 1.2D4, 34d1
- (Note: E means 10^ thus 1E2 equal 1*10^2 or 100 and usage of
- "E" and "D" are equivalent. Thus 1E2 and 1D2 are identical.
- Maximum FP value of 1E+25. FP numbers with exponents greater L 1540
- than +25 will be ignored.)
- Numbers can also be entered as the result of a mathematical
- expression: (34+45)/2, (10+34+56+78)*45, 2*COSD(30)-.467 and
- so.
- Commas and spaces within numbers are ignored. Thus 1,002 and 1
- 002 and 1002 are all equivalent. Also 18.89 and 1,8.8,9 and 1
- 8 . 8 9 and 1,,,8 .,,,,8 9 and so on are also equivalent.
- L 1550
- Numbers can also include references to previously defined
- variables. For example: PAYMT$-100, PRINCPL$+100.
- Numbers can also have function operators attached: 45SD,
- 3*60CD-1/3 and so on.
- ╒════════════════╕
- │ DECIMAL DIGITS └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- 2.42 Controlling the Number of Decimal Digits L 1560
- ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- The number of significant decimal digits shown in the main
- equation display can be controlled in two ways: globally with
- ------------------- 2.42 -- Controlling the Number of Decimal Digits ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 35 --
- the 'DEC apostrophe command and locally for any variable by
- appending the decimal operator to dependent and independent
- variable name. The 'DEC apostrophe command sets the default
- number of decimal digits. For example, 'DEC 2 (enter) would
- specify 2 decimal digits. Global defaults also apply to the
- displayed values of the storage variables and numbers displayed L 1570
- on the plot.
- A variable such as "A" will display up to 7 decimal digits in
- single precision and up to 16 in double precision. Appending a
- period followed by an integer from 0 to 16 to the end of the
- variable name will result in from 0 to 16 decimal digits being
- displayed. However, the internal representation of the number
- always has full 16 digit resolution. for example, if A
- =7.123456789012345 then a variable A.1 would display 7.1, A.2,
- 7.12, ...., A.14, 7.1234567890123 (if double precision display) L 1580
- and so on. A.0 or A. would round out the decimal and display
- 7. The decimal operator overrides the global default.
- The variable names are now A.1, A.2, .... and they must be
- referenced that way. For example, a.3=2*x-67.
- The decimal operator is most useful for dependent variables
- since it can be used to display more digits when a lower value
- has been globally set with the 'DEC apostrophe command.
- L 1590
- As with the foreground and background colors, the global value
- of the decimal digits is saved with the equations and remains
- in effect when new equations are read into the program.
- ╒════════════════╕
- │ PROGRAM LIMITS └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- 2.45 Maximum Number of Equations, Variables and Constants
- ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- L 1600
- ■ The maximum number of equations that may be entered is 63.
- For 61 to 63 equations, there is a maximum of 3 independent
- vars and the comment is not displayed. For 58 to 60 equations,
- 6 ind vars. For 1 to 3 equations, 63 independent vars, etc.
- The equations and ind vars must add up to 64 to 66 or less.
- The equation(s) can contain a maximum of 1840 characters (23
- lines). The maximum number of operations such as additions,
- multiplications, etc. is approximately 1000. "% USE" is the
- percentage of codespace in use and is displayed after the
- program name/version. About 12 operations equal 1 %. If % USE L 1610
- ------- 2.45 -- Maximum Number of Equations, Variables and Constants ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 36 --
- exceeds 99% then immediate calculations may not have sufficient
- codespace.
- ■ The maximum number of dependent and independent variables is
- 66. The maximum number of storage variables is 256. Note:
- With storage variables, 63 equations with 259 independent
- variables can be entered if the storage variables are first
- defined. Only 3 independent variables can be displayed. Three
- or less equations can contain up to 319 variables: 63
- independent variables and 256 storage vars. L 1620
- ■ The minimum number of constants is 256 and the maximum number
- is (322-[total number of variables]). For example, if there
- are 2 dependent and 2 independent variables, then there can be
- a maximum of (322-[2+2])=318 constants.
- ╒═════════════════════╕
- │ AFIT3 PROGRAM LIMITS└─═───────────────────────────────────────────────
- 2.46 Maximum Number of Data Points and Data Coordinates L 1630
- ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- ■ The maximum number of data points is 224/(# coordinates +
- 1). If a data point has one coordinate (X,Y) then max points
- is 112. If a data point has two coordinates (X:Z,Y) then max
- points is 74.
- ■ The maximum number of coordinate variables for a data point
- is 14. The minimum number of optimized variables ("active") is
- 1 and the maximum number is 30 - # coordinate variables. Thus, L 1640
- with (X,Y) data points, (1 coordinate variable X), up to 30-1
- or 29 variables can be optimized ("active"). As the number of
- optimized variables increases, the accuracy of initial guesses
- must also increase!
- ╒═══════════════════╕
- │ ERROR EXPLANATION └───────────────────────────────────────────────────
- 2.50 Errors During Equation Evaluation and Elsewhere
- ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── L 1650
- The program will evaluate the equations by the rules and
- regulations discussed above. If an error is detected, then the
- program will display the location of the error in the equation
- and a brief error comment describing its nature. Type any key
- to continue the program. The user should correct these errors
- ------------ 2.50 -- Errors During Equation Evaluation and Elsewhere ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 37 --
- and evaluate the equations again. An equation-error summary
- can be found within this help file.
- Other errors, particularly overflows, may cause the program to L 1660
- display the EXEC ERROR message and return to the "?
- Equation(s)" prompt. Type (enter) to return to the main
- equation display. Record the error # and line number and
- report it! See below.
- ╒══════════════════╕
- │ DIRECTORY SCREEN └───────────────────────────────────────────────────
- 3.01 Directory Screen: Commands During Display
- ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── L 1670
- The asterisk commands: * or (F7), !* and @* are used to
- generate a directory of 1) equation files with the default
- extension of .EQU, 2) storage files with the default extension
- of .STO or 3) application help files with the default extension
- of .HLP, respectively. A path for the location of the
- directory can be specified. If the desired directory is the
- current one, simply type (enter) at the prompt or (end esc) ""
- (enter) to clear any existing path. The extensions of the
- files need not be the default ones (.equ, .sto or .hlp). L 1680
- However, the selected file will always be loaded as EQU, STO or
- HLP depending on what asterisk command was used. The directory
- does not use the DOS SHELL and COMMAND.COM is not required in
- any directory. PATH descriptions can be the same as for the
- DOS DIR command. Note: If a filename is used then it must end
- in a period or the default extension is used and and if there
- is no extension then the default extension will always be used.
- Wildcards "*" and "?" can be used. Some paths might be: \CALC
- \CALC\ANALYSIS \CALC\data??? FORMULA??. *.DAT and so on. To
- search for all files beginning with the letter "a", only, enter L 1690
- a path like \CALC\A* and so on. A summary of the commands used
- to locate and select a file follow: Note: If less than 8
- filenames, some commands have no function. If more than 192
- files, then only the last 192 are listed.
- -> move to first file name of current row
- (home) - Move highlighted cursor to column 1, the first file of
- a row
- L 1700
- -> move to first file of first row
- ------------------ 3.01 -- Directory Screen: Commands During Display ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 38 --
- (ctrl) (home) - Move cursor to column 1, row 1, the first file.
- -> move to last file of current row
- (end) - Move cursor to column 8 of the current row, if
- possible.
- -> move to last file of last row L 1710
- (ctrl) (end) - Move cursor to column 8, last row, if possible.
- -> move to top file of current column
- (PgUp) - Move cursor to top row of current column.
- -> move to bottom file of current column
- (PgDn) - Move cursor to bottom row of current column. L 1720
- -> move cursor to next file
- (cursor) (right) or (tab) - Move cursor to next file.
- -> move cursor to previous file
- (cursor) (left) or (backspace) - move cursor backwards.
- -> move up by one row L 1730
- (cursor) (up) - move cursor up one file in a column.
- -> move down by one row
- (cursor) (Dn) - move down one file in a column.
- -> return info on highlighted file
- (space) - returns date and other file info for .EQU files only. L 1740
- Displays date (saved with equations) and approx. 68 characters
- of comment and equations (if comment is less than 68
- characters).
- -> new path prompt
- \ - Prompt for new path description. Use (end esc) "" (enter)
- to clear the old name.
- ------------------ 3.01 -- Directory Screen: Commands During Display ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 39 --
- -> exit directory screen to main equation screen L 1750
- (esc) or (ctrl Q) - exit from directory to main equation
- display
- -> choose a file
- (enter) - Select file and load as EQU, STO or HLP.
- -> search names by first letter
- L 1760
- letters and other characters - jump to next filename starting
- with that character, if possible.
- ╒═══════════════╕
- │ PLOT COMMANDS └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- 3.05 Commands Used While Plot Screen is Displayed
- ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- Only "active equations" are plotted versus an x-axis which is L 1770
- one of the independent variables which is designated as a
- coordinate variable. Active equations have dependent vars
- followed by a visible "=". If more than one equation, one must
- activate/inactivate equations, as desired, with commands "A"
- and "I". If more than one independent var, one must designate
- x-axis coordinate with command "O" or place the cursor on the
- desired independent var before typing "P". A coordinate var
- has a ":" following its name. To plot, in the equations
- display type "P". Enter coordinate range (like from 10 to 20)
- for x-axis in form: 10 to 20 (enter) or 10;20 (enter). L 1780
- While in the plot screen, the following letter commands are
- active.
- -> display cursor: C
- C - Use cursor. X and Y values of cursor are displayed.
- While ">" is displayed, the following keys are used to
- move it around:
- L 1790
- (Home) - Move cursor to top left corner
- (Up Arrow) - Move cursor one small division up
- --------------- 3.05 -- Commands Used While Plot Screen is Displayed ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 40 --
- (PgUp) - Move cursor to top right corner
- (Left Arrow) - Move cursor one small division to left
- (Right Arrow) - Move cursor one small division to right
- L 1800
- (End) - Move cursor to lower left corner (origin)
- (Down arrow) - Move cursor one small division down
- (PgDn) - Move cursor to lower right corner.
- 1 to 9 - Change the increment of cursor movement when the
- arrows are used and move the cursor to the right by that
- amount. At entry, default is 1.
- L 1810
- ; - designate first and last values for range to be plotted.
- After ; is typed the second time, the program will prompt with
- the chosen range. Modify if needed and type (enter) to plot.
- (ctrl Q) or most other keys - Exit back to plot.
- -> dump plot screen as text file: V
- V - Dumps the plot to a text file. Used to save calculations
- or plots for inclusion in reports, etc. Includes program name, L 1820
- date/time, equations, comment. Enter filename in response to
- prompt. Note: Filenames ending in numeric extensions from
- "000" to "999" are automatically incremented each time the
- command is used. Thus, PLOT.001 --> PLOT.002 --> PLOT.003 and
- so on. If file exists, program will ask to "APPEND" or to
- -> exit back to equations display: E (esc)
- Use "E" or "(esc) to exit back to equations display. L 1830
- -> plot range for x-axis: Use semicolon.
- ; - Set new range for X-axis. Enter a new range in the form
- num1 to num2 or num1;num2. For example -45 to 123 or -45;123.
- If a single number is entered then only the first or last limit
- is replaced. For example, -30 (enter) or -30 to (enter) or
- -30; (enter) will only cause -45 to be replaced in -45;123 and
- to 106 (enter) or ;106 (enter) will cause only 123 to be L 1840
- --------------- 3.05 -- Commands Used While Plot Screen is Displayed ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 41 --
- replaced.
- -> shift plot left
- L - Shift plot to left along X-axis by 1 major scale division
- -> shift plot right
- R - Shift plot to right along X-axis by 1 major scale division
- L 1850
- -> zoom in
- N - Move nearer to plot. Show less of X-axis.
- -> zoom out
- F - Move far away from plot. Show more of the X-axis.
- ╒════════════════════╕
- │ ASTROFIT COMMANDS └────────────────────────────────────────────────── L 1860
- 4.01 Commands Unique to this Program AFIT3.EXE.
- ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- -> Enter data points into the program prior to fit: D
- D - Use command D to enter new data or modify data. See below
- for subcommands while in the data entry mode. Data are entered
- as data points such as (X,Y) with the data coordinates being
- (X) and the data values being (Y). There may be more than one L 1870
- data coordinate. During the "fit", the values of each data
- point are substituted into the active equation's coordinate
- variable(s) and the calculated equation value is subtracted
- from the corresponding data value to generate the least squares
- error. Polynomial regression is performed in the data-entry
- screen with subcommand P.
- -> Load a data point into active equation and calculate error: !D
- Command !D substitutes a specified data point (including L 1880
- coordinate(s) and data value) into coordinate variable(s) of
- displayed equations and calculates equation(s) and error.
- Enter data point #.
- -> Load all data points into active equation and calculate error: @D
- ----------------- 4.01 -- Commands Unique to this Program AFIT3.EXE. ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 42 --
- Command @D substitute all data points into corresponding
- coordinate variable(s) of displayed equations and calculates
- equation(s) and total error. Total error is square root of sum
- of individual errors squared. L 1890
- -> List the results of the fit including actual and calc values: R
- Command R is used to list the results which include: Data #,
- Data Coordinate, Calculated Value, Error and Symbolic Error.
- Calculations are always based on the current values of the
- independent variables and the data. Enter the range of the
- data points to be listed in the form number1 to number2 or
- number1;number2. For example, 1 to 6 or 1;6. When more than
- one coordinate, the Program will list that coordinate on which L 1900
- cursor resides when "R" is typed. If more than one coordinate
- per data point, use "cursor right" or "cursor left" keys to
- toggle coordinate(s) while tabulated results are displayed on
- screen.
- -> List the results of the fit to system printer LPT1: !R
- Command !R lists the results to the printer (LPT1:). While
- printing, type any key to terminate. Use "!P" to set the
- printer to nlq mode, if necessary. L 1910
- -> List the results of the fit to a file: @R
- Command @R lists the results to a file for subsequent use such
- as inclusion in a report and so on. Enter filename in response
- to prompt and then enter range (first to last points). For
- example: FIT1.TXT (enter) and 1 to 10 (enter). Program will
- automatically increment number extensions. RESULTS.001 ==>
- RESULTS.002 ==> RESULTS.003 and so on.
- L 1920
- -> Fit equation to Data points by optimizing active independent
- variables: S
- Command S starts the nonlinear least-squares regression by
- solving for the "best" values of the active independent
- variables which minimized the total squared error between the
- equation calculated with the data coordinates substituted into
- the coordinate variables and the data value of each data point.
- The accelerated-interpolation method of Cote and Herbold is
- used. Before typing "S", designate active equation, active ind L 1930
- vars which are to be optimized, data coordinate(s). Enter data
- points as (data coordinate(s), data values) and then initial
- ----------------- 4.01 -- Commands Unique to this Program AFIT3.EXE. ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 43 --
- guesses for active variables. Choose a tolerance based on the
- assumed relative accuracies of the initial guesses. Typically,
- from .001 to 1 (default=.1).
- -> Generate correlation and fit coefficients: T
- Command T "tests" the fit and allows some estimate of the
- "goodness" of the optimized variables. A correlation L 1940
- coefficient and a fit coefficient are calculated. For a
- perfect fit both coefficients equal 1.
- -> Generate residual variance and coefficient of determination: !T
- Command !T calculates additional statistical data to verify
- the "goodness" of the fit. The residual variance and
- coefficient of determination are calculated. For a perfect fit
- RESID VAR=0 and C of D=1.
- L 1950
- ╒═════════════════════╕
- │ DATA ENTRY COMMANDS └─────────────────────────────────────────────────
- 4.02 Commands Used to Manipulated Data Points and Their Values.
- ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- Single key subcommands which can be executed while the
- data-entry screen is displayed (command "D") are:
- L 1960
- B - Move backwards to the previous data point
- Use (backspace) for the same purpose.
- C - Calculate equation at coord(s) of data point.
- List calculated result and error separately.
- Use !C to calculate and replace data value.
- Use @C to calculate and replace data values at all points.
- Use $C to apply immediate calc to data coord/value of
- all data points. For all calculations, the active dependent
- variable and coordinate variable(s) refer to values of each L 1970
- data point. Order of calculation: Substitute data point #1
- into displayed equations, calculate displayed equation(s),
- set active dependent variable to data value and perform
- immediate calculation. Repeat with next point and so on.
- Note: !C, @C and $C replace data values! Be careful!
- E - Exit to the display of the equations
- -- 4.02 -- Commands Used to Manipulated Data Points and Their Val... ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 44 --
- F - Move to the first data point (#1)
- L 1980
- I - Insert a zero data point before the current data value.
- The total data points are increased by 1.
- J - Jump to a specific data point. Program prompts for
- the data #.
- L - Move to the last data point
- M - Move to the middle of the data points
- L 1990
- N - Move to the next data point
- P - Automatic least-squares polynomial fit. Must be 2 or more
- data points. Enter order (maximum magnitude (N) of 15 or
- (# points-1)). Pos order, poly A0+A1*X^1+...AN*X^N and
- neg order, poly A0+A1*X^-1+...AN*X^-N. Replace equations
- with polynomial by answering Y to prompt. Immediate calc
- always replaced by poly with number coefficients.
- R - Remove the current data point. L 2000
- The total data points are decreased by 1.
- # - Enter total number of data points. Max points is
- 1024/(# coord+1). Jump to last point.
- Use @# to set number of points to zero and exit.
- ? - Set data point (coord and value) to zero.
- Use !? to set data values of all data points to zero.
- Use @? to set all data coordinates and values to 0.0.
- Note: !? and @? set data values to 0.0! Be careful! L 2010
- \ - Display the full 16 digit precision and position
- the cursor for editing the number. See below.
- | - Display the last immediate calculation and position
- the cursor after an imbedded apostrophe ('). See below.
- The active dependent variable and coordinate variable(s)
- refer to values of the current data point. Calculation
- order: Load data point into displayed equations, calculate
- displayed equation(s), set active dependent variable to data L 2020
- value and perform immediate calculation.
- (backspace) - Move backwards to preceding data point.
- -- 4.02 -- Commands Used to Manipulated Data Points and Their Val... ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 45 --
- (enter) - Move to the next coordinate, data value or data point
- (esc) - Redraw the display and/or exit if on the first data
- point when typed.
- (ctrl) Q - Exit to the display of equations. Same as "E". L 2030
- (tab right) (tab left) - Move to next or previous data point.
- Current value - Use ":" to designate the current value of the
- coor or data value in calculations.
- For example: 4*:+:^2 or sqr(abs(:)) (enter)
- Edit keys - Use keys: (Home) (up arrow) (PgUp) (left arrow)
- (right arrow) (End) (down arrow) (PgDn) to change
- cursor and/or point. Note: Keys (up arrow) L 2040
- (down arrow) (PgUp) and (PgDn) move cursor
- in the same data point only. Keys: (left arrow)
- (right arrow) (Home) and (End) move cursor
- from data point to data point.
- ╒════════════════════════════╕
- │ INTRODUCTION: FIT EQUATIONS└──────────────────────────────────────────
- 4.04 Introduction to Fitting Equations to Data by Nonlinear
- Least-Squares Regression. L 2050
- ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- The nonlinear fit (regression) is command "S". Data must be
- entered into the program first. The following example is
- intended to illustrate the general procedures only. A
- second-order polynomial equation will be fitted to four data
- points. In order to use the subcommand "S", one must first
- enter an equation into the Program with at least 2 independent
- variables. Any equation will do. Note: the polynomial
- regression subcommand P can be used to solve this problem L 2060
- quickly, but for now, the more general nonlinear regression (or
- fit) will be used.
- Note: You will frequently start to see apostrophe commands
- like 'EQU, 'VAR and 'COM appearing in the helpfile. The 'EQU
- field provides info for the equations display which is loaded
- when the highlight bar lights up on the 'EQU line and the "Type
- Q...." message appears at the bottom of the screen. To learn
- more about these commands, read the discussion of apostrophe
- commands in this helpfile. L 2070
- ----- 4.04 -- Introduction to Fitting Equations to Data by Nonlinear ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 46 --
- ║ To automatically load these equations, type Q when the ║
- ║ highlight bar appears on the screen. Scroll down, if ║
- ║ necessary, to light it. ║
- 'EQU
- Y=A*(X-B)^2+C
- 'COO X
- 'COM "Type (F1) to return to the helpfile"
- L 2080
- If the equation is loaded, then skip to step (5).
- 1) When the Program is displaying the equations screen, type
- (F6) or "!/" in order to get the "Equations" prompt. In
- response to the prompt "? Equation(s)", type: (end esc)
- Y=A*(X-B)^2+C) (enter)
- 2) In response to the prompt for a comment Type (end esc) ""
- (enter). Remember to type (F1) to return to this file.
- L 2090
- 3) If more than one equation were to be entered, inactivate all
- other equations except the the single equation whose active
- variables are to be optimized. To inactivate an equation
- and/or variable move the cursor to that variable and type I.
- The equal sign will disappear. The fit does not use inactive
- equations but these equations can still be used as intermediate
- equations in the calculation of the active equations.
- 4) Next move the blinking cursor to variable X by typing "L".
- Designate X as a coordinate by typing "O". A colon ":" will L 2100
- appear after its name.
- 5) Enter the 4 (X,Y) data points.
- ║To load the comment and jump to the equations display, type Q ║
- ║when the highlight bar is lighted on the next line. ║
- 'EQU
- 'PT0
- 'DATA (0,40) (3,310) (6,400) (9,310)
- 'COM L 2110
- Enter the four data points as (X,Y) pairs: (0,40), (3,310), (6,400)
- and (9,310). To verify the points or enter them one by one , Type D.
- For X(1), type 0 (enter). For Y(1), type 40 (enter). Now enter X(2)
- then Y(2) and so on. After entering Y(4) as 310, the program will
- advance to point #5. Type R to remove this unwanted point. Type E to
- exit data command and return to the equation display. Type (F1) to
- ----- 4.04 -- Introduction to Fitting Equations to Data by Nonlinear ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 47 --
- return to the helpfile.
- ║To load the comment and jump to the equations display, type Q ║
- ║when the highlight bar is lighted on the next line. ║ L 2120
- 'EQU
- 'VAR A=-5 B=10 C=200
- 'COM
- Set up some reasonable initial guesses. If necessary, move the cursor
- to A and set its value to -5. Move the cursor to B and set its value
- to 10 and move the cursor to C and set its value to 200. To perform a
- nonlinear fit, type S. In response to the prompt for a tolerance,
- type .1 (enter). After about 100 iterations, the program will
- calculate A as 10 and B as 6 and C as 400. Type any key to stop
- iterations after # 100 or so. Note the magnitudes of the ERROR and SIG L 2130
- FIGS. As the 'fit' or regression improves, the ERROR will tend toward
- a minimum and SIG FIGS will grow toward 16. Type (F1) to return to the
- helpfile.
- Some additional information on the fit.
- A math error during the calculation will not terminate the fit
- but the results may be misleading because the program skips
- over operations that are improper, undefined or not allowed.
- Care should be taken to verify that errors do not occur as L 2140
- convergence is approached.
- Data points can be defined with more than one coordinate. For
- example (X:W,Y) where X and W are data coordinates and Y is the
- data value.
- Use commands "T" and "!T" to calculate coefficients and
- variances. The point-by-point results of the fit can be
- tabulated on the screen by use of the command "R" or listed on
- the printer (LPT1:) by use of "!R". The tabulated results can L 2150
- be saved in a file by use of the command "@R". The equations
- and data can be plotted with the command "P" and the entire
- calculation and data are saved with the command (F9) or "]".
- Summary of steps to fit equation to data:
- 1) Enter the equation(s) and message. If more than one
- equation, use "I" to inactivate all but the primary equation.
- There can be more than one equation on the screen, but only one
- equation can be fitted. L 2160
- 2) Designate one or more independent variables as data
- ----- 4.04 -- Introduction to Fitting Equations to Data by Nonlinear ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 48 --
- coordinates by using "O".
- 3) Enter data values. Type "D". To exit, first type "R" to
- remove the last point if necessary and then type "E".
- 4) Select independent variables to be optimized by "A" and
- inactivate all others which are to be considered as parameters
- by "I". Not all independent variables have to be optimized. L 2170
- 5) Set active independent variable to reasonable initial
- guesses.
- 6) Type "S" to start the fit. Enter tolerance. The larger the
- tolerance, the wider the initial search. Typically, the
- tolerance should be between 0.1 and 1.
- 7) After ERROR or SIG FIGS is reached, type any key to stop
- fit. L 2180
- 8) To plot the fit, type "P" and answer "Y" to the "include
- data on plot prompt"
- 9) Type "T" or "!T" to check correlation coefficients.
- 10) Type "R" or "!R" or "@R" to tabulate results.
- ╒═══════════════════════════════╕
- │ EXAMPLE: FIT EQUATION TO DATA └─────────────────────────────────────── L 2190
- 4.06 Finding Best Values of Transistor Parameters
- from Experimental Data by Nonlinear Least Squares.
- ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- A very common problem in Engineering and Science is to estimate
- the best values of the coefficients of a mathematical model
- given a set of experimental data. In the example discussed
- here, the area of application is Electrical Engineering and the
- current problem is to extract the best values of parameters L 2200
- which characterize the behavior of a transistor. By fitting
- the theoretical equation, discussed below, to the experimental
- data, one attempts to determine the DC current gain, BETA0, the
- critical frequency, FC, and the transition frequency, FT.
- In this example, the values of the DC current gain, BETA0, and
- the critical frequency, FC, for a transistor will be estimated
- by fitting the theoretical equation of BETA as a function of
- --------------- 4.06 -- Finding Best Values of Transistor Parameters ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 49 --
- frequency F to an experimental data set in which the current
- gain BETA is measured at 5 different frequencies. The L 2210
- transition frequency, FT, is derived from the DC current gain
- BETA0 and FC and is not directly extracted.
- The current gain, BETA, and transition frequency, FT, of a
- small signal rf transistor can be approximated as a function of
- the measurement frequency, F, by the equations:
- BETA=BETA0/SQR(1+F^2/FC^2)
- FT=BETA0*FC L 2220
- where:
- BETA = current gain at frequency F
- BETA0 = low frequency current gain, CE mode, zero AC
- potential between collector and emitter
- FC = transistor cut-off frequency. Current gain drops to
- 0.707 (-3dB) times the low frequency value L 2230
- FT = transistor unity-gain frequency
- The equipment used in these measurements operates to 10 MHz;
- therefore, it is usually not possible to measure the unity-gain
- frequency, FT, directly. The data set has been generated by
- measuring the current gain, BETA, vs. frequency, F, from 1 to
- 10 MHz. The experimentally measured data points are:
- F (MHz) BETA L 2240
- 1 105
- 2.5 90
- 5 80
- 7.5 60
- 10 50
- First enter the equations into the program. Move the text down
- until the highlight bar appears on the EQU line below.
- L 2250
- ║ To automatically load these equations, type Q when the ║
- ║ highlight bar appears on the screen. Scroll down, if ║
- ║ necessary, to light it. ║
- 'EQU
- --------------- 4.06 -- Finding Best Values of Transistor Parameters ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 50 --
- BETA=BETA0/SQR(1+F^2/FC^2)
- 'COO F
- 'COM
- Calculate BETA0 (DC current gain) and FC (critical frequency) for a L 2260
- transistor by fitting BETA vs. F (MHz) to theoretical equation.
- Type (F1) to return to the helpfile.
- After the equations, a comment and data are entered into AFIT3,
- the equation display should appear similar to what is shown
- below:
- ......................................................................
- --- Comment --> Calculate BETA0 (DC current gain) and FC (critical
- frequency) for a transistor by fitting BETA vs. F (MHz) to theoretical L 2270
- equation. Type (F1) to return to the helpfile.
- BETA=BETA0/SQR(1+F^2/FC^2) BETA = 0
- 11:14:05 *** Accuracy ? Warning # 8 *** 10-20-1980
- L 2280
- BETA0 => 0 F : 0 FC = 0
- ......................................................................
- The "Comment", if any, is displayed at the top. The equations
- BETA and FT, in the order in which they are entered, are
- displayed from top down. The time and date are displayed in
- the middle along with the "Accuracy ? Warning #8" Comment.
- This frequently-seen warning Comment is used to inform the user
- that the displayed values of the dependent variables BETA and
- FT may not be related to the values based on the equations and L 2290
- the independent variables. To actually calculate the dependent
- variables, one would enter a value for an independent variable
- or type C. Finally the 3 independent variables BETA0, F an FC
- are listed at the bottom in alphabetical order. The blinking
- cursor ">" is positioned on BETA0.
- Data points consist of two numbers: a data coordinate and a
- data value. In the present problem, data are to be entered in
- (F,BETA) pairs. If necessary, to designate F as the variable
- associated with the data coordinate, move the cursor to F and L 2300
- --------------- 4.06 -- Finding Best Values of Transistor Parameters ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 51 --
- type O. The equal sign "=" will be replaced by a colon ":". A
- colon is used to signify that variable F is now a data
- coordinate. Only one of the two equations, BETA, is to be
- associated with the data value. The other equation must be
- made "invisible" or inactive. If necessary, move the cursor to
- FT and type I. The equal sign after FT will disappear. At
- this time, data points are defined as (F,BETA) pairs.
- Next data are entered in (F,BETA) pairs, type D. The screen
- will appear as shown below and enter the data. L 2310
- ║ To automatically load these equations, type Q when the ║
- ║ highlight bar appears on the screen. Scroll down, if ║
- ║ necessary, to light it. ║
- 'EQU
- 'PT0
- 1 105
- 2.5 90
- 5 80 L 2320
- 7.5 60
- 10 50
- 'COM
- If desired, enter the five data points as (F,BETA) pairs: (1,105),
- (2.5,90), (0.5,80), (7.5,60) and (10,50). To verify the points or
- enter them one by one , Type D. For F(1), type 1 (enter). For
- BETA(1), type 105 (enter). Now enter F(2) then BETA(2) and so on.
- After entering BETA(5) or 50, the Program will advance to point #6.
- Type R to remove this unwanted point. Type E to exit data command and
- return to the equation display. Type (F1) to return to the helpfile. L 2330
- Finally initial "guesses" for the two active independent
- variables BETA0 and FC are set and the problem is solved.
- The Program will optimize the values of the active independent
- variables BETA0 and FC, whose names are followed by the "=", in
- order to attempt to minimize the sum of squared errors between
- the calculated value of the single active dependent variable
- (with the data coordinates of each data point substituted into
- the coordinate variable) and the data value of each data point.
- In this example, each of the five data coordinates will be L 2340
- substituted into F, BETA will be calculated and then the
- squared differences between BETA and the data value of each of
- the five points will be summed and minimized.
- ║ To automatically load these equations, type Q when the ║
- ║ highlight bar appears on the screen. Scroll down, if ║
- ║ necessary, to light it. ║
- --------------- 4.06 -- Finding Best Values of Transistor Parameters ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 52 --
- 'EQU
- 'VAR BETA0=1 FC=1
- 'COM L 2350
- If necessary, set the initial values of BETA0=1 and FC=1. Type S to
- start the fit. Use the default tolerance of 0.1. Just type (enter).
- The program will optimized BETA0 and FC to minimize the ERROR and the
- iteration counter will 'roll off' as the fit proceeds. Note that the
- value of the coordinate variable F stays constant. After about 64
- iterations, the fit will converge as the estimated significant figures
- approaches 16. In this case SIG FIGS reaches 14. Type any key to stop
- the fit. Type (F1) to return to the helpfile.
- As the fit advances and the number of iterations increases, L 2360
- the ERROR will tend to minimize but it will not approach 0.0
- unless the fit is "perfect". The screen should appear similar
- to what is shown below, although the comment will be different.
- ......................................................................
- --- Comment --> Calculate BETA0 (DC current gain) and FC (critical
- frequency) for a transistor by fitting BETA vs. F (MHz) to theoretical
- equation.
- BETA=BETA0/SQR(1+F^2/FC^2) BETA = 104.1315 L 2370
- FT=BETA0*FC FT 568.0856
- 11:24:15 Iteration # 64 ERROR = 6.3589147 SIG FIGS = 14 10-20-1980
- BETA0 = 104.1315 F : 0 FC = 5.455464
- ......................................................................
- L 2380
- Obtaining a summary of results. Following optimization, one
- may want to list a summary of the results. Type command R from
- the equation display. The screen should appear as below.
- ..................................................................
- # F BETA Calculated % Error Relative % Error
- 1 1 105 102.425 -2.452405 -----
- L 2390
- 2 2.5 90 94.66504 5.183378 +++++++++
- --------------- 4.06 -- Finding Best Values of Transistor Parameters ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 53 --
- 3 5 80 76.76686 -4.041424 -------
- 4 7.5 60 61.25394 2.089902 ++++
- 5 10 50 49.87006 -.2598841 0
- # F BETA Calculated % Error Relative % Error
- L 2400
- ...................................................................
- The "results" screen list the data point number (#), the value
- of the data coordinate (F), the value of the data value (BETA),
- the calculated value of BETA based on the equation and the
- optimized values of BETA0 and FC, the % ERROR which is the
- actual value of BETA less its calculated value expressed as a
- percent of the actual value. Finally the SYMBOLIC ERROR is
- tabulated. It is a visual representation of the uncertainty in
- the fit. For each point, the actual value of BETA can be L 2410
- thought of as being in the middle under the C of SYMBOLIC and
- would correspond to a 0 if the fit were more-or-less perfect.
- "+" mean the fitted curve exceeds the data value at this point
- and the number of "+" is a relative measure of how much. "-"
- means the fitted curve underestimates the data value at this
- point and the number of "-" is a relative measure of how much.
- Note, the number of decimal places for the table entries is
- determined by the current setting as determined by the 'DEC
- apostrophe command.
- L 2420
- Plotting the fitted equation and experimental data. The
- equation and data can be plotted to verify the "fit" visually.
- Type command P from the equation display.. Type (enter) in
- response to the prompt not to include data on plot. The screen
- should appear similar to below:
- .......................................................................
- 105.-█
- |a a L 2430
- | a
- | a
- | a
- 91.- █ a
- | a
- | a
- | a
- | a █
- 77.- a
- | a L 2440
- | a
- | a
- | a
- 63.- a
- | █a
- | a
- | a a
- | a
- 49.-
- ||--------------|--------------|--------------|--------------|----- L 2450
- 1 2.96 4.91 6.87 8.83
- BETA[a] vs. F
- --------------- 4.06 -- Finding Best Values of Transistor Parameters ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 54 --
- .......................................................................
- The first equation BETA is represented by "a". The 5 data
- points as (F,BETA) points are plotted as "█".
- ╒═══════════════════════════════╕
- │ EXAMPLE: FIT EQUATION TO DATA └───────────────────────────────────────
- L 2460
- 4.08 Automatic Least-squares Polynomial Regression
- (Linear Least Squares)
- ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- The polynomial fit is subcommand "P" of the data entry
- subcommand "D". Data must be entered into the Program first.
- The use of the polynomial fit (regression) will be illustrated
- with an example. Polynomials of orders 1 and 3 will be fitted
- to four data points. In order to use the subcommand "P", one
- must first enter an equation into the Program with at least 2 L 2470
- independent variables. Any equation will do.
- ║ To automatically load these equations, type Q when the ║
- ║ highlight bar appears on the screen. Scroll down, if ║
- ║ necessary, to light it. ║
- 'EQU
- Y=A*X
- 'COO X
- 'COM "Type (F1) to return to the helpfile"
- L 2480
- If the equation is loaded, then skip to step (4).
- 1) When the Program is displaying the equations screen, type
- (F6) or "!/" in order to get the "Equations" prompt. In
- -------------- 4.08 -- Automatic Least-squares Polynomial Regression ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 55 --
- response to the prompt "? Equation(s)", type: (end esc)
- Y=A*X (enter)
- 2) In response to the prompt for a comment Type (end esc) ""
- (enter). Remember to type (F1) to return to this file.
- L 2490
- 3) Next move the blinking cursor to variable X by typing "L".
- Designate X as a coordinate by typing "O". A colon ":" will
- appear after its name.
- 4) Enter the 4 (X,Y) data points.
- ║To load the comment and jump to the equations display, type Q ║
- ║when the highlight bar is lighted on the next line. ║
- 'EQU
- 'PT0 L 2500
- 'DATA (1,-3) (2,-57) (3,-219) (4,-549)
- 'COM
- If necessary, enter the four data points as (X,Y) pairs: (1,-3),
- (2,-57), (3,-219) and (4,-549). Type D. For X(1), type 1 (enter).
- For Y(1), type -3 (enter). Now enter X(2) then Y(2) and so on. After
- entering Y(4) as -549, the program will advance to point #5. Type R to
- remove this unwanted point. Type E to exit data command and return to
- the equation display. Type (F1) to return to the helpfile.
- L 2510
- ║To load the comment and jump to the equations display, type Q ║
- ║when the highlight bar is lighted on the next line. ║
- 'EQU
- 'COM
- The polynomial regression is part of the data entry command. Type
- command D first. To perform a first order fit, type P. In response to
- the prompt for an order, type (end esc) 1 (enter). A positive order
- selects a polynomial of the general form Y=A0+A1*X^1+...AN*X^N and a
- negative order, a polynomial of the general form
- Y=A0+A1*X^-1+...AN*X^-N. Type N (enter) in response to the prompt to L 2520
- 'REPLACE EQUATIONS'. Type E to exit data command and return to the
- equation display. Type (F1) to return to the helpfile.
- The Program will calculate A0 as 243 and A1 as -180. The
- Program will display the polynomial equation and a message
- which summarizes the first-order fit. Note the magnitudes of
- the residual variance and the coefficient of determination. As
- the order increases, the fit will improve and the residual
- variance will decrease toward 0.0 and the coefficient of
- determination will increase to 1.0. L 2530
- -------------- 4.08 -- Automatic Least-squares Polynomial Regression ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 56 --
- ║To load the comment and jump to the equations display, type Q ║
- ║when the highlight bar is lighted on the next line. ║
- 'EQU
- 'COM
- The polynomial regression is part of the data entry command. Type
- command D first. To perform a third order fit, type P. In response to
- the prompt for an order, type (end esc) 3 (enter). The Program will
- now calculate A0 as 3, A1 as -2, A2 as 6 and A3 as -10. Notice that
- the fit is 'perfect'. The residual variance is 0.0 and the coefficient L 2540
- of determination is 1.0. Type Y (enter) in response to the prompt to
- 'REPLACE EQUATIONS'. Type E to exit data command and return to the
- equation display. Type (F1) to return to the helpfile.
- The Program will replace the main equation(s) with the
- polynomial Y=A0+A1*X^1+A2*X^2. If the comment is empty, it
- will replace it with fit information. The coefficients A0 to
- A2 are set equal to their least-squares values and variable X
- is designated as the coordinate. The immediate calc is
- replaced by the polynomial with explicit number coefficients. L 2550
- Should this form of the equation be needed it can be viewed
- with the immediate calc command "|".
- An error during the calculation will terminate the fit and
- return the Program to the equations display. Warning # 451
- will be generated. The most likely cause of errors are
- overflows from either coordinate values with large magnitudes
- or higher order terms.
- Some important points are: L 2560
- 1) There must be 2 or more data points. If only two points,
- then the order is 1 by default and need not be specified.
- 2) The maximum order is one less than the number of points or
- 15, whichever is smaller. Thus if there are 10 data points,
- then a polynomial of order from 1 to 9 can be chosen.
- 3) Polynomial coefficients are completely determined if the
- order of the polynomial is one less than the number of points. L 2570
- Thus if there are 4 points, then a third order fit will be
- "perfect". As the number of points becomes much large than the
- order, the polynomial represents a "smoothed" approximation.
- 4) The Program calculates the residual variance RESID VAR and
- the coefficient of determination COEFF OF DETERM for each fit.
- -------------- 4.08 -- Automatic Least-squares Polynomial Regression ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 57 --
- 5) The polynomial equation can be used to replace the current
- equation(s). This is useful for further analysis including the
- tabulation of results (command "R" in equation display), the L 2580
- plotting of the equation and data (command "P" in equation
- display) and the saving of the equation and data (subcommand
- "]" in equation display).
- 6) The immediate calculation (command "|") is always
- replaced by the polynomial with number coefficients and without
- a dependent variable. The polynomial can be added to the main
- equations by exiting to the equation display, typing "/",
- moving the cursor to the end of the equations and typing "(alt)
- 1" . Remember to insert a dependent variable with a unique L 2590
- name, the equal sign and at least one space!
- 7) An interesting relationship exists between poly
- A0+A1*X^1+...AN*X^N and poly A0+A1*X^-1+...AN*X-N. These two
- polynomials when generated from the same data set will always
- intersect at (N+1) points.
- 8) Data points can be defined with more than one coordinate.
- For example (X:W,Y) where X and W are data coordinates and Y is
- the data value. Polynomial fits of Y vs. X and Y vs. W are L 2600
- possible. Position the cursor on the desired coordinate before
- typing "P". Note: Zero-valued terms like "+W-W" will be added
- to the equations to represent extra coordinates and variables
- such as "W" will be designated as coordinates if the polynomial
- equation replaces the current equation(s).
- ╒══════════════════════════════╕
- │ ADVANCED FUNCTIONS WITH DATA └───────────────────────────────────────
- 4.10 Advanced Functions using Data and Active Equation L 2610
- ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- DATA ENTRY. Data points are ordered numbers which are composed
- of elements called coordinate values and a single data value.
- Data points are always handled as a group. For example, (X,Y)
- signifies a simple, and perhaps the most common form of, a data
- point. Element X is the coordinate of the data point and
- element Y is the value of the data point. (X:W,Y) signifies a
- data point with two coordinates, sometimes referred to as 2
- dimensional, and (X:W:Z,Y) signifies a data point with three L 2620
- coordinates which is sometimes referred to as 3 dimensional,
- and so on. Data are entered into the program by first entering
- ---------- 4.10 -- Advanced Functions using Data and Active Equation ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 58 --
- an equation with at least 2 independent variables. Before
- using the subcommand "D", one must designate only one of the
- equations as active, if there are more than one, The dependent
- variable of the active equation will be associated with the
- data or Y value of the data point. One or more of the
- independent variables are designate as coordinates of the data
- point. The name(s) of the coordinate independent variables are
- associated with the coordinate values of the data point. There L 2630
- must always be one active independent variable which is not
- designated as a coordinate! Use subcommands "A" and "I" to
- activate/inactivate variables and subcommand "O" to designate
- coordinates while the main equations are displayed. Type "D"
- to enter data. Use the appropriate letter subcommands and
- arrows to enter/manipulate data. Warning! The Program
- automatically advanced from the last point to the next point by
- adding a zero data point. Type "R" to remove this unwanted
- data point, if necessary, before exiting back to the main
- equation screen. Also, while in the data entry mode, the names L 2640
- of the coordinates and data value always refer to the numbers
- of the current data point. For example, a calculation of
- (space) Y=2*X (enter) will always set the the current data
- value to 2 times the current coordinate value. Data points can
- also be read in from a DATAONLY file. See Section 1.14 below.
- DATA TRANFORMATIONS. Mathematical operations/transformations
- can be applied to each individual element of a data point by
- using a simple equation which references the desired elements.
- Thus, to set the data value of the current point to the square L 2650
- root of the coordinate simply type (space) Y=SQR(X) (enter).
- Note, start calculations with a space to avoid confusion with
- the letter subcommands! Furthermore, an immediate calculation
- can be applied to all members of a particular coordinate or all
- of the data, or Y, values by use of the subcommand "$C". This
- subcommand applies an entered immediate calculation to all of
- the specified members. For example, data points may be in the
- form (X,Y) but one desires a linear fit to data of the form
- (1/X, LOG(Y)). The current data can be transformed to this
- form by two uses of the subcommand "$C". First transform the Y L 2660
- values. The general way is to type "$C" and enter (esc)
- Y=LOG(ABS(Y)) (enter) or, alternatively, move the cursor to a Y
- value, type "$C" and then type (esc) LOG(ABS(:)) (enter).
- Note, the ":" can be used to represent the current variable
- name and the result of the calculation will be assigned to the
- current data element because an explicit dependent variable has
- not been specified. Similarly, one can take the reciprocal of
- the X values by first typing "$C" and then either entering an
- ---------- 4.10 -- Advanced Functions using Data and Active Equation ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 59 --
- explicit immediate calc like (esc) X=1/X (enter) or, if the
- cursor is on an X value when "$C" is typed, by typing (esc) 1/: L 2670
- (enter). Use subcommand "P", polyfit, to calculate the desired
- polynomial. After this operation, data can be "untransformed"
- by applying reciprocal operations (Y=EXP(Y) to y values and
- X=1/X to X values) to the appropriate elements with subcommand
- "$C".
- equation screen, previously entered data points can be
- substituted into the displayed equations with subcommands "!D"
- and "@D". Use "!D" to substitute a single data point into the L 2680
- main equations and "@D", to substitute all data points into the
- main equations. A root-mean-squared error is also calculated.
- This error is identical to what is calculated during the fit
- subcommand "S". By changing values of independent variables
- and typing "@D", one can actually minimize the error and
- optimize the values of the variable manually, if so desired!
- entry mode or when using subcommands "!D" or "@D", the
- following priorities apply to all calculations: 1) Data L 2690
- coordinate values are first substituted into the corresponding
- coordinate variables of the main displayed equation(s), 2) All
- main displayed equations are calculated and 3) The data value
- is substituted into the corresponding dependent variable. For
- example, if one has (X,Y) data points and wishes to calculate
- the mean of the X and Y values, Enter a set of equations such
- as:
- Y=Y+A
- Designate Y as the active equation. Designate X as the
- coordinate. Variable A is a dummy. Type "@?" to zero all.
- Type "@D" to calculate mean value with data points. Note,
- these equations can be used with other similar data sets by
- overlaying the equations with the "@[" subcommand which does L 2710
- not change current data coordinates or values.
- ---------- 4.10 -- Advanced Functions using Data and Active Equation ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 60 --
- ╒═════════════════════════╕
- │ DATA ONLY FILES OF DATA └─────────────────────────────────────────────
- 4.12 Reading External Files of Data Only
- ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- The Program can read a user-generated file of data points if it
- is written with the simple format described below. Once an L 2720
- analysis has been developed, one may want to apply it
- repeatedly to different files of data by using an external file
- of data points which consists of: 1) a header record, 2) a
- title record and 3) 2 or more numbers with one number per
- record. An example of an external file of data points follows:
- "ASTRO3 DATAONLY","04-01-81","17:02:56"
- "Data only consisting of 6 numbers: 3 (x,y) or 2 (x:w,y) data points"
- 1.11
- -1.11 L 2730
- 100.11
- 2.22
- -2.22
- 200.22
- This ascii file can be generated with a text editor like PE2,
- B,or a word processor like WP (save as DOS text) or even by
- another Program. The first record is the header record and it
- consists of 3 fields: "astro3 DATAONLY" must always be first,
- then the date and then the time. All fields are enclosed in L 2740
- double quotes and separated by commas. The second record is
- the title record. The information in this record must be
- enclosed in double quotes. It will be added on to the Program
- message which is displayed at the top of the screen in the main
- equation display. The Program message can be edited with the
- "!/" subcommand. Null or empty fields are specified by the
- empty string "". Finally, the data numbers are entered one per
- record.
- In general, one should set up an equation, define coordinate(s) L 2750
- and type "D" to verify the structure of the data point before
- reading DATAONLY files into the Program. Data points are
- entered coordinate(s) first in alphabetical order and then data
- value. Usually there is one coordinate per data point;
- however, there may be more than one. In the above example if
- points are defined as (X,Y) then there are 3 data points:
- (1.11,-1.11), (100.11,2.22) and (-2.22,200.22). However if
- points are defined with two coordinates (X:W,Y) then there are
- only 2 data points: (1.11:-1.11,100.11) and
- (2.22:-2.22,200.22). L 2760
- ------------------------ 4.12 -- Reading External Files of Data Only ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 61 --
- DATAONLY files are read in from the main equation display with
- the subcommand "[" which is also used to read in equation
- files. The default extension is also ".EQU". However, one can
- do a directory with another extension such as ".DAT" and read
- in the data with the directory subcommand "*" by ending the
- path description with *.DAT. Warning #403 indicates that the
- structure of the data point may not have been properly defined
- or setup before a data-point operation.
- L 2770
- ╒══════════╕
- │ WARNINGS └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- 5.01 Summary of Common WARNINGS During Calculations.
- ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- The warning numbers followed by an explanation follow:
- 1 - Attempt to raise negative number to non-integer power.
- Operation was ignored. Y=X^W is ok if X=-1.3 and W=2 but is L 2780
- not allowed if W=2.1. - Also, attempt to raise number to power
- such that the result is greater than 1E30 (overflow) or less
- than 1E-30 (underflow). The number was set to 1E30 for
- overflow and 1E-30 for underflow.
- 2 - Overflow from multiplication. The result of the
- multiplication of two numbers exceeded 1E30 in magnitude. The
- result of the multiplication was set to a magnitude of 1E30.
- 3 - Overflow from division. The result of the division of two L 2790
- numbers exceeded 1E30 in magnitude. The result of the division
- was set to a magnitude of 1E30.
- 8 - The displayed values of the equation(s) may not be
- accurate. In other words, the values of the dependent
- variables may not be related to the values of the independent
- variables by the recipes of the equations. The most common
- warning message. Will be produce if a dependent variable is
- set to any number. Always produced after "?" command and at
- the entry into a calculation. Type "C" to recalculate if L 2800
- uncertain about the values of the dependent variables.
- 15 - Attempt to take the arccosine, ACOS(...) or ACOSD(...), of
- a number whose absolute value is greater than 1.0. Operation
- was ignored.
- ------------ 5.01 -- Summary of Common WARNINGS During Calculations. ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 62 --
- 16 - Attempt to take the arcsine, ASIN(...) or ASIND(...), of a
- number whose absolute value is greater than 1.0. Operation was
- ignored.
- L 2810
- 18-19 - Same as for 15 and 16 but for ACOSD(...) and
- ASIND(...).
- 24 - Attempt to take the arccosine hyperbolic, ACOSH(...), of a
- number whose value is less than 1.0. Operation was ignored.
- 26 - Attempt to take the arctangent hyperbolic, ATANH(...), of
- a number whose absolute value is greater than 1.0. Operation
- was ignored.
- L 2820
- 28 - Attempt to take a natural antilog of a number such that
- the result exceeded 1E30 (overflow) or was less than 1E-30
- (underflow). The program set the magnitude of the result to
- 1E30 for overflow and 1E-30 for underflow.
- 31 - Attempt to take the square root, SQR(...), of a negative
- number. Operation was ignored.
- 32 - Attempt to take natural log, LOG(...), of zero or a
- negative number. Operation was ignored. L 2830
- 33 - Attempt to take log base 10, LOG10(...), of zero or a
- negative number. Operation was ignored.
- 43 - Overflow from factorial. The result exceeded FP magnitude
- limit. The result of the operation was set to the sign of the
- number at overflow times 1D+30. Currently, X must be 33 or
- less in FACT(X) for no overflow.
- ╒═══════════════╕ L 2840
- │ AFIT3 WARNINGS└───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- :WKP.5.03 Summary of WARNINGS From AstroDataFitter 3
- ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- 403 - Error in defining the active equation (There must be only
- 1.) and/or the number of coordinate variables (There must be at
- least 1 and no more than 14.) and/or the number of active
- independent variables (There must be at least one and no more
- than 15 - # of coordinates.). The Program will use default L 2850
- settings in order to correct the setup.
- ------------ 5.01 -- Summary of Common WARNINGS During Calculations. ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 63 --
- 404 - The correspondence between the data coordinates and
- values and the intended variables may be inaccurate. This
- warning message is used to inform the user that the Program may
- have detected a situation that will result in some sort of
- confusion. In particular, the status of variables may have
- been changed and the subcommand "D" was not used before other
- subcommands such as "S", "R", "T" or "X".
- L 2860
- 405 - Less than 2 independent variables in the equation(s).
- There must be at least two independent variables in order to
- have one coordinate and one variable to be optimized.
- 406 - No data in program. Occurs for subcommands which require
- data such as "S", "R", "T", "X" and so on
- 451 - Error during least-squares polynomial calculation.
- Calculation terminated before completion.
- L 2870
- ╒════════╕
- │ ERRORS └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- 5.05 Summary of ERRORS during evaluation of equations
- ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- The equation evaluation error numbers with an explanation
- follow.
- All mathematical operations such as ^, *, /, + and - must
- have two operands. Y=A*+C is not allowed. Only leading
- negation is allowed: Y=-A. Y=+A is not proper.
- Only the dependent variable can appear to the left of the
- equal sign. Y+3=X+4 is not allowed.
- 123ABC, %DEF, etc. are not allowed as variable names. L 2890
- All parentheses must be used in pairs. Total must be even.
- All parentheses must enclose something. No SIN(), Y=(), etc.
- ----------- 5.05 -- Summary of ERRORS during evaluation of equations ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 64 --
- All mathematical operations such as ^, *, /, + and - must
- have two operands. Y=A*+C is not allowed. Only leading L 2900
- negation is allowed: Y=-A. Y=+A is not proper.
- A function name cannot be used as a variable name. Y=A+SIN*X
- is not allowed. Y=A+SIN(X) is proper. The name of something
- that is not an intrinsic function cannot be used as a
- function. Y=COTH(X) is not allowed. Y=1/TANH(X) is proper.
- Only one equal sign per equation is allowed. L 2910
- An equation must contain a dependent variable, equal sign and
- something after the equal sign. Y= is not valid.
- Only ASCII characters, decimal 33 (!) and higher can
- be used as characters in equations. This range includes the
- numbers, upper and lower case letters, and other symbols such
- as the Greek letters. Remember, lower case letters are L 2920
- always converted to upper case. Variable names such as
- ABC, 123, are not allowed.
- Each equation of a group must have a different, and unique to
- 8 characters, name for the dependent variable.
- Too many constants and variables, decrease one or the other.
- L 2930
- Too many variables and constants, decrease one or the other.
- Too many operations such as nested parentheses "((()))".
- Try to rewrite the equation(s) in a more compact way.
- Too many operations. Try to rewrite equation(s) in a more
- compact way. Make common expressions separate equations. L 2940
- An attempt has been made to reference a variable which has
- not been defined. Will only occur when immediate
- ----------- 5.05 -- Summary of ERRORS during evaluation of equations ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 65 --
- calculations are made.
- Attempt to define more than 256 storage variables.
- Save storage variables with "!]". Use "Z", "!Z" and
- "@Z" to locate and remove unwanted variables. L 2950
- Attempt to define a storage variable as a dependent variable
- of one of the equations entered in response to the prompt
- "? Equation(s)". Not allowed!
- ╒════════════════╕
- │ DISPLAY COLORS └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- 6.01 Setting Foreground/background Colors of Main L 2960
- Equations Screen and Program
- ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- For a monochrome monitor, only the default colors white on
- black (command "!(esc)") or the opposite colors black on white
- (command "@(esc)") should be used. For color monitors, there
- are 16 shades of foreground colors and 8 shades of background
- colors. The text of the comment, equations and variables are
- in the foreground color. The clock display and bottom-screen
- menu are in reverse video of these colors. Colors by number L 2970
- are: 0=black, 1=blue, 2=green, 3=cyan, 4=red, 5=magenta,
- 6=brown, 7=white and 8 to 15 are corresponding high-intensity
- shades. Use command !N to toggle the next foreground color and
- use command @N to toggle the next background color. If the
- foreground and background colors are equal, then the displayed
- information becomes invisible. Colors wrap around from #15 to
- #0. Use commands "!(esc)" to set fore=#7 (white or green) and
- back=#0 (black) or command "@(esc)" to set fore=#0 and back=#7.
- Colors (except white on black, the default) are saved with the L 2980
- equations and are reset when equations are read by the commands
- "(F8)" or "[" and "@[". Start the program with a set of
- equations previously saved with the desired startup colors.
- For example: AFIT3 CONFIG.EQU (enter).
- Note: Type "!(esc)" to reset the monochrome colors before
- exiting or the DOS colors may remain those at the program exit.
- ╒═══════════════╕
- │ CLOCK DISPLAY └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────── L 2990
- --------------- 6.01 -- Setting Foreground/background Colors of Main ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 66 --
- 6.05 Clock Screen: Commands During Display
- ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- To start the clock, type !C from the equations display.
- -> restart/redraw clock screen
- ! - Restart the clock and redraw the display. Use if the
- display is overwritten. L 3000
- -> check/enter alarm time
- @ - Check the current alarm time, just type (enter) to exit, or
- set a new one, type y (enter).
- -> changing 12/24 hour format
- # - Toggle between 12 and 24 hour time format (12 hr.
- default). L 3010
- -> exit back to equations display
- $ - Exit back to the equation display.
- (ctrl Q) - Exit back to the equation display.
- -> Dos shell
- % - Shell (exit) to DOS. Type EXIT (enter) to return to clock. L 3020
- -> lock-up keyboard in security mode
- ^ - Security mode. Enter a password up to 8 characters. To
- unlock, type exact password. Alarm will stay active. If
- program does not respond, type (enter) first and then the exact
- password. While in the security mode, the (alt) and (ctrl)
- keys are forced off. Most "TSR" programs and emulators which
- are activated by hot keys should be locked out! During
- security mode, program will remember date/time's of L 3030
- unauthorized use. If password contains "@", then typing
- incorrect password will immediately activate alarm-- displaying
- comment, sounding music and flashing screen! Type any key to
- return to clock. Password still must be entered correctly
- (with "@") to exit.
- ---------------------- 6.05 -- Clock Screen: Commands During Display ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 67 --
- The apostrophe command 'clo can be used to display the clock,
- to display the clock and lock with a password and to set the
- alarm time and comment. Apostrophe commands can be entered
- almost anywhere in the program. Some examples: L 3040
- 'clo (enter) Display the clock, exit to equations.
- 'clo =big (enter) display the clock and lock-up with a security
- password "big". The "=" is used to indicate a password but is
- not part of the password.
- 'clo 13:23 meeting in cr 864 (enter). Set the alarm at 1:30 pm
- and set the comment to "meeting in cr 864". Clock is not
- displayed. L 3050
- ╒═════════════════════╕
- │ APOSTROPHE COMMANDS └─────────────────────────────────────────────────
- 6.10 Apostrophe Commands: What They Do and How to Use Them
- ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- The apostrophe commands can be entered at most locations in the
- program as well as in the 'EQU fields of application help
- files. L 3060
- The apostrophe commands begin with an apostrophe and the first
- three letters of the key words described below. Only the first
- three letters are significant. Thus 'variable, 'var,
- 'variety, etc. all imply the same apostrophe command: 'var.
- apostrophe command are case insensitive except for the 'EQU
- field designator in an application help file.
- Apostrophe commands perform many of the functions that are also
- performed by the single-letter commands discussed above. Some L 3070
- examples:
- Enter an equation: 'equ y=a+b*x+c*x^2 (enter)
- Enter a comment: 'com This is a second-order polynomial.
- (enter)
- Assign values to many variables at one time: 'var x=1 a=2 b=3
- c=4 (ent) or 'x=1 a=2 b=3 c=4 (enter). Note, if a variable
- name is the name of an apostrophe command, use the 'var first; L 3080
- otherwise, the program will interpret the variable name as an
- apostrophe command. For example if a variable were named COL
- ------ 6.10 -- Apostrophe Commands: What They Do and How to Use Them ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 68 --
- then 'col=1 (enter) would be interpreted as an improper use of
- the apostrophe command 'col; but, 'var col=1 (enter) is OK.
- Assign all variables the value of sqr(2): 'var #all=sqr(2)
- (enter).
- Make X a coordinate variable: 'coo x (enter)
- Change the colors to high-intensity white on red: 'col hwhite L 3090
- red (ent)
- Move the cursor to variable X: 'cur x (enter) or '' x (enter)
- A summary of the apostrophe commands follows:
- Activate variables 'activate 'act 'act varname1,varname2... L 3100
- 'act #all
- Calc dependent vars 'calculate 'cal 'cal
- display clock 'clock 'clo 'clo
- clock with password 'clo =password
- set alarm time and 'clo hr:mn:se comment
- comment
- Chain to other ASTRO3 'chain 'cha 'cha calc L 3110
- programs with current 'cha solve
- variables + equations. 'cha fit
- Make coordinates 'coordinate 'coo 'coo varname1,varname2...
- 'coo #ind
- Set display colors, 'color 'col 'col forecolor,backcolor
- Color names below
- Set Comment 'comment 'com 'com text...... L 3120
- Set decimal digits 'decimal 'dec 'dec 2
- Move cursor to 'cursor 'cur 'cur varname1
- variable varname1 or '' ''varname1
- Get an equation file 'eget 'ege 'ege mycalc
- named "mycalc.equ"
- ------ 6.10 -- Apostrophe Commands: What They Do and How to Use Them ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 69 --
- Save equation file 'esave 'esa 'esa mycalc
- L 3130
- Enter equations 'equation 'equ 'equ equation1....
- Erase storage vars 'erase 'era 'era #all
- Exit from program 'exit 'exi 'exi
- Read application help 'help 'hel 'hel \calc\science
- file "\calc\science"
- Only 'help will access
- last opened help file. L 3140
- Immediate calculation 'immediate 'imm 'imm y=25-sqr(144)
- 'imm y=2*4 z=sqr(144)
- Inactivate variables 'inactivate 'ina 'ina varname1,varname2...
- 'ina #dep
- Lite mode. 'lite 'lit 'lit
- Removes (F5), (F6),
- (F9), Y, Z functions L 3150
- Set precision 'precision 'pre 'pre single or double
- Turn off sound 'quiet 'qui
- Assign values to 'variable 'var 'var varname1=value1...
- variables. Create 'var #all=value2
- storage variables. or '' ''varname1=value1...
- ''#all=value2
- L 3160
- Get a storage file 'sget 'sge 'sge mystor
- named "mystor.sto"
- Jump to spreadsheet 'spread 'spr 'spr
- (equations display)
- Save a storage file 'ssave 'ssa 'ssa mystor
- The options #ALL, #DEP and #IND specify ALL variables, only the
- DEPENDENT variables or only the INDEPENDENT variables and can L 3170
- be used with 'act, 'ina, 'coo and 'var.
- Foreground (forecolor) and background (backcolor) colors are:
- ------ 6.10 -- Apostrophe Commands: What They Do and How to Use Them ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 70 --
- 1. BLUE 6. BROWN 11. LCYAN
- 2. GREEN 7. WHITE 12. LRED
- 4. RED 9. LBLUE 14. YELLOW
- 15. HWHITE L 3180
- Note: Enter the colors not numbers in 'COLOR command. L means
- light and H means high-intensity. Also, Only colors from 0 to
- 7 should be used as backgrounds.
- The screen dump command "V" appends the complete equations,
- comment, and variable values and status to the screen display
- in the 'EQU field format. These files can be used to build
- user-generated application help files from which equations etc.
- can be directly loaded into this program as the help file is
- read. See the ASTRO3 Utility program, A3UTIL.EXE and L 3190
- documentation for more details.
- ╒══════════════════════════╕
- │ AFIT3 APOSTROPHE COMMANDS└────────────────────────────────────────────
- 6.12 Apostrophe Commands Unique to AstroDataFitter.
- ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- ABBREV. L 3200
- Enter data 'data 'dat 'data 1 -2.1 3 3.4 4 5.7
- Set data points to 0 'pt0 'pt0 'pt0
- Note: Repeated use of the 'data command causes data to be
- merged onto the end of the existing data. To start with 0 data
- points use the 'PT0 command first. All data must be numbers.
- Data may be entered in the data point format (data coordinate,
- data value) or (data coord1: data coord2, data value) and so L 3210
- on. For example: (1, -2.1) (3, 3.4) (4, 5.7). Variable names
- and other representations will be interpreted as 0's.
- ╒══════════════════╕
- │ DOS COMMAND LINE └────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- 7.01 Information After Program Name on DOS Command Line.
- How the Program Uses It and What It Does.
- ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- L 3220
- -------- 7.01 -- Information After Program Name on DOS Command Line. ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 71 --
- Perform certain functions from information entered after
- program name in DOS command line.
- ■ Start with a previously stored file of equations like MYCALC.EQU:
- AFIT3 MYCALC.EQU (enter) or AFIT3 "MYCAL.EQU" (enter)
- Note: Use quotes if file name contains symbols = + - * / ( or ^.
- Foreground/background colors are those saved with equations.
- Start with both storage variable file and equation file:
- Note: Storage file must come before equation file. Default L 3230
- extensions are ".STO" for storage and ".EQU" for equations.
- If math symbols are in filename(s), enclose both filenames
- in single set of quotes: AFIT3 "STO++ EQU--" (enter).
- ■ Start with equation(s) like Y=A*X+B:
- AFIT3 Y=A*X+B (enter)
- Note: Equation(s) must contain at least one independent variable.
- Foreground/background colors are the defaults.
- ■ Start with a directory listing of a directory such as \calc or a: L 3240
- AFIT3 \calc\ (enter) or AFIT3 a:\ (enter)
- Note: Directory must be enclosed in "\". "\\" signifies the root
- directory and "\" signifies the current directory. The
- directory of a drive must end in "\".
- ■ Perform a single-shot calculations like:
- AFIT3 23+36+67 (enter) or
- AFIT3 60,123,456,789.02-40,123,456,789.01 (enter)
- Note: Single-shot calculations calculate one or more results and
- prompt "Type any key to continue...". Type (esc) to L 3250
- continue the program or any other key to terminate program and
- return to DOS. Information must not be enclosed in quotes,
- must not contain independent variables, and must have at least
- one operation such as = + - * / ( or ^.
- ■ Enclose each separate calculation in parentheses:
- AFIT3 (23+78-90) (32-SQR(56)) (2*SIND(87)) (enter)
- ■ Example of a single-shot calc with 4 dependent variables:
- AFIT3 A=1 B=2 X=3 Y=A*X+B (enter) L 3260
- ■ To start a program by reading an application help file such
- as A3UTIL.HLP, simply include the filename with the .HLP
- extension anywhere on the command line. Note, must maintain
- order of .STO and .EQU files as discussed above! For example:
- -------- 7.01 -- Information After Program Name on DOS Command Line. ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 72 --
- AFIT3 ? (enter) and AFIT3 AFIT3HLP.HLP (enter) are equivalent. L 3270
- ■ Do not mix equations or calculations and filenames!
- For example: Y=A*X+B MYCAL.EQU should not be entered!
- ╒═════════╕
- │ LICENSE └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- 8.01 Product License and Warranty.
- ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- L 3280
- Software License Agreement (Registered Users)
- If you are a registered user, PCSCC grants you the right to use
- this Software for a single-user computer or a workstation not
- attached to a network. You may not rent or lease this Software
- without the expressed written permission of PCSCC. You may not
- decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, copy, create a
- derivative work, or otherwise use this Software except as
- stated in this agreement. The license authorizes you to create
- and use an extra copy of the Software on a home or laptop L 3290
- computer, as long as the extra copy is never loaded at the same
- time this Software is loaded on the primary computer on which
- you use this Software.
- If any provision of this agreement is found to be unlawful,
- void, or unenforceable, then that provision shall be severed
- from this Agreement and will not affect the validity and
- enforceability of any of the remaining provisions. This
- agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of
- Delaware. L 3300
- The Software and accompanying materials are provided with
- Restricted Rights. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the
- Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in
- subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of The Rights in Technical Data and
- Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, or
- subparagraphs (c) (1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer
- Software--Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable.
- Contractor/manufacturer is PC SuperComputer Capital,
- Incorporated, at the address listed below. L 3310
- Non registered users must comply with the Shareware policy
- ------------------------------ 8.01 -- Product License and Warranty. ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 73 --
- described elsewhere in this software Pacakage.
- Type T to return to the Table of Contents.
- Warranty Information
- PC SuperComputer Capital, Inc. (PCSCC) hereby disclaims all
- warranties relating to this Software, whether express or L 3320
- implied, including without limitation any implied warranties of
- merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. PCSCC
- will not be liable for any special, incidental, consequential,
- indirect or similar damages due to loss of data, loss of
- profits, lost savings or any other reason, even if PCSCC or an
- agent of PCSCC has been advised of the possibility of such
- damages. In no event shall PCSCC's liability for any damages
- ever exceed the price paid for the license to use Software,
- regardless of the form of the claim. The person using the
- Software bears all risk as to the quality and performance of L 3330
- the Software. This Software is licensed AS IS.
- Any action or proceeding brought by either party against the
- other arising out of or related to this agreement shall be
- brought in a STATE or FEDERAL COURT of competent jurisdiction
- located in Fairfield County, Connecticut. The parties hereby
- consent to in personam jurisdiction of said courts.
- Type T to return to the Table of Contents.
- L 3340
- ╒══════════════╕
- │ USER SUPPORT └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- 8.03 User Support.
- ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- This program has undergone over 5 years of "beta testing"
- around the world. The algorithms have been in use since 1976,
- are user-firendly and believed highly reliable. However,
- comprehensive programs of this nature may require clarification L 3350
- or may develop what are called "bugs". User support is
- provided to all registered users for a minimum of 3 months
- without charge. Registered users can receive such help via
- phone, regular mail and E-mail. Registration also enrolls the
- user for notification of "bug" fixes, upgrades, new versions,
- new products and many more benefits. For the phone number/mail
- addresses see below or position the jump line here and type J.
- ∙Registration∙. Support will be provided to non-registered
- ---------------------------------------------- 8.03 -- User Support. ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 74 --
- users and users beyond the free support period on a time and
- materials basis. L 3360
- ╒═════════════╕
- │ ARBITRATION └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- 8.04 Ombudsman/Arbitration Policy.
- ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- PCSCC, Inc. will follow arbitration guidelines as set forth
- and published by the Association of Shareware Professionals
- (ASP). The current ASP policy is stated here: L 3370
- "This program is produced by a member of the Association of
- Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the
- shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to
- resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by
- contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The
- ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an
- ASP member, but does not provide technical support for members'
- products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover
- Road, Muskegon, MI 49442-9427 USA, FAX 616-788-2765 or send a L 3380
- CompuServe message via CompuServe Mail to ASP Ombudsman
- 70007,3536"
- ╒═══════════════╕
- │ PRODUCT INFO └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- 8.05 Product Information and How to Order Complete Package.
- ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- AstroDataFitter 3 Product Description 8-1-1993 L 3390
- AstroDataFitter 3 is a unique and innovative mathematics
- tool which offers productivity enhancements not found in any
- other software package either retail or shareware. This
- hands-on program combines the functions of both a spreadsheet
- and calculator; but it is better. Why? Because it is right
- between the two: Easier than a spreadsheet and more powerful
- than a calculator. With its special format-free interface,
- formula or equation-based iterations are much easier to set up
- than in a spreadsheet. It is designed to be "smarter" which L 3400
- makes it very user-friendly for Professionals of all levels,
- especially for the infrequent or "computer-shy" user. Broad
- applications exist in many disciplines where calculations with
- formulas, equations or other math recipes are required such as
- ----- 8.05 -- Product Information and How to Order Complete Package. ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 75 --
- in Economics, Genetics, Chemistry, Electrical Engineering,
- Engineering Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulics, Finance,
- Physics, Statistics and even Nursing. Features include:
- ■ DOS or Windows as non-Windows application. Runs on all PC
- compatibles. DOS 2.1+, Monochrome display, 200K RAM, floppy or L 3410
- disk.
- ■ DOS command line support for any direct calculation such as
- addition, multiplication, subtraction and division.
- ■ Format-free entry of up to 63 equations with at least 256
- independent variables and 256 constants. Smart and
- "hassle-free" interpreter.
- ■ Equations and formulas are written according to the BASIC L 3420
- conventions. Versatile library of built-in functions.
- ■ Advanced calculator functions including many automated
- numerical methods such as:
- ∙ Newton-Raphson for solving x in y=f(x)
- ∙ Advanced simplex for solving x at W=Y=Z in W=f(x), Y=g(x),
- Z=h(x)
- ∙ Numerical integration (two methods)
- ∙ Numerical differentiation L 3430
- ∙ Summation
- ∙ Finding maxima and minima
- ∙ Plotting equations
- ∙ Saving/retrieving data files with full file management
- support
- ∙ Screen dumps as DOS text files for inclusion in documents
- ■ Highly-structured documentation, on-line with Table of
- Contents, Glossary and search function. Interactive with
- program. L 3440
- ∙ On-line helpfile. Comprehensive summary of
- commands/functions with step-by-step examples on uses of all
- advanced functions.
- ∙ On-line user manual. A "learn by example" document which
- illustrates the universal nature of problem-solving with many
- step-by-step examples from Science, Engineering and Finance.
- ■ Full support for ACTION21 and ACTION11 data sets.
- L 3450
- ----- 8.05 -- Product Information and How to Order Complete Package. ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 76 --
- ■ Comments from users:
- ∙ "... calculate circuit board drilling and routing speeds...easy to
- use, versatile and powerful with good documentation."
- J. L. New York
- ∙ "...used the integration capability to determine defect density...do
- not have any tool (either PC or host based) that does for me what
- ...(AstroFormCalc 3)...does."
- J. R. Virginia
- ∙ "...for Electrical Engineering practice it is better than a L 3460
- spreadsheet and a calculator..."
- C. B. Florida
- ∙ "...used to do frequency spectrum work and calculations on circuits,
- ...of real value and a productivity tool."
- E. S. California
- ∙ "...one of a handful of scarcely available packages...in the types
- of numeric problems they solve."
- W. C. Chile
- This productivity-enhancing tool has been developed by the team L 3470
- at PC SuperComputer Capital, Inc. Order the complete Astro 3
- Package today!
- ╒════════════════╕
- │ OTHER PRODUCTS └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- 8.06 Software Included in Astro 3 Registration
- ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- Register for AstroFormulaCalculator 3 and receive, in addition L 3480
- to the most recent version of ACAL3.EXE and ACAL3HLP.HLP, these
- 3 powerful math analysis programs: AstroEquationSolver 3,
- AstroDataFitter 3 and AstroShadowBox 3. Each has its own
- extensive and interactive on-line helpfile written just like
- the one your reading now. A print program is included which
- prints theses helpfiles to the standard printer or to a DOS
- text file. All Astro 3 programs are written with the same
- high-level user-friendly front-end requiring minimal effort to
- setup and execute relatively elaborate calculations. All data
- sets and helpfiles are compatible among members of the family. L 3490
- A brief summary of the other members of the Astro 3 shareware
- family included with the registration package follows:
- ■ AstroEquationSolver 3 - Solves both linear and nonlinear
- simultaneous equations with up to 30 unknowns. Characterized
- by extremely easy setup. Uses active/inactive method of
- ------------------ 8.06 -- Software Included in Astro 3 Registration ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 77 --
- AstroDataFitter 3 to select variables. Strictly high
- level. No reference to matrices at all!. Includes program
- ASOL3.EXE and extensive on-line help file ASOL3HLP.HLP that
- includes many learn-and-use examples. L 3500
- ■ AstroDataFitter 3 - Fit data to any algebraic expression.
- Nonlinear optimization. Fully-automated polynomial regression
- with automatic "equation generator". Easy to use, even by a
- novice. Will generate interpolated tables from fitted
- equations. Up to 30 "active" variables. Up to 500 data
- points. "Smart" algorithm requires minimal user input to solve
- problems. DOS text plots of "fit". Point-by-point listing of
- fitted data. Residual variance, correlation coefficient,
- coefficient of determination and much more! Includes program L 3510
- AFIT3.EXE and extensive on-line help file AFIT3HLP.HLP that
- includes many illustrated examples.
- ■ AstroShadowBox 3 - The pop-up resident member (TSR) of the
- Astro 3 team. Provides math support for other DOS programs.
- Pop-up via hot key, surround calculation in "shadow box", and
- type "(enter)" to pass result down through keyboard buffer or
- pop up, enter calculation and pass result down. Great for
- adding powerful and interactive math capabilities to DOS text
- editors such as Brief (tm, Borland), PE2 (tm, IBM) or L 3520
- WordPerfect (tm, WordPerfect). Extensive features also include
- screen dumps with appends as DOS text files or as parsed
- columns in 123 (tm, Lotus) .WK1 files. Requires as little as
- 15K of main memory. Includes program ABOX3.EXE and on-line
- help file ABOX3HLP.HLP
- If you like Engineering, Science or Finance and you have ideas
- that you could transform into an interactive helpfile like
- SCIFIN.HLP (The Astro 3 Science Manual) or PHYCAL.HLP ( The
- Astro 3 Physics Manual) or FINCAL.HLP (The Astro 3 Finance L 3530
- Manual), then you should write one and market it! If you write
- it in a commercial spreadsheet format, you will not likely be
- able to distribute a fully functional package which is the mark
- of a true Shareware program and the policy of the Association
- of Shareware Professionals! However, the AstroUtility 3
- program provides the tools needed to generate an Astro 3
- interactive application file with a minimum of effort AND
- ■ AstroUtility 3 - Support for authors to construct their own
- ------------------ 8.06 -- Software Included in Astro 3 Registration ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 78 --
- on-line application help files. Develop equation files in your
- favorite editor and translate them into .EQU format for final
- "test and touch-up". Likewise, develop an application file in
- your favorite editor, automatically include information from
- previously developed .EQU files, and then compile a
- full-feature .HLP with automatic Table of Contents, line
- numbers and so on. .HLP files support all apostrophe commands
- and many other useful features such as CalcMerge with lets you L 3550
- dynamically stuff values calculated in the main equation
- display into the application file. As with the other Astro 3
- programs, AstroUtility 3 comes with its own interactive and
- extensive on-line help file which can be printed, if needed.
- Application files can contain up to 32,000 lines!
- See below for instructions on ∙Registration∙.
- ╒══════════════╕
- │ REGISTRATION └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────── L 3560
- 8.07 Order/Registration Form
- ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- If a printer is available, position the order form (part 1) on
- the screen and type the "(print screen)" key to make a copy.
- Then, advance the text and position the order form (part 2) on
- the screen and type "(print screen)" again to finish.
- ASTRO 3 Products Order/Registration Form L 3570
- Name:________________________________ Title:________________
- Company:_____________________________________________________
- Address:____________________________ City:___________________
- State:___________ Zip:_____________ Country:______________
- Date:_____/_____/_____ (Fill out form completely) L 3580
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- Product # Price/ea S&H Total
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- AstroDataFitter 3 ___ _$29.95_ _$5.00_ _______
- Complete Package includes
- AstroUtility 3 + ASTRO3 ___ _$99.95_ _$5.00_ _______
- distribution license L 3590
- * Canadian Orders, Add $2.00 per copy _______
- * International Orders, Add $6.00 per copy _______
- * CT Residents add appropriate sales tax _______
- L 3600
- TOTAL ENCLOSED __________
- Disk Size: [ ] 5-1/4" [ ] 3-1/2" [ ] Check [ ] Visa [ ] MC
- Card# __________________________________ Exp. Date ________
- Signature ______________________________
- How did you hear about our Products? [ ] BBS [ ] Friend
- [ ] Other _____________________________________________________ L 3610
- Mail Completed form with Payment to:
- PCSCC, Inc. Dept. AF3H
- P. O. Box 173
- Botsford, CT 06404 USA
- Support ONLY, 1-203-270-9079 E-mail to CIS, 72263,1657
- [Mar 1994] Prices subject to change without notice. L 3620
- Type T to return to the Table of Contents.
- ------------------------------------ 8.07 -- Order/Registration Form ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 79 --
- ╒═════════════════════╕
- │ MANUAL INSTALLATION └─────────────────────────────────────────────────
- 8.08 Instructions for Manually Installing Package.
- ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- The following are minimal instructions for manually installing L 3630
- AstroDataFitter 3.
- ■ Minimum distribution files: README.1ST, AFIT3.ICO, AFIT3.EXE,
- -------------- 8.08 -- Instructions for Manually Installing Package. ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 80 --
- ■ These files will probably be bundled in a compressed file such as
- SCIFIN.ZIP, SCIFIN.LHZ, or something similar. Please unload.
- ■ Create a DOS directory named ASTRO3 and change to it:
- cd\ (enter) md\astro3 (enter) cd \astro3 (enter) L 3640
- ■ Copy AFIT3.EXE, AFIT3HLP.HLP and AFIT3.ICO into the directory ASTRO3
- ■ Add these statements to AUTOEXEC.BAT in the base directory:
- append to existing PATH statement ;C:\ASTRO3;
- ■ Running Under Windows as a Non-Windows Application
- Follow the installation instructions and install on the hard drive C. L 3650
- Start WINDOWS (tm, MicroSoft). Click on FILE then click on PROPERTIES.
- Enter the following information for each of the fields. Description:
- AstroFormCalc 3, Command: AFIT3.EXE, Working Directory: \ASTRO3.
- Click on CHANGE ICON. Enter Filename: C:\astro3\AFIT3.ico. Click on
- OK to exit and click on OK to exit FILE. The AstroFormCalc 3 icon
- should appear in the accessory window. Click on it to run AFIT3.
- ■ To start with user manual: cd\astro3 (enter) AFIT3 ? (enter)
- To start with equation like y=a*x+b: AFIT3 y=a*x+b (enter)
- To start with calculation like 45.67+56.23: AFIT3 45.67+56.23 (ent) L 3660
- Type (esc) to enter another calculation or any other key to exit.
- Access on-line help (file: AFIT3HLP.HLP) from equations
- display with (F1) key.
- ╒═════════════╕
- │ AUTHOR ???? └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- 8.09 Interested in Becoming the Author of Your Own
- Interactive Application File? L 3670
- ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- Many technologies are based on math/algebra.
- AstroDataFitter 3 and its interactive, problem-solving
- application files offer distinct advantages to the Author. The
- *.EQU templates are easy to develop and PCSCC offers complete
- support for compiling these into the interactive application
- files such as the help file AFIT3HLP.HLP which you are
- currently reading or SCIFIN.HLP (The Astro 3 Science Manual) or
- PHYCAL.HLP (The Astro 3 Physics Manual) or FINCAL.HLP (The L 3680
- -------------- 8.09 -- Interested in Becoming the Author of Your Own ---
- -------- AFIT3HLP.HLP ----------- AFIT3 Help File -------------- 81 --
- Astro 3 Finance Manual). Application files can be written for
- any level of user from the very beginner to the Ph.D. and
- distributed with any or all of the ASTRO 3 family of programs.
- See the OTHER PRODUCTS section above for more details. To
- automatically jump type "J" if the jump bar is highlighted on
- those words.
- ╒═══════════╕
- │ HELP FILE └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- L 3690
- 9.01 Help File: Summary of File Viewing Commands
- ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- A - Auto-search of entire text for user-supplied string. Search is
- in uppercase and is case insensitive. If string found,
- type A to continue or to enter new string, type (space) A.
- B,N - Move back or ahead 18 lines. Also use (backspace) for "B".
- E, (esc) - Exit from help file to equations display.
- F,T,K - Jump to the first (beginning), T.O.C or last (end) line.
- G - Skip to Glossary of terms or summary of functions, if present. L 3700
- J,(ent) - Search line on │JUMP│, Reference is after . Jump to
- line number or perform autosearch ahead if text reference.
- L,P - Jump to line/page. Type Lxxx(ent) or Pyy(ent) to jump to
- line #xxx or page #yy. With + or -, ahead or back 56 lines.
- S,R - Skip ahead (S) or back (R) in help file to major headings
- W - Skip to Summary of useful calculations or warnings, if present
- 1 to 9 - Typing 1 to 9 advances the text by 1 to 9 lines.
- (ctrl Q) - Exit from help file. Same as command "E".
- Edit keys - Use edit keys: (Home) (up arrow) (PgUp) (left arrow)
- (right arrow) (End) (down arrow) (PgDn). L 3710
- Entry into the application file is at/near the last position.
- Type: T to return to Table of Contents or E to exit the file.
- ---------------- 9.01 -- Help File: Summary of File Viewing Commands ---